Diamond Bee
Pervert? Well it's not my fault you're naked.
But don't worry, I will look upon your exposed body, Because you are gorgeous.
Moving on. What do we know about these "Gargoyles"? They move in the dark, or possibly when no one, not even us, see's them. We know their horns don't always stay on the side of their heads and that's about it.
What else do we know about gargoyles? Folklore, myths,legends? I've heard that if they're perched atop you when they turn back to stone, you turn with them... Yeah don't go ridding them after all.
So. I suggest you leave the orb here and not touch the statues, especially not in the dark, I simply cannot stress this enough.
You mentioned a rope in the previous room? Lets look at that as an option, if we can use it to cross the gap we might find a use for the orb, if not let's avoid this room as a whole.
Finally, how are you feeling? Tired, hungry, stressed? while you're in here you are in danger and need to keep your spirits up.
We will do anything possible to help you.
If you're tired, we can keep a watchful eye on you.
If you're hungry, we can help you look.
If you're stressed, we can mirth with you.
Anything, just ask.