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File 130458492831.png - (475.01KB , 1176x1163 , TyrannusxWarrior.png )
4140 No. 4140 ID: 5c8d3e
Gonna start posting in here, just 'cause. original idea for >>3638
Expand all images
No. 4141 ID: 5c8d3e
side note: it's still a work in progress, I suppose.
No. 4142 ID: 4948a9
Colour it. Do it.
No. 4155 ID: 5c8d3e
File 130462717335.png - (555.61KB , 1176x1163 , TyrannusxWarrior.png )
No. 4156 ID: b0c912
Fucking Liar, Y not in the pooper?

I think the shading could be deeper on the Warrior's arms.
No. 4157 ID: 5c8d3e

I got lazy on the shading at some point, I probably should deepen the cel shading a bit, but need to do background and such, next.
No. 4159 ID: 3d7b1f
Cool, can always use more colored nid girls.
No. 4160 ID: 4948a9
No. 4161 ID: 2529a0
Fucking yes. More please.
No. 4165 ID: eb63ee
No. 4991 ID: 271137
File 130853302820.png - (278.94KB , 623x1425 , Karbonthrope.png )
No. 4992 ID: f03d8a
Okay, what the hell is this?
No. 5001 ID: 07416a
Humanoid zoanthrope.
No. 5006 ID: 271137

pretty much this. Will need to redo the whole section below the ribcage.
No. 5011 ID: f03d8a
that's potentially interesting actually. Been thinking about an alternate version of the Doom of Malan'tai, with a more eldar-ish design (you know, smooth, with those weird antler-like structures you find everywhere, and maybe gems) and the first chitin plate on its head would have the shape of an eldar face, kinda like a chitin mask, and the maw just below.
No. 5012 ID: 271137
File 130862457599.jpg - (42.62KB , 282x256 , Individualized.jpg )

Oh it's an old joke character thing I did forever ago.
No. 5110 ID: 5db568
File 130904496578.png - (280.19KB , 1000x600 , doodles.png )
No. 5111 ID: c04649

'Nette's pretty cool, since she's not a hideous rendition, like most people tend to do.

Also, the lower hand on upside-down girl seems weird.
No. 5112 ID: 5db568

yeah I wasn't really trying, and i'm about to pass out.
No. 5128 ID: 997d1f
I don't think they're that bad at all for doodles, everything seems inplace and anatomically correct. And I've been bashing his work on DA for quite some time.
No. 5173 ID: 5db568
File 130922272599.png - (58.08KB , 272x284 , nette.png )
another doodle
No. 5179 ID: 2358ed

Awesome. MOAR OF HER.
No. 5180 ID: 11e849
yeah, an Eversor, punching her in the dick.
No. 5181 ID: 2358ed

Hm, I seemed to have forgotten about that potential... detail.
No. 5189 ID: d80047
"Lictor? Damn thing ATE 'er!"
No. 5238 ID: c8e4b2
You really know how to draw seductive faces (and perky tits)
No. 5313 ID: 5b8fca
File 130989098098.jpg - (85.88KB , 500x500 , nicchae doodle.jpg )
more crappy doodles

daemon prince(ss)
No. 5348 ID: 997d1f
start drawing your zany tiji recon adventures.
No. 5397 ID: 301d6c
File 131023166654.jpg - (22.92KB , 300x300 , Vash1.jpg )
That guy looks kinda like Vash the Stampede, especially with that coat of his.
No. 5433 ID: 63829c
I did base him on Vash. hair is shorter, but the face is highly similar.
No. 5729 ID: f0cffe
File 131145732786.png - (207.83KB , 825x500 , practicean.png )
Hi, I doodled a thing
No. 5730 ID: 58f1af
Hi. Yes, you did.
No. 5751 ID: 3cf6a2
Can we get more of Tyrannus? She is the fucking bomb!
No. 5755 ID: f0cffe

yeah soon as I get out of my slump, new work schedule and such.
No. 5890 ID: 0509dd
I'd still love to see them go down on each other. Daemonic wincest...
No. 6189 ID: b0af3e
File 131347275354.png - (190.81KB , 500x500 , chirp.png )
tryan to get back into drawing.
No. 6193 ID: d9f9ef
Am I gay now?
No. 6199 ID: 59b463
Bisexuality is Bestsexuality. But yes, some demonic incest would be nice.
No. 6201 ID: d09e3f
File 131355584989.png - (60.54KB , 303x351 , so girly.png )

We're all a little gay
No. 6325 ID: b0ac62
File 131406307405.png - (203.54KB , 800x800 , Icanreallydigthis.png )
No. 6326 ID: 5212c4
No. 6327 ID: b0ac62
File 131408115687.png - (59.67KB , 451x319 , Word of God.png )
more doodlecrap
No. 6352 ID: 9040a2
Praise Tzeentch indeed. Oh man, Budgie greater-dæmon.
No. 6405 ID: 9944b4
File 131457286991.png - (96.07KB , 500x500 , I peck.png )
hes a little bigger than a budgie
No. 6407 ID: 9944b4
File 131457556495.png - (178.58KB , 500x500 , Cybrarian.png )
confusing isn't it
No. 6421 ID: 9944b4
File 131467352081.png - (209.90KB , 500x700 , What the fuck am I doing.png )
don't ask
No. 6429 ID: 1444d5
>dress shirt
No. 6440 ID: 2a9b06

I still think he's better looking dressed as Dizzy than Dizzy herself is.
No. 6441 ID: 27f1e0
Requesting porn of this. With her glasses and dress shirt, please.
No. 6442 ID: 27f1e0
>With her glasses and dress shirt still on
No. 6444 ID: 2a9b06

There is a lot of porn of her already that Liar keeps greedily to himself. I have a handful saved, but none of the porn that I know of had her in that getup. That getup for her was recently created, as far as I know.
No. 6445 ID: 9944b4
File 131476580921.png - (124.71KB , 535x631 , Cy full.png )

Most of it is actually posted in the greenmarine threadnaught, here.

just finished this.
No. 6447 ID: 366ca7
If by "to himself" you mean "posted on this public board", you are correct sir.
No. 6455 ID: fabfe4
Oh man oh man, these are so awesome. (Especially the last two :n)
No. 6460 ID: 9944b4
File 131487466868.png - (137.54KB , 572x521 , blanketseer.png )
No. 6484 ID: 9944b4
File 131502031937.png - (200.80KB , 750x1200 , Cyrildollthing.png )
Dress up doll thingy
No. 6487 ID: 9944b4
File 131502396262.png - (241.25KB , 750x1200 , Cyrildoll.png )

Colour reference
No. 6488 ID: 07416a
File 131503205613.png - (225.54KB , 750x1200 , cyril\'steve.png )
No. 6489 ID: 31a27f
File 131503621835.jpg - (149.10KB , 750x1200 , Armour.jpg )

Houndskull Bascinet, fuck yeah.
No. 6510 ID: 5212c4
No. 6847 ID: 0509dd
No. 6874 ID: 0d559c
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that either Liar's demons don't have a set gender, or they're the same character shifting between three different forms.
No. 6876 ID: 2a9b06

Cyril chooses to not have genitalia, while the female version, Adraste, does, presumably because Liar is a straight male. There is no third form that I remember.
No. 6903 ID: 69fb9f
File 131597543661.png - (71.45KB , 500x424 , gorydiscretionshot.png )
No. 6904 ID: c29aa9
Ah right, cloacas.
>Gory discretion shot
I like you slightly less now.
Just slightly.
No. 6989 ID: 884617
He should totally have genitalia. Just so he can rub his against Adraste's.
No. 7040 ID: 2a9b06

Adraste and Cyril can't exist at the same time due to plot. From what I have gathered from reading in between the lines, which means this may be totally incorrect, Adraste was created to remake Cyril after Cy was completely destroyed, his presence in the Warp with his physical body, by an Inquisitor. In the year or so Adraste has existed, Cyril has regrown... but he's stuck inside Adraste without her knowing. Or something. I dunno, stupid plot from a stupid channel.
No. 7043 ID: a79e4f
>People actually read into fanfiction characters' personal histories.
Oh my stars and garters why are you still breathing.
No. 7068 ID: 2a9b06

It's not fanfiction, it's even worse: roleplaying games.
No. 7070 ID: 69fb9f
File 131631204687.png - (87.78KB , 400x400 , yo dudes.png )
someone mad, and I am pleased with this.
No. 7091 ID: d7726d
Whatever; give him a second body or something just so they can fuck.
No. 7092 ID: d7726d
Problem, mortals?
No. 7178 ID: e9fe21
File 131658581676.png - (203.69KB , 439x300 , Lightning Claws.png )
fite fite
No. 7211 ID: a79e4f
>fawk fawk
No. 7217 ID: 83bc69
File 131667757393.png - (291.25KB , 1009x661 , WHATIFCYWASADAEMONET.png )
Here, have some shitty paintchat speedscribbles
No. 7281 ID: 62bd0f
Yes! More of that nid!
No. 7305 ID: 0509dd
>Wanna fuck?

I am now officially gay for Cyril.
No. 7413 ID: 413b62
File 131726211042.png - (254.37KB , 500x500 , Magnificent bastard.png )
i haz a headdress
No. 7462 ID: cc2ce0
File 131744874891.jpg - (17.40KB , 399x276 , 6a00d8341c68f553ef01310ff3f483970c-800wi_7998.jpg )
Yes, but do you has shiny glasses?
No. 7514 ID: d558d8
File 131780952729.png - (51.82KB , 1277x776 , MSE4Cy.png )
manga studio doodlans.
No. 7526 ID: 4581d5
Sweet halftones, broseph. I need to have a go of this 'Manga Studio' of which you speak, despite my searingly blatant lack of manga drawing skill.
No. 7550 ID: 55c4cf
Manga studio is not for manga, specifically. It was called Comic Studio in Japan. It's specifically designed to make the creation of quality comics/graphic novels with vector graphics.
I know many non-'manga' artists use it for their work, particularly published graphic novel authors.

Although it is a nice program it can be pretty complicated to adjust to. There's a lot of things in it, and it's not nearly as simplistic as most drawing programs.
No. 7556 ID: c9d6d0
Whoa, vector-based? Sweet! But wouldn't it use memory like mad?
No. 7564 ID: d558d8
File 131798549197.png - (53.77KB , 1348x817 , ohithere.png )
yeah its vector based, doesn't seem to chew much memory.

I don't even use it for 'manga' arting, but rather for the tools and such.

and I rather like how things look that are drawn in it.
No. 7567 ID: 1444d5
It's vector based, but there doesn't appear to be any antialiasing? That's... kinda odd.
No. 7592 ID: d558d8
File 131805390197.png - (64.70KB , 823x1051 , Renka1.png )

I think you can turn on anti-aliasing. I'm not sure though... as I'm still playing with it.
No. 7593 ID: 2563d4
I suspect that a mix of antialising and halftone dots would just look weird and muddy.
No. 7602 ID: 1444d5
It shouldn't do, that's pretty much the standard for monochrome manga and comics (unless you want to be really pedantic and claim hand-drawn lines don't count as anti-aliased because they weren't aliased to begin with). Rendering everything at low resolution and then running an anti-alias pass over the whole thing - tones and all - would look nasty, but that's not what (should) be going on.
No. 7701 ID: d558d8
File 131846141177.png - (51.73KB , 348x568 , lilitu.png )
testing new tablet, and stuff.
No. 8000 ID: afebc2
File 131960405115.png - (878.22KB , 1200x1200 , I am so fucked up.png )
doodle mayhem
No. 8001 ID: afebc2
File 131960409171.png - (117.12KB , 500x500 , anf.png )
and tatas
No. 8020 ID: b1d7d5
You? WE were the ones giving you suggestions.... er... Okay, you can be the fucked-up one if you want.
[Departs, whistling idly.]
No. 8086 ID: feab56
File 131992227998.jpg - (18.97KB , 200x348 , Grate.jpg )
Omfg, that dotted shading grates my eyes!
>pic related, it's a grate
No. 8175 ID: afebc2
File 132031225860.png - (721.32KB , 1600x1200 , BeachnidIllethiel.png )
Male siren nids?

male siren nids.
No. 8181 ID: 961489
No. 8363 ID: 41915d
File 132083664196.png - (293.41KB , 920x1032 , railingbird.png )
dunno who the dude should be...
No. 8398 ID: fd4461
Hey Liar, can you do more of that female tyranid(Tyrannus?)
No. 8404 ID: 41915d
File 132097521856.png - (98.51KB , 463x477 , hipbunp.png )
I'll try to sometime I suppose. shes, really hard to draw, because of the details :<
No. 8408 ID: 60a975
File 132098467842.png - (93.84KB , 500x500 , tau.png )
Invading this thread for the Greater Good!
No. 8409 ID: 60a975
File 132098469831.png - (87.05KB , 500x500 , tau 2.png )

(does this hair look better?)
No. 8412 ID: b00597
invading thread is not very useful

but goddamn, dem hips.

I think the Samus hair looks better, mostly because the other one is implanted too high on her brow.
No. 8413 ID: b00597
or maybe it isn't. Still looks curious.
No. 8417 ID: 35bcde
I prefer the second one, but like he said, the hair seems too high. Also, make your own thread.
No. 8419 ID: 1f2174
Wait, why does she have a halo?
No. 8421 ID: 60a975

But what if she's fighting off these Tyranids

with her vagina?
No. 8431 ID: 41915d
File 132107871015.png - (236.38KB , 750x750 , nyans.png )
I personally don't have any issues with Drain posting here, but that's me.
No. 8447 ID: fdb03e
I do, because if he keeps doing this, on the long run, I'll have to go dig out his pictures in other people's threads instead of having them handy in a thread of his own.
No. 8449 ID: 41915d
File 132122775152.png - (28.76KB , 200x200 , heh.png )

Well, Drain is a friend of mine, so hes free to post in here as far as I am concerned.
No. 8465 ID: 41915d
File 132133951067.png - (176.29KB , 500x500 , cliffasiiide.png )
No. 8469 ID: 41915d
File 132134317211.png - (163.72KB , 500x500 , wheeeeeeeeeeee.png )
No. 8482 ID: 0509dd
Holy fuck, that's hot... You should do more of that.
No. 8539 ID: fd4461
It's been said before, but you really do great faces and expressions.
No. 8769 ID: 41915d
File 132233129880.png - (346.63KB , 752x862 , grrrrrrrrr.png )
No. 8838 ID: fd4461
Who are they?
No. 8870 ID: 41915d
File 132261026013.jpg - (21.53KB , 125x193 , Sigurd.jpg )
a friend's character and mine
No. 8920 ID: fd4461
Great work Liar! Will there be any more of Tyrannus?
No. 8990 ID: 13cd92
shes so hard to draaawwww...

and i'm overloaded with irl atm :<
No. 9016 ID: 6566af
Soooo, when do they make out?
No. 9121 ID: 13cd92
File 132334178219.png - (299.90KB , 1000x1000 , DRAGONBORNs.png )
Have some Dovahkiin
No. 9123 ID: 997d1f
FUS ROH DAAAAaaaaaaaahhh......
No. 9124 ID: fd4461

No. 9130 ID: 13cd92
File 132341549433.png - (699.41KB , 1000x1000 , DRAGONBORNs.png )
Yol Toor Sh-uu-uuuh-uhhh
No. 9134 ID: feab56
>not fucking Mjoll the Lioness
No. 9137 ID: 366ca7
Luckily they both have good Acrobatics skill
No. 9147 ID: 997d1f
Liar, you and Green Marine are the best porn artist to ever grace /tg/
No. 9164 ID: 492153
I request you do the lusty argonian maid justice!
No. 9381 ID: 13cd92
File 132420878729.png - (50.43KB , 338x343 , ahem.png )
No. 9409 ID: 6566af
No. 9417 ID: 13cd92
File 132428026870.png - (289.10KB , 1000x1000 , thegreatgame.png )
Ordo malleus research at it's finest.
No. 9418 ID: 13cd92
File 132428244840.png - (165.72KB , 565x999 , icequeen.png )

and the herald
No. 9419 ID: feab56
No. 9445 ID: bd23fe
>Hark the herald daemons sing
No. 9495 ID: 13cd92
File 132442623679.png - (296.18KB , 1000x1000 , thegreatgame.png )
anatomy fixes
No. 9611 ID: 0509dd
Hey Liar, do you remember that feral Guardswoman you once drew?
No. 9619 ID: c031f7
barely at all
No. 9686 ID: 27cc51
Hey Liar! How about some Dark Eldar?
No. 9774 ID: c031f7
File 132558445128.png - (226.98KB , 500x600 , Ocarina.png )
tryuing to break artblocks
No. 9871 ID: c031f7
File 132583195063.png - (187.49KB , 800x600 , shadowssheddingskin.png )
more practice. Shape flesh is a crazy little power.
No. 9993 ID: 89c7f5
No. 9994 ID: 995f9d
File 132625159310.png - (116.78KB , 344x480 , parasyte penis arm.png )
But of course.
No. 9995 ID: 7a3a6b

That's like a mutation for chaos marauders, right?
No. 10022 ID: 995f9d
Pretty sure it's a standard slaaneshi special.
No. 10515 ID: c031f7
File 132752655097.png - (155.90KB , 600x600 , Sigurd of Artorias.png )

No. 10531 ID: 845476
the handle it's a little too short, for the rest the picture it's great
No. 10560 ID: 747e0e
File 132764056170.png - (114.71KB , 386x432 , trolltyrannus.png )
yeah, I still need to redraw all of it, though.
No. 10617 ID: fd4461
Brilliant! Dark Souls and Tyranid women, two things I hold dear. Well worth the wait on Tyrannus as well. How long did it take you to draw this one?
No. 10631 ID: 747e0e
I think 20-30 minutes. I was really just focusing on her face.
No. 10646 ID: fd4461
As said before, you do really good faces. Well done!
No. 10657 ID: fd4461
More Tyrannus!
No. 10686 ID: 747e0e
File 132819151271.png - (1.32MB , 1400x800 , saintomodo.png )
trying out some combats

i need to get better at dynamic poses
No. 10694 ID: 1854db
Adding more of a twist to their torsos may help.
No. 10700 ID: ba05c0
I'd like to see more anal pics, possibly involving Tyrannus. Or, failing that, more of him. >>8363
No. 10702 ID: 747e0e
File 132828792005.png - (35.76KB , 379x373 , smiiile.png )
cybird :v
No. 10705 ID: feab56
She looks tired. I guess staying up all night snorting souls does that to you.
No. 10706 ID: 747e0e
File 132829891753.jpg - (24.57KB , 213x213 , hurr.jpg )

i suppose.
No. 10711 ID: fd4461
Liar, if you've got time can you try for a picture of Tyrannus in Dark Eldar gear? I've got an idea for a Dark Eldar Archeron who loads herself up on tyranid gene combat drugs which give her tyrannic-like traits for battle. If you could do this, it would be great!
No. 10712 ID: 747e0e
File 132838923067.jpg - (61.19KB , 412x431 , Dremora.jpg )
If I can find time, I'll try i suppose. every time I draw her, or any tyranid girl in detail, i get a writers cramp, simply because of all the details.
No. 10865 ID: 663de2
File 132893133746.png - (146.36KB , 338x377 , GRIND.png )

i wish I could draw mechanical things better instead of it coming out like this
No. 10877 ID: 1854db
That's not bad, just put some more polish into the shading or whatever.
No. 10911 ID: 663de2
File 132909609230.png - (680.93KB , 1200x800 , playnid.png )
oh hi
No. 10914 ID: fd4461

Oh Jesus! Score!
No. 10919 ID: feab56
File 132911776827.gif - (758.75KB , 285x171 , Why boner.gif )
No. 10925 ID: e47fb5
I don't see anything "why" in this boner.
No. 10934 ID: e285ee

Yes, I thought that the x-ray demonstration adequately explained how the blood fills the penile tissue.
No. 10939 ID: ed57e8
that is because it isn't a why boner, but a HOW boner.
No. 10941 ID: 663de2
File 132920504301.png - (129.79KB , 613x408 , fuckyeahcarnifex.png )
doodling sex errday
No. 10942 ID: 663de2
File 132920515055.png - (99.47KB , 450x339 , carnilimax.png )
i need to get better at drawing cumshots
No. 10943 ID: 663de2
File 132920542638.png - (71.13KB , 392x300 , fcknfarseer.png )
tyranids stealin' our women
No. 10949 ID: 274a74
Dude, you did NOT just draw Macha getting some.
You are trampling something important, here.
>am mightily amused tho
No. 11005 ID: cb001b
Most likely a dream
No. 11006 ID: f661a8
Large insertions? Yes.
No. 11012 ID: 663de2
File 132933936892.png - (99.84KB , 397x800 , submissive.png )
she isn't Macha.

Shes a milfseer.
No. 11014 ID: feab56
An Eldar with kids? Was it daughters and are they 1800 years old yet?
No. 11018 ID: 663de2

nope, just one son, and hes only 200, hell shes only 635
No. 11019 ID: feab56
>shes only 635
You sick fuck!
No. 11020 ID: c04ebe
Tyrannus needs some anal action!
No. 11030 ID: 663de2
File 132938716553.jpg - (69.48KB , 370x599 , oh lawdy.jpg )
eh, that's plenty old enough.

this is silly.
No. 11145 ID: 88a71d
File 132978354257.png - (0.98MB , 1800x1000 , Varitykata.png )
No. 11159 ID: feab56
Tacticool bolters in MY warhams40k?
No. 11181 ID: 88a71d
File 132987100119.png - (578.66KB , 1000x800 , feedyourwarmachine.png )

I have a dark heresy character that will take a weapon, and customize it. anywaaays, warmachinez
No. 11191 ID: feab56
>her face when
No. 11192 ID: feab56
Incidentally it's also
Tyrannus (or whatever the nid is called)
No. 11194 ID: 88a71d
File 132990120180.png - (173.48KB , 600x600 , armourdraft.png )

word of god: that one isn't Tyrannus
No. 11196 ID: feab56
Ah, but stupid sexy tyranid in the aforementioned pic
No. 11199 ID: 5fba36
There's a surprising lack of Warmachine porn. You should remedy this.
No. 11232 ID: 9218af
Yea, with the number of half-naked Warcasters Cryx has, plus the Satyxis, it's really surprising. I've never seen any real rule34 beyond some cheesecakeish Skarre and Coven pictures.
No. 11239 ID: 88a71d
File 133006818151.png - (166.28KB , 600x600 , Distraction.png )
Push your foot to the floor, don't need no more.
No. 11240 ID: 88a71d
File 133006822736.png - (153.45KB , 600x800 , Haleyandsloan.png )
You've been peekin' all around, while they're messin' about
No. 11241 ID: 88a71d
File 133006831842.png - (119.58KB , 433x534 , decapitation.png )
Better get your name, come on in, Gimme that thing and feed your War!

Warmachine. war machine.
No. 11243 ID: feab56
File 133008534579.jpg - (108.64KB , 795x596 , Oh my.jpg )
No. 11250 ID: 696d2b
Finally someone properly objectifies the ladies of warmachine there are so many ladies who have yet to be exploited.
No. 11275 ID: 5fba36
You misogynistic bastard. There are men to objectify, too!
No. 11286 ID: 88a71d
File 133025129056.png - (354.03KB , 600x400 , Fist of the Emperor.png )
dark heresy stuff, faith powers are pretty out there.
No. 11291 ID: 88a71d
File 133031292886.png - (350.09KB , 966x1151 , DaSVarity.png )
dark souls inspirations for feral wold outfits.
No. 11295 ID: feab56
"Imma gonna fuck that greater demon up!"
No. 11339 ID: 967ad9
If you're taking requests, can I get a picture of >>8870
No. 11345 ID: 88a71d
File 133060340360.png - (197.62KB , 600x600 , DEPTHS.png )
bit of a slump, but okay.

also true story.
No. 11351 ID: e07ef3
Yar to this. Sigurd outta get some hot tyranic ass.
No. 11392 ID: 88a71d
File 133067888570.jpg - (520.14KB , 1000x1500 , tyriadisapproves.jpg )

delivered :v
No. 11395 ID: feab56
File 133068322467.jpg - (424.88KB , 900x1000 , Rage 12.jpg )
>shield block
No. 11396 ID: 7eb077
>shield block
but why
No. 11403 ID: 97d97c
Now do the siren!
No. 11408 ID: 88a71d
File 133073151958.png - (679.07KB , 1600x900 , strangedreams.png )

huh, whos the siren? I thought Tyrannus was the siren.

on a side note; nightmares.
No. 11417 ID: 88a71d
File 133075636584.png - (134.10KB , 600x600 , eggs.png )
'guess omelets are in line for breakfast.'
No. 11419 ID: d5ee6f
Cannibalism ho!
No. 11463 ID: 2d7ebd
No. 11465 ID: fd4461
This pleases me.
No. 11482 ID: 0509dd
>shield block

Why you do dis. ;_;
No. 11515 ID: 88a71d
File 133102125953.png - (187.66KB , 436x464 , lovethepsHERESY.png )
censored by inquisitorial mandate
No. 11522 ID: d5ee6f
Inquisition sucks.
No. 11524 ID: 1963d1
I am the third Corporal of the Inquisition Lt. Jenkems Rhinehart, and I demand to see a larger and less censored version of this so I can... learn to combat the heresy. You will turn this over to me at once, Emperor's orders.
No. 11557 ID: 5fba36
Wait until you find out it's a psyker.
No. 11558 ID: 88a71d
File 133120468589.png - (199.69KB , 600x600 , focuscamp.png )

moar warmachine
No. 11564 ID: 1dc17b
More of this!
No. 11593 ID: 95c07b
File 133132608693.png - (523.43KB , 1280x720 , 1265537312768.png )
You know...aren't most of your Tyranids from the same hive/brood?
No. 11649 ID: 696d2b
do you think they feel ashamed afterwards?
No. 11696 ID: b89d69
File 133176403149.png - (229.51KB , 600x477 , firedemon.png )

>Implying lady Tyrannus can even feel shame.
No. 11704 ID: d5ee6f
Always wanna beeee with you make beliiiiieve with you
No. 11718 ID: b89d69
File 133185527948.png - (119.78KB , 600x600 , farseer__.png )
because I'm sure she cant

this could have been better
No. 11738 ID: b89d69
File 133195761184.png - (232.08KB , 600x792 , cyril\'adonis.png )
i havent drawn the gender-ambiguous daemon in a while.. changes with the winds you know
No. 11745 ID: d5ee6f
Changes with the winds... OF CHANGE!
No. 11752 ID: feab56
My penis approves
No. 11791 ID: fd4461
No. 11819 ID: 3e6bb7
File 133237720991.png - (175.16KB , 600x600 , Cy meet tentacles.png )
wriggly things, kinda translucent, some are bumpy, some are slimy. i need to get better at drawing them.
No. 11820 ID: ed57e8
haha her face is just like "ah jeez, i had something to do today"
No. 11821 ID: 1dc17b
Could use some work making some facial expressions more interesting, like >>11696
No. 11822 ID: d5ee6f
Dunno, look at that face on the tentacle monster. Not something to get THAT upset about.
No. 11824 ID: 3e6bb7

it isnt upset, its blowing a loooadd
No. 11827 ID: a2853b
It feels more like they both aren't getting maximal enjoyment because of circumstance.
She's feeling a bit exasperated as she has a lot of stuff on her plate, and is a bit too busy for her fuckbuddy right now.
He's straining to keep control of his secret self-diagnosed erectile disfunction disorder and not fail in his bedroom duties, while being desperately horny to the point that he couldn't focus on giving her any real attention or proper foreplay.

It doesn't matter your species, your race, or your religion. All couples end up dealing with these circumstances once in a while.
No. 11829 ID: d5ee6f
No, it's cute. She doesn't need to be upset. These dudes are stupid.
No. 11836 ID: 7b6908

Was kinda my aim, was a silly doodle, nothing serious.
No. 11888 ID: ca2e80
File 133271803334.png - (179.83KB , 800x600 , pewpew.png )
probably should lay off the bf3 for a while, but its fuuunnn
No. 11892 ID: 8fbca9
File 133275159859.png - (193.69KB , 600x600 , biomasscollection.png )
early morning ritual for Tyrannus, I suppose
No. 11895 ID: c592e8
Whats your steam? We can play a few games if you're up for it, I've been playing a bunch of BE ADVISED 3 too.
No. 11896 ID: a7fd5c
What's up with those scything talons?
No. 11897 ID: 8fbca9
they are pretty large, also didn't really give a damn about them that time. was trying to portray her using them as bracing though.
No. 11898 ID: e27575
a very good ritual. Your morning ritual should be drawing it.
No. 11913 ID: a1822f
Needs more anal.
Come on, guy, you need to appeal to MY kinks.
>yes, irony
No. 11920 ID: c592e8
No battlefelt? ;_;
No. 11922 ID: feab56
File 133287510066.jpg - (33.85KB , 512x384 , -_- 200.jpg )

No. 11924 ID: 8fbca9
File 133289547883.png - (304.54KB , 800x800 , charactooors.png )


Birgirpall is my hero


No. 11926 ID: 8fbca9
File 133291471133.png - (114.94KB , 600x600 , awkwardspawn.png )
Awkward squad spawning, the game.

>choose to spawn on friend, end up like this.
No. 11931 ID: fd4461
We require more biomass!
No. 11935 ID: feab56
Sticking your nose in giant, sweaty, hairy man-ass?
No. 11937 ID: c592e8
Ah fuck, i'm getting my shit pushed in here!
No. 11939 ID: a79487
Now if only Battlefield actually contained sexy...
No. 11940 ID: 8fbca9
File 133296899297.png - (217.90KB , 500x600 , Pyromancer.png )
the other player is a girl, so I drew the sniper as a girl.
forgot to post dis
No. 11946 ID: feab56
"Girl" as in both in the pic and irl (assuming it's a friend of your)? Because Im ok with that too.
No. 11948 ID: 8fbca9
File 133300635309.png - (1.62MB , 1400x1091 , miraculousrecovery.png )

No. 12002 ID: 8fbca9
File 133316966255.png - (536.21KB , 1600x600 , Firestorm.png )
friend got her M98b :V
No. 12005 ID: feab56
File 133318467456.jpg - (68.60KB , 400x300 , Must not fap!.jpg )
>dat back and butt
No. 12022 ID: 9a4af8
I'd let her headshot me, if you know what I mean.
No. 12051 ID: 47beb7
How'd they handle taking return fire? Someone's gotta find their position eventually.
No. 12070 ID: 8fbca9
File 133348007963.png - (342.74KB , 1000x800 , bonfire.png )

i really like this music
No. 12077 ID: 025b07
Hey Liar, can you draw more Eldar womenz? Harelquins preferred but not requied.
No. 12081 ID: 8fbca9
File 133350198353.png - (176.67KB , 800x800 , hello~.png )
"hello my honey."


aah I think i could.
No. 12088 ID: e1bde4
File 133355371307.jpg - (95.64KB , 600x782 , 40kboonesa.jpg )
Liar, honey, baby. Can we get some Raege or Boone porn? Taken by chaos daemons of course! The money will be in the post.
No. 12090 ID: 696d2b
"Hello my old time gal."
No. 12135 ID: 33d595
File 133369621632.png - (373.83KB , 800x800 , look this way.png )
i am very doodly lately
No. 12136 ID: d5ee6f
Failing Perils of the Warp has never felt so good.
I like this sketchy mood of yours.
No. 12138 ID: feab56
File 133370078970.jpg - (59.59KB , 600x330 , Reaction 872.jpg )
No. 12159 ID: f0d977
File 133377394802.jpg - (169.77KB , 600x717 , Know_your_heresy_3_by_Mr_Culexus.jpg )
Yes!Yes! Thanks! How about some Raege getting done for the finisher?
No. 12204 ID: 33d595
File 133394605417.png - (290.54KB , 800x1000 , happy easter.png )
happy easter peeps
No. 12206 ID: feab56
File 133396089681.jpg - (20.77KB , 450x301 , -_- 183.jpg )
T-thank you!
No. 12210 ID: d5ee6f
Happy easter to you too, cy. Ever gonna be coming back to irc?
No. 12216 ID: 33d595
whenever i remember to log into rizon, i suppose
No. 12305 ID: 03ec3f
File 133438203723.png - (180.31KB , 668x796 , Tentacle and daemons.png )
No. 12307 ID: d5ee6f
Consider that tentacles are coming out of whatever she is on. Clearly it is a thick liquid, so thick that though her wings are present, we cannot see them.
No. 12372 ID: 025b07
Could you draw a Tech-Priestess in sexy time?
No. 12424 ID: 03ec3f
File 133471748347.png - (70.06KB , 300x300 , saakjskfghg.png )
later. im working overtime lately
No. 12458 ID: 03ec3f
File 133488717004.png - (242.29KB , 800x546 , beakjob.png )
i forgot to post this
No. 12462 ID: c592e8
I hope it's a very blunt beak ;_;
No. 12466 ID: 03ec3f
File 133496744301.png - (47.17KB , 187x500 , cyfu.png )

its a trust thing

full body burd
No. 12467 ID: feab56
File 133497072626.jpg - (41.31KB , 256x256 , Peter 3.jpg )
No. 12468 ID: d5ee6f
Cyfu is the best martial art
No. 12474 ID: 03ec3f
been into wakfu lately, so my style seems to be shifting when it comes to quick doodles
No. 12475 ID: feab56
...any pics with dem hips coming up soon?
No. 12488 ID: 03ec3f
workin on that, cybirds hips should be like that actually
No. 12489 ID: feab56
Just remember, wakfu-girls are 75% hips (and that's ok!)
No. 12562 ID: 03ec3f
File 133522091778.png - (78.77KB , 400x400 , waitwut.png )
reaction to being shipped
No. 12569 ID: feab56
What being shipped?
No. 12574 ID: 03ec3f
being shipped with killy mcskullfucker. its a joke
No. 12590 ID: feab56
That went above my head, but I am sure it is awesome!
No. 12591 ID: d5ee6f
Protect your eyeballs.
No. 12617 ID: 03ec3f
File 133540816236.png - (755.15KB , 1024x768 , Autaris.png )
painted nitetime daemonworld thing
No. 12717 ID: fd4461
First time we've seen a scenic picture from you. Nice!
No. 12742 ID: 1444d5
Like Vegas, but with volcanoes instead of nukes.
No. 12760 ID: fd4461
These are too good to pass up. Can you try your hand at them if you find the time to Liar?
No. 12818 ID: 03ec3f
File 133619322955.png - (184.00KB , 600x800 , buuuuuurd.png )
depressedburd, so ill wait
No. 12840 ID: 03ec3f
File 133629188959.png - (316.52KB , 600x800 , bydothing.png )
r-type is weird.

have a humanoid bydo assimilating humans
No. 12843 ID: feab56
Aaab, wha-... I mean... what?
No. 12849 ID: d5ee6f
She should assimilate some skin? Otherwise A+++
No. 12850 ID: f8a7d5

I wonder tho, is her skin missing, or is it like translucent / transparent?
No. 12851 ID: 2c75f3
Nice. Very nice.
No. 12854 ID: 990fcf
Skin is transparent there, look closely and you can see a bydo embryo.
No. 12894 ID: 990fcf
File 133660531839.png - (106.53KB , 312x340 , Galateabust.png )
new charact00r for a friend.
No. 12895 ID: 990fcf
File 133660626930.png - (438.81KB , 500x800 , Galatea.png )
full portrait thing
No. 12906 ID: feab56
Dayum nice
No. 12912 ID: 693850

This is why I like Liar, his style is down to earth. None of that oversized , fetishistic big ol' titties.

More grimdark !
No. 12915 ID: 840177
>>fetishistic big ol' titties
In my defense i will only say i love breasts for what they represent, not for their dimensions. I worship both big and small, bouncy or pointy.
No. 12916 ID: 693850

I'm talking about those really exaggerated ones, the ones that are like, close to inflation levels.

Also Greenie, direct your attention to my thread.
No. 12921 ID: 990fcf
File 133671518565.png - (348.95KB , 1200x600 , Regulus and Ramiel.png )

I try to at least emulate human anatomy as much as I can with my arts, even if I make big glaring mistakes. gonna get an anatomy art book to help, as well.

I will draw flat to E-F cups, Maaybe a little larger. but from experience, I'd rather a handful.

On a side note, I dislocated my wrist, so no art for a little while.
No. 12926 ID: feab56
Ouch! How did you manage that?
No. 12940 ID: 990fcf
File 133680472569.png - (31.30KB , 650x277 , dirty little bird.png )

work related, was trying to change a blade on a saw, and while I was tightening the wheel my wrist decided to separate and then twist.
No. 12941 ID: feab56
Ouch, hope it wont last long.
>saw blade
Are you a wiz-, carpenter or some such?
No. 12944 ID: b3dc85

I'd say he's a lumberjack!
No. 12949 ID: 990fcf

it was a meat saw, I do pretty much everything for a grocery store, from butcher to janitor.

I only weigh like. 115 lbs at near six feet.
No. 12950 ID: d5ee6f
Ouch, good luck on the healing
No. 12953 ID: 1444d5
Any injury involving saw blades that does not involve learning to use a counting system with a base <10 is a good outcome.
No. 12958 ID: d5ee6f
File 133688470983.jpg - (704.31KB , 800x1167 , tyranidsdoodley2.jpg )
No. 12960 ID: feab56
You weigh what!? Jesus man, I'll have to start sending you food packages so you don't starve to death!
No. 12962 ID: a4a4ca

She's all grown up now~
No. 12963 ID: fed6b0

I don't understand this image.


Dude, you must be hella thin.
No. 12964 ID: a4a4ca

That's exactly how much I weigh.
No. 12965 ID: feab56
But are you 6 feet tall?
No. 12968 ID: 276250
This is me IRL.

No. 12969 ID: a4a4ca

Fucking feet wth, use a metric system please.

I'm around 1.56 meters tall.


Greenie wtf.
No. 12970 ID: feab56
>not aware/ignore that FL stated his height in feet and I followed suit
>does not know both the imperial and metric system
This reminds me of the paper and butter golem /tg/ thought up
No. 12971 ID: a4a4ca

I know them both.

I just hate anything that's not Metric.
No. 12972 ID: 276250

No. 12973 ID: 990fcf
im built like the bird boy. if that answered your question.

I'm 1.76 meters tall at 52kg.

No. 12974 ID: feab56
I agree that the imperial system is pants-on-head retarded, still it doesn't hurt to know it.
You can have 25 of my excess kilos.
No. 12981 ID: 6f53ad
WHICH bird boy? >>6445 ? Or >>8363 o.O Or even >>11738 O.O
No. 12984 ID: d8a7bd

The United States is the only place worth mention that still makes any real use of Imperial measurements. It's a languishing system; learning it would be a waste of time. Especially since the instances in which a non-Imperial user needs to find the metric equivalent of something (in my case, anyway) are usually just because an American has mentioned a height, weight, in Imperial measurements. I have never needed to use it for anything in real life, ever.
No. 12990 ID: feab56
Most carpenters still measures some things in inches over nya, iirc.
No. 12991 ID: fd4461
No. 12992 ID: 1f0f5e
File 133701602745.png - (84.12KB , 453x469 , master race.png )
No. 12995 ID: 990fcf
File 133702936262.png - (131.38KB , 682x600 , equips.png )

>>6445 of course, as i'm a guy

old stuff
No. 12997 ID: d5ee6f
File 133707104458.png - (930.55KB , 900x900 , NIDS3colorCLEAN.png )
Soz I ask Fleatrollus for a $5 dollar doodle to cheer up a friend. Guess what I get.
No. 12998 ID: d5ee6f
File 133707106847.png - (936.14KB , 900x900 , NIDS3colorsticky1.png )
No. 12999 ID: d5ee6f
File 133707484246.png - (1.04MB , 900x900 , NIDS3colorsticky1LOADS.png )
and then she had a lot of fun
No. 13000 ID: feab56
The three and nine o'clock dicks belongs to brave, brave men.
No. 13001 ID: fd4461
Glorious! Thanks!
No. 13004 ID: 990fcf
No. 13009 ID: bac47d
What do you mean she had a lot of fun...

You didn't...
No. 13103 ID: 990fcf
File 133754731120.png - (111.51KB , 692x505 , huttburt.png )
got a little angry over something silly, so i drew this.
No. 13105 ID: feab56
[Creepy and appriciative comment]
No. 13107 ID: 990fcf
File 133756620225.png - (119.80KB , 692x505 , butthurt.png )

here have one with added humiliation
No. 13108 ID: 6f53ad
Some people call it humiliation. Others call it an intimate exchange between consenting adults. And some say it's a rollicking good time.
No. 13109 ID: feab56
[creepy and agreeing comment]
No. 13154 ID: 990fcf
File 133765963064.png - (416.38KB , 911x1047 , nnnnnnnnnNOPE.png )
No. 13155 ID: feab56
No. 13177 ID: 0509dd
I hope she sterilized that beforehand. Wouldn't want that to get infected.
No. 13178 ID: 990fcf

as I didn't colour it, you don't notice that it is red hot.
No. 13214 ID: 482724
File 133789574307.jpg - (909.09KB , 1401x881 , Manti.jpg )
i know its not art but, have addiction.
No. 13215 ID: feab56
How do you like the new expansion?
No. 13216 ID: 482724
its good, FW is actually viable now, among other things, less crashes, missiles look boss. its just good stuff. Takes a bit to get used to the new inventory system though.
No. 13217 ID: a3350f

That is one sexy as fuck ship you got there~

I barely got my Merlin ;_;
No. 13219 ID: 482724
File 133793038083.png - (485.96KB , 1553x696 , dingding.png )
manticore is actually made of paper. its great for killing transports though, and fleets of them will melt anything larger than a cruiser. The merlin is an amazing ship when you have all of your relevant skills to level V.

have boobs
No. 13223 ID: feab56
File 133796656944.jpg - (473.02KB , 2048x2048 , Hulk.jpg )
We (I) have the Hulk.
When I was still playing I was going for an Orca, just because. I want a miner with an even more voracious appetite than the Hulk.
No. 13224 ID: feab56
You draw such delicious tits
No. 13233 ID: 2d7ebd
The Orca doesn't mine; it's a mining Command ship. The only single vessel that could mine faster than a Hulk WAS a mothership with mining drones. Which would have been a sight to see :)
No. 13235 ID: feab56
I know it's not a mining ship. I simply wished for something even better than a Hulk.
No. 13237 ID: 482724
File 133805362893.png - (382.06KB , 1376x663 , moarboobs.png )
All of this mining talk reminds me that I should do more hulkageddon...
No. 13238 ID: feab56
>I should draw more boobs...
I agree
No. 13239 ID: fd4461
Why arn't these females being impregnated?
No. 13241 ID: 482724
File 133808207933.png - (305.79KB , 800x700 , sadida\'s wood.png )
Don't you know Sadida's wood is the best wood?
No. 13245 ID: a7d5a8
No. 13246 ID: 482724

...88 damage in a 6 meter radius...

to answer for the tanned one.
No. 13250 ID: 5c94e7
>Don't you know Sadida's wood is the best wood?
Is it as good as novelty wood?
No. 13251 ID: 482724
File 133810220678.png - (89.38KB , 500x500 , 131709625078.png )

what the fuck.
No. 13254 ID: feab56
So, when are you going to draw delicious girls with over-exaggerated DEM HIPS OH MY GOD WHY DID I BITE THROUGH MY LOWER LIP!?
No. 13289 ID: fd4461
Yes. More females being used for breeding.
No. 13291 ID: 1f8d38
File 133826757335.png - (145.70KB , 700x700 , lifts her tail.png )
I'm not asking for anything, I'm just enjoying the scenery
No. 13297 ID: feab56
Such strong legs and shaply tail
No. 13331 ID: d69ebd
File 133851861426.png - (347.85KB , 800x800 , xelorgaems.png )
oh shit what am I drawing
No. 13332 ID: d5ee6f
Good things
No. 13333 ID: feab56
Christ, you are the fourth drawfag here that draws something Wakfu/Dofus related.

You cannot imagine how pleased I am of this development. MOAR HIPS!
No. 13336 ID: d69ebd
File 133852678103.png - (197.63KB , 600x600 , tofutofu.png )
considering I play the game (as that xelor) and watch the show, I suppose its okay for me to art for it sometimes
Have my sacrier and my friend's cra.
No. 13340 ID: feab56
>I suppose its okay for me to art for it sometimes

Is it translated to english and what do you think of it?
No. 13350 ID: d69ebd

its grindy, but fun in groups
No. 13351 ID: feab56
Guh... pass.
No. 13353 ID: d69ebd
File 133861417645.png - (203.77KB , 700x700 , Cycy.png )
http://store.steampowered.com/app/211420/ yesss this pleases cybird
No. 13354 ID: feab56
File 133863141710.jpg - (290.08KB , 1600x1195 , My sides.jpg )
>that subtitle
No. 13368 ID: d69ebd
File 133878112287.jpg - (112.80KB , 550x698 , slurp.jpg )
No. 13373 ID: d69ebd
File 133878979938.png - (0.95MB , 800x1400 , OFAlicia.png )
as an orbital frame
No. 13374 ID: 132b99
>no giant COCKpit
No. 13375 ID: d69ebd
fully Autonoumous OFs don't have the cockpit
No. 13377 ID: 049dfa

Dolores does
No. 13379 ID: d69ebd
Isis isnt unmanned though, she has a runner.
No. 13380 ID: feab56
No. 13394 ID: d69ebd
File 133887488811.png - (207.13KB , 700x900 , cyfucking.png )
still working on this.
No. 13395 ID: 132b99
she looks smug
No. 13398 ID: feab56
Probably because she gets more sex than any of us
No. 13399 ID: feab56
File 133890955375.jpg - (118.19KB , 700x900 , Add sum flesh over nya.jpg )
Also, maybe add some flesh as indicated?
No. 13406 ID: 66615d

I dunno, it just makes her waist look accentuated, which is okay in my righteous opinion.
No. 13409 ID: 0acbfa

They both look fine to me.
No. 13411 ID: feab56
I understand what he is trying to do, but I think he did it too much is all. So just flesh it out a bit and it looks good, imo.
No. 13480 ID: 41a0c4
File 133946118703.png - (191.49KB , 700x700 , shyLordsolo.png )
He breaks people with this thing
No. 13492 ID: feab56
FemPeople or AllPeople?
No. 13507 ID: 95ce3e
Yes. More like this, please.

LOTS more like this.
No. 13513 ID: d2dd62
File 133955767817.png - (269.29KB , 545x749 , cmcpoav.png )
If friends character was in today's armed forces.
No. 13514 ID: 33f29b
Kawaii bug penis.
No. 13515 ID: feab56
File 133962021692.jpg - (57.68KB , 917x514 , Starship bug penis.jpg )
It's a bug penis! An ugly penis! A penis hostile to life as we know it!
No. 13516 ID: 33f29b
No. 13518 ID: fd4461
She needs knocked up ASAP!
No. 13520 ID: 5040d9
File 133963973404.png - (202.07KB , 663x700 , nompopsicle.png )
No. 13521 ID: 5040d9
File 133964286762.png - (288.51KB , 700x924 , Showereldar.png )
No. 13522 ID: feab56
No. 13523 ID: d5ee6f
No. 13526 ID: fd4461
Hey Liar if you get time can you check out >>12159 ?
No. 13527 ID: c592e8
PADDLEFIELD 3: DLC's and Hardcore servers.
No. 13537 ID: 5040d9
File 133981501026.png - (85.55KB , 400x308 , wehcycy.png )
brb, ill
No. 13542 ID: d5ee6f
hope ya get better soon
No. 13545 ID: feab56
File 133983394807.jpg - (84.54KB , 917x303 , For Fucking Liar.jpg )
That sucks man. Have this, hope it'll cheer you up.
No. 13557 ID: 5040d9
File 133996175538.png - (153.16KB , 700x700 , Nightmarecreature.png )
Warm up by drawing nightmare creatures from your dreams
No. 13558 ID: feab56
Daaw, she's cute
No. 13561 ID: 5040d9
File 133997621696.png - (711.32KB , 1332x698 , dndgroupies.png )
dnd group for a friend
No. 13562 ID: 5040d9
File 133997641439.png - (391.30KB , 700x1400 , ariadoodle.png )
Cyril's disguise
No. 13563 ID: 13ae3f
File 133998050529.jpg - (25.75KB , 295x309 , WHAT\'S IN THE BOX.jpg )
What's behind that loincloth
No. 13567 ID: 5040d9
File 133998377016.png - (110.37KB , 465x507 , cytrollface.png )

Wouldn't you like to know

(i dont draw herms, so that should be a fair giveaway)
No. 13569 ID: 5040d9
File 133999487533.png - (217.49KB , 700x700 , ariabust.png )

No. 13571 ID: d5ee6f
pulls chain (gently)
No. 13573 ID: 82baed
No. 13574 ID: feab56
No. 13578 ID: 5649f3
If you don't draw herms, then what is this? >>8363
No. 13579 ID: 5649f3
I'd like to see Jeanstealer do a tonguejob with her ovipositor...
No. 13584 ID: 5040d9
File 134006932695.png - (111.44KB , 700x700 , cock.png )
the same character as

Cy is gender neutral, in the sense that it can choose to be whatever gender it wants. normally rolling with no sex, or a female sex.
No. 13591 ID: 5040d9
jammed all my fingers at work, fff
No. 13595 ID: feab56
File 134013435819.jpg - (214.88KB , 600x808 , Random 594.jpg )
J-j-jamed it in?
No. 13677 ID: 8164e7
File 134042906253.png - (209.90KB , 700x700 , derpnids.png )
found out I got carpal tunnel syndrome
and ulnar tunnel syndrome following that wrist injury from last month
No. 13678 ID: 8164e7
File 134042914521.png - (387.74KB , 900x1260 , dirtyharriet.png )
new character from a friends game
No. 13679 ID: 8164e7
File 134042922651.gif - (160.85KB , 257x507 , catgirl.gif )
something old, but maybe new to most of you.
No. 13686 ID: feab56
That sucks d00d, I hope it doesn't give you too much trouble. Can it be treated or the sympthoms lessened?
No. 13689 ID: 1444d5
Handwarmers and fingerless gloves are your new best friend. If you can find a decent pair of electrically heated fingerless, even better, though they're rare as hens teeth (the USB ones aren't even worth trying).
No. 13694 ID: fd4461
Great stuff, hope you get better soon.
No. 13706 ID: 4bab1e

No. 13708 ID: 8164e7
File 134056462970.png - (219.97KB , 700x700 , daemonprinces.png )
"Where did this bitch come from?"
No. 13724 ID: 8164e7
File 134059443596.png - (200.45KB , 700x700 , kboom.png )
No. 13728 ID: d5ee6f
How rude. He should at least return the favor.
No. 13729 ID: feab56
He can pass her along if it is such a hassle to wake up like that.
No. 13789 ID: c592e8
Bitches stealin' mah lifeforce.
No. 13810 ID: fd4461
File 134089526551.jpg - (650.98KB , 1000x1000 , back_up_calender_shots_by_mr_culexus-d4yu6r8.jpg )
Hey Liar, can you do a take on Commissar Raege? Here's some art from Culexus to help!
No. 13811 ID: 9570ec

ive been busy (yeah ive been putting it off) and my wrist being a pain isn't really helping.
No. 13818 ID: 9570ec
File 134095114147.png - (389.89KB , 1000x1000 , raegevstentacles.png )
My mind is on tentaclebeasts
No. 13819 ID: 9570ec
File 134095562799.png - (125.50KB , 788x665 , handofbelediction.png )
fuck you, hand
No. 13820 ID: 9570ec
File 134095582058.png - (175.29KB , 800x716 , goodburd.png )
drawn before raege as a warmup
No. 13822 ID: feab56
What's that mark? And I agree with the filename.
No. 13823 ID: fd4461
Whoah, that was fast! Thanks!
No. 13825 ID: 26bcc5
File 134099699732.png - (23.44KB , 199x285 , vidya_gaemz_by_nicklausofkrieg-d48uud7.png )
What about some eldar banshees ? Your eldars are so cutes...
No. 13833 ID: d5ee6f
Rage is crushing it to death with her vagina

such a hero
No. 13888 ID: c7b4c4
So Catgirls are now canon in the 40k verse, thought lair should know as he has a new set of animalistic features to add to women in 40k now.
No. 13894 ID: 9570ec
Not just catgirls, but also plant people, and fish people, and dorfs, I'm still wondering what the longshanks are though.
No. 13895 ID: feab56
File 134117639990.jpg - (33.74KB , 414x334 , Longshanks.jpg )
No. 13896 ID: 9570ec
File 134118471062.png - (530.95KB , 1400x800 , sirenfun.png )

Have some group fun. courtesy of hfsiren.
No. 13899 ID: 6b7b0d
>Delicious littlestealers
No. 13906 ID: feab56
File 134122201489.gif - (3.84KB , 300x205 , Fap 4.gif )
HNNNG! How come you can draw such delicious-looking women?
No. 13907 ID: 611d94
Hive Siren gaunt. I understand they attack in swarms.
No. 13914 ID: 9570ec
File 134129157082.png - (658.53KB , 1400x800 , Termaandhertoyboy.png )
Gaunt x warrior pls
No. 13918 ID: feab56
Do you know what you are doing to us!? (keep doing it)
No. 13922 ID: c592e8
Large Inserts are the best Inserts.
No. 13960 ID: 9570ec
File 134154094053.png - (1.19MB , 1085x1000 , demons of Izalith.png )
doodling dark souls
No. 13962 ID: 9570ec
File 134155217220.png - (311.68KB , 800x800 , fexrub.png )
carnifex cant fit
No. 13963 ID: 132b99
just hose her down with some bio goop that makes her extra-flexible.
No. 13966 ID: feab56
I'm not sure what I think of were this is going.
No. 13971 ID: f95b8a
She wraps her arms and legs around his dick and slides her body up and down to get him off. Then gets plastered by a geyser of cum. Obviously.
No. 13972 ID: eb5be2

As in, turns her into a puddle of boiling liquid?
No. 13984 ID: c7b4c4
This is why they made the tervigon.
No. 13985 ID: feab56
A suggestion (OMG cater to MY tastes asdasdasdasd!), a female doing the cowgirl(be they nid or human) and a short pic sequence. The poonos just been inserted, halfway home and completly inserted. And as a finishing touch, the female grinding her pelvis when it is j-j-jammed in! Because a girl grinding you is just... SO fantastic.
No. 13995 ID: fcf779
File 134172728573.png - (257.16KB , 800x1000 , sisteranddongs.png )
I can agree with that kind of taste.
No. 13996 ID: feab56
No. 14007 ID: de3784
File 134181810794.png - (177.11KB , 800x800 , Ariawarmup.png )
always practice
No. 14009 ID: 4b4e6b
No. 14012 ID: 4f491d

These eyes...
No. 14015 ID: de3784
File 134189542282.png - (135.40KB , 624x585 , adrastesucks.png )

I fucked up on them didn't I
No. 14016 ID: de3784
File 134189559999.png - (365.14KB , 800x1000 , Sistergoestocatachan.png )
and she meets two jungle fighters and their pet
No. 14019 ID: 4f491d
Far from it, they're perfect.
No. 14020 ID: 4b4e6b
I don't know who is more of a badass. The SoB for fucking a tyranid or the catachans for keeping one as a pet.
No. 14134 ID: ffe943
File 134223219877.png - (247.98KB , 800x900 , Havent you heard.png )
No. 14144 ID: ffe943
File 134226003589.png - (333.81KB , 1030x800 , Placeholderdude.png )
No. 14150 ID: 4b4e6b
Nightmare mode: blowjob.
No. 14152 ID: ffe943
I'ma focus on fixing that pic before i even dare go that path. ie fitting partner other than the template, fix anatomy. etc.
No. 14153 ID: 39a9bc
Bird is the word.
No. 14225 ID: ffe943
File 134249912903.png - (603.77KB , 800x800 , homeworldthingy.png )
No. 14226 ID: ffe943
File 134249923136.png - (308.19KB , 800x800 , Felinid scum.png )
Meow motherfucker
No. 14232 ID: ffe943
File 134250859758.png - (118.63KB , 632x463 , preliminarything.png )
peep peep brainstorming simple designs
No. 14234 ID: feab56
>Karan S'Jet
>Catgirl Guards/wo/man
MY HEART! I'm dying!
No. 14236 ID: feab56
Fuck! Karan S'Jet as an imperial Navigator, this must be done!
No. 14254 ID: ffe943
File 134267236579.png - (1.28MB , 1000x1400 , Kittygunner.png )
"Such is life on Volg."
No. 14257 ID: feab56
File 134269549216.gif - (491.95KB , 500x262 , Approved.gif )
You are a man amongst gods!
No. 14271 ID: 05ac92
File 134272373480.png - (97.37KB , 478x813 , Oa.png )
Hello. I have an odd request.

There's a character in the campaign I DM, a goddess whom the party absolutely loves. She's the goddess of life and magic, and I drew her myself, but I'm obviously not a very good artist (and to answer the question everyone ever always asks: her arms are hidden by the perspective of the image, this was not well-drawn by me). I'm hoping to get a better version of her made.

Her dress and top should actually be white-silver, and her wrap-thingy is meant to symbolize magic (the white spots being stars).

It's totally cool if you don't want to do it, I just thought I'd ask.
No. 14273 ID: ffe943
File 134275251544.png - (229.43KB , 800x800 , xenosobservation.png )
"Presenting Ordos xenos findings for inquisitorial review.."


I shall think about it
No. 14284 ID: feab56
No. 14287 ID: ffe943
File 134284976912.png - (340.82KB , 800x800 , more observation.png )

No. 14288 ID: bac47d
Oh! Oh!

Draw the Stormtrooper getting some hot Inquisitor action with the servo skull recording it! With the nids still in the background!
No. 14291 ID: feab56
No. 14292 ID: c592e8
Jerking off, fucking a genestealer, I think he's going to need two extra recepticals to put it all!
No. 14297 ID: ffe943
File 134290961535.png - (338.12KB , 800x800 , karma.png )
What goes around comes around, mr Swarmlord.
No. 14298 ID: 14e67b
Oh my.
...do >>8175 next.
No. 14300 ID: feab56
Wait, so gay stuff is censored?
No. 14302 ID: 5eea01
Could use more censored work if you catch my drift~

(I mean gay)
No. 14309 ID: 65199f
File 134300558581.png - (729.62KB , 1000x700 , goddamn broadsides.png )
Its more the subject matter, thats a lot of tentacles.
No. 14315 ID: 5649f3
Remember doing this one? >>2319

I'd like to see Swarmlord put in Tyrannus' position while a Carnifex takes him from behind. Tyrannus watches evilly.
No. 14318 ID: 65199f
File 134303192671.png - (78.77KB , 320x320 , Do What Now.png )

Yeah, Tentacles are one thing, and that was pushing it even for me. I did it for the cathartic value. (and no im not drawing Illeth being tentacleraped) the only way i'm drawing Swarmlord bent over like that is if hes a chick. I Really do not like m/m. no offense to those who do, I just don't.
No. 14319 ID: 5649f3
That works for me. I guess it's another part of his punishment.
No. 14325 ID: c7b4c4
You know because the Swarmlords memory is stored with in the hivemind, wouldn't that mean that every time he was recreated he would relive this? and for that matter wouldn't the entire hive experience this because he has the largest synapse of the tyranids that are present?
No. 14329 ID: 9d9182

Think of it this way: Swarmlord exists without a body. He doesn't relive everything when his consciousness surfaces, just like you don't remember something terrible every time you wake up. Likewise, Swarmlord is an individual, created that way to be unguided by the hivemind. He can express himself through the hivemind, but it cannot express itself through him. Unless he wanted the hivemind to experience being ravaged by tentacles, they wouldn't.
No. 14332 ID: 5eea01
This one feels great sorrow and disappointment. Such precious talent squandered~
No. 14333 ID: 5eea01
(To clarify: keep up the amaze :3)
No. 14347 ID: 65199f
File 134318498957.png - (121.87KB , 716x652 , toybird.png )
No. 14348 ID: bf54a8
birds and da beeees
No. 14393 ID: 65199f
File 134355707637.png - (744.55KB , 800x800 , CHARRRRGE.png )
No. 14395 ID: feab56
And that is pic No 218 in my Fucking Liar folder.

And she's adorable :3
No. 14405 ID: 65199f
File 134363322774.png - (1.03MB , 2000x800 , life on volg.png )
"Old Volg story for children. One day..."
No. 14409 ID: feab56
Getting dangerously furry there, Liar. The Inquisition is watching you.
No. 14410 ID: d5ee6f
Catgirls in warhammer 40k are a canon acceptable breed, like ogryns or ratlings.
No. 14411 ID: 65199f
File 134369229352.jpg - (35.42KB , 265x313 , uh__.jpg )

>dangerously furry
>has drawn anthropomorphic tryanids for a few years

Implying the inquisition isn't already on my case.
No. 14413 ID: feab56
Tyranids has no fur, and the nids doesn't resemble any animal on earth. No, nids doesn't really look like bugs.
No. 14423 ID: 9d9182

So, if Furry anthros are furries, and Scaled anthros are scaleys, does that mean chitinous anthros are chitiny?
No. 14425 ID: 65199f
File 134372713969.png - (1.47MB , 1600x800 , sarcosean.png )

whatever man, have a Helghast inspired HDF being shot at by a heretek-zombified officer
No. 14426 ID: 65199f
File 134372783010.png - (600.86KB , 800x800 , Vrisce sucks.png )
not a fun place at all, if you're abhuman
No. 14427 ID: feab56
No. 14449 ID: d5ee6f
Gasmasks are coooolll
No. 14454 ID: 9323a4
No. 14466 ID: feab56
Catgirls of Volg:
Baptised in steel, forged in heat.
No. 14478 ID: 9323a4
File 134394122739.png - (60.65KB , 181x136 , at-night.png )
In heat.
No. 14486 ID: 65199f
File 134397649026.png - (207.62KB , 668x949 , cannot have.png )
thou furious
No. 14488 ID: feab56
Mithra nose?
No. 14489 ID: 65199f
File 134399175368.jpg - (81.55KB , 504x456 , Avina.jpg )

No. 14490 ID: feab56

Suspicions cleared, Inquisitors returning to the Tricorn palace. Carry on citizen.
No. 14496 ID: 65199f
File 134403655995.png - (634.94KB , 1000x1000 , lottieinnaindoorforest.png )
catchan girls.

drawn for Ktzi
No. 14497 ID: 65199f
File 134403758715.png - (264.57KB , 800x800 , bubobubo.png )

and a Cybird
No. 14503 ID: feab56
File 134405129354.jpg - (100.84KB , 471x490 , Reaction 1179.jpg )
Daaamn! Very nice, very nice indeed.
No. 14507 ID: feab56
>you will never have, nor would ever be good enough for, a catachan waifu
Feels bad man
No. 14521 ID: 65199f
File 134413046630.png - (111.65KB , 334x469 , closethedoor.png )
"knock first?"
No. 14525 ID: feab56
Go on...
No. 14529 ID: 0509dd
Is she carrying an assault cannon? Damn.
No. 14531 ID: 65199f
File 134419555412.png - (482.78KB , 800x800 , daemongames.png )
oh hi, more colouring.

again, know when to knock.
No. 14532 ID: b85f8c
No. 14534 ID: 65199f
File 134420567096.png - (661.60KB , 1200x850 , varonnaship.png )

yes, cybirds emissions glow neon blue. (lol warp)
No. 14536 ID: 73b888
>Not pictured: other two feet of corkscrew-penis.
No. 14537 ID: d5ee6f
Some lucky girl gonna feel the warp overtaking her. It is a good pain.
No. 14539 ID: 27d394
File 134431192066.png - (208.65KB , 321x335 , 1334940712135.png )

No. 14554 ID: b05736
File 134433271776.png - (520.92KB , 800x700 , NO.png )
No. 14555 ID: b05736
File 134433280995.png - (336.23KB , 800x800 , Crushtheheretic.png )
No. 14556 ID: b05736
File 134433302312.png - (1.44MB , 1400x1600 , Auuutarrch.png )
No. 14557 ID: feab56
It's like I'm really listening to 60s Batman reruns!
No. 14560 ID: b05736
I really had nothing better to say, I was p. damned sleepy
No. 14573 ID: bf54a8
dem tiny glasses. hnnng
No. 14598 ID: aaa014
File 134448485134.png - (424.07KB , 972x991 , Steling.png )
dem helghast types
No. 14608 ID: feab56
Dat mg42
No. 14612 ID: feab56
Come to think of it, that could actually work nicely as a Black Crusade character. Petrified Skeleton bionic, a Heavy Stubber and carapace armor should do the trick.
No. 14623 ID: da3113
File 134454613493.png - (251.53KB , 500x600 , Commander.png )
No. 14624 ID: da3113
File 134454617868.png - (325.35KB , 800x600 , Scarlet.png )
No. 14627 ID: feab56
Recoil glove, shotty and a shield.
Hunting rifle with a scope.

Sorry, I can't help injective my 40k fetish when I am intoxicated.
No. 14628 ID: feab56
I can't spell either, *inject
No. 14638 ID: da3113
File 134465524872.png - (720.56KB , 1200x800 , Thunderous Rapport.png )
Actually, these characters already have stats, as do their weapons.

the sniper is using an absolution, on that note.
No. 14658 ID: feab56
Is that in the Only War beta?

I feel the foreshortening on the tank is off, I'm not an expert on this though, but I think that the front should be a little bit wider and... is that a giant-ass, BF3/Appleseed 2004 minigun I see in the back?
No. 14659 ID: da3113
Different kind of vehicle off to the side. with an assault/punisher cannon for air defense.
No. 14665 ID: da3113
File 134472638746.png - (266.14KB , 635x800 , Lilitus.png )
Tweet Tweet Mother Fucker
No. 14666 ID: feab56
Are you sure she wont break her wrist after firing that revolver?
No. 14672 ID: da3113

muzzle brakes mang. they are helpful
No. 14677 ID: 1444d5
Looks like a Mateba autorevolver too, the big hunk of internal moving parts would also help to damp recoil (or smooth it out, at least).
No. 14678 ID: c592e8
The Metaba also has the barrel in the 6 o'clock position, which puts much less strain on the wrist when firing.
No. 14679 ID: fb6ca2
Even a free pistol can crack a wrist, but yes, it generates more compression than sheer stress, which a wrist can handle better.
No. 14688 ID: da3113

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APv0U_XaK_E anyways, saying small ladies cant fire big revolvers? u funny man.
No. 14689 ID: feab56
Sure got /k/ as fuck here.

No, I was just wondering, considering she is a burd and you know, burds have lighter bones to be able to fly.
No. 14691 ID: da3113
File 134482860503.png - (0.96MB , 2165x1410 , KhornatevsGigant.png )
Lolk, I'd assume she knows how to fire her own weapon that shes trained in the use of. lighter bones be damned. when you chronically cause microfractures, those bones get denser, and stronger. anyway, Have a Khornate fighting off a nurglegiant.
No. 14695 ID: c592e8
I wish I had a .454 1911 so I can pretend to be an anime vampire.
No. 14697 ID: feab56
I feel so fucking stupid that I never considered giants in the 40k setting. No, I never thought of Tyrants or 'fexes as giants. Thanks for opening my eyes.
No. 14700 ID: c592e8
Demon princes, Ogryns, Primarchs, certain space marines(terminators), Living Saints.
Are all freakishly tall.
No. 14702 ID: 721c22
Living Saints are human sized. Dawn of War just wanted the Sister's 'uber unit' to be appropriately stand-out next to Baneblades, Land Raiders and Bloodthirsters. Shame it sucks.
No. 14703 ID: feab56
I know there are a bunch of other big units out there, I just don't care to count them all.
No. 14706 ID: da3113
File 134490894954.png - (215.24KB , 800x800 , sisterdoodle.png )
reinjured my wrist again.

really wish i'd stop getting thrown these curveballs.
No. 14713 ID: da3113
File 134498668030.png - (383.11KB , 1029x800 , ankamastyle.png )
No. 14714 ID: da3113
File 134500245112.png - (2.17MB , 1500x1250 , Bloodthirster.png )
even more stuff
No. 14715 ID: feab56
So this is just before the Matt Ward rape-snuff fic, just before she is turned into a hat?
No. 14716 ID: 721c22
Good luck making -that one- a hat.
No. 14717 ID: 9a9925
No. 14720 ID: c592e8
She got melted down to make a Kaldor Draigo model.
No. 14725 ID: da3113
File 134505678101.png - (219.51KB , 800x503 , peopledoodles.png )
No. 14727 ID: da3113
File 134508146287.png - (166.86KB , 646x550 , showerburd.png )
Havent done smut in a while, so I figured I should
No. 14728 ID: da3113
File 134508434952.png - (181.80KB , 556x645 , in soviet russia.png )
no one will be safe
No. 14730 ID: da3113
File 134509415810.png - (129.93KB , 521x604 , so tiny.png )
No. 14732 ID: d5ee6f
No. 14734 ID: c7b4c4
Fraternizing with sub humans is explicitly forbidden under imperial doctrine, please report to your local phallussar for libido reprogramming.
No. 14735 ID: feab56
Do want.
No. 14736 ID: da3113
tyrannus is wearing a strapon, so not futa
No. 14737 ID: feab56
So why i-... oh, it's a HE getting pegged.
No. 14771 ID: 5fd248
File 134533364682.jpg - (104.89KB , 338x565 , tiddies.jpg )
gotta keep practicin'
No. 14772 ID: 5fd248
File 134534123312.png - (811.12KB , 800x1200 , TyrannusUnbound.png )
No. 14773 ID: c7b4c4
Dat extraction of gathered genetic material.
No. 14776 ID: feab56
So delicious
No. 14777 ID: feab56
Btw, moar of cute Eldar cat
No. 14779 ID: 5fd248
File 134540939766.jpg - (47.85KB , 458x307 , apairoftits.jpg )

I think ill try sometime

have a pair of tits
No. 14780 ID: 5fd248
File 134541345654.png - (163.40KB , 643x778 , Avina a la crème.png )
No. 14786 ID: 5fd248
File 134543831026.png - (29.17KB , 178x178 , cuteface.png )
tyrannus is a fucking cute thing sometimes
No. 14787 ID: 5649f3
File 134544371952.jpg - (28.70KB , 395x349 , 1270170147325.jpg )
Easy to forget that she's part of the Great Devourer.
No. 14789 ID: feab56
Eh, you have to take the good with the bad sometimes.
No. 14795 ID: d5ee6f
She seems to mostly just devour via blowjobs.
No. 14808 ID: 347d43

I honestly don't understand what the rest of the galaxy seems so afraid about.
No. 14809 ID: 5fd248
File 134559836216.png - (694.04KB , 1600x1000 , feeding.png )
always remember to feed them.
No. 14811 ID: d5ee6f
I promise.
No. 14819 ID: 5649f3
They need some exercise too. In the butt.
No. 14821 ID: feab56
I'll be in my bunk... for the rest of the day...
No. 14823 ID: c7b4c4
So is tyrannus the result of the hive fleet perfecting their cute genes. Like did it start with daawwrippers, then move into Ugyuufex. Is tyrannus the final result in the evolutionary chain.
No. 14824 ID: eba9b6
needs more anal.
No. 14832 ID: d5ee6f
Liar can draw what he wants!.. But anal is my fetish too.
No. 14841 ID: 38eb96
I guess it depends on your preferences. I mean, Tyrannus has a 'sister.' Megane-tyrant.
No. 14849 ID: 5fd248
File 134570379787.png - (543.03KB , 1400x700 , camp.png )
No. 14850 ID: feab56
Humna humna humna...
No. 14857 ID: d5ee6f
Occasionally our felinid brethern may go into heat. It is the duty of the guardsmen to help them in their time of need.
No. 14863 ID: e9c040
hahaha!well, I'm a nice guy, i will make sure to help
No. 14870 ID: c592e8
Liar knows his facial expressions on catgirls, now just on dudes! It's an awkward job but somebody has to look.

Also the tail wagging in the first panel is a nice touch but could use more definition.
No. 14904 ID: 4a1d6b
File 134592668783.png - (1.54MB , 1000x768 , catgirlcritique.png )
These tips go for everyone, really. Don't take it personally.
No. 14905 ID: 5fd248

Thanks, but no thanks, I didn't ask for that.

I draw in my own style and learn at my own pace, to fit an aesthetic, if I wanted to draw like everyone else ever, then I would, and wouldn't be so stylized. I do it as a hobby, not as a job, and not as something I want to pull my hair out over.

please, unless I specifically ask for help, do not do that again. It honestly does feel insulting.
No. 14906 ID: b85f8c
Most of what he pointed out were anatomy and perspective errors, which don't require you to change your style.

Granted, not all of it was worth pointing out considering it was a porn doodle. Catgirls are supposed to have extra-flexible spines, aren't they? And nobody really bothers with jawbone realism for porn blowjobs.
No. 14908 ID: 5fd248

bit of an addendum.

>Boobs: gravity affects them
captain obvious, I was trying to portray some motion, which I am terrible at.
>Femur is not the length of the torso, implying always shorter
I know someone who's femurs are longer, there is no constant.
case in point, I know a lot of these things, but there aren't many constants in anatomy, there's some really strange body types out there.

and in your glorious method of explaining.

Mistakes: I make them. those were poses that I have a hard time with, even with gesturing.
No. 14909 ID: 5fd248
yeah, the fact it was a doodle is why it insults me. some of that just seemed more like actual jabs than actual help.
No. 14910 ID: feab56
Don't let it get you down Liar (not the critic btw), some (most) of us eagerly awaits your next doodle.
No. 14915 ID: 5fd248
always dread my birthdays
No. 14940 ID: 696d2b
I know from personal experience its hard to not view any form of criticism as a jab especially when it comes to art work. I am sure the critic meant no harm by making those corrections, simply thought it was something you would benefit from.
No. 14943 ID: 5fd248
File 134601839527.jpg - (62.50KB , 400x400 , no.jpg )
>shitty birthday do to work
>find out friend shot himself
>hurricane heading this way

My message to life.
No. 14944 ID: feab56
No. 14946 ID: 5fd248
File 134602418285.png - (264.99KB , 800x705 , largeshards.png )
A little patience goes a long way
No. 14948 ID: d5ee6f
oh fuck. Hope things get better...
No. 14949 ID: 0521d2
yeah, my support and good faith to you. May the future shine in your favor and good fortune be yours soon~
No. 14950 ID: 5fd248
File 134604953423.jpg - (321.58KB , 901x800 , darksoulssz.jpg )
this game has drawn me back in, again.
No. 14953 ID: c592e8
File 134605899584.jpg - (420.25KB , 1280x720 , Asura_Wrath.jpg )
Darkmoon Masterrace!

Also Happy Birthday! You're probably jaded enough to push through anything already!
No. 14983 ID: eb2770
File 134630095770.png - (427.50KB , 1200x1000 , what a scamp.png )
Isaac's tears be fallin all over the place, its been raining 24 straight hors, as this storm has been walking along at fucking 5 mph. jesus.

have some well hung short daemon doodles
No. 14984 ID: eb2770

also I thoroughly enjoyed penetrating Gwyndolin's twink little ass with my silver knight straight sword.

Darkwraith master race here.
No. 14985 ID: ef7981

Chaos Servant here.

You guys are fffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggggggggsssssssssssssss

Spidertits are where its at!
No. 14986 ID: c592e8
>Killionaire has invaded this realm
No. 14990 ID: c592e8
File 134636959349.gif - (944.64KB , 300x185 , darksouls.gif )
Don't make me penetrate your twink ass with indictments!
No. 14991 ID: a637b9
You're getting gayer with every post, Liar. PRETTY SOON YOU'RE GONNA BE TOTAL FAGGOTS.
No. 14995 ID: d5ee6f
Short and hung is fuckin a lady, dude. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
No. 14996 ID: a637b9
I was being sarcastic. I'm sorry if my exaggerated speech didn't convey that well.
No. 15007 ID: 8901a1
File 134663267643.png - (276.73KB , 800x800 , khorneflakesandtzeenybabes.png )
I wonder, are daemon princes(ess)' actually virile.

I think they should be.
No. 15008 ID: ea7e98
Nice! That's what we need more of then, impregnation!
No. 15010 ID: 8901a1
*fertile, mybad.
No. 15011 ID: bf54a8
well, how much probably depends on god, slaanesh is a big DUH. khorne is the most ambiguous as he is about killing shit not making more things. maybe as long as it's REALLY ANGRY sex.
No. 15012 ID: 8901a1
File 134664662111.png - (557.61KB , 1900x1200 , Dragonslayer.png )
No. 15018 ID: feab56
You just say that because you want demonic ankle-biters.
No. 15021 ID: 8901a1
File 134673045796.png - (276.72KB , 800x682 , four knights doodle.png )
we gonna kill, all the dwagons.
No. 15022 ID: 8901a1
File 134673318479.png - (349.21KB , 800x800 , LeoVsKalameet.png )
No. 15023 ID: 8901a1
File 134673528149.png - (816.47KB , 800x800 , LeoVsKalameet.png )
went ahead and did some colorstuff
No. 15024 ID: 8901a1
File 134674123890.png - (253.03KB , 400x1200 , meanwhile in dickstab forest.png )
Meanwhile, in darkwood...

invaders getting pasted like crazy (its not me tho)
No. 15025 ID: feab56
Wha, what are we gonna do in the lair?
No. 15026 ID: bac47d
Hey Liar, can I make a request?
No. 15032 ID: 8901a1

what do?
No. 15043 ID: 8901a1
File 134681501181.png - (522.17KB , 1600x800 , teaseitout.png )
feed the princess
No. 15055 ID: feab56
She is sure packing on that fat lately... oh yes indeed.
No. 15056 ID: c592e8
File 134685295163.jpg - (101.46KB , 898x424 , whooon.jpg )
It's Golden Phantom spunk, you wouldn't know about JOLLY CO-OPERATION with females.
No. 15067 ID: bac47d
Could we see the Stormtooper in this pic >>14287 getting it on with the Inquisitor while the 'nids fuck in the background?
No. 15068 ID: feab56
Besides her increased bust size, I think you really improved her face in this one.
No. 15075 ID: 8901a1
File 134691135196.png - (486.63KB , 800x800 , father of the abyss.png )
man fuck you Manus, fuckkkkk yooouuu
No. 15113 ID: 8901a1
i think i can try
No. 15124 ID: 5f26b5
Hey Liar, can you do more Commissar Raege and Boone porn? This (And their's) is a void that must be filled!
No. 15145 ID: 8901a1
File 134732978462.png - (492.48KB , 1000x1600 , Imarichbitch.png )
so much loot
No. 15147 ID: 8901a1
File 134733321916.png - (244.61KB , 800x800 , DfDboonegetsimpleanted.png )
Boone gets caught by genestealer cult...
No. 15149 ID: feab56
>I run this shit!
Both of them are very nice Liar!
No. 15163 ID: 8901a1
File 134742685144.png - (150.80KB , 606x634 , a really old idea.png )
an old old old old idea that I drew..
No. 15169 ID: 5f26b5
Awwww yeah! Great work!
No. 15172 ID: 5f26b5
Very nice, but what does the filename mean? DfD? Also, more please!
No. 15173 ID: feab56
Delicious full D's?
No. 15181 ID: 8901a1
>>15172 done for the day
No. 15182 ID: 5f26b5
Good work can we see more?
No. 15200 ID: b32bcc
File 134753506561.png - (1.21MB , 1678x990 , purgation.png )
soon as I make some.

have some battle sisters fighting valiantly against daemons of khorne
No. 15201 ID: feab56
Now we know why they fall to chaos left, right and center. We need to invest in dick enhancing technologu.
No. 15202 ID: ed4d72
File 134755317041.jpg - (40.47KB , 400x400 , Miriael_Sabathiel_-_Servant_of_Slaanesh3.jpg )
yet only one sister ever fallen to chaos, and shes one of the most fearsome champions of slaanesh to exist. Miriael Sabathiel. you shud read about her.
No. 15203 ID: bac47d
Yeah but she's been brainwashing other Sisters. Now she has a warband to rival other CSM's. Speaking of which...could you draw Miriael Sabathiel's corrupt warband "humiliating" a guard regiment?
No. 15205 ID: d36b23
I suddenly feel inspired.
No. 15206 ID: 9d9182

In 40k, there's a difference between falling and corrupting. Mind Control isn't the same as willfully joining something, for example. Only one Sister of Battle has fallen to temptation and joined Slaanesh. There may be others that have been possessed, controlled, or otherwised forced into it, but only one has willfully joined.

Think of it like Bill Clinton. He willfully banged Monica, so he "fell". Had she forced herself on him and tied him to the bed, it's obviously not the same as him pouncing on her.
No. 15207 ID: 38e223
"I did not have sex with that daemonette."
No. 15208 ID: d36b23
"I experimented with Chaos a time or two. I didn't like it. I didn't inhale and never tried it again."
No. 15211 ID: ed4d72
File 134759361917.png - (307.67KB , 800x800 , canonessandkhornflakes.png )
finished with the juggie
goin for the herald..
No. 15212 ID: ed4d72
File 134759390081.jpg - (48.25KB , 500x500 , derpa.jpg )
beh i really fucked up the arm, ohwell.
not feeling good.. i think ill fix it some other time.
No. 15214 ID: 5e281e
On closer inspection, the sister hugging the giant dick is hilarious. "I never knew wall climbing training would be so useful!"
No. 15215 ID: f2c20c
That's a lot of lemon jello!
No. 15224 ID: 725c99
The best part is that now that she's implanted she's hella horny :3
No. 15229 ID: ed4d72
File 134767912815.png - (284.48KB , 800x1000 , bottoms.png )
precious booty

i need more practice drawing them
No. 15230 ID: ed4d72
File 134768565530.png - (193.36KB , 800x800 , haveanegg.png )
more dfdoodles
No. 15240 ID: feab56
>i need more practice drawing them
Yes, and I'm going to follow you getting progressively better at it, om nom nom!
No. 15245 ID: 38e223
Praise the Emperor!
No. 15248 ID: 5649f3
I kinda wish you didn't color in the semen.
No. 15251 ID: ed4d72
File 134786767737.png - (278.33KB , 900x800 , dem exotic abhumans.png )
supposed to be glowy like molten brass. anyways..

delicious abhumans
No. 15252 ID: ed4d72
File 134786777461.png - (420.40KB , 1200x800 , fine too.png )
decorate the felinid
No. 15253 ID: feab56
It sure is
No. 15254 ID: 5f26b5
Those are some really sexy guys back there!
No. 15276 ID: 0509dd
I wanna pet the kitty.

Or watch her run around trailing a rainbow streamer like Nyan Cat.
No. 15277 ID: ff3e04
From her butt?
No. 15284 ID: 0a2526
File 134809460480.png - (209.03KB , 800x800 , dont trust daemonettes.png )
Remember to never have relations with daemonettes.

as this lesser incarnate daemon of khorne has learned.
No. 15293 ID: 0a2526
File 134812635473.png - (27.75KB , 603x318 , immalakemonster.png )
No. 15295 ID: 38eb96
No. 15298 ID: ff3e04
I'm sure he's wondering why she isn't breaking his spine harder.
No. 15320 ID: 0a2526
File 134829176411.png - (253.06KB , 800x800 , sandwiches.png )
kitty sandwich
No. 15332 ID: c592e8
Every regiment needs a cat girl.
No. 15334 ID: 0a2526
File 134839884620.png - (892.44KB , 800x1400 , kittygames.png )
I am inclined to agree
No. 15335 ID: feab56
Damnit Liar, don't make a furry out of me!
No. 15337 ID: 38eb96
He's getting better, I think. Dat hourglass figure...
No. 15339 ID: 9d9182

She's not a furry, she's a human with animal traits, so you're perfectly safe.
No. 15340 ID: feab56
Including fur (notice that thing between her boobs), cat face (when in profile) and THE archetypical furry hair-do.

It's a furry, and I really don't want to walk down this path. But if there is anyone that could make me walk that twisted trail it would be Liar... I don't know if I should curse him or sing his praises.
No. 15342 ID: dbc5e8

At first, you say this, and resist everything furry. But then, with exposure and time, you change. You associate with the Tgchan community more. You stop saying you hate furry shit, and next thing you know, you have your own Furaffinity account, doing furry artwork for money and seeing nothing wrong with it.
No. 15344 ID: b9e493
File 134845717688.png - (1.33MB , 1800x2000 , bastethekitty.png )
be right back



resistance is futile
No. 15346 ID: b9e493
File 134846854534.png - (216.37KB , 800x800 , niddisguise.png )
biomancy to disguise oneself as a 'nid, Might be hard.
No. 15350 ID: feab56
Fuck you and your furry ways...

No but seriously, why do furry artist ALWAYS give their characters that hairdo? That, and ANGST ANGST, keeps me well away from the furry community.
No. 15351 ID: 571929

They don't. It's just that when you fear and loathe them, you only see the things you don't like. I remember having the same feelings.
No. 15352 ID: feab56
Alright, most of them.

(I'm still saving your pics though Liar)
No. 15357 ID: 9e039e
maybe is easier to draw
No. 15358 ID: 5f26b5
File 134851947753.jpg - (856.66KB , 1997x1091 , 40kpddaa.jpg )
Let's see a take on the Primarch Daughters if you can Liar!

Being sexy and/or getting sexed of course!
No. 15359 ID: f2c20c
It's a generic anime hairdo. Tons of artists use it, not just furry artists.
No. 15361 ID: 9f2c40
File 134852250663.png - (198.82KB , 800x800 , stickyseer.png )
man what the hell, jeez. yeah I use a lot of animu style shit. animu hair is just easy to draw.

and I've always drawn both human and anthro whatevers.
No. 15363 ID: feab56
Tsunseer? Milfseer?
No. 15366 ID: c28daa
Is she lactating?
No. 15368 ID: 5e281e
baste moar kitty
No. 15371 ID: 6615d7
File 134855235880.png - (289.20KB , 800x800 , reason number two.png )

yeah, milfseer
No. 15372 ID: 6615d7
File 134855248585.png - (293.79KB , 800x800 , reason number two alt.png )
alternative to make me feel okay

remember to never mess with Slaaneshis
No. 15373 ID: 5e281e
catgirls, eldars and humans only.
No. 15375 ID: 932a20
Or you were always a furry to start with but had some measure of sensibility and taste, rather than pretending its a 'lifestyle' or a blanket excuse to shove in completely unrelated fetishes.
No. 15381 ID: ff3e04
>gotta stay straight
No. 15403 ID: c592e8
This is the hottest of the new batch, 9/10 mark of excellence etc.
No. 15406 ID: ab0188
File 134879926565.png - (297.47KB , 1013x796 , ill cut you.png )

i draw daemons too
No. 15425 ID: 240854
File 134888438864.png - (638.47KB , 1600x1200 , dreamcreatures.png )
i should keep a journal of my nightmares...
No. 15426 ID: 240854
File 134889252284.png - (515.62KB , 1000x800 , Mewdle gearrrrr.png )
sneakin' around ur hives
No. 15427 ID: 240854
File 134889436060.png - (326.60KB , 702x800 , extracredit.png )
extra credit for her hardest class?
No. 15428 ID: 4224e5
Her hardest teacher at least.

in the pants
No. 15430 ID: feab56
40 mm?
No. 15434 ID: 5f26b5
The real battle for Macragge! What is the Tyrant thinking of? It's dick in a condom?
No. 15435 ID: 5f26b5
File 134894601215.jpg - (923.06KB , 1997x1091 , 40kpdx.jpg )
Here's an updated reference for you!
No. 15444 ID: 38eb96
Not condom, funnel. Being forced into VERY SMALL space.
That one confused me at first. I wondered if a clamp or vice would have been easier to comprehend.
No. 15448 ID: 240854

was a funnel, sorry was too small to draw correctly.
No. 15450 ID: 240854
File 134898996360.png - (320.62KB , 800x800 , Feed me seymour!.png )
all night long
No. 15451 ID: feab56
>I require nutrients!
No. 15453 ID: 240854
File 134899586519.png - (360.18KB , 800x800 , Dragon Age problems.png )
meanwhile, in dragon age.
No. 15456 ID: feab56
You still play that?
No. 15457 ID: 240854
File 134900016959.png - (261.48KB , 800x800 , imnotyourmomma.png )

nope, friend asked for it.
moar doodles
No. 15471 ID: ff3e04
Is that a tongue? Say yes.
No. 15474 ID: 240854
the bit sticking out under the tentacle? yeah that's her tongue
No. 15484 ID: ff3e04
Excellent. That is my fetish.
No. 15488 ID: 240854
File 134914595070.png - (336.78KB , 800x1000 , whatawonderfulmonth.png )
Girls. take care of them. we love them.
No. 15490 ID: feab56
Wha-, what the hell happened here? It's like pillows! :D>-<
No. 15491 ID: f258e5
i like what i see :3
No. 15492 ID: 4224e5
12/10 A++ moar please.
No. 15498 ID: 240854
File 134923621167.png - (278.86KB , 800x800 , doubleteam.png )
No. 15525 ID: 240854
File 134941827126.png - (111.85KB , 800x800 , helloiamliar.png )
No. 15526 ID: 240854
File 134941875136.png - (553.35KB , 1600x1000 , mewmews.png )
No. 15527 ID: 4224e5
meoew moeow meow
No. 15531 ID: c592e8
You are not a litle chicky liar!

I need to find girls to do this with... someday...
No. 15532 ID: 5f19dc

Jaw on that left one needs practice.
No. 15536 ID: 240854
thanks, I kinda had trouble there, and it didn't look right to me, but redrawing it never fixed it. i am bad at that angle.
No. 15572 ID: 0509dd

I'd like to see them take it up the ass.
No. 15573 ID: 49cd28
Not going to happen.
No. 15577 ID: 0509dd
What a shame. Any reason why?
No. 15578 ID: 240854
File 134967659224.png - (1.04MB , 1600x1200 , IKparty.png )
word of god. I really do have a distaste for anal.

have an iron kingdoms party.
No. 15580 ID: 0509dd
>word of god. I really do have a distaste for anal.

That's too bad. Those two pics of Tyrannus you did were hot. Oh well.

Nice pic though.
No. 15596 ID: 240854
File 134975375454.png - (163.02KB , 473x784 , you got a purty mouth, boy.png )
if the girls want it...
No. 15601 ID: c592e8
File 134977198877.gif - (57.50KB , 129x111 , GetOutFrog.gif )
No. 15606 ID: 795da4
File 134979349781.jpg - (92.02KB , 1024x768 , bison.jpg )

Now we're talkin'.
No. 15607 ID: 796395
sometimes it's fun, making people feel uncomfortable.
No. 15610 ID: 0509dd
No. 15612 ID: 1ebeb4
Stop it.
No. 15614 ID: 4224e5
Ya'll a buncha whiners. Liar can draw balls touching if he wants!
No. 15616 ID: 2eac65
I am quite appreciative of this.

Could use some more definition around the fingers, though. They're kind of the focal point of the image, but also one of the sketchier parts.
No. 15619 ID: 5f26b5
No. 15620 ID: 9d9182

I, for one, find this horrifying and offensive.
No. 15621 ID: 2fe264
File 134989883750.gif - (27.50KB , 120x89 , Sirocco_looks_so_happy.gif )
well it was just a doodle while I wasn't feeling well, to bother a friend of mine.

it obviously did bother him, quite a bit.
No. 15623 ID: 1ebeb4
So reverse-psychology isn't going to make you draw more twinknids? :<
No. 15648 ID: 0f9d61
File 135001514428.png - (270.36KB , 800x800 , tobselian63.png )
fuck i feel absolutely awful
this passed week has been ugh
No. 15651 ID: feab56
Om nom nom!
No. 15660 ID: b5bfe9
File 135004002711.png - (240.94KB , 800x800 , awellhungeldar.png )
kitties stealin' all the elves
No. 15669 ID: feab56
Great pow, and the catgirl is delicious! Only nitpick is that her boobs looks like a hybrid between natural and fake. It floats out to the side like natural boobs but the shape of them doesn't look, uh, 'squashed' enough.

Anyway, just a nitpick. It's saved in my Fucking Liar folder now (pic No 296)!
No. 15674 ID: 4224e5
half catgirl, half elf. dem gon be cute babies.
No. 15700 ID: 636b8b
File 135017993446.png - (197.02KB , 567x722 , two-in-one.png )
such a fun character to art
No. 15712 ID: 4224e5
it's a party in the pussy and everyone is invited
No. 15722 ID: 8cffad
Those arms are really long.
No. 15726 ID: c592e8
Look it's not the arms, throw em up there thats how big they are. Whats actually going on is that the torso is disproportional to the arms which are infact really well done.

No. 15740 ID: 7525e3
File 135036034468.png - (375.76KB , 800x800 , siren male broodlord.png )

yeah, i make tons of mistakes. always
No. 15742 ID: 0509dd
I'd like to see him with all of his Genestealer bitches- er, I mean, brood.
No. 15745 ID: c592e8
Pffff, mistakes reveals a plan's workings. Luck conceals it.
No. 15764 ID: 7525e3
File 135051103698.png - (389.71KB , 800x800 , how do i gun.png )
fun fact

she can't read.
No. 15767 ID: 7525e3
File 135051531987.png - (542.10KB , 800x800 , rosettesketch.png )
No. 15769 ID: c28336
>Wat iz sientz?
No. 15770 ID: 7525e3
File 135052472750.png - (335.84KB , 1200x800 , howdoIcanon.png )
like a tiger.
No. 15773 ID: 4c1918
>like a tiger.
Defying the laws of gravity?
No. 15774 ID: 7525e3
File 135054422611.png - (177.22KB , 624x640 , pchatstuff.png )
oh found a thing
No. 15775 ID: 4c1918
No. 15780 ID: 696d2b
I'm a Racing Car
No. 15799 ID: e2ffc9
Passing by like Lady Godiva!
No. 15807 ID: feab56
I'm gonna go, go, go, there's no stopping meee!
No. 15808 ID: 7525e3
File 135069525319.png - (69.75KB , 400x400 , _____.png )
Burning through the sky, yeah~
two-hundred degrees, thats why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit.
I'm thravelin' at the speed of light!~

..man I'm embarrassed.. i should have seen that coming.
No. 15811 ID: 7525e3
File 135070497478.png - (473.05KB , 1400x800 , tkher2dab4r.png )
funny bit, she can probably buy the whole bar.
No. 15817 ID: 7525e3
File 135072192934.png - (1.31MB , 1600x1800 , dont bring nissy to the bar.png )
always a bad idea
No. 15818 ID: c592e8
I had the time of my life that night.
No. 15819 ID: feab56
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you!
No. 15820 ID: feab56
Aw, why did it end? I was looking forward to a drunken kitten gangbang.
No. 15822 ID: 4224e5
You mean excellent? She even made a profit!
No. 15855 ID: cb48c6
File 135085610906.png - (194.92KB , 397x686 , Dustkitty.png )
really wish dust was coming to pcs

No. 15859 ID: c28336
>Need some extra throne? Just add hard liquor.
No. 15884 ID: cb48c6
File 135089432701.png - (1.37MB , 1600x1700 , makin dosh.png )
youmean like this?

man this is a huge doodle page
No. 15887 ID: 4224e5
Cat got the cream.
No. 15888 ID: feab56
Yes, but it needs more gangbang! More prostitution!
(Damn women giving me a prostitution fetish)
No. 15896 ID: f2c20c
Money goes where?!
No. 15897 ID: 21a619
Y u do this to me D:
I started the 90 day challenge 4 days ago ;-;
No. 15898 ID: 49cd28
More tips!
No. 15900 ID: cb48c6
File 135097097853.png - (293.05KB , 800x800 , showing the ropes.png )
gotta teach the younger girls
No. 15901 ID: cb48c6
File 135097473304.png - (430.09KB , 900x900 , moneymaking.png )
..and at the drop of a hat, playful as a pussycat..
No. 15905 ID: 4224e5
That is not a rope that is a penis!
No. 15930 ID: cb48c6
File 135111104261.png - (73.72KB , 400x400 , My answer to degredation.png )
pretty much my say. also I see BDSM as something completely fine, degradation is .. not something I want to put up with.

Even though I'm a bit of a cuckold. I'd prefer a little happy with my porn, I don't like tears.
No. 15939 ID: cb48c6
File 135112875864.png - (492.39KB , 800x800 , yandaemonette.png )
gonna getcha
No. 15944 ID: cb48c6
File 135113571450.png - (373.29KB , 800x800 , stealing ur genes.png )
No. 15949 ID: cb48c6
File 135114046993.png - (365.74KB , 1600x800 , von chodimus maximus.png )
in a really..
No. 15950 ID: cb48c6
File 135114056072.png - (313.00KB , 800x800 , mine.png )
doodle heavy mood for some reason.
No. 15951 ID: cb48c6
File 135114084685.png - (239.36KB , 800x800 , rosebud.png )
No. 15953 ID: c28336
>B-but I need an army...
No. 15954 ID: 5649f3
I'd like to see the catgirl doing an evil laugh with lightning striking in the background. Nya-ha-ha-ha!
No. 15955 ID: 7d2165
overly attached daemonett ? :3
No. 15957 ID: c592e8
Foldin' her like a sammich.
No. 15959 ID: 4224e5
That's not a dick that's a cannon
No. 15962 ID: cb48c6

shes licking the bird, actually.
No. 15964 ID: c592e8
That makes alot more sense.
No. 15965 ID: 4224e5
Does it taste like chicken?
No. 15969 ID: 795da4

I can't help but read that in Breen's voice
No. 15977 ID: c28336
>Tzeentchite Yandere Daemonette
Pls no.
No. 15983 ID: 795da4




No. 15990 ID: 83f280
Just checked this thread for the first time in a couple months. God DAMN, man. Kickass stuff.
No. 16041 ID: b4e64c
File 135158035108.png - (477.64KB , 800x1000 , guild__stuff.png )
such a good game.
No. 16073 ID: b4e64c
File 135174495073.png - (125.07KB , 512x609 , trick or steak.png )
No. 16074 ID: b4e64c
File 135174512707.png - (271.55KB , 800x800 , Backseat Gangers.png )
Just making...
No. 16075 ID: c28336
>Replace steak with penis
No. 16076 ID: b4e64c
File 135174578940.png - (253.67KB , 800x1000 , Ganger bang.png )
..makin a movie
No. 16079 ID: b4e64c
File 135175612350.png - (848.54KB , 1600x1600 , kitties.png )
man i havent drawn karboncat in ages
No. 16093 ID: 5649f3
Damn she's busty. Think you could draw her pregnant? Or, if you don't like that, then yuri tribbing or breast sucking works too.
No. 16104 ID: b4e64c
File 135191107846.png - (281.23KB , 800x800 , miao.png )
its gotta be cute if I do.
No. 16113 ID: c592e8
D'awwwww :3
No. 16135 ID: b4e64c
File 135201996581.png - (43.77KB , 529x371 , coooold.png )
trying to draw while freezing cold is hard
No. 16147 ID: 5649f3
I approve... and I'd love to see more. Even the guy is hot.
No. 16149 ID: e4e992
File 135208923691.png - (88.97KB , 625x686 , fetishes.png )
Capricious and whimsy, I am.
No. 16150 ID: a29bda
Erhm, where are his testicles?
No. 16151 ID: feab56
Did this picture spawn partly because of a certain thread?
No. 16152 ID: e4e992
File 135209641418.png - (333.37KB , 800x800 , pet warrior.png )
No. 16153 ID: e4e992

made the lines too short, derp
No. 16159 ID: 062dc0
Obviously it was a cold shower, and they have retracted for warmth. I mean, how else do you explain his lack of arousal when presented with manifest hawtness?
No. 16166 ID: 2bf5d0
File 135218819854.png - (951.45KB , 1400x800 , the come in waves and we lay them low.png )
god this stuff is hard
No. 16173 ID: 5355ed
Noice. Dat girth.
No. 16206 ID: 3b2ca6
File 135250832346.png - (166.51KB , 800x800 , toys.png )
whimsy doodle
No. 16213 ID: 3b2ca6
File 135255080307.png - (290.55KB , 800x800 , wannachat.png )
without headcrest
No. 16214 ID: 35a550
I like her without headcrest a lot.
No. 16215 ID: feab56
I think the same, but the opposite of your opinion.
No. 16219 ID: 5f26b5
Interesting. A more humanized Tyrannus. Let's see her in some clothes or doing something that's more relatable Liar?
No. 16234 ID: 35a550
I relate to buttsex
No. 16240 ID: 3b2ca6
File 135272236780.png - (426.04KB , 800x1200 , swimmies.png )
I think I will do this sometime. had to get this out first
No. 16241 ID: 3b2ca6
File 135272582252.png - (213.10KB , 640x679 , poolsidefun.png )
variety is the spice of life.
No. 16242 ID: 20f31a
That feline clearly had no intentions of getting into the pool. didn't even put her swimmies on completely.
No. 16255 ID: 696d2b
duh she's a cat they hate water.
No. 16257 ID: c592e8
File 135288916969.jpg - (64.32KB , 253x253 , awesomekitty.jpg )
You can easily get your cat to bathe and swim, bad pet keeping untermensch.
No. 16259 ID: feab56
Reveal thy secrets, cat-tamer!
No. 16260 ID: 90c676
File 135293778970.png - (259.61KB , 800x900 , sExperiment.png )
No. 16264 ID: 90c676
File 135294685599.png - (244.24KB , 900x900 , the pounder.png )
whud whud
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