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File 131688326169.png - (50.95KB , 1350x1350 , kobold guy.png )
7276 No. 7276 ID: bdb895
In my bid to improve my art. So, I have been planning a quest. Maybe one day I'll start it, who knows. But it's a good reason to concept characters, and this guy is one of a range.
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No. 7288 ID: 0491c8
Yay Carbon.
No. 7312 ID: bdb895
File 131696615650.png - (43.08KB , 1350x1350 , fox guy.png )
Yay OL

"I'd have a knife fight, but I am already in my pajamas. Oh, what the hell. Bring it on!"

Bluh bluh look at my bad posing idk what I am doin lol
It didn't turn out too bad, maybe?
No. 7334 ID: 9c538a

Woah, that bottom one is actually pretty dynamic. Keep up the good work!
No. 7336 ID: 3bad4c
I am going to suggest all over this quest.
No. 7351 ID: bdb895
since when have I ever warranted a "woah"
No. 7800 ID: edec80
File 131877312273.png - (7.06KB , 255x454 , bob rottel style.png )
Tryin' Rottel's style. It's so awesome. What do you think?
No. 7815 ID: 0448b9
The brush work, legs, and tail shape seem quite familiar... but everything else just signs of a bloody faker! Carry on. ♥
No. 7816 ID: e83f6a
most excellent
No. 7833 ID: 848c67

Pretty good. Maybe I would have done the eyes a little different though.
No. 8173 ID: b235f9
File 132030850768.png - (17.55KB , 446x663 , quickbob.png )
done in MSPaintXP for olde skool feels
for overlord
No. 8174 ID: da6fc4
A precious and delicate, puzzle-solving flower.
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