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File 135313328597.png - (729.28KB , 1000x800 , Daemons on a mi-wait.png )
16319 No. 16319 ID: d868d0

New thread because that ones a bit huge.

Daemon player characters.. what have I done..
Expand all images
No. 16332 ID: d868d0
File 135314816558.png - (457.26KB , 800x1000 , khornate rider.png )

Derp, forgot something..
No. 16358 ID: d868d0
File 135327306012.jpg - (612.87KB , 800x800 , cant cut the bindings.jpg )
No. 16360 ID: feab56
"Under this pillow is the key to my release"
No. 16361 ID: d868d0
File 135328745691.png - (754.17KB , 1000x800 , daemonsgonnabelate.png )

I think that thing does 1d10+18 damage
No. 16364 ID: bac47d
Draw him using it please.
No. 16371 ID: adb218
Moar faps pls.
No. 16389 ID: 5e281e
Add lightsaber noises
No. 16401 ID: d868d0
File 135339449939.png - (551.06KB , 800x800 , masturbrazen.png )

uh oka-

No. 16424 ID: 49cd28
Now draw him licking it.
No. 16429 ID: d868d0
File 135348926610.png - (355.91KB , 900x800 , tzeenyswallows.png )
No. 16502 ID: 5f26b5
Nice! Can you do some more Raege and/or Boone getting knocked up?
No. 16525 ID: 99112d
File 135398351575.png - (139.38KB , 800x800 , Skvarrdia.png )
No. 16531 ID: 6de77b
God I love her
No. 16532 ID: 99112d
File 135399034071.png - (237.72KB , 800x800 , asura meets charrdong.png )
wrist pains really suck, i cant draw near as much as I used to..

have some Teka
No. 16540 ID: c592e8
Dem ears...
No. 16548 ID: 6030ff
More like that.
No. 16553 ID: 99112d
File 135415519694.png - (412.74KB , 800x800 , its tribal!.png )
No. 16554 ID: 5e281e
File 135416222624.jpg - (60.99KB , 750x563 , Look_574fd0_70590.jpg )
No. 16555 ID: 99112d
File 135416868639.png - (770.66KB , 1600x1200 , felinids and pelagers.png )
more stufff
No. 16557 ID: d9a653
Catgirl = good.
Catboy + Catgirl = best.
No. 16573 ID: c592e8
Lets take a break while traveling!
Whip out your dick!
No. 16631 ID: 5082f2
File 135466420795.png - (316.46KB , 800x800 , bad touch.png )
Inappropriate behavior..
No. 16676 ID: 5f26b5
Who are these two?
No. 16682 ID: 5082f2
guild wars 2 characters.

Teka and the girl from the first pic, which had sylvari.
No. 16683 ID: 5f26b5
Can we see more Warhammer High girls?
No. 16684 ID: 795da4
Y'sure do like drawing guys, Liar

Especially masturbating ones

Maybe your name's pretty apt
No. 16686 ID: 90b6d9

nothing wrong with appreciating the male form!
No. 16691 ID: 795da4

I quite agree, but he sure doth protest about hating anal and m/m a loooot
No. 16713 ID: 5082f2
File 135503601346.jpg - (63.75KB , 385x500 , nisdoodle.jpg )
i draw that stuff for the girls,not for me.

anyway, i seem to be feeling better, so gonna try and art thing again.
No. 16716 ID: 5e281e
meow meow meow dicks meow
No. 16723 ID: ca0fc8
File 135510765354.png - (198.76KB , 659x800 , sandviiich.png )
No. 16727 ID: feab56
Om nom nom, om nom. Belogneeee, aaaaahh!!!
No. 16730 ID: 696d2b
Everytime as soon as I open the can of tuna they show up.
No. 16735 ID: ca0fc8
File 135519554911.png - (212.08KB , 800x1000 , burdbooty.png )
still getting back into my groove
No. 16736 ID: db7b57
And what a fine groove it is
No. 16739 ID: ca0fc8
File 135520504084.png - (205.65KB , 602x670 , doodlecat.png )
No. 16758 ID: c592e8
No. 16778 ID: ca0fc8
File 135528876026.png - (170.48KB , 729x697 , afterword.png )
No. 16820 ID: 401b5b
File 135554519683.png - (532.36KB , 1199x686 , harpy blowjob.png )
gonna get taken home
No. 16821 ID: 401b5b
File 135554814169.png - (431.06KB , 1200x1000 , dragon layer.png )
No. 16833 ID: c592e8
So a dragon walks into your store and wants her nipples pierced.
No. 16868 ID: 5f26b5
Can you try your hand at this? If it isn't still hurt that is.
No. 16878 ID: ca23bf
File 135603904787.png - (681.67KB , 800x1600 , Dorukolorukalai doodle.png )
fucking how did this happen

warm up, try to adlib draw something, end up with gunmouth's creature feature.
No. 16880 ID: ca23bf
File 135604187531.png - (716.85KB , 800x1800 , Black dragon.png )
more POV monstergirl stuff
No. 16881 ID: 125f1e
File 135604746603.png - (332.99KB , 800x1200 , pet feeder.png )
No. 16890 ID: feab56
...god damnit for twisting my mind Mr Liar.
No. 16919 ID: 6d47de
File 135631591339.png - (202.12KB , 601x751 , a nissy christmas.png )
insert festive remark here
No. 16920 ID: c592e8
I'd kiss below her mistletoe :3
No. 16921 ID: feab56

Merry christmas one and all!
No. 16932 ID: 273cad
I'd like to see a catgirl RAGEQUIT.
No. 16939 ID: aec46a
File 135650678937.png - (338.12KB , 800x857 , daregames.png )
nah her name is Nisirna, which shortens to Nissy
No. 16940 ID: aec46a
File 135650726690.png - (194.00KB , 609x804 , making white russians.png )
a joke about her getting implants that allow for production of ethanol..

easy White Russian.
No. 16943 ID: bf54a8
everyone loves kitty-titties
No. 16944 ID: c592e8
lactation fetish, why ;_;
No. 16945 ID: aec46a
because its a joke?
No. 16947 ID: feab56
Having a lactation-fetish is no laughing matter I have you know!
No. 16948 ID: f2c20c
What's wrong with lactation fetish? I mean, I don't really get it myself but I don't see anything objectionable about it either. It's like, a sign of female fertility, right?
No. 16949 ID: 7e9807
So much useless symbolism related to fetishes. The fact that fetishes can get so weird it's absurd, means symbolism should not be used when defining fetishes, that also includes lactation. As long as it's not about hurting people - without their consent - defining them right or wrong is quite pointless.
No. 16950 ID: 1ace6e

A++ I approve
No. 16951 ID: f2c20c
Every fetish has some psychological reason behind it. It's not 'useless symbolism'.
No. 16952 ID: aaec57
And that reason is not standardized. People do not find the same things attractive for the same reasons.
No. 16955 ID: 6e4fa0
File 135659075759.png - (566.54KB , 1000x1000 , Alexa.png )
whatever man, have a pathfinder character.
No. 16967 ID: 6e4fa0
File 135675757706.png - (312.10KB , 800x1000 , wzardbridget.png )
Another member of the party
No. 16969 ID: c592e8
All female party, final destination!
No. 16975 ID: 6e4fa0
About that sorcerer above.

have a song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baCM_imNQfQ
No. 17011 ID: 393b02
File 135699346945.png - (398.25KB , 800x832 , Bananas.png )
No. 17012 ID: 49f442

I just got bananas from the store.

Bananas are delicious.
No. 17014 ID: 393b02
File 135701567054.png - (307.38KB , 651x871 , more bananas.png )
They are that
No. 17032 ID: 5e281e
Careful, it might go off!
No. 17033 ID: 6cc22d
File 135710751372.png - (255.08KB , 800x800 , she got two barbs.png )
le barbs
No. 17056 ID: 24226c
File 135719925076.png - (317.33KB , 800x899 , all dat barb.png )
No. 17057 ID: 24226c
File 135719939949.png - (438.37KB , 742x800 , mesmergames.png )
No. 17074 ID: 24226c
File 135727756967.png - (360.99KB , 652x1000 , playing silly bookahs.png )
comparable to 'silly buggers'
No. 17077 ID: 6de77b
You are the only reason I come to /draw/
No. 17085 ID: feab56
Om nom nom!
No. 17101 ID: ead9d0
Needs more of this!
No. 17103 ID: ead9d0
I concur, more milking. Who says fetishes are a bad thing?
No. 17104 ID: feab56
>Who says fetishes are a bad thing?
Let's find out, shall we?
I enjoy humiliation and degradation of women.
No. 17105 ID: ead9d0
That's cool. Don't expect that to get drawn, though.
No. 17106 ID: 6de77b
I say we let the fucking liar draw what he wants to draw. He's done pretty well on his own so far without us telling him what to draw.
No. 17107 ID: 23b54b
File 135753176854.png - (334.13KB , 800x1000 , NoTekaNo.png )
I don't.
No. 17108 ID: 23b54b
File 135753205429.png - (388.47KB , 800x800 , milkmachine.png )
I'm indifferent to this one. but not completely crazy for it. so..
No. 17123 ID: 726b8f
Any idea why the asura hate guardrails so much?
I mean, the other cities have them all over the place, but significant portions of Rata Sum just have ledges next to four-story drops and shit.
Survival of the fittest architecture?
No. 17125 ID: 23b54b
Might be because Asura follow the whole, survival of the smartest, gig. if one falls to his or her death, then likely, to them, nothing of value was lost. But I doubt it's really that bad. they're just smart enough to stay away from the edges, so its not particularly necessary.
No. 17127 ID: 23b54b
File 135760861512.png - (435.72KB , 600x800 , Teka portrait.png )
How Teka is, in-character
No. 17128 ID: 49f442
but Asura don't have boobs
No. 17129 ID: 5c7395
You're right, they don't. But I'm not complaining.
No. 17138 ID: f0c65e
Word of God: Asura are mammals, and as such, they do have breasts, they are simply not as prominent as a norn or human's. ANet took a shortcut and used the male body. Of course, this also leads to some topless armor sets. Go figure.
No. 17161 ID: 7d70b0
File 135771895340.png - (370.58KB , 687x913 , thatsnothowyou.png )

im not half bad i suppose, for someone whos wrist is near fubar.
No. 17177 ID: 526117
File 135779133024.png - (280.09KB , 800x1000 , feelin showy.png )
stop looking at me like that
No. 17179 ID: 526117
File 135779384103.png - (345.78KB , 800x1000 , talk over drinks.png )
No. 17180 ID: 526117
File 135779914228.png - (382.85KB , 800x1000 , stealinmahdrank.png )
just wanted me for my drink..
No. 17181 ID: 526117
File 135780033711.png - (201.97KB , 632x724 , creamy finish.png )

more sketchdump
No. 17200 ID: 526117
File 135789179967.png - (453.51KB , 1000x800 , smelly dumb inquest scum.png )

doodling while cold and miserable
No. 17201 ID: feab56
File 135790614365.jpg - (71.89KB , 380x316 , Dick in a box.jpg )
Please accept this gift, FL, as a token of my appriciation of your art.
No. 17202 ID: 33d021
Tell your *dick* to stop looking at me like that.
No. 17252 ID: 5c7395
Pretty freaking great considering. That injury you described sounded fierce.
No. 17264 ID: 6805f8
File 135813736390.png - (296.44KB , 700x980 , augmentation test.png )
we do it for science.

and because maybe its fun..
No. 17270 ID: 726b8f
I'm going to have to request the results of this inevitably going awry.
No. 17271 ID: 2f4b71
"Great, test complete. Now how do I turn it off?"
No. 17273 ID: ead9d0
"Turn... off?"
No. 17351 ID: 6805f8
File 135857277341.png - (324.08KB , 800x637 , beach birds.png )
cheep cheep
No. 17352 ID: feab56
File 135858883211.jpg - (25.11KB , 829x502 , Spines errywhere.jpg )
Ow ow ow, how is that poor birds spine handling that? The crease above her hip, the position of the legs and how her chest is angled make it look like pic related, wheras male bird seems to be pounding her straight from behind. It's difficult to properly explain what could have been better from a perspective viewpoint. Angle her boobs some so her right boob is hidden more from the left one, maybe angle her pelvis away some too.
Still like your stuff though, so don't get me wrong!
No. 17353 ID: 6805f8
yeah, I'll need to fix it, its not easy to do. But I may as well scrap it if that's the case.
No. 17354 ID: feab56
I don't assume it is =]
No. 17357 ID: 5e281e
So either her boobs will begin talking, explode or shoot lasers.
No. 17361 ID: ead9d0
Knowing the Inquest, lasers.
No. 17362 ID: f2c20c
Wait, those are Asura? I thought they were way too tall, and their ears aren't big enough either.
No. 17364 ID: 6805f8
File 135866829531.png - (606.43KB , 800x800 , winter.png )
Teka is almost as tall as the shortest human.

and yeah, variable ear sizes dood

anyway, have something different
No. 17368 ID: 6805f8
File 135871725547.png - (282.89KB , 800x1000 , facesitter.png )
No. 17369 ID: feab56
I found some fitting mood music for that piece
No. 17371 ID: 6805f8
File 135872303635.png - (225.06KB , 800x800 , scale practice.png )
trying to get my asuranatomy right
No. 17386 ID: 5c7395
File 135878718243.png - (454.57KB , 600x860 , 1355874978384.png )
Inferior to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP3sffVKbYM
No. 17389 ID: 90b6d9
I'll never understand the attraction to tiny sharktoothed bead-eyed midgets.
No. 17392 ID: 6805f8
some are cute.

others not so much.
No. 17394 ID: 5e281e
More naked lewd Norn women.
No. 17395 ID: 6805f8
File 135885385628.png - (333.20KB , 800x800 , like a wild harpy.png )
bad avina
No. 17399 ID: 1f0f1b
Some are adorable.
Others look like Dobby's serial rapist cannibal cousin.
No. 17415 ID: f2c20c
I can't tell she has a beak in that top-right frame.
No. 17417 ID: 6805f8
it's a style thing
No. 17428 ID: f2c20c
I think you should try to go for clarity within said style.
No. 17437 ID: 6805f8

then I should start just, shading a little bit to make it stand out, as I'm not a fan of hard lines for some features as they take away from it sometimes. anyway I tend to leave that out but I'll see what I can do from there.
No. 17454 ID: 64ea2f
No. 17455 ID: 64ea2f
File 135917303004.png - (230.32KB , 800x800 , delicious chocobanana.png )
fixed an error
No. 17464 ID: feab56
Chocobanana is best banana
No. 17515 ID: 857855
File 135959656640.png - (397.01KB , 1000x800 , shes really a very big girl__.png )
How big lady Tyrannus really is.
No. 17516 ID: 4224e5
she can smell dick
No. 17517 ID: 857855
File 135960780691.png - (325.82KB , 800x1000 , one-male DP.png )
In soviet cantha, krait fuck YOU
No. 17531 ID: ead9d0
So why would she be sniffing her?
No. 17540 ID: c592e8
because of the sniffles
No. 17556 ID: 857855
File 135987865617.png - (258.33KB , 800x800 , compliments of the chef.png )
two lushes, one room.
No. 17557 ID: 857855
and it was saved backwards, i need to drink less
No. 17565 ID: 6de77b
we going to get the aftermath of that one?
No. 17571 ID: a702c2
File 135996206473.png - (260.94KB , 800x800 , flip it.png )
No. 17610 ID: 62f448
File 136010302989.gif - (241.61KB , 800x800 , fixedforever.gif )
Look at it go!
No. 17614 ID: 857855
File 136011624098.png - (379.65KB , 800x800 , Mr Asher.png )
pls stop that
No. 17644 ID: 857855
File 136020031538.png - (254.42KB , 1000x800 , sharing.png )
its getting more and more painful to draw...
No. 17649 ID: 6de77b
then take a break man
i'd rather not have any art from you for a while then not ever get any more art form you for forever
No. 17657 ID: 5c7395
Seconding this. Take awhile off and let the hand heal.
No. 17683 ID: 857855
File 136050226755.png - (104.64KB , 475x511 , fine you want them so bad.png )
No. 17684 ID: 795da4

Who asked for panties again?

I'm not complaining, though
No. 17689 ID: 857855
I think rexxxie
No. 17843 ID: 857855
File 136158548473.png - (334.78KB , 800x800 , like a wild harpy(fixed).png )
fixed some anatomy while my wrist was behaving. such minor fixes, and it still started to hurt like hell.
No. 18132 ID: 857855
File 136272000112.png - (304.88KB , 800x1200 , Blessed of Isha.png )
new shit?

new shit
No. 18133 ID: 857855
File 136272039893.png - (131.67KB , 421x492 , Liarbirdie.png )
No. 18135 ID: c592e8
Nya, welcome back.
No. 18136 ID: feab56
Yeees, more female disciples of Isha...
No. 18137 ID: 5c7395
How's the hand holding up?
No. 18139 ID: 857855
breety decently.
No. 18141 ID: 5d98c3
I love your lines.
No. 18144 ID: 21758c
Lady leaning back against wall or in shower, receiving nom nom noms
No. 18146 ID: 857855
File 136280011532.png - (198.92KB , 524x757 , Vanessa.png )
tomboyish battle sister.
No. 18154 ID: feab56
I know one girl who would be happy to see that priestess on all fours with a trickle of cum spilling out of her sex.
Tomboy is best boy.
No. 18187 ID: 857855
File 136296305479.png - (165.32KB , 657x666 , Vanli pls.png )
pls, vanli
No. 18190 ID: 857855
File 136297087371.png - (210.71KB , 504x800 , foreplay silliness.png )
No. 18201 ID: 5c7395
Good to hear. Keep taking good care of it.

Hnngh dat pose. Asura have become my weakness.
No. 18205 ID: cf49fc
Who IS that? Also, as always your art is lovely.
No. 18215 ID: 857855
a guildmate
No. 18272 ID: e1e528
She needs a lesbian lover. I'd love to see two of them rubbing together.
No. 18273 ID: feab56
I think she needs lovers of both sexes (and possibly multiple species/otherwordly entities)
No. 18283 ID: 857855
File 136366441092.png - (1.61MB , 2000x1800 , Tyratyra.png )
No. 18287 ID: 857855
File 136367191584.png - (783.54KB , 1200x1200 , stay out of the flagon.png )
fuck the toll booth
No. 18288 ID: feab56
Oh dear, is it that time of the month again?
Also, dat back!
No. 18289 ID: 857855
File 136367613032.png - (357.20KB , 1062x800 , I fucked your sister.png )
Fuck the sister
No. 18311 ID: ae783d
I'd love to see him knock her up.
No. 18321 ID: 117433
I'd love to see the sister turn this this situation around for herself. Sexily.
No. 18367 ID: 857855
File 136392089651.png - (371.92KB , 1200x1000 , Dinny got Gorr.png )
No. 18368 ID: f2c20c
Go on...
No. 18370 ID: 857855
File 136392717461.png - (389.91KB , 800x1000 , inquest pls.png )
more gw2 stuff
No. 18371 ID: 857855
File 136392733050.png - (326.80KB , 1000x842 , stop_ teka time.png )
and my own character..
No. 18383 ID: 01c0ad
No. 18384 ID: 857855
File 136399257685.png - (112.44KB , 311x647 , eeeh.png )
shut up Ryan.
No. 18385 ID: 34c78b
You can't prove it's me!

Also hey, is that supposed to be Nailio? That's pretty neat
No. 18386 ID: 857855
no, its a crappy doodle of me
No. 18389 ID: 5c7395
Love the arts, mang, but take care of that hand. Don't push yourself.
No. 18479 ID: 857855
File 136487118458.png - (272.79KB , 581x1200 , Malkuth.png )
what do
No. 18480 ID: 857855
File 136487387111.png - (270.09KB , 600x1150 , Uki yi.png )
character art request

Tau RT
No. 18481 ID: 857855
File 136487419522.png - (376.21KB , 1000x900 , Oil the daemon.png )
No. 18490 ID: 5c7395
Is it terrible that, whenever Tau are mentioned, all I can think is "peristaltic motion"?
No. 18491 ID: feab56
Steal the pic for use in an ERP ofc.
No. 18493 ID: 857855
File 136504103304.png - (209.67KB , 800x800 , short avina.png )
I realized I have been drawing Avina wrong this whole time.

She is a foreverloli
Build: runt
Height: 1.55m
Weight: 40kg
feathers: Ruddy (red burd)
Crest: Grey (dyes it blonde)
Eyes: Blue
Quirk: Bullet wound scar
No. 18495 ID: 1c2a50
I wanna see more of her. A lot more. :3
No. 18496 ID: c592e8
File 136506012138.jpg - (22.58KB , 360x240 , roodborst.jpg )
Fucking Nya~
No. 18504 ID: bef086
At least show us the scar.
No. 18509 ID: 857855

IIRC most bullet scars are divots in the body, shes covered in feathers as well. As for placement, it needs to be in someplace believe-able, bullets have a nasty habit of causing nerve damage when you take a hit in the shoulder(making the arm useless later on), or other areas.
No. 18510 ID: dcd811
Adipose tissue in the side?
Far enough to the outside wouldn't wreck the kidney, would go through, and would put you out of commission for a while while you writhed in pain. A lucky shot, both in that it hit and that it didn't hit any major arteries?
No. 18517 ID: 857855
File 136526745326.png - (74.82KB , 600x800 , owshies.png )
Sounds like that would work, in the trunk most major arteries are of course, at the center, legs have the femoral arteries, neck has the carotid. etc etc, I have family in the medical field, I would be myself if I were of more 'privileged' stock. (growing up in poverty is almost certainly a setup for failure later in life nowadays.)

have a doodle representation of my pain locations (Ulnar nerve entrapment)
No. 18524 ID: 857855
File 136538092496.png - (285.67KB , 800x800 , she likes the nid d.png )
No. 18542 ID: 5c7395
No. 18554 ID: 857855
File 136557102375.png - (497.52KB , 1400x1200 , size chart Nessa Nis Avi.png )
many sizes and shapes.
No. 18567 ID: c592e8
Cats tats :3
No. 18596 ID: 8b9215
Kitty titties :3
No. 18597 ID: c592e8
Moggy Mamaries :3
No. 18607 ID: ae783d
This pleases me. I love dem Eldar girls. Thanks, Liar!
No. 18610 ID: 857855
File 136616525488.png - (745.17KB , 1200x1800 , Tzeeny and Khornebread.png )
Khornebreadâ„¢ got a makeover.

No. 18695 ID: 857855
File 136661397664.png - (745.54KB , 1200x1800 , Tzeeny and Khornebread.png )
slight fix
No. 18697 ID: c592e8
I like the original Khornate nose abit better, it was more subtle and feminine.
No. 18702 ID: ae783d
Now have them les out.
No. 18703 ID: 857855
(I'm already working on that, sorta, as my wrist allows)
No. 18704 ID: 8334ff
just a quick question here, you haven't asked a surgeon or something to have a look at the hand? if something has just slipped they can re-adjust it with no need for surgery.

it's still gonna hurt like a bitch
No. 18711 ID: a6b13a
Make sure to stretch, dude.
No. 18764 ID: 857855
File 136709735935.png - (1.32MB , 3400x800 , 4-25-2013 session.png )
No. 18765 ID: 59f028
SoB dominatrix, plz?
No. 18862 ID: 857855
File 136781256046.png - (406.69KB , 900x900 , Kathleen O\'Brien.png )
fucking wrist ugh
No. 18960 ID: 857855
File 136833276810.png - (482.75KB , 1200x1200 , strbnds.png )
Strbnds? strbnds.
No. 18967 ID: c592e8
You decided to be a Blue Jay now?
No. 18968 ID: 857855
File 136834487334.gif - (10.52KB , 100x100 , meaniebeak.gif )
I guess for starbound, yeah
No. 18973 ID: 857855
File 136838486678.png - (340.99KB , 900x1200 , gaypeeps.png )
peep peep
No. 18984 ID: 265022
I thought you didn't like anal, Liar.
No. 18985 ID: 857855
File 136842241396.png - (365.22KB , 841x839 , fieldfuck.png )
spoiler: I really don't
No. 18986 ID: 857855
File 136842254045.png - (296.56KB , 900x900 , a poor inspection.png )
No. 18987 ID: 857855
File 136842376015.png - (303.04KB , 900x900 , avian diplomacy.png )
and more strbnds
No. 18988 ID: feab56
Why can't that happen at random intervals in your life just to brighten your day?
No. 18991 ID: 117433
What does Felinid diplomacy look like?
No. 18997 ID: b7e56c
"And that's why I wear an eyepatch."
No. 18998 ID: ae783d
Then why draw it?
No. 19019 ID: bac47d
Well why don't you like it?
No. 19020 ID: bac47d
What's the inspiration behind this? Could we get more please?
No. 19022 ID: 857855
Sure when I feel up to it

because it's rather silly really, its not for everyone, and requires a buttload of preparation. like cleaning, this that and the other, lube, etcetc, its a whole lot of work for something so niche.
several friends asked really nicely.
No. 19024 ID: 857855
File 136868625315.png - (447.31KB , 900x1200 , implants and boosters pls.png )
nanomachines son
No. 19025 ID: 857855
File 136868638119.png - (359.33KB , 900x900 , ama liarburd.png )
peep peep
No. 19056 ID: 857855
File 136876991323.jpg - (311.12KB , 900x900 , i swear.jpg )
fuck everything, my mind is dominated by disturbing images and nightmares lately
No. 19060 ID: c592e8
Those usually happen when you're stressed or afraid.
No. 19070 ID: cf49fc
Mine too! Have you tried sleeping regularly? I don't!
No. 19071 ID: 9ddf68
Finals week, nough said
No. 19074 ID: 857855
I try, poorly
No. 19076 ID: bac47d
You must be so boring in bed.
No. 19091 ID: 857855
File 136891896721.jpg - (36.61KB , 334x377 , fasntnig.jpg )
I like the use of ad-homeniem

No two people are the same, and really, a lot of women don't get much out of anal, porn =/= 'real sex' in that it's all just for show.

This may have a bit to do with, you know, women lacking a prostate to poke. But if my partner specifically asks for some poopchute poking, I'll go through with it.
No. 19096 ID: 857855
File 136893860576.png - (482.30KB , 1200x1200 , timefortickles.png )
No. 19097 ID: 857855
File 136893876590.png - (499.11KB , 900x1200 , dragonporns.png )
No. 19109 ID: 1a61a2
Are you taking requests?
No. 19132 ID: 857855
not currently, no
No. 19135 ID: 857855
File 136919577604.png - (250.07KB , 582x701 , ride the dragon.png )
too tight
No. 19149 ID: 857855
File 136928353581.png - (245.17KB , 1000x900 , practice boobs.png )
titty time
No. 19152 ID: f29aa1
That is fantastic pornography. The face is perfect.

The dragon is an eclectic mess of commonly drawn anthro-dragon characteristics.
No. 19154 ID: 857855
am bad at drawing them
No. 19157 ID: cf49fc
I liked the monocle
No. 19160 ID: b7e56c
Holy skittles, more.
No. 19161 ID: bac47d
That's not at all what I'm implying. The simple act of some extra work seems to elude you. Do you even partake in foreplay?
No. 19162 ID: b7e56c
It's time to stop posting.
No. 19163 ID: 857855
File 136937087639.png - (1.31MB , 1000x1200 , persuasion.png )
yes. I do.
No. 19164 ID: f2c20c
Hah! Lipstick marks.
No. 19189 ID: 1a61a2
That sister is staaaacked.
No. 19191 ID: 857855
File 136948160170.png - (324.72KB , 900x900 , bad vanli.png )
goddamn skype stop being a shit.
No. 19215 ID: 857855
File 136956292468.png - (244.62KB , 900x900 , nomomnom.png )
yes, she is
No. 19219 ID: b7e56c
Down the hatch.
No. 19275 ID: b7e56c
Needs more of this.
No. 19291 ID: 857855
File 136997749420.png - (353.02KB , 900x900 , Gotta go party.png )
trying to design thiings. like posh outfits that double as ap 6 armor
No. 19292 ID: 857855
File 136998115111.png - (217.24KB , 777x761 , that\'s a good kitty.png )
quick n dirty
No. 19293 ID: 857855
File 136998295209.png - (292.52KB , 900x1200 , a cat is fine too.png )
fast and sloppy
No. 19302 ID: 9e6e4a
lick lick lick gotta chug that dick
No. 19322 ID: 857855
File 137015119010.png - (172.29KB , 607x804 , go home ur drunk.png )
No. 19324 ID: feab56
File 137016140747.jpg - (400.20KB , 650x1388 , Dragon Age 106.jpg )
Is she drunk enough to find me hot?
No. 19335 ID: 857855
File 137022064887.jpg - (29.02KB , 276x276 , nope.jpg )
No. 19336 ID: 857855
File 137022738995.png - (499.39KB , 885x1124 , zalgo404.png )
No. 19337 ID: 857855
File 137023371566.png - (382.90KB , 1200x900 , showing off.png )
cat ass
No. 19338 ID: 857855
File 137023376924.png - (370.40KB , 900x991 , bad end.png )
No. 19339 ID: 6de77b
bad end? more like best end.

also, moar in the bar pls
No. 19342 ID: c06374
No. 19343 ID: 857855
File 137028518368.png - (42.63KB , 203x408 , Liarbird.png )
hoo hoo
No. 19364 ID: 857855
File 137040386502.png - (215.71KB , 667x900 , Queen of tentacles.png )
No. 19365 ID: 857855
have thigns
No. 19366 ID: 857855
File 137040400691.png - (169.61KB , 434x1200 , streeeeetch.png )
No. 19383 ID: 857855
File 137049750828.png - (210.69KB , 900x900 , peekaboo practice.png )
more practice, overworked today though
No. 19409 ID: 857855
File 137059539271.png - (187.71KB , 900x900 , Foreshortenings.png )
more practice
No. 19410 ID: 857855
File 137059542759.png - (185.48KB , 900x900 , prayers.png )
No. 19412 ID: feab56
How many thrones do I have to pay you to get one of those nuns sent home to me on a permanent mission?
No. 19426 ID: 857855
File 137066535988.png - (692.33KB , 1200x1200 , And then they all fucked.png )

Anyway one page of fuck coming right up.
No. 19427 ID: 21758c
god dammit ultros
No. 19468 ID: 01531c
Are you taking non-porn commissions?
No. 19475 ID: 857855
File 137108200791.png - (75.46KB , 369x333 , Sorheadshot.png )
I..still haven't done any commissions.. ever.
No. 19477 ID: 01531c
I'm not catching your drift.
Never offered?Never contracted?Never delivered?
No. 19480 ID: 857855
File 137118658597.png - (278.07KB , 900x1200 , Liarburd.png )
I've never contracted I mean, I get iffy and kinda back out, or the other party never really gets in touch with me to settle on the specifics.
No. 19482 ID: 857855
File 137119118345.png - (168.67KB , 630x717 , sister sandwich.png )
No. 19494 ID: c592e8
Titty monster~!
No. 19495 ID: f29aa1
That expression with that posture makes it impossible to see anything but "MegaMilk".
No. 19505 ID: 857855
File 137135576888.png - (313.35KB , 739x900 , kisskiss.png )

also may have done this 2smalliunno. fuckupos abounds
No. 19506 ID: 857855
File 137136107177.png - (492.69KB , 1065x498 , Apocalypse.png )
must pry self away...
No. 19513 ID: 192d45
File 137139663399.jpg - (45.90KB , 813x469 , cute anime girl_35.jpg )
r u on drawchan too?
No. 19514 ID: 192d45
File 137139673548.jpg - (21.97KB , 359x319 , happy frogdog.jpg )
oh wiat no i mean that one
No. 19529 ID: 857855
File 137145589695.jpg - (122.10KB , 500x500 , tweet tweet motherfucker.jpg )
I haven't really posted on drawchan in forever.
No. 19536 ID: 192d45
yeah neither have i
No. 19555 ID: 857855
File 137153718293.png - (364.46KB , 900x805 , roman hands.png )
who am you?

also stuff.
No. 19561 ID: 117433
Damn it, you two, it's impolite to start groping each other right next to someone like that.
No. 19588 ID: 857855
File 137188783642.png - (170.93KB , 625x750 , fuzzbold.png )
fuzzybold for Hat
No. 19589 ID: 857855
File 137188788379.png - (226.17KB , 617x842 , sloppy sktch.png )
dont choke
No. 19590 ID: 857855
File 137188792646.png - (542.72KB , 1057x1320 , Amateur Avina inks.png )
I think I'm actually going to color this.
No. 19606 ID: 857855
File 137204463718.png - (297.40KB , 900x900 , sisterthings.png )
my kingdom for a right arm that doesn't always hurt
No. 19617 ID: cf49fc
Oh crap, call a doctor! You don't want to end up like poor Jukashi!
No. 19619 ID: 857855
File 137212744066.png - (267.00KB , 661x880 , wildcat inks.png )
but idunno who that is
No. 19620 ID: cf49fc
He drew Keychain Of Creation. But he had to stop, because his wrist turned out to be an agent of the Abyss.
No. 19622 ID: 857855
File 137217242936.png - (1.26MB , 1057x1320 , Amateur Avina.png )
oh, I remember that now.
No. 19627 ID: 77b6b1
I'm right here, you know.
No. 19628 ID: 87f756
Hope all your arms and wrists get better anyhow.

Your art is getting better anyhow. There's a lot of fun in your art thread.
No. 19633 ID: a70b0e
I demand hot Mgalekgolo on Yanme'e smut!
No. 19635 ID: 117433
You are? Do you any art on this site besides the art in your Quest threads?
No. 19638 ID: 19b3c3
He's done some pretty fantastic fanart.
No. 19650 ID: 117433
I know he does. I've seen some new things that filtered their way down to /tg/, but I have no clue where they came from.
No. 19662 ID: 857855
File 137256861696.png - (228.06KB , 900x900 , megamilk.png )
cosplay kitty 1
No. 19663 ID: 857855
File 137256864963.png - (347.92KB , 900x900 , Nis Celestine cosplay.png )
aaand twooo
No. 19666 ID: 857855
File 137256969428.png - (1.26MB , 1057x1320 , Amateur Avina nopiercings.png )
No nipple piercings version as per a request
No. 19670 ID: 857855
File 137265401820.png - (348.76KB , 900x1200 , Makoto cosplay.png )
cosplay #3
No. 19671 ID: 857855
File 137265406263.png - (512.01KB , 999x1200 , Lilitus equipment.png )
and some peep equipment
No. 19672 ID: 2f4b71
A Mateba 2006m, and a Keltec KSG (with the magazine tubes on top)?
No. 19674 ID: 857855
KSG is a bullpup configuration. this is more like a Neostead. just with bottom ejection. I probably should put a little more room in the receiver for the trigger mechanism.

The revolver is a Mateba/Rhino derived design, only it swings out to the side and down much like a Raging bull. chambered for .454 casull
No. 19678 ID: 2f4b71
Huh, hadn't seen one of those before.

Interestingly, the Rhino and the various Matebas were all designed by Ghisoni.
No. 19679 ID: 857855
File 137272637523.png - (115.35KB , 900x519 , EVAthing.png )
Yep thats true, part why i called the pattern 'Rhino'
No. 19680 ID: 857855
File 137273541193.png - (369.57KB , 900x900 , a Stormi dinner.png )
she's whats for dinner
No. 19681 ID: 857855
File 137273549566.png - (308.85KB , 900x900 , insert khorny phrase here.png )
Skulls for the sk-....
No. 19704 ID: 795da4
Khornette in panties, now that'd be fun
No. 19714 ID: 33b633
It looks like the UTS-15 shotgun. It's got a laser sight built into the pump.
No. 19729 ID: 857855
DUDE, THIS IS NEWS TO ME! that's noice.

have more porn
No. 19730 ID: 857855
File 137291340177.png - (212.13KB , 900x900 , headtaker.png )
and I forget the porn.
No. 19731 ID: 857855
File 137291378381.png - (244.81KB , 900x1200 , piledrivins.png )
No. 19748 ID: 857855
File 137297643670.png - (326.61KB , 900x900 , some time off.png )
more peep
No. 19780 ID: 857855
File 137307902341.png - (277.00KB , 900x900 , Capsuleers man.png )
what do you do when you have unprecedented power to shape your clones...
No. 19788 ID: cb7966
>clit piercing
How naughty of you, Khornette.

Maybe replace it with a small ring, add two more rings in her nipples, and connect all three together with a small chain...
No. 19789 ID: 857855
that was supposed to be a liquid bead btw
No. 19794 ID: 857855
File 137317170905.png - (333.71KB , 900x900 , sketchderps.png )
No. 19799 ID: e6931c
That... filename. Is that... him? Or.... OH JEEBUS SHE BITES!?!
No. 19806 ID: f0357f
>Capsuleers man.png

You like EVE Online?
No. 19817 ID: 857855
File 137334630547.png - (734.30KB , 1109x509 , Napoc.png )

I've been playing EVE for years dood.
No. 19818 ID: 857855
File 137334632935.png - (205.20KB , 900x900 , suck it down.png )
No. 19819 ID: 857855
File 137334639382.png - (200.08KB , 774x778 , always bet on duke.png )
No. 19832 ID: 117433
No. 19833 ID: f05efa
why do people always draw minotaurs with horsecocks.

Bulls don't have horsecocks.
No. 19835 ID: beeca1
Bulls don't have bipedal structure or sapience, either.
No. 19838 ID: f05efa

Humans don't have horsecocks, either.
No. 19840 ID: 593f45
This is why Thodren has a humanoid penis. A huge, terrifying humanoid penis.
No. 19841 ID: 932a20

bull dicks are kinda gross but that's just my opinion, man
No. 19849 ID: 853084

Same reason people draw Chimeras. They're fantasy creatures and they really don't need to make sense. Especially their pemises, as they likely lackj much documentation.
No. 19860 ID: 857855
that was requested.
That's what I originally did.
No. 19871 ID: 857855
File 137359946817.png - (305.62KB , 1049x811 , Upper class kitty.png )
I ain't sayin' she a gold digga.
No. 19894 ID: a01b62
god DAMN
No. 19924 ID: 2f4b71
>I ain't sayin' she a gold digga.
... But she owns an awful lot of heavy quarrying equipment?
No. 19939 ID: 857855
File 137386670147.png - (356.73KB , 847x823 , both are redheads.png )
pacific rim was p good.
>pic unrelated
No. 19945 ID: 21758c
Don't stick Valera so close, she might TAN. Or burn.
No. 19957 ID: fd127b
She's rich enough as is.
No. 19976 ID: e0c0a5
Dat cyborg.
No. 19988 ID: 857855
File 137445416240.png - (749.84KB , 1800x1600 , 7-21-13 dump.png )
i hate my wrist sometimes
No. 19999 ID: cf49fc
Talk to a doctor. Acquire a brace. Practice better hand holding habits. Cut off your hands and replace them with Cybernetic Prostheses.
No. 20004 ID: 117433
That dragon girl seems upset about not getting involved.
No. 20007 ID: 2ff478
Have you tried stretching your hands and fingers?
No. 20037 ID: 01531c
>i hate my wrist sometimes
You must daily arm-lifts with a ten pound hand-weight.

This counteracts the development of wrist cramps by forcing to wrists muscles to internally alternate between 'adapt to stress' and 'adapt to fatigue' over time, preventing either state from remaining ON for too long.
No. 20043 ID: 857855

It isn't so much a cramp as it is nerve entrapment, I'm not sure how that would help. though I'll try that.
No. 20045 ID: 4a20fa
Never take medical advice from the Internet.

RSI (which is not the only cause of wrist pain) can cause permanent damage and loss of wrist function. Don't fuck around; talk to your doctor.
No. 20050 ID: cf49fc
File 137506219367.png - (40.97KB , 1520x721 , Sorry Buddy.png )
Seriously, do not fuck around. Wrist damage is like knee damage: You're just moseying along, minding your own business, feeling a little achey, and then BAM, permanent injury.
No. 20092 ID: 857855
I am aware,m I've had a knee fuckup before
Werd,. I have foudn that the injury is actually my elbow.
No. 20232 ID: 857855
File 137679117295.png - (79.82KB , 436x639 , the sound of irish pipes.png )
No. 20233 ID: 857855
File 137679139132.png - (62.71KB , 261x524 , little sister.png )
No. 20237 ID: feab56
Boobs and lolis! Nice to see you back even if just for two pics.
No. 20248 ID: 857855
File 137709668233.png - (151.72KB , 539x728 , practicepeep.png )
I'll at least keep practicing
No. 20250 ID: 857855
File 137712791609.png - (144.05KB , 600x600 , wutwut.png )
No. 20262 ID: 761017
>I'll at least keep practicing

You call these drawings 'practice'?
For what masterpiece?!
No. 20298 ID: 857855
File 137773994927.png - (139.20KB , 491x747 , geroff.png )
>mfw you cannot play starbound

No. 20305 ID: dae0d7
You should draw a hot and bothered female gnoll sucking and nibbling on the ears of a lady elf who looks more bored than anything.

Because of reasons.
No. 20323 ID: 2ab97e

You should draw a hot and buttered roll being nibbled on by a long-eared lady elf who looks more bored than anything.

Because of reasons.
No. 20324 ID: 09453e
You should draw the roll, gnoll, and elf sucking and nibbling each other's ears while looking bored.

In MSpaint. In ten minutes.
No. 20328 ID: 196f83
upvoting this!
No. 20417 ID: 857855
File 137833506357.png - (250.73KB , 633x769 , on the desk.png )
more fucking practice
No. 20426 ID: 857855
File 137834962811.png - (280.32KB , 736x800 , whatever man.png )
No. 20427 ID: 857855
File 137835374601.png - (252.34KB , 800x800 , sharkfriends.png )
we shark now
No. 20434 ID: e8b3f9
Your picture implies things.
No. 20446 ID: 3bf77b
It is as if you read my mind. Many thanks noble artist.
No. 20477 ID: 857855
maybe I did!
No. 20505 ID: e8b3f9
Oh no, you wouldn't want to do that...
No. 20577 ID: 857855
File 137947101474.png - (159.88KB , 800x800 , fuck my arm.png )
i swear, the moment I go bast a certain bust size my arm revolts like its about to go completely lame.

never fucking again
No. 20580 ID: feab56
Hooray! I like the smaller/normal bust size much better.
No. 20660 ID: 1ace6e

No. 20661 ID: feab56
Of course. It's gay not being a fag.
No. 20680 ID: 49f001
Well, I like it.
No. 20697 ID: e16fc1
Damn shame, I like 'em big. You should rest your arm instead.
No. 20709 ID: 49f001
Up high, big man. o/
No. 20858 ID: 7ab398
You should try a 69 sketch, don't think you've done one like that before.
No. 20886 ID: e8b3f9
Is that Nurse Verity?
No. 20979 ID: 761017
hey man
try drawing the ginormous busts first
then attach a lady to them
you get what i'm saying?
No. 20992 ID: 0941c4
Naw man, that never looks good.

Though since he's gone a while in between updates, he's probably resting his arm.
No. 20999 ID: 857855

Yeah, that's what I've been doing.
No. 21011 ID: e8b3f9
Huh, didn't know she was still a thing.
No. 21035 ID: 857855
File 138249220712.png - (154.57KB , 581x708 , muh catgirlssssssss.png )
pain and hurt, but i made a draw
No. 21042 ID: e24789
Face looks a little weird.

But, seriously, if your arm hurts, go see a doctor. We love your drawings, and we don't want them to hurt you.
No. 21044 ID: bd48c5
You should definitely see a doctor. It sounds like bad carpel tunnel.
No. 21045 ID: 857855

I'll fix it later.


its in the elbow, but yeah (I cant afford a doctor atm)
No. 21047 ID: bd48c5
That's what BEGGING FOR MONEY is for, silly!
No. 21054 ID: 96bbd0
Move to Canada silly
No. 21098 ID: 12d704
Is a chiropractor any cheaper in your area? Might just be a minor misalignment in the elbow joint.
No. 21103 ID: e24789
A chiropractor would probably make his problem worse.
No. 21104 ID: bd48c5
What he needs is a physiotherapist. I used to be practically immobile with pain every day I came home, now I can function normally with the somewhat-lessened continuous and unending pain I find myself in day-after-day-after-day.
No. 21288 ID: 857855
File 138520452659.png - (651.82KB , 2000x900 , I HAVE A WEAKNESS FOR GIRLS WITH GLASSES.png )

No. 21297 ID: e24789
>Makoto Nanaya in glasses
Based Liar.
No. 21305 ID: 857855
File 138538939616.png - (327.83KB , 1200x1000 , boordwip.png )
need to figure what I should add to this.

or if I should just make leave it as a pinup
No. 21307 ID: 795da4

Side-tie panties?
A tail?
Fervent masturbation?
Implied Yuri fantasies?
No. 21308 ID: 2f4b71
Glasses, of course.

Also, her left breast (our right) seems to be defying gravity.
No. 21310 ID: e46caf
It needs SPIDERS. She should be covered in big crawling spiders. Crawling all over her body and even some crawling off her towards the viewer POV.
No. 21311 ID: f3bb85
Crawling OUT of the user POV.
No. 21312 ID: 857855
yeah, work in progress ofc.

No. 21318 ID: 857855
File 138544545955.png - (645.23KB , 1600x1200 , beachbumpin.png )
No. 21333 ID: d5178c
'round these parts that there is what we call a 'man-eater.'
No. 21355 ID: 857855
File 138567912997.png - (426.35KB , 1200x800 , stuffing.png )
happy thanksgiving people, its a bit old but I never shared it~
No. 21356 ID: a7f152

Baby basting?
No. 21360 ID: 7bbaae
Gee, I didn't know you were into vore.
No. 21361 ID: 857855
File 138570650241.png - (308.53KB , 764x719 , armasael.png )
Hell no I'm not.
No. 21364 ID: cf49fc
Wonderful, as always. I especially like the armor.
No. 21372 ID: 857855
File 138580164970.png - (857.04KB , 1600x1400 , breeding party.png )
what am I doing with my time, AAAAAAAAA
No. 21378 ID: 857855
File 138604945785.png - (308.09KB , 890x666 , shadow.png )
shadowwww for Isis`
No. 21403 ID: 857855
File 138657997821.png - (252.65KB , 779x777 , inter-species discussion.png )
No. 21414 ID: 857855
File 138664443942.png - (194.47KB , 900x1000 , Avian dong delicacy doodle.png )
trying to practice, arm acted up so I couldnt get much better
No. 21422 ID: 857855
File 138673012274.png - (130.42KB , 333x444 , Kanade.png )
Kanade, Hylotl Ronin, searching for clues as to the murderer of her Daimyo.
No. 21428 ID: 04cbad
Dear Sir: Draw some lady Florans getting boned.

No. 21443 ID: 8b9215
Forceably restrained.
No. 21446 ID: 857855
File 138682385553.png - (520.33KB , 736x884 , Its for Research______.png )
A b-bit backlogged but okay, sometime, soon.
No. 21447 ID: 5612af
I request all the starbound porns.

You draw some pretty cute birds.
No. 21485 ID: 857855
File 138725235399.png - (359.61KB , 1000x1800 , Allie pls.png )
break from strbnds. mor anatomy practice, this girl is got some legs. (100cm of legs, 182 cm tall.)

(Large canvas warning)
No. 21486 ID: 3af0c7
Geeze who is THAT?
No. 21488 ID: cec715
No. 21490 ID: 857855
My art muse who happens to be a mathematician... a lot of the stuff I draw is actually hers.

like the catgirl, and such.
No. 21491 ID: fcf496
You should draw her more.
No. 21492 ID: 3af0c7
A mathematician with tits like those?
No. 21493 ID: ac9e9e
Yeeep, 32E cups...
No. 21498 ID: fcf496
You should draw her riding dick and post it.
No. 21500 ID: 857855

I will keep this in mind.. I just usually don't post those kind of drawings publicly. because reasons ¬3¬
No. 21501 ID: 3af0c7
Tall AND tits?
No. 21503 ID: 857855
File 138734813628.png - (150.68KB , 734x497 , overdone.png )
mmmmyep...I want to visit her so bad ;3;
No. 21504 ID: fcf496
It'll happen! In the meantime, porn is a nice substitute.
No. 21515 ID: e678fe

She looks flustered.
No. 21519 ID: 3af0c7
Draw >>21485 like >>21503
No. 21520 ID: 8e39d0
More like fuckstered.
No. 21523 ID: e678fe

The ears are looking damp. Continuation of >>20426?
No. 21529 ID: 857855
nah, was a whimsydoodle
No. 21534 ID: 857855
File 138759815680.png - (493.96KB , 1200x900 , Dressing room shenanigans.png )
Drawing for a nemi.

Lira gets measured for stuff!
No. 21535 ID: 857855
File 138759819057.png - (493.22KB , 1200x900 , Dressing room shenanigans liratatas ver.png )
Alternative with robit tits!
No. 21538 ID: 53ba34
when you area robot, you can just plug whatever you want in.
No. 21572 ID: 857855
File 138794016697.png - (143.08KB , 771x554 , boob problems.png )
drawing while super tired doesn't always work out
No. 21607 ID: 857855
File 138820050105.png - (678.46KB , 1400x900 , A Group activity.png )
coming to your toooown

do you wanna get doooown
No. 21609 ID: 53ba34
they are a very diverse group
No. 21611 ID: cf49fc
Raiden, turn off Ripper Mode, it doesn't make you cool. Nothing can ever make you cool, that's why we love you.

Well, that and your hips.
No. 21615 ID: 857855
File 138821502728.png - (147.07KB , 646x685 , Good question.png )
Always a valid question
No. 21616 ID: d298a1
I don't suppose that's the before pic to a very messy after version?
No. 21621 ID: cf31ff
I sure hope so.
No. 21623 ID: e24789
I'd like to see her do some lesbian stuff. Either with crew or with one of her fellow Sisters.
No. 21638 ID: cf31ff
Someone needs stuffed.
No. 21706 ID: d298a1
You should draw a sequel... with less clothing.

Just a suggestion.
No. 21735 ID: 21968c
And another gnoll. Doing the same on the other side.

... just 'cause.
No. 21738 ID: 857855
as a heads up, working 60 hours a week atm, its rough
No. 21741 ID: 8e39d0
Chin up lad! At least you can console yourself with the fact that you're being a self-sufficient drawfag who don't need no man.

Aside from your boss. If they're a man.
No. 21768 ID: e678fe
>its rough

Just like those gnolls should be... BOOM!
No. 21790 ID: e678fe

I like where this is going.
No. 21791 ID: d298a1
>rough gnolls
Don't touch me you filthy casual- the only true gnollewdness is gentle, caring gnolloving.
No. 21794 ID: 21968c
I like the way you think!
No. 21803 ID: e678fe
>gentle, caring gnolloving

So lewd
No. 21859 ID: 857855
File 138961684360.png - (204.89KB , 615x733 , No stormi no!.png )
No. 21860 ID: 857855
File 138961687378.png - (220.45KB , 616x756 , all dolled up.png )
fucking whatever
No. 21873 ID: cf31ff
Thems some fine sanctified tits.
No. 21912 ID: 857855
File 139002176611.jpg - (36.99KB , 900x900 , power sword.jpg )
No. 21913 ID: 857855
File 139002288028.jpg - (43.10KB , 900x900 , power sword2.jpg )
alternative based onthe actual stated blades design
No. 21915 ID: 857855
File 139002700196.png - (240.32KB , 900x900 , om nom wip.png )
and something else I will need to finish along with other stuff
No. 21929 ID: cf31ff
Suck it, Sister.
No. 21940 ID: 857855
File 139018707363.png - (182.30KB , 900x900 , suckasucka.png )
god damn I hate being exhausted. all I could manage
No. 21974 ID: 857855
File 139052331789.png - (247.48KB , 900x900 , money money.png )
more practice
No. 22028 ID: 857855
too busy for draws
No. 22048 ID: 857855
File 139154615229.png - (486.09KB , 1200x900 , sexperiments.png )
No. 22078 ID: e24789
I'd like to see more of him, either showing himself off or getting nailed.
No. 22135 ID: 857855
File 139213532862.png - (335.27KB , 900x900 , selfstuff.png )
because my muse needs her dose of both silliness...
No. 22140 ID: e678fe

No. 22142 ID: 857855
File 139217440091.png - (360.17KB , 900x900 , Mistress Avina vs Dasaki.png )
Long overdo
No. 22156 ID: e678fe

Very cute!
No. 22176 ID: bac47d
Oh? What's the story behind it?
No. 22182 ID: e678fe

Dasaki is hot.
No. 22192 ID: 857855
File 139277515012.png - (252.88KB , 874x815 , tiniest predator.png )
Long story short: Eldar outcast slapped a Battle Sister around for forgetting how to be human. boning makes for a hell of a motivator.
No. 22194 ID: e678fe
File 139279658880.jpg - (28.25KB , 500x374 , tenpoints.jpg )
>Eldar teaching a Sister of battle to be human.
No. 22195 ID: e678fe
File 139281278332.jpg - (18.53KB , 282x323 , dean11.jpg )
No. 22199 ID: 857855
File 139286558604.png - (1.52MB , 1200x1200 , surprised I never posted this.png )
It only works because Sorellian is literally the worst Eldar. He puts others before himself. (He feels hes already damned anyway,) he cant return to a craftworld, but that wasnt something that just: 'oh cool they did it' no, it was something that took like three years of characterization. To be human is to care, to be kind, to live for others, not for yourself, to be human is to be an idea, because anyone can be a monster. And he was determined to make damn sure she wast gonna be a monster, no matter how many times she struck him, hell she even shot him.

One of the biggest things though was an existential crisis she was having, and he never left her side for it. They were friends to begin with, if only because hes so determined to BE friends. if you catch my drift.

In, short, hes not a dick, and he values the lives of others.

So she went full amazon 'I like you, ergo you are now mine' for him.

Makes sense?

what do you want :v
No. 22200 ID: 976cae
>I like you, ergo you are now mine
No. 22203 ID: 857855
dem dubs
about right
No. 22205 ID: 9299b2
I hate to say this, but that's pretty dumb. Sisters of Battle fervently hate xenos, moreso than regular imperium citizens. But whatever canon you want with your friend is fine; I hope you have fun with it. Looks like you do, with all the porn.
No. 22206 ID: 976cae
Yes, and she did quite severely. This changed only after (literally) five years of roleplaying, and something like 10 years in-character. This game just will not die.
No. 22209 ID: 857855
>Years of characterization is dumb.
Excuse me, what?

By all accounts this sister is radical now, and shes under investigation by the Ordo Hereticus and The Excclesiarchy, following what seemed to be a hostile acquisition of power as an inquisitor that she was a throne agent under ended up assassinated (I had nothing to do with this and I'm unsure of the details), She sees the Imperial Creed as flawed to the point where her faith was wavering, hell that's why the picture above even happened.

A lot can change in a few years.
No. 22216 ID: e678fe
File 139298191916.jpg - (286.22KB , 1024x634 , hereticseverywhere.jpg )

So you needed both the Sister of Battle and the Eldar to be completely counter to what they are, to make that back story work?

Dude take the compliment that it provides good porn, but common, 40K lore isn't exactly air-tight but damn... you needed a unique character, to meet another unique character, in a unique situation...
No. 22218 ID: 21c740

To be fair, Sisters lore only states that only one sister has ever fallen to Chaos. They've never stated anything about sisters leaving duty other ways. A Sister might grow tired of the constant war despite indoctrination, and seek to settle down somewhere and preach of the Emperor. A Sister might have relations with a male and leave the Emperor's service for that reason. A Sister may ally with Xenos in the fight against a greater evil (Read: Chaos) given time and understanding. The Inquisition, aside from the most blind puritans, know the Eldar can be of great assistance against Chaos, who is considered the Imperium's primary antithesis.

After all, what group killed the Emperor? Chaos. What group attempted to warn the Emperor to prevent the Heresy? The Eldar. If a Sister were to actually think, it's not hard to see the Eldar as possible allies against the daemons that killed her God-Emperor.

Besides, most codex fluff, despite being "canon", is more or less political propaganda. As much as the fluff lawyers may want to scream otherwise, everything in 40k should be taken with a grain of salt.
No. 22219 ID: 976cae
Do you always enjoy criticizing things you don't understand out of a blind assumption you know better than all parties involved?
No. 22224 ID: 2f4b71
>Grimdark is serious Business
It's like everybody forget about the first few years of 40k.
No. 22225 ID: 52bacf
Would you be so kind as to draw that Sister fucking and suckin some gnolls?

Thank you dear artist.
No. 22236 ID: 857855
File 139310558271.png - (272.49KB , 573x593 , real men wreck modules.png )
Man I don't even know, but
This post has quite a point.

Also I work with someone who plays 40k relgiously, but you want to know his reaction to the Farsight codex? it was a fluff book, he hated that he payed 50$ for a fluff book that had one page worth of rules.

Furthermore he actually hates the fluff, because it changes with every edition.
No. 22241 ID: 6e85c8

There are characters in Black Library books that used to be sisters of battle and ended up leaving and getting regular jobs as regular people in the civilian sector.


Because you can't tell a story with default 40k personalities. It would just be so much hurrrrrrr and durrrrrrr. Even Games Workshop knows this, which is why none of the characters in any of their supplemental books are bog-standard jackasses and why the entire fandom makes fun of the characters in Dawn of War (because they are the bog-standard stock characters).
No. 22242 ID: e24789
Retiring to civilian jobs is not the same as going heretic.

Honestly, who cares, just shut up and enjoy the tits.
No. 22274 ID: 857855
File 139355828965.png - (443.56KB , 900x1200 , vs the gryphon.png )

gotta do gnolls sometime I guess
No. 22279 ID: ee3518
No. 22282 ID: 52bacf
Sweet georgia brown, dat ass.

And yes. Gnolls All the Time.
No. 22327 ID: 857855
File 139392204812.png - (313.92KB , 800x800 , Warrior rider.png )
working 64 hours this week so have something old.

but its new for you
No. 22333 ID: d52ae4
New for you?
No. 22365 ID: 857855
File 139432679121.png - (196.45KB , 715x856 , Avina\'s tits.png )
self explanatory.
No. 22368 ID: 857855
File 139432935040.png - (176.96KB , 759x900 , tentacle and muse.png )
just as well ;w;c
No. 22385 ID: 857855
File 139442152081.png - (211.69KB , 654x900 , Winter tease.png )
such a frigid woman
No. 22448 ID: 857855
File 139528386061.png - (338.61KB , 900x600 , Ah won\'t you take me home tonight.png )
Ah, down beside your red fire light...
No. 22461 ID: 857855
File 139537932020.png - (679.34KB , 1000x1200 , Siegerender.png )
lets try something less dumb and silly

because she utterly trashed me in a grey knights vs daemons game. hardcore.
No. 22464 ID: 976cae
Big daemons gonna' big.
No. 22469 ID: 976cae
Grey Knights losing to daemons? How did that even happen?
No. 22472 ID: 857855
I rolled very badly, She rolled very amazingly.
No. 22488 ID: e24789
The only things I love more than Khornettes are Khornettes with huge tits. I humbly request MOAR.
No. 22493 ID: 976cae
Oh? You got raped by that Daemon? Couldn't have been that bad.
No. 22515 ID: 857855
File 139596984069.png - (103.63KB , 578x573 , where did you come from.png )
dont care, had fun
No. 22516 ID: 857855
File 139597438730.png - (171.49KB , 822x600 , daemon wrack.png )
No. 22573 ID: e24789
Based Liar. Thank you.
No. 22620 ID: 857855
File 139648502521.png - (143.41KB , 600x600 , Good acting.png )
No. 22633 ID: 976cae
Tits that big and half the population will agree with anything you say. No acting necessary.
No. 22634 ID: 857855
File 139656314479.png - (231.91KB , 588x862 , Cyrine Aenid.png )
No. 22653 ID: 2f4b71
80s hair is best hair.
No. 22667 ID: 976cae
Huge breasts+Skinsuit=YES
No. 22669 ID: 857855
File 139674395833.jpg - (190.90KB , 800x597 , IMG_0147.jpg )
I know it isn't a draw but

No. 22671 ID: 857855
File 139675561056.png - (195.49KB , 600x900 , Nisirna at Work.png )
Hadn't drawn her in a while
No. 22800 ID: 857855
File 139770042098.png - (209.03KB , 799x668 , fuck and make up.png )
No. 22802 ID: 857855
File 139770047323.png - (208.12KB , 731x800 , she always tops.png )
using the gnollnurse..

(shoot me, I know the proportions aren't the same my arm hurts)
No. 22817 ID: 857855
File 139778055243.png - (538.66KB , 1600x1200 , Winter Thaw feat_ Pyron wip.png )
wips and chains excite
No. 22818 ID: 857855
File 139778192278.png - (173.51KB , 590x985 , different style slanneshi .png )
sum practice
No. 22822 ID: 976cae
That's quite a hefty daemon.
No. 22854 ID: e678fe

Dat sum Nurse Verity?
No. 22857 ID: 976cae
Do you know any other gnolls that wear nurse outfits?
No. 22870 ID: 857855
File 139796071736.png - (391.89KB , 900x900 , Kaylinth and Stormi.png )
yes it is
No. 22894 ID: 857855
File 139803557666.png - (240.05KB , 800x900 , Al\'Jura\'s Knockers.png )
No. 22898 ID: 976cae
Dragon boobs are the best boobs.
No. 22899 ID: 0c32a2
I would like to see more of this tall be-goggled half-dragon.
No. 22901 ID: 857855
File 139804262026.png - (104.37KB , 542x672 , koboldin.png )
whenever i get a chance to

have a whimsy doodle
No. 22949 ID: 857855
File 139831414456.png - (369.68KB , 800x800 , blue please.png )
moar whimsy
No. 22950 ID: 857855
File 139831633952.png - (563.38KB , 800x900 , winterkitty.png )
moar muse
No. 22951 ID: 857855
File 139831784834.png - (221.35KB , 720x800 , stobbit winter.png )
even moar muse
No. 22965 ID: 857855
File 139839090694.png - (255.59KB , 800x900 , happy tails doodle.png )
No. 22967 ID: 976cae
Yes ma'am. Yes I certainly do.
No. 23022 ID: 857855
File 139899666831.png - (264.99KB , 800x800 , bewbs.png )
No. 23023 ID: 857855
File 139899795979.png - (205.43KB , 800x800 , Nurse Allie.png )
doodlea sketch
No. 23045 ID: 857855
File 139916570334.png - (199.70KB , 602x800 , hip bunps.png )
warm ups
No. 23051 ID: 857855
File 139916723018.png - (146.79KB , 794x582 , Nose art varity.png )
cute stuff
No. 23059 ID: 976cae
Soooooooooooo cute.
No. 23090 ID: e678fe

Tiny bird is tiny!
No. 23104 ID: 976cae
Helloooooo nurse.
No. 23106 ID: 857855
File 139951143697.png - (590.52KB , 1600x800 , AC inspired concepts.png )
concept things
No. 23107 ID: 857855
File 139952531204.png - (381.13KB , 800x1000 , Cardinal hardsuit.png )
close r look at the little armor
No. 23108 ID: 857855
File 139952698377.png - (224.06KB , 800x800 , Winter does things.png )
No. 23202 ID: e678fe

More of this character please!
No. 23280 ID: 857855
File 140070630438.png - (446.45KB , 1162x1240 , Lord of Blades.png )
I will sometime
No. 23281 ID: 857855
File 140071501920.png - (237.77KB , 800x800 , THIS ISNT HOW YOU BLACKSMITH.png )
No. 23283 ID: 857855
File 140071646180.png - (294.81KB , 800x1200 , feeding the dragon.png )
..drink up
No. 23292 ID: 857855
File 140082991726.png - (165.89KB , 593x642 , What kaylinth has her kobolds draw on everything.png )
and because reasons
No. 23293 ID: 976cae
That is literally the cutest thing ever.
No. 23294 ID: cfae8c
Draw more of your birdie girls please!
No. 23295 ID: 4d2517
Who is that lady? What is she really like? Feels like I'm missing something.
No. 23300 ID: 857855
File 140090551826.png - (491.79KB , 800x1352 , Cyril\'adonis.png )
time to come back
No. 23301 ID: 857855
File 140090577160.png - (248.93KB , 800x800 , get ready for your shots.png )
also :3
No. 23302 ID: 857855
File 140091581615.png - (251.99KB , 800x800 , hell of a shot___.png )
No. 23305 ID: 795da4
thanks doc

just uh

where did Verity's panties go
No. 23306 ID: 4754ce
No. 23315 ID: 857855
File 140105389161.png - (721.25KB , 1600x1600 , Bustyframes.png )
because reasons
No. 23318 ID: 857855
File 140106049536.png - (439.71KB , 1200x1200 , ithink i had to much.png )
forgive me for i have
No. 23319 ID: 857855
File 140106054002.png - (187.54KB , 800x800 , JOIN TODAQY.png )
had a little too much
No. 23320 ID: 857855
File 140106056856.png - (152.03KB , 800x640 , Liarbird!!!!.png )
to driunk

here, have a penis
No. 23324 ID: 857855
File 140107590788.png - (352.84KB , 800x800 , Aquila lander shenanigans.png )
No. 23328 ID: 795da4

The mystery of the missing anus

You ever drawn traps, or crossdressing, Liyurr?
No. 23329 ID: 857855
yeah, both actually
No. 23331 ID: 795da4

Would you be willing to share, or was it private stuff?

Also, where did verity's clothes go

No. 23356 ID: 857855
File 140141671848.png - (524.47KB , 1400x900 , Maelstrom of Sin.png )

Ship draw
No. 23357 ID: 795da4
s-so no traps then?
No. 23377 ID: 857855
File 140169566951.png - (174.21KB , 700x700 , bird tits every day.png )
a bit overworked
No. 23393 ID: 857855
File 140175809698.png - (170.18KB , 800x800 , ;o.png )
No. 23394 ID: 857855
File 140176169596.png - (177.04KB , 700x700 , bird tits every day.png )
fixed her breast
No. 23433 ID: 857855
File 140212496128.png - (252.48KB , 700x1600 , exotic dancer practice.png )
moar stuff
No. 23435 ID: 976cae
That is stunningly shapely.
No. 23438 ID: 795da4
Ever drawn a 'tauren girl, Liar?

curious how it'd look in your style
No. 23440 ID: 857855
File 140220743434.png - (532.21KB , 1400x1000 , RT Birds.png )
Nope, I dont play WoW
No. 23463 ID: 795da4

That hardly forbids you, now

Also purge the mutant, etc etc

She's gonna have a hell of a time going with bare feet

The left arm looks really awkward, also, too far forward especially with the shoulderplate perspective
No. 23466 ID: e678fe

Both a bit well equipped for mutant/abhuman scum, no?
No. 23469 ID: 976cae
Who is this character and why isn't there more?
No. 23473 ID: 857855
Rogue trader characters. they get nice toys
No. 23518 ID: e678fe

No. 23519 ID: 976cae
Seconded. You draw great curvy musclegirls.
No. 23529 ID: 926adc

The one on the right is 'Lexi.

He's the resident burdshota guard morale-booster.
No. 23532 ID: 795da4

Are you inferring rum, buggery and homoerotic liasons, sir?
No. 23562 ID: e24789
No, he is IMPLYING rum, buggery, and homoerotic liasons.
No. 23615 ID: 857855
File 140368062691.png - (249.32KB , 700x900 , Stormi Haka.png )
Someone I haven't drawn in a while
No. 23665 ID: 857855
File 140401586431.png - (891.91KB , 1800x1200 , whatever.png )
No. 23666 ID: 857855
File 140401666831.png - (818.16KB , 800x1400 , Aliciaatrest.png )
Another thing
No. 23709 ID: 857855
new thread
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