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File 127631302710.png - (100.90KB , 600x600 , sergal_I_guess.png )
717 No. 717 ID: 8bdb6a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
300 posts and 192 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 42915 ID: 4dc321
File 155763997924.jpg - (71.46KB , 1536x993 , ajklsdgjklasdgjklas.jpg )
tozols in a desert
No. 42931 ID: 4dc321
File 155779609012.jpg - (132.07KB , 950x950 , zaelim_jump_e.jpg )
Got these vague quest ideas about psychic warrior bioroids
No. 42934 ID: ad51b8
ideas like solder get's stranded on a more primitive planet and becomes a super hero/villain or more along the lines of the newest and shiniest super solder to emerge on the battle field?
No. 44587 ID: 6e59e3
Still happy to see you doing newer stuff
No. 45119 ID: 3a7feb
File 158606580675.jpg - (318.14KB , 1187x1005 , grid_meme.jpg )

File 137275355182.png - (76.00KB , 800x600 , d0.png )
19692 No. 19692 ID: 5a5dd4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Sketch dump from the one guy that does that one quest with the four-eyed batgirl and the busty neon kobold and the fluffy nosebleed dwarf.

I'd make some kind of NSFW warning, but NSFW seems to be the norm rather than the exception here, so whatever.

Comments or whatever are welcomed and encouraged.

This is just a dump of a bunch of stuff I have lying around, so I probably won't post in here super frequently.
1105 posts and 986 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 31202 ID: 343850
File 147354867978.png - (560.21KB , 2000x2000 , New Canvas4d.png )
my favourite armor in dark souls 1 (from memory)
No. 31203 ID: 343850
File 147354870075.png - (342.87KB , 1500x1700 , New Canvas4f.png )
and an Aelor with a PHAT TAIL, now named Sindra Mar.
No. 31204 ID: 343850
File 147354871787.png - (290.60KB , 1500x1700 , New Canvas4e.png )
No. 31205 ID: 398fe1
You're nearing 1000 images. Might want to make another thread soon.
No. 31230 ID: 343850

's here: >>31226

File 128182925243.png - (4.18KB , 640x480 , rq.png )
896 No. 896 ID: f80af7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I'm taking requests of spoof "screenshots" of what would a given quest look like as a game on a chosen 8-bit or 16-bit system. Provide an image/link of a desired situation if you wish. Multiple requests are fine.
I might also do spritesets of some characters but that takes a little more effort/time.
49 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 960 ID: e31d52
Hmmm... Ooh! Muschio, Finny, Dompag and Ashedel walking in a line a la an old Dragon Quest.
No. 961 ID: cf68aa
That looks amazing :3 Thank you.
No. 1021 ID: f68ace
File 128340287365.png - (3.78KB , 320x240 , mgruby.png )
I believe this fits here, despite not being pixel art and me generally not doing this crap anymore. Request done off-site.
No. 1022 ID: f68ace
File 128340288015.png - (6.02KB , 320x240 , mgruby2.png )
No. 1072 ID: f6b553

File 157878566791.png - (54.07KB , 1080x1080 , Malcor Rune.png )
44616 No. 44616 ID: 5245b2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Since I'm here...
58 posts and 52 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 45473 ID: 5245b2
File 159526467428.jpg - (1.56MB , 3274x2636 , C9EF7A3D-7A6C-4558-8721-C262951E5631.jpg )
No. 45474 ID: 5245b2
File 159526471608.jpg - (730.69KB , 1536x2594 , 1683B627-0F27-497A-8888-134DAEE76911.jpg )
No. 45475 ID: 5245b2
File 159526474678.jpg - (2.65MB , 4032x3024 , C271A940-4AE9-4977-89A9-072B6EE34801.jpg )
No. 45476 ID: 5245b2
File 159526478988.jpg - (599.35KB , 1535x2410 , F7B10FA3-FDF5-4916-BED6-EEF1D5292F52.jpg )
No. 45493 ID: 5245b2
File 159587989829.png - (545.40KB , 3024x4032 , Catgirl Li.png )
If only I knew how to write quests. Then I could possibly implement Catgirl Li into DOAHW

File 152015162478.png - (68.85KB , 800x600 , woah_what.png )
37987 No. 37987 ID: de6d84 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
huh, oh what's this

probably not gonna be super used much anyway
55 posts and 36 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 44131 ID: 1cd489
yo where can I get me more of these moths
No. 44145 ID: 0fb3be
File 157117326043.png - (445.04KB , 607x493 , smallslissagrab.png )
No. 44150 ID: 0fb3be
File 157118800532.png - (471.53KB , 790x592 , smolslissa.png )
No. 44635 ID: 0fb3be
File 157912880198.png - (700.41KB , 796x634 , toomanyslissas.png )
No. 45461 ID: 0fb3be
File 159479696722.png - (22.66KB , 1002x884 , Nerys1.png )
oh it's this character again

File 151050129045.png - (61.05KB , 272x272 , avatar1.png )
36858 No. 36858 ID: f0f3c7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Making this since I don't want to flood other threads when I have multiple versions of a picture. Other stuff might show up too.
332 posts and 301 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 44767 ID: c1afef
File 158166027891.png - (1.96MB , 4000x4000 , 1-20 vanessa5.png )
No. 44768 ID: c1afef
File 158166034743.png - (2.44MB , 4000x4000 , 1-20 vanessa3.png )
No. 44769 ID: c1afef
File 158166040833.png - (2.38MB , 4000x4000 , 1-20 vanessa2.png )
No. 44770 ID: c1afef
File 158166054401.png - (2.58MB , 4000x4000 , 1-20 vanessa4.png )
No. 44771 ID: c1afef
File 158166060120.png - (2.21MB , 5440x3072 , valentines bee.png )

File 154734357543.png - (339.66KB , 1700x1700 , deer.png )
41788 No. 41788 ID: 6059bb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Had some lewds. Nowhere to put them. This'll do.

Welcome to the deerpression drawthread!


Could get NSFW potentially
248 posts and 83 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 45330 ID: e05ad0
Deer is back, with more hair.
No. 45335 ID: 367619
i dont trust myself to give me a haircut

updates soon!
No. 45336 ID: 367619
File 159041087621.png - (1.58MB , 1336x1764 , 046c93e1e0fbc949879db0ab042df066.png )
No. 45337 ID: d48ad1
Me neither! Also, good news!
No. 45340 ID: e7c7d3
That's a hawt Thorne

Not to be confused with a hawthorn

File 145971586563.png - (15.57KB , 700x600 , mouse.png )
29755 No. 29755 ID: 18394e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Step right up and take a gander at this NEW drawthread of mine!
548 posts and 512 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 41075 ID: fd3aa9
File 154146378678.png - (636.99KB , 882x1200 , Test drive.png )
No. 41076 ID: fd3aa9
File 154146391123.jpg - (15.95KB , 473x500 , IMG_20181102_164229.jpg )
No. 41085 ID: 7efe6b
The power of fluffy boys shines within you.
No. 41186 ID: db8181
File 154254530557.png - (182.48KB , 900x1024 , Big Fluffy Maw.png )
You're pretty asstounding at legs and butts galore! Maybe you can do her justice, like make those panties ride up pretty damn good. Almost like a wedgie.
No. 45391 ID: 6cc487
File 159169286935.png - (574.40KB , 1200x675 , Twitter info page 2.png )

File 158802815632.jpg - (673.46KB , 1000x1037 , header.jpg )
45179 No. 45179 ID: 78c64e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
hi, I was inspired to be a drawing and painting person by the drawing and painting people here a long time ago

Suggestions for drawings are welcome. Critical feedback greatly appreciated.
22 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 45221 ID: 015bf2
Lotta cool art here. Thanks for sharing.
No. 45309 ID: a0c338
Perfection. That is more than everything I wanted.
No. 45343 ID: 78c64e
File 159052363330.jpg - (1.09MB , 1006x1280 , murr kirin web.jpg )
made some murr

This is the only place that understand the fluffy
No. 45344 ID: 78c64e
File 159052370242.jpg - (249.31KB , 746x800 , beg kitty web.jpg )
please subscribe to her twitch
No. 45345 ID: 78c64e
File 159052373971.jpg - (734.73KB , 819x1280 , portrait master study doggo final fa.jpg )

File 134112095582.png - (145.89KB , 1088x1329 , Hatchet probably.png )
13853 No. 13853 ID: befc95 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
They... .they told me to post Sensual Dragons to lure in Mages....
829 posts and 693 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 30908 ID: 343222
I feel you, same problems.
No. 31148 ID: 69aa80
still keepin up the adorable arts as always, keep up the great work
No. 33255 ID: e4abe1
that's a cute drgons! get better soon!
No. 45060 ID: 8d23f0
dude holy shit drgons hasn't been here for years your just an asshole, posting in a dead thread
No. 45063 ID: 8d23f0
stopping this mess

File 154613458317.png - (45.60KB , 490x490 , LIMEU.png )
41629 No. 41629 ID: a98542 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Another 1000 images, another other drawthread.

You know who I am, probably.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LimeBreaker
Newgrounds: https://limebreaker.newgrounds.com/
FurAffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/limebreaker/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LimeBreaker
Picarto: https://picarto.tv/LimeBreaker
Old drawthread: >>37601
Older drawthread: >>34125
Oldest drawthread: >>31226
Oldester drawthread: >>19692

Commission info is here: https://limebreaker.newgrounds.com/news/post/1031636
823 posts and 807 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 44322 ID: a6e7d9
File 157301470682.png - (586.01KB , 1400x1600 , New Canvas4.png )
No. 44467 ID: 01e22b
RIP lime, was told it's not worth their time posting here anymore.
No. 44516 ID: 864e49
Are other people allowed to post their work here for them?
No. 44533 ID: 01e22b
I don't see why not.
No. 44534 ID: 19fdd8
Ask permission, first.

File 133764849285.png - (147.73KB , 1000x1000 , SlamminJammin.png )
13145 No. 13145 ID: 049dfa hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
ok, guess I'll go ahead and start one of these for myself.
286 posts and 142 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 31515 ID: 665ed8
Well this is all too bad, it looks like they could of been interesting characters
No. 31516 ID: 36295c
You might have been thinking of Thro'ten'chkak, the Kren that showed up in Journey Quest, which was female.

I mean, I'd still really like to be able to get around to doing this comic, I just don't feel like I really have the time thanks to work and other obligations to ever work on it. I also feel like I wasted to much of my life and it's too late to even get started now...
No. 31521 ID: 36295c
File 147654784639.png - (1.30MB , 1000x867 , Anerassi Demesi interview.png )
more work sketches that I never got around to posting here. Here's a familiar face.

Taken from the journal of Anerassi of Thorenald, translated from the original Skylean;

“When word reached me that a fellow Nedynvor from the small, rural village of Angoldas had recently returned from some grand adventure on the lands below, I hurried inland to the quaint little town. I wanted to interview him, hear everything he could remember of his adventure in the lands below, it’s not every day a Nedynvor that leaves the island returns. Asking around, I was able to find where the young adventurer lived, though sadly he was out. When he returned, I apologized for letting myself in, hopefully the tea I brought with me would make up for it some. His name was Demesi. He seemed somewhat uncomfortable with my presence initially, he’d never actually had a lady friend over before, let alone a famous one, he later explained, but he eventually warmed up to me and regaled with his adventure and his friends ‘Tav’ and ‘Aggeia’…”
No. 31522 ID: 36295c
File 147654809454.png - (968.82KB , 704x800 , Lazurek Journal Entry small.png )
Excerpts from “Native Lowlanders of Sullan” taken from the Lazurek chapter. By Anerassi of Thorenald.

The Lazurek, or “Lazuhrek” depending on region, are one of the more diverse species of lowlanders in Layridin. The three known races of Lazurek appear to be native to the northern continent of Sullan, spread across their varied habitats. While all three are quite different in appearance, with River Lazurek being small and thick, Jungle Lazurek being tall and lithe, and Mountain Lazurek being very large and broad, all possess several similar features across the species. Common attributes are a complete lack of eyes, 2 pairs of hands with one where you likely expect to find a pair of hands, and the other where one would normally find their feet. They also all possess an advanced form of echolocation which they utilize to “see” as it were and perceive their surroundings. All four hands on a Lazurek have a set of pads on their palms which assist in gripping objects or surfaces, this coupled with their long hooked claws make all three races adept climbers.

All three societies also appear to share a common religion which I’ll go into more detail about elsewhere in this book. However, I will mention that a common practice among all of the Lazurek villages I visited was a ritualistic cremation of their dead. When a member of their tribe nears the end of their life, they rested upon a bed of flowers. I am told this is symbolic of their perceived after-life; that being, an endless garden where they are reunited with their loved ones, and live along side their patron deity and Nalos, their goddess of fire and nature. The smell of flowers seems to soothe the mind of those at death’s door. Once the afflicted have passed, their are ceremoniously immolated, and their ashes given to their next of kin to be tended to. While attending one of these ceremonies, I observed that, while Lazurek cannot cry, lacking eyes and therefor tear ducts, the
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
No. 31539 ID: 1f8505

It is never too late to tell a story. True facts.

File 128288542363.jpg - (100.08KB , 705x1000 , nerdgirlomega01.jpg )
963 No. 963 ID: 43c7e5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Just an anonymous drawfag who will be coming by to dump porn I draw while browsing /tg/. This one is inspired by the nerdgirls.
611 posts and 234 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 12863 ID: fa163c
Nah; no gallery yet. As for the hand, animation, when I add either the guy's body or his balls, you'll get a better understanding, but at the last bit he thrusts (hence the surprised face). I'll work on it tonight since my game fell through and I'll have nothing better to do. (except, you know, homework).

Hell, if this goes well, I might do some requests/commissions.
No. 12871 ID: e8cde6
File 133646486045.gif - (656.74KB , 300x394 , Suckoff.gif )
So, fixing the loop, added the arm proper; liking it so far. Opinions on adding either xray, cumshot, or soemthing else?
No. 12872 ID: d5ee6f
Last version was a lot smoother and slower. Looks like it's skipping a frame now? Cumshot would be nice.
No. 13244 ID: 3cc761
Some cum would be nice.
No. 24872 ID: 436cdc
X-ray is always nice

File 147107119007.png - (26.85KB , 178x192 , avavore.png )
30920 No. 30920 ID: af6e04 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
49 posts and 28 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 44367 ID: efa420
File 157395786370.png - (2.34MB , 2732x2048 , 842E13AC-5ED5-4716-ABA7-BF37A44DE671.png )
Welcome back Strngy!

Don’t know if you ever saw this but a while ago I did a bunch of drawings of my favorite quest authors as warhammer 40k characters, you were among them! I wasn’t sure what to use as your face so I went with hammer imp, this is you as Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters!
No. 44380 ID: 8c70d1
Thanks for the kind words. I would like to run something again.

This is awesome! I don't know how I missed this when you first posting it. Thank you, this made my day. Primarch of the World Eaters suits me I think, heehee.
No. 44394 ID: 8c70d1
File 157461719549.jpg - (194.99KB , 1000x750 , ham.jpg )
No. 44395 ID: 8b660e
good to see Hammer imp again!
No. 44397 ID: 0d5cb3
Yeah! Nice!

File 130458492831.png - (475.01KB , 1176x1163 , TyrannusxWarrior.png )
4140 No. 4140 ID: 5c8d3e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Gonna start posting in here, just 'cause. original idea for >>3638
842 posts and 320 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 16255 ID: 696d2b
duh she's a cat they hate water.
No. 16257 ID: c592e8
File 135288916969.jpg - (64.32KB , 253x253 , awesomekitty.jpg )
You can easily get your cat to bathe and swim, bad pet keeping untermensch.
No. 16259 ID: feab56
Reveal thy secrets, cat-tamer!
No. 16260 ID: 90c676
File 135293778970.png - (259.61KB , 800x900 , sExperiment.png )
No. 16264 ID: 90c676
File 135294685599.png - (244.24KB , 900x900 , the pounder.png )
whud whud

File 153672809447.png - (193.72KB , 757x584 , mewone.png )
40307 No. 40307 ID: 270774 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
i have been drawing the whole time i was gone it's just all busts of the same extremely minor vento aureo baddie
70 posts and 51 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 42244 ID: 6655de
Rip Melone.
No. 43331 ID: 75cf31
File 156329672160.png - (262.71KB , 647x360 , bbom.png )
melone died and i got so distraught that i forgot to post dated anime villain fanart in my drawthread for five months
No. 43457 ID: 75cf31
File 156467573827.png - (147.44KB , 800x800 , cube.png )
jsut throw him in a box. don't let him out. hope u die in there u rank bitch
No. 43464 ID: 75cf31
File 156477669276.png - (724.81KB , 1151x604 , bunbrubba2.png )
i draw anime good guys sometimes. 8-2 is bunny day!
No. 43465 ID: 75cf31
File 156477671886.png - (143.27KB , 371x623 , hotpants.png )
and a hot pants for the road

File 126836890470.jpg - (398.55KB , 900x750 , wat.jpg )
385 No. 385 ID: 15f6d6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
So I drank whiskey for dinner. This ended up happening. I blame Seal.
330 posts and 203 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 20186 ID: b6838d
File 137601789087.jpg - (145.83KB , 890x750 , KALT.jpg )
No. 20187 ID: b6838d
File 137601791225.jpg - (112.21KB , 885x750 , The things.jpg )
No. 20188 ID: b6838d
File 137601793508.jpg - (124.43KB , 885x750 , Color.jpg )
No. 20189 ID: b6838d
File 137601797551.jpg - (104.78KB , 885x750 , Pug mask.jpg )
No. 20190 ID: b6838d
File 137601803844.jpg - (159.54KB , 885x750 , orchid mantis.jpg )

File 153205406188.png - (98.44KB , 1000x1000 , Lammar[1].png )
39620 No. 39620 ID: e26fa5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Dumbass wishes to make a drawthread, click here to see what happens next.

I swear that I'm going to make a quest... Eventually.

Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/lammarwesley/gallery/
535 posts and 457 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 44001 ID: 18b0ae
File 156992067080.png - (504.89KB , 748x965 , unknown (1).png )
No. 44002 ID: 18b0ae
File 156992068196.png - (396.91KB , 544x992 , unknown (2).png )
No. 44003 ID: 18b0ae
File 156992071124.png - (331.92KB , 480x720 , human.png )
No. 44004 ID: 18b0ae
File 156992073441.png - (203.44KB , 1143x409 , unknown (3).png )
No. 44005 ID: 18b0ae
File 156992075618.png - (577.84KB , 1000x1000 , unknown (4).png )
1st day of Goretober: Experiment.

File 132181217788.jpg - (148.69KB , 1198x1684 , dwarf.jpg )
8587 No. 8587 ID: b62b4e Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
A dwarf.

Trying out a new style. Speed paint, one layer in Corel. ~ 80 minutes.
392 posts and 151 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 14081 ID: 5673d3
Did you do other 14 techprists before this one?
No. 14083 ID: ba4210

Yes , this is the one that made the cut.

because of his adorable eye.
No. 14088 ID: 7d2165
File 134211405026.png - (2.90MB , 1600x2100 , contrast.png )
Awesome work as usual, although I think your pictures tend to lack contrast sometimes, here is a quick paintover, just adding layers in photoshop with linear density+
No. 14096 ID: ba4210

I need to finish the details first before I contrast / add shadows / shinies

I also need to figure out where the light is coming from, intensity, color, yadda yadda...
No. 14105 ID: 7d2165
suits me :)

File 153501556397.png - (202.38KB , 1378x1378 , Drawthread.png )
40083 No. 40083 ID: ad251f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
heyo, im King of Sorrow, im a guy with a lot of free time, i draw lil guys, crazy gods or big boobs

will post some art here.
36 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 42168 ID: 8ff033
File 155082694123.png - (29.11KB , 959x970 , luz.png )
i redesigned the god of light, i didnt like his appearance on the quest, i think it looks better now.
No. 42169 ID: 8ff033
File 155082700624.png - (112.22KB , 2130x3278 , ligheart dad2.png )
an OC i might use in the future.
No. 42170 ID: 8ff033
File 155082711177.png - (87.89KB , 1659x2130 , ziffur.png )
a angry bunny
No. 42664 ID: 972422
Why is bunny angry?
No. 42665 ID: ad51b8
she can't have her trix.

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