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File 148451555123.png - (120.88KB , 732x673 , drawthread header.png )
32699 No. 32699 ID: db0da2
I want to git gud at drawing. So I'm going to try to draw at least one thing a day. Art tips much appreciated.

If you tell me to draw something I'll probably do it.
Expand all images
No. 32715 ID: db0da2
File 148462208318.png - (179.99KB , 1019x737 , total garbage.png )
Well, you can't say I'm not at least trying.
No. 32716 ID: db0da2
File 148462209728.png - (63.57KB , 517x732 , helm.png )
I mean, you could, but it would be kinda mean and not really accurate. That's up to you though, I can't stop you.
No. 32717 ID: af6e04
Looks good! Keep it up

>If you tell me to draw something I'll probably do it.
Draw a robot
No. 32718 ID: db0da2
File 148467416226.png - (36.38KB , 355x599 , wheel robit.png )
Pshpshhphphshhphh!! 2 EZ
No. 32719 ID: db0da2
File 148467420232.png - (79.57KB , 762x653 , hope rides alone.png )
I'll even do a second one.
No. 32720 ID: af6e04
Beep boop, these are great! How about a bunny now? I can give requests all day. Feel free to ignore them.
No. 32721 ID: db0da2
File 148468532031.png - (37.92KB , 598x469 , cute bunnies.png )
here you go.
No. 32722 ID: ca0e20
Well now you have to draw a cat!
No. 32723 ID: db0da2
File 148468833812.png - (129.45KB , 974x745 , cats.png )
But of course.
No. 32724 ID: ca0e20
Good. =D
No. 32726 ID: 15a025
How about drawing a JiggyRaven
No. 32753 ID: db0da2
File 148505782754.png - (66.55KB , 489x707 , cat with four arms this time.png )
It was bugging me that I forgot his tiny arms, so I fixed it.
No. 32754 ID: db0da2
File 148505843122.png - (28.88KB , 394x514 , jiggy raven.png )
Did I do it right?
No. 32755 ID: db0da2
I'm gonna be too busy to draw for a while, expect me back in a week or so.
No. 32756 ID: 91ee5f
>Puzzle piece
I see what you did there. That's a Banjo-Kazooie jiggy! XD
No. 32758 ID: db0da2
File 148512445922.png - (87.91KB , 744x857 , bug guy design.png )
Character design for a quest I plan to run at some point.
No. 34703 ID: db0da2
File 149922642699.png - (81.44KB , 483x404 , USA Eagle.png )
... And I'm back, that took a lot longer than a week.

Happy America Day everybody!
No. 34773 ID: db0da2
File 149973902797.png - (261.24KB , 1379x846 , dark scribbles.png )
Veins of the Earth is one of the best settings I've ever seen, y'all should check it out.
No. 34776 ID: af6e04
>Veins of the Earth
Are you talking about the LotFP adventure module? I really want to get the book but I haven't been able to yet (no money)
No. 34777 ID: db0da2
File 149975099275.png - (1.41MB , 1915x903 , cholerids.png )
Yep. I actually started a 5e campaign based loosely on the stuff posted here: http://falsemachine.blogspot.com/search/label/Veins about a year ago, now that I've got the full thing I've been having a field day.
No. 34817 ID: af6e04
I love this!! I might have to bite the bullet and buy it now. I'm running an underground campaign currently so it would be perfect.
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