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File 148451555123.png - (120.88KB , 732x673 , drawthread header.png )
32699 No. 32699 ID: db0da2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I want to git gud at drawing. So I'm going to try to draw at least one thing a day. Art tips much appreciated.

If you tell me to draw something I'll probably do it.
16 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 34703 ID: db0da2
File 149922642699.png - (81.44KB , 483x404 , USA Eagle.png )
... And I'm back, that took a lot longer than a week.

Happy America Day everybody!
No. 34773 ID: db0da2
File 149973902797.png - (261.24KB , 1379x846 , dark scribbles.png )
Veins of the Earth is one of the best settings I've ever seen, y'all should check it out.
No. 34776 ID: af6e04
>Veins of the Earth
Are you talking about the LotFP adventure module? I really want to get the book but I haven't been able to yet (no money)
No. 34777 ID: db0da2
File 149975099275.png - (1.41MB , 1915x903 , cholerids.png )
Yep. I actually started a 5e campaign based loosely on the stuff posted here: http://falsemachine.blogspot.com/search/label/Veins about a year ago, now that I've got the full thing I've been having a field day.
No. 34817 ID: af6e04
I love this!! I might have to bite the bullet and buy it now. I'm running an underground campaign currently so it would be perfect.

File 132856397360.jpg - (390.73KB , 1000x773 , IMG_0010.jpg )
10758 No. 10758 ID: 16a987 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I'm gonna post my doodles and sketches, quest related or not. feel free to comment or request at will.
137 posts and 54 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 14896 ID: 58eac9

Rover's other end.

The OTHER other end would just be weird.
No. 14897 ID: bf54a8
sneak attack fincy making a train.
No. 14900 ID: fa9f7e
If this gets chosen, yell out something about "Oh, a real cock, eh? Well, I'll show you!"

Then proceed to disappoint everyone involved.

I still support >>14894 though because lol OOC
No. 14901 ID: b85f8c
Show her what the five fingers said to the face.
No. 14947 ID: 0521d2
File 134602605765.jpg - (315.08KB , 800x1157 , Blake beating the___ stuff.jpg )
I'm rather indecisive because no one really voted and I suck at choosing. I'm probably gonna do this and this

In the mean time have a little work of mine.
in that I've decided that Austranium love is going to be a web comic that I'll host on devi and My next quest is another chapter of Blake.

File 145161871820.png - (2.59KB , 148x160 , RedCircleIconLarge.png )
28967 No. 28967 ID: d9d503 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Planning to start a quest today, I figured I would post some things here as well, and also test some things like colored text
54 posts and 31 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 33987 ID: b7883c
File 149487774155.png - (5.10KB , 198x226 , Zossome.png )
I got a meme in my head and had to get it out.

my naym is King,
of all the worls.
I lef my power,
to dis girl.
cos I alone,
know dat sum day,
six billyon demons
she wil slay.
No. 34000 ID: 3ce125
Good meme.
No. 34077 ID: b7883c
File 149534223684.png - (138.08KB , 500x600 , OblivionDoom.png )
>I cant stop thinking about the fact that, during the oblivion crisis, the Argonians in Blackmarsh kicked dagon’s ass so hard, they launched a counter-invasion into Oblivion, and forced the daedra to start closing their own oblivion gates to keep the argonians out
>And keep in mind, Dagon’s plane of Oblivion is the Deadlands, literally hell
>You basically had a bunch of Lizard Doomguys launching an invasion on Hell

Imperials be like “Akatosh save us!“
Argonians be like: (Image)
No. 34191 ID: b7883c
File 149603753302.png - (161.65KB , 417x625 , DinoKamina.png )
No. 34491 ID: b7883c
File 149776495334.png - (29.95KB , 500x600 , HomeTransformers.png )
Home Transformers - Its just another day in the lives of the Autobuilders: Transforming into power tools, remodeling houses and competing their rivals, the underhanded Constructacons. Featuring Optimus Powerdrill and Bumblebuzz.

(Hopefully the next one takes me less than a month to get around to.)

File 149669194260.png - (99.80KB , 847x519 , CLIPStudioPaint_2017-05-30_23-47-52.png )
34283 No. 34283 ID: acd563 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
erotic is allowed.
19 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 34317 ID: 91ee5f
It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.
No. 34319 ID: 105660
thats semen tho
No. 34320 ID: 91ee5f
Looks like it's getting the hose again! >:-(
No. 34321 ID: cbadeb
No. 34327 ID: eb0bd6

File 147175410663.png - (56.01KB , 640x480 , thread.png )
31029 No. 31029 ID: bb5adf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm Torako (or Tora for short).
I do Colorquest, Stupidquest and A Journey of Hatred.

I draw as best as I can when I want to and as loose as I can. I take requests. I also do lewd things. soooo yeah.
5 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 31169 ID: 34936b
File 147322669773.png - (14.20KB , 800x600 , pornrjoey.png )

I made a base and tried to test my heroines on it. I... I'll be going.
No. 32202 ID: a9eb73
File 148053758152.jpg - (2.93MB , 2377x2651 , 20161130_143826.jpg )
Guess who played Pokémon Moon?
No. 34239 ID: 4032e0
File 149629132512.jpg - (707.11KB , 1083x1059 , IMG_20170601_002345.jpg )
- Had surgery on spine in April 2016
- Computer died.
- Currently moving house as of this post.
- Got full-time job.


My life has gone to shit. I had my surgery, I've had to get a job, and I have to move. So I've been unable to do much since all my quest info is in my laptop, which is DEAD, and all I've been able to do is make fan art through traditional means. I'm working towards saving for a computer and new tablet, and maybe recovering some info from my completely dead piece of shit computer.
No. 34240 ID: ca0e20
That's rough. Hope you get things sorted out sooner than later!
No. 34241 ID: b91ea9
Thanks for being so understanding and patient.

File 147380918009.png - (82.00KB , 800x600 , Limu.png )
31226 No. 31226 ID: 343850 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
The old thread was nearing 1000 images and people were demanding I make a new thread so I don't break the website.

You know who I am, probably.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LimeBreaker
Tumblr: http://limebreaker.tumblr.com/
FurAffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/limebreaker/
Old drawthread: >>19692

Commission info is here: http://limebreaker.tumblr.com/Commission
1023 posts and 997 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 34073 ID: 5792da
File 149532358003.png - (753.56KB , 1920x1080 , New Canvas3b.png )
No. 34074 ID: 5792da
File 149532359046.png - (777.38KB , 1920x1080 , New Canvas3c.png )
No. 34075 ID: 5792da
File 149532359725.png - (780.03KB , 1920x1080 , New Canvas3d.png )
No. 34076 ID: 5792da
File 149532361741.png - (413.68KB , 1800x2000 , New Canvas4.png )
No. 34126 ID: 5792da
Too many images, new thread.

File 132286227148.jpg - (492.22KB , 1272x877 , img014.jpg )
8939 No. 8939 ID: ddccf4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Rescanned...easier to made a whole new thread
577 posts and 479 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 33190 ID: e4abe1
File 148802442741.png - (895.86KB , 1685x1542 , mmoonfreya.png )
No. 33424 ID: e4abe1
File 149037101237.png - (867.52KB , 1685x1542 , boldbanana.png )
No. 33669 ID: 72ed6b
It's amazing to scroll through this thread and see how incredibly the art has improved from the beginning to now. The shading on this last batch looks great.
No. 33889 ID: e4abe1
File 149408907764.png - (1.13MB , 1685x1542 , thsillahbold.png )
No. 33890 ID: e4abe1
that's why i never delete my stuff, help me remind me how much i improved

File 146731189030.png - (412.79KB , 630x886 , hitropos.png )
30473 No. 30473 ID: 3641d7 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey there, tgchan! I've never been to this place before. Not even sure how I found it. But the community seems pretty cool!

Perhaps you'll be seeing me around.
24 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 30560 ID: 1f8505

No. 33137 ID: a979e2
File 148772862888.png - (1.16MB , 1548x2161 , atronewestwhitebg.png )
Hey there TGchan! Been away for a super long time, trying to refine my style!
No. 33167 ID: 0553b2
That is a really solid style. The coloring is fantastic.
No. 33291 ID: a979e2
Thank you!
No. 33357 ID: 1f8505

You seem to have a thing for the huge tiddy.

File 144890119042.png - (5.04KB , 300x300 , gamelogo.png )
28675 No. 28675 ID: 509306 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Given I dumped all my assets for Roll20 for Fishbowl in a thread I guess tradition mandates I do the exact same here for the no people who want it. Hooray!

on further comparison this looks far too much like the logo for no man's sky and it hurts
67 posts and 67 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 28744 ID: 509306
Aaaaand moved it to /draw/ where it's probably more appropriate than /tg/.

I don't want people coming after me complaining that my HORRIFIC DEPICTIONS OF ALIEN NUDITY drove more people away from tgchan.
No. 28745 ID: 509306
oh right the context i forgot that

So this campaign is a Fate Core game based in the same setting as the one The World Is Mine is set in. The setting is pretty broad in scope, and is pretty much dominated at the larger scale by the interactions between star-spanning megacorporations and empires, with the Alliance trying to do its best to keep everyone more or less in line and failing due to the scale of things.

The players are new recruits plucked from completely random backgrounds for an organisation called Panoptima Research Solutions, a subdivision of Panoptima, a keletian megacorp.

Panoptima Research Solutions does not provide research solutions. It provides solutions to research. Typically, solutions to the problems created by research, such as horrible things being unleashed on the universe.

It's Panoptima's investigative cleanup division, and is intended to be the first responders to the archetypal science facility distress signal scenario.

Complicating things is the fact an apparently ancient prophecy seems to have obliquely referred to half the party as being involved in ancient prophecy bullshit.

Also sometimes random people show up in the kitchen.
No. 28746 ID: a22f87
sounds fun, how long has this game gone on and is it still going? Because I wouldn't mind a highlight real if you're up to it.
No. 28750 ID: 91d220
Okay I can't help but picture those symbols as Shapes biscuit images.
Hm, so Panoptima Research Solutions is like a combination Space-fireman-hazmat-MIB-Occuptional Health and Safety-equipments supplier? Their warranties must be superb for customers that live in more accessible regions of habitation.>>28746
Also yes, it's not a game thread without a highlight reel, if any of the players of this game want to share shenanigans that occurred in the line of safety inspection procedures I'ld love to hear about them.
No. 32021 ID: 5ef86a
>Okay I can't help but picture those symbols as Shapes biscuit images.
(they're little colorful fishies)

File 147880277495.png - (16.75KB , 337x272 , draw thread.png )
31939 No. 31939 ID: 339cf2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 31941 ID: 339cf2
File 147880305005.png - (17.94KB , 266x240 , jaruel confident.png )
Picture of Nguoro (ignore file name hurr durr) that I ended up not using in Breakfast Quest.
No. 31942 ID: 339cf2
File 147880320097.png - (195.20KB , 691x524 , bachboner.png )
Partially based on a partially true story.

Spoilered for the word Boner
No. 31944 ID: ca0e20
dat title card.
No. 31946 ID: b7883c
Baby got Bach
No. 31969 ID: 616bfd
File 147901826612.png - (1.56MB , 3000x3000 , 1.png )
Radial symmetry is pretty cool

File 147456783199.jpg - (264.51KB , 1000x562 , drawing in armor.jpg )
31301 No. 31301 ID: df2b46 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
9 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 31559 ID: 3740b1
Heh, he's too cute.
No. 31560 ID: 205dfb
I don't get it, why did BH draw another glazed cinnamon bun?
No. 31562 ID: c441c1
why would you not?
No. 31963 ID: ef0f95
File 147897895405.jpg - (0.98MB , 2500x1406 , bunkers and badasses copy.jpg )
No. 31964 ID: ef0f95
File 147897904522.jpg - (191.28KB , 1024x683 , borderlands_goblins_by_flynnmerk-d9al1ee.jpg )

File 147888126034.jpg - (916.29KB , 1748x2480 , Root and branches 1 a 0.jpg )
31947 No. 31947 ID: 547539 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
A story were you have to survive
5 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 31954 ID: 547539
File 147888160536.jpg - (514.33KB , 1748x2480 , Root and branches 1 prologue 5.jpg )
No. 31955 ID: 547539
File 147888162396.jpg - (326.64KB , 1748x2480 , Root and branches chapter 1 part 1.jpg )
No. 31956 ID: 547539
File 147888164236.jpg - (510.37KB , 1748x2480 , Root and branches chapter 1 part 2.jpg )
No. 31957 ID: a107fd
Ana should move this thread to the actual /quest/ board.
No. 31958 ID: 91ee5f

The actual quest board is where something like this belongs.

File 141519473425.png - (86.47KB , 800x600 , Drawthread.png )
25281 No. 25281 ID: f99558 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Mann's only
147 posts and 114 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 30070 ID: bb4809
keep forgetting my page even exist :P
i will post something soon.
No. 30689 ID: 28da13
File 146936541896.png - (184.23KB , 601x1117 , Celestia of Astora.png )
No. 31057 ID: cec425
File 147205489382.png - (63.90KB , 500x500 , john.png )
No. 31117 ID: 03944c
File 147272695476.png - (140.61KB , 902x519 , conqueress.png )
No. 31118 ID: 03944c
File 147273396527.png - (201.75KB , 790x998 , succubus.png )

File 145530273502.png - (151.38KB , 461x511 , Rune Machinations.png )
29272 No. 29272 ID: 46b9e5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Drawings as far as the eye can see.
No. 29373 ID: 1a637e
File 145635014867.png - (540.43KB , 900x1200 , Freya as Sister of Battle.png )
'Kay so, since I found myself unable to draw very much I might as well post some old things I made.
No. 29374 ID: 1a637e
File 145635027551.png - (538.61KB , 1000x800 , Victory.png )
No. 30252 ID: 0dcf68
File 146488452202.png - (573.62KB , 500x667 , IMG_0215[1].png )
Oh whoops, a golden retriever sketch.
No. 31329 ID: 8cee7f
File 147475540336.png - (84.80KB , 500x625 , NomaColorScaledDown.png )
Doodles are oodles of fun.
No. 31696 ID: 284513
File 147777309616.png - (139.04KB , 600x750 , Hallowblargh.png )
Happy Almost All Hallows' Evening, nerds.

File 145774517857.png - (6.91KB , 189x158 , 46rf.png )
29507 No. 29507 ID: 5ae7a8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
because the old one fills me with regret
46 posts and 36 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 30308 ID: 1843a1
File 146548753570.png - (54.21KB , 296x410 , tumblr_o8if4ih0MT1v02zaqo1_400.png )
oh right I made another one of these guys
No. 30309 ID: 1843a1
File 146548760104.png - (52.23KB , 444x307 , tumblr_o8ic31peOK1v02zaqo1_500.png )
No. 30367 ID: 1843a1
File 146636220732.png - (61.45KB , 306x378 , 556.png )
No. 30368 ID: 1843a1
File 146636222892.png - (25.41KB , 207x152 , care.png )
No. 30369 ID: 1843a1
File 146636225748.png - (12.58KB , 219x206 , sprite.png )
I wonder what Mouse is up to

File 146634014302.png - (28.92KB , 342x282 , Punk Snail v_210t.png )
30365 No. 30365 ID: 15b6d6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
everyone I made doodles i am so proud I actually did a thing
No. 30366 ID: 15b6d6
File 146634017128.png - (1.86MB , 2004x1253 , doodles june 7.png )

File 145367846092.png - (190.62KB , 1000x1000 , scrab.png )
29144 No. 29144 ID: 2c322d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
what can I do you for?
17 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 29170 ID: 4754ce
Frisk no
No. 29171 ID: fc1001
Frisk Yes
No. 29175 ID: 2c322d
File 145403770337.png - (475.96KB , 1000x1000 , squid kid.png )
Are you a squid?
No. 29176 ID: 6cb462
Awesome work. Splatoon is right now my favorite game. Thank you so much.
No. 29177 ID: 15a025
This makes want to see a picture of the cookie monster punching Gordon Ramsay in the dick with a fist full cookie now and I don't know why. Too drunk and sleepy mayve?

File 127907381257.png - (15.73KB , 491x651 , Arbitrarygobbotits.png )
782 No. 782 ID: 8c0848 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
For Driblis.
Keep drawan them gobbos.
113 posts and 30 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 22484 ID: 7e0def
File 139560069747.png - (293.92KB , 723x926 , FastGnoll.png )
Gnoll for Lonelyworld
No. 22882 ID: 7e0def
File 139801377176.png - (107.82KB , 716x595 , dookpeep.png )
Dookpeep, stop pushing that pot toward the edge of the counter. It is full of liquid.
No. 22897 ID: 7e0def
File 139803778524.png - (257.30KB , 716x595 , dookpeep.png )
That is only going to cause noise and mess, Dookpeep. Why are you so inconsiderate?
No. 28954 ID: 265534
File 145116437119.png - (572.28KB , 959x892 , Candy Cane.png )
Christmas dicks must look like candy canes by law.
No. 28957 ID: 0e8da1
It's a good law.

File 144964424863.png - (254.75KB , 700x700 , toriel.png )
28848 No. 28848 ID: 8eb44b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
...but no one came.

author of luckquest or whatever, place to dump my art

toriel from undertale
No. 28852 ID: 8eb44b
File 144970697906.png - (128.17KB , 700x700 , frisk.png )
a minor attempt was made

"wait...why are you looking at me like that? like you've seen a ghost. do you know something that i do not? no...that is impossible."

File 144857344188.png - (52.45KB , 1110x510 , redgirl3.png )
28650 No. 28650 ID: fe034e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
basically, go on ms paint and change what she wears (must be fappable!!!) I'll start.
No. 28651 ID: fe034e
File 144857347495.png - (60.52KB , 500x500 , red2.png )
No. 28652 ID: fe034e
File 144857353450.png - (94.27KB , 600x600 , red3.png )
No. 28653 ID: fe034e
File 144857357821.png - (84.57KB , 500x500 , red4.png )
No. 28654 ID: fe034e
File 144857363926.png - (192.07KB , 1000x1400 , red5.png )

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