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File 127907381257.png - (15.73KB , 491x651 , Arbitrarygobbotits.png )
782 No. 782 ID: 8c0848

For Driblis.
Keep drawan them gobbos.
68 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 4832 ID: 8c0848
File 130789305168.jpg - (1.85MB , 1597x1223 , Spiderbutt.jpg )

Spiders need hugs too
No. 4833 ID: 8c0848
File 130789483606.jpg - (2.12MB , 1602x1378 , Beeclover.jpg )

Bug pictures are not drawings. I should draw more.
No. 4836 ID: 0d7a83

Obviously the only outcome is bug porn.
No. 4837 ID: 3416ec


Plenty of spider hugs in Slinkoboy's thread.
No. 12978 ID: 14a1d0
File 133696264004.png - (219.05KB , 1300x1000 , Indahlfencing.png )

Toastline wanted an Indahl and a cutebold fencing.
No. 12979 ID: 14a1d0
File 133696270560.png - (118.45KB , 445x684 , Rynhdi.png )

Rynh dressed as Shaundi from Saint's Row.
Numbers wanted this one.
No. 12980 ID: 14a1d0
File 133696287574.png - (274.46KB , 1024x768 , Roqan.png )

Roqan from Riarda Legends in a bikini for Lonelyworld with bonus Goz.
No. 12982 ID: 14a1d0
File 133696327608.png - (61.89KB , 629x589 , Liamhasthis.png )

Liam from Hatch Quest for Beakie.
He is killing all the bad guys.
No. 12986 ID: 14a1d0
File 133699132156.png - (176.15KB , 813x595 , Mech makeout.png )

A Blackhawk-D making out with a Cauldron Born.
ClockworkSeal's Request.

No references, no perspective, no color, Final Destination!
No. 13403 ID: 14a1d0
File 133895093399.png - (246.55KB , 650x754 , snufflesnuffle.png )

The filthy stranner is trying to sniff out the Solars.
Good luck. How can they smell anything over their own horrible poo stench?
No. 13404 ID: 14a1d0
File 133895532406.png - (39.72KB , 326x405 , Tiny Shrew.png )

Tiny Shrew is indignant about being in underwear.
No. 13405 ID: d5ee6f

If tiny shrew hates underwear so much tiny shrew can take it off.
No. 13412 ID: c460ad

Perhaps she should be out of it then.
No. 13415 ID: f72f26

Astranians tend to have problems taking off their underwear in public, they usually need help
No. 13436 ID: eea689

Perhaps a wandering tentacle beast will be kind enough to assist her?
No. 13446 ID: 14a1d0
File 133916409562.png - (309.65KB , 1024x768 , HellaEroticfuntime.png )

So erotic~
No. 13473 ID: 27d278


I am schlicking furiously at this precise moment of time.
No. 13991 ID: 14a1d0
File 134169877570.png - (99.98KB , 696x864 , allgoatedupandbeggingforit.png )

Some quest on /tg/ had a goatgirl stick figure protagonist for about 4 posts, so I drew this, because tiny hooves.
No. 13997 ID: b18143

She's rather cute!
No. 14698 ID: 14a1d0
File 134488542536.png - (150.18KB , 640x679 , venisonisdelicious.png )

Rynh holding up Oken by the back of the neck.
Because LonelyWorld.
No. 14701 ID: 14a1d0
File 134488715932.png - (142.28KB , 616x768 , Ivet.png )

Ivet by whathisname.
Requested by whosisface.
No. 14705 ID: 87d89c

No. 14707 ID: 4a20fa

All this needs now is for Shyen to pick Rynh up by the scruff of her neck.
No. 14803 ID: 14a1d0
File 134552505979.png - (141.16KB , 936x762 , Tliqu.png )

Someone said to draw Tliqu, so I drew her as a lizard.
No. 14806 ID: b85f8c

No. 14828 ID: 14a1d0
File 134566078017.png - (287.54KB , 705x720 , Howitshouldhavehappened.png )

I needed to draw blowjobs. Here is blowjobs.
Nothing like having your penis inside a monster that excretes flesh-melting acid to get the heart rate up.
No. 14846 ID: 9dfc5c


... Isn't she already a lizardgirl?
No. 14847 ID: bf54a8

she was more a girl lizard. a chick with lizard bits stuck on.
No. 14866 ID: 87d89c

no she's an anime
No. 15330 ID: 14a1d0
File 134837450656.png - (708.58KB , 1536x1152 , Leimahtah.png )

All nude dragons. So nude, all the time.
No. 15338 ID: 87d89c

This is the most erotic picture in the thread by far
No. 15341 ID: bf54a8

no wonder ryhn's dad was all over that.
No. 15353 ID: e3f578

Man, I wonder what she looked like as a kobold now.
We know she's smokin' hot in any form, but can she possibly work one of the most ugly-cute races in roleplaying history?
No. 17330 ID: 14a1d0
File 135844892166.png - (127.27KB , 484x480 , wat.png )

>I asked M-Bot to draw Rynh in a Marylin Monroe dress getting blown up

No. 17335 ID: 7a6214

That is... not quite how I drew it!
No. 17338 ID: 1c68f7


No. 17355 ID: 1f8505


Most excellent.
No. 17370 ID: b3dd38

No. 21022 ID: 593f45
File 138240382852.png - (181.28KB , 692x600 , nom.png )

This came out so well, I'm going to get depressed when I can't replicate the quality on a regular basis.
I'm just going to plaster it around everywhere so people will praise me.
No. 21023 ID: 735f4f

+1 Praise.
No. 21024 ID: 761017

+1 Praise

I find the scene adorable, yet surprisingly intimate. Was that intented?
No. 21027 ID: bd48c5

Morrigan Disapproves -10
No. 21029 ID: fd4c5e

aww hell yeah shirtless jehral

and it's a pretty darn good draw too I GUESS
No. 21032 ID: 1f8505


+2 Praise
No. 22468 ID: 7e0def
File 139548966572.png - (227.38KB , 1024x768 , Sarah is always doing this kind of thing.png )

I need to make sure tgchan gets it's share of exposure to things Sarah canonically does as a matter of routine.
No. 22484 ID: 7e0def
File 139560069747.png - (293.92KB , 723x926 , FastGnoll.png )

Gnoll for Lonelyworld
No. 22882 ID: 7e0def
File 139801377176.png - (107.82KB , 716x595 , dookpeep.png )

Dookpeep, stop pushing that pot toward the edge of the counter. It is full of liquid.
No. 22897 ID: 7e0def
File 139803778524.png - (257.30KB , 716x595 , dookpeep.png )

That is only going to cause noise and mess, Dookpeep. Why are you so inconsiderate?
No. 28954 ID: 265534
File 145116437119.png - (572.28KB , 959x892 , Candy Cane.png )

Christmas dicks must look like candy canes by law.
No. 28957 ID: 0e8da1

It's a good law.
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