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File 133764849285.png - (147.73KB , 1000x1000 , SlamminJammin.png )
13145 No. 13145 ID: 049dfa

ok, guess I'll go ahead and start one of these for myself.
241 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 29356 ID: 8340ec
File 145621598409.jpg - (391.26KB , 703x800 , Layridin Campsite Small.jpg )

it had occurred to me that I haven’t really drawn the Layridin Journeys crew interacting or anything since, like, 2009 or 2010 when I created them for my Character Design class. So here they are, still not actually interacting or anything, but at least sitting around in the same picture. This one id complete trash. The scaling on the characters is complete jank, the the framing is terrible, character placement is jank. I left the background mostly blank so I could try and, maybe, fix it in post with Photoshop and maybe ink it eventually, trying to salvage it. I guess we’ll have to see.
No. 29357 ID: 8340ec
File 145621603041.png - (171.34KB , 800x739 , Shitty Oboro.png )

drawpile doodle of Oboro from, what I am told now, defunct game Sorcerland. She was super cute, I really like her.
No. 29358 ID: 8340ec
File 145621605439.png - (188.87KB , 800x739 , Oboro peek.png )

Oboro again, from Sorcerland, a little more lewd this time.
No. 29359 ID: 8340ec
File 145621612286.png - (634.63KB , 578x800 , Nedynvor Monk small.png )

work sketch of a Nedynvor monk. I imagine her style would involve a lot of kicks.
No. 29360 ID: 8340ec
File 145621616738.png - (580.81KB , 467x800 , Anerassi City of Glass small.png )

Work sketch of concept I'd kind of like to make a comic of at some point, but I know I'll never do, of one of Anerassi of Thorenald's adventures.

Nearly everyone in the civilized world of Layridin has heard the legend of the mysterious city of glass in the great desert, but no one really knows anything about it. Where did such an oddity come from? Who could have built such a thing? No one's ever dared set foot in such a place and returned. Anerassi, never one to shy away from a challenge and always looking for new knowledge to share with the world set out on an excursion to solve the mystery of the city of glass. As she and her desert guide delve deeper into the ruins beneath the city, however, danger rears it's head as the sand beneath them itself seems to come alive! Is this Anerassi's last adventure!?

This actually turned out to be framed pretty terribly. I partially blame the size of the page I was working on. The rest I blame on my own terribleness.
No. 29361 ID: 8340ec
File 145621622214.jpg - (283.58KB , 517x800 , Technomancy doodles.jpg )

technomancy concept doodles
No. 29362 ID: 8340ec
File 145621632975.png - (613.43KB , 800x609 , Nedynvor Soft Shoes.png )

Nedynvor feet are very poorly designed for use on soft surfaces such as sand, snow, mud, etc. As more Nedynvor find themselves in the lower lands, they wind up encountering such terrain more commonly. So they developed these wide foot pads to distribute the wearer's weight more evenly over a wider area, thus making it less likely for them to sink into the soft surfaces.
No two Nedynvor are likely to have identical feet, so each pair is usually custom made to fit snuggly and comfortably over the wearer's lower leg. A pair of latch hooks are located near the top to securely fasten them to the lower portion of the user's leg wear. A swivel is located at the tip of the foot attaching the scabbard-like shoe to the wide flat portion, while a sliding brace allows for freedom of movement of the leg while walking while still supporting the Nedynvor's weight over the back end of the shoe.
No. 29363 ID: 8340ec
File 145621637093.png - (841.74KB , 800x725 , Anerassi Journal.png )

Taken from the journal of Anerassi of Thorenald, translated from the original Skylean.

"The university cities of the free Ploverlor are truly a sight to behold! The city of Teeravane in particular. While all the university cities tend to be built around the central magic university, Teeravane’s stands out above the rest, quite literally. Built within a massive tower, restored from a ruin discovered from ancient times, the magic university is one of the greatest and most prestigious in the civilized world. Looming far above the city below, some of the most amazing breakthroughs in magic research were discovered within those ancient walls. The terraces that dot the outer levels of tower sport gorgeous gardens allowing magic researchers and students the ability to relax and experience nature without even needing to leave the campus grounds. I certainly enjoyed the familiar feeling of standing in the winds on of the terraces during my tour. Perhaps one of the most incredible features of the tower is located deep within the basement. The wizards of the university told me of some manner of anomaly that they discovered in the ruin’s depth. They tell me that they’ve managed to stabilize it and even utilize it! The anomaly is a sort of portal that can be used to transport objects over great distances instantaneously! But they tell me it’s not safe yet to transport organic material like people. They wouldn’t actually let me see the basement, but I drew a little picture of myself seeing what I assume it’d look like anyway, because they can’t stop me."
No. 29364 ID: 8340ec
File 145621641983.png - (681.85KB , 601x800 , Mounted Patrol small.png )

Taken from the journal of Anerassi of Thorenald. Translated from the original Skylean.

The cities that form around the Magic Universities form the life blood of the campus. Without the commerce and services provided by the citizens that rely on the University for bringing in new blood and the wonders of their research, they would surely crumble. Thus, in most university cities, the university itself has sought to provide protection for the lands around it. The first line of defense; the University Patrolmen. Universities welcome non magically gifted men and women of any species to volunteer for positions within the Patrolmen...
No. 29365 ID: 8340ec
File 145621644354.jpg - (394.22KB , 800x647 , University Guard uniform small.jpg )

The uniform of an Eastlander Patrolmen (that being a patrolman serving a university located in the eastern region) is made up of thick leather, lined with chainmail. It includes a breastplate and a cowl with attached helm that is custom fit for each wearer, to accommodate any wearer’s unique cranial features. The cowl itself can also be pulled up over the wear’s face to shield from wind, cold, or airborne particulate. The gauntlets are leather with metal plates attached that extend back over the wear’s forearms, I was not able to try one on, as they do not actually make them in Nedynvor size. Patrolmen wear a fur lined vest underneath their breastplates which acts as cushioning, and helps keep them warm on those long night watch shifts.
No. 29366 ID: 8340ec
File 145621648062.jpg - (262.92KB , 800x530 , Auto-Crossbow small.jpg )

Patrol team members carry with them a melee weapon they’re familiar with, such as a sword, mace, etc, and one member of a team is usually issued a Grenadier Auto-Crossbow. This weapon was originally designed by an engsami engineer named Khaelid Mudaeni. The crossbow has a lever action that rotates a drum magazine and feeds a bolt into an upper chamber, as well as automatically drawing back the bow. The ammo drum can be loaded with standard bolts and is designed to be swapped out with a new drum when its ammo is depleted. But that’s not the most impressive part of this weapon.
No. 29367 ID: 8340ec
File 145621650389.jpg - (366.38KB , 544x800 , Legitimate Business small.jpg )

The magic university of Teeravane has actually managed to broker a trade agreement with the Lohrkes of clan Hur'Fleis. The Lohrkes provide them with devices they call “grenades” modified to be fired from a crossbow, and the university provides them with supplies and ingredients from the surface. These “grenade bolts” can come in a variety of types and be loaded into the ammo drums for the auto-crossbow. Using their transport portal, Teeravane is able to provide all of its neighboring university cities with a stockpile of these specialized bolts as well.
No. 29368 ID: 2f4b71

>Armoured Mage
The best kind of Mage.
No. 29385 ID: 8340ec
File 145650724784.png - (1.03MB , 1478x1053 , Page 01 Comparison.png )

ok, I THINK I mostly fixed the perspective on this comic page. Any thoughts?
No. 29386 ID: 3663d3

for a second i thought it was one of those parallax images that look 3D when you cross your eyes.

anyway, looks good.
No. 29387 ID: a22f87

looks pretty damn good to me
No. 29388 ID: 1f8505


The rightmost definitely looks better.
No. 29390 ID: 2f4b71
File 145652789478.jpg - (500.96KB , 2731x1181 , perspective.jpg )

Getting very close, just a bit of wonkyness with the floor planks not aligning with each other (or the left wall's vanishing point).
No. 29393 ID: 9d0790

The major thing I notice is you have two horizon lines. One at the top of the bar table which things such as the bar table and the walls seem to approximately follow. Then one at the shoulder level of the mountain guy which the people of the room and the table-tops(the round tables) and such seem to follow.

I tried to compare the relative heights/sizes of objects but without knowing where the horizon line really is or how tall things are supposed to be I could only guess. I was mostly checking the big guy's table, bar table and door, all which gave me suspicions. Are they supposed to be like 75cm(same height as the humans table, fitting average), 1m (in line with sitting human's shoulder, fitting average) and nearly 2.5m(by comparing to bar table, .5m taller than normal.)? Or I could compare the door to the mountain lazerek who would be as tall as a human when sitting on the ground and which would put the door at a closer to normal height.

Is it supposed to be sizes that work with varied size beings like the tall door and is the big guy supposed to be at a bigger table like the first image seems to suggest (it's looking the same height as the rest in the second attempt)?
No. 29394 ID: 8340ec
File 145655387435.png - (206.74KB , 1193x600 , Perspective.png )

Ok, that's weird, Manga Studio's perspective ruler auto-snaps your lines to the vanishing points, so I don't know what's going on there. With the exception of the floor boards in the front, toward the middle, which I didn't redo from the original failed attempt, and probably should.

>The major thing I notice is you have two horizon lines. One at the top of the bar table which things such as the bar table and the walls seem to approximately follow. Then one at the shoulder level of the mountain guy which the people of the room and the table-tops(the round tables) and such seem to follow.

The double vanishing points is likely a result of me trying to salvage what little I thought I could get away with from the original image because I've spent a couple months now failing to redraw the entire image from scratch and started to get frustrated/ fed up with it. As well, in the interest of just being able to say "it's good enough, let's move on" and maybe get some momentum going so I might actually get a comic made in my life time.

The tavern is intended to be a River Lazruek structure and built with themselves in mind, not the larger species. The Mountain Lazurek is sitting on the floor.
No. 29398 ID: 1f8505


This doesn't really matter much since it's much harder to extrapolate a vanishing point from a line than it is to draw a line from a vanishing point.

All in all, you did a good job and should be proud.
No. 29400 ID: 3f9dc0

also consider: this building was assembled from rough cut planks with a hammer, not a laser sliced from a plastic cube. Imperfect construction and later warping and settling could easily account for the minor fluctuations in the lines.

Lord knows if you tried to draw perspective lines on a photograph of my house, they wouldn't meet at a single point.
No. 29404 ID: 20295c

...I actually think I like the one on the left slightly more though, honestly. Even if it's less detailed and technically correct, but gut says it's got better composition and readability.

Either way, I think you've been sweating the details way too much. A casual reader isn't going to notice or care that your perspective isn't completely perfect, or if a character is slightly off-model, or any other minuscule detail like that. Strong writing, expressions, gesture, composition, and fast updates are gonna get you a lot farther in comics than technically perfect art.

...And based on what I've seen, your art's got all of those already. At least enough to pull off some decent comics.

What I think you really need is more confidence in your work, to be honest here.
No. 29409 ID: b17b81

The left one has more of a feeling of open-ness, where you see all of the people as individual people. The right one has them seem as one entity; 'the bar patrons'. Which feeling you want to go for depends on you and the story. It makes the central character seem a part of/belonging to/ feeling comfortable in the crowd. Perfect if that is their home/how they spend their time, bad if they are meant to be shunned/some sort of outcast. (In that case, you would want it even more open than the one on the left, I think) middleground would maybe be a bit more distance between the central char and the big guy; would keep the other patrons as one entity while the central character as separate/an individual.
I get the impression that he is a traveller/not comfortable. (Hat within arms length, alone at the table, tense posture, expression on his face. Honestly it's like a photograph with how the character/close surroundings are laid out)

The right has a lot more technical skill. You've always been awesome at that. I can't think of how it can be drawn better than it is.(I'm quibbling over feelings as it is)

All of this is without knowing the context behind this, and I cannot draw at all; so take it with a gigantic grain of salt. Still, I think it's better to move on a bit to the next part.
No. 29492 ID: 8340ec
File 145743189112.jpg - (329.32KB , 502x800 , Lazurek Pantheon small.jpg )

Taken from the journal of Anerassi of Thorenald, translated from the original Skylean;

The three races of lazurek all follow the mythology of the three brothers; Thom Deek and Larut, and their mutual lover Nalos, the goddess of fire and nature as the progenitors of the lazurek species. But the way the story goes is different depending on which group you ask. Each have their own interpretation of the mythos that puts their own patron deity in a more positive light than the others. As the story goes, the three brothers were quite close, roaming the old lands of Layridin making their way through life until, one day, they happened across a clearing that had recently been ravaged by a forest fire. In the center of the clearing, nurturing a patch of beautiful smelling flowers, freshly sprouted from the ashes, was a woman. The three brothers each found themselves soon smitten by the charming figure, and would begin to compete with one another for her attention. Each brother plays to their own strengths to provide for Nalos. Thom, of unparalleled strength, slays the great dragons that roam the dark unknown. Deek, cunning and a master of trickery, fools others into doing his work him. Larut, intelligent and charismatic, smooth talks his way into obtaining what he needs.

It is around this point that the stories differ depending who is telling the tale. The key points that differ are which brother obtains Nalos’ affection first, usually the patron deity of which ever race you are talking to. The other two brothers then trick, convince, or force Nalos to betray her love. This is sometimes taken to heart by the more bitter members of the species who look down on their extended kin.

Work sketch of the Lazurek pantheon.
No. 29547 ID: 8340ec
File 145800710111.png - (222.16KB , 704x933 , Cevel Flaunts his butt.png )

I assume one of you people is the one who's been sending notes on tumblr.
No. 29548 ID: 1f8505


Heckova rear end on that guy.
No. 29549 ID: 040d6a

Touch fluffy tail.
No. 29624 ID: 8340ec
File 145826240464.png - (223.57KB , 698x690 , Cevel Tumblr Ask.png )

No. 29625 ID: 8340ec
File 145826243006.png - (158.48KB , 602x699 , Ball Ticklers.png )

How is that even a question?
No. 29629 ID: a22f87

...why is this called ball ticklers?
No. 29630 ID: 891640

i think you know why
No. 29634 ID: a788b7


probably on account of the ball ticklers
No. 29645 ID: 8340ec

"ball ticklers" was the joke name Tgchan people came up with for the wiggly bits on Lohrke tail, and by extension feet, on account the proximity to their naughty bits at the base of their tail.
No. 29669 ID: acbcbc

Hey man, I'm a newer fan of yours. Just dropped by to say that I love your work, especially Island of Onigashima. I'm not so sure that I love it being relocated to tumblr, but that's not really my decision now, is it?
Only real complaint I have is that you aven't updated the tumblr since February, and while I understand that you have real-world responsibilities, it's not like the quest still has to be written. The part where the tumblr version of the story left of is a chapter behind the current event of the comic. I'm sorry, but it just seems to me that moving it to tumblr only slowed the production time for this story. Would you mind giving me a reason for this so my impatient-ass can stop being so anal about the time?
Once again, I'm sorry that I'm so impatient. I just don't want other people to be as lazy a I am, I suppose
No. 29670 ID: acbcbc

Oh yeah, and as a xenophile, the ball ticklers sound like an incredibly hot idea.
No. 29679 ID: 8340ec

Production of Onigashima and the uploading it off site slowed, largely, as a result of my job. I work a full time job to get by which eats up about 9 hours of my day. I had, until recently, been working second shift which wound up giving me a 3 hour block before work to do very little and get ready for work, and then about a 3 hour block after work where I was generally too tired to do much of anything productive. I've recently been coping with switching to day shift and adjusting my sleep schedule. It's not much of an excuse, I know.

Ultimately, I suppose the real thing to blame would be my lack of motivation and waffling between working on things. I have a tendency to get frustrated and depressed with the things I work on, or wind up taking on more things that I ultimately have the free time to do which winds up making me feel guilty for not doing one thing but wanting to do another, and I just wind up doing nothing in the end anyway. This is why I don't actually take commissions currently. I had intended, once I was more settled into my new sleep schedule, to resume uploading and trying to update the quest. Uploading is just kind of boring and tedious sometimes, and my new job has been leaving me incredibly frustrated which has kind been killing my motivation by the time I get home...

I'm sorry if my lack of production has been disappointing, and I'm sorry if the idea of Onigashima transferring sites is disappointing too. Disappointing people is one of my greatest fears. But the reason for the site shift is to try and branch out and reach a broader number of readers. I know several of my friends in real life (that being all but 2 of my friends) site the format of image board quests as the reason they haven't bothered reading any of my quests, even going so far back to Journey Quest. I've already gotten some comments from people that they prefer the more webcomic-y format.

If the suggestions don't pan out, or I wind up feeling that suggesters not getting to argue with eachother between updates takes to much away from the quest, I'll just use the tumblr as a repository for the quest, should anything happen to tgchan, and resume it here. If nothing else, think of the tumblr as testing the waters for free hosting of webcomics in general. Layridin Journeys may wind up there initially implying Layridin Journeys will ever actually be anything more than a theoretical bundle of concept art

I hope that helped clear some things up, and again, I'm sorry if I've been a disappointment.
No. 31507 ID: 36295c
File 147643234330.png - (1.11MB , 886x1000 , Marana Faces.png )

mandatory overtime and depression is a bitch. Here's some sketches I seem to have never gotten around to posting here of theoretical comic characters.

theses were all drawn on various breaks at work which tends to be the only time I can actually get myself to do anything anymore...

Marana Tok'Bel, Tav Unt'Bel's cousin, briefly mentioned in Journey Quest, was going to join the main party after seeing them as a means to achieve her dream of seeing the surface world and living to tell the tale.
No. 31508 ID: 36295c
File 147643247047.png - (1.08MB , 860x1000 , Cevel Faces small.png )

Cevel Latobo, a jungle lazurek would have been met under less than trustworthy circumstances. Chet would press him into serving as a guide through the jungle as payment for previous transgressions against the Kren Merchant Guild.
No. 31509 ID: 36295c
File 147643263874.png - (1.01MB , 1000x835 , Chet Faces small.png )

Chet'Thret'chka, or "Chet" for short, is a papa Kren who sort of adopted the main character after finding him at the bottom of the ocean. He would let Aldwin tag along on his mercantile trip in the hopes of possibly helping him find his home.

Kren facial expressions are primarily expressed through the antennae and small eyes.
No. 31510 ID: 36295c
File 147643274577.png - (1.16MB , 925x1000 , Aldwin faces small.png )

The main character, a gross human named Aldwin. With little to no memory of what occurred before winding up at the bottom of the ocean, he was just going to kind of wander around with Chet trying to figure out what the hell was going on in the weird ass world he woke up in. Also desperately try to stay alive.
No. 31511 ID: 36295c
File 147643296549.png - (1.19MB , 1000x914 , Naye faces small.png )

Naye Navas, a pariah excommunicated from the Tomias church, and one of the main antagonists planned for the story. She would pursue Aldwin in her own holy quest and wouldn't let anyone, not even the church get in her way.
No. 31512 ID: 36295c
File 147643304856.png - (1.08MB , 1000x840 , Alfeid faces small.png )

Alfeid was a mountain lazurek who was going to help teach Aldwin how to fight early on in the story. She likely would have also showed up later on as well.
No. 31513 ID: 36295c
File 147643335686.png - (1.28MB , 863x1000 , Maureen Faces.png )

Maureen is a Ploverlor witch sent by one of the magic universities to aid the Tomias in their pursuit of Aldwin. She doesn’t much care for Naye’s reckless vigilantism or heretical preachings, and would tend to butt heads with her when they encounter one another.
No. 31514 ID: ba506f

huh, could have sworn chet was a female? Must have read one of your older post wrong.
No. 31515 ID: 665ed8

Well this is all too bad, it looks like they could of been interesting characters
No. 31516 ID: 36295c

You might have been thinking of Thro'ten'chkak, the Kren that showed up in Journey Quest, which was female.

I mean, I'd still really like to be able to get around to doing this comic, I just don't feel like I really have the time thanks to work and other obligations to ever work on it. I also feel like I wasted to much of my life and it's too late to even get started now...
No. 31521 ID: 36295c
File 147654784639.png - (1.30MB , 1000x867 , Anerassi Demesi interview.png )

more work sketches that I never got around to posting here. Here's a familiar face.

Taken from the journal of Anerassi of Thorenald, translated from the original Skylean;

“When word reached me that a fellow Nedynvor from the small, rural village of Angoldas had recently returned from some grand adventure on the lands below, I hurried inland to the quaint little town. I wanted to interview him, hear everything he could remember of his adventure in the lands below, it’s not every day a Nedynvor that leaves the island returns. Asking around, I was able to find where the young adventurer lived, though sadly he was out. When he returned, I apologized for letting myself in, hopefully the tea I brought with me would make up for it some. His name was Demesi. He seemed somewhat uncomfortable with my presence initially, he’d never actually had a lady friend over before, let alone a famous one, he later explained, but he eventually warmed up to me and regaled with his adventure and his friends ‘Tav’ and ‘Aggeia’…”
No. 31522 ID: 36295c
File 147654809454.png - (968.82KB , 704x800 , Lazurek Journal Entry small.png )

Excerpts from “Native Lowlanders of Sullan” taken from the Lazurek chapter. By Anerassi of Thorenald.

The Lazurek, or “Lazuhrek” depending on region, are one of the more diverse species of lowlanders in Layridin. The three known races of Lazurek appear to be native to the northern continent of Sullan, spread across their varied habitats. While all three are quite different in appearance, with River Lazurek being small and thick, Jungle Lazurek being tall and lithe, and Mountain Lazurek being very large and broad, all possess several similar features across the species. Common attributes are a complete lack of eyes, 2 pairs of hands with one where you likely expect to find a pair of hands, and the other where one would normally find their feet. They also all possess an advanced form of echolocation which they utilize to “see” as it were and perceive their surroundings. All four hands on a Lazurek have a set of pads on their palms which assist in gripping objects or surfaces, this coupled with their long hooked claws make all three races adept climbers.

All three societies also appear to share a common religion which I’ll go into more detail about elsewhere in this book. However, I will mention that a common practice among all of the Lazurek villages I visited was a ritualistic cremation of their dead. When a member of their tribe nears the end of their life, they rested upon a bed of flowers. I am told this is symbolic of their perceived after-life; that being, an endless garden where they are reunited with their loved ones, and live along side their patron deity and Nalos, their goddess of fire and nature. The smell of flowers seems to soothe the mind of those at death’s door. Once the afflicted have passed, their are ceremoniously immolated, and their ashes given to their next of kin to be tended to. While attending one of these ceremonies, I observed that, while Lazurek cannot cry, lacking eyes and therefor tear ducts, they express sorrow through a mournful howl, which is morbidly beautiful in concert with one another. This cremation practice also makes it very hard to obtain a skeleton for study. I had to seek out a Hat’kal for the skull samples used for these sketches. He refused to divulge where he obtained them though.

In addition to the obvious physical differences between the races, each one appears to possess a unique physical quality unseen in the others of the species. For instance, the River Lazurek, in addition to being adept swimmers, secrete an oil from their skin that lets them glide swiftly through the water and prevents liquids form sticking to their fur. Additionally, it can allow one to quickly slide across the ground on their belly, or even back as I observed some children enjoying sliding down a hill. Jungle Lazureks possess the peculiar trait that any hole large enough for their skull to fit through, the rest of their body can follow. I would love to get a hold of one of their skeletons to see just how this feat is possible, but alas, I remain out of luck. Mountain Lazureks have what they call a “pit organ” located along their snouts which allows them to detect heat, in addition to their echolocation. In addition to that, the have a fully prehensile tail that is almost entirely muscle as far as I can tell, the tail of a Mountain Lazurek is capable of grasping objects, holding weapons and can constrict with enough force to crush a Per’che melon! For those not familiar with a Per’che melon, they are a gourd roughly one and a half to three feet long, on average, and anywhere between one and three feet around, that’s a big melon!
No. 31539 ID: 1f8505


It is never too late to tell a story. True facts.
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