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File 131523128811.png - (201.18KB , 959x830 , derpery01.png )
6541 No. 6541 ID: 9a83b0

I just realised i could access /tg/chan from work...

Man, do I hate this internship.

I'll take this oportunity to ask you guys how comissions work for you. I mean, how do providers advertise to get some work to do, and what to requesters generally expect.
92 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 7518 ID: f7ec6c
File 131785047402.jpg - (332.45KB , 1200x1306 , 533316.jpg )

I've been playing a lot of Post Appoc viddya lately as well as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and this sort of evolved out of a conversation with my friend who also plays. Here It is....
Two children playing,
One is dressed as a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in big old army clothes... the other is a kid costumed as a snork with a vacuum cleaner hose for a nose.

Just 2 kids playin STALKER dress-up. Maybe have the one kid yelling "We're playing Snorks, mom!!"

Snork pic for reference... of course the kid won't look so bloody and insane looking :)
No. 11302 ID: 9a83b0
File 133034941076.png - (567.36KB , 1600x1200 , medieval_table.png )

Sup guys. i know I havent been around for a while, but unfortunately my tools of the trades have been relocated in the school I'm attending, thus preventing me of doing naughty stuff as often as I'd like to.

I'll be trying during the next month to find an internship / job in the video games business, for which I have trained for the past months.

For instance : http://youtu.be/W7ALpVy72TA

Normal levels of tg derpery expected to be restored in a while.
No. 12044 ID: ded807
File 133335391287.png - (355.75KB , 1600x1181 , Dragon_1.png )

And back to business with a virtual musem in UDK
No. 12510 ID: 064bef
File 133506770048.jpg - (336.28KB , 3200x2400 , tewt_RPG_DarkWitch.jpg )

My energy is more or less drained by this one piece wich would allow me to possibly get an internship. At least I hope.

Damn, I hope I'll be able to go back to my fantasy museum soon.
No. 12518 ID: 91dc9b


I forgot to mention that it looks better than your refrence, I can see the personal touch !
No. 12519 ID: feab56

Hanoko leveled the fuck up
No. 12567 ID: 227e87
File 133523624786.jpg - (271.53KB , 3200x2400 , tewt_RPG_DarkWitch_2.jpg )

thanks for those kind words
No. 12597 ID: f33e12


Hey it's nothing, really, you're amazing at this. I bet you made this model from top to bottom 100%. The anatomy is great!
No. 12604 ID: 67f7c9

Thanks again. I'm considering using my sculpt skills to make actual miniatures using this website : http://www.shapeways.com/.
No. 12606 ID: f33e12
File 133535211458.jpg - (67.96KB , 460x300 , jackie.jpg )


You mean to say I could print out that awesome mechanical jaw I've shown you, and wear it IRL?
No. 12620 ID: 67f7c9

costly but totally possible.
No. 12650 ID: 0bc8ea


Awesome sauce!

Btw, I've been banned from DA, so we'll have to communicate here, or something.

Awesomesauce, Now I know what I want for christmas!
No. 12654 ID: 67f7c9
File 133547836639.jpg - (244.22KB , 3200x2400 , tewt_RPG_DarkWitch_3.jpg )

how did you manage to get b& ?
No. 12655 ID: 0bc8ea


see >>12652

A sort of fuckup on my behalf they say?

I am asking for clarification. They are being vague as shit.
No. 12781 ID: e7c485
File 133598786329.jpg - (1.71MB , 4961x3508 , test_RPG_DarkWitch.jpg )

And done.
No. 12782 ID: 0a0932


The shaded version looks excellent! Nice job!

What's next?
No. 12784 ID: e7c485
File 133599455021.png - (491.24KB , 2480x3508 , design.png )

Haaa... Many things to do. Three games projects with friends, plus your torture-device fanart, and a mondern days police/legal RPG campaign I'd like to run.
No. 12785 ID: 0a0932


I do love ship combat!

Also that campaign sounds interesting. Is it running on a platform or, IRL tabletop?
No. 12786 ID: e7c485


I'll be using a setting called "COPS", it's a world where California made secession from the US, and the latter took the opportunity to dump their criminals on them. PCs are all working for a showcase, suposedly "elite" section of the Californian police.

My idea is creating a plot around a medical company running illegal tests for a psycho active drug on the street, effectively selling it to finance more research. Goal of the investigation is not only to unveil the conspiracy and the ties between the company and a LA street gang, but also to bring the responsible into trial. But since politics, things might get rough. Also US spies, sex scandals, nosy journalists...
No. 12787 ID: 0a0932


Sounds awesome!

Couldn't help but notice your ships look like the ones in Starcraft.
No. 12788 ID: e7c485
File 133600434079.png - (1.34MB , 2480x3508 , doodoom.png )

Yes, but the player ship has flippers.

We're doing a Sh'm'up / Block Breaker / Pinball game.

Tell me this is not awesome. I dare you.
No. 12793 ID: 0406ed
File 133603293896.gif - (621.08KB , 500x281 , 9e9.gif )

No. 12794 ID: e7c485

Since we're working with a talented Game Designer, and our programmer and Sound designer are up to par, there is a possibility that the game is effectively nice.

We'll try and release on Steam.
No. 12796 ID: 0406ed
File 133603535021.jpg - (155.06KB , 800x1200 , gabe newell.jpg )



You are in good hands , my friend.
No. 12888 ID: 49a7e1
File 133659267249.jpg - (20.54KB , 640x480 , desktop_01.jpg )

No. 12889 ID: 49a7e1
File 133659273052.jpg - (109.89KB , 1920x1080 , desks_01.jpg )

And office.
No. 12890 ID: 6e518b
File 133659535932.png - (273.12KB , 535x536 , axefft.png )


Those better not be macs!
No. 12891 ID: 49a7e1

Dude. Do you seriously think those bulky motherfuckers could be Steve Jobs' spawns ?
No. 12892 ID: 6e518b


They could have been some steampunk-ish stands for them!

I've seen horrors. Apple Steampunk settings.
No. 12893 ID: 49a7e1

Nah, that ain't me.
No. 12903 ID: 1444d5

Looks sort of like a NAVI (which would make it Mac inspired, I guess?).
No. 12905 ID: 49a7e1
File 133663957048.png - (371.20KB , 1920x1080 , desktop_render_compo.png )

ANd now with prettier render yay~
No. 12908 ID: 49a7e1
File 133665749177.png - (441.02KB , 1920x1080 , PLASMAGUN.png )

and then there was gun
No. 12909 ID: 693850


Dem side vents~
No. 13286 ID: 10092b
File 133820830754.png - (1.81MB , 2480x3508 , designs.png )

herp derp
No. 13300 ID: 9f895a




No. 13349 ID: 809535
File 133858374635.png - (1.17MB , 2480x3508 , design - grolaser.png )

haha gunship !
No. 13410 ID: 0acbfa


Space Invaders, The Revamp?
No. 13413 ID: 809535

kinda :D
No. 13414 ID: 0acbfa


FFFFFUCK YES, sign me up for a beta test or something, haha!
No. 13909 ID: 4f491d
File 134123885322.png - (810.47KB , 873x1009 , monstrous_001.png )

No. 13976 ID: 7d2165
File 134159767242.jpg - (2.25MB , 4961x3508 , sketches.jpg )

No. 14086 ID: 4f491d
File 134211084338.png - (1.77MB , 2480x3508 , mecha01.png )

No. 14146 ID: 7d2165
File 134226971460.png - (576.64KB , 2103x1200 , research_01.png )

No. 14147 ID: 185665


All of these robots of yours look awesome, but I don't like the angle here.

Are they all for that game you are working on?
No. 14151 ID: 7d2165

yes they are. Although the angle is kinda mandatory, since the cam angle will be top-down, meaning they must be readable from a high angle point of view
No. 14178 ID: 7d2165
File 134236854168.png - (1.51MB , 2103x2400 , research_03.png )

No. 15797 ID: 4f491d
File 135064185338.png - (7.10MB , 2480x3508 , blue.png )

it's been a while
No. 15798 ID: 4c1918

I don't know why, the nose is nowhere near big enough, but I instantly thought "Nixon" when I saw that face. At least on the thumbnail.
No. 15800 ID: 7d2165

I guess it's because of the large, dark eyebrows and kinda fat lips.
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