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File 128288542363.jpg - (100.08KB , 705x1000 , nerdgirlomega01.jpg )
963 No. 963 ID: 43c7e5

Just an anonymous drawfag who will be coming by to dump porn I draw while browsing /tg/. This one is inspired by the nerdgirls.
566 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 7601 ID: c1aa48

Can you post an archive of it? (multiupload or other)
No. 7617 ID: 5ef6e1

>Kosmikophobia is a woman.
Well that explains the awful OC half anyway.
No. 7620 ID: 8a6a94
File 131813905092.jpg - (66.15KB , 720x870 , asdmasdaskd.jpg )

No. 7625 ID: 313ae6

No. 7631 ID: 333ddc

Hey Green, got my second ban for posting the Raven Hex sketch. The witch pic was worth it though, thanks again.
No. 7632 ID: ad8ad9


You absolutely MUST upload it somewhere for us!
No. 7639 ID: 7b0b76

How long have i been drawing for /tg/ now? Over a year?
No. 7640 ID: 4b8577

About that, I think, yeah. Maybe a bit longer.
No. 7643 ID: 2563d4

Well you were in /tg/ drawthreads before the whole ban-the-drawfags-and-purge-the-archives thing that made me wander over here, and I've been here over a year. So yes.
No. 7656 ID: 87d01f

Funny, i remember it more like "Ban the avatarRPfags" day. But i never really know what is really going on over there on /tg/.
No. 7660 ID: feab56

I'll try and figure out how to do that. It includes pictures other drawfags have done featuring greenmarine, but say that 450 pictures are gm's stuff.
I think Im soon close to 2 years on /tg/, maybe you have been drawing for a year and a half?
No. 7661 ID: feab56
File 131834137805.jpg - (215.68KB , 962x659 , Greenmarine and bg.jpg )

Ok, lets see if this is correct
http://www.mediafire( dot )com/?m0o9qmj1w7g2joa
I dont know if tgchan are cranky about links or not but it doesnt hurt to be on the safe side.
No. 7662 ID: feab56

Ok, it seems to work. Let me know if there is a roblem.
No. 7666 ID: 333ddc
File 131834597958.jpg - (77.10KB , 1036x1197 , 1318106042703.jpg )

Didn't see it posted here so I am going to upload it. Hey Green any chance I can get the nsfw version with just the hat and stockings? Please? I got banned for 7 days and they won't even let me appeal it. I guess the mod that day really hates that character, or just boobs.
No. 7686 ID: 94f929
File 131840109192.jpg - (132.10KB , 1200x1450 , witch2.jpg )

Only because you got banned for liking bad comic books. I kinda like it so it might get colored one day.
No. 7692 ID: 94f929
File 131843731413.jpg - (124.25KB , 769x1024 , Michael+Cera.jpg )

Well played, Michael Cera. I never thought i'd meet you here on this god forsaken place.
No. 7693 ID: 333ddc

I was just really asleep when I posted that and my brain did not register might vs will until I got half way through writing it.
No. 7716 ID: bfa2ff
File 131847542004.jpg - (185.77KB , 900x720 , 1243573313298.jpg )

Hey, uh, drawfags?

Can I get more stuff like this, I.E. male humans fucking nonhumanoid Tyranids?

That is my fetish, you see.
No. 7727 ID: 1854db

Well that's ONE way to steal genes!

No. 7754 ID: 84b792


She loves it, the slut.
No. 7758 ID: 94f929
File 131862127753.jpg - (63.86KB , 720x870 , hurp.jpg )

Too busy trying to turn 40k into a wapanese wankfest
No. 7761 ID: 70750c

you're too busy turning 40k into a wapanese wankfest...

...to draw 2D monster porn?
No. 7768 ID: 94f929

Yup. I actually enjoy doing one of those two things. Guess which one.
No. 7771 ID: 35bcde

I entirely enjoy and support this course of action.
No. 7820 ID: 94f929
File 131881836898.jpg - (68.73KB , 720x870 , derp.jpg )

No. 7821 ID: 528265


Requesting a Mon'keigh showing her personally what they'll be doing in bed.
No. 7876 ID: 958731

Hot, diggity damn. I really should swing by more often, at least to see your new stuff.
No. 7880 ID: b3364f
File 131906459215.jpg - (75.27KB , 900x1088 , hurhurhur.jpg )

No. 7881 ID: 7cd647

well I feel like rustling her hair.
No. 7884 ID: 961489

>Like pulling it so hard she gets whiplash
No. 8185 ID: c3c6a9
File 132035488026.jpg - (52.40KB , 655x605 , derp.jpg )

No. 8186 ID: d6ee7f


I chortled.
No. 8191 ID: c3c6a9
File 132037874344.jpg - (67.68KB , 780x943 , queen.jpg )

No. 8192 ID: 961489

>/tg/ in a single drawing
"Some dude on the internet, some other dude on the internet"?
No. 8193 ID: c1aa48

Who is that?
No. 8203 ID: c1aa48

Wait, I just realised... Is that 63'd King in yellow?
No. 8206 ID: f58514

More like the queen in a little bit of yellow.
No. 8253 ID: feab56
File 132060530819.jpg - (14.43KB , 196x191 , -_- 187.jpg )

That's a fine piece of ass you got hold of there son, I didn't think you had it in you
No. 8254 ID: 99002c
File 132060614130.png - (57.55KB , 467x451 , emperor in a can.png )


No. 12842 ID: e8cde6
File 133629550716.gif - (179.91KB , 300x395 , Suckoff.gif )

Rough WIP. Didn't wanna make my own thread, so I'm posting this here. Pardon my Necro.
No. 12848 ID: 97a5ca
File 133632865086.jpg - (36.77KB , 500x428 , i-dont-know-if-i-can-fap-to-this-beethoven.jpg )

No. 12852 ID: e8cde6

I'm probably gonna finish it after I'm done with finals, though my interest is kinda waning.

That and I hate animating hands.
No. 12856 ID: e8cde6
File 133636891313.gif - (472.49KB , 300x394 , Suckoff.gif )

Updated with hand and slightly different loop.

Opinions on the hand before I go any further would be appreciated.
No. 12860 ID: d5ee6f

It looks really well done to me! You got a gallery?
No. 12862 ID: feab56

You're going to love me.
Her hand should, imo, reach further with the stroke, closer to the base.
But thats just like, my opinion, man.
No. 12863 ID: fa163c

Nah; no gallery yet. As for the hand, animation, when I add either the guy's body or his balls, you'll get a better understanding, but at the last bit he thrusts (hence the surprised face). I'll work on it tonight since my game fell through and I'll have nothing better to do. (except, you know, homework).

Hell, if this goes well, I might do some requests/commissions.
No. 12871 ID: e8cde6
File 133646486045.gif - (656.74KB , 300x394 , Suckoff.gif )

So, fixing the loop, added the arm proper; liking it so far. Opinions on adding either xray, cumshot, or soemthing else?
No. 12872 ID: d5ee6f

Last version was a lot smoother and slower. Looks like it's skipping a frame now? Cumshot would be nice.
No. 13244 ID: 3cc761

Some cum would be nice.
No. 24872 ID: 436cdc

X-ray is always nice
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