Blue Honey Soft
I stand on my own, flashing a mischievous look his way, he lets his hand waver for a moment more, before awkwardly straightening out and letting it hang to his side.
"TH-That's good! That you.. have the strength to uh, to stand on your own, I mean.. That's really good. Um," He sweats nervously, opening his mouth to speak again before I cut him off.
"You.. look a bit like a hot topic threw up on you.. but in a cute way."
"Wh..What? Which topic? A hot.. What? Topic?" He looks incredibly confused. Either he has literally never heard of Hot Topic before or he's really good at pretending he hasn't. I don't think the cute comment even registered.
I begin to walk around him, eyes on him all the while "How about getting some coffee, savior? Lunch, maybe?"
"Oh yeah! Of course! Kid must be hungry after a tough day on the STREETS.. It's still early so.. how 'bout some breakfast? What do you want? I'm buying." For some reason he seems to gain a little confidence at the idea of treating me to food. Maybe that was part of what he was planning on? Who knows. *Squish* I stepped in something. I look down.