Cherry Milk
So I decided to faff about with pressure-size sensitivity, after seeing Lucid put it to good use in the ass day stream. Results are over here: >>/questdis/336936 ; this post has the same thing in my "usual" discrete brush size style for comparison. It's not entirely fair since I did this version first, so the fanart version gains the speed advantage of having the (inaccurate) posing all done. Also the big lines here are done at 100% zoom for speed, the detail lines at 200% because of the way Flash does brush size/zoom interactions; whereas the fanart one is all 200% so the whole pressure range was usable, so will be a little more precise overall.
I'm quite liking the results for a first shot, and it was a lot faster, although having everything positioned will be a big part of that. I don't really have a great deal of idea how I should be varying line thickness along the path, beyond the kind of obvious level-of-detail cases I do with the discrete approach.
(And, yes, I know the anatomy is all skew-whiff. Hoft, in particular, is largely phoned in.)