... ...Where do the tubes lead?
>>449 It's probably just for show.
>>449 Looks like they lead to the armpits.
>>551 D'awwwwwwwwww
Nevrean was phone
>>555 GET OFF THE PHONE GOD FUCKING DAMNIT Next April 1st though, I'm so, so, SO going to have my radio broadcast be PEEP PEEP PEEP ad infinem.
>>555 She's just talking to her peeps!
i didn't realize ids don't show up in these threads guy who drew the nevrean was phone, pls to be getting in irc?
penji drinking water
Here's the NSFW version of >>1239 Streamed to show off the bird I learned to draw in art class.
it's a serious condition
>>1762 Does anyone else see like thousands of these bouncing along like the plum-men from Twice Upon A Time? It is simultaneously adorable and horrific. Then they all converge on one point and flow together and eat the city.
I figured it was one of those things that only moves when you aren't looking.
>>1768 That episode of Dr. Who was frellin' brilliant. Also, exactly what I was thinking of...
poni practican gaems. This is a sparklepony.
>>2563 I'd think a slaaneshipony would be a pegasus... Maybe with little bloody stumps where she sawed off her wings.
>no tzeentch >>2564 I'd think Unicorn. The unicorns tend to be the most Slaaneshi. The amputation thing is all well and good, and it'd be a nice visual joke, but playing into FiM character generalities would be more entertaining to me.
>>2565 >no tzeentch Cruxador you are dumb as hell. >>2497
>>2564 No, unicorn, with a dick-horn. Or a regular one, but he/she's got to look hooorny.
>>2566 That's tzeentch? Okay, I guess.
>>2568 Of course that's Tzeentch. What have you been watching?
>>2570 Personally, when I first saw it, I thought it was a Slaanesh pony. Of course, I know dick all about WH, so there you go. For a god of pleasure, his minions seem... monochrome.
>>2570 Might have figured it for Chaos Undividedpony.
>>2572 That's until you check out whats under their loincloth.
>>2572 Slaanesh isn't really a god of pleasure. It's a god of excess. People equate it with SEXSEXSEX because they are horny manchildren, but it's more about obsession and the pursuit of a step beyond perfection.
ace pilot driblis
>>4091 I love the rubber band.
>>2575 >horny manchildren >coming from someone posting on tgchan.
>>4113 >coming from someone also posting on tgchan Get out. USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST(This user has been actually banned for this post.)
That is absolutely amazing.
lohrke porn doodle time
hurrrrrrrgh i can't get enough cutebolds MOAR
>>6901 Awww. How curvy.
cutebold door gunner requested in IRC
>>11845 >driblis_riding_the_bus_home.jpg
OK, I'm going to take requests, in the vein of this image. Post a DnD monster manual picture and I will try to put some tits on it.
Request 1: Golem, Mithral
Rust monster, prismatic dragon
>>11965 >Implying you can ever outdo the Tarrasque. Anyway, pic related. Slimegirls are cheating.
this thing
>>11965 Invisible Stalker
Clawing out own eyes optional afterwards or during.
Steel Predator please.
Can't go wrong with Kitty Titties
FIrst one
>>11989 Oh and totally put a pith helmet on her for extra awesome
>>11972 Two birds with one stone
>>11973 I've done this before but I can do another one
>>11981 I'm not doing these in any particular order
>>12048 How about a xenomorph? Male or female, your choice?
>>11965 :3
>>12048 So beautiful, brings a tear to my eye. Many thanks for this. New suggestion is more challenging, but it might be interesting to see how it turns out.
No modrons yet? Immediate rectification required!
Shame on you, forgetting the majestic Flumph.
>>12054 I support this suggestion 384%.
>>11986 Dunno if this came out rapey enough
>>12075 It's an okay amount of rape.
Haven't had much drawing time with work.
I keep forgetting to post this, it's something Driblis said a long time ago
>>15587 saved
>>15587 Ahahaha
Happy birthday Driblis!
Buttbold the second
What has science done?
IRC character design: busty kobold engineer
>>26335 Gnolls FTW
A cyberpunk salazzazarine
pile of unsorted cutebolds
>>26402 I like this, it's an adoreable idea
nako shoving a cutebold between her tits.
continuing the previous theme
x-com request from /tg/
how to see a mountain lazurek's boob.
>>27353 it just takes some effort
stream drawing
this isn't really fanart? I don't know where else to post it
>>39251 A+
this came up in discord
>>39253 Goddamn, that is one tubby amtsvane. She looks like she already ate all the fish.
>>39258 give her more
Astarte became excited
>>39301 Absolutely adorable!
It's gronking time
Raptie kept hinting that I should do an Outissa one so here's my monkey paw delivery
a Valsalia
a granksvane
2 roundbolds and a siphon
worg lump
Jerboa bean
Slightly off model penji (gronkifying gave her toe beans)
>>42097 oh no! how will she ever find a husband now?!
>>42098 Some boys like a little more booty to hold at night.