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File 140427738565.png - (743.60KB , 1100x1200 , Tight as fuck.png )
23699 No. 23699 ID: 857855
New thread, Old one was getting fucking gigantic.

Tyrannis tries to tame the beast
Expand all images
No. 23710 ID: 04cbad
Needs more guys jerking off.
No. 23712 ID: 976cae
Your face needs more guys jerking off. Oooohh.
No. 23728 ID: aa1fc2
They're there, just out of frame.
No. 23759 ID: 8d5d00
They should be splattering her with in-frame cum, then.
No. 23831 ID: aa1fc2
I'm sure they do. Then they clean off their monitors.
No. 23927 ID: e24789
Khornette khowgirl when?
No. 23931 ID: 9e3731
File 140557808619.png - (325.56KB , 900x700 , Tyrannis combat bioform.png )

I'm about to be running a black crusade game with guess who as the BBEG
No. 23932 ID: 9e3731
File 140557819048.png - (167.33KB , 554x615 , Avdotya.png )
First character I have a description for. the traitor guard officer
No. 23965 ID: 9e3731
File 140575400056.png - (334.39KB , 715x1200 , Avina\'s tits.png )
Felt like adding a little more to this.

(goddamn I must have redrawn her pelvic mound like fifty times)
No. 23967 ID: 976cae
Traitor guard? There are no spikes!
No. 23977 ID: 769221

Doesn't need to be Chaos to be a traitor to the Impeium :V
No. 23981 ID: 9e3731
File 140587371255.png - (334.55KB , 715x1200 , Avina\'s tits.png )
yet another fix to the pelvic region
No. 24003 ID: 9e3731
File 140609849758.png - (226.35KB , 700x900 , Varityswimmies.png )
Slight fix
No. 24026 ID: 976cae
That is amazing and adorable and I'll take ten.
No. 24047 ID: e678fe

I think it'd look better without the corset but it is cute!
No. 24050 ID: 976cae
That's the joke. It looks like her armor.
No. 24051 ID: 976cae
I don't think it's an actual corset. Just part of the suit.
No. 24058 ID: 9e3731
File 140652087101.png - (179.53KB , 700x900 , nid boobs doodle.png )
this is correct
No. 24060 ID: 761017
Your art is degenerating...
Is your physical damage or general pain getting worse?
No. 24062 ID: 9e3731
that was a ten minute doodle, as for that, I don't know.
No. 24070 ID: 976cae
"Hold on, this isn't venom in my sacs!"
No. 24121 ID: 9e3731
File 140687539163.png - (284.29KB , 1069x700 , doodlebug.png )
I might be void of quality posts for a bit, overworked tbh
No. 24160 ID: 9e3731
File 140720561240.png - (111.71KB , 403x484 , Hanekawa.png )
doodlething for pathfinder
No. 24169 ID: 9e3731
File 140722997129.png - (247.51KB , 587x717 , Idleness.png )
No. 24180 ID: 6a4788

If that's idleness, I'd love to ride her ass on being more active.
No. 24228 ID: 795da4
Requesting a trappy, crossdressing avian
No. 24250 ID: e678fe

Bat(?) on left looks a cutey!
No. 24268 ID: 9e3731
File 140773958750.png - (496.25KB , 1200x900 , Hanekawa pls.png )
Pathfinder characters. :z
No. 24269 ID: 9e3731
File 140774284396.png - (471.66KB , 1000x1200 , Kill la Heresy.png )
No. 24275 ID: e678fe

Dem Dragon curves
No. 24300 ID: e678fe

No. 24308 ID: 976cae
MILF Sister
No. 24309 ID: e678fe

What makes her a mother?
No. 24313 ID: 976cae
She's, like, 50. And big hips/tits. Classic. She probably has a kid somewhere.
No. 24319 ID: 9e3731
File 140799499602.png - (577.47KB , 1200x1000 , Break on stage.png )
oh dang
No. 24322 ID: e678fe

Dragon lady wants some.
No. 24324 ID: 6a4788

I think Tits there wants more.
No. 24328 ID: 52bacf
Getting fucked by a male nevrean? What is she, a fag?
No. 24329 ID: e678fe

Bird boy looks hot!
No. 24331 ID: 9e3731
File 140807095170.png - (420.08KB , 900x1268 , backstage finisher.png )
Pretty sure shes bi :Zc
Why that's Dasaki!
No. 24332 ID: 9e3731
File 140807459013.png - (403.82KB , 1200x700 , Stress relief.png )
a-a follow up to
No. 24338 ID: 976cae
At least someone knows how to put tits that big to use.
No. 24346 ID: 976cae
Someone looks like they're enjoying themselves.
No. 24360 ID: e678fe

I love the position and poses in this one!
No. 24363 ID: e678fe

That's some stress relief.
No. 24364 ID: e678fe

Wouldn't you with a dick that big?
No. 24389 ID: e678fe

Dasaki knows how to put em to work.
No. 24402 ID: ad9c4f
No internet a few days, so no art a while
No. 24463 ID: 52bacf
Be well man.
No. 24561 ID: 1e62e7
File 140963697906.png - (370.60KB , 700x1300 , cobra naga.png )

(Remember, ladies: He has two of them)
No. 24563 ID: 795da4


But it's a two handed weapon

You'd only need one
No. 24564 ID: 54197c
Hands, obviously.
No. 24571 ID: 0fd24d
>(Remember, ladies: He has two of them)

C-can we see them? Hemipenes are the best.
No. 24587 ID: 1e62e7
File 140989347547.png - (74.82KB , 311x432 , nemi no.png )
over nine thousand hours in sai
(more like five minutes)
No. 24588 ID: 1e62e7
File 140990082971.png - (312.28KB , 1200x800 , Liarfluff.png )
Liar what are you doing.
No, Liar!

(he needs a anme)
No. 24591 ID: 795da4

No. 24592 ID: 18da89
lil shit
No. 24593 ID: 52bacf
You are an exceptionally pointy Sergal.

He should be named Rufus. Or Sir Serglington.
No. 24598 ID: e678fe

What a pretty smile!
No. 24643 ID: 1e62e7
File 141023240802.png - (440.70KB , 1000x1149 , heroines of the Imperium.png )
oiled up and ready for anything
No. 24648 ID: e678fe

More of the right!
No. 24650 ID: 976cae
Fuck that. Left has sexy scars.
No. 24652 ID: 976cae
Why not both. At once. Doing the sex. Its compromise!
No. 24654 ID: e678fe
Black haired one is a buff amazon!
No. 24655 ID: 976cae
So is the other one, though.
No. 24656 ID: e678fe

Looks smaller to me
No. 24658 ID: 976cae
They're both huge. There is just no subject for comparison.
No. 24720 ID: 1e62e7
File 141110153834.png - (534.16KB , 586x816 , Priscilla.png )
No. 24721 ID: 4a20fa
No. 24723 ID: 52bacf
>Those dates

I'm sorry dude. She looks like a beautiful cat...
No. 24726 ID: 976cae
She will be missed, but will live forever in your art.
No. 24781 ID: 1e62e7
File 141162151246.png - (128.66KB , 600x800 , hooter.png )
someone told me to draw an owl
No. 24803 ID: 1e62e7
File 141187594447.png - (555.64KB , 1600x1200 , Winter Thaw feat_ Pyron.png )
did some fixing on this sketch
No. 24853 ID: 1e62e7
File 141214442877.png - (1.46MB , 1600x1700 , Tyrannis the conquerer.png )
Takin' your worlds

holy tits this is a huge image
No. 24855 ID: 7e7a31

Holy tits, indeed. She looks awesome.
No. 24856 ID: 90abd0
Damn good stuff man
No. 24873 ID: 1e62e7
File 141239010127.png - (215.66KB , 800x800 , couch cat.png )
pussy doodle

I hadn't drawn Nisirna in a while
No. 24885 ID: 73db79
Can you draw her pregnant? A Tyrant needs a brood after all...
No. 24894 ID: 1e62e7
File 141274607636.png - (488.20KB , 832x1237 , a job for another tyranid entirely.png )
That's a job for another type of Tyranid entirely, Not really something I enjoy drawing, but ok
No. 24897 ID: 1e62e7
File 141275212738.png - (136.57KB , 800x1000 , lizard bold with tits.png )
No. 24898 ID: 7e7a31

To hell with naysayers.
No. 24905 ID: 976cae
She looks comfortable.
No. 24910 ID: c7027b
She looks lovely.
No. 24915 ID: 976cae
M-more of this?
No. 24916 ID: 1e62e7
File 141290873754.png - (489.81KB , 832x1237 , a job for another tyranid entirely.png )

a less reserved version
No. 24917 ID: 1e62e7
File 141291009984.png - (315.65KB , 800x800 , nidscribble.png )
fifteen minute lewd scribble before bed
No. 24918 ID: c7027b
I want to rub her belly and watch it slowly grow bigger over the days.
No. 24919 ID: 976cae
You would have to feed her. >>24917
No. 24994 ID: 1e62e7
File 141317433376.png - (562.91KB , 1200x900 , Dborn vs real drgns.png )
No. 25024 ID: 927923
File 141332997789.jpg - (2.26MB , 2592x1936 , image.jpg )
Because imgur a shit
No. 25026 ID: 1e62e7
more practice stuff
No. 25027 ID: 1e62e7
File 141342680237.png - (195.31KB , 800x800 , eggs pls.png )
No. 25028 ID: 976cae
A dragons gotta do what a dragons gotta do
No. 25029 ID: 3a161c
No. 25030 ID: e678fe

Love lefts worried look!
No. 25033 ID: 1e62e7
File 141350774499.png - (225.43KB , 800x1000 , Bad dragon vs bad-dragon Chance.png )
speaks for itself
No. 25034 ID: 976cae
Dose hips
No. 25093 ID: 976cae
No. 25104 ID: e678fe

No. 25106 ID: 976cae
Yes, add Kobolds.
No. 25115 ID: 1e62e7
File 141377728242.png - (212.00KB , 800x800 , fuckin nids.png )
No. 25116 ID: 976cae
Simply amazing.
No. 25117 ID: 976cae
Can you draw more of this Tyranid? Possibly involving a horde of Gaunts
No. 25126 ID: 1e62e7
can I? I don't know, my pile of requests is so huge it's soul crushing.

I owe so many people things and new things get piled on every week.
No. 25127 ID: 1e62e7
File 141402965819.png - (217.47KB , 800x800 , kobold train.png )
No. 25133 ID: 665cf8
"Owe?" Do not.
No. 25165 ID: 1e62e7
File 141429844975.jpg - (38.83KB , 184x184 , Liarbird.jpg )
goddamn I need to learn to CG
No. 25166 ID: 1e62e7
File 141430103186.png - (56.29KB , 184x184 , Varity.png )
another icon
No. 25176 ID: 52bacf
Requests? Dude you gotta make your art work for you. Make some cash money.
No. 25182 ID: 976cae
She looks awfully smug about something.
No. 25185 ID: 1e62e7
File 141437906540.png - (616.03KB , 1400x1400 , Crius and a Fluffy.png )
a very belated thing for Ficus
No. 25187 ID: 1e62e7
File 141438423853.png - (46.46KB , 184x184 , Liarfluffy.png )
decided to crop and color an icon
No. 25209 ID: e678fe

Damn! That is awesome!
No. 25212 ID: 1e62e7
File 141447265295.png - (231.72KB , 1200x1024 , wight and keter.png )
quest character idea
No. 25216 ID: e678fe
There is such motion and control in this piece. Amazing.
No. 25299 ID: 1e62e7
File 141524839553.png - (399.12KB , 1400x1024 , New Reference thingy.png )
a design thing for Var, with a scale Avina
No. 25307 ID: 976cae
Well she looks experienced.
No. 25337 ID: e678fe

I like the scars but I think it looks a bit odd her breasts are completely untouched.
No. 25400 ID: 1e62e7
File 141584842036.png - (183.37KB , 502x1146 , no name.png )
her tits used to be darn near flat, and she never had scars on them, regardless, not my character, not my decision

have a leucistic hark girl without wings
No. 25403 ID: 1e62e7
File 141585068224.png - (524.10KB , 1200x1200 , Varvar\'s bizarre adventure.png )
:V anyway
No. 25417 ID: 976cae
The perspective and proportion in this picture is astounding.
No. 25449 ID: e678fe

She's cute!
No. 25471 ID: ad48a5
Played straight up from starting XP through Ascension from what I recall.
No. 25475 ID: 976cae
So she is, literally, full of experience.
No. 25514 ID: 1e62e7
File 141682251908.png - (172.90KB , 573x900 , sketchabold.png )
No. 25530 ID: 1e62e7
File 141689517768.png - (121.62KB , 509x654 , doodlescribble.png )
a thing
No. 25532 ID: e678fe

No. 25538 ID: 6a4788

Kobold butts are always relevant.
No. 25546 ID: 1e62e7
File 141714058084.png - (260.38KB , 1000x1000 , rich tittycat Nisirna.png )
No. 25560 ID: 1e62e7
File 141740021991.png - (184.88KB , 800x800 , CoC Alice .png )
Call of cthulhu bust for a chara
No. 25567 ID: 1e62e7
File 141750354657.png - (154.78KB , 492x748 , sharkdick.png )
No. 25570 ID: 1e86da
He is grumpy as the girl he was boning teleported away midcoitus
No. 25596 ID: 1e62e7
File 141769095195.png - (214.53KB , 588x701 , Seeker Allie.png )
a drgnaeg doodle
No. 25617 ID: 1e62e7
File 141800834328.png - (341.59KB , 900x1200 , Glorious finisher.png )
"it wasnt me"
No. 25680 ID: 1e62e7
File 141834955581.png - (280.28KB , 800x632 , egg training.png )
aaaaaaa stuff
No. 25681 ID: 976cae
Well she looks like she's having fun.
No. 25723 ID: e678fe

sergals are dumb
No. 25725 ID: 976cae
No you're dumb
No. 25761 ID: 1e62e7
File 141873475697.png - (211.77KB , 800x576 , dirty bird doodle.png )
sleepy doodle: fixed a missing thing
No. 25762 ID: 976cae
Dat tongue
No. 25782 ID: 409543
I somehow have the hunch she's a little mutated after everything that's happened.
No. 25825 ID: 976cae
You fuck that many daemons and see if you don't get a little mutated!
No. 25827 ID: 109b71
Don't sisters of battle lose faith powers if they mutate?
No. 25829 ID: 976cae
Actually no, they technically only lose them if they gain -Corruption-. The two can be gained independently.
No. 25875 ID: 976cae
Well, you know what they say. You can't make an omelet without mutating a few eggs.
No. 25878 ID: 1e62e7
File 141929719970.png - (319.89KB , 1300x503 , brainstorm with a migraine.png )
just some idea doodles
No. 25880 ID: 6a4788

Birdy ass is always relevant, is that other one NTR though?
No. 25886 ID: e678fe

Bird butt!
No. 25910 ID: 1e62e7
File 141948142834.png - (653.77KB , 1200x1200 , Kaylinth practice.png )
You have been cornered by a red dragon.
No. 25913 ID: e678fe

I pull my 10 inch- I mean +10 Sword of Dragon Laying out.

No. 25936 ID: e678fe

I grab it's weak points; both of them!
No. 25939 ID: e678fe

Please sir, may I have some moar?
No. 25949 ID: 1e62e7
File 141982511016.png - (548.54KB , 1000x1000 , putting him to bed.png )
nah it isnt NTR

higher quality birdie ass
No. 25950 ID: 1e62e7
File 141982621639.png - (266.93KB , 1000x1000 , Nisirna watches television.png )
ah was gonna add more to this but blah
No. 25952 ID: 795da4

They look almost related, somehow

But that'd be obscene, surely
No. 25959 ID: e678fe

is that the same Mithra from the "Classy Kitty" pics?

Did she put on some weight since then? :/
No. 25961 ID: 926adc

11/10 would lewd both.
No. 25973 ID: b75022

If anything, she's lost weight.
No. 25975 ID: 1e62e7
File 141998865904.png - (235.56KB , 800x800 , lexisweater.png )
Im sure he would like to oblige

yeah, it is

Nah, they aren't related at all
No. 26008 ID: 795da4

Well there goes my fantasy, GEE

Needs more burdpanties
No. 26009 ID: e678fe

Room for one more, yes?
No. 26032 ID: 976cae
W-will there be more of this..?
No. 26036 ID: 1e62e7
File 142033847026.png - (500.75KB , 1500x800 , toomuch for birdie.png )
oh peep
No. 26065 ID: a4624c

Best birdy
No. 26066 ID: 976cae
Dragon looks so smug
No. 26074 ID: a4624c
"Too much for birdie"

Too much what? I assume its a double ended dildo? Am I not grasping that somehow the dragon lying back makes it more furious? :/
No. 26075 ID: 976cae
Because its huge to birdie, but 'meh' to dragon-sized.
No. 26101 ID: a4624c

Oh so the Dragon is bored.
No. 26104 ID: 1e62e7
File 142076508089.png - (207.76KB , 800x800 , sharahdoodle.png )
No. 26106 ID: 926adc

Depends on where you were planning on fitting in~
No. 26107 ID: a4624c

Where ever she wants it
No. 26132 ID: 1e62e7
File 142103042771.png - (47.40KB , 409x359 , blearyfluffy.png )
No. 26133 ID: 1e62e7
File 142103388129.png - (343.90KB , 800x800 , the sansha's nation wishes to expand it'.png )
The Sansha's Nation wishes to expand it's sergals
No. 26158 ID: 1e62e7
File 142119885876.png - (210.91KB , 754x1000 , Liirarial cumshot.png )
practicing sticky icky

for PuddOmega
No. 26182 ID: 6c42b7
File 142152250169.jpg - (114.83KB , 787x786 , I secretly approve!.jpg )
Eeeeh! L-leewd!
No. 26183 ID: 926adc

Do you have a pointy sergal penis? This is for science.
No. 26193 ID: 1e62e7
File 142172190561.png - (68.09KB , 333x424 , Varity bust.png )
No. 26202 ID: 1e62e7
File 142174409894.png - (59.41KB , 1024x768 , test.png )
trying out oc6, might start using it chiefly
No. 26226 ID: eecf4f
Cute cuntboys are a rare breed. I'd like to see more of him, eiher showing himself off or getting railed.
No. 26227 ID: b00646
'Cunt' is a degrading word, never use it in context of naming things. That said, 'Cuntboy' is even dumber. You have no context if that thing is a male or female, except for the lack of breasts.
No. 26228 ID: 9ddf68
>Cunt' is a degrading word
not in England, the word is about as degrading as saying damn.

Plus I do think that guy does have a dick, just that since he's a lizard it's internal instead of external so unless he's aroused you don't see dick.
No. 26229 ID: eecf4f
I didn't make up the term, that's just what they're called.

Also, the shoulders and hips look masculine. It's not the first time Liar has drawn a boy with a pussy, too.

You must be thinking of 'Straya, not England.
No. 26232 ID: db2d60
Cuntboy is named that because it's the opposite of dickgirl.

"Dick" is also a derogatory term. It's porn. Porn is going to be vulgar.
No. 26237 ID: b99964
File 142187443455.jpg - (1.48MB , 2592x1936 , image.jpg )
His stuff is internal. Have a catte
No. 26268 ID: 1e62e7
File 142232352159.png - (214.17KB , 1024x768 , a message to myself.png )
speaks for itself
No. 26269 ID: 1e62e7
File 142232856907.png - (576.81KB , 1200x1000 , sergalsafari.png )
kueh kueh
No. 26270 ID: 926adc

I don't know what's got you drawing sergals, but I hope it never ends.
No. 26271 ID: 13cd06
I approve
No. 26272 ID: 795da4

Is the girl in the back...pleasuring herself?

You should draw the world's classiest lingerie sergal. Courtesan, maybe..
No. 26273 ID: 976cae
>Is the girl in the back...pleasuring herself?
Don't judge.
No. 26280 ID: a4624c

Who cares we got sergaltits
No. 26282 ID: 1e62e7
File 142261896359.png - (328.96KB , 800x800 , what happens in the baths___.png )
No. 26284 ID: a4624c

Squeek indeed!
No. 26286 ID: a4624c

Goin bump in the night
No. 26293 ID: a4624c

That's a big kobold!
No. 26294 ID: a4624c

hello nurse!
No. 26295 ID: 795da4
For you.
No. 26296 ID: 1e62e7
File 142276496247.png - (117.61KB , 600x600 , Twisted sister.png )
im bad at drawing small people
No. 26297 ID: 3686e4
That's my kind of tongue.
No. 26298 ID: 3686e4
Yes, ma'am, I would like to suck on your titties.
No. 26305 ID: 3686e4
What is she doing and why isn't it sucking?
No. 26308 ID: 1e62e7
File 142301132572.png - (115.50KB , 500x500 , Malkuth pls.png )
i was feeling silly
No. 26309 ID: a4624c

No. 26310 ID: 3686e4
Requesting this character licking herself. It seems mandatory.
No. 26311 ID: e334e9
I too would like to see the rest of this picture.
No. 26312 ID: 1e62e7
b-but that is seriously all i drew
No. 26313 ID: 795da4

Any hole's a goal love
No. 26316 ID: a4624c

Reveal all!
No. 26321 ID: 1e62e7
File 142324448920.png - (308.33KB , 800x800 , a closer inspection.png )
blerf, not sure how good this came out
No. 26322 ID: 795da4

Wrist problems again? Top left looks a little undetailed, and the perspective is difficult. Her right arm is also bent oddly, a bit too stiff.
No. 26323 ID: 1e62e7
yes, arm problems again, it's not the wrist like I thought, it's more or less my wrist AND elbow
No. 26324 ID: 795da4

Something sounds fucked with yer nerve, get up to a doc, man.
No. 26326 ID: a4624c
I was hoping for more of this >>26308
No. 26337 ID: a4624c

Aww QT
No. 26348 ID: 1e62e7
File 142361674554.png - (225.76KB , 621x1112 , Cow varity pls.png )
live in america, cant afford insurance yet, waiting until I can, then I will go see a doc. I'm still fucking paying off my heart doctor visit which was a fucking joke.
No. 26351 ID: 795da4

Jesus. Being a britfag isn't so bad anymore. Especially when you do stuff great for your health like MIG.

And I bet they bill you for every bit of gauze they use, to boot.
No. 26352 ID: a4624c

Heart doctor?
No. 26355 ID: 3686e4
Cowgirls are best girls.
No. 26356 ID: 3686e4

See what I did there
No. 26357 ID: 1e62e7
File 142370341355.png - (236.57KB , 621x1112 , Cow varity pls.png )

some requested additions and fixes
yeah, heart problem that i can't afford to have fixed
No. 26358 ID: 3686e4
10/10 would let cowgirl
No. 26360 ID: a4624c

Dude, are you going to be alright? You need your heart! D:
No. 26377 ID: 1e62e7
File 142397900632.png - (269.99KB , 800x800 , Kozzo size.png )
as some folks wondered about my DF adventure bold
No. 26381 ID: 1e62e7
File 142402552234.png - (62.07KB , 410x474 , thing.png )
No. 26384 ID: 265534
Poor Jehral. Always smaller than every girlbold.
No. 26387 ID: 1e62e7
File 142406762309.png - (265.26KB , 800x800 , happy b day bhat.png )
ffffFFFFF I popped a boner..
No. 26389 ID: 795da4

Don't fret about it, sexuality's a scale

s'all good

It'd be interesting to see them the other way around, though

also liar do you take Steamuh giftsuh
No. 26390 ID: 1e62e7
uh i guess.
No. 26391 ID: 795da4

I sent a friend invite seein as thats the only way to send games, ruddy steam.
No. 26401 ID: 1e62e7
File 142423007255.png - (220.56KB , 772x672 , Varity purifying a daemon___.png )
secret technique
No. 26403 ID: d958ad
Okay yeah that's definitely heresy.
No. 26415 ID: a4624c

Kozzo needs a stuffing. Just saying.
No. 26418 ID: 3686e4
That sure is a hungry daemon vacuum.
No. 26422 ID: 3686e4

Ah. I see she went to the Luigi's Haunted Mansion school of Sucking Up Monsters Until They Go Away.
No. 26427 ID: a4624c

No more silly?
No. 26434 ID: 1e62e7
File 142468295618.png - (250.67KB , 800x800 , Lewdlori.png )
jesus christ clean that up
No. 26436 ID: a4624c

No. 26438 ID: 50fe84
Lewd Bold is Best Bold.
No. 26439 ID: e34da4
Why clean up, there's so much left to do!
No. 26441 ID: a4624c

No. 26448 ID: 1e62e7
File 142491386994.png - (223.91KB , 800x1000 , Varvrean.png )
No. 26483 ID: 1e62e7
File 142535159516.png - (237.65KB , 800x684 , No stormi nooooo.png )
moar stuff
No. 26505 ID: c8f294
So i'll be a while before any updates, need to get things situated. In the meantime I still have my job and can crash at friend's places. But things are going to be rough.
No. 26509 ID: 3db99d

Oh shit, sorry dude! Best of luck to you.
No. 26535 ID: bdd0a6
Still working on it, times are tough
No. 26540 ID: 3db99d
File 142634419981.jpg - (666.70KB , 1056x792 , ec6fd45abde52d8fecfd854c3fb27086.jpg )
No. 26599 ID: cf1dc7
File 142760518790.png - (222.34KB , 800x753 , A PERSON.png )
No. 26667 ID: cf1dc7
File 142880587076.png - (808.88KB , 800x800 , Anael sketch.png )
No. 26762 ID: 47beb7
I love your dragon girl stuff, almost as much as I love your Khornette.

I know things are tough right now, stick with it. You'll find a way out.
No. 26764 ID: 3686e4
Thread needs more of that Khorne daemon.

You know, when you can.
No. 26765 ID: 98b17a

Khornette pantsu amazing, would join chaos for
No. 26767 ID: 3686e4
Khornette amazon in sexy pantsu?
No. 26771 ID: 3686e4
Need one of those full color pictures of that daemon.
No. 26817 ID: a5d185
File 143051193086.jpg - (181.72KB , 800x1200 , image.jpg )
Eh itll be a while before i can fix this, her head is too small
No. 26976 ID: b99245
File 143183289357.png - (365.41KB , 800x800 , Varity breedan.png )
uhm.. ok
No. 26978 ID: 3686e4
Amazing. More like this!
No. 26983 ID: 3686e4
Mommy, how am ripper made?
No. 26985 ID: b99245
File 143193677327.png - (545.98KB , 1000x1000 , quicksilver collection duty.png )
Not in that way, darling.
No. 26986 ID: b99245
File 143193805047.png - (209.70KB , 800x800 , warmup wight.png )
ok something clean
No. 26987 ID: 3686e4
>Not in that way, darling.
I don't know, that way seems to be working quite fine.
No. 27008 ID: b99245
File 143217931532.png - (231.45KB , 527x726 , gods damnit woman.png )
No. 27012 ID: bf79cf

oh god wut
No. 27013 ID: 3686e4
See? Working.
No. 27017 ID: 98b17a

No. 27021 ID: b99245
File 143227597303.png - (294.71KB , 800x800 , botched summoning.png )
couldnt have picked a worse time..
No. 27024 ID: b99245
File 143236366032.png - (294.82KB , 800x1000 , Gulp gulp.png )
well, gotta clean up
No. 27025 ID: b99245
File 143236367983.png - (192.03KB , 800x800 , doodledrgn.png )
No. 27041 ID: 41ab56

Is she into that?
No. 27042 ID: 3686e4
Into what? Big Tyranid dicks? It sure looks that way.
No. 27045 ID: b99245
File 143244161375.png - (234.54KB , 800x800 , acrobatic.png )
yes, she is
No. 27048 ID: 3686e4
Well she certainly seems talented at many things.
No. 27049 ID: eecf4f
Was kinda hoping for pregnant pole dancing...
No. 27050 ID: 3686e4
That sounds... unwieldy.
No. 27056 ID: 3686e4
This is fantastic. The girl is shapely, the figure is well positioned, you can feel the momentum and physics. This pose is not easy to draw.
No. 27057 ID: 3637e8
You seem like autism incarnate
No. 27058 ID: 92ab77
And you seem like a bit of a cunt.
No. 27060 ID: 3686e4
Complimenting someone's art makes you an autist? Huh.
No. 27061 ID: b99245
File 143254658363.png - (123.40KB , 700x700 , what the hell.png )
the fuck is the problem here.
No. 27064 ID: eecf4f
That's kinda what I'd like about it... Trying to be graceful despite her unwieldy physique.
No. 27068 ID: b99245
File 143259433067.png - (230.81KB , 800x800 , shh I hear something.png )
No. 27072 ID: 94f7ee
Ahahah. Oh wow. This is why you don't bathe with charr?
No. 27075 ID: 738b1b
I think this has been asked before, but is there any way to contact you for commissions or have your commissions changed?
No. 27078 ID: b99245
oh, uh.. steam is Liarfluff, also note me on fa (tonywolf on furaffinity)
No. 27079 ID: 41ab56

So what led a SoB to sucking tyranid cock?
No. 27080 ID: bf79cf

No. 27081 ID: 3686e4
Warp dust?
No. 27083 ID: 6a4788

No. 27084 ID: 41ab56

Just that? No desire for hot sticky tyranid cum?
No. 27085 ID: 3686e4
Just look at all that art. She clearly does love herself some thick and warm cum.
No. 27114 ID: b99245
File 143292608014.png - (237.76KB , 563x800 , Gotta stay healthy.png )
deny the daemon

stay in shape
No. 27118 ID: 94f7ee
Well, if there ever was a good excuse to stay in shape, it'd be that.
No. 27125 ID: b99245
File 143303727822.png - (233.16KB , 800x800 , dwagum transformation.png )
silly shenanigans
No. 27157 ID: b99245
File 143332057914.png - (303.14KB , 691x800 , shes a handful.png )
No. 27162 ID: 3686e4
Goodness she seems happy and stuffed.
No. 27179 ID: ba4a01
You should draw more of your eldar girl, she was pretty hot.
No. 27204 ID: b99245
File 143381496639.png - (158.72KB , 600x600 , Stop, Teka time.png )
bitch gon get what she deserves
No. 27205 ID: 3686e4
Well she certainly does not seem to be distressed by getting what's coming.
No. 27224 ID: b99245
File 143406228253.png - (252.61KB , 1000x1000 , how I plan things.png )
I have no reason to
No. 27228 ID: b99245
File 143406792057.png - (430.57KB , 1200x800 , tabletop WIP.png )
Camaraderie I guess, still working on it
No. 27229 ID: a11593
Maybe to compare how far your art has come? I'm not particularly nostalgic for her but there is no reason NOT to either.
No. 27234 ID: fd47b9

No. 27245 ID: b99245
File 143421710912.png - (412.78KB , 1200x800 , tabletop WIP.png )
Still working on it
No. 27258 ID: 3686e4
Looking good. Keep it up!
No. 27286 ID: b99245
File 143442205487.png - (499.96KB , 1200x800 , tabletop WIP.png )
Revenge of the WIPS
No. 27287 ID: b99245
File 143442207494.png - (448.62KB , 800x800 , sexbird.png )
god this is so messy, also WIP
No. 27288 ID: 3686e4
At least SOMEONE here knows how to have fun.
No. 27289 ID: 3686e4
Is that milk?
No. 27359 ID: b99245
File 143485325726.png - (176.41KB , 800x800 , Janan idea.png )

Plan drawing for Strigon's kobold chara
No. 27362 ID: 235897
You draw some excellent milfs.
No. 27378 ID: fd47b9

Cyborg Kobold!
No. 27379 ID: 235897
No. 27382 ID: 235897
No. 27384 ID: 235897
No. 27430 ID: a3de85
File 143552669946.png - (155.16KB , 400x774 , Janan idea.png )
some adjustments
No. 27528 ID: a3de85
File 143580407699.png - (677.77KB , 1096x800 , The Golden Flagon and Dragon.png )
christ, I should stop procrastinating
No. 27555 ID: fd47b9

No. 27568 ID: a3de85
File 143614756368.png - (322.93KB , 800x800 , blow.png )
No. 27573 ID: 235897
I love seeing her suckin cock.
No. 27582 ID: fd47b9

Dose some stacked dragons dude
No. 27583 ID: 235897
Sister looks to be enjoying this situation greatly.
No. 27630 ID: fd47b9

Always weak for Stormi
No. 27653 ID: a3de85
File 143730518329.png - (596.74KB , 800x800 , Studying hard.png )
the dirty dwagum.

And finished this I think.
No. 27654 ID: 41ab56
Did you draw this Liar?

No. 27660 ID: a3de85
no, look at the signature. I don't sign my stuff usually.
No. 27665 ID: 41ab56

Will you draw more delicious nid on girl?
No. 27667 ID: a3de85
No. 27751 ID: 7420d6
Ever thought of making an art tumblr/blog? Your shit's really good and I'd love to follow it.
No. 27803 ID: a3de85
thought about it, usually always went 'but it's fucking tumblr'
No. 27814 ID: 6a4788

Pretty sure FL doesn't want SJWs screaming at him or people randomly demanding he draw 7 different kinds of pony ass with various degrees of anatomical accuracy.
No. 27815 ID: 068b4d
Oh no my friend, it's all gemsonas these days. SU has replaced MLP, more SJW-infested and cancerous than ever.
No. 27826 ID: a3de85
File 143949452214.png - (232.60KB , 713x703 , milk the malkuth.png )
what is SU?
No. 27827 ID: 235897
Hnnnng long tongues!
No. 27862 ID: aad43d
Steven universe aka tumblr: the cartoon
No. 27866 ID: a3de85
File 143958682516.png - (548.62KB , 1000x1000 , putting him to bed2.png )
ah, basically dumb shit that doesn't matter.

(also this is a fixed image)
No. 27870 ID: a3de85
File 143959308391.png - (503.18KB , 1000x1000 , tozzle pls.png )
Alt version
No. 27874 ID: eecf4f
Is she pregnant? If she is I hope we see more of her like that.
No. 27876 ID: 235897
Well when you fuck as many things as all her art seems to indicate, you're bound to wind up with at least -something- in there.
No. 27887 ID: a3de85
File 143977003015.png - (136.47KB , 800x800 , varityrings.png )
No. 27895 ID: a3de85
File 144011061199.png - (341.11KB , 800x800 , playing with Stormi.png )
No. 27908 ID: a3de85
File 144028036412.png - (256.94KB , 800x800 , blanketmonster.png )
but sleep
No. 27920 ID: 235897
On the contrary, I think you'll be sleeping very well.
No. 27953 ID: a3de85
File 144079908620.png - (301.99KB , 800x800 , some light teamwork .png )
No. 27954 ID: a3de85
File 144082184453.png - (196.31KB , 800x800 , Captured kobold.png )
now for a newer better program
No. 27955 ID: a3de85
File 144082215537.png - (225.34KB , 800x800 , Lewd dragon slip studio paint.png )
gonna be a while before I get the perfect brush settings
No. 27970 ID: a3de85
File 144090571254.jpg - (83.10KB , 793x789 , kobold princess.jpg )
fuck it we're doing it live
No. 28019 ID: a3de85
File 144126534011.png - (340.47KB , 800x600 , bitter rivals or best friends.png )
Fuck this stupid shit
No. 28022 ID: a3de85
File 144142476949.png - (274.23KB , 800x600 , little group sex doodle.png )
lewd doodles abound
No. 28028 ID: eecf4f
Yes they should. So Slaanesh can give birth to another Khornette.
No. 28036 ID: a3de85
File 144159141868.png - (550.21KB , 1000x1000 , putting him to bed3.png )
No. 28089 ID: a3de85
File 144217543731.png - (81.70KB , 400x400 , Avinabelly.png )
diddle doodle
No. 28105 ID: a3de85
File 144252870858.png - (326.04KB , 1000x900 , 2 many eggs.png )
doodle diddle
No. 28106 ID: 235897
Wow, thems some quality lewds.
No. 28112 ID: a3de85
File 144266141666.png - (217.45KB , 602x716 , birb and catte.png )
even more doodle
No. 28179 ID: 098796

Oh, her again! You should draw her more! Delicious muscle dragon
No. 28183 ID: 235897
Takes a lot of muscle to hold all those eggs! Must have thighs of adamantine.
No. 28252 ID: a3de85
File 144408892511.png - (155.86KB , 800x800 , boob bold and gnoll.png )
No. 28495 ID: 24f489
File 144665627019.jpg - (300.53KB , 940x860 , ss+(2015-11-03+at+05_59_39).jpg )
cut cut
No. 28525 ID: eecf4f
Been playing Vermintide lately?
No. 28561 ID: 235897
When will we get to see more of her?
No. 28566 ID: 978bf6
I would -love- to see a busty Tau girl with a punk look going on.
No. 28600 ID: 24f489
File 144797111805.jpg - (99.96KB , 842x814 , ss+(2015-11-18+at+06_46_53).jpg )
when I get better at drawing big tits.

Have some Gnollbard and Pyrexia
No. 28605 ID: 07ff8e

Gnollbard is best bard!
No. 28606 ID: 24f489
I missed your image dude
No. 28664 ID: 235897
Only way to get there is to practice. N-not that this is a sly way of just getting you to draw more boobs, or anything...
No. 28863 ID: 24f489
File 144989761508.png - (147.97KB , 512x524 , A full kobold.png )
No. 28955 ID: 24f489
File 145125737692.png - (649.62KB , 1280x1024 , A Yuletide Aria.png )
she got a white christmas
No. 28956 ID: 874423
And a few other white things, too.
No. 28958 ID: 70f7d1
When are we going to see more of your busty battle sister?
No. 28959 ID: 24f489
She isn't even mine
No. 28960 ID: 70f7d1
Oh, well will we see more of her?
No. 28962 ID: 24f489
File 145151082953.png - (183.37KB , 502x1146 , Aria.png )
When I feel like it.. I guess
No. 28964 ID: 904cc3
any chance for some new gay lewds?
No. 28977 ID: 41ab56

Who is she then?
No. 29081 ID: 24f489
No. 29293 ID: 24f489
File 145557112997.jpg - (81.99KB , 632x649 , kobold workout.jpg )
No. 29349 ID: 24f489
File 145620522898.png - (172.56KB , 800x800 , squatting bold.png )
more smut
No. 29488 ID: 24f489
File 145740571297.png - (602.51KB , 1350x900 , at the royal baths.png )
notice me senpai

gift for waywardkobold and Gnollbard
No. 29631 ID: 846e92
No. 29638 ID: 24f489
File 145833662729.png - (218.04KB , 532x681 , feeding the bird.png )
No. 29641 ID: 163674
>>29488 (checked)
No. 29747 ID: 24f489
File 145956416021.jpg - (129.06KB , 1158x899 , butt stuff.jpg )
im working on a thing
No. 29863 ID: f562b1
Is that an anon?
No. 30212 ID: 29bc45
File 146439379524.jpg - (161.95KB , 939x802 , ss+(2016-05-10+at+02_12_41).jpg )
nah its not an anon, I didn't know who to put
No. 30253 ID: 606fab
I'm surprised you managed to pull yourself away from Total War long enough to post
No. 30297 ID: 29bc45
and work, and overwatch
No. 30399 ID: 29bc45
File 146662411678.jpg - (106.39KB , 521x919 , Alyona milking it.jpg )
No. 30426 ID: 909b49
Why is it in Russian?
No. 30433 ID: 29bc45
because she's a rusrus
No. 30448 ID: 909b49
Did you translate that in Google translator? The correct version is 'Да, подои меня!" ('Yes, milk it!')
No. 30504 ID: 479bfb
Used a tool that actually puts things in a format, foreign phrases are so fucking varied that I cant be assed.
No. 30563 ID: 29bc45
File 146815428570.gif - (2.96MB , 315x315 , 797d5469-70cc-44c5-b7b5-6bfeddea29da.gif )
No. 30628 ID: 29bc45
File 146875357775.jpg - (61.51KB , 438x892 , salt n pepper.jpg )
progress work
No. 30805 ID: a8602c

U should draw more 40K stuff!
No. 30806 ID: 343222
(eventually, I'm working a fucking ton lately)
No. 30827 ID: 343222
File 147039563376.jpg - (152.96KB , 943x892 , making friends.jpg )
nom nom nom
No. 31462 ID: 343222
File 147594964494.jpg - (66.29KB , 605x552 , utterly immoral.jpg )
greedy girl, stealing her mom's toy boy
No. 31609 ID: e6cace
Nice! I really like your art.
No. 32455 ID: 343222
File 148251486890.jpg - (128.81KB , 758x521 , ss+(2016-12-23+at+12_58_30).jpg )
well... it's warhammer
No. 32456 ID: 343222
File 148251491450.jpg - (145.49KB , 1176x840 , LEWD SKAVEN.jpg )
No. 32457 ID: 696fed
oh hey a ratgirl that isn't a massive breeder blob
No. 32471 ID: 1016a0

Skaven on human sex? DOUBLE HERESY
No. 32472 ID: 374706
Slaanesh approved!
No. 32474 ID: 1016a0

Skaven belong to the Horned Rat, a subset of Nurgle. Slaanesh has no say in this.
No. 32475 ID: 97cee0

I'm pretty sure their spheres can overlap. In any case, a non-breedblob skaven girl has pretty clearly turned from the traditional values of her culture.

I guess that raises the question of whether you can have skaven heretics. They do have to actively give worship to the Horned Rat, and I think I remember something about the possibility of skaven being accused of heresy or atheism for not being visibly devout enough, so it's implied to be possible. You could have secret cults to other gods.
No. 32476 ID: 4854ef
That was actually a case for Clan Pestilens.. Who also now serve Nurgle in Age of Sigmar since the Great Horned Rat joined the pantheon proper.
No. 32702 ID: 343222
File 148455419722.jpg - (81.86KB , 549x602 , zebra training.jpg )
oh shit she's gonna get loaded
No. 32910 ID: 343222
File 148584806242.jpg - (172.99KB , 1040x765 , ss+(2017-01-31+at+12_44_24).jpg )
liar getting a new look
No. 32912 ID: 343222
File 148588336434.jpg - (140.03KB , 809x875 , make more wizards.jpg )
And i-i'm just a little busy
No. 32955 ID: 343222
File 148644951560.png - (716.65KB , 800x1568 , superbowl sunday.png )
shit nobody cares about
No. 33240 ID: 79667c
just wanted to get my thoughts out real quick.

you are a very, very great artist. I love your work and everything you do, and I hope one day to see your work really gain the recognition it deserves, despite any hardships you may face otherwise. have you made a tumblr or a hentai-factory account yet?
No. 33870 ID: 343222
File 149378975749.jpg - (130.25KB , 664x884 , Aria's uniform.jpg )
something i had been meaning to do for a while
No. 33871 ID: 343222
File 149378978175.jpg - (229.47KB , 1273x945 , twins they were.jpg )
and obligatory porn to go with it.
No. 33872 ID: 343222
File 149379009406.jpg - (73.85KB , 730x520 , Zeeb fuckins.jpg )
oh hey I forgo to post this one, which follows up to >>32702
No. 36743 ID: 60b5f9
File 150992184183.png - (1.09MB , 1616x1284 , 87040BF5-5ECB-4F1D-B222-AB92BC6C7733.png )
Just lewding the kobold
No. 36744 ID: c88e6d
Always lewd the kobold.
No. 37086 ID: c8e6dc
File 151176737217.jpg - (209.64KB , 1267x761 , wounded Kronos warrior.jpg )
oh god I drew a Tyranid

don't worry, he's one of "the good guys"
No. 37167 ID: c88e6d
Alas, born without genitalia. Poor soul.
No. 37469 ID: c8e6dc
File 151546855294.jpg - (119.23KB , 971x666 , ss+(2018-01-08+at+08_55_35).jpg )
protip, it has goods.
No. 37470 ID: c88e6d
*Gasp!* A shocking twist!
No. 37618 ID: c8e6dc
File 151701485266.jpg - (123.02KB , 622x688 , Aria charge.jpg )
No. 39283 ID: 60b5f9
File 152886043918.png - (319.46KB , 731x756 , A23E870A-7AB5-42F5-B3A7-6AC1E6C597AA.png )
It me again
No. 39510 ID: 60b5f9
File 153108012651.jpg - (95.89KB , 602x678 , 381C4965-071F-4323-8706-D3EA64F1D6B3.jpg )
No. 42796 ID: 4fedca
File 155617736719.jpg - (216.99KB , 1210x940 , E3AB2097-86BA-4C95-949F-52E682E09846.jpg )
No. 44702 ID: 60b5f9
File 158020089144.png - (249.90KB , 640x680 , 5F2313E2-2246-4851-99F2-74B24ADC8339.png )
something new
No. 44703 ID: 404f0f
Thanks for sharing. Great art as always!
No. 45120 ID: 60b5f9
File 158607512733.png - (474.34KB , 640x680 , 8CF6246D-0F97-469C-93E2-C111B4C68388.png )
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