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File 130255509348.png - (18.65KB , 601x489 , artcrudd.png )
3504 No. 3504 ID: 1f2692 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
doodle crap
103 posts and 64 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 11393 ID: 53aede
lol, but to give you a serious answer i dunno if i have the gusto to stick around. I guess it's come to the time which I've grown tired of derping around with the quests and may want to move on- i might even attempt a webcomic. I dunno, I just don't feel like coming here as often anymore.
No. 11669 ID: a2853b
Fumbles needs a more extreme expression of disgust.
No. 25876 ID: dff0a8
hope i'm saging correctly... so, didn't expect this to be on front page of the art section- it's old and i'm not using this thread anymore.... though maybe i should have a mod merge my art threads together
No. 25877 ID: dff0a8
this is old, wowee zowee- where's my current one and why isn't that one getting attention?
No. 25996 ID: dd4ed3
A spambot got the draw threads out of order, is all. Lots of old things got bumped up. Mods removing the posts doesn't unbump them.

File 131378589011.jpg - (1.19MB , 1980x2048 , cisqur.jpg )
6251 No. 6251 ID: ec236d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
So I was waiting for my computer to get fixed and my files retrieved and all that, when I thought, "Well, I got a tablet and some Photoshop right here, why don't I draw something as a warm-up in the meantime?"

Then I thought about how all the cool kids have their avatars and personas and all that, so I tried making some and, and, I--

And then I was a draw thread
287 posts and 144 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 24841 ID: 2d463e
Forgot my name...
No. 24852 ID: 2fd516

I'm gonna go with Danger Quest, mainly because I hate the graveyard being as big as it is.
No. 24879 ID: 2d463e
I will try to look around for my DangerQuest notebooks, then, and get to work on starting it back up. If I can't find them after an extended period of time, I will start on the new quest with the plot mechanic I'd like to try. It would be silly/useless to plan to start being active here again but then be impeded in spite of that, heh.
No. 25260 ID: f6c5f9
So...as you could guess, I haven't been able to find the notebooks yet. I've also realized most of my energy is in the webcomic and Space Dandy doujins anyway, so I guess I'll be drifting off again after all. However I'll wanna stream every now n then and I'll be sure to post the link in IRC!
No. 25261 ID: 2fd516
Ah well. See you on the flipside!

File 136001006934.png - (799.98KB , 657x674 , so_trust_me__trust_me_by_ibikiniku-d5t3alx.png )
17577 No. 17577 ID: 389f2b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
i have some art i will show you the art
86 posts and 59 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 18885 ID: 2de44c
File 136804147295.jpg - (102.80KB , 500x667 , diet_mtn_dew_by_ibikiniku-d6427d5.jpg )
No. 18886 ID: 2de44c
File 136804148758.png - (223.30KB , 300x500 , cherry_by_ibikiniku-d64hrg7.png )
No. 18887 ID: 2de44c
File 136804208766.jpg - (58.70KB , 500x392 , ur_asleep_and_im_awake_aaand_by_ibikiniku-d64i3vy.jpg )
No. 18904 ID: eeb3e5
That's actually very cute!
No. 24986 ID: 888a93
cannot un-see eyes being closed with stars drawn on eyelids.

File 133529054037.png - (115.00KB , 800x800 , ass (2).png )
12579 No. 12579 ID: be7ab0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Seeing as you guys all asked so nicely on IRC
5 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 12585 ID: be7ab0
File 133529075886.png - (241.10KB , 694x600 , lucy lol.png )
No. 12586 ID: be7ab0
File 133529263353.png - (382.06KB , 600x600 , sidemouth.png )
Have this thor, you might need it
No. 12641 ID: db91c0
This is crazy, but I approve.
Considered doing something for the Thigh Day thread? :3
No. 12643 ID: 7924f4
Every time I scroll past this, I think 'Thorpony'.


Separately, I approve of ass and dickarms.
No. 12646 ID: db91c0
Thorpony? You mean BETA RAY BILL?!?!

File 133069674122.jpg - (78.48KB , 651x664 , Elven Ranger closer.jpg )
11397 No. 11397 ID: 542ef0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So Would a render thread be welcome here?

Pic is just something I did real quick for someone in a drawthread a while back. Yeah there is not much in the way of shadows but I was going for quick at the time.
34 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 11810 ID: 8c3183
That's because they were dudes.

My point is that "female cata-chan" is a pleonasm.
No. 11811 ID: 34957e

Oh shit, I just skimmed through and missed the "-". I gotcha.
No. 11815 ID: 6beaae
As did I. My mind temporarily blue-screened while contemplating the nature of genitalia in 40k.
No. 12987 ID: 542ef0
File 133699565077.jpg - (113.80KB , 764x717 , Reach Around.jpg )
Been goofing around, not much time lately though because of work giving me more hours than normal.
No. 12988 ID: 542ef0
File 133699801799.jpg - (50.83KB , 764x717 , Arella 5 sig.jpg )
The chick alone.

File 141880001975.png - (2.47MB , 900x1151 , micron and ink.png )
25778 No. 25778 ID: 962c3b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
for posting arts in the #tgchan chat thing
No. 25779 ID: 962c3b
taking doodle requests

File 138389293560.png - (96.37KB , 512x512 , Drawthread.png )
21140 No. 21140 ID: 2ae1fb hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So, I'm starting a drawthread. I'll post stuff here from time to time. Critique is always welcome, since I've always got something left to learn.
9 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 25707 ID: a32d59
Whelp, months after receiving a request to draw a cutebold, I finally drew it. I can't even remember who requested it, but I really hope they see it.

Flavor text from furaffinity:

"Agari has successfully killed a rabbit and collected edible plants and berries, so she and her family will eat tonight. Huzzah!"
No. 25708 ID: a32d59
File 141851436967.png - (41.29KB , 1062x725 , cutebold.png )
It would figure that I would forget both the image and a deletion password. Well, anyway, here it is.
No. 25709 ID: a32d59
Also, still taking requests, if anyone's interested. I need more coal to feed into the furnace that is my non-quest art.
No. 25758 ID: e678fe

Gnoll bards are always good?
No. 25764 ID: a32d59
I'll see about maybe doing that.

File 131647153732.png - (35.70KB , 640x400 , 1.png )
7128 No. 7128 ID: 5d68fd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Ok I have thinking about starting my own quest but I need to polish my drawing skill first.

I'm gonna show some of my old drawing first before I start showing my newer drawing.

By the way... I have tried graphic tablet but I find it difficult so that I decided to do the old fashion way instead.
No. 7129 ID: 5d68fd
File 131647168715.jpg - (717.91KB , 4891x6874 , bikinilady.jpg )
Here is one of my old drawing where a woman in bikini are in the beach.
No. 7130 ID: 5d68fd
File 131647176631.jpg - (253.66KB , 1223x1719 , fightingwoman.jpg )
Here is another old drawing of a girl who is doing high kick.
No. 7132 ID: 5d68fd
File 131647211225.png - (318.07KB , 2079x2563 , toplesswoman1.png )
Here is latest drawing that I have recently drawn today and this time with exposed BOOBIES.
No. 25753 ID: 146891
What is this
No. 25754 ID: 687279
A dead thread? Why did you bump it?

File 141148119225.jpg - (1.01MB , 1920x2560 , IMG_20140810_075257.jpg )
24760 No. 24760 ID: 6d327c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Not at home atm but....... I keep trying to draw a fat/domesticated kobold and the head is so plain i wanna put long ears on it but it feels too much like a cutebold...is this bad?
No. 24763 ID: f3b5de
No. 24908 ID: 39de79
Just draw a cutebold.
No. 25651 ID: 3c6d04
Always draw a cutebold instead

File 130436875597.png - (47.56KB , 700x512 , MULTI_TRACK_ARTILLERY_DRIFTING_TEXT.png )
4068 No. 4068 ID: 9b6c31 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
437 posts and 284 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 25480 ID: 68a8d2
File 141649884730.png - (68.64KB , 312x451 , ketsui.png )
No. 25492 ID: 31c3aa
aw man your arts cool as fuck
No. 25536 ID: 68a8d2
File 141698608293.png - (375.92KB , 881x829 , workinprogress.png )

No. 25554 ID: 14cd5e
Never stop
No. 25555 ID: a19cd5
Can I get some deets on what's going on lower down the body? Trying some new stuff out and am using this guy as the guinea pig

File 141566048465.png - (96.31KB , 600x800 , Gumballtiara.png )
25364 No. 25364 ID: 609d13 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Babies these days don't know how good they have it.
No. 25365 ID: 609d13
File 141566051257.png - (38.28KB , 400x600 , Teri.png )
Back in my day all the shows were about chipmunks.
No. 25366 ID: 609d13
File 141566055141.png - (52.33KB , 400x600 , Juke.png )
Singing chipmunks, chipmunks riding a biplane with Baloo from The Jungle book, the list goes on.
No. 25367 ID: 609d13
File 141566057664.png - (169.16KB , 1200x800 , Dinuguu.png )
I didn't even know what a chipmunk was until age 21.

File 141472063073.gif - (236.57KB , 3000x2000 , Un3.gif )
25238 No. 25238 ID: 2f2fc2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So any feedback would work
No. 25239 ID: 2fd516
Clean lines are better.
No. 25244 ID: 2f2fc2
So what about the designs? I keeps changing them because I cannot settle on one....
No. 25247 ID: 2f2fc2
File 141481728660.gif - (396.07KB , 3000x2000 , Un4.gif )
any better?
No. 25249 ID: 2f2fc2
File 141489234736.gif - (115.23KB , 679x1133 , kobold.gif )

File 138788175424.png - (12.78KB , 716x564 , knight.png )
21563 No. 21563 ID: 233fdf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
A general drawthread where I'll be displaying various TG fanarts, smut, and general drawfaggotry.

Hope to see you there! ;)
292 posts and 106 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 24829 ID: 9dd1ee
an interesting design!, by the way the shoulder thingy is a scanner
No. 24868 ID: 59295a
File 141229654673.jpg - (70.17KB , 600x600 , Mook Practice.jpg )
Was gonna draw Mook. Ended up drawing a knight mouse with shitty, lazy coloring.

I'll still count it as a medieval stranner piece.
No. 24869 ID: 4cbe79
so cute
No. 24870 ID: 59295a
File 141231182040.jpg - (62.28KB , 600x600 , Dominant Commander.jpg )
No. 24875 ID: 59295a
File 141239977650.jpg - (40.12KB , 500x600 , FRACTALS goat cat.jpg )

File 141084060365.jpg - (288.35KB , 1280x960 , IMG231.jpg )
24692 No. 24692 ID: 4754ce hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Yeah I said I would totally post an image and I forgot when I got home.

Also I guess this is where I'll dump all my bad scribbles.
No. 24697 ID: 436cdc
Better than most of my high-school margin doodles. Keep at it, it's a good start.

File 138446566206.jpg - (17.31KB , 311x246 , namewritten_textmedium.jpg )
21197 No. 21197 ID: 097017 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
reply here you people who are accepting commissions so that clients don't have to wear out their poor widdle fingers scrolling down.
20 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 23651 ID: 18da89
File 140390948889.png - (26.38KB , 850x750 , rubber dragon vagina sale.png )
I guess this is a thing.

Yes, I am buying Hat a bad dragon. I'm a good friend. Contact me over IRC or on FA if you're interested.
No. 23697 ID: 08e08f
File 140426145908.png - (414.01KB , 917x1700 , commissioninformation.png )

I'm in dire need of cash and will put this other thing here.

More info here: http://sexyenchilada.tumblr.com/post/90373316192/okay-trying-something-new-a-situation-has-come-up
No. 23993 ID: ccd544
How much $$$ for shared screen photoshop/illustrator tutoring?
No. 24002 ID: fa09a3
File 140609331243.png - (2.62MB , 4600x2213 , tgchanpls.png )
http://www.artstation.com/artist/RatDesign More stuff here. For character art like this I can do it for around 40-60$ just name a price. For a fully rendered scene it could be a lot more but message me and we'll talk about it.

https://www.picarto.tv/live/channel.php?watch=RatDesign my stream
No. 24644 ID: ff9a14
I'm always open for commissions.
They would be completed in a timely fashion and be what you really wanted. 5-20$ maybe?

File 140610454326.jpg - (206.84KB , 1920x1920 , 1.jpg )
24004 No. 24004 ID: fa09a3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I want to be a concept designer and I have a long way to go. Dumping shit.

Crit is much appreciated. I do commissions and occasionally requests off of the /tg/ draw threads every few months. If you have questions, shoot.
31 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 24544 ID: e57fb3
File 140951071804.gif - (3.04MB , 1193x2000 , moriah process.gif )
Decided to make a gif out of the progress on this one. Moriah from Hellborn Quest on /tg/.
No. 24546 ID: e57fb3
File 140951098839.png - (3.69MB , 1497x2593 , Moriah 4.png )
High res.
No. 24547 ID: e40247
File 140952891656.jpg - (55.42KB , 500x667 , 1409364610001.jpg )
Ohh bby
This whole thread's full of awesome. You've really gotten insanely better over the couple of years I've known you. Good work Rat-kun. You're my favoritest artist :)
No. 24548 ID: 59295a
uwa! I like this one.
No. 24550 ID: e57fb3
O-ohh~ Thanks guys!
You're still my favorite writer Lavenci-senpai.

File 140901776172.jpg - (227.97KB , 500x859 , tumblr_n96b9u2aVD1thb2u1o1_1280.jpg )
24455 No. 24455 ID: 813628 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]

File 133497422571.png - (139.64KB , 577x810 , rottel.png )
12470 No. 12470 ID: b26b9b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
86 posts and 71 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 24284 ID: 79391f
File 140779053822.png - (482.98KB , 1575x1087 , eekamouse.png )
Eekthemouse's character
No. 24285 ID: 79391f
File 140779057792.png - (176.03KB , 544x788 , sharkssmall.png )
Cheegooey is president sharks
No. 24286 ID: 79391f
File 140779059389.png - (389.43KB , 1575x1087 , dust.png )
Dust characters as sharks
No. 24287 ID: 79391f
File 140779060142.png - (143.27KB , 806x660 , beakie.png )
No. 24289 ID: 79391f
File 140779067695.png - (229.44KB , 1348x750 , dasakismall.png )
Dasaki request from sharkstreams.

File 138808660916.png - (266.65KB , 900x501 , ad2013.png )
21590 No. 21590 ID: 2859f2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
My old drawthread was gathering cobwebs, and was generally out of date. I have created this new thread for the purposes of NEWER art as well as COMMISSIONS within the TGchan community.

Announcing: I will take small B/W commissions for $10. NOTE: this price will most likely be subject to change, and is on a FCFS basis. If you like that price, you ought to get in on it.

One person is currently en queue! Commissions drawn for TGchanners will appear in this thread unless they request that they not be. Otherwise, I will just drop relevant artwork here for you all to disenjoy.
18 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
No. 22760 ID: dea113
Gina is pretty hot actually.
No. 22763 ID: c12703
File 139753304415.png - (30.67KB , 900x900 , letitshout.png )
Colors for reference.
No. 22775 ID: 2eac65
That's an oddly-angled mouth.
No. 22790 ID: ca0da5
Take a look at the mouths on >>22763 , I think it's supposed to resemble the muzzle (even cats have a slight muzzle) being slightly to the side.
No. 24204 ID: bac58f
File 140739415202.png - (211.65KB , 1100x1600 , gartrutandsalzen.png )
Gartrut and Salzen from Bastion of Innocence.

File 140736533407.gif - (294.61KB , 2000x1000 , heads.gif )
24194 No. 24194 ID: 2f2fc2 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I shouldn't put pen to paper( in a manner of speaking)

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