Dawn Dancer
>No strain
YOU: "I really don't want to do anything that might rip these stitches apart for, like, a week or two."
AMANDA: "It's mostly bringing stuff from point A to point B, nothing to get anxious over."
AMANDA: "If I can drag you up a flight of stairs without your insides becoming outsides, you can walk around town just fine."
AMANDA: "They need to be done by the end of today anyways, so please, don't make me run through the streets to finish everything myself at the last minute."
>Medical attention
YOU: "I still haven't got a clue how exactly you saved my life."
AMANDA: "Lots of transplants. You had pretty much total organ failure when I found you overdosed on the floor."
YOU: "Shouldn't I be visiting a hospital for this then? Instead of sticking with a hasty, clearly panicked operation?"
AMANDA: "As a matter of fact, yes. One of the errands I had planned was an appointment between you and a doctor I know."
AMANDA: "That would be about 10 hours from now, so you have plenty of time to prepare."
YOU: "Prepare to bleed out internally?"
AMANDA: "Real funny, jackass."
YOU: "I don't have a job or something that's going to make that schedule an impossibility, right?"
AMANDA: "That I'm aware of? No. If you have any I'm not... well that's neither of our problems now, is it?"
YOU: "Based on your flowery use of the word 'poison', I assume I'm an addict?"
AMANDA: "No fucking idea what you're hooked on, and I still haven't figured it out since we first met."
AMANDA: "You dipped into alcohol and other drugs to compensate for the withdrawal, but ended up addicted to those too."
AMANDA: "It hasn't been the most heartwarming thing to watch."
There's a noticeable air of shame in her voice as she utters that last statement.
YOU: "You must care a lot if you're willing to help me, so what are we? Siblings? Lovers? Friends?"
The question seems to give her pause. Her demeanor is almost forlorn as she seems to be finding the words, but it suddenly melts away when she finally begins to speak.
AMANDA: "Friends... yeah, friends. I mean, technically more of an acquaintance, but for sure a friend."
YOU: "What do the errands you suggested for me entail?"
AMANDA: "Ah, I've actually got it scribbled down already for posterity. Here."
She fishes her hand through her pocket, procuring an untidily folded piece of paper. She tries flicking it onto the dresser, but it flutters well off of its intended course. Thankfully, she doesn't bother with the walk of shame to replace it on top of the dresser, only cursing under her breath at the humility of the event.
AMANDA: "There's a rough map of the area on there, with a to-do list and the places you'll have to go marked down."
AMANDA: "It's not entirely to scale, but it should be accurate enough you won't be confused on where to go."
YOU: "I would prefer if I didn't have to wear a bedsheet while doing them."
AMANDA: "There should be a cleaner pair of pants in the laundry downstairs. I'm absolutely taking the chance to wash those ones, though."
You lean out of the way as she smoothly sidesteps you, beelining for the odorous pants splayed out on the floor. Her face contorts into a grimace as she hesitantly picks them up. Holding them a modest distance away from herself, she quickly makes her way out of the bedroom.
YOU: "What, so that's it? You still haven't answered nearly every question I have."
AMANDA: "We'd be here all day, Raphael. If you want answers, you'll get plenty just from following that list."
AMANDA: "...and put the bedsheet back before you leave the room. I don't want it to get torn from you bringing it around the house."