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File 130279866191.jpg - (35.89KB , 256x512 , skizze.jpg )
3537 No. 3537 ID: 9dd0ec
Started to make sketches lately in the hope of improving my drawing skills some day. Just going to dump some of them here.
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No. 3538 ID: 9dd0ec
File 130279868440.jpg - (101.33KB , 512x512 , nass.jpg )
No. 3539 ID: 6adc7e
Not bad, but there's something weird about that dog, although I cannot put my finger on it.
No. 3540 ID: 8e18cd

Because she's a quest character
No. 3542 ID: 1854db
Well the far paw looks like it's at an odd angle.
No. 3544 ID: f23097
I don't see anything that needs to be improved
No. 3549 ID: f5c735

The limbs are all weird and human-y. That's what it is.
No. 4774 ID: 817bc7
File 130771325058.jpg - (189.80KB , 640x960 , bild.jpg )
Yes, I guess I screwed up the paw.
No. 4775 ID: 6c2246
Slightly... heavy on the torso?
No. 4778 ID: 1854db
At this point you could benefit from some research on how fabric creases.
No. 4906 ID: 817bc7
File 130818566404.jpg - (340.38KB , 640x960 , engel.jpg )
No. 4915 ID: e57b27
This is quite nice, actually. Interesting style.
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