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File 132098795961.jpg - (39.28KB , 521x664 , greenmarinenimue.jpg )
8414 No. 8414 ID: 86ff7e
New thread because i want to see a little green marine every time i post.
Expand all images
No. 8415 ID: 86ff7e
File 132098799096.jpg - (61.86KB , 666x857 , derp.jpg )
No. 8416 ID: ad2f92
File 132098960995.jpg - (466.82KB , 1000x1000 , GreenMarine.jpg )
I did a fanrat of you. I may or may not have made a vague attempt to partially rip off your technique.
No. 8420 ID: 997d1f
Green Marine, the genetically enhanced man, The sexually enhanced legend. The only drawfag with a steady supply of epic hips and good tits.
No. 8422 ID: 86ff7e
This is great, oh yes.
No. 8423 ID: 366ca7
Dear the GreenMarine, please draw naked blue ladies.
No. 8434 ID: 2563d4
So THAT's the secret behind his power.
No. 8450 ID: 86ff7e
File 132123440655.png - (360.87KB , 635x769 , derp.png )
No. 8500 ID: 258963
File 132151312979.jpg - (57.37KB , 720x870 , emperor.jpg )
No. 8501 ID: b81b7d
A (female) Tau commander and a Necron overlord celebrating their forbidden love. Passionately.
No. 8502 ID: c9db3c

Praise the Emperor!
No. 8503 ID: 366ca7
Requesting Femperor being sexed up by SoB(s)
No. 8509 ID: c62e25

D'awwww! I Love it.


No. 8520 ID: feab56
Another anon here.
I would like to add that Femperor should get a thorough butt-massage. And no, that is not code for buttsex. Femperor flat on her stomach, a SoB massaging her butt.
No. 8525 ID: caa316
does this count as a thorough butt massage?
No. 8541 ID: feab56
Spanking does not equal butt-massage. That said, I still like the spanking picture.
No. 8549 ID: aebc1f
yep, kroot slapping a tyranid with a hadock make it soo pls
No. 8550 ID: 258963
File 132168951685.jpg - (114.11KB , 1200x1106 , victor.jpg )
Not really a /tg/ request but i felt like sharing this WIP as i am super hyped for a possible new Darkstalkers game.
No. 8552 ID: 7e0d0b
File 132169134540.jpg - (21.34KB , 195x400 , tempest.jpg )
No. 8560 ID: 0f38aa
No. 8571 ID: 659bbc
something involving eldar bonesingers.

bored eldar attempting to teach a tau to bonesing?

SoB cannot into bonesinging?

.... I donno, wraithbone.
No. 8572 ID: 72114f
hur hur hur

but that lacks colors, we need colors
No. 8575 ID: 258963
File 132176534780.gif - (202.35KB , 400x400 , 13686c7d0f561047cdab6b37c097c2f4403e6e68.gif )
B-but...Yoshinori Ono has said multiple times he'd love to make a Darkstalkers game after SF4AE and the first Darkstalkers game is coming to PSN next week, just like MvC2 before they announced MvC3...and don't forget the cryptic Comic-con announcement!

Please don't shit on my precious dreams.
No. 8590 ID: 0f38aa
File 132182615594.jpg - (24.56KB , 304x183 , implying darkstalkers are not dead.jpg )
Found it.
No. 8618 ID: 66d3fc

Obviously, we need a lovely female Eldar Bonesinger to sing a fine wraithboner for some slender young Tau girl.
No. 8894 ID: 6735cb
File 132271529816.jpg - (139.19KB , 1200x1450 , change.jpg )
No. 8897 ID: 453e62
change is good
*steeples fingers*
No. 8922 ID: 6735cb
File 132280151105.jpg - (77.37KB , 801x1088 , herpaderp.jpg )
No. 8926 ID: feab56
Oh... OH! Taldeer! I don't know if you took the wrong room but I will take full advantage of this, if you know what I mean.

No. 8938 ID: 7e2288
File 132285867113.jpg - (50.47KB , 250x250 , her faaaaace.jpg )
-we need to go wider.
-how wide?
No. 8959 ID: ba3ef7
File 132290182964.jpg - (68.12KB , 800x600 , greenmarine.jpg )
I am a mathematical expression.
No. 8968 ID: fd4461
Greenmarine, let's see your take on Tyrannus, a sexy tyranid girl!
No. 8991 ID: ba3ef7
Take on who?
No. 8992 ID: 453e62
the girl in the OP in Fucking Liar's thread.
No. 8996 ID: fd4461
After you've done this, could you please draw a dark Eldar Succubus/Wych/Archeron with long black hair and a scythe?
No. 8997 ID: ba3ef7
File 132296205195.jpg - (308.76KB , 1325x1571 , greenmarine2.jpg )
No. 9001 ID: ba3ef7
File 132296645683.jpg - (301.79KB , 1250x1500 , roll.jpg )
But first have another drawing from my favorite dead franchise.
No. 9002 ID: 0448b9
Easily one of my favorite dead franchises too.
Nice she almost doesn't even look underage!
No. 9020 ID: ba3ef7
File 132303631219.jpg - (155.49KB , 875x1050 , roll.jpg )
I was just about to point out she's a robot, but i think it must be the same argument pedos use when making hardcore porn featuring her.
No. 9021 ID: 0448b9
<:6 Doesn't make a difference either way.
No. 9023 ID: 4689ca
nice to see real clean stuff, will she get a bit of highlights and shading, too?
No. 9027 ID: ad8ad9

You have once said that it usually takes you only around 20 minutes to finish one of your typical drawing. How long did this one take?
No. 9030 ID: ba3ef7
File 132305997719.jpg - (291.78KB , 1250x1500 , roll.jpg )
days. I think my speed obsession may be related to my anxiety, so i've been trying hard to draw super, super slowly these days. This stage
took around 1, almost 2 hours i think.
No. 9044 ID: 5316b2
Looks pretty neat, mang. Don't normally see such refined things from you, so it is interesting to see how this develops.
No. 9052 ID: 4689ca
neat indeed. But somehow, the way you drew her eyes kinda bugs me: maybe the fact that you outlined the lower eyelids makes them look too old.
No. 9056 ID: fb2a83

Damned nice dude.
No. 9058 ID: 0448b9
Yeah the more simple and streamlined the face, the younger it looks.
No. 9063 ID: ba3ef7
File 132314454601.jpg - (416.10KB , 1250x1500 , roll.jpg )
The intention was to keep coloring simple, but in the end one thing led to another.
No. 9107 ID: 8fe206
Oh god, so refined and clean! Something about a cleaned up picture by green marine doesn't seem right.
No. 9110 ID: 1aeeed
File 132323392836.jpg - (61.54KB , 482x362 , 1285606529924.jpg )
No. 9111 ID: 0448b9
The panties is a nice touch.
No. 9120 ID: feab56
File 132332990393.jpg - (143.58KB , 800x533 , -_- 23.jpg )
No. 9131 ID: ba3ef7
File 132341808322.jpg - (171.12KB , 720x750 , bass.jpg )
Have i mentioned my favorite vidya?
No. 9135 ID: feab56
No, what is it?
No. 9154 ID: 0448b9
Is it chess?
No. 9162 ID: f7ec6c
Great and powerful Green One...
I have a commission pin up req: of my girlfriend for my girlfriend related to her favorite viddya game (sort of) . I dunno if you are interested for$5 or $10 bucks? (yup I'm a poorfag) Anyway, if interested at all can you contact me at skullboy@hushmail.com?
No. 9168 ID: ba3ef7
File 132359205958.jpg - (185.70KB , 960x1000 , jessie.jpg )
Call of Duty. And...uh...that other game with the soldiers and the guns.

If i charge you i feel like i have to start charging every single person that comes up with a request, so tell me what you need and maybe i can do something about it.
No. 9174 ID: feab56
Is that Margret Thatcher? =0
No. 9179 ID: 0d7a83
Yes it is, and she's right next to the pokemon character Jess.
No. 9182 ID: de01b0
Oh wow that actually made me laugh out loud, goddamn.
No. 9208 ID: ba3ef7
File 132372165082.jpg - (99.18KB , 625x725 , clown.jpg )
No. 9209 ID: 4d26b2
No. 9225 ID: f7ec6c
it's a pic of my gf in a pin-upish set up as a video game character she's cosplayed as.
(her birthdays next month.)
No. 9248 ID: ba3ef7
File 132383735399.jpg - (106.68KB , 835x704 , jessie.jpg )
Email the details and we work from there.
No. 9324 ID: b91dd3
File 132399708698.jpg - (138.84KB , 780x813 , jessie.jpg )
No. 9325 ID: 9c6e21
Awesome. It really pays off when you put a lot of effort into something, Mr Greenmarine.
No. 9326 ID: 453e62
the word 'EKANS' as said by ekans in the show went through my head when i saw it.
No. 9330 ID: b91dd3
File 132402291981.jpg - (56.40KB , 550x720 , pitarro.jpg )
Not sure if i posted this before
No. 9332 ID: b91dd3
File 132402764071.jpg - (151.33KB , 750x906 , fuckinganatomy.jpg )
Also fucking anatomy, how does it work¿¿¿¿
No. 9335 ID: 1fd313
You should have; that looks intense.
No. 9336 ID: c9e1c5

Where have you been hiding these?!

More clowns!
No. 9337 ID: 140d2a
File 132403928344.jpg - (6.76KB , 148x302 , Led.jpg )
Yo green!

Think you could draw Led here in your style (and perhaps with less clothing, hint hint)?

Thanks in advance
No. 9338 ID: 0448b9
Disregarding all the anatomy errors here that I can't see because I'm worse, it's nice.~
No. 9341 ID: b91dd3
File 132406071123.jpg - (331.54KB , 1200x1250 , jessie.jpg )
This one i've been working on this week.

The clown is kinda old, stuff from a D&D campaign i DMed a while ago.
No. 9343 ID: 9c6e21
Super cool, but I noticed the white 'cutout' is more fuzzy/feathered inside her legs, where it seems more crisp everywhere else.
No. 9348 ID: b91dd3
File 132408938505.jpg - (195.79KB , 900x1088 , jun.jpg )
Stupid unchecked pixel feathering.
No. 9413 ID: b91dd3
File 132426437916.jpg - (163.97KB , 691x870 , sl.jpg )
I like that character but i have no idea where is she from. Can you tell me more about her? (After i flagellate myself for my lack of vidya knowledge)
No. 9414 ID: b91dd3
File 132426445438.jpg - (290.32KB , 691x870 , censormarine.jpg )
This one is for drawthreads.
No. 9440 ID: 40a04c
Can we get a herm version of her?
No. 9446 ID: 84b916
Does greenmarine even DO futa?
I've never seen it.
No. 9448 ID: b91dd3
File 132436468052.jpg - (97.87KB , 659x593 , lasmdasdml.jpg )
Not really.
No. 9451 ID: ec12da
greenie do you draw dudes at all? i'm curious to see what they'd look like in your style.
No. 9453 ID: 947cc0
there is one picture by him where an eldar chick and a tau girl are doing stuff, with attached to it, the same eldar girl sucking a blue cock. Make of this what you want.
No. 9454 ID: 947cc0

now that looks smooth.
No. 9456 ID: feab56
File 132439530994.png - (8.78KB , 504x414 , -_- 201.png )
>Not really.
>mitt ansikte när
No. 9468 ID: 26bcc5
File 132440463189.jpg - (653.34KB , 969x1425 , 1274081455603.jpg )
No. 9473 ID: b91dd3
File 132440904663.jpg - (243.41KB , 960x1054 , Untitled-1.jpg )
I like drawing beautiful bishonen every now and then.
No. 9474 ID: 35ba08

This is like one of those really bad crossovers between red hulk, grey gargoyle and a super sayian.

Damn Green, you can pull off anything.
No. 9481 ID: 0ffd46
a character from guilty gear I belive
No. 9484 ID: a78627
File 132441184670.jpg - (80.48KB , 850x1000 , Namco-x-Capcom-Game-Character-Official-Artwork-Dem.jpg )
ya'll bad at videogames
No. 9485 ID: 35ba08

>Bad at video games
>Namco Bandai
No. 9486 ID: a78627
twas the first picture of Demitri from Darkstalkers I could find that wasn't a billion per billion pixels :CCCCC
No. 9498 ID: bd23fe
Hey Greenie, what do you think about Skullgirls?
No. 9499 ID: b91dd3
Gameplay-wise, it looks like an Arc System Works bastard child, which could be fun. Graphics-wise it looks really, really interesting. The mere amount of work behind it makes it a piece of art, in my opinion. I hope it gets a lot of support after release so in a near future we get to see a sequel without the limitations of an indie studio budget.
No. 9502 ID: 40a04c
If I may make a request? I'd like to see Khornette getting some anal lovin'.
No. 9503 ID: 40a04c
If I may make a request? I'd like to see Khornette getting some anal lovin'.
No. 9504 ID: 40a04c
Shit, didn't mean to double post...
No. 9512 ID: b91dd3
File 132451514165.jpg - (228.60KB , 1186x1227 , wildling.jpg )
No. 9513 ID: feab56
The Hulk smashing Tony 'Iron Man' Stark away with a tank turret.
No. 9515 ID: 9c7c3b
I read that as "Tory" at first, but I didn't really realize anything was wrong because it still works.
No. 9533 ID: 140d2a
She's from a old pc-game called Septerra Core
No. 9535 ID: db2215
I love everything about this. The design, the colors, the lines, everything.
No. 9541 ID: 204897

finally got around to posting some info yesterday via hush (so if you didn't get it then check yer spam-filter)
No. 9654 ID: 57ca40
File 132515088076.jpg - (238.58KB , 1186x1227 , wildling.jpg )
No. 9657 ID: 966ce7

Are you actually playing that ? :(
No. 9659 ID: 57ca40
I was a hardcore WoW player back in the day, so SWTOR was like a natural progression for me.
You know, like a little brain tumor that turns into a massive, disgusting, greasy ball of death.
No. 9662 ID: 966ce7

I was part of the QA division in Bucharest in charge of SWTOR...

All I can say is that, I am still sticking to WoW, been playing it since 2005, we will never get back our vanilla or early Burning Crusade feelings. But we sure as hell will keep all those delicious memories and trinkets.
No. 9669 ID: 57ca40
I enjoyed WoTLK a lot except for the pants on head retarded ending and played casually during Cataclysm due to real life. I'll probably never go back since my friends are on TOR now and considering the Mists trailer looked like a poorly made "pandas lol giv mony plz" cardboard sign.
No. 9672 ID: 966ce7


Killed... Arthas...

WoW ended for me right there.
No. 9783 ID: 6ac55b
Now, for another round of NAEM DAT VIDYA GAEM

Not only his death, but the whole "GG,heroes! Now let me, molten badass bald superman, send the scourge back home and let's never talk about it again"
No. 9784 ID: 6ac55b
File 132561420670.jpg - (208.58KB , 1357x1235 , firefirefire.jpg )
Ah, stupid old me.
No. 9785 ID: fc215b

Seriously now, Kharazan , SSC , TK and Ulduar are the only raids that were fucking amazing. (Not counting the awesome 40-man vanilla ones we're never going to experience ever again...)


I mean... gosh, when this song hit me for the first time...

I miss my dwarf paladin...
No. 9786 ID: 6ac55b
File 132562384801.jpg - (157.34KB , 842x752 , rouge.jpg )
WoW and I are finished. Forever.
No. 9787 ID: fc215b

Tell me , what server you play on SWTOR, maybe it's going to be fun.
No. 9798 ID: 52fe0a

Jade Empire(Online)?(!)
No. 9827 ID: 486d20
>WoW and I are finished. Forever.
Bless you sir, you have seen the light.
No. 9829 ID: 0f14dd
File 132572670545.jpg - (70.16KB , 500x489 , powerstone.jpg )
Sith Wyrm.

>>Jade Empire
Ah, so much potential yet still a mediocre game for Bioware standards. The answer is pic related.

I've been clean for a couple years now. The silly pandas were just the last nails in the coffin.
No. 9837 ID: d7ce01
Hey Greeny, been awhile since I've ventured here, but I've come to make a special request. I need Schlick-tau in front of a wall of CRT monitors, leaning over the back of her chair moaning about the Greater Good.
No. 9845 ID: b7328a

Ouch, I get very bad lag over there, I'm forced to play Europe.

I play on The Shadow Runner , Sith
No. 9852 ID: 784dcc
Not Power Stone 2?
Is the loss of her big combo move too much, or are there other reasons?
No. 9853 ID: 98efb4
File 132579659195.jpg - (166.40KB , 813x837 , jimmy.jpg )
No. 9869 ID: 486d20
No. 9872 ID: 98efb4
File 132583385089.jpg - (140.42KB , 750x870 , child.jpg )
No. 9873 ID: 570abf

No. 9879 ID: 204897
darn cute
No. 9881 ID: 2563d4
Ahaha. I love how the oversized raygun looks so puny.
No. 9925 ID: 98efb4
File 132600508625.jpg - (270.53KB , 900x1088 , kick.jpg )
I don't like how it turned out but spent too much time on it to not finish it.
No. 9926 ID: 98efb4
File 132600515433.jpg - (181.23KB , 679x870 , ashara.jpg )
Also: Fuck SWTOR.
No. 9931 ID: 98efb4
File 132601391197.jpg - (257.56KB , 1250x1450 , darki2.jpg )
No. 9932 ID: 1ad995

I thoroughly love this companion.


YES. It's like you know my secret favorite villains as well.

Are you some kind of wizard?!
No. 9938 ID: 82a03b
No. 9950 ID: 98efb4

Sith Wyrm

She's in both games, i chose the pic randomly.
No. 9964 ID: 98efb4
File 132617011027.jpg - (176.46KB , 750x870 , robotwaifu.jpg )
No. 9965 ID: 1eca8e
I'll take ten.
No. 9968 ID: 49ef0d
No. 10008 ID: 98efb4
File 132631149613.jpg - (104.30KB , 625x725 , mxi.jpg )
No. 10010 ID: 98efb4
File 132631168367.jpg - (416.58KB , 1250x1450 , ocdonotsteal.jpg )
OC for D&D game, do not steal.
No. 10011 ID: 729bc8

I like it very much.
No. 10012 ID: 4cab26

But those bony shapes look sweet, we'd need more of them.

And also a full-figure shot of >>9964, so we can see some hips and legs.
No. 10014 ID: 98efb4
File 132631584691.jpg - (197.52KB , 825x957 , mxi.jpg )
I'll do more boodberry after i'm done with mister imp from the 5th dimension.
No. 10023 ID: 98efb4
File 132633611486.jpg - (137.47KB , 625x725 , mxy.jpg )
No. 10024 ID: 4cab26
once you get it right, it's pretty easy to pronounce.
No. 10025 ID: 6c3da0
You have taught me to truly appreciate vowels.
No. 10026 ID: 4cab26
Does it really matter that much to english-speakers? I mean, isn't English full of pseudo-vowel sounds to make bunches of consonants easy to pronounce?
No. 10027 ID: 6c3da0
In a way, although I'd consider it highly illegitimate.
No. 10040 ID: d8dd29

Oh boy, this is the little 5th? dimension Runt that screwed up Kent's life a bit, and managed to piss off Darkseid so hard he actually blew up half of his dimension with hellspores!

Yes , I'm a nurd.

Although, I fancied him in his green attire, You've managed to capture his trickster essence quite well !
No. 10090 ID: 98efb4
File 132651738917.jpg - (357.35KB , 1031x1196 , notdarthtalon.jpg )
No. 10096 ID: 98efb4
File 132653051426.jpg - (279.31KB , 840x1120 , haha.jpg )
A couple of years in 3 panels.
No. 10097 ID: becb83
File 132653546633.png - (7.74KB , 339x305 , bamumpsquee.png )
c-could it be.... you... you have monster hunter freedom 2!?
No. 10100 ID: 333ddc
You Sir are awesome. I did not want the drawthread to disappear and for you to not understand that you have made my day.
No. 10102 ID: 82a03b
Tigrex is a cunt. Fight Nargacuga he's awesome.
No. 10116 ID: 98efb4
You should travel to the future, friend. We have Monster Hunter Freedom Unite here, it is kinda cool if you completely deny the existence of MHP3rd.

I am happy because you are happy.

Right. He's not exactly the same douche but three times deadlier.
No. 10127 ID: 98efb4
File 132658436852.jpg - (127.49KB , 671x1085 , knightsamus.jpg )
No. 10131 ID: 5e281e
Needs more Samus titties
No. 10159 ID: feab56
Oh snap, She is looking smashing!
Have you happend to make a Super Mario Marine once?
No. 10235 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132685888556.jpg - (114.86KB , 600x725 , korven.jpg )
Happy DnD character.
No. 10239 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132687179021.jpg - (159.25KB , 870x870 , roll.jpg )
No. 10243 ID: 6c5c47
Why would someone build a robot loli with such a body? That makes no sense.

Also, MORE BLOODBERRY for fuck's sake.
No. 10244 ID: 997d1f
Green-marine would make one.
No. 10245 ID: 82a03b
Does that look like a loli to you?
No. 10246 ID: 6c5c47
but isn't she /supposed/ to be a loli robot?
I mean, I'm not familiar with vidya at all, but isn't that an element of her background?
No. 10249 ID: 0d9d4d
It is until I requested him to draw her like that.
No. 10255 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132692215094.jpg - (276.00KB , 725x725 , spacemarione.jpg )
Space Marines do not shoot fireballs from their hands.
No. 10257 ID: def540

Well , actually...

They do, shoot, lightning bulbs that detonate upon impact, scorching ground... Setting people on fire...

I Lol'd , funny concept
No. 10258 ID: ed57e8
he has a artifact flamer gauntlet.
No. 10268 ID: feab56
File 132695104575.png - (150.63KB , 750x485 , Reaction 265.png )
Like a BAWS!
Thanks gm!
No. 10275 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132699454159.jpg - (40.10KB , 480x580 , chicharito2.jpg )
And now for something work related.
No. 10292 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132703591895.jpg - (130.53KB , 625x725 , derpsaint.jpg )
No. 10293 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132704756509.jpg - (149.35KB , 793x1450 , prince.jpg )
I knew you first worlders would not be familiar with mexican rising sports superstar.

Also more DnD silliness
No. 10323 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132713159716.jpg - (106.32KB , 600x725 , empress.jpg )
No. 10329 ID: 997d1f
I liked the previous more exotic installment.
No. 10345 ID: 4fa8ce
Me too but i was a bit drunk and too lazy to look it up for reference.
No. 10351 ID: ba05c0
Re-requesting this!
No. 10364 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132718473876.jpg - (104.03KB , 625x725 , solaire.jpg )
No. 10365 ID: 5d9a7c
that's Khorne we're dealing with; that would be some anal HATE.
No. 10366 ID: 7d0453

If Khorne is doin the assrape then, RAGE and frothy mouth foam all over.
No. 10367 ID: 5e281e
Suggesting a Sororitas kneeling down before the Femperor and noming.
No. 10368 ID: 7d0453

No. 10370 ID: feab56
File 132719321381.jpg - (20.53KB , 223x298 , -_- 9.jpg )
No. 10439 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132734735188.png - (298.01KB , 625x725 , day6.png )

Meanwhile, something stupid.
No. 10442 ID: 997d1f
So after jesus died on the cross, he was found by Geralt and made a witcher.
No. 10443 ID: 4c2340
No. 10448 ID: 4fa8ce
It's not just Jesus, it's Martian Jesus from a book called Caballo de Troya.
No. 10461 ID: 24ce40
>Bitches, ganja, and dubstep
Sounds like a sick-ass party. I'm in.
No. 10483 ID: b5a463
File 132744585904.png - (112.69KB , 780x975 , Green.png )
Greenmarine, is this yours?

I found it in a dusty old hard-drive.
No. 10484 ID: 5d9a7c
>is this yours?

No. 10488 ID: b5a463


sorry for asking a completely normal question at 4 AM in the morning,and considering my eyesight is fucked up requiring LASIK surgery.
No. 10489 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132744995317.jpg - (186.05KB , 600x725 , day8.jpg )
Still on maximum weaboo nostalgia mode.

Also i made a DA.
It's kinda empty, but yeah.
No. 10494 ID: ed8afa
No. 10495 ID: 0509dd
File 132746057637.jpg - (39.70KB , 600x376 , shut_up_and_take_my_money.jpg )
>Lina Inverse
No. 10496 ID: b2c639
No. 10498 ID: 6ab3ee
And yes. Have a tortilla. <3
No. 10499 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132747447935.jpg - (90.95KB , 471x722 , min.jpg )
No. 10533 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132756595267.jpg - (257.33KB , 938x1088 , heimdallvakirauta.jpg )
Moar D&D
No. 10593 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132773589759.jpg - (142.13KB , 625x725 , lupin.jpg )
I visited /co/ today. Apparently half of their population are drawfags.
No. 10595 ID: 834a36
How many turds did they throw at you? I heard it's considered a proper course of action with drawfags, there.
No. 10596 ID: 4fa8ce
I think it was "polite night" or something
No. 10599 ID: b6dba0
Techno feel sad out of his hugbox?
No. 10600 ID: 01b03f
you are mistaken; the only time I went there, I didn't even have the time to be insulted, I'm simply pointing out that most drawfags have rather bad memories of /co/.

And whether /tg/ or tgchan turn into hugboxes or not does not depend upon me, on the very contrary.

But that's enough;
I cannot conceive that GM drew only one picture there, seeing how many requests those threads on /co/ produce.
No. 10601 ID: 4fa8ce
I did three or four, actually, but the one with Lupin and Black Cat was particularly fun.
No. 10607 ID: 4fa8ce
File 132786643914.jpg - (158.28KB , 625x725 , wr2.jpg )
Eat powershot, direfags.
No. 10608 ID: a374ee


I've clipped your wings plenty and took your wishbones.

No. 10633 ID: fdaf26
File 132798814662.jpg - (114.50KB , 675x783 , kara.jpg )
>>Implying babby's first hero is superior to my leggy redhead.


WIP of an NPC from my D&D game who may or may not be just a viking werewolf fantasy version of Power Girl.
No. 10636 ID: 90a923
No. 10637 ID: 0a1dbb
the ubrasmansher had slain santa on her way to take down the vikings in the west.
No. 10645 ID: 73f44f

No, but he definately has a fucking awesome voice actor.

Also he kind of starts to rape everything once you get armlet and daedalus on...
No. 10680 ID: 5e281e
Boobwindow, yaaaay
No. 10681 ID: 5b0d85
>Implying a werewolf fantasy-genre version of power girl is a bad thing
No. 10691 ID: 8b1345
File 132821108491.jpg - (112.34KB , 600x725 , kara2.jpg )
It's not there on purpose. Really.

>>Implying i would ever imply it is bad
No. 10692 ID: 36ca65
File 132822176553.png - (434.89KB , 1286x689 , humble character art request.png )
You fine sir, I very much like your style and humbly request that you draw my character for a campaign I'm in. No need for colour if you find the time to do it at all that would be much appreciated.
No. 10693 ID: 36ca65

Greenfag to be clear.
No. 10695 ID: 8b1345
Does she have accessories or weapons? Or do you want her just looking hot?
No. 10696 ID: 36ca65

She fights with a one handed Mace with a star motif and a holy symbol of Desna in her other hand. Her armour doesn't have pronounced pauldron's but has an ornate mantle/backgear that supports two banners splayed as if they were butterfly wings that goes down to the nap of her back and up above her head. If you are going for an pose holding the holy symbol up with the mace arm down is more natural for her. Her lower lip has a darker lip stick shade than her upper lip with a line that goes do her chin and neck.
No. 10697 ID: 36ca65

even if it is an action pose very of her breasts shouldn't be obstructed. :3
No. 10707 ID: 8b1345
File 132830925905.jpg - (189.37KB , 616x870 , kara2.jpg )
No. 10708 ID: 82a03b
You are a wonderful person.
No. 10775 ID: 2e9fd1
File 132859364146.jpg - (113.55KB , 625x750 , rapey.jpg )
My d&d game is the best.
No. 10815 ID: fd4461
We need more tits and sex here!
No. 10835 ID: a388a6
File 132883265437.png - (10.98KB , 500x500 , dawww.png )
Those are the sweetest words i've read in a while. Start throwing suggestions and requests.
No. 10837 ID: 36ca65
Hey greenfag, I was wondering if you were going to get to my request. Your response was kind of ambiguous.
No. 10838 ID: 36ca65

If you don't have the time I'm fine with that, I'd just like a straight yes or no.
No. 10839 ID: a388a6
I'll do it, desperate anxiouspants.I just happen to have a bad case of the Soulcalibur, so i apologize.
No. 10843 ID: 9130c6
Martial artist versus googirl.
Currently, a hand or foot is stuck somewhere suggestive.
Both have just realised this, to either arousal or shock.
No. 10855 ID: fd4461
Emeraldsoldier, I call your attention to these posts!

No. 10878 ID: 82a03b
Hey, hey assholes. These are REQUESTS. Stop being so pushy, greenmarine don't owe you shit.
No. 10885 ID: 36ca65

I saved his life by going back in time when he was killed by Libyan nationalists when he used their plutonium to make a time machine.
No. 10908 ID: 6e3788
Yet another desperate requester here.

Running a paranormal WWII campaign, I'd love to get a pic for the vampire female Nazi BBEG. Naturally being a she-Nazi, she's dressed in a tight-fitting back leather uniform with high heeled boots. The main thing is her face: she's totally evil and considers vampires the real master race. Preferably she's grinning evilly while showing off her fangs. You're great with expressions.

If you get around to it, I'll name my firstborn child after you.
No. 10918 ID: dda60b
File 132911087688.jpg - (101.56KB , 600x725 , whyamisobaldWIP.jpg )
Sorry, sorry, just coming out of a terrible "bad art week, sweet ass video game week". I'll get to work on these.
No. 10926 ID: feab56
What vidya have taken your attention away from me-, us?
No. 10930 ID: dda60b
File 132917480921.jpg - (125.57KB , 675x816 , whyamisobaldWIP.jpg )
Soul Calibur V and TERA online beta.

I swear i will never draw scale mail again.
No. 10931 ID: 1edec0

TERA online is a massive dissapointment, shitty rehashed priorities, a WoW clone, with no endgame and new , unbalanced combat.

Will never be an ESPORT.

Soul Calibur is nice.
No. 10933 ID: dda60b
It still is the prettiest MMO i've played and i've played a lot. Also korea seems to hate putting pants on girls, which is something i approve.

>>a WoW clone
That's Rifts, Allods and even SWTOR. TERA is more like a friendly, dumbed down Monster Hunter. (At least what i've played so far)
No. 10940 ID: dda60b
File 132920366023.jpg - (129.35KB , 720x870 , tautau.jpg )
No. 10944 ID: f94db9

I've played a castanic whore to level 20 , and a little popori thingy to something somewhat, I can't enjoy it for some reason. Call me nostalgic but WoW is better. And I can't even bring myself to play that.

I'm putting my money on Diablo 3 and Blizzard North's TITAN project.
No. 10958 ID: dda60b
File 132924836744.jpg - (102.69KB , 625x725 , Originalhomebrewdonotsteal.jpg )
Maybe you're not a big fan of hack and slash in general? Most of my console games are either that or fighting games, so i kinda felt at home when playing TERA.

And i agree, despite the trolling and hate, WoW is good, even after shifting to a more casual gameplay. (We do agree that Mists has stupid design decisions, right? Do you think Activision has anything to do?) The thing is that it's considered the top MMO not only for being good, but also for the lack of real competition. D3 looks and plays awesome so far, but i do really hope they step up their game with that TITAN thing. They should also stop crying and face the fact that Blizz Dota is going to get destroyed by DOTA 2.

Also taking a break from fucking scalemail. (Sorry, crazy desperate bald fetish guy).
No. 10963 ID: f94db9

Oh I like hack and slashes, and general grind fests! I mean, I've played diablo 2 for 4 years straight... Baal Runs all day erry day!

The only games I played on consoles are Dark Souls , Dante's Inferno and Devil May Cry things. I don't have too much experience but I do believe they are similar to TERA.

Yes, Activision definately has their hands on MISTS, although it MIGHT be a good decision, wanting to get back into the ESPORTS domain, it also might just be a major flop. It's a risk they are going to have to take.

I've mentioned Blizzard North. They are separate from Activision, so Titan and Diablo 3 are high stakes.

DOTA 2 is amazing. Gabe Newell is amazing. And good riddance to that annoying piece of shit HoN.
No. 10967 ID: 333ddc
Please sir, can you draw sexy Castenic girl in leopard print lingerie? I am sure she thinks it is more than enough to go adventuring in.

There is actually a cloth armor for the Castenics that is leopard print thigh-highs, and thong, with a little lace Chemise for the top.
No. 10968 ID: f94db9


I'd like to see one in your style Green, lol. +1 or whatever
No. 10972 ID: 333ddc
File 132925079186.png - (5.13MB , 1024x1024 , gallery_24_4_3148993.png )
Yes, castanic.
I can't spell things the spell checker can't spell most of the time.
No. 10979 ID: dda60b

Man, i love this game.
No. 10995 ID: 1854db
Is that a skyrim model, or just CG with a skyrim backdrop?

Also holy shit that is some terrible compression. All that graininess and still over 5 mb.
No. 10998 ID: 1444d5
Grain takes a surprisingly high amount of bitrate to encode correctly (i.e. it is almost incompressible). Grainy images either need large filesizes, or a drop in quality as you smooth out high frequency detail in order to remove the grain. This applies to video too, which is why films recorded on actual film look rubbish at lower bitrates.
No. 10999 ID: 94ed3e
It's a 48-bit color PNG. It's a lossless format with twice as much color depth as you would need for displaying on a computer. The source is where the graininess is from, using 48-bit PNG instead of 24-bit for no real reason is why it is 5.13MB.
No. 11016 ID: dda60b
File 132934381007.jpg - (101.90KB , 625x725 , Originalhomebrewdonotsteal.jpg )
>>a skyrim model

You almost sent me on an extremely violent killing spree :(
No. 11017 ID: feab56
Wow, a really nice, polished piece you got there son
No. 11033 ID: 0be00c
Haha, "polished piece", what a pun!

You are terrible. I mean that in literal sense.
No. 11034 ID: feab56
I am comparing this to the quality he does in request drawthreads on /tg/.
No. 11035 ID: 34fcc7
File 132940253649.gif - (2.51MB , 375x471 , haters_gonna_hate_by_genshihebi-d36bgfk.gif )
No. 11043 ID: dda60b
File 132941683495.jpg - (132.70KB , 625x691 , chispahombre.jpg )
Today is a silly day.
No. 11050 ID: 36ca65

Silly? Robots Even? How about drawing a Warforged Paladin who looks like Mazinkaizer?
No. 11052 ID: ec12da

Dude, do you have SCV on PS3? Been looking for more people to practice with.
No. 11093 ID: dda60b
Yeah, but playing online has been a bit of a problem due to shitty mexican internet connection.
No. 11161 ID: 6641cb
File 132981469780.jpg - (295.40KB , 1013x1224 , baldie.jpg )
There. Kinda rushed in the end, but i think it came out ok.
No. 11164 ID: 8d31d6

No. 11168 ID: 6641cb
Now that i finally managed to stop laughing and can now type i must tell you that i've been away from dota lately. I've been playing Super Monday Night Combat. I will surely die from all the rage it produces, both in me and other people.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb2eWSzzPI8 Not related at all but still awesome.
No. 11169 ID: 8d31d6

You would not believe how much rage can one induce in fighting games, take SSF4 with Juri Han for example.
No. 11170 ID: feab56
>Hoppa hagen
>Multipla örfilar
What kind of sound effects is that? And why are they in swedish? I can't remember I've seen this show here.
No. 11171 ID: 36ca65

Awesome! Thanks Bro
No. 11172 ID: 6641cb
File 132985717035.jpg - (225.66KB , 791x600 , myhero.jpg )
No. 11174 ID: feab56
File 132985991074.jpg - (54.30KB , 594x414 , Hund 29.jpg )
No. 11175 ID: 8d31d6

No. 11193 ID: 6641cb
File 132989589269.jpg - (125.77KB , 750x870 , nid.jpg )
>>Tyrannus, a sexy tyranid girl

I'll pretend i know what you mean and also how tyranids work and blablabla
No. 11195 ID: feab56
It's Fucking Liars OC, Tyrannus of Hive Fleet Siren iirc

No. 11216 ID: d5ee6f
Some Cultist for old times sake?
No. 11217 ID: b82468
without creepy-ass crazy eyes, if possible
No. 11226 ID: 6641cb
No promises. Maybe something easier? Maybe something crazier? Maybe something stupider?
No. 11227 ID: 66d64f

Windrunner and Traxex making out.
No. 11244 ID: 333ddc
File 133009163112.png - (5.17MB , 1024x1024 , gallery_24_4_3657101.png )
So you going to be back on the Tera beta tomorrow?
No. 11251 ID: bbe2ea
You bet, mister.
No. 11310 ID: d6afba
File 133039958111.jpg - (156.48KB , 750x870 , derpo.jpg )
No. 11311 ID: 086ce0
Is this a thread we can make requests in?

I know greenmarine is a master at drawing hot chicks, and I had an idea that might tickle your fancy.
No. 11312 ID: d6afba
File 133041573323.jpg - (45.55KB , 400x640 , simplemarine.jpg )
No, you can't. YOU MUST
No. 11313 ID: 275917
Then two reubens and an iced tea, if you would.
No. 11314 ID: feab56
File 133041948033.jpg - (50.31KB , 400x533 , It\'s a must.jpg )
No. 11316 ID: c71597
Mmmm, delicious must.
No. 11318 ID: fd4461
Tastes just like chicken. Sexy chicken.
No. 11319 ID: fd99bd
could you post a non-censored version of the blue dragonborn you did in a drawthread in /tg/ recently?
No. 11320 ID: d6afba
File 133045273121.jpg - (34.87KB , 400x284 , haha_estoy_usando_el_internet.jpg )
Your refined, first world humor escapes me.

No, because i accidentally the image. Which kinda means i have to draw it again, but better.
No. 11321 ID: fd99bd

.... I appericate that.... in advance.
No. 11322 ID: feab56
File 133045590403.jpg - (8.43KB , 184x184 , I found this humerus.jpg )
Nothing really humerus. You wrote MUST with capital letters and all, and must is a holiday beverage in grorious swiden.
This gentleman
apparantly agrees.
So much for humor.
No. 11323 ID: c06d14
File 133045970035.png - (219.67KB , 720x304 , vlcsnap-2012-02-26-22h18m34s78.png )
The fuck is going on here?
No. 11324 ID: 086ce0

Well OK, good sir, if you insist:

I'd like to request a tall, amazonian woman(Broad, proud,a reasonably sized rack but also the strength to support it and maybe be intimidating) with elfin or fey-like facial features(eyes, high cheek bones, rounded face) attractive woman in a cocktail dress(leg slit?), checking the time on a futuretech-of-the-80's almost Omnitool forearm computer. Hair probably down by the shoulders.

So, basically: Cute Amazon Conwoman Wondering Why Her Date/Mark Is Late. Possibly a sultry/annoyed pose or expression.

I love the way you draw women, greenmarine. They're like, actually reasonably proportioned, not to mention gorgeous. I figure if anyone can actaully draw a classy seductress well, its you.
Please and thank you.
No. 11326 ID: feab56
File 133046655856.jpg - (61.25KB , 331x319 , -_- 89.jpg )
>reasonably proportioned
But in all seriousness, I don't complain.
Beverages! Come to sweden, I'll get you some delicious must.
No. 11327 ID: 086ce0

Yeah okay I may have not properly elaborated about 'reasonable proportions.'

Some of my other friends are artists, and like, drawing of people with tiny-ass liefeld spines, or poses that makes you think 'the skeleton doesn't work that way', or things like one leg being way longer than the other due to the stance or an angle - or those deviant art artists that all draw the SAME FACE for everything.

Greenmarine draws people that look like PEOPLE, not caricatures.
They also happen to be very, very sexy people.
I'm not complaining either :)
No. 11328 ID: c06d14

I'm gonna be in Finland this summer , that's close...
No. 11332 ID: d6afba
Only if you promise not to kill yourself.
No. 11333 ID: d6afba
File 133049715826.jpg - (209.18KB , 813x943 , disregardanatomy.jpg )
Disregard anatomy, acquire dragonborn.
No. 11334 ID: feab56
Hey, why should I kil-
Ok, I just read up on it. Ranked #30 in sucide rates per 100.000 citizens and urban legends. Curse you the Earl of Arran and Time magazine!
No. 11337 ID: fd99bd


clearly, a slang term for dragonborn is now dragonbutts.

.... tanks GM.
No. 11344 ID: c79d29

heh, snake tits.
No. 11349 ID: f2f9e8
File 133062945970.jpg - (60.62KB , 468x665 , do you catan.jpg )
A mesmerizing and momentous Necron lord holding a shiny C'tan Shard girl on leash.
No. 11350 ID: 2867e9
File 133063215503.jpg - (2.67MB , 2894x3776 , Styleguidemaster.jpg )
Greenmarine. Favor me with the glory of your works, I beg of thee.

Grant unto me the gift of robot concept art.

If you're more in the mood for tits, though, I could do with a Trip-esque post-apocalyptic techie girl, a wrench-wench with a robot bodyguard she repairs herself. make her round-faced and busty.
No. 11354 ID: feab56
Hory sheet, dat Muju art
No. 11549 ID: c03136
Macha pooping gems.
No. 11550 ID: c03136
Mecha Macha
No. 11583 ID: cf7bf4
File 133131817701.jpg - (138.24KB , 557x942 , silicontitaniumalloy.jpg )
No. 11585 ID: 45205d


There there... Hepler won't be touching anything else...
No. 11586 ID: f7a311

No. 11587 ID: 784dcc
What ARE you talking about now?
No. 11588 ID: 45205d

ME3, shitty rehash , budget cuts.
No. 11589 ID: f7a311
robot girls
No. 11590 ID: cf7bf4
Oh, no. Except for minor stuff, the game is fucking awesome UNTIL THE FUCKING ENDING WHY WHWHWYWHWHWY
No. 11591 ID: 95c07b
No. 11595 ID: 45205d

Trust me, the whole dev team was all like "How do we make this NOT look like Deus Ex / Guren Lagann?
No. 11596 ID: 4183c9
Personally I believe the devs were just doing the Chacarron instead of making the game.

I also believe that this thread has a critical shortage of tits.
No. 11599 ID: 45205d

Blame Bioware for shitty writing, EA devs were just told to do shit.
No. 11602 ID: 4183c9
>implying EA's MO isn't doing the Chacarron 24/7 instead of making rational business decisions
No. 11603 ID: 45205d

Well, I can only account for the QA and DEV Romanian Division in Bucharest.

I do agree on the whole EA is the cancer bullshit, I hate Origin with every fiber of my being.
No. 11632 ID: b7cc07
Allow me to share one of the many cultural beacons of my enlightened nation.

No. 11633 ID: f33e12
File 133141688653.gif - (1.70MB , 384x192 , fvutk.gif )
No. 11653 ID: c592e8
No. 11675 ID: 9886c8
Oh in that case!

The Femperor lay out over her lavish golden thrown your Green self before her ether with easel and paints or a computer and tablet. The Femperor is saying "Draw me like one of your Chaos girls" or other relevant phrase.
I just want to see what you do with this idea!
No. 11683 ID: feab56
I wanted femshep to retire with Liara to a tropical beach where they could raise little blue children ;_;

greenmarine, I request that you draw femshep (default look) and Liara on a beach with little blue children running around. Or if you don't like drawing kids, have Liara hug F!Shep when she is sitting on her knees with her armor battered and destroyed (like in the ending). Shepard can either be mentally exhausted and crying and holding her hand over her face, or answering the hug.
No. 11687 ID: e48c72
That reminds me: you should totally draw that krogan/asari couple together, watching all their little blue girls run around head-butting eachother.
No. 11689 ID: feab56
Do you mean the poetry krogan?
No. 11706 ID: b7cc07
File 133178982601.jpg - (110.92KB , 813x943 , ddbr.jpg )
Poetry krogan is like, triple dead :(
No. 11708 ID: feab56
I was about to say. Damnit, so many awesome characters are dead... and so many characters from ME2 you cant have on your ship (I understand the reasons though). I think I'm the only one who liked Zaeed.
No. 11709 ID: 1ace6e
I like that
No. 11713 ID: 36ca65
File 133182296874.jpg - (46.30KB , 480x360 , 1274286132449.jpg )
Hey Greenmarine, draw a busty female dwarf warrior based off of Sara Jay :3
No. 11714 ID: 3894d2
Who? Is that a SFxT character?
No. 11715 ID: 36ca65
File 133182955554.jpg - (281.50KB , 1024x1024 , sara-jay.jpg )

A stocky porn actress with a bit of a horse face sometimes held up as the example of what an attractive dorf woman would look like.
No. 11716 ID: 59a00d
Yeah, I meant poetry krogan. I just had the hilarious mental image of an asari child being sent to krogan pre-school or something.

Bully: "Hey blue kid. Why are you blue?"

he's dead? Damn it.
No. 11722 ID: b7cc07
File 133187767613.jpg - (89.79KB , 600x696 , babby.jpg )
You discover his corpse when looking for Grunt. Rahcni killed his ass. You end up delivering his last poem to his wife.

"Krogan is red
my waifu is blue
I want to go back home
but Rachni queen says FUCK YOU"

Add the super amazing ending, and he can't be any deader.
No. 11731 ID: c17c06
Then where is her beard?
No. 11740 ID: e6996a
File 133196098506.jpg - (134.47KB , 625x725 , dorflass.jpg )
Dunno, i think she's really ugly so i went and drew a cute dwarf girl for you.
No. 11768 ID: 2aca7c

Great work.

As an aside: I've dated a two chubby girls one was totally happy with me kinda fetishizing some of their physical characteristics and the other was not. Anyone here know which is more common?
No. 11769 ID: 685abb
I think it depends. I dated one who i told every single day how much i loved to shove my face between her boobs and received no complaints.
No. 11770 ID: 2aca7c
File 133201784997.png - (107.96KB , 749x325 , riker.png )
Greenbro, I have a none sexualized request (gasp!)
Feel free to think its a weird request and reject it but it would be totally awesome. Its a GURPs character I'm playing.

The easiest way to describe it is William T. Riker (beard version) wearing mass effect looking medium armour with <pictured> insignia on the chest holding <pictured> gun.

If at all possible generic green alien babe doing the princess leia laying on a hill holding his leg thing but if doing that would comprimize the detail on Riker then don't do that part.
No. 11786 ID: 2c2c4b
It really is the best feeling in the world, isn't it?
No. 11868 ID: 6a0bce
File 133261615946.jpg - (215.42KB , 1200x1157 , abouttoruinyourshit.jpg )
No. 11869 ID: feab56
Hey, I was wondering where you were hiding
No. 11881 ID: 7bbf92
Zaeed was great, I'm disappointed he got so few lines. Dude totally repaired his Uber Avenger too. Poor Reapers got raped so hard.

The alternate ending DLC should be about how Zaeed saved the day when Shepard fucked up and forgot he could just roll away from Reaper lasers.

No. 11886 ID: 6a0bce
File 133271140020.jpg - (142.91KB , 720x694 , malegnome.jpg )
I hated that guy. He was too cool and edgy for my galactic peace loving bunny homeboys.
No. 11887 ID: feab56
Zaeed needs his own game, Mercs in Spess! Killing Batarians, stomping Salarians and being an uncompromising hardass. I'm a moralfag, but I would go lower left all day erry day with him.
Don't be a fag! As I wrote above, I'm a moralfag, but Zaeed got the best stories and is probably the best survivor of all companions in all three games. Maybe only beaten by Jack, that bitch sure have had it rough (lurved her cameo).
No. 11889 ID: 6a0bce
Jack was my Shepard's LI on my ME2 playthrough. Her I HAVE ISSUES thing made me forget about my blueberry waifu. Sadly, she only shows up for a "cameo" on ME3. It was awesome, but way too fucking short.

It almost made me rage as hard as the one with Samara.
No. 11891 ID: 7bbf92
I liked how his loyalty mission painted him as a "get the job done at any cost" kind of guy. Just immediately goes "No fuck that you aren't getting away." And then there was the ParaShep route of saying "Bitch, this is my galaxy, and we PROTECT AND SERVE. SPACECOPS"

>Renegade Zaeed: Shoot Batarian in both knees.
>Paragon Zaeed: Shoot Batarian in one knee.
No. 11894 ID: 36ca65

>The alternate ending DLC should be about how Zaeed saved the day when Shepard fucked up and forgot he could just roll away from Reaper lasers.

Made my day
No. 11904 ID: feab56
File 133280197468.jpg - (53.80KB , 599x449 , Nigga 1.jpg )
>Renegade Zaeed: Shoot Batarian in both knees.
>Paragon Zaeed: Shoot Batarian in one knee.
>pic related
I think I did her (hurr hurr) LI path one playthrough. It was a bit too much "saving by lawful hot dickings" for my taste, though the character was fine. I like it when there are some hardasses that doesn't outright agree with everything you do from the start. You know, characters with characters.
No. 11909 ID: 6beaae
Zaeed: Just like your real abusive father, except with actual marketable job skills.
No. 11947 ID: 87c4bd
File 133300028736.jpg - (132.24KB , 750x870 , gnomefemale.jpg )
You funny individuals almost made me change my mind about Zaeed. Almost.
No. 11951 ID: feab56
Hey greenmarine, this made me think of you for some reason
No. 11964 ID: 833a9e
Saw that a while ago and cried like a little bitch. Then, i fapped.
No. 11967 ID: 833a9e
File 133308026567.jpg - (162.93KB , 857x659 , gnomes.jpg )
I had porn to draw but forgot about it. Point me in the direction of the nearest obscene request.
No. 11969 ID: feab56
Can this line have something to do with it?
"and I am entierly at your disposal as a sexual partner"
Every time I hear it I go: "wtf?", but then all my cry.

Smut request? Two asari, one hanar.
No. 11971 ID: d5ee6f
Draw http://tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/src/133210347490.png hardcore tentacle monster on tentacle girl action
No. 11977 ID: b85f8c
That's dumb in a lot of ways. Mostly the fact that any AI sophisticated enough to even potentially result in something that passes the turing test would have laws like, pre-passed to protect them before they could be mass-produced.

Also the value of an AI that starts thinking for itself like that is way beyond measure; any company would want to preserve and replicate it, not treat it as a defective model. It's just a cheap attempt to tug at the heartstrings of those viewing it. The voiceacting was pretty corny too.

Oh and the robot was moving around while being operated on? That's probably not going to work in a real assembly process.

Great animation though.
No. 11984 ID: 3894d2
Not really. Maybe because Valorie Curry is the prettiest woman EVER.

Your face is dumb!
No. 11985 ID: feab56
File 133313652652.jpg - (17.81KB , 325x251 , -_- 120.jpg )
Who is sh-
Holy shit-balls! I'm in love!
No. 11987 ID: 1444d5
My thoughts exactly. What blithering retard thought it would be a good idea to run a diagnostic before the thing is even finished being built? And attaching structural components by shooting a laser at the skin? Is this the 1990s?
No. 11998 ID: 833a9e
File 133316615994.png - (159.26KB , 1250x1499 , vigoorianrape.png )
I really wish i could draw more porn but most of my super fun happy drawing moments lately happen during lunch time, with my creepy weaboo girl boss breathing heavily over my shoulder.
No. 12001 ID: a7d5a8
Offer to draw her fursona if she gives you a raise.
No. 12004 ID: c592e8
Part Catgirl, part Ibuki She's the ultimate slut known to date.
No. 12006 ID: feab56
File 133318537870.png - (350.16KB , 461x424 , -_- 74.png )
Am I the only one trying to get a glimpse inside Ibukis pants every time I see her in that outfit?
>dat comic
No. 12015 ID: 48ddb7
Draw Krobellus the Death Prophet being sexy.
No. 12026 ID: 833a9e
She's also part Ninja Gaiden. Can't you see the most practical, ninajest weapon ever?

Answer: No. Everyone does that.
No. 12027 ID: 023799
File 133325910952.jpg - (144.21KB , 600x709 , chunners.jpg )
Another pathetic supplicant seeking the greenmarine's favor, here.
Could I get a female Monk I'm currently playing in a Pathfinder game? Think Chun-Li in her SFIV alternate outfit, only instead of oxhorns, she has a hairbun. Basically a very busty (like that lovely red Togruta you drew) Chinese woman with a toned (about as much as she is in Street Fighter IV, maybe a bit more so) physique and muscular thunder thighs. Same sort of outfit, although backless (I forget if it's backless in game) and with the loincloth bit being only knee-length or even a bit shorter. Some kind of kung-fu stance pose would be awesome. As the thunder-thighs imply, she's a kicky rather than punchy Monk.
Pic related.
Thanks either way, Marine of Green. I love your style.
No. 12087 ID: 86d264
You're lookin' a lot cleaner lately, GM.
No. 12091 ID: cadd24
File 133356496491.png - (858.54KB , 1200x1400 , personajes.png )
Thanks (?). I've been trying to spend a lot more time on lineart.

I'll do it.

Now, this is what i get paid to do at my current job, among other design things.
No. 12092 ID: cadd24
File 133356875256.png - (134.33KB , 600x700 , shemonk.png )
“Fuck the police, i will draw this during lunch time”
“Uh…something for…a friend” (Obvious lie, but I couldn’t just say “random internet pervert)
“Oh, so you draw things for your friends but not for me!”
Awkward silence.
“Oh, and you remain silent too! That’s cute!”

Thanks for getting me fired, you fucker.
No. 12094 ID: ded807
Please tell me you're joking ;_;
No. 12095 ID: cadd24
Only about being fired. My boss is super awkward all the time.
No. 12098 ID: fef500

guh, thank Tzeentch.
No. 12100 ID: aa706a
Whoa, that's looking fantastic so far! Thanks! Sorry about the boss.
No. 12101 ID: feab56
File 133357682630.jpg - (73.29KB , 264x599 , WTF am I reading 6.jpg )
>“Oh, so you draw things for your friends but not for me!”
>draw for friends but not your boss
>implying she, the boss, is equal to or more important than your friends
No. 12102 ID: 690390
Well, bosses are generally tied directly to a person's income, and thus are worth appeasing. Also it sounds like she kind of wishes he was her friend.
No. 12105 ID: b85f8c
If you actually got fired for something like that I think you can complain about y'know, getting fired for no good reason.

Talk to either the department of labor, the company's HR department, or just your boss's superior. I think that's in reverse order.
No. 12106 ID: fa23e1
Do you invite your boss over to play video games, have beers, pick up chicks, or any other sort of random friend activities?

If yes good for you, for the vast majority of us it's awkward enough meeting your boss while shopping. Now to have a boss want to force or even imply they want to do "friendly" activities would be a nightmare and generally very unprofessional on their part.
No. 12113 ID: 1444d5
"I do draw things for you. And then you pay me."
No. 12118 ID: feab56
Sure, but you missed my point (intentionally or otherwise). But I think you understand what I really mean.
No. 12129 ID: 32f8c6
File 133365362370.jpg - (238.82KB , 813x943 , dorfi.jpg )
No. 12176 ID: 04803b
I tried picturing a Dwarvish woman chugging a tankard of ale while it dribbles down into her cleavage, but then I realized that a Dwarf wouldn't waste a single drop. :(
No. 12177 ID: 4f0697
Clearly the answer is dorf lesbian foreplay.
No. 12192 ID: 696d2b
That is why you would have another dwarf at the bottom of her cleavage drinking what ever happened to spill from between her cleavage.
No. 12213 ID: 4c1918
Greenmarine, you should totally draw porns of Bree Three-Hands, from the D&D comic. I've looked everywhere, and can find none. It seems such a waste of the best character in the comic.

She'd probably be riding some guy's dick with a dagger pressed to his throat, knowing her, but any kind of Bree rule 34 would be tremendous.
No. 12226 ID: 5b48d7
if this is true I'll post it on rule 34 when it's done.
No. 12258 ID: 32f8c6
File 133420221754.jpg - (629.92KB , 1250x1450 , vero.jpg )
Putting it on the will do list.
No. 12259 ID: 4c1918
>Putting it on the will do list.
No. 12316 ID: feab56
Is boss lady getting you down? I want moars of your arts!
No. 12324 ID: 32f8c6
File 133443431613.jpg - (290.74KB , 780x910 , shemonk.jpg )

She's not a bad boss. She's just a bit too much of a creepy mouthbreather sometimes, but in work related terms she's kinda cool.

Also, here's this for
No. 12326 ID: 7d4c78

>creepy mouthbreather

No. 12328 ID: 32f8c6
File 133443919121.jpg - (117.63KB , 640x480 , needanotheremp.jpg )
No. 12330 ID: feab56
File 133444052592.jpg - (456.73KB , 1280x720 , Bionic Commando 3.jpg )
The Bionic Commando, but as an ork, and his arm is a power klaw attached to a cable wire and the klaw is fired away by crude pistons. He may or may not have an red or orange squig chomped down over his head as his 'hair'.
No. 12333 ID: 023799
Okay, that is perfect. Thanks so much!
No. 12334 ID: 32f8c6
File 133445151579.jpg - (320.21KB , 1000x1250 , breethreehands.jpg )
No. 12338 ID: 4c1918
Holy shit. Dat everything.
No. 12339 ID: 1ace6e
i-its beautiful
No. 12340 ID: 4195cb
You are my hero, Greenmarine.
No. 12342 ID: 4c1918
This must be finished and coloured. It MUST.
No. 12352 ID: 04803b
No. 12356 ID: 6934e7
No. I will imitate my former favorite video game company and charge you $100 for the finished version. It's like...uh....art DLC! HAHAHAHAHAH
No. 12364 ID: 4c1918
If you were to really imitate 'em, you'd make three versions with Bree's headscarf in different colours and no other actual colouration, call us entitled and accuse us of compromising your artistic integrity.
No. 12368 ID: cadd24
Fuck Bioware up their artsy hipster asses. I meant CRAPCOM 2ND WORST COMPANY EVER WHERE IS LEGENDS 3
No. 12369 ID: 023799
Also the original sketch for the drawing has to be done messily on a piece of looseleaf, and contain comparisons to other pieces of art which were hated.
No. 12370 ID: 1ace6e
same place where darkstalkers is
No. 12374 ID: cadd24
File 133460712598.jpg - (23.59KB , 300x300 , maximumrage.jpg )
No. 12383 ID: 6934e7
File 133462767430.jpg - (168.13KB , 625x725 , peacork.jpg )
I like this game.
No. 12384 ID: 04803b
Oh, it's out drinking with Breath of Fire and Power Stone. They'll be back when Resident Evil stops selling. Expect them to be outsourced to a western third-party developer with no prior knowledge of said games, overhauled and rebooted in the director's image.
No. 12385 ID: d5ee6f
Marie is bullshit. Those fucking explosive skeletons that pop up... Ms. Fortune has no ranged attacks! I can't deal with them.
No. 12386 ID: d5ee6f
Took me like, two hours to beat Marie as Ms. Fortune. Go to play Peacock story mode? First try.
No. 12400 ID: 6934e7
Same here. Got my ass handed to me like 12 times with Ms. Fortune. With Peacock i got her on the third try and on the second with Cerebella.
No. 12418 ID: d5ee6f
Fuck, Valentines worse than Ms Fortune! I ended up fucking poisoning her first two forms and hiding in a corner.
No. 12422 ID: 3155e2

My very first request to you.

Draw Ms Fortune getting molested by Traxex or Windrunner.

Or both.
No. 12425 ID: d5ee6f
When you beat Double's story... Venus is really fucking sexy. I mean damn.
No. 12437 ID: 04803b
If any of you guys see a user named CRAMP, tell her she's funny.
No. 12438 ID: 6934e7
File 133479581489.jpg - (207.30KB , 600x696 , eversorette.jpg )
No. 12441 ID: 0dcc83
Eversor? The boobs are probably drug storages.
No. 12452 ID: feab56
Commisar Zangief piledriving a hive tyrant
No. 12459 ID: b57327
Btw, if you don't want to draw a tyranid, just draw Commisar Zangief being awesome.
No. 12596 ID: 306bdb
File 133533712294.jpg - (151.66KB , 1250x800 , avengers.jpg )
This i do for a living.
No. 12598 ID: f33e12

>Captain America

No. 12601 ID: 4c1918
No chance of getting a coloured and finished Bree drawing, then? I has a sad.
No. 12605 ID: 306bdb
Oh, no. I am totally doing it. Really, just been kinda tired lately.
No. 12609 ID: 2563d4
That's damn stylish.
No. 12611 ID: 4c1918
This makes me happy.
And sorry about seeming pushy, I can fully understand tired.
No. 12682 ID: 864ba9
File 133563927493.jpg - (334.79KB , 1250x1450 , bladeling.jpg )
i am a fish
No. 12707 ID: feab56
That's pretty gorramn awesome
No. 12708 ID: c590bc

You cross the Rio Grande with ease.
No. 12827 ID: 8630ee
File 133625694175.jpg - (132.06KB , 1779x1615 , nala.jpg )
No. 12828 ID: feab56
OC or fan-art? If the latter, where from?
No. 12855 ID: 8630ee
OC. It's an NPC from my D&D game.
No. 12857 ID: 4c1918
The face is... odd. Like her features have slid a little off-centre.
No. 12858 ID: 91570e

Your DND Game looks weird.
No. 12859 ID: 840177
It is super weird. It is also incredibly AWESOME.
No. 12861 ID: 4c1918
Shouldn't she be a bit smaller? In the comics Bree reaches about hip-high(handy!) on Adric.
No. 12866 ID: 0da818
I think it's the chin.
No. 13057 ID: 840177
File 133737877062.jpg - (51.61KB , 800x1000 , vavs.jpg )
No. 13058 ID: feab56
Dat waist/hip ratio
No. 13060 ID: fadcdb
File 133740866660.jpg - (67.35KB , 786x981 , vavs.jpg )
No. 13061 ID: feab56
>dat chain accentuating her waist

All that's missing is a plain, black choker.
No. 13071 ID: f74c90
I wasn't planning on fapping today, but...
No. 13079 ID: fadcdb
File 133748739097.jpg - (78.97KB , 786x981 , vava2.jpg )
I think this is all the love it gets.
No. 13094 ID: feab56
And what a lovely picture it is
No. 13097 ID: c1aa48
What is she from?
No. 13101 ID: 9db73e
D&D homebrew game.
No. 13102 ID: feab56
I can't decide if I want to join your game or not. On the one hand; beautiful girls with dem everything. On the other hand; beautiful girls with dem everything... as portrayed, described and/or played by fa/tg/uys.
No. 13104 ID: 627448

I play Deathwatch as a Space Marine, so I sort of know that feel.
No. 13110 ID: 9db73e
I have a difficult time describing my D&D game...i think of it as some incredibly ridiculous, over the top old 90s hollywood action movie high medieval fantasy super hero mash-up.

About the hot females, well, I like to think we, players and DMs, are not too creepy about it. It's like that gag in the last action hero where they mention something about all girls in movies being super hot and still it is somehow considered the norm and no one really notices it.
No. 13115 ID: 131de9

Now me, I totally want to join in on everyone's game, regardless of what potentially skeevy characters I'd have to interact with/play. Heck, skeevy translates to funny usual. It's a bonus!
No. 13116 ID: 36ca65
Greenfag, draw Christina Hendrix wearing a partially unzipped leather flight suit and a mouth full of only horrible canine teeth and with a navigator's warp eye on their forehead. Its my navigator for Rogue Trader.
No. 13170 ID: 840177
File 133771738532.jpg - (38.91KB , 800x950 , Iryna.jpg )
My game is so over the top it's just plain silly. I have a lot of fun as both player and DM, though. It also involves fantasy russian drow living in fantasy russia.
No. 13179 ID: 131de9

And competing in the olympics? Do they get turned into driders if they only get the bronze?
No. 13205 ID: c1aa48
Requesting a russian drow with a chapka/ushanka frolicking in the snow.
No. 13218 ID: d5ee6f
Rusalka temping a dude into a stream?
No. 13242 ID: 9db73e
File 133808625623.jpg - (70.06KB , 800x800 , megabeth.jpg )
I wish i could stop wasting my weekends playing this.
No. 13243 ID: 8de115
File 133808790018.png - (10.55KB , 276x68 , you.png )
No. 13320 ID: a49c87
File 133844139201.jpg - (111.79KB , 800x800 , smncsderps.jpg )
You should play this. Really.
No. 13321 ID: 4c1918
>Not what it looks like
They're... smelling each other's scented lipgloss?
No. 13334 ID: 5382fb
File 133852595632.jpg - (120.98KB , 1350x1350 , thecrown.jpg )
No. 13338 ID: c1aa48
Who is she?
No. 13339 ID: feab56
I don't know who she is, but I know what she is: totally delicious!

Greenmarine-kuuu~n! How long does it take you to make a picture of that quality >>13334 ?
iirc you said that the stuff you did for /tg/ took you about 20-25 minutes. Also, where you perma-banned when the NO-OC-ALLOWED janitor had his rampage?
No. 13341 ID: a4ebbc
Homebrew NPC. The queen of notengland

It still needs a bit of polish, but this stage took around 2 hours. And no, i was not banned because i've been away from /tg/ for a while due to my crippling video game addiction and my silly day job.
No. 13342 ID: 273d73

Day job? Pfft! Only scrubs work for a living. Real men leech off their parents.
No. 13343 ID: 4c1918
So how's the Bree pic coming along?
I think we'd all like to see delicious halfling riding a fearboner in glorious colour.
No. 13345 ID: 131de9

Is that how she always dresses, or is it a special occasion?
No. 13346 ID: a4ebbc
File 133857803650.jpg - (321.89KB , 1800x1800 , portadapunch.jpg )
It's part of a "herp derp you will never see this in-game, guise" thing we have going on. I like to think it keeps the actual game a lot less creepy.

The money is ok and the work itself is a bit fun, if only a bit surreal sometimes.
No. 13347 ID: feab56
Ah, alright. And good to know you were not banned!
But know I now you hate us ;_;
I-, we miss you, oh marine of green!
No. 13447 ID: a4ebbc
File 133918371346.jpg - (103.96KB , 744x750 , flaya.jpg )
No. 13455 ID: 8055fe
File 133921573483.jpg - (57.13KB , 600x725 , derpos.jpg )
No. 13457 ID: feab56
Girl/Fempool? :o
No. 13458 ID: feab56
File 133922025171.jpg - (32.67KB , 374x547 , Maybe.jpg )
No. 13464 ID: 8055fe
File 133926145774.jpg - (116.11KB , 1200x1450 , izma.jpg )
No. 13465 ID: c1aa48
Who is that?
(I wouldn't change her)
No. 13476 ID: feab56
File 133938909030.jpg - (450.35KB , 850x1202 , Skullgirls 6.jpg )
Greenmarine, I got a request!
How about a picture of Filia from behind, with that... demon/parasite thingy... lifting up her skirt with a wicked smirk on its face. Filia has her head turned to look over her shoulder saying: "Hey!"
No. 13525 ID: ad8ad9

I love it how she looks like she would do everything her master pleases to make him not change her for a younger girl.
No. 13528 ID: a4ebbc
File 133971052670.png - (244.56KB , 660x749 , Captura de pantalla 2012-06-14 a las 16_42_41.png )
Sorry. I've been drawing a lot of personal stuff so i tend to forget about stuff. I'll finish it one of these days.

Homebrew D&D gaem NPC.


Did i ever tell you that in our homebrew game Orcus is Undead Megatron Skynet with an attitude?
No. 13529 ID: 0b1fa1

That is cool shit.
No. 13531 ID: feab56
File 133973632349.jpg - (21.59KB , 375x417 , -_- 15.jpg )
Oh shit, son!
>will do Filia... request.
No. 13532 ID: a45cd6

No. 13533 ID: e236f4
Hello. I have a vague memory of you considering drawing a picture of Jaela Daran.
No. 13552 ID: c1aa48
>Delicious brown loli pope
I approve of this.
No. 13568 ID: feab56
greenmarine, do you mind if I put up a link to a rar of some of your work? It's about 700+ pics you've done, and some who watch this thread might be intradasted in it.
No. 13572 ID: d5ee6f
please say yes to that guy
No. 13589 ID: a4ebbc
File 134011913495.png - (434.23KB , 636x732 , Captura de pantalla 2012-06-19 a las 10_14_38.png )
Homebrew Orcus. He's a robot, a zombie and a demon at the same time! How edgy!

Homebrew Dispater looks like a certain finnish shock rock famous character.


Go ahead.I will pretend it doesn't exist or that the pictures inside of it don't suck that hard.
No. 13590 ID: feab56
Alright, here it is in all its glory (?), it's your lucky (?) day anons!
No. 13643 ID: 73f455
File 134029494328.png - (230.81KB , 528x615 , Captura de pantalla 2012-06-21 a las 11_05_59.png )
No. 13646 ID: feab56
>Captura de pantalla
It captures all the panties?
No. 13655 ID: 10ea8d

Nice reference
No. 13666 ID: 5673d3
File 134038529149.png - (58.52KB , 600x720 , fallen.png )
You have made my day. All those big words are spanish for "screenshot". Stupid, i know. Even native spanish speakers say "screenshot".
No. 13687 ID: feab56
File 134047434282.jpg - (7.92KB , 238x205 , Reaction 712.jpg )
>You have made my day
No. 13799 ID: 5673d3
File 134082806544.jpg - (66.13KB , 790x1000 , levistus1.jpg )
I draw during lunch time.
No. 13800 ID: feab56
No. 13821 ID: b85f8c
That guy looks smelly.
No. 13830 ID: feab56
File 134100755831.jpg - (67.42KB , 500x271 , 40k just went full HNNNNG.jpg )
So... catgirls are now officially canon in 40k. Fun fact, the Imperial Guard employ abhumans like ogryns and ratlings. Just wanted to point that out~
No. 13843 ID: 6b7b0d
>Homo-sapiens Hirsutus
>Symptom that causes hair to grow in unusual places on women, such as the face, chest and back.
No. 13903 ID: 81ff2b
File 134120991430.jpg - (95.57KB , 920x950 , vet3.jpg )
No. 13904 ID: 249ad5
Don't think this is the place to request bro. Unless green says otherwise I'd be polite to delete your posts to make room for his work.

Sage since I'm not qualified to speak for Green.
No. 13905 ID: feab56
Haha, that is awesome Che-, greenmarine!
No. 13912 ID: 81ff2b
File 134127798341.jpg - (115.95KB , 950x1000 , filia.jpg )
Don't be a dick, bro. It is perfectly fine to request things in here.

Would you prefer something closer to the original Skullgirls art style?
No. 13916 ID: 7d2165
hoo it's gonna be good.
No. 13917 ID: feab56
You are awesome greenmarine!
Yeah, that would be cool! Give me your adress and I'll send you all of my internets.
No. 13923 ID: 249ad5
File 134135690120.jpg - (393.98KB , 817x1533 , The droids you are looking for.jpg )
Dat ass.

Not this dude, but this pose might be what he's talking about.
No. 13925 ID: feab56
I'm not really into bondage, but shiniez could convince me otherwise. The man's (?) a master.
No. 13931 ID: 8e382b
File 134145474816.jpg - (54.42KB , 630x770 , mb3.jpg )
Play SMNC.
No. 13941 ID: feab56
She's adorable
No. 13942 ID: 0d9d4d
Hey, Greenberg-sama-llama-chan, has doing a livestream of you drawing commissions/requests/whatever ever crossed your mind? I'd love to see how you go about it cause you got a pretty cool look to your stuff.
No. 13959 ID: 8e382b
I can do it if you guys want.
No. 13988 ID: 8e382b
File 134168589826.jpg - (125.52KB , 950x1000 , lamestrobotmaster.jpg )
No. 13989 ID: feab56
It would be cool to watch.
What do you call this one? Aqua Man? Looks like a Mega Man boss, and looks pretty boss too.
No. 13994 ID: 14e67b
It's Bubbleman.
No. 14010 ID: 023799
File 134182633145.jpg - (203.61KB , 681x923 , sample_622221640217b9dab669c666a325350abea9b8e1.jpg )
Hey Greenfriend, wondering if I could get a Cleric/Church Inquisitor of St. Cuthbert. Lawful Neutral with strong evil leanings, a sort of joyless 'fire cures all follies' kind of gal with no patience for anything.
She's gorgeous and very busty, dark brown or black hair, and has nice lips in addition to dem tits and dem legs. Saw her hairstyle as more or less pic related but without the little upwards pointing bits by her ears.
She wears a sort of tight black dress, no leg showing but maybe a bit of cleavage, and a red veil/coif whatever you call that thingy. Severe and not very showy, despite her looks, and only has a single amulet with the holy symbol of St. Cuthbert on it, no other details or jewelry.
If it matters somehow, her domains are Fire, Law, and Inquisition.
Pic very related.
No. 14024 ID: f0cc55
>>Siggy as reference.
>> not very showy

No. 14027 ID: 4183c9
No. 14028 ID: 023799
File 134194815871.jpg - (220.60KB , 665x927 , sample_b0c57e0ea4c2758c7fe666d22a732852c14c45c6.jpg )
Well, I guess showy is okay then.
No. 14093 ID: 729054
File 134213122523.jpg - (110.02KB , 800x1100 , dood.jpg )
I'm kidding, bro. It doesn't HAVE to be showy, but it sure serves as motivation. Is this in the right direction?
No. 14094 ID: 729054
File 134213133191.jpg - (134.41KB , 1500x1725 , maiwaifu.jpg )
Also have this week's lunch time ninja drawing WIP.
No. 14095 ID: 6e41cb

Oh hey, are you just randomly illustrating RPG characters on request? Because I've got me a wacky new one that'd be an interesting challenge pose-wise:

Mermaid Monk with gold eyes, blue hair and matching scales. Doing some kind of crazy contorted one-handed handstand deal since her general fighting style is all about dodging around all Jackie Chan style and smacking people around with her tail.

Bonus points if you can get only possessions of any kind (pair of bracers, belt, amulet) drawn in a way where they'd plausibly stay on while constantly flopping all-over and being upside down more often than not.
No. 14097 ID: 023799
That's looking fantastic! Thanks so much. Can't wait to see it finished.

Assumign that's the coif/veil on the head?
No. 14100 ID: 4b4e6b
Damn, done only during lunch? It looks so damn good for so little time invested.
And that goes in my greenmarine folder too.
No. 14106 ID: 14e67b
Ooh. If you're doing navigators, do you think you could get Nana and Underboobs in there somewhere?
No. 14126 ID: 4b4e6b
Hey greenmarine, I got a request on behalf of a player. This is how she described her character.

Her shoulder length, raven black hair spills down over bare shoulders and with her pale skin, seems to bring out her brilliant emerald eyes and ruby lips. Like many of the girls here, she is fully formed and supple,
with pleasing hips, a narrow waist and heaving cleavage, all marks of fitness in any day or age. A small collar clings neatly around her thin throat, while black and red lingerie neatly clasp to her hourglass shape. Long, bare thighs are fully on display, the length of shapely legs
made even more enticing by the fishnet tights that snugly grip them.

Yes, the RP is exactly what you think it is.
No. 14158 ID: f74c90
File 134233445285.jpg - (97.07KB , 500x500 , 140687 - Layer Mega_Man_X.jpg )
Layer is my favorite sexy robot girl.
No. 14195 ID: 14e67b
I just realized she's basically Tesse from Waku Waku 7 except bigger and darker.
No. 14197 ID: f74c90
The peekabangs thing is one of those japanese things. It's been reused and reused for decades.
No. 14198 ID: 2f1ca3
Greenie, check it

No. 14205 ID: f0cc55
I lost it at "Nature's Profit"
Thank you for making my office hours less miserable.
No. 14206 ID: 2f1ca3

Gibe ur steam, I'll hook you up with shitloads of these randomly.
No. 14209 ID: 4c1918
Familiar with Dragon's Dogma, O Verdant Marine? If so, might I humbly request some rule 34 of Madeleine? There's absolutely none to be found out there of her, only of she-goat and loli, and I'm not into loli.
No. 14211 ID: f0cc55
gatodanzig is my Steam name.

Add me only if you promise not to mock me for the amount of time and money i've spent on the vidya.
No. 14213 ID: feab56
File 134247470439.jpg - (325.62KB , 1692x940 , Get on my virgin level.jpg )
As long as you don't mock me for mine
No. 14214 ID: 4183c9
>Men of War
>Men of War: Red Tide

What next, you only have Mass Effect 2 and 3 but not the first one?
No. 14217 ID: feab56
File 134247900173.jpg - (693.93KB , 1200x1600 , Gaymes.jpg )
>implying I don't have ME1
Check the middle shelf. And there is a another layer of games behind of what you can see.

So greenmarine, do you out-virgin me?
No. 14218 ID: 4183c9
But having Assault Squad is the critical tits here.
No. 14219 ID: feab56
I was never a fan of Men of War once I tried it. I think I bought them in a bundle during a steam sale for cheap bux and tried it out.
No. 14220 ID: 8e382b
File 134248214050.jpg - (107.43KB , 1366x814 , derpz.jpg )
No. 14229 ID: 4a20fa
Only one shelving unit? Oldest game I can see there is Icewind Dale?

It's like you're not even trying to waste your life.
No. 14235 ID: feab56
I started playing PC games around -98, -99, so the oldest games I have is Half-Life 1, Homeworld 1, Outcast and Ground Control 1 (and that got me hooked on PC games forever). Before that I played NES, SNES, N64 and my brothers Amiga 500, don't know what happend to it though.
No. 14244 ID: 5673d3
I like you and we should be bff.
No. 14246 ID: feab56
Expect a friend request next time you open steam.
No. 14252 ID: 8e382b
File 134266999230.jpg - (132.92KB , 950x1200 , filia.jpg )
Catching up.
No. 14258 ID: feab56
File 134269556017.gif - (167.05KB , 350x350 , Awesome 2.gif )
Remind me to name my first born after you
No. 14260 ID: 4f491d
Daddy, why did you call me "greenfag" ?
No. 14261 ID: 023799
Hey, Greenfriend, just checking in to confirm that you are planning to color/finish that, right? Just wondering.
No. 14262 ID: feab56
You see my son, once upon a time in the distant corner of the webbernets, "greenfag" was a byword for "win", "tits" and "awesome".
No. 14265 ID: 5673d3
No. 14272 ID: 023799
Awesome, thanks.
No. 14277 ID: 8e382b
File 134275898502.jpg - (58.73KB , 618x780 , skullgirlsfilia.jpg )
No. 14283 ID: feab56
Thanks again gm, you are a scholar and a gentleman!
No. 14299 ID: 8e382b
File 134292370417.jpg - (109.45KB , 874x1048 , cg.jpg )
You should really be playing this game.
No. 14301 ID: 9d9182

Honestly not a fan of it. It's harder to aim in 3rd person for me, and I dislike the way the game is set up for F2P players. It feels almost pay to win, because if you pay for characters you can bring something most people can't to the fight.
No. 14306 ID: 8e382b
It follows the same F2P model LoL has. There's a free character rotation that changes weekly. Characters and rune/talent equivalents are bought with in-game currency. Real money is used for cosmetic items only.

It's more Pay to Pretty than Pay to Win.
No. 14317 ID: c592e8
I'd rather play Operation Blacklight; Retribution, really.
No. 14321 ID: 8e382b
File 134304416662.jpg - (65.41KB , 467x325 , 1333515970816.jpg )
No. 14327 ID: c592e8
Hey you need to be ontop of a whole bunch of thing happening at the same time, which lets you really shine if you master them and *coughreachlevel23+cough* but other then that it's sort of enjoyable.

Even though it's P2W, and 80 games per item, it's the only FPS in my FPS starved life atm.
BF3 became intolerable, with premium and EA's stocks in freefall.
No. 14328 ID: 8e382b
It looks kinda cool, actually. I'm not really into online FPS stuff but i might try it after i'm done with my masochist MOBA rampage.
No. 14330 ID: 9d9182

I'm not a big fan of LoL either. Really, I think it's more that type of game than anything. Just not a big fan of it.

I like TF2's model for F2P. Fuckton of cosmetic items, crates and keys. For the most part, though, being F2P doesn't effect the game. It's harder to get items as you can't trade, but you can still craft things and items still drop normally.
No. 14334 ID: 4f491d
I, for one, have a fondness for LoL...

And also a project for a MOBA that tries not to be like any other MOBA. And will likely fail. Oh well.
No. 14338 ID: c592e8
Whats your steamID, we can play a few games to ease in.
No. 14339 ID: 5673d3
SMNC added crates recently.The difference between their and TF2 crates is that you can only get items with the same or a higher cost than the keys you use to open them. No "I spent 2 dollars and got a 50 cent piece of shit" deal. Dota 2 is doing the same.

But yeah, i guess MOBAS are not for everyone.

Probably. This genre in particular has tighter guidelines than others. There's still room for innovation, but it has to be carefully implemented and not only changing stuff for the sake of OMG ORIGINALITY or else it goes to shit (the same goes for MMOs The difference being after WoW devs have noticed the potential cashcow an MMO can be so they all went and made their own, trying to play it safe and earn big bucks and now the genre itself has grown stagnant). That's why i like SMNC and have high hopes on SMITE.


>>14211 That's my steamID
No. 14340 ID: 672c02
File 134314244033.jpg - (54.56KB , 500x618 , 1343093822385.jpg )
Dota2 is best Moba
No. 14341 ID: 4f491d
In fact, my project isn't exactly a MOBA, strictly speaking... It's more of a multiplayer platformer, a bit like Brawl Busters, only with a top down view, mechas, but still trying to acheve the level of team play required by LoL
No. 14342 ID: 5673d3
Unless you're a casual babby that hates hard CC and tsundere Venomancer
No. 14343 ID: d5ee6f
Dota2 is a lot of fun, but has one major gaping gigantic flaw- not enough waifus.
No. 14344 ID: 672c02
File 134317915438.jpg - (56.34KB , 300x300 , 1338745991095.jpg )

S'matter fag, 'fraid of Husbando's?
No. 14346 ID: 8e382b
wat there's plenty of waifus!

Windrunner, Lina, Crystal Maiden, Drow Ranger, Mirana, Vengeful Spirit, Templar Assassin, Shadow Assassin, Luna, Queen of Pain and even Naga Siren and Enchantress for the creeps.
No. 14355 ID: d5ee6f
Just cuz they got tits doesn't make them waifu material.
No. 14356 ID: 4f491d
I don't think you understand what waifus are about.
No. 14357 ID: 870216
File 134321879621.png - (143.74KB , 500x342 , 1339091442056.png )
No. 14358 ID: 5673d3
Of course tits are enough waifu material.

No. 14359 ID: d5ee6f
Pretty much, yeah.
No. 14360 ID: 870216
File 134322637895.png - (479.20KB , 1000x758 , 1337809928999.png )
No. 14366 ID: 8e382b
File 134335606937.jpg - (153.84KB , 1200x1425 , rogue.jpg )
No. 14370 ID: feab56
The greatest roosterblocker there is.
No. 14371 ID: 4a20fa
Dat cartoon shading.
No. 14372 ID: e39f54
Hey green, nice to see you still drawing things randomly.
Wondered what happened after you disappeared from tg and figured I would look here since tg has devolved into an even bigger pile of shit and /v/ clone than before.
No. 14373 ID: e39f54
Also I request classic tits in the form of khornette
Wish I could play with you guys but living in Australia sort of kills that idea.
No. 14377 ID: 5673d3
File 134342814463.png - (104.04KB , 549x602 , Captura de pantalla 2012-07-27 a las 17_26_29.png )
Will do. I still lurk /tg/. I just have a lot less free drawing time now so i use most of it drawing my own stuff instead of stuff for strangers across the internet.
No. 14384 ID: e39f54
Thanks dude, I like how much you have improved as well. The sketchy style is good for random tg requests but it is nice to see you putting time into things you wanted to draw.
No. 14403 ID: 0509dd
I second this motion.
No. 14416 ID: 8e382b
File 134370350447.jpg - (70.49KB , 750x825 , kimwu.jpg )
I'm somewhat nostalgic.
No. 14417 ID: 9323a4
If not for Glacius's theme, I would have completely forgotten Killer Instinct existed.
No. 14420 ID: ca40d6

I do not remember this character from the game.
No. 14421 ID: 8e382b
File 134371409398.jpg - (125.65KB , 990x1089 , kimwu2.jpg )
No. 14428 ID: 865f87
She's from KI2.
Also that is fantastic, GM.
No. 14430 ID: bb730e
The whole KI soundtrack is mad tits.

No. 14431 ID: cb68ac
As much as I want a new KI, I know somehow Rare would fuck it up beyond all recognition. They managed to fuck up a task as simple as "port Conker's Bad Fur Day to the Xbox 360" there's no way in hell they would't fuck up "make a new game."
No. 14433 ID: bb730e
"Hey, make another game with that bear and bird couple! Put some more Jinjos and Jigsaws and Jujus and stuff, kids sure love jumping all around the place collecting all that crazy shit!"

That didn't end up well either.
No. 14435 ID: 4c7ba1
Yesterday, I did a wat do? thread and this happened:

So I figured it'd be cool to have some porn of her from you. Or just some cheesecake, dunno. Maybe something involving a bunch of rowdy snotlings and a spanner up her ass.
No. 14436 ID: 9d9182

You can kindly get the fuck out. Tasteful nudes are preferred, not your brand of sick fuckery.
No. 14437 ID: 4c7ba1
As I said, cheesecake is okay. And I took care to put modals everywhere.
No. 14438 ID: 9d9182

As long as it's something mostly tasteful.
No. 14439 ID: 4c7ba1
How about we let GM decide, heh? If he wants, he can legitimately change the subject to "Rowan Atkinson tickling the pope" after all.
No. 14441 ID: 9d9182

Fine. I just happen to recall what you do to anything female you happen to come across, so you might understand my annoyance when you start requesting porn of the first fun thing on /tg/ in months.
No. 14442 ID: feab56
No. 14446 ID: 249ad5
Deleted request as it has been fulfilled.
No. 14450 ID: 94c170
Requesting Rowan Atkinson tickling the pope.
No. 14451 ID: 55b6d0
Didn't that happen in The Black Adder?
No. 14458 ID: 8e382b
File 134387380078.jpg - (72.23KB , 780x969 , inqui.jpg )
No. 14465 ID: feab56
Dem mammaries
No. 14468 ID: 865f87
Greenmarine, seriously man, thanks. Your crazy talented and you do this shit for free. Thanks a lot :)
No. 14476 ID: bb730e
Thank you, you are welcome.

So she's a loli tau dressed like an ork?
No. 14477 ID: 55b6d0
Not necessarily a loli. Just an earth caste tau girl.
No. 14498 ID: 8e382b
File 134404340384.jpg - (73.24KB , 858x1144 , qg.jpg )
I'll think about it
No. 14814 ID: c8fe05
File 134560969135.jpg - (113.58KB , 870x1219 , drep.jpg )
No. 14816 ID: 865f87
I was thinking of who your style reminds me, sometimes, and it just clicked.

Amanda Conner.
No. 14820 ID: feab56
No. 14822 ID: 5649f3
>all of my boners

I think your art's improving, she looks a lot more polished than some of your others.
No. 14825 ID: 3894d2
File 134564307574.jpg - (20.54KB , 387x365 , ohstopit.jpg )
I am a massive Connerfag. She has a very particular way of drawing females. She always makes them look really hot and feminine at the same time.

That's good news.
No. 14844 ID: 865f87
Yeah. Just recently picked up her artbook. She really is fantastic and distinct. I think she also manages to somehow blend sexy, cute, feminine, and sometimes even trashy all at once into some cohesive whole. Shit be awesome.
No. 14877 ID: 3894d2
File 134583790759.png - (515.05KB , 1400x1516 , kiya.png )
This sent me into hardcore nostalgia mode.
No. 14883 ID: eeaddb

Was the second game any good? I only had the first.
No. 14903 ID: 6d0450
It was ok. More of the same healthy, super low poly fun.
No. 14911 ID: 6d0450
File 134593816932.png - (715.89KB , 850x1011 , kiya.png )
Sending to SCE Cambridge so they can use it as reference for Kiya in Medievil 3 ;3;
No. 14912 ID: feab56
Dat polish!
No. 14913 ID: 7976cf

That is fucking awesome. However, she has two right feet, rather unfortunately.
No. 14914 ID: feab56
Mind blown
No. 14916 ID: 6d0450
File 134594331642.png - (1.39MB , 1308x1555 , kiya.png )
>>Maximum derp

Thanks for pointing it out.
No. 14954 ID: c592e8
I guess foot fetishes are good for something at least.
No. 14955 ID: feab56
File 134608633028.jpg - (409.20KB , 900x800 , Daughters 7.jpg )
Hey greenmarine, is it safe to assume you know about the Primarchs Daughters writefagging? If not; alternate 40k 'verse, the Horus Heresy didn't happen, the Big E decided the Primarchs needed something to calm them the fuck down so he created them some daughters. Someone Else has been writing hundreds of pages of PD, mostly about Venus (Salamander) and Freya (Spess Voffs). The following text is how he described her cerminonial dress.

The simple-looking garment of pelts, leather, and hand-spun cloth folded over her body like a wrap, but was held together at the waist and collar with broad and beautifully carved stone clasps. The dark brown calfboots she wore ended far below the soft leather skirt shorts she was wearing over them, but the details of both were obscured. She was wearing her own personal favorite part of the assemblage over them. It was a floor-length deep gray cowl, lined with white wolf furs, and with a pair of small silver totems of the moon dangling on the ends of draw-strings. With a tug, she could close the hood over her face, pull the cloak around herself, and become an anonymous Fenrisian woman in an instant.

My request is this: either draw her in that outfit, or if you prefer, cheesecake it. I was thinking of she only wearing the cloak and nothing under, revealing as much or as little as you want. She has a 'come hither' look about her.

Pic related, it's Freya. Though in Someone Else's writing she has braided hair. She is described as boisterous, friendly and tactile (nips other peoples ear, hugging, stuff like that). Draw her, if you do, as a 20-25 year old.
No. 14956 ID: feab56
>or if you prefer
Let me rephrase: I encourage you to cheesecake it.
No. 14957 ID: 7d2165
You have failed the gay test.
No. 14958 ID: fa9f7e
Foot fetishists are gay now?
No. 14959 ID: 903b80
Yes, yes, OH YESssss........
No. 14960 ID: 5e281e
Or you could take this request and make Freya or Venus naked and lewd.
No. 14962 ID: 7d2165
For the purpose of this joke, they are.
No. 14973 ID: 3894d2
I'm familiar with it. I find the whole concept both incredibly stupid and awesome at the same time.

>>Freya or Venus
Why is it always Freya and/or Venus? WHY
No. 14974 ID: feab56
Because those are the ones he has written about. Also delicious chocolate girl and fiesty tomboy.
No. 14977 ID: 903b80

>I'm familiar with it. I find the whole concept both incredibly stupid and awesome at the same time.
Much like all things /tg/.

>Why is it always Freya and/or Venus? WHY
Because kindhearted DBG and boisterous wolf-girl.

You've already done a Venus, so I think the original Freya would be awesomest. Your Angela is a page image on 1d4chan.
No. 14979 ID: feab56
File 134628400778.jpg - (32.12KB , 241x358 , Bill Cosby.jpg )
No. 15035 ID: 6d0450
File 134680969030.jpg - (351.67KB , 1100x1220 , catachanteemo.jpg )
Ok, i'll draw your wolf waifu.

In the meantime have some LoL 40k. It was a drawthread request that got stuck in my head for a whole day so i decided to get it out.
No. 15042 ID: dceb04
That is actually most rad.

>Wolf waifu
No. 15049 ID: e5c426
I second this radness.

...Fallout-style Rumble?
I can offer nothing but thanks and internets.
No. 15050 ID: e5c426
Alternately, Emprah Rumble.
No. 15051 ID: adbd34
Can I get a lady with short hair, a small bust, and got legs?

Other than that, run wild.
No. 15054 ID: feab56
>Ok, i'll draw your wolf waifu.
YES! Ooohh YES!
What I am trying to say is: I approve.
No. 15086 ID: 6d0450
File 134698720758.jpg - (354.07KB , 772x975 , derps.jpg )
No. 15087 ID: 6d0450
File 134698725861.jpg - (376.76KB , 960x1080 , mammon.jpg )
No. 15091 ID: feab56
Everything is so delicious, even her.
No. 15093 ID: f2c20c
More like mamnomnomon.
No. 15096 ID: 4c1918
I, uh... I don't suppose we'll ever see this one finished then, huh.
No. 15100 ID: af39af
When and if he decides to finish it, it will be finished. You people.
No. 15136 ID: f9504e
It's so nice!
No. 15283 ID: 771ed7
Bumping for pretty wolf girl.
No. 15497 ID: 9802d2
File 134923595499.jpg - (607.70KB , 1272x1706 , hurp.jpg )
You niggas should be playing Torchlight 2
No. 15500 ID: feab56
B-but I am busy playing FTL. I-it's not like I want to play coop with you in Torchlight you beaner (#o_o#)
No. 15502 ID: 771ed7
Oh, you're okay. We were worried.
No. 15503 ID: 865f87
Emerald Trooper, are you still taking requests? Got a friend and fellow Pathfinder-er's birthday up and coming and was thinking it might be nice to get them some arts in addition to whatever the fuck I end upbuying them.
No. 15509 ID: 5e281e
Needs less pants
No. 15609 ID: 771ed7
>Ok, i'll draw your wolf waifu.
So...how's it coming? It's been over a month.
No. 15615 ID: feab56
My assumption is that his vidya addiction truly is crippling.
No. 15979 ID: 017212
Two months since Greenie took a request. Can we write him off, or is he still around? Anyone seen him on Steam?
No. 15981 ID: feab56
He's on steam as I write this
No. 16003 ID: 949c29
I'm sorry. I've been feeling bit tired and unmotivated lately.
No. 16006 ID: 4224e5
>write him off
No. 16007 ID: 4183c9
Just admit you've been playing Borderlands 2. Nobody's going to hold it against you.

Also if you draw tits nobody will remember you've been gone.
No. 16008 ID: 949c29
That's what i mean. I've been spending a lot more time playing the vidya instead of drawing.
No. 16010 ID: 7d2165
I know that feel, bro.
No. 16015 ID: c28336
Could always be worse.
You could be blogging instead.
No. 16022 ID: 3d4e4c
No problem; you don't owe us anything. We'll be here when you get the urge to draw again.
(And uh, could you upload the version of the tiefling girl and the woman in the kimono that're in that 'More Stuff' collage on your deviantart if possible?)
No. 16025 ID: 017212
It's okay, everyone has to take a break, and the project that the Freya picture was for is over now, so you can just deliver it at your own pace. No pressure.
No. 16031 ID: 4183c9
No no no, it's only if you have been playing Borderlands 2.

Otherwise it's off to Siberia with you, you monster.
No. 16117 ID: 10e6eb
File 135198810514.jpg - (649.32KB , 1200x1706 , hurp.jpg )

I've been playing it on and off lately. It's good but i guess i'll never understand all the fuss and hype surrounding the game.
No. 16118 ID: 10e6eb
File 135198820065.jpg - (276.61KB , 528x933 , bethdere.jpg )
No. 16119 ID: 839204
I love you.
No. 16120 ID: 7d2165
I think you derped the right arm bro.
No. 16354 ID: 5649f3
Could you draw some more Tau stuff? Especially them showing off their tri-clit pussies or getting fucked.
No. 16367 ID: af39af
Or general tits and ass stuff?
No. 16546 ID: 0161bc
File 135408377553.jpg - (207.28KB , 960x940 , hurps.jpg )
Now for another episode of "Name the Game: Casual Mainstream Edition"
No. 16547 ID: 708436
left thigh looks oddly long; you sure about the construction on this one?
No. 16549 ID: c592e8
Somebodies been playing Bodohlands 2: Super funny meme edition XD.
No. 16550 ID: 0161bc
I am never sure on the construction on anything.

There, i said it.
No. 16551 ID: 0161bc
File 135410694095.jpg - (484.33KB , 1000x1188 , chuy.jpg )
Also, welcome to the stylin' dimension.
No. 16583 ID: 90b6d9

and yet you still pull off some crazy good shit!

don't mind me being GREEN with envy
No. 16584 ID: 017212
Good to see you back in action, Greenie. How is the Freya pic you said you were doing coming along?
No. 16666 ID: 9593f7
File 135480638984.jpg - (93.90KB , 795x1005 , mila.jpg )
Thanks, bro.
I promise i'll do it once i'm done vomiting all this vidya stuff floating around my head from not drawing enough.
No. 16667 ID: feab56
And that pic marks greenmarine pic No 800 in my folder, you double Satan.
No. 16668 ID: 017212
File 135482092563.jpg - (113.87KB , 620x507 , I_LEFT_THE_IRON_PLUGGED_IN.jpg )
D-Double Satan?
No. 16706 ID: 0161bc
File 135501197941.jpg - (206.57KB , 852x950 , whh.jpg )
I guess you want something like this?
No. 16707 ID: feab56
It's the promised loins!
No. 16708 ID: 017212
Not the requester, but that does look good. If you decide to color it, she's described as having red hair and green eyes.
No. 16711 ID: a54861

That's almost good enough for Warhammer High to not seem like a totally repellant thing!
No. 16712 ID: 0161bc
Oh, i'll color it and everything.
No. 16714 ID: 0161bc
File 135503887921.jpg - (216.98KB , 813x906 , whh.jpg )
No. 16717 ID: feab56
I love you long time, greenmarine :3
It looks great!
No. 16718 ID: 017212
Ffffffuck yeah! My story has inspired cheesecake!
No. 16721 ID: a7447f
You know it's gotten bad when this is coming from tgchan.
No sarcasm, really.
No. 16722 ID: 017212
I really don't get the hate. You know that my WHH run has been over for two months, right? Why are the WHH haters coming out of the woodwork now? And why do you feel entitled to shit up other people's threads, both here and on 4chan?
No. 16724 ID: 898a1b
>WHH is not that great, TBH
No. 16725 ID: 0161bc
What is Warhammer High, anyway? I remember the "Primarch Daughters" characters and all that jazz. Is there any difference?
No. 16726 ID: 898a1b
Not too familiar with it myself. Seems to be just a collection of Primarch Daughters fics. Don't get why people get so worked up over it.
No. 16728 ID: 6ea703
Gonna need a goat girl with thick thighs, boss.
No. 16729 ID: bac1ad

It's an extension of that Primarch's Daughter's thing. I don't hate it, but I think it's awful. Thematically speaking, that is. No offence to uh, that guy over there.
No. 16731 ID: 017212
You can look it up on 1d4chan, but it's basically turned from Rule 63 Primarchs into an entire alternate universe. People have been ruining completely unrelated drawthreads by triggering one-sided flamewars about it on /tg/ for over a week now. Like, a thread about /tg/ holidays will have someone suddenly go "This sure is better than WHH!" and then samefag as people agreeing seven or eight times. It's getting really annoying.

Anyway. Thanks for the Freya pic. I really liked it.
No. 16733 ID: a4fdcd
>>Thanks for the Freya pic

I'm not done with it yet.
No. 16734 ID: 017212
Oh, awesome. I await!

I wonder what happened to the original requester.
No. 16740 ID: a4fdcd
File 135520603505.jpg - (295.89KB , 813x807 , whh.jpg )
No. 16741 ID: feab56
Thank you greenmarine, it's perfect! Her braided hair is a nice touch.
No. 16742 ID: 1f8505
'sup Greenmarine. Just discovered your arts, wanted to drop by and say you are an amazing artist. Keep up the good work!
No. 16754 ID: 017212
Fucking radical, Greenmarine, thanks.
No. 16756 ID: c592e8
Green is secretly the titty god.
No. 16759 ID: 2f4b71
Hah! Haha!
No. 16776 ID: 5e281e
DAMN. Now she needs to turn towards the viewer a bit more and spread those legs.
No. 16788 ID: e230e5
Thank you all for making my head and ego grow incredibly fat. Soon you will see me making comments on /tg/ and dA about how super awesome i am and how much you suck and know nothing about fine art and all that.
No. 16789 ID: 7d2165

We wouldn't want it any other way
No. 16793 ID: 898a1b
Do it. Make my day.
No. 16804 ID: 1f8505
Hey Greenmarine, could I request a drawing of one of my quest characters?

No. 16805 ID: e230e5
Maybe, if you're a bit more specific.
No. 16809 ID: 1f8505

Oh! If you could draw her reclining or relaxing in some way, that would be cool.
No. 16812 ID: 4c1918
... is there... is there any chance you'll finish the picture of Bree Three-hands you started on earlier in the thread?

No. 16815 ID: 4183c9
Too late, the deathsquad is already on the way.
No. 16818 ID: 4224e5
Draw her like one of your french girls.
No. 16822 ID: 1f8505

No. 16875 ID: aeaf2b

No. 16882 ID: 8f5752
You still alive, Mr. Greenmarine?
No. 16897 ID: e230e5
File 135613003798.jpg - (95.27KB , 650x716 , zangteddy.jpg )
Yes. I've been fooling around /vg/ drawthreads.
No. 16898 ID: 4d1d8e
zangief is the best.
No. 16899 ID: a1fce5
File 135615522645.jpg - (345.59KB , 650x798 , lina.jpg )
To imagine there is a place where people is as autistic about vidya as i am. HUEHUEHUE
No. 16900 ID: 4d1d8e
oh my~
No. 16901 ID: 1f8505
Hey man, given any thought to my request?
No. 16906 ID: aeaf2b

just be patient, man.
No. 16918 ID: 273cad
I'd like to see more sexy dragonborn girls. Maybe have one wrapped up in ribbons as a present.
No. 16946 ID: feab56
Stand in line and wait for a month like the rest of us before you start craving for attention.
No. 16953 ID: d2d8b2
One of my cousins ate my tablet's grip pen, so you might have to wait even more.
No. 16954 ID: 44cc74

how does this even happen?? pens are not edible!
No. 16956 ID: bf54a8
little kids are monsters in that regard. they can eat anything.
No. 16964 ID: d2d8b2
He didn't swallow it, but he did render it completely useless.
No. 16966 ID: 4d1d8e
sounds like someone who chews on pencils and stuff.
No. 17084 ID: 63e9fe
Get the stylus thing sorted out, Mr. Green?
No. 17130 ID: 0c8652
File 135761967591.jpg - (225.01KB , 683x813 , waifu.jpg )
Yeah, just a couple of days ago.
No. 17133 ID: 1f8505

I wonder whose waifu that is...
No. 17134 ID: 3edd1c
File 135763559146.jpg - (118.11KB , 827x615 , 1357291514366.jpg )
I like it.

On the topic of hooves and horns, I'd love to see your take on one of these gals-
No. 17137 ID: 4a8f2d
File 135766904646.jpg - (60.31KB , 500x659 , greenmarine goat.jpg )
Seconding this request.
No. 17157 ID: f0ef76
File 135770990895.jpg - (102.10KB , 650x725 , sorakaa.jpg )
So, uh, you like hooves. I like hooves too, sometimes.
No. 17160 ID: feab56
File 135771363540.jpg - (4.85KB , 256x273 , Broscartes.jpg )
No. 17162 ID: 6fb932
Yeah mang, hooves are pretty cool. They make funny noises.
No. 17171 ID: e97389
Personally, I prefer a cute Lamia to hooved girls. While legs are great and all, coiled cuddles are hard to beat.
No. 17174 ID: 44cc74
hoofed girls in underpants!
No. 17189 ID: e230e5
File 135783219702.jpg - (99.61KB , 650x898 , 1357785872435.jpg )
Now that one of my favorite animu and mango series is super trendy i get to see a lot of stupid, super fun requests like this.
No. 17195 ID: 34cbef
... there's a league manga? ...what nonsense is this?
No. 17203 ID: e230e5
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, friend.

Sadly LoL can't put two paragraphs of non-semi moronic lore together, so i can't imagine a league manga or comic or piece of coherent storytelling ever existing.
No. 17241 ID: 1ace6e
Have you been watching the new animu? I'm still watching the first arc, but my friend's been streaming the second one and it's been amazing.
No. 17244 ID: c9bb2e
Yes. It seems they're trying to directly emulate the manga's sense of MUSCLEFABULOUSNESS and in result it is awesome.
No. 17377 ID: 299b5d
File 135874824539.jpg - (137.38KB , 850x960 , soraka2.jpg )
No. 17380 ID: feab56
I am not sure what I should feel here so I will just write a short list.
No. 17382 ID: 34cbef
that's not how you play support- but i'm not gonnna argue with it.
No. 17387 ID: feab56
This song is appropiate
No. 17558 ID: 4cdcc3
I Wish to Infuse her Astral Blessing, if you know what I mean.
No. 17562 ID: 4439d7
Hey GreenMang, this is pretty cool. My girl would like to ask to temporarily borrow this pic, if you don't mind? She does Dark Souls streaming on NicoNicoDouga sometimes and was excited to see it (as there are not a very many female Solaire images available)
No. 17563 ID: 117433
How do you temporarily borrow an image?
No. 17564 ID: fd1a27
I'm guessing he means to use it as an image on the stream (for whatever reason) for a while.
No. 17567 ID: 77a7b7
Requesting Troll girl foot fetish!
No. 17572 ID: 4439d7
That is exactly what she wants to use it for (only for a little while). But, I wanted to ask for permission first, since it is his work.
No. 17648 ID: 5649f3
... I'd still like to see more dragonborn girls.
No. 17656 ID: 0b0563
Hey green, I don't know if you got around to it, but I requested rule 63 War from Darksiders a long time ago and you sounded interested. Still interested?
No. 17672 ID: 39239e
If you want a break from sexy ladies, then may I humbly request an Imperial Guard psyker with a nice greatcoat and a lasgun slung over his shoulder? Bald head, gloves, staff, the usual stuff.

If you still want to do ladies, then a chubby chick of some odd variety with stockings would be dynamite.
No. 17673 ID: 39239e
Any chance of a Navigator gal?
No. 17674 ID: 39239e

goat giiiiirl
No. 17675 ID: 1ace6e
No. 17679 ID: eff9b6
File 136047925565.jpg - (198.04KB , 450x553 , lina.jpg )
Sorry, guys. I've been kidnapped my /vg/'s mobafags.
No. 17680 ID: feab56
File 136048823473.jpg - (81.41KB , 430x374 , Reaction 2133.jpg )
Coffee you say?
No. 17686 ID: 1f8505
At least tell us what threads you hang out in so we can stalk follow you.
No. 17698 ID: cdccad
I usually float around /vg/ draw general. I put most of the stuff i do for them here.

No. 17702 ID: c592e8
No longer /v/ or /tg/?
No. 17727 ID: 52de59
I've never been around /v/ drawthreads. They don't like ANYTHING, be it games or art. I sometimes lurk /tg/ but honestly i rather draw stupid moba/fighting game shit.
No. 17748 ID: 5649f3
As long as you're drawing fighting game shit, how 'bout some Cammy?
No. 17759 ID: 7e9807

Or some Elena
No. 17766 ID: c592e8
seconding Elena
No. 17785 ID: 5d98c3
Thirding Elena?

I'd rather see Guile
No. 17816 ID: 90b6d9
What's yr favorite fite gaem?
No. 17837 ID: cdccad
I really enjoy most of them a lot. SF, KoF, Tekken.

If i had to choose only one as my all time favorite it would be the Darkstalkers franchise.
No. 17840 ID: feab56
Iron Tager from Blazblue and Zangief brofisting. Alternatively Zangief in pain because of his bruised/broken hand after brofisting Iron Tager, perhaps holding his wrist and blowing on the hand or something like that.
No. 17880 ID: 06b36e

I'm obligated to request Taokaka and Felicia wrestling in jello, with Zangief watching with approval in the background.

Said approval could be sexual, though it could be more of a "They learn so fast" sort of thing.
No. 17942 ID: 71b937
Yo Greenmarine- I don't suppose you're open for commissions?
No. 17945 ID: 44cc74

i would pay many dollars for a greenfag drawing.
No. 17987 ID: 1f8505

So would I.
No. 18016 ID: 90b6d9


mah nigga
No. 18112 ID: 60e51a
File 136262864307.jpg - (1.05MB , 1750x1484 , shit.jpg )
I'll be open soon ™

Have some stuff i did last week.
No. 18120 ID: 1f8505

SWAT Kats! Yessssssssssssssssssss.
No. 18123 ID: 86c8c6
Hey green, could you upload bigger versions of the two tiefling chicks, if there are any? I'm the same faggot that asked this before, so forgive me if I'm being annoying
No. 18128 ID: 22c8cd
File 136271435884.jpg - (124.33KB , 851x1468 , vava.jpg )
Nah, it's all cool.
No. 18129 ID: 22c8cd
File 136271443286.jpg - (143.67KB , 814x1342 , jammies.jpg )
No. 18145 ID: 21758c
No. 18147 ID: 10165a

No. 18227 ID: fee990
Hey green. Could you draw me a half-orc muscle girl wearing chainmail with one of those round battle-girdle things that protects the abdomen and duel-wielding 3-chained scourges? Busty but no boob window.
No. 18228 ID: fee990

Oh and with hair in a mohawk and pouty lips with tusks.
No. 18291 ID: acf812
Green, how about Celestine or Ephrael Stern?

Maybe both together
No. 18426 ID: 90b6d9
greenie how do you keep your lines so soft and loose but clean when yr sketching and/or not try-harding?

I'm a bit envious. Also trying to make my sketches more comprehensible, less line-heavy, so clean up isn't a complete nightmare like it has been for me in the past.
No. 18458 ID: 10165a
draw more stuff plox
No. 18459 ID: 60ec98
That's what practice does to people.
No. 18520 ID: da5086
I don't know what you're talking about. My sketches are incredibly messy. Working over them is what makes the lineart look softer.

I'm drawing stuff. I just dump it all on tumblr, though.
No. 18805 ID: 21758c
where is Greenmarine's tumblr?
No. 18806 ID: feab56
No. 19255 ID: 4c1918
I wonder if this is ever going to be finished.
It would seriously make my day. No, week.
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