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306348 No. 306348 ID: dad664

90 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 306716 ID: 856690

B, whatever or C
No. 306718 ID: 259738

B, C.
No. 306720 ID: 2563d4

No. 306722 ID: e41ad5

No. 306723 ID: e3f578

C, B
No. 306724 ID: c9ae9b

c and c
No. 306726 ID: ed9087

B, A.
No. 306731 ID: 07416a

No. 306737 ID: 28e94e

B, C
No. 306738 ID: f3570c

B, C
No. 306741 ID: f0e3ae

just to clarify, the first letter is the spikes coming through the hair, the second is the hair style itself, right?
Skin color, while different between the 3 models, is not currently an option?
No. 306742 ID: dad664

[Hair/Spike style, then Scale Color]
No. 306743 ID: 28e94e

C/B then.
No. 306745 ID: f0e3ae

I honestly thought head spikes and hair were separate.

In that case B and C.
No. 306760 ID: 8e3570

No. 306767 ID: 265663

C and B.
No. 306774 ID: 15b51b

No. 306776 ID: dad664
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Right then, that's all settled! Welcome to the Academy! My advice for new students is to not look at it as a school, but rather a personal adventure of discovery. In due time you'll learn to harness the powers that are only now beginning to surge through your body, and be able to utilize that power into constructive ways that will help both you and your fellow man!

Right then, as this is your first day here at the Academy, we're not going to thrust you right into the rigamarole of classes and such from the get go. You're quite welcome to explore the grounds and get acquainted with the sights - you'll be spending quite some time here, young lady. Now, run along...er...oh, balderdash! I'm never good with names, er...what -was- you name again?

No. 306778 ID: 07416a

Lifts-Her-Tail. You were named after a traditional piece of Dragonkin literature.
No. 306780 ID: af72f6

No. 306781 ID: 35e1a0

Mercona Senna
No. 306783 ID: f7ae22

No. 306787 ID: e41ad5

I like this name. I like it a lot.
No. 306799 ID: 44b73c

Uhm... Rangaea Corlindor. Because random syllables.

No. 306802 ID: db094a





No. 306811 ID: f5fe2f

No. 306818 ID: dcf2be

She's dragonkin.
So her name MUST be Daisy!

Also I agree, she looks freaking adorable!
No. 306835 ID: e3f578

No. 306839 ID: c71597

Yes! This will be awesome.
No. 306841 ID: 0d7a83


I vote Jarani Dovakiin.
No. 306843 ID: 6e87fe

I second this.
No. 306847 ID: ed9087

This is acceptable.
No. 306851 ID: 2563d4

It's looking least ridiculous.
No. 306857 ID: 6bf918


This has my support.
No. 306858 ID: 28e94e

I'm going to second this because lol.
No. 306860 ID: f3570c

Sounds perfect.
No. 306869 ID: f0e3ae

She is adorable!
Can't decide on a name though
No. 306871 ID: d7c50d

I vote for this.
No. 307639 ID: 2563d4

(I retract all and any support for the surname given it's apparently a blasted Elder Scrolls reference.)
No. 307988 ID: dad664
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Your name is Jarani Dorabella Rangaea. You are a Dragonkin from the Gearscale Coalition clan, a clan known for it's wild innovations and whizzing gizmos, a capability to spit sparks of electricity the prime way to bring said gadgets to life.

You are here in the Magi City of Arkus because you have a very special talent. A talent that few are gifted to possess, and even fewer gifted to control it. For the Gods have smiled upon you and granted you the power of Magicka - strange forces that can warp reality and bend the laws of nature to its will.

But you are a novice, only recently having found these powers, such is the reason why you are in Arkus. It's all rather required, actually - when a new Magi is found, they are brought to Arkus, and enrolled in the Academy there so that they may harness and hone the powers that will soon surge through their veins.

You have just finished filling out all the forms and documents required of you for enrollment in the Academy, and for now at least you have been given free reign to explore Arkus. However you are rather unsure as to what exactly you should go do, if anything.

If memory serves you right, to the left leads the way to the Bazaar section of the city, and to the right leads to the Historical section of the city - Museums full of Ancient Artifacts and tales of times of old.

Where would the wind take you?
No. 307989 ID: 35e1a0

do you have a good sum of money? if so then bazaar, and by good sum i mean like 50 gold or something. if not then to the museum!
No. 307990 ID: ba573c

Oh wait, do we even have any money?
Screw it lets go anyways!
No. 307991 ID: e3f578

Fuck history, it's for nerds. We'll probably end up learning about it in class from people trained to make learning not boring, unlike Museum tour guides who just take content study with usually no experience in Psychology.

Bazaar all the way, chica.
No. 307992 ID: 07416a

Sorta depends on how much money you got. Can you make the Bazaar worthwhile?
No. 307993 ID: af72f6

Do we get a room at this academy (I'd assume so)?
If not: then it's time to find a place to stay.
If so: I suggest we check out our lodgings, and if the need arises, go buy some things to spruce it up. Gotta have that personal touch.
No. 307994 ID: cbc115

If you have money then the Bazaar. If not then check out the Museum. The historical part of town doesn't sound very interesting or helpful, unless you have a good reason to go there?
No. 307995 ID: abcbff

Historical section could conceivably be more interesting, I guess.
No. 307996 ID: a33914

Let's check out the history of this place, the more we know the better we'll fit in.
No. 308003 ID: d8d42e

You totally have one specific historical subject that you're interested in. Look for some museum that covers whatever this is.
No. 308018 ID: 2563d4

History. If you're here to do research then some wide-angle surveying of the existing work is in order.
No. 308019 ID: c71597

To the museum and awesome artifacts!
No. 308020 ID: 1854db

Go to the museum you nerd
No. 308026 ID: cbc115

Go to Museum.
Find Enchanted Armour.
Add gizmos and SCIENCE.
Bust out of museum in MAGIC POWER-ARMOUR.
Take over planet.
No. 308048 ID: 28e94e

This is a solid plan.
No. 308074 ID: eba49f

We are still a novice mage now. Powered armor has got to be at least a second semester project.

>Museum or Bazarr
No. 308177 ID: f0e3ae

dawww, so cute.

You are a nerdy nerd! You love studying, tinkering, inventing, reading, etc...
No. 342741 ID: 6f1d54
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While visions of magically imbued steam armor flits through the back of your head, you highly doubt that the museum would up and let you borrow such an artifact, if such even exists!

You head to the Historical District of the Olde Towne of Arkus. As you enter the Museum, you are greeted by walls full of ancient paintings, fossils of species long since dead, and a sign giving you multiple choices of where to sate your thirst for knowledge.

Which wing of the museum do you head to first?

<- Magical Artifacts
<- History Of Arkus
Flora & Fauna ->

No. 342742 ID: 35e1a0

lets head left and go into whichever appears first.
No. 342743 ID: fd4aa7

History. Get to know the place.
No. 342744 ID: ec0bf5

Why not go into history. While we're here we might as well learn a little bit about the world.
No. 342745 ID: 3bd8ec

History section?
No. 342746 ID: 07416a

Artifacts, of course.
No. 342747 ID: 8bdb6a

Artifacts. Maybe they have MacGuffins.
No. 342761 ID: b6edd6

Touch choice...
I think I vote history for now.
No. 342767 ID: 9c538a

Flora and Fauna. Wanna see the skeletonsss
No. 342770 ID: 44766a

No. 342792 ID: 7aedd2

Err... Flora and Fauna I guess
No. 342844 ID: 1854db

No. 343036 ID: c71597

Magical fucking artifacts, we're bound to get into shennanigans there.
No. 343038 ID: 0d7a83

It is time to steal some shit look at the artifacts.
No. 343073 ID: b1f0e2

look at the artifacts
I am certain none of them will react to you, reactivate, and do something cool and plot-y
No. 343074 ID: b6edd6

I think the really sweet artifacts (the ones that have been discovered at least) would be in use or be in a lab somewhere rather than sitting in a museum.
No. 343075 ID: b1f0e2

It's obviously going to be a powerless ancient artifact which turns out to be awesomely powerful and overlooked all along;
Besides which, it is half a joke, even if nothing happens it sounds more interesting then history or zoology

No. 343076 ID: f81e6e

Flora & Fauna
No. 343157 ID: b6568d

Flora! And... fauna!
No. 343165 ID: b6edd6

At the moment, we don't know if this world even has any super-advanced precursors. For all we know 'Magical Artifacts' could be the equivalent of a museum of science, with stuff like the first airship.

Since the quest is back, is it ok to necro the discussion thread for it?
No. 343296 ID: b6ca92

Does anyone else get the feeling that going into the History wing will start us down the path to time-travel shenanigans?
No. 344624 ID: 6f1d54
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You decide to head into the Artifacts wing of the museum first. If you're going to end up being a mage, it would be proper to familiarize yourself with things similar to what you may end up using!

As you enter the Hall of Magical Artifacts, you notice that it is mostly broken down into organized sub-sections. In glass display cases lay ensembles of imbued armor with matching runed blades, some having belonged to wealthy soldiers, others the regalia of powerful, long-dead Warmages. Along the right wall lay displays of magically enhanced jewelry - everything from rings of flight to golden, jewel-encrusted collars of empowerment. Along the left wall lay talismans and knick-knacks, whose descriptions puport granting abilities normally reserved for experienced mages to average non-magical folk. Crystal baubles that can steal glimpses into the future, coins which can transform their value when flipped, even ordinary items with extraordinary properties are found here - lanterns which never run out of oil, nails and hammers which never rust and never damage.
No. 344625 ID: 6f1d54
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You may be taking your first steps into the realm of magic, but even in such an un-attuned state you can feel the magical energies that permeate this room.

Your hand grazes along the glass surface of a display case holding a very old looking Runeblade, wickedly curved and still just as sharp as the day it was forged, when the sound of a clearing throat is heard behind you. You turn, to find a tall Highborne woman smiling down at you. "Finding everything alright, ma'am?"
No. 344626 ID: c71597

Tell her that you're finding it to be freaking awesome and a great exhibition. Ask if there are any pieces they don't have on display.
No. 344627 ID: 1854db

Look up at her with big eyes and go "It's all so cool!"
No. 344641 ID: b1f0e2

yes, that.
No. 344647 ID: 35e1a0

ask if she work here, if so then tell her how you are a new mage and you decided to check the museum while you had time. and you aren't sure if it's your innate power or the power of the objects but you can feel the energy in the room, it makes it even more amazing.
No. 344661 ID: ec0bf5

Cute is always best.
No. 344734 ID: 0d7a83

Ask her where the magic power armour is.
No. 344801 ID: b6edd6

Ask her how most of these compare to the magic items currently in general use.
No. 344836 ID: b79855

Ask how some these got made. Like one of those collars of empowerment. That'd be handy to own, I bet.
No. 344939 ID: 7bfeb5


These are sensible.


No. 345111 ID: 715620

No. 348364 ID: 55c4cf

Ask if she can help you find something, trick her into looking at your thighs.
No. 348814 ID: 6f1d54
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You proceed to turn around and give the Highborne the biggest set of awe-filled puppy-dog eyes you can muster, while commenting on how incredible the artifacts are.

She chuckles and mentions that is the usual reaction she encounters from the patrons here. She proceeds to introduce herself as Leyi (pronounced Lay-eye), and she indeed works as a caretaker for the Museum.

"Ah, a newcomer to the Academy, hmm? It's not unusual for those with magical ability to be able to feel the raw magicka which emanates from these objects. In time you'll probably be able to sense exactly what kinds of imbuements these items contain simply by being attuned to note the differences in their auras!"

Leyi stifles an amused giggle at your request for autonomous, steam and magic-fueled suits. "I don't believe I've ever seen anything like that within our vaults, sorry! Maybe you can create one to donate when you're older?"

"Most magical items in public use today are of the mundane variety - amulets of concentration, bracelets of chastity, those sorts of spells. Things that are directly defensive or offensive in nature are usually reserved for the military, or the extremely wealthy."

"While I'm not an expert, and I'm quite positive the Academy has a class detailing imbuement and how to perform it, the general process requires incanting a spell and focusing it along with a large quantity of magicka into the targets vessel."

You don't quite understand how this could be of use! Besides, it would require you to lift your exceedingly long dress, and would more than likely cause more confusion than benefit. You decide against the action, for now.
No. 348847 ID: 35e1a0

check the time. then ask i she has any tips for new students.
No. 348889 ID: 0d7a83

HHNNNNNN--uh I mean make a mental note to buy shorter skirts.
No. 350703 ID: 55c4cf

I never said bare thighs, touch her hip.
No. 350733 ID: eeb582

How did the greatest imbuers and magic item forgers start off their learning? Perhaps you could follow in their footsteps.
No. 350764 ID: c71597

Ask her if you could get to see some of the pieces not up for public display. Put your charm and puppy eyes into overdrive for this.
No. 365439 ID: 9173b6

Ohmygah, so adorable! I like steam powered gadgets, but I love adorable little ladies better. Start making plushies to make the world a better place. ^.V.^
No. 365448 ID: b6edd6

You generally shouldn't being a thread back if it has not been updated for a while. It gives us false hope and then makes us sad :(
put " sage " in the email field if you want to post a thread without moving it to the top.
No. 365451 ID: 6f1d54

Mods should probably just go ahead and graveyard this since I have no intention of resuming it. Why? I just don't have the will nor drive to do quests anymore. Sorry.
No. 365452 ID: 04b491

No problem. See you later. Take care.
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