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File 141368895983.gif - (258.29KB , 480x480 , patbetterbigger.gif )
25099 No. 25099 ID: 436cdc
Put requests in here (or commission me) and eventually it gets posted here.
WIP shots too!
previous thread: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/draw/res/17782.html
Expand all images
No. 25100 ID: 436cdc
To-do list:
-Jacket's really late birthday present
-Jukashi's secret late bday present and also the favicon for rokolo
-More Jet Jack stuff
No. 25132 ID: 436cdc
File 141411090443.gif - (189.58KB , 1280x800 , whimsydashanimbig.gif )
whimsydreams, AKA the first person I ever did art for. Honestly probably what got me started on pixels in the first place.
An exercise in small-scale animation, meaning click it so it moooooves
No. 25150 ID: a19cd5
File 141421493676.png - (231.96KB , 1000x1000 , thnx.png )
Yeah seems like a good time to ruin my thread with abysmal new tablet doodles

Thanks for the tablet chigui I will use it for evil
No. 25169 ID: a19cd5
File 141430508478.png - (1.76KB , 128x128 , dog man.png )
paperclip wanted me to draw uh, whoever this is I guess. Trying out thick lines again. Whee?
No. 25171 ID: a19cd5
File 141431221563.png - (2.76KB , 128x128 , not-a-cat.png )
WIP shot of my thank-you gift to chigui
No. 25181 ID: a19cd5
File 141436947914.png - (3.58KB , 128x128 , not-a-cat.png )
I was going to shade this but I spent three hours trying to get the bandages to look right and gave up
sorry chig
No. 25193 ID: a19cd5
File 141442979414.png - (3.37KB , 128x128 , not-a-catbasicshade.png )
The bandages were shit so I deleted the layer and replaced it with the shading I originally planned. Will delete this later when I finish cleaning it up, just gotta check for anatomy errors
No. 25210 ID: a19cd5
File 141446687040.gif - (14.79KB , 320x320 , sicktasercombosbig.gif )
practicing some new styles
No. 25211 ID: a19cd5
File 141447086474.gif - (159.66KB , 640x540 , sicktasercombosbgg.gif )
get spooped
No. 25213 ID: a19cd5
File 141447962271.gif - (163.76KB , 640x540 , sicktasercombosbig.gif )
the downside to working in aseprite is that you have to deal with the weird bugs and color weirdness that comes with it.
For example, in order to add new lighting I had to manually edit in a new hex color of the brighter bits then paint them on manually after that. Can't just put in a layer at half-transparency like in the photoshops or the zippy-zoops or whathaveyou.
Makes it a bit annoying to add neat effects like this sometimes, but in this case I feel it was worth the extra effort.
No. 25218 ID: a19cd5
File 141456252920.png - (13.64KB , 1600x1600 , tinysprite.png )
doing tiny stuff again
itty bitty ranger nords, fun stuff.
No. 25219 ID: a19cd5
File 141456291313.gif - (2.12KB , 48x64 , joggin\'stickman.gif )
animation practice, run cycles woo.
No. 25221 ID: a19cd5
File 141458160264.png - (3.30KB , 640x640 , MATTYMCMUSCLESbig0.png )
Color corrections because my eyes suck at the color thing
No. 25229 ID: a19cd5
File 141461355663.gif - (132.69KB , 480x480 , MATTYMCMUSCLESbig.gif )
No. 25231 ID: a19cd5
File 141461995644.gif - (145.46KB , 480x480 , MATTYMCMUSCLESbigga.gif )
and now the sand is fixed to not be shit, woo.
No. 25263 ID: e2b2da
File 141511668858.jpg - (1.58MB , 2592x1936 , image.jpg )
It is so weird to go back to traditional art after so long using mice.
Wario is nintendo's best character and by far the most attractive.
I mean shit, just look at that chiseled jaw

(Might redraw this digitally, possibly.)
No. 25264 ID: e2b2da
Why do pictures taken with my phone keep turning sideways
The dink is up with that shit?
No. 25266 ID: be904f
Hold your phone right, you silly.
No. 25267 ID: 50731a
it looks right if you open it up in a new window/tab
No. 25277 ID: 2fd516
...no it doesn't?

Either hold your phone not-wrong or edit the damn image to flip it the right way around.
No. 25297 ID: 0ee153
Does for me. Proof: http://gyazo.com/fe0dbaf493f0417b8a36172e360de243
No. 25355 ID: a19cd5
File 141558724978.png - (1.12KB , 64x64 , jaguarguy.png )
Din' a commission. Progress shots, wheeee
No. 25361 ID: a19cd5
File 141559840427.png - (4.99KB , 640x640 , jaguarguybig.png )
And the final product, sans background if requested!
No. 25469 ID: a19cd5
File 141627592795.gif - (117.81KB , 1280x640 , tankrainbig.gif )
Drew a sad tank
No. 25470 ID: a19cd5
File 141630205514.gif - (9.33KB , 128x64 , tankrain.gif )
original resolution
No. 25557 ID: a19cd5
File 141733007808.png - (1.67KB , 320x320 , boxhead\'sweirdrobotman.png )
progress shot on a thing
trying some new ideas again
No. 25898 ID: a19cd5
File 141941833822.png - (1.06KB , 32x32 , boxhead'sweirdrobotman.png )
wow I haven't posted here in ages jfc
No. 26423 ID: a19cd5
File 142456446413.gif - (20.69KB , 320x320 , jerk.gif )
Touched up an old animation slightly. God damn do I miss this show.
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