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File 137559115824.png - (73.87KB , 500x500 )
20114 No. 20114 ID: 9f8532 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This is my first time doing oekaki in nearly ten years. It is so nice to find one remaining board that doesn't require registration. I hope I can find my way back, I would like to get better.

View animation
No. 20120 ID: a01b62

File 138519966578.png - (6.92KB , 600x600 , DrawingCoatOfArms.png )
21287 No. 21287 ID: fb4e93 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey, tgchan! I need to practice art-ing! What should I draw? (No porn or nudity, though.)

I'm probably going to go to sleep now/soon, but hopefully I will have time tomorrow to draw. ...gonna need to scrounge up a tablet somewhere around the house....
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 21298 ID: fc937d
Oh hey, I remember you. That daemancy quest looked like an interesting concept.
No. 21319 ID: fb4e93
File 138546125214.png - (138.03KB , 587x460 , bodyslam.png )
IT BURNS. IT BURNS, BUT I SHALL POST IT. Augh, it's just so mediocre! And it took like 5.5 hours! Aaaaugh. Anybody have any constructive comments? Like how to fix the facial structure, the lack of action in the stances, the coloring, the facial structure? Part of this all may stem from the fact that I did this on an android tablet, rather than with a drawing tablet. Maybe. Plus, as time wore on, I gradually started to lose willpower. Like, the Argonian was originally going to be a girl - waaaasn't working, so I erased a line or two, and presto, you couldn't tell!

But geeeeze, the mediocrity BURNS. Uh, I mean no offense to anyone who would consider this art to be better than their own; don't be discouraged or anything - it's just that normally I can draw stuff better than this. I...think.

I believe Piro of Megatokyo.com once said, "Sometimes I wonder if I actually can't draw and I've just managed it by accident up until now."

Man. Any other suggestions, anybody? Perhaps something geared towards some particular art goal, like improving facial structures or colors or linework or something?

Thanks! Yeah, I think I invested too much of myself in it and then panicked. Hopefully I'll get back to it at some point, maybe with a bit more "wherever it goes is fine" attitude.
No. 21320 ID: fb4e93
I mean, looking again, it's not BAD art, really...it's just...I dunno. It just seems a bit meh. And I really like to make GOOD art! Good ANYTHING, whatever it is I'm making!
No. 21321 ID: fb4e93
Oh, I will say there is one thing I was pleased with - the shape of the tail. Not even necessarily in context (it might not be quite right with momentum or whatever), but I rarely manage nicely tapered curves like that.
No. 21322 ID: f3bb85
Well, for one thing, that's a Throw, not a Body Slam.

For another, I do not know what that brown disk behind the Dunmer is supposed to be.

Otherwise, I suggest you continue practicing your drawing skills.

Oh, I just noticed, it is a table. Anyway, you should work on Perspective and Consistency. Once you have those down, you should be home free.

File 129601422476.jpg - (1.28MB , 2000x2200 , asscarab.jpg )
2393 No. 2393 ID: 6d4645 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Well, since I don't want to flood the porn thread with stuff that won't necessarily be NSFW, I guess I'd rather open one myself.

Not sure about this one. The perspective/mirror effect is really erratic and the colouring looks more like some DA shit than like GM's technique.

At least I'm quite happy with the way I drew Sar'a. Looks more accurate than before.
917 posts and 242 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 5070 ID: d77433
I'm sorry that the cursor is hard to see or invisible at times. There seems to be nothing I can do about it. Nonetheless, most of the time it's easy to see what parts are being altered or clicked on.
No. 5084 ID: 0448b9
Some pretty interesting stuff here. Carry on, Doctor.
No. 8581 ID: aab2ac
i really love your stile
No. 27818 ID: 3caab9
is he ded?
No. 27822 ID: 068b4d
Are you retarded?

File 132293335376.jpg - (55.14KB , 466x423 , myweapon (2).jpg )
8969 No. 8969 ID: 84b916 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This was meant to make sci-fi guns and such, but I say we can be a little more creative then that, yeah?
11 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 9045 ID: ad8ad9
File 132308371323.jpg - (22.45KB , 682x486 , ripper gun.jpg )
Crude beltfed grenade launcher.
No. 9050 ID: 555b58
Da'ss propa orky dakka!
No. 9062 ID: db03a4
File 132313080282.png - (295.04KB , 478x359 , 9-771_1.png )
is that where duke3D's ripper came from?
No. 9192 ID: 4bdd79
File 132365905610.jpg - (52.79KB , 734x280 , myweapon.jpg )
Actually, Duke3D's machinegun is a real thing.

On a completely unrelated note: Enjoy my serious attempt at making my own gun. I was going for some kind of Bren gun thing using some of the new M249 parts, but then I had to figure out how I'd do the sight system and before I knew it I had a sniper scope. Also the stock sucks because M249. Enjoy.
No. 10665 ID: a40801
File 132808536776.jpg - (58.26KB , 274x366 , walkergun.jpg )
Eat it, faget.

File 128883628460.png - (43.18KB , 476x404 , Sekani daww.png )
1531 No. 1531 ID: 6547ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
This is for all my general, not concept related artwork!
496 posts and 276 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 31584 ID: 179856
Well, here's the winner of the next thigh day.
No. 38953 ID: 395c02
File 152691501896.png - (60.16KB , 581x503 , newkliss.png )
No. 38954 ID: de6d84
No. 38955 ID: b1b4f3
Stupid sexy slissas...
No. 38979 ID: ca0e20
Better late than never, huh? =P

File 152760618228.gif - (160.60KB , 1280x720 , thael-and-minyaxl.gif )
39111 No. 39111 ID: 893219 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
i don't even draw that often and i have no idea what i'm doing here, i'm just trying to figure out where the best place to post some scellor art is

if there's somewhere else please direct me there, the only places i've posted this are here and tumblr

full context of the image described here: https://makorays.tumblr.com/post/174355802827/fanart-i-did-of-my-own-characters-from-my-friends
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 40751 ID: 73c2b3
File 153979738827.gif - (51.26KB , 210x410 , pamiil.gif )
oh right i should probably link this here!


i did a little animation thingy as a pre-mission cutscene for when our party was about to head to africa. this took dozens of hours and i don't think i'll ever attempt something like it ever again but i'm still proud of it.

also i made a full set of gifs from it here: https://makorays.tumblr.com/post/178578242752/aaaand-heres-a-set-of-gifs-from-that-video
No. 40766 ID: 96c1d9
I liked it, this was great.
No. 40769 ID: 73c2b3
File 153989001818.png - (45.25KB , 352x608 , S9JG8Av.png )
aaaand i also made a 3d model! this was my first time ever making one so i think it turned out pretty good. still need to add some texture details on the cape and rig him at some point.
No. 40770 ID: 73c2b3
File 153989007083.png - (59.78KB , 529x602 , q5Ec6mP.png )
am i the first to make a scellor model? :0
No. 40805 ID: 0c3c2c
Yes, and it is glorious.

File 152564175024.jpg - (2.01MB , 3024x3024 , B7072B32-3955-48BE-AD74-F2DB9C4DF389.jpg )
38760 No. 38760 ID: 5acefe hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Stuck at a desk
Can't update my quest
I've nothing but markers and pens
I hope you don't mind
If I fill in the time
By drawing cute things for my friends

(May contain NSFW content... Drawn at work!! Don't tell my boss shhh)
17 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 38838 ID: 90c9c4
No. 38847 ID: 8df643
Thank you for posting this. Your art style is very cute so even the smallest drawings are very enjoyable. And I hope you have a fun time venturing into the wonderful world of nsfw art hehe.

I like how the common problem of being a maid is exposed here :p
No. 38858 ID: 0c3c2c
Looks cute and fun! Good job!
No. 38876 ID: eeb7d9
Oh my Emperor, is too damn adorable!
No. 40463 ID: 7779cc
Me again! I have some times tumblrs for you because I'm more active there than I am on here.

Feel free to send asks, any questions or anything! Thanks!

File 130439591844.png - (47.63KB , 781x449 , flying_donuts_with_mustaches.png )
4088 No. 4088 ID: 3416ec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I guess I'll post stuff I sketch, streaming or otherwise.

A request by Emzee
113 posts and 54 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 45065 ID: b5fb67
File 158527782033.png - (529.29KB , 1741x1350 , Cheerleaders_for_Jess.png )
No. 45066 ID: b5fb67
File 158527785042.png - (536.60KB , 2000x2000 , Rhonda_Reference_v1.png )
Gigi's girlfriend!
No. 45067 ID: b5fb67
File 158527791322.png - (294.07KB , 1370x1436 , Watermelon_witch.png )
Possible future quest character. Who knows?
No. 45826 ID: b5fb67
File 160442871405.png - (2.51MB , 1511x2000 , Gamer_Girl_Friends.png )
No. 45864 ID: b5fb67
File 160575006966.png - (1.39MB , 915x1851 , Kavya_Johar.png )
Changing up my eye style.

File 160551014656.png - (383.77KB , 1600x2236 , Untitled42_20201113203807.png )
45856 No. 45856 ID: 38fbc1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Just posting all the art I know I wouldn't finish here. As well as some progress pics if I do try to finish.
No. 45857 ID: 38fbc1
File 160551020723.png - (816.59KB , 1600x2236 , Untitled41_20201116095716.png )
No. 45859 ID: e7c7d3
Starting strong
No. 45863 ID: b5fb67
I really like whoever this is.

File 159330877496.png - (1.00MB , 1080x1920 , Druzhinnik.png )
45429 No. 45429 ID: f56a2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Everything I ever feel like uploading here, really.
6 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 45535 ID: f56a2b
File 159761712469.png - (138.50KB , 800x700 , slack_n_jack.png )
No. 45567 ID: 16d082
damn it, Riminah
I told you not to make waves
No. 45712 ID: f56a2b
File 160178019626.png - (280.53KB , 540x960 , athletic.png )
Oh shit, Boldtober!!!
Day 1, "athletic".
No. 45713 ID: f56a2b
File 160178022151.png - (403.33KB , 540x960 , wizard.png )
Day 2, "wizard"
Night of Madness is a pretty cool book.
No. 45714 ID: f56a2b
File 160178040218.png - (170.54KB , 540x960 , blacksmith.png )
Day 3, "blacksmith"
The idea was to go way outside my comfort zone and try a two point perspective.

File 129272528232.jpg - (62.00KB , 800x680 , dying.jpg )
1950 No. 1950 ID: 79c4ad hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Gonna start posting stuff here in this tread.
Hope you all don't mind.
169 posts and 95 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 22360 ID: 857855
welcome back to the fold
No. 22363 ID: 2c3604
File 139427092705.jpg - (2.01MB , 2550x3504 , img025.jpg )
No. 22366 ID: 2c3604
File 139432683278.jpg - (625.96KB , 1572x2286 , hug.jpg )
No. 22367 ID: 1ab2ad
Well she's pretty~
No. 22477 ID: 2c3604
File 139555336062.png - (279.85KB , 725x900 , A snack.png )

File 132853744214.png - (128.97KB , 700x700 , pussy destroyer.png )
10740 No. 10740 ID: cb001b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
So, what is this place like? Seems slow as hell but that sounds perfect for me. I take on all requests except for the really twisted stuff.
699 posts and 280 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 27988 ID: 5857f1
No. 29143 ID: ec9119
File 145365978637.jpg - (208.41KB , 1000x410 , 1453416809623.jpg )
I got a feeling Briggs is still around...

>Be making way on cargo ship, working with crew to pay my ticket.
>Attacked by thieves during a storm.
>Repelled boarders, killing all of them but ship's hull is damaged enough to start it sinking.
>Manage to get off ship in middle of said storm in a life raft.
>Day later, tired, I drifted into shallow waters, hope grows that there's dry land soon...

My character's a girl wearing the suit and vest in the example, sitting in a yellow life raft, looking pretty tired, messed up, and hoping for dry land.

She has short black hair, freckles, glasses, and has a flare gun sitting in her lap as she leans against the raft's side. A orange bag next to her full of rations and other emergency supplies.
No. 32688 ID: c33c1b
File 148444831825.png - (2.67MB , 6600x5100 , could go for some water right now.png )
No. 32690 ID: c33c1b
File 148446128630.png - (2.59MB , 6600x5100 , bw.png )
No. 32697 ID: ec9119

"Sir, think she's okay? She's just staring into like... nowhere."

"I saw her blink... seem's she's been through a lot. Get the poor girl some water and some dry clothes if we got 'em."

"I'll go get the doc as well to look her over."

Well done, Briggs!

File 154398270791.png - (204.05KB , 693x720 , lets draw.png )
41375 No. 41375 ID: 900f15 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey its a draw thread!
I do draw streams over at https://www.twitch.tv/paladinfisher
I take requests! so post in the chat please!
I'll post my drawings here~
15 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 41412 ID: 97b4a9
If only you had the GAINS!
No. 41425 ID: 5245b2
More like the GRAINS because your crops aren't protected from Crows!
No. 41427 ID: 97b4a9
I would while away the hour’
Pumping up with power
Injecting up my veins...
And the weights I’d liftin’
And my bod would be real bitchin’
If I only had the GAINS!

No. 41450 ID: f3ec08
I'll have another stream on Wednesday.
What would be the ideal time frame for it?
No. 41574 ID: 0c3c2c
That Sphinx is cute.

File 134057123224.png - (116.31KB , 775x502 , wat.png )
13710 No. 13710 ID: b0d1a8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
place to post things so that no pandasad
797 posts and 664 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 45278 ID: e8c91b
File 158911794338.png - (922.65KB , 1297x1163 , tentazols2.png )
No. 45279 ID: e8c91b
File 158911795557.png - (592.65KB , 1650x1108 , iseakizolchap0.png )
No. 45280 ID: 2aa5f0
well shit that's a lot of updates.
No. 45292 ID: 1ed92d
Lovely! Great work, Whaat.
No. 45373 ID: b424aa
File 159135282882.png - (669.10KB , 1187x1005 , meme-bolddareplease-whaat.png )

File 126983456066.jpg - (211.46KB , 1000x1000 , punishbold.jpg )
437 No. 437 ID: 717301 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
116 posts and 75 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 42097 ID: 12b116
File 155027854030.png - (531.62KB , 1158x859 , lumpenji.png )
Slightly off model penji (gronkifying gave her toe beans)
No. 42098 ID: 06fdc0
oh no! how will she ever find a husband now?!
No. 42100 ID: b1b4f3
Some boys like a little more booty to hold at night.
No. 42167 ID: 12b116
File 155080714411.png - (147.19KB , 495x844 , ketza house.png )
No. 42243 ID: 12b116
File 155154813612.png - (715.96KB , 1000x800 , outissafluff.png )

File 150321285460.png - (11.92KB , 600x600 , Rubalin thumbs up.png )
35439 No. 35439 ID: 3b5e56 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
8 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 35448 ID: 0ca77a
I think you're doing well.
No. 35456 ID: 3ce125
Pretty good for low-effort art.
No. 35539 ID: 3b5e56
File 150371229033.png - (11.82KB , 600x600 , autistic Boli.png )
No. 42183 ID: 5f169b
File 155096700997.png - (66.20KB , 512x821 , Pecheur 2.png )
Holy shit it's been awhile
No. 42184 ID: 5f169b
File 155096712146.png - (88.05KB , 1000x1000 , Pecheur.png )

File 140427738565.png - (743.60KB , 1100x1200 , Tight as fuck.png )
23699 No. 23699 ID: 857855 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
New thread, Old one was getting fucking gigantic.

Tyrannis tries to tame the beast
421 posts and 155 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 39510 ID: 60b5f9
File 153108012651.jpg - (95.89KB , 602x678 , 381C4965-071F-4323-8706-D3EA64F1D6B3.jpg )
No. 42796 ID: 4fedca
File 155617736719.jpg - (216.99KB , 1210x940 , E3AB2097-86BA-4C95-949F-52E682E09846.jpg )
No. 44702 ID: 60b5f9
File 158020089144.png - (249.90KB , 640x680 , 5F2313E2-2246-4851-99F2-74B24ADC8339.png )
something new
No. 44703 ID: 404f0f
Thanks for sharing. Great art as always!
No. 45120 ID: 60b5f9
File 158607512733.png - (474.34KB , 640x680 , 8CF6246D-0F97-469C-93E2-C111B4C68388.png )

File 127430859246.png - (11.37KB , 640x480 , streamdoodles1.png )
623 No. 623 ID: 8d7dd2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
So I decided to try streaming sketching stuff.

What in the name of every deity past present and future have I wrought with my terrible art.
225 posts and 114 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 45496 ID: 41b2d4
File 159611959907.png - (14.06KB , 800x600 , dolphinbirthday.png )
just to prove i'm not dead, have something I doodled last month to celebrate somehow making it to three decades without completely biologically falling apart
No. 45497 ID: 41b2d4
File 159611964642.png - (35.51KB , 960x859 , CLIPStudioPaint_2020-07-25_22-19-31.png )
to document the further atrophy and regression of my ability to draw, here's a character design i doodled five days ago for something i'll never make, observe how generic and lacking in character it is
No. 45499 ID: cdabe3
your "generic" character is adorable :3
No. 45502 ID: 4f51b2
No. 45503 ID: 8fab7a
Welcome to the thoiddies, cirr.

File 127673122916.png - (36.25KB , 300x300 )
728 No. 728 ID: 63f46a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

View animation
7 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 749 ID: 3778d2
a man could never have the lung power to do it, but an air compressor....
No. 750 ID: 6550ad
File 127772023940.png - (89.64KB , 900x900 , I Have no Lips and I Must Blow.png )
No. 751 ID: 636c08
File 127773263850.png - (142.38KB , 960x345 , katavuvuzela.png )
No. 752 ID: 5cc920
Hahaha, oh man.

No. 753 ID: 31cbfc
File 127775517798.png - (2.45KB , 512x512 , BZZZZZZZZ.png )
Something to do in the meantime as I try to think of a way to make C5 not suck.

File 126936715980.png - (1.90KB , 300x300 )
405 No. 405 ID: c05c83 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Not me, of course. I expect people with more skills than I to draw whatever they feel like. Touchpad optional.

View animation
71 posts and 52 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 1876 ID: 79c4ad
File 129222358096.jpg - (92.79KB , 800x1000 , Blackborn.jpg )
No. 1880 ID: 9804fb
Black Dragonborn = acidic cum.

Eat her out, get your face melted off.
Suck him off, get a messy tracheotomy.
No. 1882 ID: 383006
I don't think sexual fluids and breath weapons are the same thing. What, do you go to sleep when a brass dragon shoots a load in your mouth?
No. 1883 ID: 9804fb
Only if you swallow.
No. 1886 ID: 2563d4
I hate to break it to you, but I don't think you're going to get an empirically tested answer to that one.

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