Flash Breeze
>Whatever happenned here seems to understandably have these residents pretty shaken up. Here is an interview we had earlier today with one of the few people willing to speak with us about what they witnessed earlier tonight.
>"Yo estaba tomando un aperitivo de la noche con mi mujer, viendo una película. Hemos oído algo fuera, así que corrió a la ventana para mirar.
>I was having a late night snack with my wife, watching a movie. We heard something outside, so we rushed to the window to look.
>Fuera, vi a una niña corriendo por la calle con un bate de béisbol. Al principio, pensé que iba a causar algunos problemas, pero entonces, vi algo que yo no lo podía creer. Una bestia enorme, envuelto en fuego y el humo salió a la calle, persiguiendo a ella.
>Outside, I saw a little girl running down the street with a baseball bat. At first, I thought she was about to cause some trouble, but then, I saw something I could not believe. A huge beast, wrapped in fire and smoke stepped out into the street, chasing her.
>Pensé que para seguro de que estaba dormida o soñando o algo así. La chica no se ha ejecutado. Se atacó a la bestia, tratando de defenderse de apagado. Esta niña fue la lucha contra el derecho Diablo fuera de mi apartamento con sólo un bate de béisbol!
>I thought for certain I was asleep or dreaming or something. The girl did not run. She attacked the beast, trying to fend it off. This little girl was fighting the Devil right outside my apartment with just a baseball bat!
>Agarré a mi esposa y mi Biblia, y corrió al baño para empezar a rezar. Entonces, hubo un ruido terrible ... una explosión como yo sólo pensaba OCURRIDO en las películas. El edificio entero se sacudió! Estaba seguro de que íbamos a morir.
>I grabbed my wife and my bible, and we ran to the bathroom to start praying. Then, there was this terrible noise... an explosion like I only thought happenned in the movies. The entire apartment building shook! I was certain we were going to die.
>Cuando salimos del baño y miró hacia afuera, el humo estaba en todas partes. La niña y el diablo estaban en ninguna parte por ningún lado. Ruego a Dios que no vuelva a ocurrir."
>When we came out of the bathroom and looked outside, smoke was everywhere. The little girl and the Devil were nowhere nowhere to be seen. I pray to God that it doesn't happen again.