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File 154019235774.png - (11.90KB , 594x315 , u1.png )
40817 No. 40817 ID: 47cea7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
hi im unikitty and im hotter than you
ask me things or ask me to do things
46 posts and 24 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 40962 ID: 7efe6b
What's it like to get interrupted while masturbating?
No. 40964 ID: 70be57
I see that you are overjoyed with this demonstration. Keep going girl
No. 41706 ID: 864e49
I knew this website would be a great substitute now that tumblr's dead.
No. 47086 ID: ce2b8e
now cum
No. 47094 ID: ce2b8e
Now cum, cum as hard is you can. I wanna see you squirm in pleasure.

File 143795905467.png - (87.89KB , 800x800 , PatreonThreadOP.png )
27683 No. 27683 ID: dd338c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
In light of what is becoming a large draw thread, and what is going to be an expanding collection of patreon uploads, this will serve as an isolated thread specifically for my patreon rewards.

The 'P' could also stand for Porn.

This thread may not be 100% porn, but there's gonna be a whole lot of it, but hey, it's no secret that that's basically what /draw/ is all about.

856 posts and 504 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 41872 ID: 2f83e5
No. 46344 ID: 836379
Just wanted to ask are you still alive where are you still alive are you still posting artwork you last posted artwork on FA and e621 one nearly a year ago and no other message posts I can see on there or your patron

I hope you are still ok I'm worrying over nothing
No. 46345 ID: c18c31
I'm guessing you didn't know, but Lago does have a Twitter (https://twitter.com/Lagotrope). I can also tell he was active on it recently since on July 31st he retweeted a gift commission. He's been more active on Twitter than elsewhere for a bit, so I'd suggest following him there for now.
No. 46467 ID: 836379
thank you annon <3
No. 47069 ID: 1958ca
Twitter recently went the "mandatory safe mode for non-members" route, and JUST wizened up to the fact their API was still showing NSFW posts just like 15 minutes ago; I was checking Lago's twitter timeline on Nitter and practically saw the posts disappear before my very eyes.

File 129272403271.png - (235.47KB , 750x750 , Dustbackfag.png )
1947 No. 1947 ID: bf1e7e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
This happened
836 posts and 560 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 46492 ID: 67181a
File 163185630576.jpg - (566.22KB , 1700x3442 , 0917210058.jpg )
No. 46493 ID: 67181a
File 163185633870.jpg - (828.35KB , 2520x3113 , 0916212221~3.jpg )
No. 46494 ID: 67181a
File 163185636490.jpg - (876.49KB , 2771x2724 , 0916211802~2.jpg )
No. 46495 ID: 67181a
File 163185639008.jpg - (824.81KB , 2335x3400 , 0916212354~2.jpg )
No. 46505 ID: 67181a
File 163218814368.jpg - (0.97MB , 3024x2898 , 0920211900~2.jpg )

File 157474816610.png - (1.11MB , 1390x1901 , Imp2.png )
44401 No. 44401 ID: 8fb3ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I just can't stay gone can I?
141 posts and 106 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 45731 ID: 8fb3ba
File 160208829697.png - (847.14KB , 1255x1188 , Misc2.png )
No. 46503 ID: 8fb3ba
File 163215787332.png - (611.18KB , 1290x1900 , Arsenal.png )
No. 46504 ID: 8fb3ba
File 163215788608.png - (630.92KB , 1290x1900 , Arsenal 2.png )
No. 46506 ID: 2aa5f0
what are you buying stranger?
No. 46552 ID: 8fb3ba
File 163336351387.gif - (230.53KB , 909x810 , OmenNSpecter9-24-2021_14-04-48.gif )

File 131021337263.jpg - (3.10MB , 3384x2236 , Primarch Project.jpg )
5384 No. 5384 ID: 23311f Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Time to start my own thread where I can dump my stuff.
529 posts and 192 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 8462 ID: b3d229
Dear, this is NOT what I had expected.
There aren't even any negative silhouette skulls.
But it's very nice.
And who did you fire?
No. 8474 ID: c118c9

Negative sillhouettes usually come with shading after you pick a lightsource, in Lineart it doesnt really have to show, unless you plan it to stay lineart.

I fired a fucking jackoff tester that couldn't keep his quota up. He apparently was working for 4 months without knowing how to plug in an Xbox or how an HDMI worked.

The wonders you see as a HR/Community Manager for EA Romania never ceases to end.
No. 8476 ID: 51361a

EA as in the EA that killed Westwood Studios?
No. 8477 ID: cd42cc
File 132139611611.jpg - (82.85KB , 418x816 , Quisitrix.jpg )

Sadly yes.

But I doubt the Bucharest section, also known as Jamdat which started out originally as a mobile phone division , had anything to do with killing westwood.

But I do agree. EA kills games.

At least it pays my bills.
No. 46478 ID: 410416
Locking due to recurring spam seeing the last author post was almost ten years ago!

File 130845102725.png - (471.43KB , 700x720 , No_4548.png )
4971 No. 4971 ID: 5bada8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Can we have a thread about chink? that crazy drawfag from way back that is in a millitary somewhere(I think)
not sure if pic is chinks but it looks like it.
No. 4972 ID: 5bada8
File 130845109180.jpg - (418.48KB , 1500x2250 , 302412%20-%20MEME%20Trollface%20Warhammer_40k%20ch.jpg )
No. 4974 ID: 5bada8
looking at it again no it doesn't
No. 4975 ID: 33fdf2
According to the latest news, he's publishing porn doujins in Taïwan, and illustrating a CCG in China.

good initiative.

pretty sure the OP pic isn't by him.
No. 5020 ID: 2c808e
File 130867126912.png - (295.13KB , 1920x1200 , 1223184555227.png )
I love Chink! I actually messaged him on pixiv to see if he'd ever come by here, but it sounds like he's been pretty busy.
No. 5063 ID: b6ca92
No seriously. South pole of the planet, to the left of Kharn. See the Nod scorpion symbol on the desk?

File 136128525094.png - (1.50KB , 64x64 , whimsy2.png )
17782 No. 17782 ID: b53faa Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Since I do still need to keep in shape when it coems to the pixels, I'm gonna open this up here as a sort of combination storage area and request factory yo!
Send in them requests!
602 posts and 377 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 24573 ID: 436cdc
File 140971911001.png - (1.40KB , 240x280 , sarahbig.png )
Feeling uninspired, drew anyways. teenytiny sarah, drawn entirely from memory.
No. 24834 ID: 436cdc
File 141204934992.gif - (25.19KB , 191x191 , commishpng.gif )
Wow, I actually managed to get bumped off the front page this took so long.
After one solid half-month of effort, I finally have this commission done! Frame by frame animation is very time consuming, god daaaamn.
No. 25038 ID: 436cdc
File 141356761631.gif - (3.21KB , 200x200 , chootbig.gif )
Coffeechicken is an true inspiration
No. 25039 ID: 436cdc
File 141356769315.png - (8.07KB , 800x1280 , birdfoot2big.png )
Part of an art trade with Bobbibum on the currently-shitrekked FurAffinities
No. 46419 ID: ca4aeb
Locking this thread as it's been a repeated spambot target.

File 140375098705.jpg - (491.83KB , 1181x1181 , Medication.jpg )
23622 No. 23622 ID: cc08c7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
It's time I started doing more than making bad suggestions on here, so I'll post some art that people may or may not find terrible, probably mostly the former.
270 posts and 208 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 37323 ID: 36de2e
File 151401332681.jpg - (340.45KB , 1738x2425 , WiredDJ.jpg )
From same idea, mute Deer DJ boss.
No. 37324 ID: 36de2e
File 151401340427.jpg - (181.79KB , 1490x1522 , PhotogenicButterfly.jpg )
Last one from the same setting, camera butterfly boss.
No. 38011 ID: 36de2e
File 152030433848.png - (542.53KB , 2764x1573 , RedSunCultRestColoured.png )
No. 38334 ID: 36de2e
File 152265964858.jpg - (334.74KB , 2384x2259 , AbstractDistraction.jpg )
Had a strange dream the other night and tried to draw it.
No. 38335 ID: 36de2e
File 152265970779.jpg - (450.98KB , 2318x2921 , DoNotReply.jpg )
Sort of continuation, this didn't happen in the dream but I wanted to do more with the same character.

File 132098795961.jpg - (39.28KB , 521x664 , greenmarinenimue.jpg )
8414 No. 8414 ID: 86ff7e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
New thread because i want to see a little green marine every time i post.
776 posts and 218 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 18459 ID: 60ec98
That's what practice does to people.
No. 18520 ID: da5086
I don't know what you're talking about. My sketches are incredibly messy. Working over them is what makes the lineart look softer.

I'm drawing stuff. I just dump it all on tumblr, though.
No. 18805 ID: 21758c
where is Greenmarine's tumblr?
No. 18806 ID: feab56
No. 19255 ID: 4c1918
I wonder if this is ever going to be finished.
It would seriously make my day. No, week.

File 147570023920.png - (23.69KB , 800x600 , Drawthread Title.png )
31418 No. 31418 ID: ca0e20 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
With Inktober going on, I thought I could try and make a Drawthread and maybe I'll keep posting stuff after October too.

Things can get NSFW here.
693 posts and 501 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 46243 ID: ea81d3
I assume that it is appropriate.
And thank you! =D
No. 46246 ID: ea81d3
I'm getting sick of all these cp spam getting on draw, so I might just stop posting on here. I have other better places I post my art.
No. 46248 ID: 1df721
If you ever leave, please link to where else you post.
And yeah, it would be good if this board were spam-unfriendly, like having any post with a link in it be hidden by default until mod approval, or something.
No. 46249 ID: ea81d3
This here is still a decent spot to find the places I'm at as of writing this:


I should mention I'll still be around the site, but it'll be around quest and questdis.
No. 46251 ID: 9a2966
's fair, /draw is pretty dead anyway.

File 141942199141.jpg - (138.98KB , 600x600 , PallyIcon1.jpg )
25899 No. 25899 ID: 59295a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
A new drawthread with all the bells and whistles as the old one.
54 posts and 28 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 31320 ID: 59295a
it's certain
No. 31321 ID: a788b7

more like this
No. 31324 ID: 49f18e

how about Fuze + Oken having their swimsuits stolen?
No. 31325 ID: 59295a
File 147473481428.png - (60.13KB , 500x600 , Voax.png )
My OC Voax being inspected as a POW
No. 31365 ID: 59295a
Hey, look, it's Oken's fetish: https://e621.net/post/index/1/ratbat

File 133982359110.png - (15.90KB , 691x535 , dird.png )
13541 No. 13541 ID: 34cbef Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
cus i can
527 posts and 338 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 34850 ID: d7e51c
File 150027268941.png - (104.61KB , 600x800 , lewdbun.png )
No. 34954 ID: d7e51c
File 150068553718.gif - (32.08KB , 344x264 , raspbun.gif )
it's raspberries!
No. 35020 ID: b5fb67
No. 35230 ID: d7e51c
File 150199565618.png - (141.89KB , 600x430 , boobs.png )
an evil necromancer raised me from my grave- THEN I BEAT UP THAT NERD AND BEGAN DRAWING AGAIN

speaking of which,more art- just drawing boobs
No. 35231 ID: d7e51c
File 150199568893.png - (110.12KB , 325x570 , moreboobs.png )

File 131523128811.png - (201.18KB , 959x830 , derpery01.png )
6541 No. 6541 ID: 9a83b0 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I just realised i could access /tg/chan from work...

Man, do I hate this internship.

I'll take this oportunity to ask you guys how comissions work for you. I mean, how do providers advertise to get some work to do, and what to requesters generally expect.
137 posts and 51 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 14151 ID: 7d2165
yes they are. Although the angle is kinda mandatory, since the cam angle will be top-down, meaning they must be readable from a high angle point of view
No. 14178 ID: 7d2165
File 134236854168.png - (1.51MB , 2103x2400 , research_03.png )
No. 15797 ID: 4f491d
File 135064185338.png - (7.10MB , 2480x3508 , blue.png )
it's been a while
No. 15798 ID: 4c1918
I don't know why, the nose is nowhere near big enough, but I instantly thought "Nixon" when I saw that face. At least on the thumbnail.
No. 15800 ID: 7d2165
I guess it's because of the large, dark eyebrows and kinda fat lips.

File 139719837264.jpg - (16.12KB , 200x200 , bleah0.jpg )
22720 No. 22720 ID: 71b9ce hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
330 posts and 271 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 42709 ID: 0cb682
Happy Birthday Emils.
No. 45144 ID: e7703b
File 158666253692.png - (1.07MB , 1668x2388 , image0.png )
Happy Easter with a Reverse Bunny Suit Kit
No. 45156 ID: e7c7d3
Really like this one!
No. 46188 ID: 1997db
File 161990395148.png - (284.47KB , 713x999 , aa1.png )
Madoka has been in my mind recently, what with the fourth movie announced
No. 46189 ID: 5987e7

File 134775717691.jpg - (107.62KB , 1024x1024 , Se7ener.jpg )
15233 No. 15233 ID: 085efe hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I've been told I need a drawthread.

Kicking it off with Sevener
773 posts and 532 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 29027 ID: 23df50
File 145191946375.jpg - (759.81KB , 1280x1280 , TriciaAlpha - Lioness TF sm.jpg )
No. 29028 ID: 23df50
File 145191947166.jpg - (657.83KB , 1163x1280 , ThatwhichJi ShortBE sm.jpg )
No. 29029 ID: 23df50
File 145191947956.jpg - (912.36KB , 1280x1280 , joKen - Bath sm.jpg )
No. 29032 ID: 23df50
File 145196546682.jpg - (700.95KB , 993x1280 , GaroGator sm.jpg )
No. 29034 ID: 23df50
File 145197415740.jpg - (751.03KB , 1280x1280 , Onom Posession sm.jpg )
Commissioner wanted just like, some one character thing with implied possession and tf elements. So I was like "make it a two character thing and I can do more than imply"

File 12752538503.gif - (27.57KB , 640x480 , jokes-on-her--those-headphones-are-ruined.gif )
665 No. 665 ID: d560d6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Alright, since it was suggested, let's see if we can have us a good ol' fashioned /tg/-style drawthread here. All are welcome to make requests, and all drawfags are welcome to draw them.

I'll be right back once I've got a bigger boat.
48 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 2939 ID: a6ab09
if anyone is willing
>And find my tranquility disturbed as I float down to spy Arkus... what was the term-ah, 'motorboating' his way down a line of seventeen women, each in the upper ninetieth percentile in mammary development
from the most recent golem quest thread >>286423.
No. 10932 ID: 64896c
File 132918371149.png - (901.23KB , 1650x2550 , Happycake.png )
Got board of trying to draw good decided I needed some nightmare fuel.
No. 10938 ID: feab56
Fuck moomins, they creeped me out as a kid
No. 11022 ID: 784dcc
tgchan could use a drawthread such as this...but now I am trapped in the paralysis of politics between asking too little and asking too much!
No. 27618 ID: f68a09
File 143693623351.png - (12.21KB , 960x560 , glub.png )
bump XD

File 160247794764.png - (759.61KB , 2000x1970 , Darnell.png )
45747 No. 45747 ID: d32d73 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I draw things and shitpost on twitter more often than I do things on site. I'll try to post stuff here too tho
19 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 45988 ID: d32d73
File 161039339899.jpg - (286.71KB , 1254x1610 , lupadeermistletoe.jpg )
holiday artwork of Deer and Lupa
No. 45989 ID: d32d73
File 161039344353.png - (561.93KB , 1500x1250 , anniversary.png )
art for the one year anniversary of my and Deer's relationship
No. 46047 ID: 552f4f
I have a FA account as well
No. 46051 ID: 552f4f
File 161421636215.png - (4.59MB , 2332x1857 , valentines.png )
Dana/Thorne belongs to Deer
No. 46091 ID: 552f4f
File 161664929492.png - (536.73KB , 2048x1527 , girlquest.png )
doing an offsite forum game, experimenting with the format.

File 141368895983.gif - (258.29KB , 480x480 , patbetterbigger.gif )
25099 No. 25099 ID: 436cdc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Put requests in here (or commission me) and eventually it gets posted here.
WIP shots too!
previous thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/draw/res/17782.html
23 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 25469 ID: a19cd5
File 141627592795.gif - (117.81KB , 1280x640 , tankrainbig.gif )
Drew a sad tank
No. 25470 ID: a19cd5
File 141630205514.gif - (9.33KB , 128x64 , tankrain.gif )
original resolution
No. 25557 ID: a19cd5
File 141733007808.png - (1.67KB , 320x320 , boxhead\'sweirdrobotman.png )
progress shot on a thing
trying some new ideas again
No. 25898 ID: a19cd5
File 141941833822.png - (1.06KB , 32x32 , boxhead'sweirdrobotman.png )
wow I haven't posted here in ages jfc
No. 26423 ID: a19cd5
File 142456446413.gif - (20.69KB , 320x320 , jerk.gif )
Touched up an old animation slightly. God damn do I miss this show.

File 140695410877.png - (26.50KB , 1100x900 , draw.png )
24129 No. 24129 ID: 0eaf76 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I like boobs. You like boobs. Let's meet in the middle, hm?
106 posts and 48 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 26164 ID: 0eaf76
File 142129898850.png - (301.21KB , 564x852 , Kami Sheet.png )
Kitsune character
No. 26168 ID: ea0ad9
"Kitsune" in and of itself just means "Fox." The reason that they don't use a different term to refer to the magical foxes is simply that they believe all foxes to be intelligent and mystical.
I'm not too great at Japanese wording, but I think the proper term would be "Kitsune no youkai," or "Spirit Fox."
No. 26170 ID: c9f250

Okay but we're speaking English :)
No. 26327 ID: 45acd7
File 142332980963.png - (58.88KB , 900x1100 , gagsluts.png )
I made it better!
No. 26334 ID: dafc39
Yes but only like 6 months later.

File 138616828661.png - (91.74KB , 710x1436 , PurseOwnerBeethoven.png )
21382 No. 21382 ID: f567e6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

Visit this link, suggest to me ideas for evolutions or combinations of these monsters.

Also, thread starter pic is mine.
No. 21456 ID: d94546

New link
No. 21457 ID: f3bb85
File 138696118645.png - (91.47KB , 386x202 , Nausicaa_god_warrior.png )
Suggestion evolution for starter image

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