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File 136128525094.png - (1.50KB , 64x64 , whimsy2.png )
17782 No. 17782 ID: b53faa

Since I do still need to keep in shape when it coems to the pixels, I'm gonna open this up here as a sort of combination storage area and request factory yo!
Send in them requests!
557 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 23714 ID: e1609c
File 140433475591.png - (40.16KB , 2000x4000 , perry.png )

big version
No. 23716 ID: e1609c
File 140434050250.png - (972B , 16x32 , detective stevie bird.png )

Noir birdman
No. 23717 ID: e1609c
File 140434053938.png - (15.96KB , 1000x2000 , detective stevie bird big.png )

No. 23718 ID: e1609c
File 140434074993.png - (15.60KB , 1000x2000 , detective stevie bird 2 big.png )

version the second
No. 23719 ID: e1609c
File 140434218508.png - (969B , 16x32 , snek.png )

No. 23720 ID: e1609c
File 140434224118.png - (14.80KB , 1000x2000 , snek.png )

bigger snek
No. 23724 ID: e1609c
File 140435753101.png - (13.56KB , 1000x2000 , sensorman.png )

cyberpunk man
No. 23731 ID: e1609c
File 140440716983.png - (1.36KB , 64x64 , sonic oc big.png )

commission progress shot
No. 23732 ID: e1609c
File 140440807472.png - (2.05KB , 256x268 , sonic ocbig.png )

god dammit
No. 23757 ID: ef7fd2
File 140460856604.png - (1.43KB , 64x64 , 4 feeb.png )

I'm proud I've managed to keep this monster of a thread from getting bumped off page 1 since I made it
No. 23758 ID: ef7fd2
File 140460871073.png - (1.44KB , 64x64 , 4 feeb.png )

shit I forgot to draw some bits
No. 23784 ID: ef7fd2
File 140468379149.gif - (18.10KB , 500x500 , runningdorkbig.gif )

Dang, this came out pretty good.
No. 23785 ID: ef7fd2
File 140468381299.gif - (1.65KB , 32x32 , runningdork.gif )

smaller version
No. 23801 ID: ef7fd2
File 140477005282.gif - (1.65KB , 32x32 , runningdork.gif )

fixed the hood to be more apparent
No. 23820 ID: ef7fd2
File 140487891848.gif - (4.13KB , 64x67 , sonic oc--.gif )

animation is hard
No. 23826 ID: ef7fd2
File 140488277004.gif - (7.38KB , 272x128 , chigsprite.gif )

Get spooked, chig.
No. 23842 ID: ef7fd2
File 140502187831.gif - (1.62KB , 32x32 , JERK.gif )

Filed under: shows that ended way too soon
No. 23846 ID: ccd544

I see a change in filesizes, but whatever you changed is impossible to spot.

I just spent five minutes alternately expanding and closing each image to make them loop at the same time.

That must be Dan! Here is an archived thing you may enjoy:
No. 23852 ID: ef7fd2

in the first I accidentally made some pixels around the grey ghost tears invisible, the second time there was a flickering pixel where the bottom ghost and grey ghost met, and on the third I finally got my shit right.
Also, I am well aware of Dan vs. fim! Was following it since it started back when I was still a part of that scene, though now I kind of have some baggage RE: horse fandom, mostly revolving around how shit it is, which has kind of ruined it for me.
No. 23888 ID: ef7fd2
File 140521080472.png - (1.42KB , 48x96 , murr oc.png )

*stares at picture*
*stares at hands*
how did this come out of me and how can I harness this power for evil
No. 23889 ID: ef7fd2
File 140521085437.png - (4.74KB , 500x1000 , murr ocembiggened.png )

big version of this thing
No. 23934 ID: ef7fd2
File 140562496802.png - (1.97KB , 192x192 , uuuuh.png )

Trying to get better at anatomy by forcing myself to speed up my refining process.
The result of limiting myself to twenty minutes of draw time was THIS monstrosity.
No. 23951 ID: ef7fd2
File 140565610468.png - (7.51KB , 1000x500 , frontbuttbig.png )

I think I finally got a design down for jack! WOO
No. 24019 ID: ef7fd2
File 140616463296.gif - (15.65KB , 128x128 , spreadeagle.gif )

this took me a week to finish and its terrible, oh well
No. 24044 ID: a5c85a

Looks good
No. 24054 ID: ef7fd2
File 140640819876.gif - (1.61KB , 32x32 , runningdork.gif )

Doop doop my friend got a haircut
No. 24105 ID: ef7fd2
File 140685587023.gif - (1.61KB , 32x32 , runningdork.gif )

animation takes time and effort and a lot of trial and error to learn is the moral of this post
No. 24106 ID: ef7fd2
File 140685609185.gif - (1.61KB , 32x32 , runningdork.gif )

An an alt, because I couldnt figure out which looked less bad. This is the last time I am gonna touch this, woo
No. 24107 ID: ef7fd2
File 140685639010.gif - (83.56KB , 512x512 , spreadeaglebig.gif )

Also, I should probably post the Not-tiny version of this here.
Spoilered because porn, I need to get better at doing that.
No. 24108 ID: ef7fd2
File 140685653877.png - (2.45KB , 480x480 , jakeatar.png )

And finally, something new to break up the cloneposts! YAY!
A two-dolla commission for snager, who I only know on skype. /shrug
No. 24113 ID: ef7fd2
File 140686069235.png - (1.01KB , 48x48 , jakeatarsmall.png )

original rez...
No. 24114 ID: ef7fd2
File 140686083540.png - (994B , 16x48 , jake2.png )

...and alternate pose!
No. 24117 ID: ef7fd2
File 140686349947.png - (1.18KB , 48x56 , nepsprite2.png )

and some more homestuck junk, this time with my personal favorite cat-themed alien bugperson
No. 24120 ID: ef7fd2
File 140686946712.gif - (6.07KB , 48x48 , pat.gif )

I drew a cute little pat scratchin' his butt
No. 24124 ID: e5e5e0


The hypest ass scratching on tgchan
No. 24167 ID: ef7fd2
File 140722469177.png - (1.13KB , 48x48 , SWOLE.png )

I drew a burly-ass typhlosion with grey eyes because some dude wanted me to draw his grey eyed typhlosion oc and all he gave me was that one detail: Grey eyes
No. 24200 ID: ef7fd2
File 140738934972.png - (1.05KB , 32x43 , kobold guy.png )

British hat posted a neat kobold in irc. It looked fun to sprite, and it was.
No. 24201 ID: ef7fd2
File 140738938657.png - (2.02KB , 320x430 , kobold guybig.png )

and the big version
No. 24202 ID: ef7fd2
File 140739070147.png - (1.92KB , 320x430 , kobold guy noshirt.png )

and here he is without the shirt, since I am kinda happy with how the base thing turned out.
No. 24235 ID: ef7fd2
File 140756116899.png - (1.16KB , 48x64 , muscleman cyclopes.png )

some guy drew a thing for my girlfriend a while back, and since they had something fun to draw I drew them a thing back.
No. 24271 ID: ef7fd2
File 140775929271.png - (977B , 32x32 , shuffler.png )

This started as a robot duderino I drew for design and pose practice...
No. 24272 ID: ef7fd2
File 140775933452.png - (0.98KB , 32x32 , shufflerv2.png )

...But with some tweaking, got turned into a neat-o zombambo stormtrooper.
No. 24312 ID: ef7fd2
File 140796566047.png - (1.06KB , 32x48 , sundress anteater.png )

Drew Gnuk's anteater lass, because DANG what a cute design
No. 24316 ID: ef7fd2
File 140798336436.gif - (1.11KB , 16x32 , this began as a picture of a dick truly art comes .gif )

No. 24464 ID: 436cdc
File 140910633516.png - (4.35KB , 640x480 , boldfuckinbig.png )

Liarbird's bday was today.
He requested britishhat's red bold oc and his furry bird person fucking from behind and I went a bit overboard with it.
No. 24573 ID: 436cdc
File 140971911001.png - (1.40KB , 240x280 , sarahbig.png )

Feeling uninspired, drew anyways. teenytiny sarah, drawn entirely from memory.
No. 24834 ID: 436cdc
File 141204934992.gif - (25.19KB , 191x191 , commishpng.gif )

Wow, I actually managed to get bumped off the front page this took so long.
After one solid half-month of effort, I finally have this commission done! Frame by frame animation is very time consuming, god daaaamn.
No. 25038 ID: 436cdc
File 141356761631.gif - (3.21KB , 200x200 , chootbig.gif )

Coffeechicken is an true inspiration
No. 25039 ID: 436cdc
File 141356769315.png - (8.07KB , 800x1280 , birdfoot2big.png )

Part of an art trade with Bobbibum on the currently-shitrekked FurAffinities
No. 46419 ID: ca4aeb

Locking this thread as it's been a repeated spambot target.
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