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1067217 No. 1067217 ID: e9ee7a

23 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1067298 ID: e5709d

Practice transformations! You kind of resonated with the human woman with a dick, but you also liked the courage of the dildosmith. Combine both their forms into something busty yet rugged!
No. 1067304 ID: adfbe1

I suggest you go visit nearby pond. I'm sure something interesting will turn up there.
No. 1067306 ID: 365de0

Date a cute boy.
No. 1067309 ID: ef44a7

Contemplate the wonders of having both a giant dick, and a long, flexible neck. Wonder how non-dragons even survive going around, unable to casually deepthroat themselves at will.
No. 1067324 ID: 795471

you need more kobolds, time to go recruiting
No. 1067471 ID: 2a86c3

Yes, We need kobolds that are possibly less grouchy and bottoms.
No. 1067741 ID: 5461c7
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>what do you want to do today?

What do you want to do today? The whole kingdom is your oyster. A three ton fire-breathing dragon pretty much has the run of the place.

You consult the map of your usual fapping grounds.

Let's see... There's your cave where you live and keep your hoard. Your cave is right in the middle of the Dark Forest which is full of all kinds of furry woodland people and sexy elves.

To the west is the Village where your best buddy Violet lives. A few weeks ago you brought her your dildo to get repaired after you wore it out.

To the northwest is the Royal Castle where SPH-Chan lives in between kidnappings.

To the southwest is the Lake where you can peep on hot fish folk and water women.

And up to the north are the Snowy Mountains where the dwarves delve for rare ores you could try and steal. The mountains are also infested with sexy shortstack goblins and beefy orcs.

So many possibilities!
No. 1067742 ID: d00663

Lets catch a fairy in the dark forest! Their size means that can wrap around our dick and give us massages with their body. Also, maybe we can experiment with their magical fairy dust somehow for maximum or new forms of pleasure? Gotta see what their dust can do
No. 1067743 ID: f2cf5a

Goblins are ALWAYS up for getting deep dicked. You could probably just...grab a couple and go to town on them as soon as you see them and they'd thank you for the privilege. Plus, easily portable!
No. 1067744 ID: e5709d

Jerk off into the pond and take notes on the reactions of the residents.
No. 1067745 ID: 8f9bc4

grind for Iridium sprinklers
No. 1067746 ID: e13b1d

No. 1067747 ID: 273c18

Go kidnap SPH-chan. Fulfill the prophecy.
No. 1067748 ID: 2a82d3

Who's Violet, how much does she want your dick, and is there a catch to giving it to her? Like, does she want you to put a ring on it, or is she more like your servant/"other friend"? How do you feel about getting a long-term onahole girlfriend? Dragon like you wpuld probably want a harem, or a rolodex little black book of fuckbuddies on call.

You know what, do Dark Forest for now. You can't go wrong with an elf or wolf-girl, or even more exotic animal.

You have been using protection, right? You're not really exuding dad potential, right now. As Nice as seeing bellies swell is, it would make things awkward to run into your kids on the field.
No. 1067749 ID: 365de0

I like goblins.
No. 1067770 ID: f2320a

could go fucking livestock
No. 1067772 ID: dd3fe0


No no no, you want to have sex with people who you can have a conversation with! This is important. Words and phrases and communication are important. The furry woodland people have a wide variety of phenotypes, some of them look somewhat similar to the dumber types of animals; there's plenty of ways to deal with odd cravings that make more sense!
No. 1067809 ID: df6aa3
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>Go to the forest to look for fairies!

You decide you don't feel like going too far to look for wank material. You know a great little enchanted glade not too far from here where you're pretty sure the fairies hang out.


A few minutes later, you swoop down into the Enchanted Fairy Glade.
No. 1067810 ID: df6aa3
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>Practice transformations! You kind of resonated with the human woman with a dick, but you also liked the courage of the dildosmith. Combine both their forms into something busty yet rugged!

You transform into your Human Disguise which coincidentally looks a lot like how you looked in your dream except with optional horns and tail.

This is the only other form you know how to take. You're not especially good at magic, but it suits your purposes when you need to have sex with things that would normally be crushed by your XXL dragon dong.

Suddenly you hear a small voice nearby: "What the hell, dragon! You just crushed my adorable mushroom house!"
No. 1067812 ID: e51896

Look for source of voice, and tell them "oh, don't worry, I got a far better, bigger, and more adorable mushroom house for you! *removes pants*

Alternatively, you could apologize, and see about finding a newer safer home to them to live in. Let them know that living so close to the lake did have a high risk of a wild animal accidentally stepping on their mushroom home while they drink from the lake, so it was bound to happen sooner or later.

of course, you'll help them for a price of fairy dust for sexual pleasure (assuming that is a fairy we're talking to, otherwise, nevermind)
No. 1067814 ID: e5709d

Oh, that's gonna cost you.
Spend the rest of the day making a gnomansion out of one tree.
...With an onahole that lets you flood the place through your dragon boner.
No. 1067816 ID: 130522

Oh no, a fairy! We just crushed their house!

Apologize and offer a new mushroom.
No. 1067817 ID: f2320a

you are a reptile so you dont have tits and you only really have a dick? you even forgot the horns its not much of a disguise
No. 1067820 ID: 708905

Apologize and offer to let her live in your dick
No. 1067823 ID: dd3fe0

Waitaminute, don't fairies get their houses crushed all the time? Can't they just spend five minutes growing a new one? Aren't the mushroom houses seen as disposable? Otherwise, they would make houses more durable and secure! They could make reinforced domes out of dried mycellium or whatever, and still have it be 'mushroom', even!
No. 1067882 ID: 2a82d3

I suppose there are worse ways to ask to crash at your place. You could use a magic tutor. There's a lot of fun you could have with it, and your teacher.
Though, you should consider if your other roommate would be okay with it first.
No. 1068560 ID: 817509
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>Waitaminute, don't fairies get their houses crushed all the time? Can't they just spend five minutes growing a new one?

Big Butt Fairy: "Wow just... wow. First of all, no, we can't just 'grow a new house.' Second of all, even if it were true, that wouldn't make it okay to go around squishing our homes!

Big Butt Fairy: "You owe me big time for smashing my house, dragon! How are you gonna fix this?"
No. 1068561 ID: 817509
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>Apologize and offer a new mushroom.
>Apologize and offer to let her live in your dick

Aww yiss, this is what you live for. Time for rando fairy sex.

Horny Dragon: "I've got a *snicker* new mushroom for you to live in right here! *tee hee*"
No. 1068562 ID: 817509
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You pull out your Huge Mushroom! You goose it a little with your dragon magic to make sure it's extra big and impressive.
No. 1068563 ID: 817509
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The Big Butt Fairy flies up to your mushroom and inspects it with a critical eye.

Big Butt Fairy: "Well it looks a little slimy and cramped, but nothing a little fairy magic won't fix. I guess I can try it out."
No. 1068564 ID: 817509
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Wait, what?
No. 1068565 ID: 817509
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The Big Butt Fairy begins to squirm her way into your dick! Her huge butt stretches your urethra painfully.
No. 1068566 ID: 817509
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Shit fuck! It hurts so much!!!! Oh gods why is her butt so big????
No. 1068567 ID: 817509
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After a lot of squirming around, the Big Butt Fairy pokes her head out of your dickhole.

Big Butt Fairy: "It needs some renovation and a good cleaning, but I deem it a suitable replacement for the house you smashed. I accept your offer. The bargain is struck."

Shit. Looks like you've unwittingly formed a Fairy Bargain! A Fairy Bargain is a perilous thing to break even for a dragon. Looks like you're gonna have a talking dick for the foreseeable future!
No. 1068568 ID: 38349b

you need to find someone who can cast cock magic so that its more comfortable down there (and also so you dont evict them when you ejaculate)
No. 1068569 ID: 273c18

Maybe you should shove more magic at your dick to widen your urethra enough it doesn't hurt anymore.
...tell her you were joking and that's actually your dick, so you hope she likes getting blasted out of it whenever you cum.
No. 1068574 ID: e51896

Well then, ask what kind of fairy magic she can do that could help pleasu- errr i mean clean and renovate her dick house with

maybe we can suggest she use magic to make her new home bigger and more roomier since she said it's cramped.
No. 1068576 ID: 18c401

Look at it this way, now any future sex will count as at least a threesome!
No. 1068581 ID: 8d9af4

So are you a dickgirl or full hermaphrodite? Cause the answer to tyat may be pretty relevant all of a sudden.
No. 1068582 ID: 2a82d3

Yeah. Ask her who we should stick it to next, as a housewarming gift.
No. 1068741 ID: e5709d

Strange. Do you have prophetic dreams or something?

Shift back to dragon form to ease the strain and use your dragonfire to forge a sturdy Steel(TM) house with planters for mushrooms, then demand she take the replacement.
No. 1068743 ID: 795471

make sure to collect rent, and I don't mean sex, that's what kobolds and other mortals are for, gold or magic should be good
No. 1068750 ID: 2a82d3

Oh yeah! She could work for us, and really get our sperm glands inside our balls really productive.

If she could use the a different entrance next time, or just phase into our balls, that would be appreciated.
No. 1068829 ID: 12ab21

Alright that did not go as planned. Still lets try to look on thr bright side, a hot girl in your dick is pretty close to a hot girl on your dick, right? And maybe she'll be a good wingman? Or help you out with fairy magic? Actually that's a good point what can fairys do?
No. 1068832 ID: a758c7

are you familiar with sounding? because it sounds like you may cumming your brains out more often in the future if someone is literally living inside your dick
No. 1068983 ID: 9e3b5f

>>1068567 Whatever you do, do NOT step on two more houses and get fairies living in your nipples.
No. 1069003 ID: d3bf48

I’m on the Fairy’s side. I am unbiased.
No. 1069006 ID: e5709d

Especially since your dragon form doesn't have boobs and you're not sure if they'd die first or merge and steal your awesomeness.
No. 1069231 ID: e13cf9

A fairy bargain? that's quite a pickle
Maybe visit the lake, i don't think she'll like having her new house flooded, it's not breaking the bargain if she's the one that leaves right?
No. 1069238 ID: 1704f7

Can the fairy be a futa herself?
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