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File 133564896374.png - (20.72KB , 865x850 , sergal chess champion.png )
12690 No. 12690 ID: a43a6c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
People in IRC tell me to draw things sometimes. Their quality is dubious!
92 posts and 62 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

File 131822594349.png - (558.01KB , 1861x1560 , Magical License.png )
7641 No. 7641 ID: 9a3954 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
(aka author of "Sigma Mechanism")

Somewhere to dump off sketches, and other "finished" works that i dont know where else to put.

I'll post more tomorrow.
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File 134681282511.png - (272.43KB , 1055x307 , titleLaunch.png )
15036 No. 15036 ID: f72f26 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Many moons ago long before even the creation of TGchan In the forgotten age of twenty-O-six I produced a webcomic of questionable quality

perhaps some will find a sliver of amusement in it.
feel free to comment.
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File 129020083148.gif - (19.82KB , 640x480 , nuclear-stylus.gif )
1641 No. 1641 ID: 2563d4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
A thread for posting the results of trying things outside your normal comfort zone, or the comparisons to and discussion thereof.
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File 134832709689.jpg - (25.92KB , 300x300 , 515MyxdnANL__SL500_AA300_.jpg )
15326 No. 15326 ID: 2f4b71 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
For those in the market for a tablet costing less than most meals out (and who live in the UK), Amazon have the PS3 uDraw tablet for £9:
PC drivers here:

Easy to install (plug in the dongle hidden in the battery bay, run the driver program)
Source available

While the pen is pressure-sensitive, the drivers only implement this as a pressure threshold to left click.
Very small movements are slightly jittery (could just be my hand wobbling).
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File 134826189661.gif - (20.33KB , 575x308 , vashing.gif )
15313 No. 15313 ID: 34cbef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
i'm trying to illustrate a whole movie through a series of short gifs... well it's something at least.
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File 134759876190.png - (5.93KB , 600x400 , eyes.png )
15213 No. 15213 ID: 364fd8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Lolo with bedroom eyes.

File 130416349459.png - (35.40KB , 600x600 )
3980 No. 3980 ID: 31cb7a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Repository for thoughts I want to share, and perhaps inklings of a setting

Here be kobolds

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File 134302770108.png - (13.98KB , 500x500 , DrawnCat.png )
14313 No. 14313 ID: 4a328b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Drawn Cat is the keeper of the sketchvault of 'brel.

Leave your petitions with Drawn Cat.

Bribes won't hurt, either.
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File 131501808197.jpg - (243.39KB , 768x1024 , cron.jpg )
6481 No. 6481 ID: 501e6e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Bumping my old drawthread off the front page with a new one. Rummaging through my artwork folder resulted in forgotten treasures. Like this Necron.
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File 134021216787.png - (27.92KB , 600x600 , bones skull variations I guess.png )
13617 No. 13617 ID: 16e296 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So I would like to render some of the Hella Funtime Adventure Pals in the THIRD DIMENSION™ and so this thread will mark my descent into madness. Let's begin, shall we?

You see Bones on the right there, rendered in his adorable not-front on view. I have attempted my best to replicate him front on, and I have come to these 4 designs. What would you say looks the best?
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File 133781438683.jpg - (100.19KB , 468x762 , Vanilla+Ice+iceboy.jpg )
13193 No. 13193 ID: 131de9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Could someone maybe draw Vanilla Ice as a frilled lizard please?

Um... with his shirt off?
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File 129788582556.png - (774.50KB , 1000x750 , Ionno.png )
2619 No. 2619 ID: f5e4b4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So this looks a place as good as any other to post the random crap I draw, mostly quest ideas, and stuff.

Like this one, possible inspiration for a new quest, also practicing with non-flat colors.
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File 130255065144.jpg - (225.09KB , 649x900 , lets_do_science_together1.jpg )
3499 No. 3499 ID: c62d87 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Because in the Grim Derpness of the Far Future there is only Herp. Or something along those lines, anyway.
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File 133749638585.png - (672.25KB , 2039x1401 , Emily.png )
13081 No. 13081 ID: e8cde6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Drawing shit for the lulz, I'll post when I'm livestreaming. Someone's OC I drew for the lulz.
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File 133642747473.png - (23.06KB , 800x600 , ACQUIRED-TEMP05.png )
12865 No. 12865 ID: 551d90 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So I have this quest over here:

I just got back to updating it after a long break, and literally right after I made the first new post in it, my computer decided to die.

I don't really want to put things back on hold until I can get it fixed, because it could be quite a while. So I'm trying to get by with a sucky little different OS laptop and what freeware art stuff I can find.

Problem is, I was doing this quest in a precise, no freehand tools style, just ovals and lines and such, because my normal art program swings that way, and now, all I have is freehand stuff. I can get by pretty well when I'm recycling previously visited rooms, but when revealing new parts of the map? This is outright unacceptable. Anyone feel like doing me a solid and re-rendering this sloppy piece of @#$% in the style yon quest is using? (4 connected rooms, the upper left quadrant already having been seen, conveyor belt deals seen previously in the first thread.) Otherwise yeah, I need to just put this sucker back on hold.
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File 131673013574.png - (81.80KB , 357x367 , Helo there.png )
7232 No. 7232 ID: 0448b9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Another Soqdraw thread.
This time I promise to start a quest of my own before this thread dies.

Also I can paint a little now.
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File 124703070040.png - (66.16KB , 300x300 )
50 No. 50 ID: 678525 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
c'mon faggots, 4chon is down. draw some shit

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File 129299946843.jpg - (91.07KB , 1280x1024 , s3e3321.jpg )
2017 No. 2017 ID: dad664 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I guess it's okay if I dump my random scribbles here?
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File 132920035521.png - (1.00MB , 3300x2550 , Awoken.png )
10935 No. 10935 ID: 9eb660 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So, yeah. Why not? This one is obviously incomplete; but I like where it's going.

Expect wildly varying levels of quality based on my level of caffination.
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File 129283703854.png - (64.66KB , 1000x1732 , molly-viper.png )
1985 No. 1985 ID: 466218 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Seems like a lot of people do artdumps here, so might as well do.
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File 132849456148.png - (27.14KB , 750x750 , how do i head.png )
10731 No. 10731 ID: 9c7c3b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey /draw/, how the fuck do I draw a human head?

This is the closest I've come to getting the general shape down right, with a circle and a line going on the slopes of it, but I can't seem to get the facial features down correctly. It also makes a rather pointy chin, which kind of disturbs me. What could I be doing differently? Thanks.
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File 132841957633.png - (132.58KB , 600x600 )
10720 No. 10720 ID: f9e364 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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File 132810280241.jpg - (81.09KB , 351x900 , bongles.jpg )
10670 No. 10670 ID: 99e4f5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
don't mind me, just here to drop some Bangles.
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File 132506418425.png - (17.18KB , 960x540 , whyaremyarmsnakes.png )
9621 No. 9621 ID: eb672d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So... I was looking at the threads and stuff and I really like quests. But I suck at drawing. That is why I shall attempt to improve with paint.

My first attempt... why does his arms remind me of snakes? Why did I make his hands snakes? I am bad at art.
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File 132402731858.jpg - (64.15KB , 800x600 , Fallen Angel.jpg )
9331 No. 9331 ID: 8e4e4d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I am sent from the Chapter Master development team in one of our many hours of getting shit done! For those unfamiliar:
Chapter Master began as a joke on /tg/ where posters would make up greentext stories about their misadventures at the helm of a space marine chapter. Before long, we decided that jokes are all well and good, but that we needed more, and thus have been working the past few months to Get Shit Done. Now that Finals are ending, our development team is getting a much-needed second wind, and we're looking for more hands to help us complete this mighty and worthy challenge!
I know there are tremendously skilled, 40k familiar drawfags here- much more skilled than I, to say the least- and even if you're not so confident, it certainly wouldn't hurt to make a post on the dev forum at http://tgchaptermaster.freeforums.org/ just in case!
Because you weren't seriously planning on seeing your family this holiday season, were you?
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File 132284063991.png - (57.51KB , 300x300 , Hai.png )
8930 No. 8930 ID: 4c0017 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Figured I should post my art somewhere. Here seems good.
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File 130801308518.png - (587.01KB , 800x900 , Clone of Greater Daemon of Malal 4.png )
4860 No. 4860 ID: 6d8493 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Hey, guys. This place seems cool.
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File 127938966570.png - (66.75KB , 400x600 , (HS)Mikakini-f.png )
807 No. 807 ID: f202ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Slightly more canon Mika!
Cross-board links to /TEMP/ are the devil.
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File 132141791464.png - (43.53KB , 300x300 )
8481 No. 8481 ID: 686985 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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File 132133784514.jpg - (151.52KB , 1754x2480 , office drow WIP.jpg )
8460 No. 8460 ID: bd8a60 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Painting out of boredom. Updating as I go.
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File 131688326169.png - (50.95KB , 1350x1350 , kobold guy.png )
7276 No. 7276 ID: bdb895 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
In my bid to improve my art. So, I have been planning a quest. Maybe one day I'll start it, who knows. But it's a good reason to concept characters, and this guy is one of a range.
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File 130910456618.jpg - (798.12KB , 1500x2700 , brown delight.jpg )
5125 No. 5125 ID: 66003a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Well, new drawthread.

No servo-arms, because I had no idea how to use them, and putting them here not doing anything kinky would have been even worse.
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File 131960672076.png - (160.65KB , 456x618 , Phrixdraws1.png )
8002 No. 8002 ID: 35bcde hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Just so everyone knows, I am actually quite proud of this at this moment in time.

This will be an ongoing chronicle of me learning to draw. I plan to use posemaniacs heavily, but in any given attempt will post the reference next to the image.

Das pretty much it.
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File 131771000480.jpg - (390.22KB , 808x1000 , gnollchan-HERESY.jpg )
7492 No. 7492 ID: 572f17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Any /tg/ refugees here remember gnollchan?
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File 131792805888.png - (21.23KB , 514x297 , mmm.png )
7547 No. 7547 ID: f8c197 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
"Darius the Coward"
Description: This is an anonymous binary PNG encoded painting.
On the item is an image of macedonian soldiers. On the item is an image of a persian king. The soldiers are running. The king is running.
The artwork relates to the persecution of Darius the T‏hird by Alexander of Macedonia in 333 b. C.

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File 131454623184.jpg - (80.49KB , 1042x690 , sisterhuge.jpg )
6397 No. 6397 ID: 694e74 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Someone dared me today on /tg/ to draw a Sister and here's the end result. Sister Huge, a giant sister who according to /tg/ has eaten marines, aliens, plasteel walls and even part of her own face. It was oddly pretty amusing, so I figure I see what you guys all throught of my drawfaggotry.
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File 131766100734.jpg - (66.72KB , 396x378 , Fuckyear.jpg )
7485 No. 7485 ID: 2a7d8a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey /draw/, I am looking for a good online group draw chat thingy, wanna use it to draw with bros and stuff. Any recommendations? I looked at this site's Shi-Painter, but it's interface man, I couldn't make heads or tails.
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File 131656639588.png - (106.23KB , 1638x1066 , what the hell did I eat last night.png )
7161 No. 7161 ID: 2ae337 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So according to my psych professor, I should record my dreams as best I can, which in turn should help me dream more lucidly later on. Wanting to pull some Inception shit on my mind, I started doing that. This is the result. Some Chinese magical girl fighting a Tyranid Carnifex off the coast of San Francisco.

In case anyone else wants to spill their guts, this is dream drawings thread. If you can remember your dream, draw/describe the part you remember best, and/or the weirdest.
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File 131567367405.png - (107.29KB , 400x500 , happy_succubus.png )
6741 No. 6741 ID: 60a975 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

I do pictureses. I thought I'd join the bandwagon and post a few from /tg/ and elsewhere. Enjoy.
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File 12789163569.png - (90.22KB , 649x545 , Kliss.png )
767 No. 767 ID: 6547ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This board doesn't seem to get a lot of love, so I'm going to give it some!

This is Kliss, of the Slissa race. Fairly soon there will be a quest revolving around her.
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File 131328423827.gif - (27.38KB , 815x553 , derptastic.gif )
6142 No. 6142 ID: 0472f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I am without tablet right now so I am drawing lots of catssssssssssss :0
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File 131395406406.png - (937.65KB , 894x944 , yengoesfast.png )
6305 No. 6305 ID: 05514e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
sometimes i draw things on a stream just like uncle bite
this is where i'll puttem
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File 131318775774.png - (100.87KB , 500x519 , kettlebaseclean.png )
6124 No. 6124 ID: 0472f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

uploading sketches on here might get me drawing again
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File 131240690758.jpg - (4.97MB , 4608x3456 , DSC00634.jpg )
5911 No. 5911 ID: 8c0848 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Photos of the table at Macaroni Grill, where we all ate fancy Italian food and drew crap.

This is Capt. Slowpoke.
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File 131303762831.png - (16.08KB , 450x450 )
6091 No. 6091 ID: cc0604 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
yes. yes it is.

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File 131232377918.jpg - (170.53KB , 700x796 , JackScar.jpg )
5899 No. 5899 ID: 2579d7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Ok man sorry for making you wait all that time, hope y like it!
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File 131232251008.jpg - (136.70KB , 997x598 , TarrasqFun.jpg )
5896 No. 5896 ID: 2579d7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Ok no real reason to do this but to help a dude fulfilling his request, anyways a dump of my recent drawfag activities.

File 131180276515.jpg - (179.66KB , 998x870 , fwae.jpg )
5769 No. 5769 ID: 5f7868 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
sup /draw/. I need your help. see, I've been working on creating a somewhat crazy D&D setting that has no typical D&D races.

I have to come up with a fairly unusual species that mainly occupies every elemental plane. problem is, I can't come up with anything good for the plane of water that isn't some typical shit like mermaids or sahuagin.

pic related; it's a low-detail sketch of the races of air, fire and earth.

I don't know if this is better suited for /tg/, but I might dump some more shitty sketches in here later. especially if there are any requests.
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File 130279866191.jpg - (35.89KB , 256x512 , skizze.jpg )
3537 No. 3537 ID: 9dd0ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Started to make sketches lately in the hope of improving my drawing skills some day. Just going to dump some of them here.
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File 130352503468.png - (60.61KB , 1037x594 , stopgodjesus.png )
3706 No. 3706 ID: 6fc923 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Can anyone draw this better? kthx
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File 130135056252.jpg - (150.03KB , 485x759 , Scan013.jpg )
3230 No. 3230 ID: 0b01fb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm having artist's block or something.
Lately all I've been drawing is homestuck/divequest fan art and my 3 original characters over and over again in different styles.
I need to draw more stuff... so..
What should I do?
(Feel free to critique my work. Also I do have a tablet.)
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File 130154869071.png - (35.09KB , 500x500 )
3341 No. 3341 ID: 99f528 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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File 127954059572.jpg - (74.57KB , 512x512 , THESLIME.jpg )
820 No. 820 ID: a711e1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
For Gnoll, as I haven't posted it everywhere else enough yet.
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File 128392562762.jpg - (107.85KB , 849x1000 , scan0032.jpg )
1076 No. 1076 ID: 44484c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I figured we might want an open "Vidyagaem" drawthread, so I'm setting one up. Can't promise I'll contribute more than scribbles (as per normal, for me), but make any crazy videogame based requests you have here. Afterall, not all videogames are /tg/ related, and we'd have to be KINGS OF SPEED to someone manage a thread on /v/.

Go to town. Old games, new games, SFW, NSFW, whatever. Enough drawfags will filter through that someone probably likes the game you're talking about.

If you don't know the pic is (a work in progress) of Ashlotte from Soul Calibur 4, than I'm sorry you're not familiar with the best character in the game! Though I still love Ivy, of course...
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File 129892072716.png - (5.02KB , 300x300 )
2840 No. 2840 ID: 1f2692 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
just because i need to let the energy flow

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File 129903265991.jpg - (212.69KB , 1000x754 , japa1.jpg )
2866 No. 2866 ID: 49d6d7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Practising that Japanese way of drawing things.
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File 128538355391.png - (53.83KB , 800x800 , terriblegirl.png )
1191 No. 1191 ID: 4531bc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
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File 126609183369.gif - (8.56KB , 641x481 , sweetboldbrother.gif )
321 No. 321 ID: c593ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Didn't know where else to dump these!
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File 129850053648.png - (221.83KB , 500x500 , 6.png )
2755 No. 2755 ID: 556066 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Okay I have to throw these somewhere. And maybe I'll even get one or two suggestions on what to improve, that would be the best.
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File 129679519646.png - (322.67KB , 700x800 , Owl Statue.png )
2496 No. 2496 ID: a50866 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I think I need a thread for the weird shit I doodle.

For example, some beak faced monsters find an owl statue. Link forgot to hit this one with his sword. Well, unless maybe he just never wanted to warp back here.
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File 129529617877.png - (1.04KB , 165x160 , Jan_Happy.png )
2259 No. 2259 ID: 9b6c31 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
MSpaint, the ultimate draw-tool.
As my advanced drawing-tools are gone ( tablet, SAI etc. ), I got bored and did some shitty mspaint shitscribbles. Here they are!

Have a happy Jan.

And yeah, I don't mind other people posting.
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File 129670016559.png - (81.97KB , 500x750 )
2482 No. 2482 ID: 543aa6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
>I don't care if you guys like or don't like homosuck, but there wasn't a troll for Ophiuchus (look it up fagurt) so I made one up! I'm going to finish coloring her and shit. Here is some information on her and Ophiuchus in general:

# Name: Ophiuchus
# Translation: Serpent Holder

name: Rhoviera Anguis
Troll handle: anguillaNuntia

# seeker of peace and wisdom
# Attractor of good luck and jealousy
# Interpreter of dreams
# One who reaches for the stars
# Wearer of plaid (this one is oddly specific)
* Many people are envious of the Ophiuchan as he/she progresses well throughout life.
* A seeker of wisdom and knowledge
* A flamboyant dressing sense, favouring bright colours.
* Authority looks upon him/her well
* Would make a great architect or builder
* Number 12 is the lucky number.
* Will have a big family but will leave home at an early age

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File 12943545644.png - (116.54KB , 750x750 , Badidea.png )
2137 No. 2137 ID: f054fa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Push request, receive drawing. Some day maybe.
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File 129397315497.png - (15.07KB , 500x500 , DIDYOUSEETHEPOOL.png )
2097 No. 2097 ID: 6140e3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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File 128764573120.png - (32.19KB , 300x300 )
1414 No. 1414 ID: 3ff4fc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Newfag here. Trying to get comfortable with my new pad, if anyone wants to request weird stuff, I'll give anything a try. For your viewing pleasure, I present: TOASTER/ADVENTURE

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File 129252282179.png - (1.29KB , 300x300 )
1894 No. 1894 ID: c2d156 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So, this is how I get to be a popular drawfag, right?

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File 129238408229.png - (101.50KB , 1100x829 , 3nV2E[1].png )
1887 No. 1887 ID: 4531bc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
openCanvas 1.1 is terribly broken, yes, but since nobody's come forth with a sweet new replacement, I took it upon myself to try and fix one of its most egregious problems.

Thus, I present to you: The oC SyncKeeper!

This little tool wraps the opencanvas exe, detects when oC loses focus, and sends the app an artificial activation message, essentially tricking oC into thinking it has focus all the time.
What does this mean? It means that you no longer have to stay focused on the oC window while waiting for it to sync!
The possibilities are endless!

Anyway, here it is:

To use, just download the zip file, unpack, and run synckeeper.exe.

You can use this thread to report bugs, give feedback, and other stuff.

Feel free to share the link or distribute synckeeper, just please accredit me! It'd make me feel all warm and special inside!

Big thanks to Dylan (who you all know) for assistance with different things, help with .exe packing, moral support, and much more, and also aegis (who none of you know) for help with pywin32 and the strange beast that is MFC.

Willing to reconsider now, N?
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File 129081922863.png - (151.36KB , 987x1107 , DiliaSketch.png )
1730 No. 1730 ID: f123de hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Because some good art was ruined resizing it.

Stabbity's version of Dilia I extra-ruined.
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File 128911582990.jpg - (134.10KB , 1518x899 , practice-drawings.jpg )
1566 No. 1566 ID: edb67b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So, I was doing some practicing when I saw this board. Tell me if I'm doing it alright.

There's not much to this image, I know, but try to evaluate it as best as you can.
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1249 No. 1249 ID: 7cadab hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
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1557 No. 1557 ID: 57d856 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
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1242 No. 1242 ID: 543aa6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
yaaaayyyyy. someone was complaining I didn't post something here so now I have a thread so shut up

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1171 No. 1171 ID: 4531bc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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1140 No. 1140 ID: e38c07 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
FUCK. YES. I keep this up and I might be able to update my quest before it hits the graveyard. Refine my arts a little bit, get rid of a lot of the text and make some alterations to the story telling and it might just be Showtime!

Just gotta nail down them mech designs. Eh.

Well my questing fellows, anyone else out there on the long struggle to arting? This stuff is bullshit hard.

File 128340472439.png - (3.81KB , 256x256 , lessclothedriel.png )
1023 No. 1023 ID: f68ace hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I don't really understand the point of using sketches and whatnot in quest graphics. Maybe it's the primitive software I use, but I find it a lot easier to just ctrl-z until the line comes out right with little to no difference in quality.
But maybe it's just me.
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953 No. 953 ID: 49d6d7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Gif tutorial.
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411 No. 411 ID: ba7c76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

1. Draw something fabulous and/or creepy as shit using one of these sites.
2. Post in this thread
3. ???
4. Profit!

Freak me the hell out, everyone.
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444 No. 444 ID: f7f565 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Maybe if I just drew more traditionally I could update faster?

(picture does not accurately represent projected quality)

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186 No. 186 ID: d6a592 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Truly, this is what it means to be virtuous.

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111 No. 111 ID: f98e0b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Gone...the entire board is gone.

Oh well, at least I still have my books.

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File 127720949050.gif - (19.51KB , 585x487 , yaydrawfaggotry.gif )
739 No. 739 ID: 31cbfc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Is anyone else still stuck to the good ol' rodent? It's a pain in the ass to draw a good curved line, but it's bearable since I upgraded to optic.
However, still afraid to step out of pixel art ._. Any hints on optimal DPI and wrist setup?
Pic related, how bad I suck.
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755 No. 755 ID: c6375d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Because it amused both of us, and was getting too crowded to continue without having to erase something.
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745 No. 745 ID: 31cbfc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
& dis?
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692 No. 692 ID: d16009 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So, novice drawfag here. I'm terrible at drawing, but I enjoy it sometimes. I don't practice a lot though, nor do I have a drawing pad.

Eyes are the devil.
Human eyes are nearly impossible, but any eye seems challenging.

The placement of the eye, the pupil, whether or not to draw an iris (I tend to prefer not to, too much detail). It all ends up adding personality to a character, even if it is undesirable (looks dumb). The pupils seem to be one of the hardest things, since even if you have them directed at an object, or the viewer, it can look horrible.

Picture is a drawing of a Raichu. I opted out on drawing eyes at the last moment because I couldn't get them to look right.

TL;DR How do you draw eyes?
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656 No. 656 ID: 014ff1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I take a drag on my cigarette, awaiting requests to the bulk of which I will almost certainly not answer.
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653 No. 653 ID: 68b807 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
First off, read http://www.clanwebsite.org/games/rpg/Dawn_of_Worlds_game_1_0Final.pdf


The admittedly squiggly lines to the left are the three continents. Not sure how many people to have playing, so I'll just wing it.
Aaaaaaand go!

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199 No. 199 ID: 97320d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So, how bout them dead boards?

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404 No. 404 ID: 6550ad hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
GREEN requested this. No way he's gonna hide away from it.
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193 No. 193 ID: db0334 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
am test

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534 No. 534 ID: 8ef217 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Need opinion on the tattoo: one or two more segments, or is 3 good enough?
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520 No. 520 ID: d86d2c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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197 No. 197 ID: dcd8fa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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383 No. 383 ID: 8e18cd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Post-apocalyptic Wilie E. Coyote as a result of some weird convo
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File 126713144065.jpg - (5.78KB , 256x224 , gfs_38981_2_1.jpg )
356 No. 356 ID: 1633b5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Draw anything, Out of This World style.
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361 No. 361 ID: f609ed hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
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355 No. 355 ID: 5b76f8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
My country cannot free.

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245 No. 245 ID: 37c569 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Bored. ShiPainter is strange.

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8 No. 8 ID: 87583b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Uh... Has anyone seen my jetpack?

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168 No. 168 ID: bf1e7e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
for srs

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147 No. 147 ID: 5972b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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66 No. 66 ID: 6415eb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Bored, doodlin' gaems.

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51 No. 51 ID: 234a1c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Fucking mapquest

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118 No. 118 ID: 5696d4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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94 No. 94 ID: f7e3de hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Roll it easy!

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104 No. 104 ID: 7fff9f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
what is this i dont even

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61 No. 61 ID: 783228 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Is it possible to give a tarrasque magical tits?

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32 No. 32 ID: f74047 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I-I don't know why I do the things I do...
Oh god, there's blood everywhere again...
Please... please help me...

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11 No. 11 ID: da5997 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey, /tg/chan, am I doing this right?

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10 No. 10 ID: e29965 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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5 No. 5 ID: ebf8f1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

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6 No. 6 ID: 89ff55 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Yay, oekaki!

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3 No. 3 ID: 58ec8b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Testan. Touchpad hurts.

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