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File 127673122916.png - (36.25KB , 300x300 )
728 No. 728 ID: 63f46a

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No. 729 ID: f98e0b
File 127674098481.png - (92.34KB , 800x600 , bzzzzz.png )
No. 730 ID: d560d6
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No. 731 ID: 158c5c
File 127682921545.jpg - (136.82KB , 1000x800 , flarezela.jpg )
No. 732 ID: d6cb21
I wonder how many Vuvuzelas Dio could summon at once?
No. 734 ID: 620bfb
Too many.
No. 735 ID: a594b9
Two. Unless they were all part of a Greater Summon somehow. Like, summoning some kind of fleshbeast with 10 mouths playing all of them at once. Then he could summon 20.
No. 748 ID: a76809
Well, what about summoning some sort of ultivuvzuela, with hundreds of horns all jutting forth from but a single mouthpiece, a nightmare device designed to let but one lone individual rival the whole of South Africa.

...I kind of want to see that now.
No. 749 ID: 3778d2
a man could never have the lung power to do it, but an air compressor....
No. 750 ID: 6550ad
File 127772023940.png - (89.64KB , 900x900 , I Have no Lips and I Must Blow.png )
No. 751 ID: 636c08
File 127773263850.png - (142.38KB , 960x345 , katavuvuzela.png )
No. 752 ID: 5cc920
Hahaha, oh man.

No. 753 ID: 31cbfc
File 127775517798.png - (2.45KB , 512x512 , BZZZZZZZZ.png )
Something to do in the meantime as I try to think of a way to make C5 not suck.
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