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File 128288542363.jpg - (100.08KB , 705x1000 , nerdgirlomega01.jpg )
963 No. 963 ID: 43c7e5
Just an anonymous drawfag who will be coming by to dump porn I draw while browsing /tg/. This one is inspired by the nerdgirls.
Expand all images
No. 964 ID: 43c7e5
File 128288611796.jpg - (93.14KB , 861x750 , nerdgirlomega02.jpg )
These are all real rough, as you can tell, but the basic design for the nerdgirl is the same. One of people on /tg/ described themselves as skinny, pale, dark hair and glasses... which is as vague as things get for nerdgirls, so I figured I'd just draw one nerd girl to represent all that I can. Here she is taking it, probably from some terrible monster that I was too bored to draw.
No. 965 ID: 43c7e5
File 12828863967.jpg - (85.81KB , 760x1100 , nerdgirlomega03.jpg )
And here she's taking... I don't know, from a dragon. Sure. Better than an Umber Hulk, right? If someone is less bored of the concept than I am, feel free to draw in a monster for her.

I'll dump stuff here when I see odd requests on /tg/'s drawthreads, or I have an idea inspired by something game culture related. You could make requests, but ya know, I'm a lazy fuck, so don't EXPECT anything from it. I don't draw cutebolds, I obviously am too lazy to draw most sexualized monsters and shit. See ya next scribble.
No. 966 ID: 97cb33
cool, thanks.
No. 967 ID: bfa2d4
With longer hair and a narrower face, that would be uncannily accurate.
No. 968 ID: 43c7e5
File 128292431964.jpg - (106.31KB , 656x850 , techrites copy.jpg )
"Techpriest doing something sex?"

That was the request. Gee. Well, I decided a young techpriestess doing a ritual is only a somewhat tired cliche. So here she is doing a ritual to admonish (is that the word?) the weakness of flesh be subjecting her still normal parts to minor pain from melted wax. Hope y'all like.
No. 969 ID: 97cb33
super vague request powers. almost everyone on /tg/ has them.
No. 970 ID: 43c7e5
I was thinking of doing a more accurate one, but then I realized it would be a lot easier on me if you would just put on weight in your face and cut your hair. Don't yet know what to add to this thread.
No. 971 ID: bfa2d4
>I was thinking of doing a more accurate one
Frankly if you want to do it, or just make similar adjustments to any more you do of that character, feel free. Your art style is nice and I'm not going to get pissy. That said I do need to get my hair cut anyway, so eh.
No. 972 ID: 9406d6
I'm glad you came over here, Deathleaper's Fangirl. I liked the art you posted.
No. 973 ID: 78b26b
File 128295546152.jpg - (116.74KB , 960x1280 , Deathleaper and Fangirl.jpg )
I've been wanting to do this for a couple weeks but had no idea what DLFG looks like and it would have been kinda strange to ask.
No. 974 ID: 43c7e5
This looks like the start of an amazing (and probably erotic) adventure!
No. 975 ID: bfa2d4
Heh. I'm not really...'here', so to speak. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread because I like the art, because I horde images like mad, and frankly because I like porn. But while I might poke around the other boards, I'm not sure I'll do more than lurk. Thanks for the shout-out though.


One can but hope.

Anyway. Enough out of me for now. Don't want to hijack the thread.
No. 976 ID: 78b26b
I enjoy doing art of all our name/trip users, FSM knows why. Feel free to request anything you want from me.
No. 983 ID: 201368
File 128305352253.jpg - (198.99KB , 836x1000 , wheredohalfelftieflingscomefrom copy.jpg )
For the few that have been asking for Dungeon Crawler porn... well, consider this a step closer.
No. 984 ID: 34c005
File 128305845748.jpg - (191.08KB , 881x1000 , dungeoncrawlerssleepingresize.jpg )
Well, since I don't want to alienate others who like the Dungeon Crawlers, I figure if anyone has an opinion on them they should post it here as well. They are a pair I love drawing, so they will be showing up here from time to time, and I have been thinking of some innocent sexual stuff (more cute than raunchy). Figure it's best that anyone wanting to speak against anything like that, or for something far dirtier, let their voices be heard... and than I can at least say I heard if I ignore everyone and draw something nuts.

Also debating really opening up to requests, but maybe I should do more stuff so people get a better feel for my style.
No. 985 ID: 30e6a7
I don't know much about dungeon crawlers but I know I like your drawings.

is friggin hilarious.
No. 988 ID: 50551e
File 12830609413.png - (315.20KB , 780x1008 , isuck.png )
No. 989 ID: e8bb75
These are excellent as are you.
No. 990 ID: 97cb33
most excellent. really nice dragonborn.
No. 991 ID: 366ca7
No. 992 ID: f133e0
has she been swimming in the Gulf?
No. 993 ID: fa1e59
you're silly, nah she just has some chocolate
No. 994 ID: 1177ca
Now draw a kobold licking it off her!
No. 995 ID: 44484c
File 12831343723.jpg - (80.45KB , 738x1000 , SW-pissingtwileksmall.jpg )
For a guy on /tg/, though it's missing the piss he requested. Mostly cause I had a computer problem in the middle of trying to color it, and now am too frustrated to try again.
No. 996 ID: 44484c
File 128313590116.jpg - (129.00KB , 736x1000 , general-dlfgontheweekendsmall.jpg )
Oh, and I'm taking a crack at shading this. Since nerdgirl isn't really DLFG, but was inspired by her, I decided to give the girl one actual picture. Once it's done, I expect her to print it out, frame it and mount it on her wall. Bonus points if she takes a picture of it hanging.
No. 997 ID: d84874
File 128313932986.jpg - (14.00KB , 350x263 , 1281082887329.jpg )
This has my full approval. You're awesome.

>I expect her to print it out, frame it and mount it on her wall.

I actually would, but I don't think my parents would approve if they saw it.
No. 998 ID: 44484c
File 128314004962.jpg - (109.18KB , 736x1000 , general-dlfgontheweekendsmall copy.jpg )
Here is the greyscale. Which might just mean "finished version", but it's been fun to do so far. If coloring does happen, well, you know where to find it.
No. 999 ID: 366ca7
>>I expect her to mount it

Fixed. :D
If Greenmarine wishes to take requests in here, I have a few entertaining ones. Otherwise, pie.
No. 1000 ID: 44484c
File 128314128379.jpg - (180.07KB , 736x1000 , general-dlfgontheweekendsmallcolor1.jpg )
My first go at colors. What color are your eyes?
No. 1001 ID: d84874
Brown. Did you leave the glasses off deliberately?
No. 1002 ID: d560d6
...Greenmarine? Or just similar in style and name?

Those are some tiny hands.
No. 1003 ID: d84874
Needs more gooey slime/cum
No. 1004 ID: 44484c
I figured I could shop in some decent ones.

The hands aren't THAT tiny... it's just her head is huge.
And yeah, that was one of Green's.

You are absolutely correct.
No. 1005 ID: 2850d6
File 128325133253.jpg - (226.81KB , 765x990 , robit.jpg )
dumpin this here, don't mind me
No. 1006 ID: 44484c
How could we ever mind awesomeness? Nice work!
No. 1007 ID: 357c0c
This thread is relevant to my interests.
No. 1008 ID: 066ae5
File 128328531244.png - (424.18KB , 1200x800 , tzeentits.png )

leaving this here
No. 1009 ID: 620bfb
I approve of the recent use of this board.
No. 1013 ID: 44484c
File 128335887412.jpg - (60.00KB , 812x737 , WH40K-ohcaptainyousilly.jpg )
Drew this for a xeno-fucking Rogue Trader fapfic that I found quite pleasing. I'll tell you all if I give in and do layouts for the story in comic form.
No. 1014 ID: d560d6
Ah, avoiding the moderation that is strangling /tg/? http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/tg/thread/11842117#p11865209

Trolls/retarded and bitter manchildren are still out in force over there I see: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/tg/thread/11895925
No. 1015 ID: e72025
Strangling /tg/? Hardly. When Moot brought in a bunch of new Mods/Janitors, we got one Janitor running rampant for a few days before being kicked out and replaced with a more moderate one. The occasional picture gets vanished, but to say /tg/ is being 'strangled' is a gross exaggeration.

As for trolling? Much less of it these days. There'll always be some - I mean, it's 4chan - but there's less obvious troll threads cropping up and less people feeding them. Sure, the occasional thread will go to hell, but that's hardly an accurate representation.
No. 1016 ID: 44484c
I think our moderation has been fairly even handed. We have a place for our NSFW drawings, and he only has been deleting images when he sees them instead of doing any major bans on people. I think we've actually had a few xeno-girl fapthreads AND we had a fully absurd fapfic thread that went undisturbed. Either the mod missed them, or let them pass because they stayed in their own threads. /tg/ can handle porn and such, but I think the way it spills over into unrelated threads has been a BIG issue. Basically, it still feels we have a good amount of self governing, and we can still go a bit beyond the states rules as long as we exercise basic consideration for our other posters.
No. 1017 ID: 366ca7
I just love the facial expressions on this, particularly the rightmost one. She seems to have to be half asleep with one eye slightly more open than the other.
No. 1018 ID: 0fd452
Nice. The foreshortening of the eyes of the face on the left might need some work, though.
No. 1029 ID: 754124
So the picture on our right (her left)... is that cum on her cheek or a burn scar? Because it looks more like the latter, but that would be somewhat out of place here.

>The occasional picture gets vanished, but to say /tg/ is being 'strangled' is a gross exaggeration.
I disagree, and therefore you are a horrible person who, in my opinion, does not deserve life.

I perceive it to be merely a mild exaggeration.
No. 1030 ID: 78b26b
Actually, I think that's a hair.
No. 1031 ID: 97cb33
both wrong. it's drool. it goes top left, bottom, right.
No. 1032 ID: 44484c
Correct, it's drool! Though I guess it would have been much clearer if I hadn't drawn the pics in such a haphazard way, or at least arranged them in photoshop afterwards.
No. 1047 ID: 28f800
File 128364757257.png - (152.79KB , 826x286 , ban.png )
I would like to dispute your claim. See Exhibit A at left.
No. 1048 ID: a52777
File 128364887182.gif - (593.00KB , 1200x1450 , sexpriest2.gif )
Toasting in epic bread
No. 1049 ID: 44484c
No. 1050 ID: e009b0
Ohi i herd there ws parti???
No. 1051 ID: 366ca7
Alright, this is hot. Good work!
No. 1055 ID: 066ae5
File 128366102574.jpg - (792.87KB , 800x1000 , Adraste on top.jpg )

I can drill this.
No. 1057 ID: 366ca7
No. 1058 ID: 30e6a7

GOOD! /tg should not be a work safe board anyway.
No. 1059 ID: a594b9
This isn't a SFW board.
No. 1062 ID: 066ae5
File 128371972211.png - (97.40KB , 400x400 , noyoudont.png )

as it should be
No. 1063 ID: 366ca7
Fucking baneblades.

Do Eldar ladies shave their naughty bits into Isha symbols?
No. 1064 ID: e72025
Hey, Stranger, do you have any designs on finishing this? I love me some girl-on-monster action.
No. 1065 ID: 44484c
Eventually. I got a rather work-lite week coming up, I'll see what happens. Been focused on linework, so not doing as much in photoshop at the moment. But I won't leave you all hangin' forever.
No. 1070 ID: 754124
I like the expression.
No. 1075 ID: 366ca7
Yes, she seems to be enjoying her penis.
No. 1131 ID: 366ca7
:3 More of these two, please. Perhaps something of the half Lamia girl?
No. 1169 ID: 3679c9
can I request a nid girl with a mirror?
No. 1172 ID: ffcb10
File 128504948222.jpg - (581.82KB , 1020x1320 , nid_lady.jpg )

probably far from what was actually wanted...
No. 1173 ID: 175f4a
still adorable. but also makes the point, "descriptions, do you have them?" if you a have request then describe it enough that it is understandable.
No. 1175 ID: f59e3c
File 128519084475.png - (74.81KB , 300x300 , Nid girl with a mirror.png )
sure you can
No. 1176 ID: 366ca7
What you cannot see is that her sisters scribbled on her face with lipstick last night.
No. 1228 ID: f59e3c
File 128567429159.png - (179.59KB , 600x400 , oh Isha what are you doing.png )
not porn, but /tg/ related. probably
No. 1235 ID: 9e143f
File 128575487596.jpg - (32.29KB , 223x310 , Image_ashx.jpg )
Cute Tech Priestess making a myr like pic related.

Yeah, Phyrexia doesn't do sex appeal.....
No. 1237 ID: ee38fb
can I request more Dungeon Crawlers?
No. 1257 ID: 28f7a2
File 128615589775.jpg - (223.17KB , 805x1248 , sisterbath.jpg )
No. 1260 ID: 28f7a2
File 128616420995.jpg - (274.65KB , 900x720 , nurglettederp.jpg )
No. 1261 ID: 852081
I like.
No. 1263 ID: 852081
File 12861656462.jpg - (60.04KB , 793x1326 , gm Nurglette 2.jpg )
On that note, anything nurglette I would appreciate. No ideas come to mind at the moment though.
No. 1264 ID: 366ca7
No. 1265 ID: 6550ad

Should have used protection, bro
No. 1266 ID: f59e3c

... Hahahaha
No. 1268 ID: 366ca7
This also works if you sleep with Khornette.
No. 1269 ID: 366ca7
Also, requesting halfling/elf lesbianism. Because.
No. 1274 ID: f59e3c
File 128626477931.png - (58.99KB , 300x400 , tiddies.png )

That is true.
No. 1276 ID: 28f7a2
File 128633910043.jpg - (218.07KB , 780x975 , callidus.jpg )
No. 1288 ID: f13f54
File 12865104734.jpg - (415.10KB , 886x1484 , SoB.jpg )
No. 1292 ID: 973baf
Epic thread is epic.
No. 1293 ID: 366ca7
She is now in charge of hugs.
No. 1299 ID: f13f54
File 128666982472.jpg - (318.79KB , 1184x1238 , morenurglette.jpg )
No. 1300 ID: f13f54
File 128667250485.jpg - (247.57KB , 732x903 , eldar.jpg )
No. 1301 ID: af9490
>>Drew this for a xeno-fucking Rogue Trader fapfic that I found quite pleasing. I'll tell you all if I give in and do layouts for the story in comic form.

Where can one find said xeno-fucking Rogue Trader fapfic? A cursory check of suptg didn't reveal anything.
No. 1302 ID: f13f54
File 128668384477.jpg - (517.86KB , 900x1125 , SoS.jpg )
No. 1306 ID: f13f54
File 128672936537.jpg - (256.92KB , 900x1125 , tau.jpg )
No. 1307 ID: f13f54
File 128673535927.jpg - (778.06KB , 1740x2043 , psyker.jpg )
No. 1308 ID: c5f1fc
No. 1309 ID: 366ca7
Suptg does not like the fapfics so much. Uploading~
No. 1310 ID: 754124
That vagina looks as though it has a whole 'nother vagina stuck inside it.
No. 1311 ID: 366ca7

TG fiction archive, updated to Oct 10th.
No. 1320 ID: af9490
File 128680174533.jpg - (7.04KB , 136x180 , face1.jpg )

>my face

Much obliged!
No. 1330 ID: f13f54
File 128685689736.jpg - (288.85KB , 1200x1500 , derp.jpg )
No. 1337 ID: f13f54
File 128694175496.jpg - (296.05KB , 692x1224 , durpcallidus.jpg )
No. 1338 ID: f13f54
File 128694461718.jpg - (310.74KB , 1104x1500 , tau.jpg )
No. 1339 ID: 304d58

Do want more tiny tau tats.
No. 1340 ID: 7ac729
File 128695460132.png - (882.94KB , 1125x1463 , cata-bi.png )
Mistah GM, any chance for more cata-chan in her hypertrophic glory?
No. 1344 ID: f13f54
File 128702954460.jpg - (176.58KB , 715x975 , catachan.jpg )
No. 1346 ID: 7ac729
You're an alright dude, Geem
No. 1347 ID: 7ac729
I'm intimidated by that pose...and also that facial expression
No. 1352 ID: 84445e
Any chance we'll get more of sexy bionic arm Guardswoman?
No. 1353 ID: 012092
File 12872480403.png - (59.14KB , 200x200 , Dow2_portrait_derosa.png )
I request pictures of sexy time with Governor Derosa.
No. 1354 ID: 304d58
File 128727257066.jpg - (147.70KB , 1100x1500 , 128601222268.jpg )
Reposting stuff we need more of
No. 1355 ID: 232b75
File 128727900681.jpg - (452.18KB , 1100x1500 , engine.jpg )
No. 1356 ID: 366ca7
Needs more finishing~

Khornette and Tzeenchette action would also be swell.
No. 1367 ID: 232b75
File 128729255724.jpg - (358.72KB , 1192x882 , dicks.jpg )
No. 1373 ID: 366ca7
I like her hair.
No. 1376 ID: df9367
File 128735210541.jpg - (339.88KB , 975x1325 , eldar.jpg )
No. 1379 ID: e184a2
File 128737212027.jpg - (282.96KB , 995x919 , khornette.jpg )
No. 1380 ID: 91650f
Was wondering if you can do a sexy female Adeptus Arbite.
No. 1383 ID: 9c6c8d
Hey Green, I'm a big fan of your work but just never said anything. Was kinda wondering, how long does it take you to pump out some of these more refined drawings near the bottom of the thread?
No. 1384 ID: e184a2
20-25 minutes. Depends on how massive my hard-on is at the moment.
No. 1385 ID: acfc0f
You are a MAN among mere men.
No. 1386 ID: ff5c36
Did you teach yourself how to draw?
No. 1387 ID: e33093
Shit, think you could ever do a video of you drawing some of your stuff or a livestream? I wanna see how the fuck you do it so fast.
No. 1388 ID: 01b834
File 128746997361.png - (165.98KB , 300x600 , Nimue Prime.png )

By the gods, that is fast.
No. 1389 ID: 39a9bc
I agree. Yeesh...
No. 1390 ID: 366ca7
So... where is the weak point?
No. 1391 ID: acfc0f
Stick it in her anus for massive damage.
No. 1392 ID: e184a2
I guess so. Tutorials help a lot, too.
No. 1393 ID: e184a2
File 12875110219.jpg - (322.04KB , 758x1095 , isuck.jpg )
No. 1397 ID: ed3c7e

Dude seriously, stop saying you suck. If you are doing these in 20-25 minutes, you are one of the upper level drawfags we have who draw for us on /tg. I can only imagine what you could pull off if you worked an hour or more on one.

by the way thanks for >>1376
She looks fucking great.
No. 1398 ID: cb801d
Shh. Stop that before he develops an ego.
No. 1399 ID: e184a2
I think i may have exaggerated a bit. >>1393 took around 45 minutes.
No. 1400 ID: ed3c7e
Yeah well that is two characters interacting with eachother. That will take longer. I know that for me I have trouble drawing just about anything. That is why I have been going to college trying to get better (When I have a live model I do ok but drawing from memory or references bah I suck) Here sometime I'll have to try do draw a request in a draw thread and see how I do... hell maybe it will give people a good laugh) I do much better doing renders with Poser. I know it is limited and slower than drawing the old fashioned way but I can get good results when I have time.

Fuck wall of text... Keep up the good drawing dude.
No. 1423 ID: 01b834
File 128769035876.jpg - (53.34KB , 300x300 , bird is the word.jpg )

Implying Nim00 has a weak point
No. 1432 ID: 3f5560
Mandrake violating a Wych or Hellion, please.
No. 1433 ID: 669ef7
Sexy Tzeentch
No. 1442 ID: 268640
File 128788056937.jpg - (170.91KB , 622x1344 , sammich.jpg )
No. 1451 ID: f11631
File 128794258337.jpg - (240.57KB , 689x887 , durp.jpg )
No. 1457 ID: a8d745
File 128797459070.jpg - (29.38KB , 432x540 , 128789553446.jpg )
No. 1458 ID: a8d745
File 128797461287.jpg - (50.62KB , 432x540 , 128789556826.jpg )
a new tech priestess design
No. 1459 ID: f52552
No. 1460 ID: a8d745
File 128797744259.jpg - (61.43KB , 576x720 , TECHPRIESTESS.jpg )
Not what I was intended, but I guess so.
No. 1461 ID: 15c34f

lol at text,

also, to be fair, mohawk + haz mask is fairly common, and not exactly a hard thing to summon in one's mind's eye.
No. 1492 ID: 8b78cc
File 128840973099.jpg - (287.05KB , 1000x1500 , succubus.jpg )
No. 1494 ID: 8b78cc
File 128841110319.jpg - (287.42KB , 688x964 , sisters.jpg )
No. 1496 ID: a8d745
File 128842175271.jpg - (31.44KB , 432x540 , dakitechpriestess.jpg )
I didn't think anyone would like her enough to PM me at deviantart to ask for more. But someone did, so here you go.
No. 1497 ID: 2b547e

note to self, pms to artists sometime get new art done..... even if you don't archive search on their behalf for them in order to get sage troll.
No. 1500 ID: 8b78cc
File 128848764631.jpg - (147.67KB , 650x975 , derp.jpg )
No. 1501 ID: 8b78cc
File 128849752010.jpg - (364.42KB , 1000x1500 , gio.jpg )
No. 1502 ID: a8d745
File 128857211361.jpg - (50.31KB , 432x540 , techpriestesscolor.jpg )
No. 1507 ID: 8b78cc
File 128858761628.jpg - (104.08KB , 650x975 , derpity.jpg )
No. 1509 ID: 78b6fc
are you drawing these ladies for a request thread somewhere or just doing it for the hell of it Greenmarine?
No. 1510 ID: a8d745
does it really matter?
No. 1511 ID: ed3c7e
Drawthreads on 4chan's /tg board.
No. 1514 ID: 2563d4
I suspect he's doing it for the hell of it too.
No. 1517 ID: 78b6fc
Just wanted to know so I can watch the thread on /tg/ if it exists. Which I will be doing!
No. 1521 ID: 8b78cc
File 128867064412.jpg - (215.57KB , 1000x1500 , derrrrrrp.jpg )
No. 1522 ID: 7cb5d2
File 128868471575.png - (182.58KB , 1000x1000 , 1253447594650.png )
No. 1527 ID: 01b834
File 128874258197.png - (354.02KB , 600x600 , up in the trees.png )
Loving those harlequins
No. 1537 ID: 98dc02
File 128884421275.jpg - (210.75KB , 704x995 , hurrr.jpg )
No. 1539 ID: 366ca7
>>Loving those harlequins
...in the cooch.
No. 1548 ID: 2b3064
Man GM, how many Calliduses have you drawn by now?
No. 1553 ID: 57d856
File 128901892489.jpg - (389.61KB , 683x1371 , culexus.jpg )
No. 1554 ID: 57d856
File 128902082515.jpg - (376.03KB , 1000x1500 , sisterloli.jpg )
No. 1556 ID: 57d856
File 12890888124.jpg - (322.15KB , 792x1092 , derpdar.jpg )
No. 1560 ID: 57d856
File 128909390190.jpg - (499.88KB , 900x1179 , derestine.jpg )
No. 1561 ID: 57d856
File 128910046577.jpg - (241.01KB , 707x1245 , orc.jpg )
No. 1563 ID: 57d856
File 128910859670.jpg - (293.01KB , 854x956 , gswm.jpg )
No. 1565 ID: 366ca7
Vibrating hand?
No. 1569 ID: a8d745
File 12891723595.jpg - (54.29KB , 720x576 , freya_and_inkeyes_by_neuroticfanboy-d32dv38.jpg )
He said it was a commission from a fa/tg/uy
No. 1570 ID: 8e18cd
THAT'S HERESY! Well I'm gonna to download it... for heresy-fighting reasons.
No. 1571 ID: 366ca7
No. 1577 ID: a8d745
File 12891954424.jpg - (49.21KB , 720x576 , 1289170397_steveman_analfucking_cultist.jpg )
at his furaffinity he posted cultist.
No. 1603 ID: e26b69
File 128954733069.png - (188.25KB , 480x272 , Sad boobs.png )
He could've worked on the breasts. They seem a bit off. And waaaaaay to big on someone like cultist-chan.
No. 1604 ID: a8d745
The customer asked for "ass sex with big tittied cultist chan".
No. 1605 ID: a8d745
Customer, really? Some asshole actually payed for this shit?
No. 1607 ID: e64bb0
File 128962346862.jpg - (266.15KB , 875x1120 , findmlayer.jpg )
No. 1608 ID: 040ef7

$5 bro.

So yeah, basically a drawthread request with some certainty about it
No. 1609 ID: e64bb0
File 128962513571.jpg - (162.94KB , 884x1249 , drow.jpg )
No. 1610 ID: a8d745
File 128963430147.jpg - (44.29KB , 576x720 , wat.jpg )
Yes that. but I do charge $10 if they want to draw weird or really complex porn.
No. 1611 ID: a8d745
File 128963582581.jpg - (34.28KB , 576x720 , hulabug.jpg )
No. 1612 ID: bc95ad
Do you do non-porn?
Do you consider yourself at an acceptable level at drawing action scenes and poses?
No. 1614 ID: a8d745
File 128969293999.jpg - (46.73KB , 720x576 , thief girl.jpg )
I'd say I'm passable. Though if you want robots that don't look like Robot Masters, you're SOL.
No. 1615 ID: ab97bc
File 128970615024.jpg - (348.81KB , 1250x1600 , derp.jpg )
No. 1616 ID: ab97bc
File 128971650644.jpg - (268.72KB , 838x1167 , dborn.jpg )
No. 1617 ID: a8d745
File 128972179550.jpg - (36.47KB , 576x720 , drawfaglikeitnothing.jpg )
No. 1618 ID: ab97bc
File 128979801889.jpg - (299.38KB , 875x1120 , naga.jpg )
No. 1624 ID: c4f93b
Yum. any chance we could get more or her?
No. 1628 ID: 7c4eb6
Well, I'd like to see more of this gal.

Preferably with a very lucky kobold boy. That's one pairing I've always liked.
No. 1630 ID: f7182a
I second this. I do loves me some dragons.
No. 1635 ID: a09a03
Greenfag, you're awesome. Sorry we're fixating on the dragon. (PS: The dragon is awesome and I would also like to see more)
No. 1655 ID: dc38c6
I love greenfag's dragonborn stuff. Does anyone have any more of it?
No. 1656 ID: 551691
File 129029987161.jpg - (362.49KB , 1203x1449 , DE.jpg )
No. 1657 ID: 551691
File 12903013532.jpg - (291.69KB , 1045x1282 , DB.jpg )
No. 1661 ID: 551691
File 12903031004.jpg - (284.54KB , 938x1200 , derp.jpg )
No. 1663 ID: 551691
File 129030669580.jpg - (351.44KB , 1073x1461 , dryad.jpg )
No. 1665 ID: 551691
File 129031399099.jpg - (279.54KB , 813x1040 , derppp.jpg )
No. 1666 ID: 92f52d
No. 1669 ID: 7c4eb6
I still don't see the kobold with her!

Alternatively, draw this gal http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/183/halfj.jpg naked.
No. 1672 ID: 366ca7
Dragonborn scissoring with an eyepatched human!
No. 1677 ID: 63bbfd

Any chance we could see more of her? Wow.
No. 1678 ID: 551691
File 129039867461.jpg - (416.04KB , 1086x1600 , fire.jpg )
No. 1679 ID: 3f093a
File 129042097299.png - (886.86KB , 650x922 , Nie\'eva2.png )
No. 1681 ID: 2563d4
No. 1696 ID: a8d745
File 129051153466.jpg - (436.08KB , 1200x1500 , 1283572675056.jpg )
This thread needs moar cultist
No. 1718 ID: 366ca7
Dragon boobs~
No. 1743 ID: 9e063e
File 129083728236.jpg - (465.72KB , 1013x1238 , techpriest.jpg )
No. 1746 ID: 3f093a
File 129090034819.jpg - (69.92KB , 545x730 , dbornwitch!.jpg )
No. 1747 ID: 2d8aa8
Praise the Omnissiah!
No. 1748 ID: b7e299
File 129090319069.jpg - (311.99KB , 1013x1238 , draenei2.jpg )
No. 1749 ID: b7e299
File 129092763148.jpg - (480.51KB , 1350x1650 , derptits.jpg )
No. 1750 ID: 366ca7
D: His face says do not want. Even if he is rewarded later.
No. 1751 ID: 7c4eb6
I still don't see the kobold. When's he going to get some of that delicious dragonborn?
No. 1752 ID: a8d745
stop bitching about the kobold. no one wants to draw your stupid little kobold.
if it is that fucking important to you learn to fucking draw and do it yourself.
No. 1753 ID: 2563d4
*sniff* It's just like being back in /tg/ drawthreads! :')
No. 1765 ID: b28afa
File 129117740046.jpg - (257.28KB , 1013x1238 , redtager.jpg )
No. 1766 ID: b28afa
File 12911800141.jpg - (366.69KB , 783x1180 , tancata.jpg )
No. 1785 ID: 4e3405
File 129134992188.jpg - (287.47KB , 1350x1650 , fuckingfurries.jpg )
No. 1786 ID: 4e3405
File 129135271880.jpg - (368.06KB , 1350x1650 , durpadurpa.jpg )
No. 1788 ID: 83ecef
yessss greenfag I love you
No. 1789 ID: 4e3405
File 129135564015.jpg - (192.03KB , 710x1409 , aksdnaskd.jpg )
No. 1802 ID: 366ca7
File 129144750989.jpg - (196.88KB , 981x1524 , 1291438445825.jpg )
Sandwich cooch
No. 1803 ID: 4b897c
File 129144763699.png - (179.28KB , 475x598 , drawfag111.png )
Dorf Ass as requested 12/04
No. 1812 ID: 80843d
File 129151706238.jpg - (222.69KB , 917x1250 , dicksammich.jpg )
No. 1814 ID: 6179cb
File 129152993310.jpg - (426.27KB , 1485x765 , barbarian girl colour.jpg )
No. 1815 ID: 80843d
File 129153095164.jpg - (218.95KB , 794x1083 , dbornn.jpg )
Fucking dborn, how do they work?
No. 1818 ID: 366ca7
Penis in vagina
No. 1819 ID: 43d730


Wait, wrong start
No. 1820 ID: ff5c36
Need more dborn lesbian sex.
No. 1825 ID: 80843d
File 129169624365.jpg - (215.51KB , 758x1033 , dorf.jpg )
No. 1827 ID: 80843d
File 129174334949.jpg - (336.86KB , 645x1041 , valkia.jpg )
No. 1830 ID: 366ca7
This is a sexy dorf
No. 1832 ID: 80843d
File 129178471389.jpg - (221.86KB , 708x837 , dorf2.jpg )
No. 1833 ID: 366ca7
Damn you, dorf girl cooch.
No. 1834 ID: 40b110
Now please fill that snatch with mancock.
No. 1835 ID: c96a56
Seconded! Preferably human. Small woman on large man = nice.
No. 1836 ID: 2563d4
Get out of here, pedo.
No. 1837 ID: a08ba3
Get out of here, retard.
No. 1838 ID: c96a56
Liking petite women is not = pedo, you arsegoblin.
No. 1839 ID: abb30a
it is
No. 1840 ID: 5e4a07
File 129187050868.jpg - (368.43KB , 1222x1666 , commie.jpg )
No. 1841 ID: cad377
It is when you're a butthurt fa/tg/ot furfag like yourself.
No. 1842 ID: bffa2a
Guys, please. Tits.
No. 1843 ID: b6c6fc
I dunno I'm kinda tired of Greenfag's stuff, it kinda feels like he's just spaming at this point

I mean his stuff's OK but its kinda feeling more and more rushed, and some of them are just starting to look bad
No. 1845 ID: 2563d4
It's hardly spamming when it's all in one thread and on-topic. Fast, impressionistic drawings of curvy women are what Greenmarine does. At a guess, everything not in that set is ending up on 4chan/tg/ drawthreads, so we've got selection bias.
No. 1847 ID: 636f85
>I'm tired of naked women.
Kthxbye. The door is over there.
No. 1848 ID: b6c6fc
tired of ILLUSTRATIONS of naked women drawn by the same artist over and over again,
in attempts that it looks like he barely gives a damn.

some of them look decent, but personally I would prefer if he spent more than 5 minutes per picture.

all I'm asking for is Quality over quantity
No. 1849 ID: bffa2a
Guys, please. Tits.
No. 1850 ID: 636f85
This. Tits are about gentlemen, behave thyselves!
No. 1851 ID: 6b5c17
Typical furfa/tg/ot logic.
>This person's sensibilities don't agree with mine, therefore they don't belong here!
No. 1852 ID: 636f85
Child. >>1850
No. 1854 ID: a41aaf
Silly anon, this isn't the bitching thread, this is the pornscribble thread! The bitching thread is here:

That said, moar techpriests! Delicious cyborgs, unf unf unf, etc.
No. 1855 ID: a6e855
No. 1856 ID: bffa2a
Draw a flatchest to mix it up. Species does not matter. On second tought avoid tiny species, sends out the wrong message.
No. 1858 ID: 40b110
File 129203077847.jpg - (139.26KB , 672x717 , bueno.jpg )
No. 1859 ID: 5178e5
File 129204423117.jpg - (341.84KB , 1222x1666 , crap.jpg )
No. 1860 ID: 7d596c
We need more awesome and beautiful creatures like this.

Keep it up.

Also, can someone draw a red-headed elf girl?
No. 1861 ID: 5178e5
File 129211515572.jpg - (420.32KB , 917x1250 , fire.jpg )
No. 1862 ID: 5178e5
File 129211715153.jpg - (252.28KB , 801x1208 , wych.jpg )
No. 1863 ID: 4aacc5
File 129211897266.png - (391.34KB , 400x600 , Daemonic Mastery.png )
By the gods, what is this madness

Have some fucking porn.
No. 1865 ID: 5178e5
File 129212845396.jpg - (228.05KB , 794x1083 , bdbrn.jpg )
No. 1866 ID: 366ca7
There is indeed fucking here.
No. 1872 ID: 5178e5
File 129221496198.jpg - (333.45KB , 978x1333 , sob.jpg )
I kinda took the time to finish this one.
No. 1885 ID: 3b2530
a Sister of Battle being knotted by a flesh hound or ganged by steeds of Slaanesh.
No. 1974 ID: 295958
File 129273994313.jpg - (169.69KB , 674x1000 , khornette.jpg )
No. 1977 ID: 295958
File 129278294180.jpg - (305.19KB , 1147x904 , asdlmkaslkdmsakldmsad.jpg )
No. 1982 ID: 295958
File 129282715962.jpg - (322.33KB , 779x1063 , derpriestess.jpg )
No. 1993 ID: abb89d
File 129289372960.jpg - (413.98KB , 1222x1666 , callidus.jpg )
No. 1997 ID: abb89d
File 129290643467.jpg - (288.32KB , 788x1232 , ahsoka.jpg )
No. 1998 ID: abb89d
File 12929100884.jpg - (213.40KB , 794x1083 , thing.jpg )
No. 1999 ID: abb89d
File 129291321784.jpg - (284.05KB , 855x1166 , gally.jpg )
No. 2002 ID: 8bc4a7
High praises!
No. 2003 ID: abb89d
File 129297301688.jpg - (515.04KB , 1222x1666 , lictor2.jpg )
No. 2016 ID: 9dd723
/r/ a finished, non-sketchy version of this. Shit's hot as hell.
No. 2038 ID: 683bb8
File 129315366423.jpg - (161.23KB , 670x827 , bard.jpg )
No. 2042 ID: b055c2

Hey Green, could you draw a cute&curvy tau girl squirting milk out of her breasts?

I would'nt mind, if you used her as a template

Also, dem bug eyes are cute.
No. 2056 ID: bffa2a
Dark Eldar Lilith Hesperax covered in the blood of her thousand victims wearing a jingle bell hat. Or not.
No. 2062 ID: 743a43
File 129357406298.jpg - (230.05KB , 855x1166 , chacalacasomethingsomething.jpg )
No. 2066 ID: 743a43
File 129359416638.jpg - (327.33KB , 733x1000 , SoS.jpg )
No. 2075 ID: 3b2530
Really needs a DA or something for Greenmarine's stuff, lot of pics missing in this thread.
No. 2077 ID: 3b2530
I only check TG drawthreads on the odd chance that Greenmarine has posted something, true story.
No. 2102 ID: 1f5cdb
File 129402683340.jpg - (54.76KB , 720x900 , Sob.jpg )
No. 2115 ID: 864706

This dorf looks uncannily like my best friend.

Uncanny, I say.

Were these commissions, o wonderful artist?
No. 2127 ID: 1f5cdb
Not really.
No. 2161 ID: 6a705c
File 129445690848.png - (1.14MB , 900x1125 , 1280293761008.png )
Reposting a few I'd like to see more of.
No. 2162 ID: 6a705c
File 129445699885.png - (1.08MB , 938x1219 , 1280180947880.png )
No. 2163 ID: 6a705c
File 129445708026.png - (1.03MB , 1000x1184 , 1280186739953.png )
No. 2164 ID: 6a705c
File 129445719761.png - (1.59MB , 1565x1743 , 1280268844610.png )
No. 2165 ID: 6a705c
File 129445725338.jpg - (155.32KB , 1773x1300 , 1280984168691.jpg )
No. 2173 ID: 1f5cdb
File 129453239370.jpg - (65.02KB , 720x900 , derp.jpg )
No. 2175 ID: 1f5cdb
File 129453423436.jpg - (79.44KB , 720x900 , sadjnasdkjads.jpg )
No. 2177 ID: c1aa48
Is that Valkia?
No. 2196 ID: caf281
File 129464137046.jpg - (106.21KB , 855x1166 , khornette.jpg )
No. 2202 ID: 4a61a7
File 129469699862.png - (145.04KB , 400x400 , porndoodle.png )
daemons man.
No. 2219 ID: 366ca7
nom nom nom
No. 2222 ID: 64fd64
File 12947833168.jpg - (135.32KB , 545x900 , dronequest3c.jpg )
No. 2226 ID: 99433a
GodDAMN. Saw the lines for this on deviantart, looked awesome, but HOLY SHIT THOSE COLORS
No. 2227 ID: d560d6
Hunh. Is that fanart of Failcron quest over on /tg/?
No. 2239 ID: 70a6d5
File 129494675224.jpg - (94.51KB , 522x700 , tiefling_tg.jpg )

Yup, it is.
No. 2242 ID: 2563d4
What happened with that anyway? Last I knew she'd been captured by Tau and was breaking free, then the the fanbase got dumb about oh-no-not-everyone-is-doing-a-pacifist-run they-must-be-trolls, the ACTUAL trolls spammed, the author ragequit, and janitors/suptg had a purge on quests.
No. 2243 ID: c96a56
Does the drawfag who did this have a name? Maybe a gallery somewhere?
No. 2246 ID: e81664
File 129498513325.jpg - (273.56KB , 1200x818 , umkleide2a.jpg )


Story got a reset with the drone being captured and reattaching itself...



Not much else in the way of pornscribbles, though...
No. 2247 ID: 2563d4
>Story got a reset
No. 2248 ID: 796659
File 129506677623.jpg - (178.72KB , 1222x1666 , tzeenchette.jpg )
Got bored of this one.
No. 2254 ID: 3405ce
That is not too far from the truth.
No. 2257 ID: 4a61a7
File 129525211047.png - (78.35KB , 400x400 , see this wat do.png )
Spread em.
No. 2258 ID: 366ca7
nyom nyom nyom

Tails must be awkward for bottoms.
No. 2268 ID: dc38c6
I'd like to see more moe tyrant, I kind of miss her.
No. 2273 ID: 4a61a7

I should draw more of her, indeed.
No. 2275 ID: d9f52d

Wait, all 4 of those are women? Including far left? I'm confused
No. 2303 ID: bf13d7

What exactly caused your confusion, good sir? Surely not the mammaries?
No. 2304 ID: d9f52d
derp, I meant far right. The dark skinned scarred one is rather, ah, androgynous.
No. 2314 ID: 6a705c
File 129552332193.jpg - (161.02KB , 500x600 , Swarmlord 2.jpg )

Have an old picture of her, then.
No. 2318 ID: f7182a
I think my favorite pic of Moe Tyrant is the one where she's being drilled in the ass by Swarmlord. Liar, if you're reading this? Do some more like that.
No. 2319 ID: 99433a
File 129560189956.jpg - (425.70KB , 1000x800 , 1279577633647.jpg )
This one? One of my favorites too.
No. 2320 ID: 99433a
File 129560233354.jpg - (209.01KB , 600x600 , Morgan.jpg )
These two are my other favorites
No. 2321 ID: 99433a
File 129560236853.jpg - (201.58KB , 600x600 , 1277846804639.jpg )
No. 2325 ID: 4a61a7
File 129561715673.png - (281.38KB , 500x690 , Hive Mistress.png )
something new done on request.

5 meter tall tyranid woman.
That's a lot of woman..
No. 2327 ID: 99433a
Your style seems a lot cleaner now
No. 2346 ID: 6a705c
File 129577787575.png - (665.59KB , 500x690 , Alis Tyrant 3.png )

On another note, here's the same picture colored and slightly altered.
No. 2349 ID: d296ba
File 129580148698.jpg - (237.07KB , 720x900 , cupotits.jpg )
No. 2350 ID: 000636
Oh look. A nice cup of sexy.
No. 2355 ID: d296ba
File 129580341364.jpg - (233.53KB , 780x975 , half.jpg )
No. 2362 ID: d296ba
File 129582722062.jpg - (228.18KB , 794x1011 , X.jpg )
No. 2365 ID: 00b9ec
File 12958387175.jpg - (1.12MB , 1600x1400 , azazazzazazazazaaz.jpg )
right, linkdumping.
No. 2374 ID: 4d227b
File 129590882766.jpg - (1.11MB , 2000x2200 , shallweproceed.jpg )
not even porn.
No. 2377 ID: 078ffa
File 129592077951.jpg - (111.47KB , 800x1000 , 595692 - Daemonette Steveman Warhammer_40k slaanes.jpg )
No. 2381 ID: 1854db
...that's kinda gross.
No. 2384 ID: cd3bc6
...but accurate.
No. 2423 ID: 0ae1d2
Lalala moving argument to /meep/ where it belongs~
No. 2437 ID: 79ab90
Praise Slaanesh!
No. 2449 ID: 4f460d
File 129636127891.jpg - (309.72KB , 867x1124 , randomtau.jpg )
No. 2451 ID: c3883f
She got that radioactive glow.
No. 2453 ID: b055c2

How cute
No. 2454 ID: 4f460d
File 129641634321.jpg - (237.38KB , 666x995 , asian.jpg )
No. 2455 ID: c261c9
It's a NukaLurk!
No. 2460 ID: 4f460d
File 129644274372.jpg - (251.94KB , 794x1011 , tau.jpg )
No. 2493 ID: 4a61a7
File 129677153371.png - (29.71KB , 400x600 , topless Valera.png )
No. 2504 ID: 49e530
So perky
No. 2549 ID: 4f460d
File 129698405985.jpg - (682.77KB , 1222x1555 , marin.jpg )
No. 2581 ID: 4a61a7
File 129756002983.png - (264.21KB , 600x700 , goodmorning.png )
More scribbles.

>wake up, see this, wat do.
No. 2584 ID: a20f10
File 129757481381.jpg - (302.10KB , 834x1075 , chain.jpg )
No. 2593 ID: b212b6
>demon/monster girl from the depths of hell/entierly alien world
>sitting on my penis
No. 2603 ID: e550ac
File 129770559748.png - (3.38MB , 3402x3402 , milkytaugirll.png )
No. 2604 ID: e550ac

Be informed, im NOT dustygrafix, i simply drew the face in similiar way, because i found it appealing to me.
No. 2606 ID: 0461ff
File 129774706927.jpg - (466.69KB , 910x1120 , tp.jpg )
No. 2607 ID: 0461ff
File 129774866682.jpg - (360.35KB , 910x1120 , taun.jpg )
No. 2608 ID: 0461ff
File 12977512295.jpg - (222.40KB , 861x1120 , taun2.jpg )
No. 2611 ID: 0461ff
File 12978075431.jpg - (147.89KB , 648x1120 , daemonheels.jpg )
No. 2613 ID: 0461ff
File 129782901528.jpg - (300.05KB , 845x1040 , khornette2.jpg )
No. 2615 ID: 1a693f
I see you were in a hardcore mood today.
No. 2632 ID: 366ca7

No. 2741 ID: 3001aa
File 12984362172.jpg - (309.34KB , 975x1200 , titfish.jpg )
No. 2742 ID: 3001aa
File 129843806956.jpg - (291.18KB , 704x983 , tzeenchette.jpg )
No. 2743 ID: 8e18cd

> 2 eyes
> No rainbow fires

I think you're doing things wrong there, chief
No. 2745 ID: 0acff1

blue chicks in a drawthread?

more likely then you think.
No. 2747 ID: bd1dda

What species is she?
No. 2748 ID: 8dde41
No. 2751 ID: 488ce3
File 129847167713.jpg - (127.14KB , 635x480 , U like.jpg )
Do like fishtits in your mouth?
No. 2752 ID: 8dde41
File 12984721191.jpg - (83.47KB , 360x322 , murderface.jpg )
William "troubled sexual identity" Murderface would like to have a talk with you.
No. 2761 ID: a46fbe

it's a rule 63 Ape Sapien, I think, at least in terms of references.

and most tits and ass fish folk just have a common name, like zora or merfolk, that people use to refer to them.
No. 2762 ID: 8dde41
Yeah, GM interpreted it this way, but it's actually meant to be the tittyfish from the song "Changes".
No. 2763 ID: 3001aa
File 129850782839.jpg - (123.84KB , 571x702 , taucallidus.jpg )
No. 2766 ID: 3001aa
File 12985263988.jpg - (198.80KB , 522x1117 , chem.jpg )
No. 2767 ID: 460943
A million miles from nowhere, dragon lance burns hot.
By the fire of a horse's ghost a minnow would be lost.


A fish.
A fish with tits.

No. 2771 ID: e7fccd
I have no sutiable "HNNG" image for this post
No. 2796 ID: 3001aa
File 129862428030.jpg - (355.77KB , 878x1080 , sexpriest.jpg )
No. 2797 ID: d7be35
AdMech ftw.
No. 2835 ID: a317d2
at first: OHSHI-
and then: just as keikaku
No. 2836 ID: 75d7a9
TN: keikaku means plan
No. 2844 ID: 366ca7
PURE FAITH then tickles
No. 2845 ID: 449c4c
File 129894074117.png - (108.32KB , 355x407 , adrasteportrait.png )
not pron
but here's a faec
No. 2846 ID: 07416a
To make it porn, draw those lips wrapped around a penis.
No. 2848 ID: f93826

I'm fine with this.

You and gm do awesome face/eyes.
No. 2865 ID: 4e46f7
>Dem breasts
There's something wonderful about perfectly shaped Bs (though they're almost at C's)
No. 2868 ID: eee280
File 129904165290.jpg - (144.57KB , 600x800 , fish.jpg )
No. 2870 ID: 75d7a9
glub glub, huge fish.
No. 2879 ID: f7166d
Fishtits are basically the best thing ever.
No. 2880 ID: 6e9bc2
Yay! more tittyfish! Noice buttcrack btw.

No. 2886 ID: eee280
File 129911374248.jpg - (458.15KB , 960x1280 , changerofpositions.jpg )
No. 2952 ID: db403c
Blue vag juices?
No. 3159 ID: e059ca
probably last Adraste doodle for a while.
No. 3160 ID: 07416a
No. 3169 ID: e059ca
File 130074927924.png - (199.08KB , 490x517 , first.png )
No. 3171 ID: 4ff611
Who do you plan to do instead? Zenthia? Moe Tyrant?
No. 3179 ID: 216da4
Just wanted to say I love your work
No. 3180 ID: e059ca
File 130084197714.jpg - (102.78KB , 1280x960 , minmatar-jaguar-4.jpg )

When Im mused. I'll draw something.

pic related eats up my time.
No. 3181 ID: 8c73c8
what's your main guy? my guy is rio danthorn.
No. 3187 ID: e059ca

Gabriel Asher of OMFG Corp, formerly of TEST.
No. 3196 ID: a4625d
There is not enough of your work mang. Don't mind if I hire some PMC to kidnap you so I can enslave you as my, and the internets, private drawfag/slave.
No. 3197 ID: 121f85
File 130101262008.jpg - (134.15KB , 1300x1400 , soob.jpg )
No. 3200 ID: 4851ea

oh there you are.


could you post the full versions of these two links?



um... yeah.

because tzeenichette is awesome and stuff.
No. 3201 ID: 6483c8
No. 3244 ID: 144cdb

I was off the internet for a week or so, so yeah.
No. 3317 ID: 690a80
File 130146407322.jpg - (101.50KB , 835x942 , rustytan.jpg )
No. 3350 ID: 75a6b3
Stonkin' great tits!
No. 3351 ID: 9a3c86
File 130163801014.jpg - (38.55KB , 880x672 , tau.jpg )
No. 3353 ID: 9a3c86
File 130163967130.jpg - (66.04KB , 700x800 , slaany.jpg )
No. 3355 ID: 2d0ade
om nom nom nom nom nom nom!
No. 3365 ID: e02378
she can have my sword, if you know what i mean.
No. 3416 ID: 9a3c86
File 130206167154.jpg - (82.05KB , 678x1240 , Ilikebigsisters.jpg )
No. 3417 ID: 9a3c86
File 130206401144.jpg - (57.82KB , 980x840 , isabella.jpg )
No. 3418 ID: 9a701a
No. 3420 ID: 3a1490
You seem... not upset!
No. 3421 ID: 3a1490
Now I feel a bit smug I requested it.
No. 3422 ID: 43d730
You Jolly?
No. 3423 ID: c1aa48
Isabella? What is she from?
No. 3424 ID: 9a3c86
File 130214433094.jpg - (116.80KB , 1469x1321 , deldar.jpg )
No. 3425 ID: 9b0c17
Dragon Age 2. She made my penor sexploade.
No. 3426 ID: 9bdc9f

Hot, but not enough spikey!
No. 3428 ID: 794812
Needs more Merril.
No. 3429 ID: 1437da
File 130216467762.png - (130.28KB , 400x400 , lawfulchibidickings.png )
chibi style smut.
No. 3430 ID: 822863
Uh, doesn't look that chibi to me. A bit more weeaboo than usually, but definitely not chibi.
No. 3434 ID: 696568
File 130219013125.jpg - (304.50KB , 900x1000 , Chibi.jpg )
No. 3435 ID: 1437da

can't do that kind of chibi. that's probably as deformed as my work tends to get tho.
No. 3436 ID: 822863
then just don't call it chibi when it's not. That gets confusing.
No. 3437 ID: 1437da

roight then.
No. 3456 ID: a717b6
Bitching aside, that is still one sexy demon (?)
No. 3457 ID: 1437da
File 130224273407.png - (188.09KB , 600x400 , thatfuckingdaemon.png )

Herald yes, her 'brother' is pic related.
No. 3458 ID: a717b6
Have you ever done a 69ing lesbian couple? If not, you should remedy that.
No. 3462 ID: 301d6c
Am I the only one here who wants to see daemonic wincest now?
No. 3464 ID: 7d9ada
I think I'd be happy for some less dressed pictures of her brother. He's hot.
No. 3491 ID: 25e2c8

Rube here, it seems Liar won't draw them because he's 'insecure'. More like a big baby, if you ask me.
No. 3492 ID: 1437da

I need motivation.
No. 3494 ID: 07416a
Lavish praise? I'm totes willing to do lavish praise.
No. 3495 ID: 301d6c
Um... What sort of motivation?
No. 3502 ID: c5323a
He wants you to suck his dick.
No. 3503 ID: 1437da
nah, none of that mess.
I'll think about it.. for a while.
No. 3507 ID: 216da4
How long will 'a while' be?
No. 3519 ID: 1437da
File 130264207636.jpg - (64.56KB , 400x600 , dongsketch.jpg )

I'm not sure.
No. 3520 ID: 7d9ada
I like where this is going.
No. 3532 ID: 216da4
No. 3534 ID: e76f3b

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I think there is too much penis in that image to retain a solid, heterosexual classification. Just Saiyan.
No. 3535 ID: 7d9ada
You say that like it's a bad thing.
No. 3536 ID: e76f3b

Uh, I guess it depends who you are?
No. 3561 ID: 492153
are we even sure its a woman licking it?
No. 3573 ID: 1437da

Word of god: it's a woman
No. 3574 ID: 3c45d9

Nonetheless, we feel that it's necessary to increase the level of discernible female features - like tits, in order to neutralise the amount of massive, image-dominating wang.
No. 3638 ID: 1437da
File 130300878823.png - (280.01KB , 887x926 , TyrannusxSister.png )
Improved Tyrannus
No. 3640 ID: 70832a
No. 3661 ID: 0509dd
She's cute, I've always liked your 'Nid girls.

Still waiting for daemonic wincest, though.
No. 3663 ID: be8170
Tell me I am not the only one having an unhealthy interest in moe/sexy nids.
No. 3664 ID: 216da4
You are not alone!

One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us!
No. 3666 ID: 1854db
The word you're looking for is 'cute'.
No. 3715 ID: fc650f
File 130354699130.png - (529.73KB , 1200x1200 , VarKarbrefclothed.png )
Done as a request.

Who cares if it isn't porn, I'm proud of this.
No. 3716 ID: b0818b
And rightfully so. It's brilliant.
No. 3717 ID: 56eb1f
Is that the Howling Ban-he ?

Also, banshees have pretty spiral-shaped tattoos on their cheekbones.
No. 3795 ID: 07416a
Damn, you leveled up.
No. 3805 ID: 9d6d50
Uh no they don't
No. 3806 ID: 56eb1f
According to the concept notes of Jes Goodwyn, aka Word of God, and a few illustrations derived off these, they do.
No. 3810 ID: df7ae4
None of the models (or the 'Eavy Metal painted ones), the artwork or the Dawn of War 2 Exarch frames possess them. And Eldar culture varies largely from Craftworld to Craftworld.
No. 3811 ID: 56eb1f
Fine. Would have been a good opportunity to add a good-looking, old fluff-approved feature that you can't see on MASKED minis, though. Too bad DoW didn't keep that.
No. 3814 ID: 301d6c
I think male Eldar who walk the path of the Banshee consider themselves female until they stop walking the path.
No. 3822 ID: fc650f

He doesn't have that mark on his body, it's on his left pauldron however. I think only the Exarch has the mark on their face.

I don't know what path he'll walk when he's done with the Banshee aspect. He could easily become a Warlock, being from Ulthwé.
No. 3823 ID: 301d6c
He should be an Autarch. Pick his equipment and wreck peoples' shit.
No. 3824 ID: df7ae4
He needs to find a nice Banshee and settle down.
No. 3831 ID: 4c8814
That's actually quite possible. IIRC, irish/scottish druids would swap gender during specific occasions, and eldars (especially banshees, obviously) are heavily referenced to this culture.
No. 3835 ID: 575d93
I wouldn't mind tap'ing dat ass. The SoB can join too.
No. 3836 ID: 4c8814
so.. have we settled whether this was an actual female or a dude pretending to be the little banshee?

because I see a manface and no tits.
If this was made to avoid the over-sexualization of eldars, and to make it fluffy, then you'd better give him/her a narrow basin.
No. 3837 ID: 575d93
No. 3841 ID: be38bb
You know what that means, we need porn of them both.
No. 3842 ID: be38bb
Is that an Elf wielding a tank?
No. 3847 ID: 366ca7
Eldar with a Baneblade. Injoke.
No. 3854 ID: fc650f

>implying Sorellian and Var would be naked in the same room, and Sorellian not die horribly.
No. 3859 ID: be38bb
No. 3864 ID: 07416a
The answer to murdersex: BONDAGE.
No. 3865 ID: 39f273
No. 3920 ID: 4b3e23
where'd greenmarine go, haven't seen any new stuff in ages
No. 3955 ID: bb0fbd
Been working like a mexican.
No. 3976 ID: 366ca7
Speaking of this, anyone have all 3? parts?
No. 4022 ID: 75c3da
Late to the party but I've missed nidgirls, nice to see them pop up with a lot of improvement. Any chance we could see more of the megane nid?
No. 4023 ID: 75c3da
Late to the party but I've missed nidgirls, nice to see them pop up with a lot of improvement. Any chance we could see more of the megane nid?
No. 4035 ID: 75c3da
Woop sorry was getting internal error when posting. Didn't think they got through.
No. 4257 ID: 0eb52f
3 parts??? I only read 2! I need to get back to drawing some more, so I can add some porn too.
No. 4258 ID: 45dda3
There are three, yea. The first you're familiar with, the second involving a pair of Hormagaunts, and the third a lesbian scene with a Farseer.

http://pastebin.com/qQ0TTGLm - that's the link to the Farseer one. Frustratingly, the link to the second no longer seems to be working.
No. 4263 ID: 0eb52f
Hmmm, that was quite.... ahem... yeah.... daaayum...

I'll be in my bunk.

Thanks for the link, it was quite enjoyable! And is this where the ever playful lord-captain gains a name! I thought part 2 involved a hive tyrant, not two hormogaunts? Does that mean there are 4 parts in total? Oh well, I'll try to look more into it later. Nice to see you again, didn't realize it was you until after I read the story.
No. 4265 ID: 45dda3
You're quite right, sorry. The Tyrant comes before the Farseer, then comes the pair of Hormagaunts. So it's part 4 I'm missing.
No. 4266 ID: 07416a
A link to number one?
No. 4282 ID: 07416a
No. 4283 ID: 07416a
It also contains number 2.
No. 4312 ID: 360b06
Delicious heresy.
No. 4390 ID: 454cb1
File 130587277503.jpg - (93.10KB , 480x540 , elesh1.jpg )
Don't mind me.
No. 4391 ID: 454cb1
File 130587281289.jpg - (73.25KB , 361x526 , elesh2.jpg )
Just passing through.
No. 4392 ID: a1c032
File 130589459141.png - (235.36KB , 344x291 , 1276258601627.png )

Oh boy.
No. 4394 ID: a06441
File 130589892255.jpg - (33.58KB , 420x300 , cruchot.jpg )
I see what you did there. Can we have moar?
You too.
No. 4595 ID: d3dfb8
File 130694930838.jpg - (5.69KB , 262x192 , thread.jpg )
No. 4640 ID: eb126f
File 130714688758.jpg - (763.70KB , 900x1800 , Cheating fuck (2).jpg )
Old as shit.
No. 4792 ID: 301d6c
I've always enjoyed your 'nid pics. Will Swarmlord ever get his comeuppance? Or at least have Moe Tyrant drag him off to "Da Relashunship Kounsela"?
No. 4793 ID: 599138
dude, the Swarmlord is Alpha as fuck, every Norn Queen wants him in her Hive-fleet, he won't be taking shit from one of his subordinates when even the Norn Queens bow down.
No. 4826 ID: 83dfbb
File 130784806426.png - (118.82KB , 400x400 , blastfromthepast.png )

someone wants me to draw him getting pegged I think.
No. 4827 ID: 599138
I disapprove, but whatever.
No. 4828 ID: 4de54e
Does anyone want me to figure the proportions on that Banshee? Because it's still bugging me.
No. 4855 ID: 83dfbb

I have a clothesless reference, I really should bulk him up a bit (srsly, Toughness of 50), hes 2.07 meters tall, just as well.
No. 4858 ID: 8bbbbf
>I have a clothesless reference

Oooh. Can we see it?
No. 4870 ID: 83dfbb
File 130801536706.jpg - (93.58KB , 393x402 , Karbonshirtless.jpg )

If you know where to look, you'll find it.
No. 4871 ID: 4de54e
That's a little more balanced.
>(The armor makes his ass look huge)
No. 4872 ID: 4de54e
Well I checked "there" but I found nothing.
No. 4893 ID: 271137
deviantart scraps.

it's just a reference anyways
No. 4911 ID: 4de54e
Eldar dicks are tiny.
No. 4912 ID: 271137
File 130821350903.png - (139.21KB , 504x677 , Karbonthrope.png )

>It's a reference.

I try not to be terribly explicit there.

Anyways adding a few more things to it. new characters, old characters. may end up being some kinda huge picture with a lot of different characters standing side by side for scale.
No. 4913 ID: f34bd5
Tell me your fucking username right this fucking second!
No. 4923 ID: 271137

No. 4926 ID: f949b3
Consider yourself OFFICIALLY watched.
No. 4979 ID: eebcf4
File 130845723802.jpg - (50.60KB , 493x629 , sisters.jpg )
No. 5309 ID: 1dd6d2
File 130988170314.jpg - (90.09KB , 780x1040 , jubbly.jpg )
No. 5396 ID: 301d6c
Always liked Jubblowski, I wish GM would do more of her.
No. 5399 ID: 9d13f0
she's by far the most adapted character for him to draw.
No. 5747 ID: f81ce1
does GM have a foundry account or anything like that where all his stuff is posted?
No. 5748 ID: 81601a
no. Nowhere can you find all of his works compiled, except maybe his harddrive.

maybe we should ask him to compress it all in a .rar and upload it.
No. 5749 ID: 10025d

We totally should.
No. 5834 ID: a4fd3d
GM has said he does not save his work. This may or may not be true, but if you wish for a collection, you may have to construct one yourselves.
No. 5835 ID: 37b986
Oh, well, I guess that tg booru has a big enough amount of his works already.
No. 5845 ID: 10025d

Varying collections i'm aware of, are present at rule34 paheal/booru too. Majority of the works are same, but there are some which cannot be found on others.
No. 6014 ID: 073440
File 131259231033.jpg - (83.66KB , 659x984 , khornette.jpg )
No. 6093 ID: 6878e8
I love Khornette... Especially when she gets all flustered like that.
No. 6107 ID: 07416a
Aw man. This thread is a goldmine.
No. 6391 ID: 4bc027
File 131450958359.jpg - (221.09KB , 601x909 , 1314502947948.jpg )
Bumping with heresy!
No. 6393 ID: 07416a
No. 6394 ID: b95a0c
About damn time.
No. 6404 ID: 5212c4
Greenmarine is...improving?
...or just more patient?
No. 6406 ID: da3f56
uh, I don't find it more elaborate or realistic than the stuff he did two years ago...
No. 6408 ID: 366ca7
Next time he scribbles, we need to request Tzeenchette/Khornette smut
No. 6412 ID: c1aa48
Why only 2?
We need a picture with the four Gods' daemonettes cuddling.
No. 6418 ID: c94955
Aggressive lesbian Tzeentchette is BEST Tzeentchette.
No. 6450 ID: 5d9faa
File 131482488230.jpg - (154.34KB , 572x840 , chubbyelf.jpg )
No. 6795 ID: f10f7d
File 131572175245.jpg - (173.74KB , 734x793 , nurglette.jpg )
No. 6796 ID: 5ad838
God damn I like how you do colours.
No. 6797 ID: 31a68f
>lock of hair over one eye

okay, now we're talking!
No. 6799 ID: 5ad838

You know, she probably smells like poop, and has vaginal thrush, right?
No. 6801 ID: a930de
No. 6803 ID: 35e1a0
but you would only ever see her in a place already so foul with nurgle's rot that she would smell like lilacs and daisies. also happiness while horribly ill is how nurgle rolls. so while you may get every disease you could get, it will be the best lay ever. and if nurgle favors you then you will be a super human blob of nasty that can break tanks in half with the tumor growing out of your hand.
No. 6806 ID: 67d3d3

Isn't like the porn version of a Nurglette cosmetically enhanced to be pleasing? I'd imagine whole skin flakes lobbed off and lots of other nurglish pustules and whatnot...
No. 6807 ID: 5ad838

Now I want to have a go at realistic Nurgle porn, but to be honest I don't really give a fuck.
No. 6811 ID: 67d3d3

do a tribute to the Sister of Nurgle story
No. 6812 ID: 5ad838
Don't know it.
No. 6814 ID: 67d3d3

No. 6881 ID: 02020b
Anyone know where the 4th Xeno-Lover is? Looked everywhere but all that came up was a broken pastebin link.
No. 6896 ID: 20fcd6
File 131595374737.jpg - (224.62KB , 722x756 , derp.jpg )
No. 6898 ID: 20fcd6
File 131596446768.jpg - (321.15KB , 1120x1120 , tp.jpg )
No. 7179 ID: 6fe68b
File 131658771972.jpg - (172.38KB , 960x859 , nurglette.jpg )
No. 7203 ID: 0448b9
No. 7212 ID: 6fe68b
File 131665980098.jpg - (225.76KB , 720x840 , moriah.jpg )
No. 7213 ID: 6fe68b
File 131666229606.jpg - (134.04KB , 720x840 , tau.jpg )
No. 7216 ID: df940e
If anyone in this thread is still taking requests i would like to request Jack from Mass Effect 2 and a Slaaneshii cultist having sexy times
No. 7303 ID: ae2e26
File 131693184088.jpg - (189.83KB , 720x840 , slaneesh.jpg )
No. 7304 ID: 0509dd
Dat '80s hair.

... Oh yeah, dat ass too.
No. 7318 ID: b9127b

No. 7403 ID: f5d211
Still taking requests? If so, can I please get a hot female techpriest with a bionic arm and bionic cunt get fucked up against a wall?
No. 7404 ID: 8a540f
>a bionic arm and a bionic cunt

You're thinking WAY too small.

But again, GM found the idea of tits-mechandendrites unsexy (probably because he mistook mechadendrites for servo-arms) so...
No. 7440 ID: ae2e26
File 131735462222.png - (263.79KB , 600x700 , askdmasd.png )
No. 7461 ID: cc2ce0
There needs to be more Eldar... I request a female Striking Scorpion. Preferably with a few muscles on her body, and dreads in her hair.
No. 7465 ID: fb2a83

I could agree with this but minus the dreads... they just look WRONG period. And that's on a human, they have no place on an eldar
No. 7482 ID: cc2ce0
Perhaps braids instead? Something that resembles the Striking Scorpion helmets.
No. 7484 ID: e87b60
I know that stoners can be annoying, but dread/braids do look nice.
No. 7491 ID: 088a90
File 131769386322.jpg - (73.25KB , 720x840 , 1317666430150 (1).jpg )
Hey Green Mahreen, have you got the Slaaneshi pic without the dont' ban my stupid ass?

For some reason I find your Slaaneshi coot as a scoot.
No. 7493 ID: b15b4b

I think he's not satisfied with this character as much as he is with the others, OR HES DRAWING SOMETHING VERY DELICIOUS for us.
No. 7494 ID: ae2e26
File 131774988639.jpg - (41.59KB , 720x840 , goblin.jpg )
There is no NSFW version. Sorry.

I actually like it quite a bit. I was thinking of doing the other chaos gods too.
No. 7496 ID: b15b4b

OH YES PLEASE, But emphasis on your slaanesh "avatar" , its too god damned awesome.
No. 7508 ID: 35bcde
Goblins are teh sex.
No. 7523 ID: ae2e26
File 131786228663.jpg - (45.82KB , 641x621 , elfdarhurhurhurhurhur.jpg )
No. 7529 ID: 35bcde
Greenmarine, could you hang out with us on IRC? You seem like a cool dude and also draw excellent ladies.
No. 7531 ID: 26bcc5

Requester here
You're awesome
No. 7545 ID: ae2e26
Ok, unless you see this as a chance to request incredibly disturbing dwarf porn or cry like a massive faggot about how miserable your life is even though we met like 5 minutes ago.

I mean, because that's what the people i meet on the internet normally do.
No. 7546 ID: 68f71d
>incredibly disturbing dwarf porn

Beermug codpiece.
No. 7559 ID: ae2e26
Ok, maybe i am being unfair. Not all of them are like that, only the notable ones.

Except for Kosmi, she's ok and not as creepy as the internet made me believe she was.
No. 7561 ID: 35bcde
You should talk to us and find out.
No. 7563 ID: ae1802
I have a hugeass one of a request, so feel free to skip it if it's not your cup o' tea.
Here goes:

A femlae psyker being humiliated, abused and broken by two Sororitas Battlesisters clad in dominatrix style clothing. One is holding a wicked-looking whip and the other is pouring hotsauce on a VERY large dildo.

The psyker is naken, restrained with her legs spread apart and she has stuff like "unworthy", "unclean", "dirty psyker whore", "punish me", "I deserve this" etc written on her body. She also has inquisition symbol tattooed on her forehead.
No. 7596 ID: feab56
My 485 greenmarine might give me the wrong idea, but that doesn't sound what GM would usually do. I wouldn't complain if he did though.
No. 7597 ID: feab56
485 greenmarine picture folder*
No. 7601 ID: c1aa48
Can you post an archive of it? (multiupload or other)
No. 7617 ID: 5ef6e1
>Kosmikophobia is a woman.
Well that explains the awful OC half anyway.
No. 7620 ID: 8a6a94
File 131813905092.jpg - (66.15KB , 720x870 , asdmasdaskd.jpg )
No. 7625 ID: 313ae6
No. 7631 ID: 333ddc
Hey Green, got my second ban for posting the Raven Hex sketch. The witch pic was worth it though, thanks again.
No. 7632 ID: ad8ad9

You absolutely MUST upload it somewhere for us!
No. 7639 ID: 7b0b76
How long have i been drawing for /tg/ now? Over a year?
No. 7640 ID: 4b8577
About that, I think, yeah. Maybe a bit longer.
No. 7643 ID: 2563d4
Well you were in /tg/ drawthreads before the whole ban-the-drawfags-and-purge-the-archives thing that made me wander over here, and I've been here over a year. So yes.
No. 7656 ID: 87d01f
Funny, i remember it more like "Ban the avatarRPfags" day. But i never really know what is really going on over there on /tg/.
No. 7660 ID: feab56
I'll try and figure out how to do that. It includes pictures other drawfags have done featuring greenmarine, but say that 450 pictures are gm's stuff.
I think Im soon close to 2 years on /tg/, maybe you have been drawing for a year and a half?
No. 7661 ID: feab56
File 131834137805.jpg - (215.68KB , 962x659 , Greenmarine and bg.jpg )
Ok, lets see if this is correct
http://www.mediafire( dot )com/?m0o9qmj1w7g2joa
I dont know if tgchan are cranky about links or not but it doesnt hurt to be on the safe side.
No. 7662 ID: feab56
Ok, it seems to work. Let me know if there is a roblem.
No. 7666 ID: 333ddc
File 131834597958.jpg - (77.10KB , 1036x1197 , 1318106042703.jpg )
Didn't see it posted here so I am going to upload it. Hey Green any chance I can get the nsfw version with just the hat and stockings? Please? I got banned for 7 days and they won't even let me appeal it. I guess the mod that day really hates that character, or just boobs.
No. 7686 ID: 94f929
File 131840109192.jpg - (132.10KB , 1200x1450 , witch2.jpg )
Only because you got banned for liking bad comic books. I kinda like it so it might get colored one day.
No. 7692 ID: 94f929
File 131843731413.jpg - (124.25KB , 769x1024 , Michael+Cera.jpg )
Well played, Michael Cera. I never thought i'd meet you here on this god forsaken place.
No. 7693 ID: 333ddc
I was just really asleep when I posted that and my brain did not register might vs will until I got half way through writing it.
No. 7716 ID: bfa2ff
File 131847542004.jpg - (185.77KB , 900x720 , 1243573313298.jpg )
Hey, uh, drawfags?

Can I get more stuff like this, I.E. male humans fucking nonhumanoid Tyranids?

That is my fetish, you see.
No. 7727 ID: 1854db
Well that's ONE way to steal genes!

No. 7754 ID: 84b792

She loves it, the slut.
No. 7758 ID: 94f929
File 131862127753.jpg - (63.86KB , 720x870 , hurp.jpg )
Too busy trying to turn 40k into a wapanese wankfest
No. 7761 ID: 70750c
you're too busy turning 40k into a wapanese wankfest...

...to draw 2D monster porn?
No. 7768 ID: 94f929
Yup. I actually enjoy doing one of those two things. Guess which one.
No. 7771 ID: 35bcde
I entirely enjoy and support this course of action.
No. 7820 ID: 94f929
File 131881836898.jpg - (68.73KB , 720x870 , derp.jpg )
No. 7821 ID: 528265

Requesting a Mon'keigh showing her personally what they'll be doing in bed.
No. 7876 ID: 958731
Hot, diggity damn. I really should swing by more often, at least to see your new stuff.
No. 7880 ID: b3364f
File 131906459215.jpg - (75.27KB , 900x1088 , hurhurhur.jpg )
No. 7881 ID: 7cd647
well I feel like rustling her hair.
No. 7884 ID: 961489
>Like pulling it so hard she gets whiplash
No. 8185 ID: c3c6a9
File 132035488026.jpg - (52.40KB , 655x605 , derp.jpg )
No. 8186 ID: d6ee7f

I chortled.
No. 8191 ID: c3c6a9
File 132037874344.jpg - (67.68KB , 780x943 , queen.jpg )
No. 8192 ID: 961489
>/tg/ in a single drawing
"Some dude on the internet, some other dude on the internet"?
No. 8193 ID: c1aa48
Who is that?
No. 8203 ID: c1aa48
Wait, I just realised... Is that 63'd King in yellow?
No. 8206 ID: f58514
More like the queen in a little bit of yellow.
No. 8253 ID: feab56
File 132060530819.jpg - (14.43KB , 196x191 , -_- 187.jpg )
That's a fine piece of ass you got hold of there son, I didn't think you had it in you
No. 8254 ID: 99002c
File 132060614130.png - (57.55KB , 467x451 , emperor in a can.png )

No. 12842 ID: e8cde6
File 133629550716.gif - (179.91KB , 300x395 , Suckoff.gif )
Rough WIP. Didn't wanna make my own thread, so I'm posting this here. Pardon my Necro.
No. 12848 ID: 97a5ca
File 133632865086.jpg - (36.77KB , 500x428 , i-dont-know-if-i-can-fap-to-this-beethoven.jpg )
No. 12852 ID: e8cde6
I'm probably gonna finish it after I'm done with finals, though my interest is kinda waning.

That and I hate animating hands.
No. 12856 ID: e8cde6
File 133636891313.gif - (472.49KB , 300x394 , Suckoff.gif )
Updated with hand and slightly different loop.

Opinions on the hand before I go any further would be appreciated.
No. 12860 ID: d5ee6f
It looks really well done to me! You got a gallery?
No. 12862 ID: feab56
You're going to love me.
Her hand should, imo, reach further with the stroke, closer to the base.
But thats just like, my opinion, man.
No. 12863 ID: fa163c
Nah; no gallery yet. As for the hand, animation, when I add either the guy's body or his balls, you'll get a better understanding, but at the last bit he thrusts (hence the surprised face). I'll work on it tonight since my game fell through and I'll have nothing better to do. (except, you know, homework).

Hell, if this goes well, I might do some requests/commissions.
No. 12871 ID: e8cde6
File 133646486045.gif - (656.74KB , 300x394 , Suckoff.gif )
So, fixing the loop, added the arm proper; liking it so far. Opinions on adding either xray, cumshot, or soemthing else?
No. 12872 ID: d5ee6f
Last version was a lot smoother and slower. Looks like it's skipping a frame now? Cumshot would be nice.
No. 13244 ID: 3cc761
Some cum would be nice.
No. 24872 ID: 436cdc
X-ray is always nice
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