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File 134775717691.jpg - (107.62KB , 1024x1024 , Se7ener.jpg )
15233 No. 15233 ID: 085efe
I've been told I need a drawthread.

Kicking it off with Sevener
Expand all images
No. 15234 ID: 085efe
File 134775745143.jpg - (322.12KB , 1024x1024 , Typical Canadian.jpg )
No. 15249 ID: 7a2594
Is Sevener a character from a quest of yours?
No. 15250 ID: 1987d1
It's speculative fanart of a character who hasn't even been seen on screen yet in Unnatural Selection, and was only introduced a day or two ago.

It looks like the audacity and awesomeness of that may be rewarded with retroactive canonization, though.
No. 15867 ID: c59939
File 135088175930.png - (1.90MB , 832x1156 , char_portrait.png )
Found an old character sketch for a secretary bird I played in a IRL rp game
No. 15943 ID: c59939
File 135113526251.png - (1.14MB , 1024x1024 , CScholar.png )
Drew a character reference for my pathfinder character, Cerulean Scholar.
No. 15960 ID: 4224e5
No. 16139 ID: c59939
File 135206592176.png - (422.15KB , 2048x2048 , Looker.png )
Hat wants me to draw a Lady Gnoll for him, here's how far I got last night.

I'm not sure I'll ever finish it.
No. 16140 ID: c6ec33
Holy crap, that tattoo is ridiculous. :V

H-how much were you originally planning on doing like that? :O
No. 16141 ID: c59939
The entire body. She would be covered in tattoos except for her face and tail.

The main issue is that it would take basically a solid day to do her tattoos. A little less because of clothes
No. 16164 ID: c59939
File 135217110637.png - (106.38KB , 1024x1024 , fatsnake.png )
Northan was all like
"Ficus-kun! Ficus-kun! Draw a fat snake"

And I was like "No"

But then he said another thing so I did it.
No. 16436 ID: c59939
File 135356036625.png - (806.31KB , 1024x1024 , RMcomm.png )
No. 16600 ID: c59939
File 135438642498.jpg - (143.20KB , 1024x1024 , Anon44Commission02.jpg )
No. 16605 ID: c59939
File 135443065802.png - (1.00MB , 1280x1280 , Whimsicott.png )
No. 16687 ID: c59939
File 135494815539.png - (642.99KB , 1280x1280 , Snivy.png )
I may like grass pokémon a little more than I should.
No. 16696 ID: f2c20c
I prefer FIRE.
No. 16806 ID: c59939
File 135543145448.jpg - (325.55KB , 2048x2048 , Looker.jpg )
Changed the pose and got quite a bit along, but there are a lot of tattoos to do, so I still don't know when I'll be done.
No. 16825 ID: db1d22
File 135556053938.png - (2.21MB , 2048x2048 , Looker.png )
Finished Looker. The center of her chest was left untattooed for lore reasons
No. 16827 ID: f2c20c
Fur tattoos: How do they work?

Awesome job.
No. 16830 ID: 10df8c
Tit tats. The fluffiest neck. I am in lesbians with my own character someone help.

But srsly holy shit this is so awesome. The detail on the tattoos is rediculous. Thanks again for taking pity upon a poor loser like me.
No. 16831 ID: 24e493
Extreme heat pressed upon fur causes it to grow in a different color.

Shaved fur, apply tattoo, fur is inked as it grows back?
No. 16864 ID: 450660

I've always been a fan of the concept in which each strand of fur is painstakingly dyed to produce the tattoo ... and has to be redone somewhat frequently.
No. 17019 ID: c59939
File 135703271203.jpg - (111.66KB , 1024x512 , Kobolds.jpg )
Needed to draw what kobolds look like in my pathfinder campaign.

In related news, I really like how everignot kobolds look.
No. 17036 ID: c59939
File 135711300674.jpg - (80.79KB , 512x1024 , Elves.jpg )
Apparently I draw elf ears in an unusual way.
No. 17039 ID: f2c20c
They are a neat way to portray 'em.

That doesn't look unusual?
No. 17040 ID: c59939
I didn't think so, but that's what I was told.
No. 17256 ID: c59939
File 135806486327.png - (1.31MB , 1024x1024 , Naknak Goldtongue.png )
Drew my kobold for trout's Kobold pathfinder game.
No. 17257 ID: f2c20c
No. 17262 ID: 1f8505

That's a pretty badass tattoo right there.
No. 17651 ID: c59939
File 136024562211.png - (1.34MB , 1024x1024 , Femnaknak.png )
And the lady version of that bold
No. 17652 ID: bf54a8
egg laying hips~~
No. 17653 ID: c59939
File 136026917253.png - (1.34MB , 1024x1024 , FEMNAKlineart2.png )
People kept saying femnak was too subtle so I got some advice and feminized the face some more
No. 17692 ID: c59939
File 136056573567.png - (1.40MB , 1024x1050 , Yulia the Witch.png )
New Pathfinder character, new pathfinder character art!
No. 17694 ID: 1f8505

Very nice!
No. 17696 ID: 4a20fa
Damn, that's neat.
No. 17723 ID: 993b37
File 136080272854.jpg - (33.63KB , 564x421 , ferret.jpg )
Requesting a classy and masculine male ferret with a slender build wearing a tuxedo and bowtie. His pelt is of a tannish color with brown mask and "sock". He's a butler.
No. 17724 ID: 39239e
If requests are allowed, then can I get a petite goat girl with short hair and either modern casual clothing or a warlock/witch outfit and glasses? Striped details preferred.
No. 17733 ID: c59939
File 136083329911.jpg - (305.78KB , 2048x2048 , Looker.jpg )
hat wanted me to post tattooless looker
No. 17764 ID: c59939
File 136117880729.png - (1.40MB , 1024x1050 , Yulia the Witch.png )
Yulia's sword was changed for reasons.
No. 17773 ID: 5d98c3
Wait, we get to place requests?
No. 17867 ID: c59939
File 136177749103.png - (214.10KB , 1024x1024 , Heads.png )
A friend was lamenting the difficulty of humans, Since he already basically draws human bodies, I sketched this up quick to show how forgiving human heads are
No. 17873 ID: f2c20c
You need to use a simplistic or exaggerated style to get away with that though, right?
No. 17874 ID: c59939
Not really. If you have a fully realistically textured and shaded head, but it conforms to simplistic cartoony shapes, it still works. People still look at it and recognize it as a face. It's a little uncanny valley for some people, but no one looks at say, a super realistic Mario that has the proportions he had in Super Mario 64, and goes, 'that's not a human head'. It's what makes caricatures great. You can wildly exaggerate faces and keep them identifiable as the original person. And they're identifiable whether you've only exaggerated things a little, or if you've nearly twisted the face beyond all reason, as long as you keep in mind what makes the original face distinctive.

Sure, a LITERALLY SQUARE head isn't the best choice for complete realism, but the fundamental shape can still be there. If you're doing cartoony, you literally have free reign. And it doesn't have to be particularly simplistic cartoony. Take Rise of the Guardians. Pitch's head is very clearly an inverted triangle. If you're not doing cartoon, plenty of people have very square jaws, or very round faces. Noses can be hooked or straight, the might bend at the end, be tall or flat. Thin, or so bulbous it looks like an onion attacked the person's face

A lot of it comes down to refinement at that point. Add lumps, round out corners, learn lighting, coloring.

Learning how to do faces by starting with simple shapes and practicing how to incorporate it with your style seems like a better option to me than trying to learn faces that are more defined than your art style, and giving up because faces are hard. Encouraging different face shapes and more distinctive looking characters is better in my eyes than aiming straight for realism.
No. 18284 ID: cff2a9
File 136366464375.png - (196.71KB , 800x1024 , Raja.png )
Raja, another character from the same game as Naknak
No. 18285 ID: cff2a9
File 136366468805.jpg - (278.91KB , 1024x1024 , NakRaj Comparison.jpg )
And here's a size comparison between Raja and Naknak
No. 18382 ID: cff2a9
File 136398137840.png - (742.26KB , 1511x2200 , Alex&Karina.png )
Alexandr and Karina from Kimik's Jade Regent game.

Alexandr is my sorcerer, and Karina is a cleric who doesn't actually know anything about her dang religion.
No. 18387 ID: 57a559
butt touchin'
No. 18395 ID: cff2a9
File 136405761449.png - (325.48KB , 909x933 , naknak & raja.png )
No. 18397 ID: 1f8505

'bold touchin'
No. 18398 ID: d6ef5d
>a cleric who doesn't actually know anything about her dang religion
Invoke god, receive power. What else you gotta know? :V
No. 18400 ID: f2c20c
Those two are pretty damn cute together.
No. 18694 ID: cff2a9
File 136661041826.jpg - (330.96KB , 2048x2048 , Aleksander.jpg )
No. 18707 ID: cff2a9
File 136670477859.jpg - (374.13KB , 2048x2048 , Alexandra.jpg )
No. 18710 ID: cff2a9
File 136675127681.png - (1.11MB , 2048x2048 , Alex&Karina02.png )
No. 18737 ID: cff2a9
File 136693021048.png - (753.39KB , 2048x1384 , Karina.png )
Had to make a small edit because the abs weren't quite defined enough.
No. 18939 ID: cff2a9
File 136822182753.png - (1.19MB , 1280x1280 , SKATE OFF small.png )
No. 18940 ID: 9ddf68
why do I get the feeling you just got done watching Air Gear

Great pic by the way
No. 18946 ID: cff2a9
I haven't just finished watching air gear, and I haven't thought about air gear in years, but I assume the skates make you think that.
No. 18947 ID: cf49fc
If these pictures get any more vivid and colorful, people will start having seizures.
No. 18949 ID: dd287a
makes me think of jet set radio personally.

Probably because of the grinding and the spray cans rather than magic jumpboots.
No. 18950 ID: cf49fc
Magic Jump Boots would make a killer band name.
No. 19072 ID: cff2a9
File 136882686831.png - (195.46KB , 1024x1024 , Enchilady.png )
I keep calling Enchilada 'Enchilady'
No. 19073 ID: cff2a9
File 136882692741.jpg - (234.08KB , 591x1024 , BadArmorMan.jpg )
I wanted to see how the 'Why?' armor looks on guys http://repair-her-armor.tumblr.com/post/50474510652/clothes-im-forced-to-wear-in-the-majority-of-mmorpgs
No. 19127 ID: cff2a9
File 136915687855.png - (370.35KB , 1280x1016 , Burqueena.png )
I also call Burquina 'Burqueena'
No. 19128 ID: f2c20c
Hahaha that's great.
No. 19173 ID: 0006f5
starit pointed it out, but virgin mary is often artistically depicted stepping on a snake's head. intriguing.
No. 19851 ID: 35037e
File 137348125953.png - (386.99KB , 1024x1024 , AlexUpdated.png )
has changed a little since his creation
No. 19853 ID: 35037e
File 137348134054.png - (528.54KB , 1024x1024 , AandK-Charades.png )
so has

Here they are playing charades with her talking sword
No. 19854 ID: 35037e
File 137348138801.jpg - (209.74KB , 1024x1024 , Fear.jpg )
I'm getting into a FATE game where all the players are Demons
No. 19855 ID: 35037e
File 137348142056.jpg - (167.09KB , 1024x1024 , Fear2.jpg )
Mine is this amorphous dude
No. 19856 ID: 35037e
File 137348146992.jpg - (771.37KB , 1024x1280 , Idol of Envy.jpg )
One of the other players asked me to draw their flesh shaping demon of envy.
No. 19859 ID: 35037e
File 137349039750.jpg - (471.99KB , 1024x1024 , LamiaJumprope.jpg )
No. 19861 ID: 9ddf68
I don't know why but I can't stop laughing at this
No. 19862 ID: 35037e
That's called joy. You are feeling the mystical emotion of 'happiness'
No. 19863 ID: f5680f
This is really cool. It reminds me of the deep ocean, and the terrors it hides.
No. 19865 ID: 0eef61
she's shaping my flesh all right ohohoho
No. 19868 ID: cf49fc
Still not as adorable as the Javan Mudsnake.
No. 19874 ID: 35037e
File 137360412438.png - (497.43KB , 1280x1024 , Anthiel.png )
And here's Anthiel, from the same game as

>>19856 and >>19855
No. 19880 ID: 35037e
File 137362395621.png - (496.39KB , 1280x1024 , Anthiel2.png )
Small fix because the corrosion around holes in the armor wasn't clear enough.
No. 20038 ID: 35037e
File 137490718071.png - (515.82KB , 1024x942 , AlexKariBath.png )
No. 20041 ID: 1f8505

No. 20052 ID: 35037e
File 137506809236.png - (233.48KB , 420x1024 , Erika.png )
No. 20053 ID: 1f8505

No. 20070 ID: a01b62
Oh no look at all those suds on her chest he'll need to clean those off with his dick
No. 20095 ID: 35037e
File 137550946152.png - (728.53KB , 1024x1024 , Isaan.png )
got replaced. Now it's all about
No. 20096 ID: 1f8505

I am gobsmacked by the detail on the scales.
No. 20110 ID: cf49fc
I like how her limbs are unnaturally long and hulking. It makes her seem more inhuman.
No. 20228 ID: 35037e
File 137677829183.png - (879.23KB , 1024x1024 , Nadezhda.png )
No. 20229 ID: 1f8505

Nice. I think Nemi will be pretty happy with that.
No. 20231 ID: 857855
No. 20241 ID: 5af25b
anon watch out, i think ficus is getting interested in someone else, you'd better act fast
No. 20243 ID: 1f8505

No. 20299 ID: 35037e
File 137774065021.png - (252.48KB , 671x950 , dullahan monk.png )
1 hour practice sketch
No. 20306 ID: 1f8505

Shame she's never going to get ahead in life.
No. 20312 ID: 5af25b
so did she just cut her own head off with her right hand and is about to kick it at the enemy?
No. 20344 ID: 35037e
File 137793135661.png - (685.45KB , 1280x1280 , SnakeAlex&CaliKari.png )
My Pathfinder character employing them pro-tier hug strats
No. 20349 ID: bd48c5
What race is your character? I wanted to play a Naga-priest, but I couldn't find any race close enough to actually be a priest. Though I did find Vanaras, oddly enough
No. 20351 ID: b32a14
...these guys aren't shy about quaffing potions of mutation, are they.
No. 20352 ID: 35037e
Sorry, my guy's a human, he just uses a lot of transmutation and polymorph spells.

In this case he's turned himself into a Lamia Matriarch (basically done purely for them pro tier hugs and to have access to his magic items; he turned into an air elemental soon after this picture), and Karina into a Calikang (at this point, his default battle form for her)
No. 20357 ID: 35037e
File 137799689362.png - (345.32KB , 1024x1024 , LIVIA SEVERINA LEVANTAIRE.png )
Nemi's upcoming totally not evil chelaxian evoker
No. 20373 ID: 35037e
File 137808352555.jpg - (1.50MB , 1920x1100 , Electric Pirate Anurelara.jpg )
My upcoming totally a little evil Magus Pirate.
No. 20375 ID: 240cbe
Dervish Dance build?
No. 20379 ID: 1f8505

No. 20380 ID: 5af25b
do you see two scimitars? i don't see two scimitars.
No. 20381 ID: 35037e
She's a magus, she needs one hand open.

She has dervish dance.
No. 20388 ID: 5af25b
your build makes me cry.
No. 20395 ID: 35037e
You are way too opinionated about magus builds.

Or you don't understand anything about how they work, like how dual wielding weapons doesn't at all work for them.
No. 20413 ID: 35037e
Also, I had forgotten, you can't dervish dance with a weapon or shield in your off hand.

The feat only works one handed.
No. 20457 ID: 35037e
File 137851467554.png - (625.81KB , 878x1382 , TechnoWizard.png )
No. 20469 ID: e1609c
Man ficus, i think you might be one of my fave artists on here
Everything you draw is smooth and refined as shit, if you arent already you could probably be a proffessional graphics designer man
A+ shit yo
No. 20497 ID: 35037e
File 137887164715.jpg - (504.57KB , 1000x1100 , Sorin.jpg )
workan on my character for a Rise of the Runelords game
No. 20521 ID: 35037e
File 137903739560.jpg - (870.56KB , 1920x1080 , DustforceLamia.jpg )
You know what's great? Lamias doing things that lamias don't usually do.
No. 20522 ID: 636473
What, you think lamias don't clean up??? Don't be racist mang

On a Pathfinder-related tangent, I'm disappointed they made lamias non-snakey. Lamia matriarchs are still snakewomen, but all the other kinds are different animals. It fits the mythology better, but c'mon you need snakewomen who are not just snakes with woman heads like the naga are.
No. 20523 ID: 35037e
better than D&D.
No. 20524 ID: bd48c5
You could always use the Pathfinder Race Creation Guide.

Of course, it is quite flawed. I used it to create a seven point race with a combined DR25/Moonlight/Silver. For only ten points. It was pretty funny.
No. 20526 ID: 240cbe
Eh, there's already vishkanya and nagaji, although admittedly neither of them have snake lower halves. I'm more interested in snake-people monsters, and a race with class levels doesn't really cut it for me.

Plus, like you said, the race builder is broken.
No. 20531 ID: bd48c5
At least it's broken in a funny way. You could always ask /tg/ to make you a balanced Snake-Lady race. They're still into them since the end of Lamia Child Quest.
No. 20533 ID: 57239a
Eh, I do need something to take up my time, so I'll probably start trying to make one during the weekend, so right about now.

Plus, I can just houserule that naga have more than just a woman's head.
No. 20543 ID: 35037e
File 137928093752.jpg - (110.41KB , 406x600 , HZUARaB.jpg )
I inked and colored a shark luchador sketch nemi made for me.
No. 20544 ID: 35037e
File 137928380720.jpg - (175.16KB , 496x600 , Bve5Owe.jpg )
Jaguar Girl too
No. 20545 ID: 35037e
File 137928535482.jpg - (125.64KB , 503x600 , tUecjYF.jpg )
And the last one, Luchabee
No. 20548 ID: bd48c5
Your luchadores are adorable.
No. 20551 ID: cf5251
No. 20611 ID: 35037e
File 137975127620.jpg - (226.74KB , 1024x1024 , HairWitch.jpg )
No. 20612 ID: 35037e
File 137975128797.jpg - (473.22KB , 1024x1024 , Sharktits.jpg )
No. 20614 ID: 35037e
File 137979355319.jpg - (482.31KB , 1024x1024 , QueenCobra.jpg )
No. 20620 ID: 35037e
File 137981977470.jpg - (422.08KB , 1024x1024 , WolfMaster.jpg )
No. 20622 ID: 35037e
File 137983371037.jpg - (395.27KB , 1024x1024 , Marilith.jpg )
No. 20652 ID: 35037e
File 137997710159.jpg - (118.15KB , 400x200 , 2xAvatarCombo!.jpg )
No. 20654 ID: 1f8505

That's a lot of teeth.
No. 20657 ID: 35037e
I disagree, That's an unusually small amount of teeth.
No. 20686 ID: 35037e
File 138024205992.jpg - (509.66KB , 1024x1024 , Alex and snakarina.jpg )
No. 20724 ID: 35037e
File 138042164624.png - (554.76KB , 1024x1024 , Alex Kari Bodyswap.png )
No. 20725 ID: bf54a8
how does that even happen?
No. 20728 ID: 2860b1
Magic. Botched teleportation spell, transmutation, bestow curse, botched magic jar, etc etc,
No. 20729 ID: 35037e

Fun side note, Alex can do all of those except bestow curse, and specializes in the transmutation.
No. 20730 ID: 35037e
File 138043165540.jpg - (666.79KB , 1024x1024 , Sharkabel.jpg )
I have no clue where this would even go
No. 20731 ID: 2860b1
In the water, I assume.
No. 20733 ID: 35037e
File 138043773659.jpg - (789.40KB , 1024x1024 , Sharkabel2.jpg )
No. 20734 ID: 1f8505

The transformation is complete!
No. 20735 ID: 35037e
File 138046649987.png - (165.55KB , 762x875 , Lampent.png )
No. 20738 ID: 35037e
File 138048167786.jpg - (889.74KB , 1024x1024 , WhaleShark.jpg )
No. 20743 ID: 35037e
File 138051515523.jpg - (1.36MB , 1280x1280 , Size Difference.jpg )
No. 20744 ID: 9ddf68
this seems like a good "oh shit moment"
No. 20745 ID: bf54a8
luckily whale sharks are big softies.
No. 20750 ID: ea4924
In real life, sure. In real life, they're also filter feeders with no teeth. That one isn't a filter feeder. Sharkabel's on the menu.
No. 20751 ID: 35037e
File 138058270293.png - (497.31KB , 1280x1059 , Rocker Doctor.png )
Rocker Doctor and Nurse Teevee
No. 20758 ID: 35037e
File 138058760822.png - (579.51KB , 897x1024 , Bumblebabe in Shark Pyjamas.png )
Bumblebabe in Shark Pyjamas
No. 20774 ID: 35037e
File 138065720824.png - (296.75KB , 726x984 , Collabarina.png )
Another Collab with Nemi
No. 20778 ID: 35037e
File 138066439543.png - (317.49KB , 1024x1024 , Orc Luchadora.png )
No. 20780 ID: 35037e
File 138067265059.png - (609.65KB , 1024x1024 , HyperLightDrifterLady.png )
No. 20803 ID: 35037e
File 138074119295.jpg - (864.77KB , 1024x1024 , Lamia Matriarch.jpg )
No. 20806 ID: 35037e
File 138075383060.png - (442.30KB , 1050x975 , Alex and Karinatransformation.png )
No. 20818 ID: 35037e
File 138083168401.png - (448.64KB , 1024x898 , Vicky.png )
No. 20832 ID: 35037e
File 138093865856.png - (511.08KB , 1024x1024 , Tamiko.png )
No. 20834 ID: 35037e
File 138094955349.png - (365.60KB , 1024x1024 , DoubladeLady.png )
No. 20838 ID: 42d2dc
>not doublady
No. 20841 ID: 35037e
File 138101634213.png - (424.54KB , 1024x1024 , Kohaku.png )
No. 20859 ID: 35037e
File 138109439261.png - (514.28KB , 1024x1024 , Space naga.png )
This one was a commissioned piece. $30 since I have Lamias on sale
No. 20883 ID: 35037e
File 138125795751.png - (394.99KB , 1050x810 , Morning Hair.png )
No. 20888 ID: befc95
FICUS, you have ONE JOB.
No. 20889 ID: 35037e
File 138126931662.png - (443.07KB , 1024x1024 , ThousandTeethLeader.png )
No. 20910 ID: 35037e
File 138137877012.png - (575.47KB , 1200x1024 , Amelia.png )
No. 20911 ID: 35037e
File 138137879916.png - (487.15KB , 1024x1024 , Dullahan.png )
No. 20915 ID: 35037e
File 138138840791.png - (333.31KB , 1024x918 , AKDrinking.png )
No. 20941 ID: cb94ca
I fucking love the saw-sword!
No. 20945 ID: 35037e
File 138152857797.png - (439.76KB , 755x1091 , Sorin.png )
Finished it
No. 20952 ID: 35037e
File 138162859183.png - (271.01KB , 1024x959 , Froggie.png )
No. 20956 ID: bd48c5
Why is Ysabel a froggy? And DAMN does that juice not come out or WHAT? At this rate the entire planet will be dyed blue in about a year.
No. 20957 ID: 35037e
File 138164408568.png - (302.61KB , 775x1024 , LamiaRailSlide.png )
in this case I wasn't drawing ysabel.
No. 20959 ID: 35037e
File 138164749730.jpg - (426.66KB , 1024x1024 , JourneyTimeframe.jpg )
Crossover fanart of Journey and http://www.lacunapassage.com/timeframe/webplayer.html
No. 20960 ID: 35037e
File 138165154969.jpg - (374.47KB , 1024x1024 , Hootslady.jpg )
20 minute stream doodle
No. 20968 ID: 35037e
File 138172429532.jpg - (402.34KB , 1200x1024 , Cyborg.jpg )
No. 20990 ID: 35037e
File 138197271230.jpg - (517.07KB , 1280x1280 , scribble.jpg )
aimless doodle
No. 21003 ID: 35037e
File 138215351213.jpg - (297.85KB , 1024x1024 , Pangoro.jpg )
No. 21005 ID: 35037e
File 138221790360.jpg - (678.11KB , 1024x1024 , Witch.jpg )
No. 21006 ID: bd48c5
I can't figure out whether to call her Freckletits, Snaketits, or Witchtits.
No. 21007 ID: 35037e
File 138225611394.png - (340.51KB , 735x1150 , 4 Armed Cyberlady.png )
No. 21034 ID: 35037e
File 138248638460.jpg - (353.26KB , 1024x1100 , Summoner.jpg )
No. 21037 ID: 35037e
File 138250913333.jpg - (333.00KB , 971x912 , Remi Drinkin.jpg )
This lady's name is Remi btw
No. 21040 ID: bd48c5
Drinking to excess is not recommended with her reduced body mass.
No. 21041 ID: 35037e
File 138258517971.png - (564.92KB , 1024x1200 , AnuLiviaInterruption.png )
Some more of this lady >>20373
No. 21055 ID: 35037e
File 138282024857.png - (629.17KB , 1024x1024 , XenoNaga.png )
Got a commission for a naga xenomorph lady yesterday.
No. 21058 ID: 53ba34
File 138285941363.jpg - (28.73KB , 510x446 , 9cef162d_history-channel-alien-guy-meme-generator-.jpg )
No. 21059 ID: 9ddf68
so when you where asked to draw this, what was your reaction? Cause just reading the words naga xenomorph had me grinning ear to ear.
No. 21062 ID: 35037e
File 138291232637.png - (449.91KB , 1024x1280 , Mage Guardian.png )
No. 21123 ID: 35037e
File 138378316376.jpg - (372.88KB , 1024x1024 , Kittenemi.jpg )
No. 21124 ID: 35037e
File 138378317963.jpg - (665.23KB , 1024x1200 , NemiLich.jpg )
No. 21125 ID: 35037e
File 138378319562.jpg - (770.45KB , 1200x1100 , Winter Fae Nemi.jpg )
No. 21131 ID: 1f8505
Nemi x Ficus OTP
No. 21134 ID: 53ba34
you've gotta be kitten me.
No. 21149 ID: 35037e
File 138396404772.png - (443.55KB , 1024x1280 , The Umbral Flash.png )
Drawan more potential pathfinder fodder
No. 21150 ID: 35037e
File 138402515053.png - (409.38KB , 1024x1200 , The Hound of Ivy District.png )
No. 21157 ID: 35037e
File 138410627260.jpg - (222.40KB , 736x941 , BumblenemiTF.jpg )
No. 21158 ID: 35037e
File 138410627903.jpg - (312.16KB , 1024x1024 , SharkNemi.jpg )
No. 21159 ID: 35037e
File 138410628534.jpg - (476.72KB , 1024x1100 , Hootsnemi.jpg )
No. 21160 ID: 35037e
File 138410629174.jpg - (399.32KB , 1024x1024 , Nemarilith.jpg )
No. 21161 ID: 35037e
File 138410630495.jpg - (526.70KB , 1024x1024 , SlimeNemi.jpg )
I may have done a few of these
No. 21162 ID: fc937d
That poor girl goes through a lot of clothes!

Also those are adorbs.
No. 21171 ID: 35037e
File 138421278454.jpg - (506.36KB , 1015x989 , DinoNemi.jpg )
No. 21172 ID: 35037e
File 138421279625.jpg - (465.48KB , 1024x1024 , SphynxNemi.jpg )
No. 21173 ID: 35037e
File 138421280763.jpg - (598.87KB , 1024x1024 , Djinnemi.jpg )
No. 21174 ID: 35037e
File 138421281495.jpg - (448.18KB , 1024x1024 , OctoNemi.jpg )
No. 21175 ID: 35037e
File 138421284587.jpg - (486.45KB , 1200x1024 , Tenemigu.jpg )
By a few I might have meant a lot.
No. 21176 ID: 64dd23
i fully support this ship
No. 21179 ID: 35037e
File 138429654735.jpg - (521.63KB , 1024x1024 , SatyrNemi.jpg )
No. 21180 ID: 35037e
File 138429656273.jpg - (617.79KB , 1100x1100 , Chocobonemi.jpg )
No. 21181 ID: 35037e
File 138429659245.jpg - (489.85KB , 1024x1024 , Kitsunemi.jpg )
This was probs one of the better ones of the series
No. 21182 ID: 35037e
File 138429667091.jpg - (443.27KB , 1024x1024 , DriderNemi.jpg )
sticky white stuff here
No. 21183 ID: 35037e
File 138429668335.jpg - (555.76KB , 1024x1200 , Cerberus Nemi.jpg )
No. 21185 ID: 35037e
File 138431492471.png - (455.47KB , 1024x1224 , SnugglyandSparkly.png )
No. 21186 ID: f3bb85
No. 21188 ID: 35037e
File 138438651957.jpg - (580.20KB , 1024x1280 , SorinPrank.jpg )
No. 21189 ID: 35037e
File 138440733580.png - (556.60KB , 1024x1024 , GraffitiLady.png )
No. 21200 ID: 35037e
File 138449640994.png - (466.70KB , 1024x1280 , LamiaBard.png )
I kinda wish I wasn't so distracted lately while drawing. It's making them take forever.
No. 21207 ID: 35037e
File 138456362882.png - (455.02KB , 929x1259 , Fire Poi Dancer.png )
No. 21210 ID: 382f4d
What do you consider forever? You sure seem to crank them out.
No. 21211 ID: 35037e
File 138458370004.png - (400.33KB , 1024x1024 , Greatbow archer.png )
more than 3 hours on a single person
No. 21220 ID: 35037e
File 138464952734.png - (543.72KB , 1280x1024 , BEST BUDDIES.png )
A kitsune Rogue and Human Magus I drew up
No. 21253 ID: 35037e
File 138482897204.png - (430.97KB , 774x1015 , Sorin Wolfskin.png )
I kinda really like this picture of Sorin without shading on it.
No. 21284 ID: 35037e
File 138518881999.jpg - (745.49KB , 1024x1224 , Isis King.jpg )
I got me some open commissions right now
No. 21314 ID: 35037e
File 138543277906.jpg - (674.78KB , 1024x1224 , Sundress Succubus.jpg )
No. 21317 ID: 1f8505

More monster girls in thin sundresses please.
No. 21323 ID: f3bb85
Hmmm, normally my prognosis would be Smite Evil.

In this case, I'd go with Throw Evil In The Ocean.
No. 21324 ID: 35037e
File 138549973532.png - (843.69KB , 1024x1024 , Kitsune.png )
No. 21326 ID: 53ba34
almost too much snake.
No. 21329 ID: 35037e
File 138551313378.jpg - (1.16MB , 1280x1000 , BoaLamia.jpg )
No. 21330 ID: cf49fc
That expression just says, "I am really uncertain how to feel about this."
No. 21336 ID: 35037e
File 138559035094.jpg - (1.87MB , 1920x1080 , JungleMeeting.jpg )
No. 21338 ID: 35037e
File 138559206039.jpg - (1.62MB , 1920x1080 , JungleMeeting.jpg )

Made some small edits according to suggestions.
No. 21346 ID: 35037e
File 138561196930.jpg - (604.36KB , 1024x1024 , Harpy.jpg )
No. 21383 ID: 35037e
File 138630311515.png - (443.41KB , 1024x1024 , FeatheredBoa.png )
No. 21384 ID: 35037e
File 138630312808.jpg - (574.47KB , 933x1024 , SorinBreastplate.jpg )
No. 21393 ID: 35037e
File 138638957905.jpg - (337.52KB , 1024x1024 , Joltik swarming Nemi.jpg )
No. 21400 ID: 35037e
File 138653009275.jpg - (820.78KB , 1024x1024 , WinterNemi.jpg )
No. 21419 ID: ed5a38
I quite like this one. Very nice!
No. 21627 ID: 35037e
File 138826186317.jpg - (1.77MB , 2500x2500 , Crius.jpg )
Ref sheet for my character in Nemigame
No. 21662 ID: 35037e
File 138837337933.png - (250.90KB , 695x965 , Melina Albright.png )
Kimik/Googleshng's character for nemigame
No. 21665 ID: 1f8505

What goes on in this Nemigame?
No. 21672 ID: 1aa5f4

It hasn't officially started yet but... low-power fantasy adventure with a decent sized helping of politics is the plan, I believe.
No. 21681 ID: 35037e
A three way war has just kicked up, and a ragtag group of people in the military for various reasons are put together into a special operations team and sent out to handle a wide variety of missions.

Right now there are 6 players, 3 of which are nobles (2 born, 1 earned a title), 2 are born mutants, and 2 became mutated.
No. 21696 ID: 35037e
File 138845442030.png - (443.19KB , 949x1099 , Crius Clothed Front.png )

Going through all these and adding shading
No. 21697 ID: 35037e
File 138845443539.png - (143.15KB , 386x640 , Crius Portrait.png )
No. 21698 ID: 35037e
File 138845444783.png - (554.85KB , 1013x1280 , Crius Back Clothed.png )
No. 21699 ID: 35037e
File 138845446447.png - (411.50KB , 1280x1190 , Crius Back Naked.png )
No. 21725 ID: 35037e
File 138867568166.png - (564.19KB , 1271x1126 , Crius nude front.png )
No. 21728 ID: 180958
She looks confused about being a naga.
No. 21729 ID: 35037e
Crius is actually confused about being a snakey lady. They weren't one before.
No. 21731 ID: beeca1
Have you been messing about with transmutation spells again?
No. 21733 ID: 35037e
No, in the case of Crius, the setting is like, on the border of magical wastelands from an ancient war. So there's tons of arcane radiation, and shards of ancient magics. Crius picked one up without knowing what it was while sneaking out of the mansion.
No. 21793 ID: 35037e
File 138898438708.jpg - (499.90KB , 1021x1024 , Plantgirl.jpg )
Got a lineart commission on the weasyl
No. 21799 ID: 1f8505

What's Weasyl?
No. 21801 ID: 35037e
an art gallery whatsit
No. 21839 ID: f996af
File 138941905894.jpg - (663.20KB , 1024x1024 , CuteGale.jpg )
finished a sketch I did back in christmas
No. 21843 ID: 8ea63b
she does not appear to be wearing pants.
No. 21848 ID: f996af
That's good, cause she isn't.
No. 21853 ID: f996af
File 138949284703.png - (220.45KB , 959x1127 , SergalTF.png )
Got a colored lineart commission on the FA. I don't get why people would want anything short of finished art, but hey, it's their prerogative.
No. 21854 ID: 67bfa9
finished art is more expensive,
less finished means more quantity

personally I find polish overated( and why I give it away for free)
and prefer strong illustration of shading or colouring
No. 21856 ID: 761017
A drawing can be more dynamic at the sketch/line-art stage. A viewer's imagination uses the overlain line-art as a visual framework to extrapolate more from the underlain sketch-art.
No. 21865 ID: cf49fc
Huh. I didn't know Sergals had FOUR toes.
No. 21928 ID: f996af
File 139011649399.png - (348.47KB , 758x1000 , Ficus - Sorin 4.png )

this guy, but level 7 now
No. 21930 ID: f996af
File 139011872983.jpg - (0.98MB , 1280x1280 , CriusPanicing.jpg )
I'm going to pretend I started and finished this in the time since uploading the last picture.
No. 21948 ID: f996af
File 139029536695.png - (389.49KB , 1024x1024 , Sharky.png )
whoops accidentally saved it without the blue
No. 21956 ID: f996af
File 139033767404.jpg - (636.92KB , 1120x680 , Pricing Guide January 2014.jpg )
Made a fancy price guide dealy-bop, though for the next week I'll be having a wakfu kickstarter sale.

Basically, $2 off busts, $3 off half bodies, and $4 off full bodies. Double this if it's wakfu related.

Monochromatic is an additional $1 off for Half and full body only. Color is an additional $2 off for Half and full body; it's only $1 off busts. And Shaded is an additional $4 off of Half and full body; it's only $2 off busts.
No. 21963 ID: f996af
File 139043831918.png - (1.19MB , 2000x2000 , nagaKnot.png )
and on the list of most misleading descriptive file names to throw at a bunch of furries is....
No. 21970 ID: e45d00
How do those discounts work for multiple characters? I might be interested in a Wakfu pic.
No. 21972 ID: f996af
basically additional characters add %50 of the sale price.

So a second shaded wakfu themed character would be $16.50, For a total of $49.50 for two shaded full body characters before backgrounds.
No. 21975 ID: f996af
File 139053354562.png - (691.72KB , 1024x1024 , Ysapanties.png )
My half of an art exchange with Anon44
No. 21976 ID: 1f8505

O-oh my~
No. 21981 ID: cf49fc
Does she wear two sets of panties as well?
No. 21984 ID: f996af
File 139067541806.png - (925.38KB , 1024x1024 , Ficus - GaleTransformation (KimikDemandsBubbles).png )
No. 21988 ID: 1f8505

What does the end of the transformation look like?
No. 21990 ID: f996af

Like one of these, depending on how far along in the campaign you're talking about

No. 22024 ID: f996af
File 139127146244.jpg - (677.95KB , 953x1200 , Saralyne.jpg )
Commission from Anon44
No. 22025 ID: 1f8505

No. 22030 ID: 8ea63b
oh so you basically drew nemi's character nude.

i.. see.
No. 22035 ID: f996af
I'm going to assume you have absolutely no clue what magical girl anime are and I don't feel like explaining it.
No. 22037 ID: a90328

Well! Since I have nothing better to do...
The character in question (as a result of catching a GM on a really generous day) is a high concept oddity, who has fake magic crazy techno armor, because crazy techno armor looks cool but who knows how the real deal works. Mechanically, she's a summoner (the class that summons up wacky custom pets) with the synthesist archetype (where you turn into those pets instead of summoning them)... but in this case the pet is just her-in-crazy-techno-armor.

Because this gives us an end result where she hangs out around town in relatively normal street clothes, and then when there's adventure afoot, she magically summons up the techno armor form, yeah, magical girl joke waiting to happen.

As for why there is a decades long tradition of protagonists from children's cartoons going all pink semi-silhouette-semi-nude with crazy dayglow soap bubble backgrounds, it's hard to say how that became a thing. Especially when the series that kicked the whole genre off didn't generally go in for it, and that was by noted super-perv Go Nagai: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWRC1pHI6c0

And knowing is half the battle.
No. 22061 ID: f996af
File 139164457101.png - (5.34MB , 2400x2198 , Group Rotrl.png )
RotRL full party pic
No. 22094 ID: f996af
File 139184321234.jpg - (1.00MB , 1280x1280 , WinterSorin.jpg )
Sorin in his winter gear
No. 22096 ID: 1f8505

Comfy cozy.
No. 22247 ID: f996af
File 139318878558.png - (2.10MB , 1920x1080 , spotty wallpaper.png )
This took way too long, and ended up being like, 246 MB, but I'm glad it's done
No. 22284 ID: f996af
File 139370686001.png - (2.10MB , 2200x2048 , Shark Floating.png )
Actually got 4 commissions at once form Rismic on FA.
No. 22285 ID: f996af
File 139370690360.png - (1.68MB , 2048x2048 , Snake Shelftop.png )
It was just going to be one of the shark girl, but then they apparently saw I draw snakeyladies too, so they added another
No. 22286 ID: f996af
File 139370695755.png - (2.29MB , 2200x2048 , Shark Swimming.png )
So I sent two sketches for both the shark girl and snake girl, but they liked them all so much that I ended up with 4 commissions
No. 22287 ID: f996af
File 139370697629.png - (1.49MB , 2048x2048 , Snake Sleeping.png )
So that was nice.
No. 22288 ID: a87e3a
No. 22306 ID: 9ddf68
I have no idea why but I feel threatened by this pose. I know it isn't meant to be threatening but when I see it I feel like I'm about to be attacked and I have no idea why.
No. 22330 ID: f996af
File 139399044973.png - (1.64MB , 2048x2048 , BeachShark.png )
No. 22331 ID: f996af
File 139399046508.png - (1.69MB , 2048x2048 , SharkBack-Cruise.png )
No. 22332 ID: f996af
File 139399048060.png - (1.36MB , 2048x2048 , SharkBack.png )
No. 22356 ID: f996af
File 139416983987.png - (1.01MB , 2048x2048 , Furio Mumbasa.png )
So, while I was drawing this, got another commission. But I figured I hadn't drawn something for me in over a week so I finished this up first.

It's my magus for a Carrion Crown game, Furio Mumbasa
No. 22370 ID: f996af
File 139433030665.png - (1.22MB , 2048x2048 , Nagacoon.png )
No. 22371 ID: 53ba34
quality snaketits
No. 22374 ID: f996af
File 139435039123.png - (295.75KB , 739x1021 , Sanpurananzi.png )
Drew Kimik's character, Sanpurananzi, for an upcoming Carrion Crown Game.

She's a Changeling Blight Druid.
No. 22375 ID: f996af
File 139435044444.jpg - (600.10KB , 1224x1024 , Size comparison.jpg )
She is also only 4'4.

So fun size comparison with the 6'0 Furio.
No. 22414 ID: f996af
File 139480732010.png - (1.14MB , 2348x2048 , Sorin of Speed.png )
So, side effect of being in a party where the armor and weapon maker is a technowizard: You end up in sci-fi armor when you aren't specific.
No. 22437 ID: f996af
File 139501913587.png - (1.33MB , 2048x1769 , SqeegyGnoll.png )
Squeegy Commission
No. 22442 ID: f996af
File 139509219266.png - (1.41MB , 1327x2513 , Weylyn.png )
More Carrion Crown characters, this is Weylyn, the Werewolf Druid.

He's slightly tall at 7'5".
No. 22443 ID: 0ee153
Is it just me, or are his index and middle fingers the same length? If so, nice detail.
No. 22491 ID: f996af
File 139564431806.jpg - (608.91KB , 1024x1024 , robutt.jpg )
Too tired to draw, too artsy to sleep.

SO I speedpainted a robutt
No. 22499 ID: f996af
File 139570808485.jpg - (219.22KB , 1024x1024 , LadyKnightPaint.jpg )
working on a ladyknight
No. 22501 ID: f996af
File 139580080143.jpg - (570.69KB , 1024x1024 , LadyKnightPaint.jpg )
Aaannd done
No. 22514 ID: f996af
File 139596852463.jpg - (3.65MB , 2048x2048 , Forest fire.jpg )
Forest fire speedpaint dealybop
No. 22529 ID: f996af
File 139613079459.jpg - (3.33MB , 2000x2000 , NagaSmall.jpg )
Ok this is enough paintings for now.
No. 22531 ID: 52bacf
Holy crap that's amazing.
No. 22533 ID: 1f8505

Holy shit.
No. 22549 ID: 873597
Soooo... How many hours did this take to paint? Cause it's freaking awesome
No. 22550 ID: f996af
I think I started it on like, Thursday night?

And I only worked on it after work sooo... max 10 hours?
No. 22682 ID: 22c516
that face.... so cuuuute
No. 22694 ID: f996af
File 139700669976.gif - (13.09KB , 128x128 , WhimFight.gif )
Found this old animation I was working on. I probs won't finish it, so I don't see an issue posting it.
No. 22703 ID: f996af
File 139709019786.png - (3.42MB , 2500x1400 , MaeKoh-StarGazer.png )
Got 4 commissions from Rismic on FA
No. 22704 ID: f996af
File 139709024727.jpg - (2.20MB , 1275x2100 , Shani-AxeKick.jpg )
While doing these I've been approached for a bunch more from her and another person.
No. 22708 ID: f996af
File 139709051332.jpg - (1.92MB , 1244x2000 , Taleese-TopSHelf.jpg )
So four down
No. 22709 ID: f996af
File 139709053138.jpg - (2.83MB , 2000x1714 , Aurellia-Dungeon.jpg )
and over 13 left to go
No. 22739 ID: f996af
File 139727063472.jpg - (343.22KB , 1024x1024 , E`Rik.jpg )
New character in the RotRL game, EldritchMouse's E`Rik.

Drew him so I could commission a picture of him :v
No. 22916 ID: f996af
File 139822706310.jpg - (1.00MB , 1024x1024 , Winter Witch Nemi.jpg )
gift for nemi!
No. 22918 ID: 4a20fa
"excuse me miss do you realize your clothing is made of owls"
No. 22999 ID: 4d2517
This is the best by the way.
No. 23026 ID: f996af
File 139904901685.jpg - (3.33MB , 2000x2000 , Torel Etrave.jpg )
woo commissions
No. 23027 ID: f996af
File 139904903049.jpg - (3.11MB , 2000x2000 , Keemo.jpg )
No. 23028 ID: f996af
File 139904904592.jpg - (3.41MB , 2000x2000 , Trenna Or.jpg )
No. 23029 ID: f996af
File 139904906950.jpg - (3.12MB , 2000x2000 , Fauntleroy Jenkins.jpg )
No. 23030 ID: f996af
File 139904909114.jpg - (2.07MB , 1365x2000 , Spearmint - Swing.jpg )
No. 23032 ID: f996af
File 139907893304.jpg - (0.96MB , 1024x1024 , Spearmint-Candyshop.jpg )
And the last of this batch
No. 23033 ID: 1f8505
Holy crap, that is a ton of commissions.
No. 23086 ID: f996af
File 139935661264.png - (654.13KB , 2000x2000 , Faith - Human.png )
And another batch is finished!
No. 23087 ID: f996af
File 139935662897.png - (1.08MB , 2000x2000 , Faith TF.png )
This time it's werewolves!
No. 23088 ID: f996af
File 139935663905.png - (1.12MB , 2000x2000 , Faith Wolf.png )
No. 23089 ID: f996af
File 139935672219.png - (1.30MB , 2000x2000 , Silverspar.png )
This one had NO nose reference at all across like 5 images. I think the person may actively be avoiding exposing their nose.

But that's it for this batch
No. 23123 ID: f996af
File 139974842366.jpg - (2.12MB , 1920x1080 , sundresses.jpg )
big ol commission for Anon44
No. 23124 ID: f996af
File 139974889202.jpg - (738.46KB , 1247x1600 , Savil.jpg )
Commission for Dasaki
No. 23142 ID: f996af
File 139983825002.jpg - (2.12MB , 1280x1600 , Magical Girls Ysabel and Sarah.jpg )
Another one for anon44
No. 23143 ID: 1f8505

10/10, would commission again.
No. 23308 ID: f996af
File 140098440688.png - (1.08MB , 2000x1576 , Taleese-Shedding.png )
more commissioneering
No. 23309 ID: f996af
File 140099868943.png - (268.38KB , 1024x1024 , Koopaficus.png )
Drew me a Fikoopa
No. 23316 ID: f996af
File 140105706643.png - (137.44KB , 749x460 , Nemi Drybones.png )
Colab with the Nemi
No. 23317 ID: f996af
File 140105749038.png - (1.36MB , 2059x1500 , Taleese-ReadingBuddy.png )
more commissioneering
No. 23323 ID: e58cb1
That blue drybones is going to wreck all of Mario's gains.
No. 23325 ID: 1f8505

No. 23334 ID: f996af
File 140114951896.png - (1.35MB , 1972x1276 , Oriana - Polish.png )
No. 23336 ID: f996af
File 140115555598.png - (884.45KB , 1500x1500 , Oriana-WakingUp.png )
Kinda feel bad about how long these four pictures took
No. 23337 ID: 0ee153
Is that an oread something?
No. 23338 ID: 53ba34
is that some nipple polish?
No. 23345 ID: 2bfcdf
No. 23367 ID: f996af
File 140151855992.jpg - (1.45MB , 1024x1500 , Faith v Spirits.jpg )
No. 23369 ID: f996af
File 140156628876.jpg - (3.53MB , 2000x2000 , ZoeyVs T-rex.jpg )
No. 23370 ID: 4a20fa
Given the amount of forward momentum implied on that T-Rex, there's only one way that's going to end.
No. 23371 ID: 2bfcdf
With a suplex!
No. 23374 ID: 2c96b3
As most things ought to.
No. 23437 ID: f996af
File 140216482558.jpg - (350.22KB , 1024x1024 , Crius Sandwhich.jpg )
Got crius into a game that's actually happening, so I drew her eating a giant sandwich
No. 23485 ID: f996af
File 140245949233.jpg - (241.39KB , 1024x1024 , Nemi birfday! 2014.jpg )
birthday pic for the nemi
No. 23489 ID: 1f8505

D'aawwww. :3
No. 23494 ID: f996af
File 140253475716.jpg - (676.07KB , 1024x1024 , Faith Front swimming.jpg )
No. 23498 ID: f996af
File 140254505673.jpg - (528.68KB , 1024x1024 , Faith Howling.jpg )
No. 23499 ID: f996af
File 140254506895.jpg - (631.40KB , 1024x1024 , Faith Furry Freestyle 2.jpg )
No. 23500 ID: f996af
File 140254542832.png - (1.72MB , 1500x1500 , Faith Furry Freestyle 1.png )
No. 23523 ID: f996af
File 140277011880.jpg - (676.12KB , 1024x1024 , Crius and Calamity 1.jpg )
[hype for Second Darkness intesifies]
No. 23524 ID: 0ee153
File 140278427201.jpg - (121.91KB , 500x661 , second darkness.jpg )
What do you mean? The only Second Darkness anyone should care about is already out.
No. 23525 ID: f996af
Who are you thinking you're correcting?

I'm excited about a fucking second darkness game I'm getting into, and you assume what?
No. 23530 ID: f996af
File 140280086134.jpg - (711.73KB , 1577x1002 , Rikken.jpg )
Eldritchmouse's character for the Second Darkness campaign
No. 23543 ID: f996af
File 140296758124.jpg - (944.78KB , 1280x853 , UN-Yssa run! small.jpg )
Nemi's Fire over Blackcrag character
No. 23550 ID: fbb357
Got the whole rainbow spectrum going on there, it seems.
No. 23560 ID: f996af
File 140313322571.jpg - (525.96KB , 1024x1024 , Monochrome Plane toy.jpg )
No. 23656 ID: f996af
File 140397700930.jpg - (906.14KB , 1024x1024 , Sammy pinup.jpg )
woo more commissions
No. 23657 ID: f996af
File 140397702224.jpg - (1.29MB , 1024x1024 , Sammy Have fun.jpg )
No. 23658 ID: 2fd516
A living blow-up doll that can swim would be made out of very dense materials indeed.
No. 23660 ID: f996af
One of the pictures I was considering drawing (I was given pretty much free reign on what she was doing) was her floating relatively helplessly on top of the water.
No. 23661 ID: 2fd516
Hah! That'd be great. I don't think I've ever seen someone draw that before, actually.
No. 23682 ID: f996af
File 140406547679.jpg - (2.74MB , 1920x1578 , Team adventure.jpg )
Non-furry commissions even!
No. 23715 ID: f996af
File 140434032779.png - (1.06MB , 1500x1500 , Beach Bar.png )
Did a YCH
No. 23733 ID: 2f4b71
Audio Costa_De_Sol.mp3 - (2.26MB , Costa De Sol.mp3 )
No. 23737 ID: d43849
These are strangely satisfying together.
No. 23743 ID: f996af
File 140449266009.jpg - (1.14MB , 1024x1024 , Rismic Close-up.jpg )
One of the people bid high enough to get a close up
No. 23755 ID: f996af
File 140460248873.png - (498.50KB , 1024x1024 , Starit.png )
Drew a starit
No. 23799 ID: f996af
File 140476967588.png - (636.27KB , 1024x1024 , Taleese 3.png )
No. 23804 ID: f996af
File 140477934633.jpg - (1.21MB , 1024x1980 , Taleese 2.jpg )
Nagas everywhere
No. 23806 ID: 2fd516
Haha, a burqpillow!

You're pretty good at that sort of thing.
No. 23807 ID: 4a20fa
No. 23815 ID: 9ddf68
and this became know to the day that we shall never talk about. It always is talked about at every social event from birthday parties to weddings.
No. 23817 ID: f996af
File 140485334766.jpg - (901.04KB , 1280x1024 , Taleese 1.jpg )
And not a drop to drink
No. 23952 ID: f996af
File 140565835711.jpg - (349.49KB , 1024x1024 , SUPERBIRD.jpg )
No. 23953 ID: 9ddf68
it's a bird, it's a plane, no wait it was a bird. my bad
No. 23955 ID: 689588
It's a motherfuckin bird plane!
No. 23966 ID: f996af
File 140575458164.jpg - (323.77KB , 1024x1024 , chiguigi.jpg )
Bam chiguigi
No. 24086 ID: f996af
File 140669157101.jpg - (602.33KB , 1280x1280 , Locke-Jumprope.jpg )
No. 24087 ID: f996af
File 140669159722.jpg - (1.50MB , 1920x1080 , Xaenyth-BeachSharks.jpg )
No. 24089 ID: 1f8505

No. 24159 ID: f996af
File 140720187917.png - (462.18KB , 1024x1024 , JSharkaron - SharKnight.png )
Sharkdude commission
No. 24162 ID: 1f8505

Won't it rust if he's gonna be in the ocean?
No. 24181 ID: 53ba34
it could be something other then iron.
No. 24221 ID: 53ba34
swimming across the astral sea.
No. 24232 ID: f996af
File 140755473013.jpg - (2.38MB , 1100x2000 , Mae Koh - Starsea.jpg )
blerg forgot signature
No. 24234 ID: f996af
File 140755839090.jpg - (2.09MB , 1920x1080 , Mae Koh - School of fish.jpg )
Last commission for now
No. 24249 ID: f996af
File 140765737742.jpg - (852.36KB , 2000x1024 , Pool.jpg )
Woo Seamergency!
No. 24256 ID: f996af
File 140770067543.jpg - (431.97KB , 1024x1024 , TimeCubeShark.jpg )
No. 24266 ID: f996af
File 140772614523.jpg - (1.06MB , 1920x1080 , Picnic wallpaper.jpg )
Got a rad as heck request and a 4 hour time slot to finish it with. Made this.
No. 24301 ID: 761017
That sounds terribly overpowered!
No. 24441 ID: f996af
File 140884526290.jpg - (1.38MB , 1024x1500 , Crius-dress.jpg )
I am mildly surprised that the GM of my game hasn't asked about how much Crius' hair grew in 6 weeks.
No. 24442 ID: 1f8505

That heart is a butt.
No. 24445 ID: f996af
File 140891423585.jpg - (1.37MB , 1024x1500 , Calamity New clothes.jpg )
Not everything is butts, anon44
No. 24448 ID: 1f8505

I know this.
No. 24454 ID: f996af
File 140901184080.jpg - (0.98MB , 933x1200 , sleep.jpg )
So, one session in my pathfinder game, the party ran into a dude who hit really close to home for Crius. She ended up spending the night crying at Calamity's.

I felt like drawing them sleeping together.
No. 24456 ID: 1f8505

Snakey buddies~
No. 24474 ID: e7d2a4
File 140916927951.jpg - (1.24MB , 1024x1500 , Kijin outfit.jpg )
No. 24501 ID: e7d2a4
File 140928589782.jpg - (1.51MB , 1100x1600 , Marina Fiore.jpg )
Crius' mom. She and Crius are not exactly on speaking terms
No. 24516 ID: 1f8505

She is a hefty lady.
No. 24519 ID: e7d2a4
File 140937748581.jpg - (1.19MB , 1280x1267 , SwordKicker the Elf.jpg )
Nemi was having issues designing her Swordmonk woodelf for my 5e game, so I drew up a concept of what she could look like, as sort of an inspiration piece.

I suggested that this is actually her character's Mentor Mother, since she'll be using elements from them, without copying them wholesale :v
No. 24520 ID: 1f8505

Does she kick swords, or does she kick *with* swords?
No. 24521 ID: e7d2a4
she cuts with swords and kicks people around.
No. 24522 ID: 1f8505

No. 24528 ID: e7d2a4
File 140944256805.jpg - (1.40MB , 1280x1280 , Bumblemaid.jpg )
No. 24531 ID: 1f8505

Why can't she bee more steady?
No. 24534 ID: e7d2a4
File 140946326088.jpg - (1.49MB , 1280x1280 , Bumblemaid spill.jpg )
No. 24535 ID: 436cdc
Fun fact: Honey is bee vomit
No. 24536 ID: e7d2a4
Fun fact: you'll never have an adorable beelady gf give you a honey filled kiss.
No. 24537 ID: 2fd516
I'm ok with this.
No. 24559 ID: e7d2a4
File 140961922152.jpg - (630.55KB , 1024x679 , Crius-Writing Music.jpg )
I don't really get revultion from 'honey is vomit' cause, after a point, when they make it in a special stomach just for honey, and it's so clean that it can function as a topical anti-bacterial, I have trouble taking any comparisons between it and puke seriously enough to care.
No. 24562 ID: e18427
It isn't even vomit anyway, the only real thing it shares with it is coming from the same digestive tract.
That being said if they are part-human who knows what horrible crap they have on them.
Humans are dirty as hell.
No. 24568 ID: e7d2a4
File 140967778195.jpg - (887.82KB , 800x1117 , Kiss.jpg )
No. 24570 ID: e7d2a4
File 140969639314.jpg - (882.26KB , 800x1117 , Kiss.jpg )
Wasn't happy with how I did the wetness, so I touched the picture up some.
No. 24575 ID: 1f8505

A definite improvement.
No. 24577 ID: e7d2a4
File 140979289893.jpg - (0.96MB , 1024x1024 , Crius doodle.jpg )
No. 24594 ID: e7d2a4
My bumbling barmaid beegirl's name has been decided: Beja

While I'm at it, I suppose I should name my feathered boa girl and spotted sharkgirl

Feathered snake'll be Nevada
Sharkgirl'll be Dorothy, or Dot for short.
No. 24664 ID: e7d2a4
File 141049174751.jpg - (1.47MB , 1550x1100 , Sabrith - Crius and Tayelle.jpg )
Got a commission that actually involves my own character.
No. 24665 ID: 2fd516
That looks like it hurts.
No. 24666 ID: 1e62e7
It's quite a spread thar
No. 24704 ID: e7d2a4
File 141100366371.jpg - (662.79KB , 1024x1280 , Nevada.jpg )
quick paint of Nevada

Btw, I'm currently open for commissions.
No. 24732 ID: e7d2a4
File 141119055755.jpg - (1.35MB , 1200x1700 , crius firedancer.jpg )
Woop crius painting. Took about 6 hours, including breaks like supper and general not working on it.
No. 24733 ID: 1f8505

This is very pretty.
No. 24734 ID: e7d2a4
File 141122300762.jpg - (2.56MB , 1920x1445 , Helsturm - CT.jpg )
and another party commission
No. 24742 ID: 76171c
How much are your commissions btw, id really like to see a gewn or naoko and amy in your style but im poor as dirt..
No. 24744 ID: e7d2a4
My price guide up here >>21956 is mostly up to date still. It's just missing my most expensive option.
No. 24767 ID: e7d2a4
File 141153769045.jpg - (752.66KB , 1024x1024 , Dancing mage.jpg )
Got a commission from Rismic on FA to draw any character of hers I wanted, doing whatever.
No. 24778 ID: e7d2a4
File 141160368459.jpg - (696.97KB , 1024x1024 , Skyla.jpg )
And a commission to draw her deer lady, just kinda being naked.
No. 24824 ID: e7d2a4
File 141194433057.jpg - (1.27MB , 1050x1280 , Talesse - Ritual Mishap.jpg )
No. 24826 ID: e7d2a4
File 141195329852.jpg - (889.79KB , 1280x1024 , Jumping.jpg )
And the last of my current commission batch
No. 24851 ID: e7d2a4
File 141212986474.jpg - (835.46KB , 1467x1078 , ShadowrunDarkness.jpg )
Commissioned Jinti to draw my pathfinder party. I liked the result so I colored it.

Original here: https://www.weasyl.com/submission/733945/walk-real-slow-like-a-team
No. 24866 ID: e7d2a4
File 141228732516.jpg - (838.77KB , 1024x1024 , Hot Chocolate.jpg )
No. 24876 ID: e7d2a4
File 141249220798.png - (6.15KB , 250x50 , Chapter 2 Party Sprites.png )
updated the sprites for the pathfinder party I'm in, to reflect how everyone's outfit has changed, and otherwise making them more accurately represent the pcs
No. 24901 ID: e7d2a4
File 141277730197.jpg - (392.03KB , 1100x1200 , Snakeylady.jpg )
Coral snake lamia
No. 24925 ID: e7d2a4
File 141299028121.jpg - (1.04MB , 1024x1024 , Paperwork.jpg )
Crius no that is not where a skirt is supposed to be
No. 24929 ID: 1f8505

Can snakeladies wear anything BUT skirts?
No. 24934 ID: e7d2a4
They can also wear tops of all sorts, dresses, Sarongs, Belts, half of a loincloth, I've seen a picture of one where they were wearing panties that looked like one of those square eyepatches
No. 24984 ID: 1f8505

>eyepatch panties

No. 24987 ID: e7d2a4
File 141308401122.jpg - (649.64KB , 1650x250 , Weasyl Banner.jpg )
Like a square cloth, with strings wrapping around the lamia, connected to the top two corners and bottom two corners.
No. 24988 ID: 1f8505

I see.

Aw, you didn't include Ysabel in your banner...
No. 24993 ID: e7d2a4
File 141313874085.jpg - (753.68KB , 1024x1024 , NemiMassEffect.jpg )
No. 25013 ID: e7d2a4
File 141324810246.jpg - (1.23MB , 1024x1024 , Crius - Potion tester.jpg )
No. 25101 ID: e7d2a4
File 141369103788.jpg - (3.57MB , 2785x1800 , Come!.jpg )
Probably should make a new thread sometime.
No. 25103 ID: e7d2a4
File 141369949799.png - (816.80KB , 774x783 , Merriberry - Haircut.png )
Woo more colored in commissions! This one was done for me by Merriberry and was awesome :>
No. 25105 ID: 1f8505

What is going on with that hair?
No. 25107 ID: e7d2a4
Would you just sit still and let someone cut you?
No. 25109 ID: 5af684
yes. not only that, i'd pay them for cutting me.
No. 25110 ID: 8b533b
So you're saying she has animate hair and it's defending itself.
No. 25112 ID: e7d2a4
yes. She has animate hair that acts on its own will.
No. 25113 ID: 1f8505

I see.
No. 25118 ID: e7d2a4
File 141385929149.jpg - (1.16MB , 1024x1024 , Selfie!.jpg )
Selfies are a thing in fantasy settings, right?
No. 25119 ID: 9ddf68
I see she managed to actually go through with the haircut.
No. 25120 ID: 2f4b71
Or it just retracted out of protest.
No. 25128 ID: e7d2a4
File 141403870746.jpg - (258.60KB , 1024x1050 , Sir Jinti.jpg )
Mostly it was that it's better to make Calamity get a haircut, than to have her hair acting up when we were going to a dangerous island.

another commission. A lineart one this time.
No. 25246 ID: e7d2a4
File 141481243119.jpg - (578.54KB , 1920x1080 , halloween.jpg )
No. 25250 ID: e7d2a4
File 141489336401.jpg - (969.39KB , 1920x1080 , halloween.jpg )
woo colors
No. 25251 ID: 1f8505

Is that cauldron full of caramel?
No. 25252 ID: 2fd516
She must be very agile to have snaked through his legs while carrying all that and wearing that hat.
No. 25254 ID: e7d2a4
File 141505454946.jpg - (774.39KB , 1024x1280 , Crius Underboob.jpg )
No. 25255 ID: 1f8505

No. 25315 ID: e7d2a4
File 141531144438.jpg - (1.11MB , 1024x1280 , Clothes!.jpg )
No. 25332 ID: e7d2a4
File 141539433115.jpg - (1.37MB , 1000x1725 , Pole dance.jpg )
No. 25358 ID: e7d2a4
File 141559635310.jpg - (940.61KB , 1280x1175 , Pokeball clothed.jpg )
Did a pokemon based YCH, the YCH image wasn't naga based, but I'm pretty sure everyone who made a bid had a naga in mind.
No. 25359 ID: e7d2a4
File 141559638464.jpg - (917.17KB , 1280x1175 , Pokeball naked.jpg )
There was a tiered bonus to get a nude version that was hit.
No. 25427 ID: e7d2a4
File 141601881530.gif - (141.01KB , 500x488 , SlitherCycle.gif )
Woo animation
No. 25428 ID: e7d2a4
File 141602078272.gif - (149.95KB , 500x488 , SlitherCycle.gif )
woo animation
No. 25429 ID: 1f8505

So good, you posted it twice! :V
No. 25430 ID: e7d2a4
File 141604034859.jpg - (572.10KB , 706x952 , Beja Winter.jpg )
one, they are slightly different, the second has fixes. Two, I cannot delete old one, because when I remembered to change my name and password back (I recently switched from firefox to chrome), I lost the ability to delete my anonymous posts.

Also, I drew Beja in a winter coat to advertise winter commissions
No. 25431 ID: e7d2a4
File 141604036767.jpg - (767.89KB , 1280x1280 , Winter2014CommissionSheet.jpg )
The ad in question
No. 25445 ID: 07a835
She has fuzzy legs now? Or are those like boots?
No. 25446 ID: e7d2a4
Those are like, legwarmer boots. Beja's fluff is all yellow
No. 25453 ID: e7d2a4
File 141617289295.jpg - (1.24MB , 1280x1280 , Ysabel and Sarah Winter.jpg )
No. 25460 ID: e7d2a4
File 141620638635.jpg - (472.07KB , 1024x1024 , Snow Couple.jpg )
Doing a YCH over on my FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/15022767/
No. 25465 ID: e7d2a4
File 141626361448.jpg - (593.35KB , 1024x1024 , SouthpawHusky.jpg )
Got a winter commission
No. 25487 ID: e7d2a4
File 141654714013.jpg - (791.80KB , 1280x1280 , Winter Skyla.jpg )
3rd winter commission
No. 25497 ID: e7d2a4
File 141669288807.jpg - (623.22KB , 1100x1100 , Crius Winter Nude.jpg )
Updating Crius' ref
No. 25498 ID: e7d2a4
File 141670471579.jpg - (380.35KB , 1024x1024 , Crius Back Winter Ref.jpg )
Crius' new back ref, in which her scales have stepped up their game
No. 25501 ID: e7d2a4
File 141676415755.jpg - (1.25MB , 1280x1280 , Crius Winter.jpg )
And Crius' outfit
No. 25503 ID: 01745f
As half reptile and half mammal, is she warm-blooded (or half warm-blooded)?
No. 25511 ID: 1f8505

I think Ficus explained that she has demon blood, which acts as anti-freeze or something.
No. 25512 ID: 01745f
Like anti-freeze in the sense of having a very low freezing point, or just in the sense of preventing freezing by being magically warm?
No. 25527 ID: e7d2a4
File 141687612004.jpg - (503.01KB , 1050x1020 , Calamity Winter.jpg )
She's a tiefling, yeah. She can just tolerate a significantly wider range of temperatures compared to humans.

Like, fire's aren't not hot, but being in a camp fire wouldn't harm her. Cold isn't not cold, but normal winters don't threaten her in terms of exposure (they're plenty dangerous in other ways, like the lack of food)

Also Calamity Winter reference
No. 25528 ID: e7d2a4
File 141687886570.jpg - (1.05MB , 1280x1280 , Snow Couple - winter.jpg )
YCH ended, winner got this..
No. 25529 ID: e7d2a4
File 141687887713.jpg - (1.18MB , 1280x1280 , Snow Couple - christmas.jpg )
... and this
No. 25551 ID: 7df277
File 141714352892.jpg - (355.72KB , 1024x1024 , Crius and the siren.jpg )
No. 25552 ID: 7df277
File 141715603037.jpg - (557.35KB , 1280x1400 , Kijin Winter.jpg )
Kijin Winter Ref. Emblem might change
No. 25579 ID: 7df277
File 141758971383.jpg - (1.37MB , 1295x1146 , SnowBlowers.jpg )
FA Commission
No. 25599 ID: 7df277
File 141772629492.jpg - (1.39MB , 1400x1280 , smoking crius.jpg )
Woo using shininess to show material
No. 25638 ID: 7df277
File 141819256874.jpg - (417.05KB , 1024x1024 , AntiBoobWindow2.jpg )
With all these boob window sweaters going around, crius makes use of the ignored bit of fabric.
No. 25642 ID: 7df277
File 141819798689.jpg - (444.59KB , 1400x1081 , Deer fencer.jpg )
40 minute doodle
No. 25643 ID: 0d453b
File 141820252960.jpg - (69.66KB , 594x349 , Saberlunge.jpg )

She's lunging from the wrong foot, lol. Or perhaps, holding the sword with the wrong hand. She'll also want to have the sword mostly extended before really going into the lunge, directed toward the opponent. I'm thinking her torso and head should be a lot more vertical, too, but if she's doing like Sabre or something, I don't even know what's what in that (which also applies to the last point about the arm extension). I've seen sabre fencers do weird shit before.
No. 25645 ID: 7df277
I will keep that in mind. Mostly I was less thinking of a lunging fencer, and more her like, bounding towards a fight.
No. 25646 ID: 0d453b

Ah, lol. No worries. I hoped not to seem zealous in my critique. When I see things I take interest in I tend to get carried away with nitpicking.
No. 25657 ID: 7df277
File 141827420548.jpg - (456.74KB , 1024x684 , LamiaMAXX.jpg )
Commission to draw a person as a naga
No. 25710 ID: 7df277
File 141853859750.jpg - (442.36KB , 1024x1024 , Nerium Dress.jpg )
Crius in a Nerium Dress
No. 25729 ID: 7df277
File 141862534429.jpg - (770.18KB , 1280x1280 , Skyla Bow.jpg )
No. 25745 ID: 7df277
File 141870531109.jpg - (1.09MB , 1280x1280 , Calm down.jpg )
No. 25746 ID: 7df277
File 141870612674.jpg - (724.07KB , 777x1244 , Whimbrel Stretching.jpg )
I was kinda tempted to bump Ysabel!'s disthread with this picture of her mom, but... Naaaaah.
No. 25781 ID: 7df277
File 141883974741.jpg - (1.03MB , 1280x1024 , Topaz Sneak.jpg )
Another Commission.
No. 25828 ID: 7df277
File 141892859977.jpg - (1.25MB , 1280x1280 , Crius Seduction.jpg )
No. 25830 ID: 795da4

Hiss hiss

Just out of curiousity, she ever done any girl/girl stuff..?
No. 25831 ID: 7df277
Yeah Crius is pretty much Pansexual
No. 25838 ID: 795da4

Oh, my. How decadent. You seem to go through a fair few pathfinder characters, though...
No. 25839 ID: 646979
No. 25842 ID: 7df277
File 141904141354.jpg - (1.19MB , 1000x1280 , YearMeme.jpg )
Did one of those year recap art meme things

Kinda weird how September worked out to be a month where I step up my lighting, which is IMMEDIATELY followed by an October where I'm like "you know what not everything needs shading"
No. 25847 ID: 1f8505

'twas a good year.
No. 25852 ID: 7df277
File 141913077296.jpg - (1.04MB , 1280x1188 , Swashbuckler1.jpg )
commission! I had two sketches for this that I liked, so when I'm through drawing commissions, I'll probs draw some swashbutt
No. 25866 ID: 7df277
File 141913928052.jpg - (864.87KB , 920x1280 , CowlNaga.jpg )
did another commission
No. 25867 ID: 7df277
File 141914580898.jpg - (677.08KB , 1119x1600 , Swashbuttler.jpg )
YCH auction going on while I'm on vacation. If you're interested, head on over here https://www.furaffinity.net/view/15279092/ to bid
No. 25953 ID: 7df277
File 141983336309.jpg - (1.11MB , 1119x1280 , Swashbuttler Rismic.jpg )
YCH winner paid enough to get all the outfits and a background.
No. 25954 ID: 7df277
File 141983338219.jpg - (1.22MB , 1119x1280 , Swashbuttler Rismic 3.jpg )
No. 25955 ID: 7df277
File 141983339392.jpg - (1.13MB , 1119x1280 , Swashbuttler Rismic 2.jpg )
No. 25956 ID: 7df277
File 141983340161.jpg - (1.23MB , 1119x1280 , Swashbuttler Rismic 4.jpg )
No. 25962 ID: 4a20fa
Hunh, you shaded the entire character separately each time? (Most noticable on the tail.)
No. 25964 ID: 7df277
no. I just added the softer glow to the edge highlight at the last second, after I had already done all the other shading and finished everything. So that had to be done fresh for everything.
No. 26100 ID: 7df277
File 142068270335.jpg - (802.30KB , 1024x1024 , Miyako alt.jpg )
No. 26109 ID: 7df277
File 142085517673.jpg - (499.89KB , 1024x1100 , TF Cobra 1.jpg )
TF sequence commission
No. 26110 ID: 7df277
File 142085530874.jpg - (696.15KB , 1024x1100 , TF Cobra 2.jpg )
No. 26111 ID: 7df277
File 142085531475.jpg - (674.90KB , 1024x1100 , TF Cobra 3.jpg )
No. 26112 ID: 7df277
File 142085532612.jpg - (687.17KB , 1024x1100 , TF Cobra 4.jpg )
No. 26113 ID: 7df277
File 142085533474.jpg - (839.03KB , 1280x1024 , TF Cobra 5.jpg )
No. 26116 ID: 7df277
File 142086866366.jpg - (1.68MB , 1397x1141 , Breakfast - Jinti Collab.jpg )
Commissioned a sketch from Jinti, then colored it in myself
No. 26118 ID: 1f8505

Crius can really put away the meats.
No. 26120 ID: 7df277
File 142091224214.jpg - (921.43KB , 1256x1153 , Dajinn - Jinti Collab.jpg )
Yeah, she had until now been keeping her meals down to what a normal girl, who didn't have like 600+ lbs of snake tail, would be eating.

Also got a commission to color in a sketch by jinti. Jinti was cool with it, and it was a neat sketch, so I figured why not
No. 26122 ID: 7df277
File 142099793942.jpg - (1.29MB , 1280x1280 , Coral Mirror.jpg )
No. 26123 ID: 9ddf68
she seems to be talking this rather well.
No. 26134 ID: 7df277
File 142103819209.jpg - (1.75MB , 1920x1180 , Coral Couch.jpg )
Turns out, when given the option to add characters on to freeform commissions, I will make excuses to add a lot of characters
No. 26163 ID: 7df277
File 142129802779.jpg - (2.23MB , 1400x1500 , Coral Wrestling.jpg )
No. 26180 ID: 7df277
File 142147585850.jpg - (848.77KB , 1000x1100 , Fascinating.jpg )
woo coloring in more jinti sketch
No. 26184 ID: 7df277
File 142155908552.jpg - (1.29MB , 1400x1024 , Coral Sunning.jpg )
And the last naga for now
No. 26187 ID: 7df277
File 142162912150.jpg - (616.48KB , 1024x1024 , Coral Lamia.jpg )
And the last snakeylady I'm currently being paid to draw.
No. 26225 ID: 7df277
File 142180175636.jpg - (685.30KB , 954x769 , Selkie.jpg )
More coloring other people's art. This time for Onion
No. 26240 ID: a08637
and now i want to see a naga wedgie. not enough to pay for one, but still.
whoa, that's amazing.
No. 26242 ID: 7df277
Probably just as well since I don't draw nagas with like, human butts. I wouldn't even know how to give one a wedgie.
No. 26317 ID: 7df277
File 142312324105.jpg - (187.68KB , 700x1200 , Chausiku Nude Ref.jpg )
woo nude ref
No. 26318 ID: 7df277
File 142312325887.jpg - (426.57KB , 700x1200 , Chausiku.jpg )
woo clothed ref! I'mma shade this one later
No. 26325 ID: 7df277
File 142329371734.jpg - (439.24KB , 700x1100 , Amirah Clothed.jpg )
Woo ref for nemi's character from the same game! She drew the first draft, then I drew this, largely from my own interpretation of her characters description. A few traits were taken straight from her version
No. 26328 ID: 7df277
File 142337212136.jpg - (771.37KB , 700x1200 , Chausiku.jpg )
No. 26329 ID: 7df277
File 142337213862.jpg - (852.74KB , 904x1089 , Parnash.jpg )
Coloring commission
No. 26330 ID: 7df277
File 142337214946.jpg - (827.90KB , 1280x1024 , Tokeli - SkunkComputer.jpg )
No. 26331 ID: 7df277
File 142337215734.jpg - (866.92KB , 1024x1024 , Tokeli - BeachPair.jpg )
No. 26332 ID: 7df277
File 142337216496.jpg - (285.66KB , 1024x1024 , Blazbluer - Mouse.jpg )
No. 26333 ID: 7df277
File 142337217795.jpg - (350.21KB , 1024x1024 , Blazbluer - Bat crown.jpg )
No. 26346 ID: 7df277
File 142354644160.jpg - (797.18KB , 700x1200 , Chausiku Star Robe 2.jpg )
No. 26376 ID: 7df277
File 142396441948.jpg - (1.53MB , 1192x1600 , Nemidraw.jpg )
No. 26393 ID: 7df277
File 142413589625.jpg - (1.25MB , 1190x1280 , Coral Bra.jpg )
Woo getting free reign on snakeylady commissions
No. 26425 ID: 7df277
File 142463115125.jpg - (1.12MB , 1614x1225 , BZZZT.jpg )
colored in jinti sketch
No. 26426 ID: 7df277
File 142463119463.jpg - (1.50MB , 1920x1080 , Coral Bartender.jpg )
and another commission that took me entirely too long
No. 26433 ID: 7df277
File 142467162544.jpg - (825.67KB , 1024x1024 , Chausiku Dance.jpg )
I have drawn this woman twice now and her afro is already growing out of control
No. 26435 ID: d958ad
Soon, it will consume the world.

No. 26469 ID: 7df277
File 142516517659.jpg - (928.88KB , 1024x1024 , ChauPony.jpg )
a little more on model this time. It should be pointed out how CRAZY small that pony is. Like, it's maybe 3'4" It's nearly a miniature horse
No. 26474 ID: 7df277
File 142526588765.png - (1.01MB , 1280x1316 , Merri-Chaujump-Lineart.png )
Colored in Merriberry sketch
No. 26479 ID: 1f8505

No. 26508 ID: 7df277
File 142559373799.jpg - (1.43MB , 1280x1728 , MundaneActivityChausiku.jpg )
No. 26554 ID: 7df277
File 142699940863.jpg - (426.89KB , 1024x1024 , 2015-03-07.jpg )
gosh I have fallen behind here.

Two weeks ago did a thing where I decided to digitally paint a person
No. 26555 ID: 7df277
File 142699947064.jpg - (840.57KB , 1100x1020 , raptor.jpg )
did a few commissions
No. 26556 ID: 7df277
File 142699947823.jpg - (765.46KB , 1024x1024 , Zookeeper.jpg )
No. 26557 ID: 7df277
File 142699949346.jpg - (936.89KB , 1024x1024 , Rose.jpg )
an art trade with xdraws
No. 26558 ID: 7df277
File 142699952218.jpg - (708.24KB , 1024x1024 , Catalena.jpg )
more commissions
No. 26559 ID: 7df277
File 142699953713.jpg - (704.64KB , 1280x1024 , Serentity SnowTube.jpg )
No. 26560 ID: 7df277
File 142699954822.jpg - (813.35KB , 1024x1024 , Inflatable Fox.jpg )
No. 26561 ID: 7df277
File 142699955738.jpg - (957.94KB , 1280x1024 , Coral iPad.jpg )
No. 26562 ID: 7df277
File 142699958280.jpg - (770.25KB , 1280x1024 , 2015-03-21.jpg )
And tonight, two weeks after the last one, I tried digitally painting again
No. 26563 ID: bd8b82
while structurally sound, it has a bit of an uncanny valley effect goin on @_@
No. 26565 ID: fa1733
It's probably that the eyes and teeth are too bright. I'll try to avoid that next time
No. 26571 ID: 7df277
File 142707663701.jpg - (1.16MB , 1280x1051 , Coral - Moped Sale.jpg )
and here's probably the last time I'll draw Coral.
No. 26587 ID: 7df277
File 142734035510.png - (786.56KB , 1280x711 , Ride the Quetzalcoatl.png )
So, for reasons, I got myself a renewed passion to use and fill out some of my not-pathfinder OCs. Here's a commission I got from Merriberry that I colored in
No. 26591 ID: 7df277
File 142742867233.jpg - (1.23MB , 3000x901 , Beja TF.jpg )
little tf comic about my beegirl
No. 26592 ID: 7df277
File 142743545598.jpg - (732.62KB , 1500x600 , BE Roulette.jpg )
colored in jinti sketch.
No. 26595 ID: 7df277
File 142750466056.jpg - (1.18MB , 1280x1699 , ficusbeesketch.jpg )
I swear I don't just color in commissions to save money, but I keep commissioning people who are just doing sketches, and not coloring for themselves.
No. 26596 ID: 7df277
File 142759518239.jpg - (2.71MB , 5000x1024 , Nevada TF.jpg )
And another about my quetzalcoatlady
No. 26598 ID: bd8b82
someone in customs needs to do a better job about letting cursed objects into the country. :P
No. 26620 ID: 7df277
File 142785270632.jpg - (1.02MB , 1400x1000 , BE - Out of Control.jpg )
Look, if you over-restrict these things then only criminals will be giant shark and tiger people.

Followup pic, in which things have gotten out of hand
No. 26635 ID: 7df277
File 142811733637.jpg - (1.36MB , 1199x1865 , Liondude.jpg )
I've got a dude now, his name's Adir. If steven universe wasn't a thing he'd be pink.
No. 26639 ID: 7df277
File 142819468141.jpg - (2.37MB , 1950x1550 , handstands.jpg )
I think the only times I flipped the canvas with this was to like, make sure Dot's and Nevada's proportions were right, I tried as much as possible to actively draw them upside down, without rotating the canvas so they seemed rightside up.
No. 26661 ID: 7df277
File 142863768321.jpg - (2.67MB , 1650x1900 , Nevada Pinup.jpg )
All my current draws have been to slow, so instead of buckle down and work harder I started a new draw to do quick
No. 26662 ID: 7df277
File 142864063251.jpg - (2.67MB , 1650x1900 , Nevada HYPER Pinup.jpg )
hyper edit.

Hyper is fun to do, and I like the logistics of drawing big boobs. I will likely not do tons of it because I like showing bodies too much
No. 26666 ID: bd8b82
it helps that her hips and massive tail makes her not look top heavy even with the extra large boobs.
No. 26668 ID: 7df277
File 142881195251.jpg - (2.21MB , 3000x3000 , Skinny Dipping.jpg )
composition wise sure, but like, just in general, I don't tend to do robes or armor either for the same reasons. It's just stuff in the way of the bodies
No. 26870 ID: 82b75c
File 143062954434.jpg - (509.26KB , 905x1280 , Thief-Vixen-1s.jpg )
Gosh with moving this took like a month.
No. 26871 ID: 82b75c
File 143062956493.jpg - (476.73KB , 905x1280 , Thief-Vixen-2s.jpg )
No. 26872 ID: 82b75c
File 143062957818.jpg - (378.91KB , 905x1280 , Thief-Vixen-3s.jpg )
No. 26876 ID: 809713
Adventuring 101: Don't wear-ID magic items!
No. 26884 ID: 82b75c
File 143070459289.jpg - (496.21KB , 1280x853 , Leon ref.jpg )
Who knows, maybe it compelled peeps to put it on.
No. 26888 ID: 82b75c
File 143072141321.jpg - (394.16KB , 1280x731 , Nurse Teevee ref.jpg )
glad I was able to finish this character today. I wanted to get a commission that called for her.

A redesign of >>20751
No. 26903 ID: 82b75c
File 143095903397.jpg - (624.27KB , 1101x964 , Fertility Idol p1.jpg )
Commission I bought from Jinti and colored that ended up being a three part sequence
No. 26904 ID: 82b75c
File 143095948381.jpg - (0.99MB , 1274x1307 , Fertility Idol p2.jpg )
No. 26905 ID: 82b75c
File 143095951587.jpg - (1.02MB , 1252x1086 , Fertility Idol p3.jpg )
No. 26906 ID: 82b75c
File 143108755314.png - (727.38KB , 1280x829 , Libi-ref.png )
Another character
No. 26907 ID: 82b75c
I can't stop thinking of Libi as being made of like, 'Gender Fluid', and just kinda being composed of some sorta super hormones or something.

So it's offical. (S)he's a genderfluid gender fluid slime.
No. 26908 ID: e114bc
Inconsistent pronouns are the worst.
No. 26910 ID: 82b75c
I only did that in the ref sheet to reinforce that Libi doesn't lean towards a particular gender. If Libi looks like a girl, you can use she, if they look like a guy, you can use he. If you are unsure you can use the singular they.
No. 26913 ID: 82b75c
File 143113756376.jpg - (566.49KB , 1353x726 , Sometimes you wanna go.jpg )
The owner of the flame headed character wanted a picture with Claire. I figured since they commissioned a picture with my character the least I could do is color it.
No. 26915 ID: 82b75c
File 143115364681.jpg - (873.33KB , 984x1280 , Fertility Idol aftermath.jpg )
No. 26918 ID: 82b75c
File 143123173715.png - (924.63KB , 1280x1280 , LocoRoco.png )
No. 26922 ID: 82b75c
File 143124312426.jpg - (2.06MB , 2000x2000 , Fertility Libi.jpg )
I have gotten a lot of mileage out of this idol thing, but for now, this is the last idea I have for it.
No. 26935 ID: 82b75c
File 143130956986.png - (1.27MB , 2000x2000 , Inattentive summon.png )
No. 26943 ID: 82b75c
File 143132182288.jpg - (268.82KB , 512x512 , Eyebrows.jpg )
No. 26957 ID: 82b75c
File 143149799341.jpg - (460.80KB , 733x946 , ImpDot.jpg )
I was almost going to have Dot combine with like, a big scary demon, but then I realized this was better.

Followup to >>26935
No. 26963 ID: 82b75c
File 143157585636.jpg - (1.42MB , 2000x2000 , NevadaSelfie.jpg )
No. 26964 ID: 6e1234

This is wonderful, I love this.
Great job on the perspective.
No. 27276 ID: 82b75c
File 143437013376.jpg - (1.41MB , 2000x2000 , Quinn TF.jpg )
a commission I did
No. 27277 ID: 82b75c
File 143437019456.jpg - (1.09MB , 2000x3000 , Adventurer to Busty Drider p1.jpg )
A request I did of an adventurer turning into a busty drider that ended up becoming a comic
No. 27278 ID: 82b75c
File 143437022971.jpg - (1.21MB , 2000x3000 , Adventurer to Busty Drider p2.jpg )
No. 27279 ID: 82b75c
File 143437027454.jpg - (1.32MB , 2000x3000 , Adventurer to Busty Drider p3.jpg )
No. 27280 ID: 82b75c
File 143437031556.jpg - (1.57MB , 2000x3000 , Adventurer to Busty Drider p4.jpg )
No. 27281 ID: 82b75c
File 143437034391.jpg - (1.20MB , 2000x3000 , Adventurer to Busty Drider p5.jpg )
No. 27426 ID: 82b75c
File 143551365764.jpg - (237.40KB , 750x738 , A Cup of Libi.jpg )
No. 27436 ID: e114bc
No. 27536 ID: 82b75c
File 143588500357.jpg - (1.93MB , 2000x1766 , Drinking.jpg )

Not sure when or if I'll shade this. Just kinda wanna go onto the next thing now
No. 27540 ID: 82b75c
File 143590079938.jpg - (1.55MB , 2000x2000 , Lapdance.jpg )
The next thing
No. 27543 ID: 38685c
wuts ur tumblr?
No. 27546 ID: 32cf3a
No. 27556 ID: 32cf3a
File 143602041095.jpg - (1.24MB , 2000x2000 , Shortstack.jpg )
Textless version of a pic I made to promote shortstack commissions last night
No. 27564 ID: 32cf3a
File 143610520750.jpg - (1.91MB , 2000x1709 , Quinn - Tiger Shark.jpg )
First commission I got during the sale. I opened up 5 slots, and 3 of them ended up just normal commissions.
No. 27565 ID: 32cf3a
File 143611093769.jpg - (1.36MB , 1794x1895 , Grendel - Gnome.jpg )
Second one actually got a shortstack character
No. 27567 ID: 32cf3a
File 143613541418.jpg - (853.17KB , 1388x2100 , Missmab - tiefling.jpg )
Then it was this anti-shortstack
No. 27570 ID: 32cf3a
File 143616191441.jpg - (1.04MB , 1300x2100 , VersusMe - Shortstack.jpg )
4th Commission. I really had hoped to get 5 all done this weekend, but some of the commissions had slower communication than I'd have liked, and the last one is more complex that I was really planning on. In the future, when I just want to pump out a bunch of quick commissions, I might be more discerning about which ones I take.
No. 27580 ID: 32cf3a
File 143633378732.jpg - (1.84MB , 1875x2074 , Drunk Chausiku.jpg )
No. 27584 ID: 32cf3a
File 143642087243.jpg - (2.44MB , 2000x2200 , SharkWeek.jpg )
Felt like drawing sharks today. Lilyface on Weasyl has a shark, so I asked to use hers. I didn't realize Lilyface makes all her sharks the size of big ol actual sharks, even if they aren't patterned off of them. Butt size difference is fun too.
No. 27655 ID: ca3467
File 143734455864.jpg - (1.51MB , 2000x2000 , SkieFire - JungleNaga.jpg )
No. 27656 ID: ca3467
File 143734459768.jpg - (859.84KB , 2000x2000 , Whitemadrigal.jpg )
No. 27657 ID: ca3467
File 143734468595.jpg - (1.67MB , 2000x2000 , FemArashi.jpg )
No. 27658 ID: ca3467
File 143734590079.jpg - (1.52MB , 2000x2000 , Dregan Kitsune.jpg )
No. 27661 ID: ca3467
File 143745106514.jpg - (903.74KB , 1394x1904 , Starquina.jpg )
No. 27662 ID: ca3467
File 143745109419.jpg - (1.26MB , 2000x2000 , MirokuJ7 - Magna.jpg )
No. 27663 ID: ca3467
File 143745111923.jpg - (1.05MB , 1400x2000 , Ceej - Mike Flight Attendant.jpg )
No. 27668 ID: ca3467
File 143769845188.jpg - (581.56KB , 1025x1258 , ChiguiStack.jpg )
No. 27677 ID: ca3467
File 143789577292.jpg - (1.41MB , 2000x1200 , Chausiku - Armor Ref Level 6.jpg )
No. 27771 ID: bac0ea
File 143884099430.jpg - (1.65MB , 2000x2000 , DotReclining.jpg )
No. 27779 ID: bac0ea
File 143901096381.png - (473.86KB , 1280x715 , That's the spot.png )
No. 27780 ID: bac0ea
File 143901103541.png - (1.17MB , 1999x1286 , Yarrek Naga.png )
Forgot to comment, but the shark is named Brittany, and the squid is Sydney
No. 27781 ID: bac0ea
File 143901107331.png - (842.73KB , 1280x1280 , malren92.png )
No. 27810 ID: bac0ea
File 143918246379.jpg - (1.39MB , 1536x1824 , justanotherken.jpg )
Doing like a bajillion commissions
No. 27811 ID: bac0ea
File 143918256117.jpg - (2.51MB , 2000x2000 , microphone.jpg )
Even some with actual backgrounds! Fun fact, all of the stone in this picture has the exact same base color before shading
No. 27812 ID: bac0ea
File 143918625333.jpg - (1.23MB , 1976x1425 , Loike.jpg )
The rabbit was the commissioner's character, but it was up to me to design the big bara cobra
No. 27824 ID: bac0ea
File 143938504531.jpg - (1.49MB , 1254x1995 , GFirenight.jpg )
Commission to draw someone else's feathered boa character. Apparently he's like, a serpentfolk monk who worships Quetzalcoatl and grew feathers
No. 27909 ID: bac0ea
File 144029763581.jpg - (1.64MB , 1280x1280 , BringBackTheDeadsmall.jpg )
No. 27951 ID: bac0ea
File 144070889037.jpg - (1.03MB , 1467x1960 , Amethyst Rose.jpg )
The last commission from my most recent batch
No. 27976 ID: bac0ea
File 144091665775.jpg - (1.21MB , 1920x1280 , Brittany Reference sheet reasonable size.jpg )
Drew a ref sheet for my giant sharky lady
No. 28023 ID: bac0ea
File 144143197263.jpg - (323.72KB , 1280x966 , TF squirtgun fight sm.jpg )
No. 28026 ID: bac0ea
File 144146883488.jpg - (236.72KB , 1280x525 , Squirtgun Nevada sm.jpg )
No. 28039 ID: bac0ea
File 144162974837.jpg - (1.11MB , 750x3750 , Leon's App P1.jpg )
No. 28074 ID: bac0ea
File 144201970373.jpg - (125.31KB , 512x756 , Ficus Avatar.jpg )
It's a me :>
No. 28075 ID: bac0ea
File 144202172251.jpg - (1.29MB , 750x3750 , Leon's App P2.jpg )
Part two of the TF app comic!

I'm SUPER enjoying making these, so I'm making a patreon to try and like, make sure I always have the money to afford to focus on making these a regular thing https://www.patreon.com/Ficus?ty=h
No. 28129 ID: bac0ea
File 144276006801.jpg - (1.26MB , 750x3750 , Leon's App P3.jpg )
No. 28138 ID: bac0ea
File 144289647670.jpg - (594.56KB , 1280x1280 , Connor and Nevada.jpg )
No. 28146 ID: a03b36
No. 28192 ID: b7cda7
File 144367204688.jpg - (1.01MB , 1280x1024 , Shamira.jpg )
New OC
No. 28193 ID: 3663d3
i never understood the 'having a snake for a limb' thing.
No. 28200 ID: b7cda7
File 144371996212.jpg - (479.50KB , 1113x1280 , NutCase sm.jpg )
I'm not sure I understand the confusion. What is there to understand about having snakes for limbs

on an unrelated note: art trade art
No. 28212 ID: b7cda7
File 144375106429.jpg - (621.80KB , 1280x1137 , Pizza.jpg )
No. 28221 ID: 3663d3
it's mostly innane things, like, where does the stuff it eats go? do they share digestive systems? if not then how does it poop?
No. 28222 ID: 1fd075

Considering where the connection is, it seems like it would be straightforward enough for the digestive tract to share its terminus.
No. 28223 ID: b7cda7

In Shamira and Raja's case, it's like this, yeah. Raja and Shamira both have stomachs and intestines, but Raja's meet up and combine with Shamira's. Like, in general that just ends up meaning "occasionally Shamira has to take a bigger poop than she would otherwise."
No. 28227 ID: 0ed6e9
speaking of snake tail, if she talked to it would it still considered talking to yourself and if so would people think she's crazy?
No. 28228 ID: b7cda7
No, it's no more different than conjoined twins talking to each other. Shamira and Raja are two different people with their own personalities.

Most people aren't going to be familiar enough with multiple headed peeps, so most of their reaction would just be like, curiosity or surprise.
No. 28241 ID: b7cda7
File 144397072163.jpg - (921.90KB , 1280x1280 , Boha.jpg )
No. 28287 ID: b7cda7
File 144436508514.jpg - (585.57KB , 1069x1565 , aprilsketch_malificus_bnw.jpg )
So, I had colored this drawing by McArson@FA like, 6 months ago, shortly after getting it, and then I got distracted from shading it for 6 months
No. 28376 ID: b7cda7
File 144530998478.jpg - (770.63KB , 2000x2000 , Millicent.jpg )
drew a momshark for a bday present
No. 28438 ID: b7cda7
File 144595276051.jpg - (341.75KB , 1280x1280 , Patreon Reward - Kae sm.jpg )
patreon reward
No. 28439 ID: b7cda7
File 144595279801.jpg - (484.35KB , 1280x1280 , Harpy Ficus.jpg )
drawing I did for myself for halloween
No. 28458 ID: b7cda7
File 144617617576.jpg - (773.26KB , 905x1280 , Ficus - Magical Succubus Girl p1 web size.jpg )
No. 28459 ID: b7cda7
File 144617620099.jpg - (1.12MB , 905x1280 , Ficus - Magical Succubus Girl p2 Web size.jpg )
No. 28468 ID: b7cda7
File 144627622344.jpg - (311.22KB , 1280x878 , Dullahan Ficus.jpg )
Trying out a different way to shade
No. 28478 ID: b7cda7
File 144634828293.jpg - (393.17KB , 881x1280 , Ghost ficus.jpg )
assume all buzzing ever means angry wasps
No. 28480 ID: b7cda7
File 144636331731.jpg - (509.08KB , 2000x1751 , MooStand.jpg )
No. 28545 ID: 63cb25
File 144725028326.jpg - (599.44KB , 1440x1147 , CeeJay Fallout.jpg )
original sketch by Jinti, other characters are Ceejay and Norithics from weasyl (and a few other places)
No. 28563 ID: 2f9ce4
File 144747675151.jpg - (880.30KB , 1280x1280 , NutCase---yulecat-small.jpg )
My half of an art trade with Nutcase
No. 28584 ID: 23df50
File 144769885349.jpg - (491.63KB , 1280x1280 , CorinthAlexander - Nevada sm.jpg )
commission from the FAs
No. 28586 ID: 23df50
File 144774276921.jpg - (830.63KB , 1280x1280 , CorinthAlexander - 3ds sm.jpg )
gonna try to finish at least one of these a day, cause golly are there a lot of them if I don't.
No. 28587 ID: 23df50
File 144782765088.jpg - (329.75KB , 1094x1280 , AGCB sm.jpg )
No. 28588 ID: 23df50
File 144782766148.jpg - (318.02KB , 1280x1280 , TinyFawks sm.jpg )
No. 28589 ID: 23df50
File 144782767456.jpg - (277.41KB , 922x1280 , SHM128III sm.jpg )
No. 28601 ID: 23df50
File 144797422409.jpg - (430.23KB , 1280x1093 , Z-ray sm.jpg )
6 commissions down, 5 to go
No. 28603 ID: 23df50
File 144799754278.jpg - (292.89KB , 788x1280 , MrNibz sm.jpg )
Streamed two commissions with unusual angles
No. 28604 ID: 23df50
File 144799755344.jpg - (403.95KB , 1280x1163 , oneflymagpie sm.jpg )
No. 28607 ID: 23df50
File 144812777704.jpg - (369.18KB , 1280x1280 , Tanthalum sm.jpg )
I have no clue why I was commissioned to do a feral gator
No. 28608 ID: 23df50
File 144812781956.jpg - (369.48KB , 1280x1280 , Blacklight sm.jpg )
Also I wanted to give this lady a milk mustache but the commissioner said no.
No. 28625 ID: 23df50
File 144817437481.jpg - (310.91KB , 1280x896 , TinyFawks Pinup sm.jpg )
Ended up taking an in stream commission, when the person I was originally drawing for couldn't make it.
No. 28626 ID: 23df50
File 144823728388.jpg - (428.99KB , 1280x1048 , CeeJay - Hyper Music sm.jpg )
drew some big baps
No. 28630 ID: 23df50
File 144825820252.jpg - (493.33KB , 1280x1280 , Oneflymagpie - fight sm.jpg )
I just sorta started doing stream commissions at some point and didn't stop
No. 28632 ID: 23df50
File 144826008092.jpg - (282.63KB , 864x1280 , Heart sm.jpg )
Holy shit I did not sit down at 1pm thinking "You know what sounds good for today? 10 hours of drawing commissions" but sure enough.
No. 28633 ID: 43ea66
>"You know what sounds good for today? 10 hours of drawing commissions"
Ficus is a person who makes good decisions.
No. 28639 ID: 23df50
File 144834550034.jpg - (544.27KB , 1280x1041 , CeeJay Date sm.jpg )
Eh it's fun enough. I super love drawing, and people had varied enough ideas. Streaming's been really fun and helped me focus on finishing art, I can just kinda lose myself in it as a result.

Tbh, hyper stuff like this commission isn't super my jam. Like if I'm going to mess with GIGABOOBS, I really want the people to be doing something actively with them; but I mean, I can still do them fine, and I'm glad it helped cheer up the person who commissioned me.
No. 28646 ID: 23df50
I was gonna stream me drawing a stream commission announcement pic, but then I just ended up streaming a commission
No. 28647 ID: 23df50
File 144843729676.jpg - (651.31KB , 1280x1280 , Oneflymagpie - Beach conclusion sm.jpg )
forgot the pic
No. 28648 ID: 23df50
File 144852124908.jpg - (420.63KB , 1280x1280 , Oneflymagpie - Going home sm.jpg )
turns out, regular nightly streams result in a lot of art being done.
No. 28649 ID: 23df50
File 144852129105.jpg - (484.05KB , 859x1280 , Cahine pinup sm.jpg )
even when I'm limiting commissions to fully finished stuff.
No. 28655 ID: 23df50
File 144859896818.jpg - (580.18KB , 1280x853 , Commission Stream announcement sm.jpg )
Drew a personal art that I'll be using for commission announcements
No. 28662 ID: 23df50
File 144869205912.jpg - (534.29KB , 973x1280 , Haunted Fate sm.jpg )
No. 28663 ID: 23df50
File 144869207132.jpg - (734.55KB , 1225x1280 , Taki - toenails sm.jpg )
No. 28671 ID: 23df50
File 144885898122.jpg - (592.96KB , 973x1280 , Nicole Kitsune sm.jpg )
No. 28672 ID: 23df50
File 144885903082.jpg - (920.12KB , 1280x1280 , Zray - part 2 sm.jpg )
ugh. Pushed to get commissions and then immediately became too dizzy to draw once I got one.
No. 28748 ID: 23df50
File 144895260802.jpg - (567.18KB , 1280x1200 , Nodge sm.jpg )
No. 28749 ID: 23df50
File 144895264738.jpg - (536.69KB , 1160x1280 , Nodge - Birb sm.jpg )
No. 28752 ID: 23df50
File 144903801743.jpg - (462.19KB , 1042x1280 , Zansi sm.jpg )
No. 28753 ID: 23df50
File 144903802648.jpg - (740.61KB , 1280x1280 , Blackwell Naga TF sm.jpg )
No. 28756 ID: 23df50
File 144911520803.jpg - (826.90KB , 1280x1280 , Caudle sm.jpg )
No. 28791 ID: 23df50
File 144916455434.jpg - (448.14KB , 1280x960 , onom sm.jpg )
No. 28792 ID: 23df50
File 144916458208.jpg - (547.83KB , 1280x734 , Whimbrel - Couch Snack sm.jpg )
aannnd got some more personal art done.
No. 28805 ID: 23df50
File 144927777605.jpg - (563.41KB , 1025x1280 , Caudle 2 sm.jpg )
No. 28806 ID: 23df50
File 144927779672.jpg - (636.28KB , 1280x1280 , onom part 2 sm.jpg )
No. 28817 ID: 1f8505

Whimbrel is the best character.
No. 28831 ID: 23df50
File 144947019488.jpg - (3.55MB , 5120x1280 , CeeJay Beach sm.jpg )
No. 28832 ID: 23df50
File 144947021597.jpg - (820.45KB , 1092x1280 , Supernaturalist sm.jpg )
No. 28833 ID: 23df50
File 144947022424.jpg - (587.90KB , 1087x1280 , SSXgames sm.jpg )
No. 28834 ID: 23df50
File 144947242681.jpg - (508.81KB , 1169x1280 , KilBe sm.jpg )
No. 28835 ID: 23df50
File 144947244768.jpg - (595.42KB , 1036x1280 , AGCB inflatable sm.jpg )
No. 28836 ID: 23df50
File 144947249225.jpg - (583.78KB , 1219x1280 , Frits sm.jpg )
Dang do I like art streams
No. 28844 ID: 23df50
File 144963262677.jpg - (902.04KB , 1280x1249 , Ceejay - Welcome to the family sm.jpg )
No. 28845 ID: 23df50
File 144964229644.jpg - (926.06KB , 1177x1319 , Poker Game.jpg )
No. 28846 ID: 23df50
File 144964230505.jpg - (658.90KB , 1153x1280 , Vanier sm.jpg )
No. 28877 ID: 2eeb65
I like this game's concept lol

I wonder what the rules are
No. 28878 ID: 86cfc3
It looks like they're just playing poker, only betting attributes instead of cash.

The only tricky bit is the trait swapping doesn't appear exactly 1 to 1. Maybe winning +boobs and +hips combined to make +curves? And green hair would have had to have bet and lost her height twice. Same for middle girl and -hips.
No. 28886 ID: 23df50
File 145007519539.png - (508.70KB , 1279x796 , Ficusona Ref.png )
Ye, it's just poker, but with like, physical attributes being bet. So the main deal would be like assigning values to different desirable attributes, which tbh would kinda depend on like, who's taking part. Like everyone's going to have different features, in different proportions, so you gotta think of what would be fun for the people taking part.
No. 28887 ID: 23df50
File 145007521422.jpg - (518.73KB , 715x1008 , Tuckered Out.jpg )
No. 28888 ID: 23df50
File 145007523825.jpg - (622.88KB , 1200x1280 , STrRedWolf sm.jpg )
No. 28889 ID: 23df50
File 145007525247.jpg - (580.41KB , 1094x1280 , 146Time sm.jpg )
No. 28890 ID: 23df50
File 145007530812.jpg - (551.33KB , 1280x1280 , Balina sm.jpg )
No. 28891 ID: 23df50
File 145007534146.jpg - (650.49KB , 1280x1280 , Taki Plush sm.jpg )
I just now realize I probably should have responded to those other two at the END of this big commissions dump
No. 28892 ID: 23df50
File 145007536516.jpg - (526.30KB , 866x1280 , Cahine - Throw sm.jpg )
Then it wouldn't get burried like this so hard
No. 28893 ID: 23df50
File 145007540176.jpg - (613.94KB , 1280x1280 , Xurnami sm.jpg )
It doesn't help that I let this thread fall a few days behind on my art
No. 28894 ID: 23df50
File 145007547028.jpg - (640.69KB , 1181x1280 , Conor Imp sm.jpg )
No. 28895 ID: 23df50
File 145007552095.jpg - (647.43KB , 1280x1280 , Hexabeast sm.jpg )
Offered a friend gift art, she used it, as I allowed, on another friend.
No. 28896 ID: 23df50
File 145007554199.jpg - (697.30KB , 1280x1280 , Lilyface LoZSS sm.jpg )
Then I drew here a surprise thing anyway
No. 28897 ID: 23df50
btw it got burried but there is a response to the body asset betting poker game back here.
No. 28898 ID: ea0ad9
I have to ask: What's the big black thing?
No. 28899 ID: 23df50
No. 28901 ID: 23df50
File 145024136791.jpg - (776.06KB , 1280x853 , SpacesGaming sm.jpg )
No. 28902 ID: 23df50
File 145024755483.jpg - (670.10KB , 1063x1280 , ThatwhichJi sm.jpg )
No. 28904 ID: 2eeb65
Cool, I see
Anyway, that's an interesting concept I never saw explored before
No. 28905 ID: 23df50
File 145033239548.jpg - (600.45KB , 1125x1280 , Onom Hippogryph sm.jpg )
No. 28906 ID: 23df50
File 145036578867.jpg - (640.80KB , 1058x1280 , 146Time Scale Limit sm.jpg )
No. 28907 ID: ea0ad9
They ought to start using tablets instead of phones for that program.
No. 28909 ID: 23df50
File 145041916332.jpg - (520.83KB , 1077x1280 , Vanier human lady sm.jpg )
So, this commission helped cement my idea that working from a written description takes me like a full extra hour
No. 28910 ID: 23df50
File 145041919618.jpg - (1.20MB , 1280x1280 , Selfie - Dot and Brittany sm.jpg )
Man, I like selfie shots so much they're the best
No. 28914 ID: 23df50
File 145053570018.jpg - (799.92KB , 1280x1280 , Erdno sm.jpg )
No. 28915 ID: 23df50
File 145053572037.jpg - (212.35KB , 934x1280 , Taki BE cocoa before sm.jpg )
No. 28916 ID: 23df50
File 145053574061.jpg - (574.27KB , 934x1280 , Taki BE cocoa sm.jpg )
No. 28931 ID: 23df50
File 145067501566.jpg - (493.54KB , 815x1280 , FreeWolves sm.jpg )
No. 28932 ID: 23df50
File 145067502309.jpg - (199.06KB , 1280x794 , Taross before sm.jpg )
No. 28933 ID: 23df50
File 145067503350.jpg - (461.42KB , 1280x794 , Taross sm.jpg )
No. 28934 ID: 23df50
File 145067505025.jpg - (267.09KB , 987x1280 , CassioBunny before sm.jpg )
No. 28935 ID: 23df50
File 145067505862.jpg - (605.76KB , 1280x1280 , CassioBunny sm.jpg )
No. 28936 ID: 23df50
File 145067506549.jpg - (232.39KB , 1280x1190 , Artie - Cerberuption Before sm.jpg )
No. 28937 ID: 23df50
File 145067507160.jpg - (608.41KB , 1280x1190 , Artie - Cerberuption sm.jpg )
No. 28942 ID: 23df50
File 145098365555.jpg - (271.44KB , 986x1280 , Erdno BE Book before sm.jpg )
No. 28943 ID: 23df50
File 145098366758.jpg - (495.84KB , 986x1280 , Erdno BE Book sm.jpg )
No. 28944 ID: 23df50
File 145098367836.jpg - (553.77KB , 1024x1024 , CeeBat.jpg )
No. 28945 ID: 23df50
File 145098368880.jpg - (460.58KB , 853x1280 , Onom - Chimera sm.jpg )
No. 28946 ID: 23df50
File 145098370018.jpg - (238.61KB , 1280x1280 , AGCB - GooBE before sm.jpg )
No. 28947 ID: 23df50
File 145098371555.jpg - (598.43KB , 1280x1280 , AGCB - GooBE sm.jpg )
No. 28948 ID: 23df50
File 145098374549.jpg - (214.38KB , 1280x1280 , RogueWanderer before sm.jpg )
No. 28949 ID: 23df50
File 145098377765.jpg - (471.98KB , 1280x1280 , RogueWanderer sm.jpg )
No. 28950 ID: 23df50
File 145098378706.jpg - (324.86KB , 1280x1280 , No, I expect you to grow before sm.jpg )
No. 28951 ID: 23df50
File 145099533280.jpg - (656.40KB , 1280x1280 , No, I expect you to grow sm.jpg )
forgot one
No. 29017 ID: 23df50
File 145191921195.jpg - (487.38KB , 702x1280 , Onom - Chimera 2 sm.jpg )
Commission dump cause I fell behind a little
No. 29018 ID: 23df50
File 145191922227.jpg - (492.57KB , 1280x1280 , Geminaughti sm.jpg )
No. 29019 ID: 23df50
File 145191924426.jpg - (667.37KB , 1280x1280 , ablesuitart - snakepaint sm.jpg )
No. 29020 ID: 23df50
File 145191925894.jpg - (634.18KB , 1280x888 , joKen sm.jpg )
No. 29021 ID: 23df50
File 145191929140.jpg - (817.50KB , 1280x1280 , TriciaAlpha sm.jpg )
No. 29022 ID: 23df50
File 145191929931.jpg - (371.42KB , 734x1280 , Onom - Gryphone sm.jpg )
No. 29023 ID: 23df50
File 145191931297.jpg - (477.99KB , 828x1280 , Onom - QuinnDragon sm.jpg )
No. 29024 ID: 23df50
File 145191933101.jpg - (591.14KB , 1280x1280 , MaxOzuma sm.jpg )
No. 29025 ID: 23df50
File 145191934652.jpg - (346.15KB , 528x1280 , Onom - Snake TF sm.jpg )
No. 29026 ID: 23df50
File 145191942849.jpg - (557.02KB , 1280x1280 , NicoleKitsune - Lopunny sm.jpg )
No. 29027 ID: 23df50
File 145191946375.jpg - (759.81KB , 1280x1280 , TriciaAlpha - Lioness TF sm.jpg )
No. 29028 ID: 23df50
File 145191947166.jpg - (657.83KB , 1163x1280 , ThatwhichJi ShortBE sm.jpg )
No. 29029 ID: 23df50
File 145191947956.jpg - (912.36KB , 1280x1280 , joKen - Bath sm.jpg )
No. 29032 ID: 23df50
File 145196546682.jpg - (700.95KB , 993x1280 , GaroGator sm.jpg )
No. 29034 ID: 23df50
File 145197415740.jpg - (751.03KB , 1280x1280 , Onom Posession sm.jpg )
Commissioner wanted just like, some one character thing with implied possession and tf elements. So I was like "make it a two character thing and I can do more than imply"
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