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File 140610454326.jpg - (206.84KB , 1920x1920 , 1.jpg )
24004 No. 24004 ID: fa09a3
I want to be a concept designer and I have a long way to go. Dumping shit.

Crit is much appreciated. I do commissions and occasionally requests off of the /tg/ draw threads every few months. If you have questions, shoot.
Expand all images
No. 24005 ID: fa09a3
File 140610461550.jpg - (124.89KB , 754x1060 , waterhouse_study__by_sergiole-d7rm73e_png.jpg )
A study.
No. 24006 ID: fa09a3
File 140610483312.jpg - (182.34KB , 1920x1920 , 2.jpg )
Friend's druid character.
No. 24007 ID: fa09a3
File 140610493084.jpg - (280.87KB , 1280x1282 , tumblr_n26tgjCe7X1slizbzo1_1280_png.jpg )
Craig study
No. 24008 ID: fa09a3
File 140610503414.jpg - (296.20KB , 700x1212 , tumblr_n94nw2QvG41thgp0xo1_1280.jpg )
M-my waifu.
No. 24009 ID: fa09a3
File 140610521925.png - (102.60KB , 700x553 , ss (2014-07-23 at 04_50_36).png )
Working on a hatching little shit for someone.
No. 24010 ID: 59295a
I think the horse dildo is a nice touch.
No. 24014 ID: ddcac0
Somehow I want to say this one reminds be a little of the art we've seen in From Software's new project, Bloodborne.

Cleever, let's see his opponent (the reflection effects on the shield are nice, though, I'd expect to see more dust kicked up.
Very determined looking.
No. 24039 ID: fa09a3
File 140618242559.png - (87.06KB , 639x613 , ss (2014-07-24 at 02_17_49).png )
Haha, was waiting to see if anyone would notice. The gladiator was just a master study, but I think it would be cool to design a gladiator opponent. I'll hop on that when I finish off some other stuff. Thanks for the feedback guys.
No. 24126 ID: faeeac
File 140692017083.png - (151.07KB , 394x868 , ss+(2014-08-01+at+11_43_22).png )
Quick something for a quest thread I follow.
No. 24128 ID: faeeac
File 140695266343.png - (784.63KB , 479x879 , ss+(2014-08-02+at+12_12_44).png )
Throwing in some color. I don't like it and might change a lot.
No. 24145 ID: faeeac
File 140699156570.png - (496.60KB , 933x854 , 140699014352.png )
No. 24147 ID: faeeac
Going live.
No. 24158 ID: faeeac
File 140715316772.png - (1.43MB , 800x1892 , Ranthix 2.png )
Finished it a long while ago in the stream. Forgot to post.
No. 24171 ID: faeeac
File 140725069375.png - (1.04MB , 1493x713 , ss+(2014-08-05+at+11_01_46).png )
Streaming a collab.
No. 24173 ID: faeeac
File 140725653935.png - (5.07MB , 1800x5643 , Untitled-7.png )
Progress so far. 1st and 4th are mine.
No. 24179 ID: ef7fd2
Jeezums chip-cheezums dude, you draw fuckin RAD
No. 24182 ID: faeeac
File 140729686043.png - (275.10KB , 488x689 , ss+(2014-08-06+at+11_50_49).png )
Thanks, man! Means a lot.

Started blocking in a master study atm. Studying values and composition in particular.
No. 24273 ID: faeeac
File 140776673654.png - (142.15KB , 594x706 , ss+(2014-08-11+at+10_08_50).png )
Self portrait. Been messing around with new brushes.
No. 24325 ID: faeeac
File 140805653726.png - (462.57KB , 1512x725 , fff.png )
Taking a break from commissions.
90 minute block-in with promt.
No. 24326 ID: 4e41c3

Wait, what is that software?
No. 24327 ID: faeeac
File 140805997014.png - (354.81KB , 1210x964 , Untitled-4.png )
It's the generator on Chrimson Daggers. I'm drawing on photoshop CS6 though. Here's the link for the generators.


tfw this creature that was generated. I never wanted this to happen.
No. 24333 ID: 4e41c3

No. 24334 ID: faeeac
No problem, man! Really digging your stuff.
No. 24408 ID: e57fb3
File 140859574079.png - (591.39KB , 1093x568 , ss+(2014-08-21+at+12_35_20).png )
Started thumbnailing another commission.
No. 24412 ID: e57fb3
File 140865267188.png - (0.98MB , 720x935 , Untitled-2.png )
Woke up this morning and did a quick request.
No. 24414 ID: e57fb3
File 140869893939.png - (1.19MB , 1102x572 , ss+(2014-08-22+at+05_16_20).png )
Started blocking it in.
No. 24428 ID: 2e1470

Good sense of depth on the far dragon.
No. 24483 ID: e57fb3
File 140923903506.png - (321.81KB , 637x844 , gnoll.png )
My Half-Orc used to keep this gnoll puppy under his hat. He's getting a little bit too big.

Thanks, Man!
No. 24484 ID: e57fb3
File 140923915920.png - (3.86MB , 2300x1184 , Latyn Commission.png )
Think I'm going to call this done for what I'm getting paid.
No. 24485 ID: 12956a

Looks good to me.
No. 24486 ID: e57fb3
Thanks, much appreciated.
No. 24544 ID: e57fb3
File 140951071804.gif - (3.04MB , 1193x2000 , moriah process.gif )
Decided to make a gif out of the progress on this one. Moriah from Hellborn Quest on /tg/.
No. 24546 ID: e57fb3
File 140951098839.png - (3.69MB , 1497x2593 , Moriah 4.png )
High res.
No. 24547 ID: e40247
File 140952891656.jpg - (55.42KB , 500x667 , 1409364610001.jpg )
Ohh bby
This whole thread's full of awesome. You've really gotten insanely better over the couple of years I've known you. Good work Rat-kun. You're my favoritest artist :)
No. 24548 ID: 59295a
uwa! I like this one.
No. 24550 ID: e57fb3
O-ohh~ Thanks guys!
You're still my favorite writer Lavenci-senpai.
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