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File 12943545644.png - (116.54KB , 750x750 , Badidea.png )
2137 No. 2137 ID: f054fa
Push request, receive drawing. Some day maybe.
Expand all images
No. 2138 ID: e790dd
Sounds promising.

Could you draw a kobold samurai? He is wielding a katana - either one- or two-handed is fine - and wearing some robes, one of those funny oriental straw hats, and a striped scarf. Looking badass.
No. 2139 ID: 510303
Southern sergal, in dull clothing with bright ribbons flapping off various points.
One eye is surrounded by iridescent feathers of various colors.
Either leaned against a wall, arms in pockets, making a trollface, or drawing an invisible bow which is causing an arrow made of fire to appear.
Some kind of shapeless hat, as well.
No. 2140 ID: f054fa
To clarify, contrary to regular /tg/ Draw Threads, I mean to have this as a sort of request queue and tackle one or two drawing per evening, starting tomorrow.

Dog Kobold, dragon Kobold or Cutebold?
No. 2141 ID: 0ef56a
Mint dominating Oken.

Because the ITQ thread is just headed that direction. Mint wants to fuck Oken and she would be the one domming. Probably Oken would protest.
No. 2142 ID: e790dd
No. 2143 ID: 8555c2
Oken domming Mint too. It's not her style but all we have to do is convince her it is in the best interest of the Alliance to dom Mint and it's as good as done. Gullible bitch.
No. 2144 ID: 2563d4
...and I bet he thought he'd escaped the retardation of #tozol for a while.

Draw a Paranoia troubleshooter sitting and happily smacking a live grenade against the floor, possibly while the rest of the team look on in terror.
No. 2145 ID: 18ca10
File 129436245194.jpg - (2.80MB , 3220x2425 , me262a3.jpg )
Anthropomorphic, female ME-262 sporting nice Drop Type Fuel Tanks, in some kinda sexy pin-up pose. Guess lying on the back or something would work well. Nothing kinky like rockets please.
Really anthro machine though, not jap style loli with parts glue on.
No. 2146 ID: 8555c2
No. 2147 ID: 2563d4
Whoa, forget the Paranoia thing, this.
No. 2148 ID: 0ef56a
The scary part is that there are plane furries.
No. 2149 ID: b971a3
File 129436533260.jpg - (22.76KB , 400x300 , su-47_2.jpg )
this, but as a su-47 instead
No. 2152 ID: 3297aa
Both of these at the same time.
No. 2153 ID: b6c6fc
you fool, this is TGchan, there IS no escape from retardation
No. 2158 ID: 4b5202
File 129443195554.png - (113.31KB , 450x600 , Koboldsamurai.png )

Next: >>2139
No. 2159 ID: c162ea
File 12944335869.jpg - (25.82KB , 595x248 , barrett_m95_1.jpg )
If I may request:
A Caucasian human sniper laying prone on top of a flat building roof (think an office building or such), a serious look on his face as he looks forward into the distance while snow falls around him. Standard wookie suit is fine, an M95 in front of him.

If you're feeling up to a background, a ruined city with snowy mountains in the distance.
No. 2160 ID: b6c6fc
why does he have to be caucasian?
No. 2166 ID: c162ea
...Because that's just what I'm asking for. Truth be told, he could be neon green or any other bullshit. It really doesn't matter.
No. 2168 ID: 129da8
Obviously RACISM. Clearly.
No. 2172 ID: 4b5202
File 129452354886.png - (128.17KB , 675x600 , Fancysergal.png )
I bet his mother did not approve.

Next: >>2141, >>2143
No. 2176 ID: 197650
Id like to request an image of a viking punching a charging dragon (is air swooping still charging?) right in the face.
No. 2183 ID: 19db5e
Many thanks.
Actually haven't developed the guy's family at all, just having a whole pile of younger siblings and irritating another player by existing.
No. 2186 ID: 7c0299
File 129460957052.png - (92.44KB , 600x700 , Doubledom.png )

Next: >>2144

Any day.
No. 2188 ID: 8555c2
haha, that is great
No. 2189 ID: 8e18cd
Penji self-bondage. With Mitzi involved somehow
No. 2191 ID: 9fd9ab
You willing to draw anything?
No. 2193 ID: 8555c2
No. 2195 ID: 8a6625
think you could draw rover from blakequest in an adequately feminin way?
No. 2198 ID: 15b51b
A male talyxian irregular sniper. Contemporary style. Like a guerilla in the bosnian war.
No. 2199 ID: dad664
Draw Gnolls gnolling Gnolls gnollishly.
No. 2201 ID: 9fd9ab
Draw Roz x Venji.

Maybe with dragonRoz or something.
No. 2203 ID: 2563d4
Hi Slinkoboy.
No. 2204 ID: c9aa87
Draw a metaphor for tgchan.
No. 2206 ID: 7c0299
File 129470030094.png - (87.36KB , 720x600 , Communisminprogress.png )

Next: >>2145 (Wednesday)

I draw the line somewhere between inappropriate erection and tasteful nude. Sorry.
No. 2211 ID: 0ef56a
File 129472059592.jpg - (118.42KB , 856x550 , xzibit.jpg )
No. 2212 ID: 0ef56a
Draw something that happens commonly in SS13. Consult me if you need stories.
No. 2213 ID: c328b9
A dragonborn with a crest of spikes (Similar to a hedgehog) on his head and wild fire in his eyes (Perhaps literally), leaping at a foe with an enourmous axe held up overhead. His face is one of glee.
No. 2216 ID: f1df52
Penji and Mitzi skipping merrily out of the facility they are in, undetected because they are dressed up as Carmen Sandiego and Waldo.
No. 2220 ID: d560d6
Yes. Very yes.
No. 2228 ID: 36beb5
File 129487188123.png - (102.85KB , 750x600 , Sexy262.png )

Next: >>2159
No. 2229 ID: f5e4b4

Hahaha, nice.
No. 2230 ID: bf1e7e

This is the best thing.
No. 2249 ID: 8e18cd
Nev in a harem outfit, dancing
No. 2250 ID: 7e2d81
Four panel comic.
1. Cat pounces on fairy, fairy probably screams.
2. Cat licking face, or something. Face closeups, Eeeeevil looks.
3. Fairy with arm over cat shoulders.
4. Fairy flying off, cat is looking after with a little heart floating up.
No. 2255 ID: 9c6366
File 129521473056.png - (171.11KB , 750x750 , Vikingpaunch.png )

Next: >>2189

Had some trouble drawing this. Will try again later this week.
No. 2271 ID: 9c6366
File 129530431630.png - (96.24KB , 650x700 , Welp.png )

Next: >>2195
No. 2272 ID: 15b51b
"Don't judge me."
"Bit late for that."
No. 2309 ID: 9c6366
File 129548454826.png - (87.64KB , 525x675 , Ladiesimeangentleman.png )
I haven't read Blake Quest so I took some artistic liberties.

Next: Gonna have another crack at >>2159
No. 2310 ID: f5e4b4

I'm scared.
No. 2330 ID: d844d4
A request. My Shadow run character, Joe Nobody
A man with shaggy hair pulled back With a Hair tie that some girl gave him. He is in a white t-shirt and black pants cleaning out a pistol at a table. Noticeable scars and rune-like markings can be seen under the bandages wrapped around his left arm. Near to his supplies on the table is a classic black domino mask.
Just some notes no him. This character has appeared as my character in many D20 modern setting games.
To frank he came off as cross of the 10th Doctor and John McClain once he got going. But mostly he was the calm collected explosives expert.
He always wore his trade mark superhero like domino mask into combat. Scared the fuck out of many foes.
No. 2331 ID: 2563d4
Draw my fursona! It's a magical kitsune with an extra tenth tail except all the tails are really thin and it's from space and it carries loads of weapons and heavy armor because it's really cool like this gigantic gun which fires swords with bombs attached and it has two heads but they're both in the same place just phased across two different universes so it just looks like it has an extra pair of ears to lay flat when it's pissed off and badass which is always.

Also it should be on fire.
No. 2333 ID: 3e6377
Penji Tozzle what are you doing making art requests you should be escaping Quadrant Five!!
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