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File 12683525129.jpg - (161.33KB , 1000x1125 , PostApoc Wilie.jpg )
383 No. 383 ID: 8e18cd
Post-apocalyptic Wilie E. Coyote as a result of some weird convo
No. 384 ID: 1ac39d
man, he would be tough as HELL. he repeatedly falls hundreds of feet and gets hit with point blank explosions. he just dusts himself off and tries again.
No. 399 ID: 632862
Sounds like a good idea for a quest, really. Protagonist is nigh-indestructible. Has a simple goal with tons of obstacles in the way. Use TOUGHNESS on OBSTACLE.
No. 401 ID: 8e18cd
Yeah, but don't expect me to run that. I have completely NO GRASP on WB Style
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