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File 129272528232.jpg - (62.00KB , 800x680 , dying.jpg )
1950 No. 1950 ID: 79c4ad
Gonna start posting stuff here in this tread.
Hope you all don't mind.
Expand all images
No. 1951 ID: 79c4ad
File 129272533033.jpg - (71.46KB , 800x680 , Cuddles!.jpg )
I need to draw more of these two...
So cute...
No. 1952 ID: 7ad17f
Draw some big tits with a dragonborn.
No. 1953 ID: 79c4ad
File 129272535125.jpg - (62.89KB , 800x680 , tavern.jpg )
No. 1968 ID: 79c4ad
File 129273182590.jpg - (35.90KB , 800x680 , Evil.jpg )
A warlock...a common man.
He has no special talents, he's not particularly strong or quick or smart or charming...
He's no skill with a sword or a bow, he knows no magic...

He was ruination for his village...He dreams evil. And the darkness he finds can come out of his mind.
No. 1975 ID: c700ce
What's the story behind these two, anyway? How'd they meet and end up so involved?

Anyway, I wouldn't mind a more refined picture of that kobold samurai you drew the other day.
No. 1989 ID: 366ca7
Preferably with her being drilled~
No. 2015 ID: 9804fb
Query: what do you think of the proposition that dragon's and dragonborn's sexual fluids correspond to their respective breath weapons, ie, Black Dragons having acidic cum, etc.?
No. 2020 ID: 79c4ad
File 129301362447.jpg - (92.02KB , 1000x1000 , Nie\'eva!.jpg )
Color sketch that went nowhere fast!
Non at all...
No. 2021 ID: 79c4ad
File 12930136429.jpg - (68.67KB , 600x400 , Just a lick!.jpg )
No. 2022 ID: 79c4ad
File 129301370279.jpg - (154.16KB , 1500x1800 , aleisandra.jpg )
No. 2023 ID: 79c4ad
File 129301372639.jpg - (257.06KB , 2000x2000 , aleisandra sketches.jpg )
No. 2024 ID: 79c4ad
File 129301379641.jpg - (328.83KB , 850x650 , Tavern original.jpg )
Really like this one....
Dono why I never finished it...
No. 2025 ID: 79c4ad
File 129301387547.jpg - (475.14KB , 2411x1121 , Swauve.jpg )
Sucks. This was online on oc. It crashed halfway through the session and I never got the chance to finish it.
Its a dragon ordering his army to charge into a wall of muskets....
No. 2027 ID: 3392ab

>>1949 ???
No. 2028 ID: 9b6c31
It's your lunch.
No. 2033 ID: bffa2a
Dragonborn, you're big, scary and scaly. Why do I like it so.
No. 2034 ID: 79c4ad
File 129307735496.jpg - (286.19KB , 2000x2000 , Evening sketches.jpg )
Its a bookmark I made for myself.
Not really any story behind it.
No. 2035 ID: 79c4ad
File 129308099586.jpg - (220.02KB , 800x600 , Colorpract.jpg )
Just made a Revelation (Great song) about the program I draw with.

Expect many more color pictures in the near future.
No. 2037 ID: 79c4ad
File 129315041524.png - (333.72KB , 600x800 , sketch.png )
No. 2043 ID: 79c4ad
File 129317946334.jpg - (154.77KB , 2000x2000 , warmups.jpg )
No. 2044 ID: b055c2
Fuck... I need to learn some speed drawing too.

Right now, i need at least 2 hours to get anything done, mostly it takes in excess of 4 hours.

Keep it on.
No. 2071 ID: 79c4ad
File 129366173469.jpg - (118.47KB , 782x650 , Verity.jpg )
No. 2072 ID: 79c4ad
File 129366245445.jpg - (173.73KB , 1241x808 , Damn bandits.jpg )
No. 2074 ID: 79c4ad
File 129367370627.jpg - (179.52KB , 1009x712 , gnollbard.jpg )
No. 2076 ID: 2d890d
File 129369388779.jpg - (134.57KB , 751x897 , Teifling!.jpg )
No. 2078 ID: 6491b7

Why does she look like a weasel, here?
No. 2084 ID: 2d890d
File 129378119390.jpg - (260.77KB , 3000x1000 , The crew.jpg )
No. 2089 ID: 2d890d
File 129391952962.jpg - (73.94KB , 800x680 , Sobering up.jpg )
No. 2090 ID: 2d890d
File 129391955249.jpg - (340.00KB , 2000x2000 , Chemrat.jpg )
No. 2094 ID: 2d890d
File 129393797948.jpg - (34.43KB , 600x400 , Nie\'eva\'s caban.jpg )
No. 2103 ID: 2d890d
File 129403031985.jpg - (64.46KB , 1000x750 , murder.jpg )
No. 2108 ID: 2d890d
File 129409752130.jpg - (62.08KB , 1000x750 , HAA!!!.jpg )
No. 2110 ID: 2d890d
File 129410346070.jpg - (94.67KB , 800x680 , Close.jpg )
No. 2113 ID: 2d890d
File 129411237016.jpg - (98.85KB , 545x730 , Heaven.jpg )
No. 2114 ID: 2563d4
Someone has been studying their cloth/nipple physics.
No. 2117 ID: 62ec7a
I know nothing about the avatarfag or if there is one anymore but I really love Chemrat's design. Do you draw her from requests on tg or what?
No. 2118 ID: 2563d4
In fact...barely-covering vertical cloth strips on dragontits...you're not one of the 4chan/tg/ drawfags who was around spring-ish last year for a bit, where you? Started a drawthread or two with dragontits holding a paint palette?
No. 2128 ID: 2d890d
Yha that was me...
That pic got deleted though, stupid viruses...
Had to reboot my shit.
It was aweful.
No. 2129 ID: 2d890d
I draw her because I talk to her...
Also that char is really really sexy...
No. 2130 ID: 2d890d
File 129429807158.jpg - (330.93KB , 3000x1000 , Crew1.jpg )
No. 2131 ID: 2563d4
D'oh. I may have saved it somewhere as a reference for the MAX DRAWTHREAD image I did, but I'm not sure where; can't find it offhand.

And of course suptg purged the drawthreads because herp and also derp, so it's not there any more.
No. 2150 ID: 2563d4
File 129436610561.png - (222.83KB , 450x600 , 1271371356965.png )
You, sir, are in luck. http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/tg/thread/9213959 is 404'd on suptg, but I found the reference copy.
No. 2155 ID: 9804fb
Pardon me, but what the hell is this the crew of, exactly?
No. 2156 ID: 6491b7

I think it's the RPfags from /tg/ I can make out Leman Russ, Gnollbard, Chemrat, and what might be Nurse Verity.
No. 2157 ID: 1729f3
I think what you said here applies.
No. 2167 ID: 9804fb
Are they still around?
No. 2178 ID: 366ca7
Stupid sexy dragon boobs
No. 2232 ID: 2d890d
File 129488462415.jpg - (392.01KB , 1024x1024 , Mortar!.jpg )
No. 2237 ID: d2ea4f
File 12949004205.jpg - (36.77KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20110112.jpg )
A WWII piece I'm doing in liquid ink.
No. 2252 ID: d2ea4f
File 129514425573.jpg - (465.60KB , 1280x1024 , Sexy.jpg )
No. 2253 ID: 6a705c

This looks very much like a foot fetish picture.

...I am oddly ok with this.
No. 2256 ID: 366ca7

Yay, new arts! Would you happen to have any finished arts of late?
No. 2274 ID: 6981d7
File 129533288668.jpg - (0.96MB , 1624x1624 , Fuubold.jpg )
Finishing the >>2252
No. 2276 ID: 366ca7
I am ok with this.

And this is a cute picture.
No. 2312 ID: 6981d7
File 129550039996.jpg - (554.46KB , 1280x1024 , Sexy1.jpg )
No. 2316 ID: 2563d4
Her right nipple appears to be trying to escape.
No. 2364 ID: 804620

All that needs now is about a pint of jizz.
No. 2378 ID: 6981d7
File 129592890899.jpg - (869.11KB , 2000x2000 , Warmup.jpg )
No. 2379 ID: 6981d7
File 129592999330.jpg - (388.65KB , 1280x1024 , Prelims.jpg )
No. 2389 ID: 6981d7
File 129598917420.jpg - (108.38KB , 568x566 , Quickchemmy.jpg )
No. 2444 ID: 68223f
Diggin' the DFC and the looted cuffs. And as always DAT MASK.
No. 2445 ID: bf1e7e

I am glad that you like the mask.

it is the best mask I ever designed =3c
No. 2450 ID: 6981d7
File 129636912589.jpg - (290.45KB , 600x800 , Colored!.jpg )
No. 2452 ID: 366ca7
Puss puss puss~
No. 2532 ID: 0ef56a
dat chem-rat

almost bisexual for that chem-rat
No. 2667 ID: 268acc
please do more dragonborn porn

/tg/ and /v/
No. 2818 ID: 360b06
The Noble Artist is on hiatus.

Wish him well.
No. 4084 ID: 9b1085
File 130439492999.jpg - (252.98KB , 735x950 , img001.jpg )
I return! With a scanner!!
Now I can show you all my good drawings!
No. 4085 ID: 9b1085
File 130439494771.jpg - (365.91KB , 722x1000 , img004.jpg )
No. 4086 ID: 9b1085
File 130439498816.jpg - (139.61KB , 700x443 , img003.jpg )
No. 4087 ID: 9b1085
File 130439500350.jpg - (290.49KB , 1200x684 , img002.jpg )
No. 4093 ID: 383006
These drawings are really nice!
No. 4095 ID: 360b06
Welcome back Trog.
No. 4096 ID: 4eea13
You should do more kobolds. And samurai.

Make that a kobold samurai.
No. 4098 ID: 2563d4
It's kind of hard to judge right with all the clothing, but she looks kind of long and floaty in the torso?

Cool art, though.
No. 4126 ID: 3211fc
File 130454966571.jpg - (152.65KB , 727x1000 , img006.jpg )
Good! She's a sneaky git ranger!
No. 4127 ID: 3211fc
File 130454971345.jpg - (122.17KB , 741x1000 , img007.jpg )
Learned to draw him yesterday.

Behold!! NIXONCHU!!!!
No. 4128 ID: 3211fc
File 130454980163.jpg - (226.45KB , 873x1200 , img008.jpg )
Character sketch for a gang of raichus beating up a pikachu.

For an art project about acceptance...ugghhh.
No. 4158 ID: 366ca7
Yay! Welcome back! As always, more naughty dragonborn ladies~
No. 4162 ID: 3211fc
File 130464421209.jpg - (216.29KB , 600x800 , img009.jpg )
No. 4163 ID: 3211fc
File 130464422484.jpg - (301.13KB , 754x840 , img010.jpg )
No. 4164 ID: 3211fc
File 130464429734.jpg - (353.47KB , 1200x854 , img011.jpg )
And the ever important dragonladie.
For those wondering, I love wine...
And that's red wine all over her.
No. 4174 ID: 366ca7
No. 4199 ID: 10fe99

As a constructive critic, her legs are way too short, abnormally short. You should avoid it, it's very disturbing, and makes the character no longer that no hot.

The rest of the body is exellent though, but those such a short legs... It's really, REALLY disturbing.
No. 4213 ID: 19b6ca
File 130482793950.jpg - (59.62KB , 800x680 , war5.jpg )
To you I say 3 things.
1)Non anime proportions
3)Hmm...you may be right. Have to be more careful next time.
No. 4264 ID: 19b6ca
File 130508167953.jpg - (216.00KB , 771x1000 , img017.jpg )
In an odd twist of fate, a dragoness was good friends with a soldier.
Dieing in combat, the soldier requests that the dragoness raise his child.
As he grows she begins to fall in love with him.
In time they find a drink of immortality and he now lives in her arms as her pet.
No. 4268 ID: cab4cf
But where'd he get those cat ears from?
No. 4269 ID: 2563d4
Flarey, stop raping the catboys.
No. 4274 ID: 032070
hey trog. Have you ever considered doing requests? perhaps angelus and caim?
No. 4671 ID: 63fc84
File 130722752789.jpg - (314.17KB , 800x950 , chain 1.jpg )
Behold! And in glorious color!!
No. 4705 ID: 3bd3f8
File 130733123013.jpg - (187.04KB , 2000x1000 , amazonian1.jpg )
Round one of sketches I'm doing for an amazonian Dborn for a game with friends.
Hmm...maybe I should go with an Aztec theme.
No. 4706 ID: 3bd3f8
File 130733124780.jpg - (181.46KB , 2000x1000 , amazonian2.jpg )
Round 2
No. 4709 ID: 1854db
No. 4710 ID: 3bd3f8
File 130735172289.jpg - (382.35KB , 2000x2000 , kitty.jpg )
No. 4737 ID: 3bd3f8
File 130747474860.jpg - (181.07KB , 1600x1200 , Expendable.jpg )
No. 4755 ID: 3bd3f8
File 130757589979.jpg - (259.02KB , 600x800 , Stockings.jpg )
No. 4763 ID: 360b06
Gawt damn man...
No. 4830 ID: 3bd3f8
File 130785919171.jpg - (386.85KB , 772x1200 , img022.jpg )
No. 4874 ID: 3bd3f8
File 130803213623.jpg - (285.89KB , 772x1000 , img024.jpg )
No. 4875 ID: 3bd3f8
File 130803215887.jpg - (498.85KB , 942x1200 , img023.jpg )
No. 5665 ID: b29664
File 131121984826.jpg - (267.02KB , 891x1200 , img029.jpg )
No. 5672 ID: fa287f
Hot. Can't wait until it's finished.
No. 6668 ID: 509517
File 131552439301.png - (566.28KB , 1000x700 , dying.png )
No. 6669 ID: 509517
File 131552446544.png - (2.81MB , 1610x1028 , Waterfall.png )
No. 6670 ID: 509517
File 131552458437.png - (616.97KB , 500x700 , Captain Morgan.png )
No. 6671 ID: 509517
File 131552462178.png - (1.06MB , 1000x1400 , Lightning thrower.png )
No. 6672 ID: 509517
File 131552468879.png - (844.58KB , 1307x1457 , deamontat.png )
No. 6673 ID: 509517
File 131552471387.png - (573.13KB , 900x1200 , Allwet.png )
No. 6674 ID: 509517
File 131552475798.png - (1.44MB , 1000x1000 , laying.png )
No. 6675 ID: 509517
File 131552502887.png - (542.56KB , 900x900 , Ranger.png )
No. 6676 ID: 1b448c
Might I recommend using a harder brush? That way, images will appear less 'blurred.'
No. 6678 ID: c7b6c2
Oh my god I love your dragonborns~
No. 6718 ID: a7aeb5


God damn it Bethesda, everytime I see this word your trailer screams it.
No. 6719 ID: 509517
File 131561051367.png - (271.02KB , 900x900 , wip.png )
Drawing this right this second

Its a shame that they arn't....draconic
No. 6720 ID: a7aeb5

Eh? The Dragonborns in Skyrim?

Or your uhm? Are they even a race? or something you cooked up?
No. 6721 ID: 54cc9f
File 131561961050.jpg - (480.10KB , 1600x1185 , 1278091684569.jpg )
>Or your uhm? Are they even a race? or something you cooked up?

They're Dragonborn, a race from the 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragons.
No. 6722 ID: 509517
File 131562031029.png - (567.35KB , 900x900 , wip.png )
I refer you to >>6721
No. 6726 ID: fa3733

I've never seen Dragonborn art with characters being actual dragons. I've always thought they were humans, scept with dragon blood. Then again I am not really into DnD that much since I don't have anyone to play with.
No. 6780 ID: 60a975

Is the other character male or female?


... hoping its male
No. 6786 ID: 509517
Male, age of 14.
Learning the art of Scrollmaking.
No. 6793 ID: 509517
File 131571281386.png - (653.38KB , 900x900 , wip.png )
No. 6800 ID: 715620
Dragonborn 4e: Humanoids that happen to have a Draconic appearance and some dragon-like abilities, borne of one of the dragon gods, I can't remember which. No biological relation to dragons.

Dragonborn 3.5: Humans get a calling from Bahamut, amounting to "Hey, want to kill Chromatics for, like, ever?" if the response is yes, then the Dragonborn-to-be crawls into a self-built egg, and emerges a few weeks later looking like a 4e dragonborn.

Dragon-blooded, half-dragon: What you're referring to, in various degrees.

No. 6805 ID: 67d3d3

Thanks, that sounds awesome.
No. 6834 ID: 366ca7
Ooooh. Hi again Trog! Yet another post of admiration and request for naked Dragonborn ladies!
No. 6837 ID: 509517
File 131580446168.png - (1.44MB , 2000x2000 , Crew.png )
The crew from long ago /tg/ as historical figures.
Might have to actually sit down and draw that dragonladie in that lingerie. Ooo~
No. 6838 ID: 509517
File 131580449586.png - (384.28KB , 900x900 , Crew2.png )
No. 6873 ID: 1854db
Dessen what are you doing get out of there
No. 6880 ID: 509517
File 131588299561.png - (1.98MB , 1600x2000 , Nie\'eva\'s backside.png )
No. 6882 ID: 1854db
Ahh, the rarely-seen dragonbutt.
No. 7234 ID: 509517
File 131673817184.png - (0.98MB , 700x900 , Wicked.png )
No. 7235 ID: 67916e
Oh god yes! Your brush strokes still look too fuzzy to me, though.
No. 7236 ID: a67448
Thats a nice Sword and Board thing going on there.


They do, but probably a wip.
No. 7240 ID: 509517
File 131676082231.png - (549.79KB , 700x900 , Wuu tep.png )
Too tired to finish this.

"Sword and board thing?"
No. 7242 ID: 9a50aa

Sword and Board is usually slang through gaming that describes a defensive character that uses a shield and a weapon. A tank, basically.
No. 7414 ID: 509517
File 131726304875.jpg - (553.49KB , 1058x1500 , img045.jpg )
Am I the only one here who doesn't draw exclusively on the computron?
It makes me sad...
No. 7433 ID: d21c56
Thaaaat... is hotter than I would like to admit...
No. 7441 ID: 366ca7
He gets to oil her up
No. 7555 ID: 509517
File 131794840267.jpg - (99.04KB , 750x1000 , Bloodied.jpg )
After a long day's fight, she'll just go home and have her thrall scrub all the blood off before oiling up her scales.
No. 7582 ID: 509517
File 131804564053.jpg - (1.04MB , 3222x2519 , img046.jpg )
No. 7584 ID: 509517
File 131804896606.jpg - (1.48MB , 3498x2166 , img048.jpg )
No. 7687 ID: 509517
File 131840475387.jpg - (216.79KB , 952x704 , war.jpg )
No. 7723 ID: 509517
File 131848665102.jpg - (93.55KB , 1300x750 , Her love.jpg )
I have a serious question(See subject)about a drawing I am currently working on.

Something seems wrong with her head. I can't quite tell. I think it might be the pose.
Any ideas?
No. 7724 ID: 35e1a0
too low maybe? look up and you see your neck makes a smooth line t the chin.
No. 7725 ID: 7c95e5
Yeah, too low, she has no neck.
No. 7726 ID: 1854db
Looks like the fin on the left should be hitting her shoulder.
No. 7777 ID: 509517
File 131865868173.jpg - (135.31KB , 1600x1200 , Nie\'eva____.jpg )
Some sketches as the last picture is starting to frustrate me
No. 7822 ID: cee518
Lucky kid, lucky get.
No. 7895 ID: 509517
File 131915824219.jpg - (64.79KB , 750x750 , Freedom.jpg )
No. 7896 ID: 509517
File 131915827206.jpg - (45.36KB , 750x750 , Fireflies.jpg )
No. 7897 ID: 509517
File 131915833180.jpg - (272.04KB , 2000x2000 , Sexy plump gnoll.jpg )
No. 7901 ID: e55966
i really like the fur partially covering the erogenous areas haha
No. 7918 ID: cee518
Dem tufts man, dem tufts...
No. 7950 ID: 366ca7
Dragon boobs~
No. 7962 ID: 509517
File 131935914730.jpg - (389.56KB , 2000x2000 , Sexy plump gnoll.jpg )
Drew this for my very good friend, Gnollbard.
Don't worry.
Bout to go on a dragonlady binge
No. 7967 ID: 0448b9
Aww it's so cute now.
No. 7971 ID: 1854db
Wait. Why does her vag look like that? You should be seeing more of it, pretty sure. Look up some nude models sitting.
No. 7982 ID: 509517
File 131943201469.jpg - (187.53KB , 504x700 , German copy.jpg )
The end of an era.
The gnoll was my last oC drawing, this is my first photoshoop painting.
A quick speed-painting I did because...
Fuck yha the Wehrmacht.
No. 8027 ID: 509517
File 131969626411.jpg - (387.78KB , 700x950 , Marine copy.jpg )
No. 8098 ID: 509517
File 131993450075.jpg - (249.34KB , 1050x750 , Sniper copy.jpg )
No. 8705 ID: 029ba6
File 132217173557.jpg - (441.59KB , 3000x3000 , Sketches.jpg )
No. 8707 ID: 029ba6
File 132217177713.jpg - (771.37KB , 3000x3000 , beauty sketches.jpg )
No. 8721 ID: 366ca7
Yay, new naked dragon lady~
No. 8734 ID: 1268e6
So adorable. Draw more.
No. 22339 ID: 2c3604
File 139410603424.jpg - (1.28MB , 1275x1752 , img022.jpg )
No. 22340 ID: 2c3604
File 139410611923.jpg - (3.21MB , 3324x2550 , img024.jpg )
Draconian warrior, off to kill a foe.
No. 22341 ID: 2c3604
File 139410617221.jpg - (126.83KB , 750x750 , sketchofchaos.jpg )
No. 22342 ID: 2c3604
File 139410624537.jpg - (150.10KB , 800x1200 , Bust.jpg )
No. 22345 ID: 8750b6
Oh man I missed your art
No. 22346 ID: e9eb8c
Everyone missed your art so much. That most recent post is pretty damn good.
No. 22360 ID: 857855
welcome back to the fold
No. 22363 ID: 2c3604
File 139427092705.jpg - (2.01MB , 2550x3504 , img025.jpg )
No. 22366 ID: 2c3604
File 139432683278.jpg - (625.96KB , 1572x2286 , hug.jpg )
No. 22367 ID: 1ab2ad
Well she's pretty~
No. 22477 ID: 2c3604
File 139555336062.png - (279.85KB , 725x900 , A snack.png )
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