hi, I was inspired to be a drawing and painting person by the drawing and painting people here a long time ago Suggestions for drawings are welcome. Critical feedback greatly appreciated.
i like sergs but not as much as I used to
old but I still like it
more recent, a trashy study based on Ondines painting by Antoine Calbet
well I have to say these are rather well done. >Critical feedback greatly appreciated. about the only thing I can really think of off the bat is with >>45181 where it took me a minute to figure out she's wearing a shirt since the strokes make it look like fur.
>>45185 Thanks! Yeah the fat sergal's shirt isn't very well defined. I should have used a reference
mid 2019
less than polished
last for today
>>45180 >>45187 I had a feeling I'd seen these lovely pieces before; I fav'd 'em on FA already. You're Ironwood on FA, right? Well, I'm glad I went back to check who made these 'cause I'd somehow missed adding you to my watchlist. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
My critical feedback is that your drawings are positively awesome, and my suggestion is that you draw Tozols. There are never enough Tozols.
>>45189 Oh my, this is the spitting image of my dog, er bitch, 1995-2009. Hit me right in the feels.
>>45191 Thank you, yes that's me >>45197 thanks, sure I'll draw a tozol
commission stuff
ok, recent stuff only now
excellent work all around!
>>45205 hey anyone remember that old horror movie called the blob? Well here comes it's spiritual successor call "The Floof."
recent commission
Lotta cool art here. Thanks for sharing.
>>45205 Perfection. That is more than everything I wanted.
made some murr >>45309 This is the only place that understand the fluffy
please subscribe to her twitch