Hey its a draw thread! I do draw streams over at https://www.twitch.tv/paladinfisher I take requests! so post in the chat please! I'll post my drawings here~
Who are you?
>>41379 I used to draw quests. eadoo quest, rise of the vile bloods, Coffee time...
>>41387 Nice to meet you, I am currently watching your stream but I do not have a twitch account. That is why I can't send you a comment. But if you get this comment I would like you to draw a scarecrow
>>41385 Don't worry about streaming smash
Wow man, that is one buff scarecrow. If you don't have another suggestion I suggest you to draw the thing that scarecrow was made to scare away
This scarecrow might not have brains but he does have muscles
thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed! I loved drawing these with you~ Tune in again next week same time I hope!
>>41406 cursed creature.
>>41406 If only you had the GAINS!
>>41412 More like the GRAINS because your crops aren't protected from Crows!
>>41406 >>41412 >>41425 I would while away the hour’ Pumping up with power Injecting up my veins... And the weights I’d liftin’ And my bod would be real bitchin’ If I only had the GAINS!
I'll have another stream on Wednesday. What would be the ideal time frame for it?
That Sphinx is cute.