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File 138519966578.png - (6.92KB , 600x600 , DrawingCoatOfArms.png )
21287 No. 21287 ID: fb4e93
Hey, tgchan! I need to practice art-ing! What should I draw? (No porn or nudity, though.)

I'm probably going to go to sleep now/soon, but hopefully I will have time tomorrow to draw. ...gonna need to scrounge up a tablet somewhere around the house....
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No. 21294 ID: f3bb85
File 138526542089.jpg - (22.69KB , 243x297 , Argonian Daggerfall.jpg )
Por- Dangit.

How about an Argonian bodyslamming a Dunmer?
No. 21295 ID: f3bb85
I just realized the sexual innuendo implicit in that phrase. Sorry.
No. 21296 ID: fb4e93
Hahaha, sure - once I find both some free time in the next day or two, and maybe figure out how I'm going to draw without my customary materials.... Thanks!

Also, (this goes for anything here), I make zero guarantees as to quality.
No. 21298 ID: fc937d
Oh hey, I remember you. That daemancy quest looked like an interesting concept.
No. 21319 ID: fb4e93
File 138546125214.png - (138.03KB , 587x460 , bodyslam.png )
IT BURNS. IT BURNS, BUT I SHALL POST IT. Augh, it's just so mediocre! And it took like 5.5 hours! Aaaaugh. Anybody have any constructive comments? Like how to fix the facial structure, the lack of action in the stances, the coloring, the facial structure? Part of this all may stem from the fact that I did this on an android tablet, rather than with a drawing tablet. Maybe. Plus, as time wore on, I gradually started to lose willpower. Like, the Argonian was originally going to be a girl - waaaasn't working, so I erased a line or two, and presto, you couldn't tell!

But geeeeze, the mediocrity BURNS. Uh, I mean no offense to anyone who would consider this art to be better than their own; don't be discouraged or anything - it's just that normally I can draw stuff better than this. I...think.

I believe Piro of Megatokyo.com once said, "Sometimes I wonder if I actually can't draw and I've just managed it by accident up until now."

Man. Any other suggestions, anybody? Perhaps something geared towards some particular art goal, like improving facial structures or colors or linework or something?

Thanks! Yeah, I think I invested too much of myself in it and then panicked. Hopefully I'll get back to it at some point, maybe with a bit more "wherever it goes is fine" attitude.
No. 21320 ID: fb4e93
I mean, looking again, it's not BAD art, really...it's just...I dunno. It just seems a bit meh. And I really like to make GOOD art! Good ANYTHING, whatever it is I'm making!
No. 21321 ID: fb4e93
Oh, I will say there is one thing I was pleased with - the shape of the tail. Not even necessarily in context (it might not be quite right with momentum or whatever), but I rarely manage nicely tapered curves like that.
No. 21322 ID: f3bb85
Well, for one thing, that's a Throw, not a Body Slam.

For another, I do not know what that brown disk behind the Dunmer is supposed to be.

Otherwise, I suggest you continue practicing your drawing skills.

Oh, I just noticed, it is a table. Anyway, you should work on Perspective and Consistency. Once you have those down, you should be home free.
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