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File 152760618228.gif - (160.60KB , 1280x720 , thael-and-minyaxl.gif )
39111 No. 39111 ID: 893219
i don't even draw that often and i have no idea what i'm doing here, i'm just trying to figure out where the best place to post some scellor art is

if there's somewhere else please direct me there, the only places i've posted this are here and tumblr

full context of the image described here: https://makorays.tumblr.com/post/174355802827/fanart-i-did-of-my-own-characters-from-my-friends
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No. 39113 ID: 3abd97
Posting your own art in your own drawthread is fine.

Calling it scellor fanart and posting in the fanart thread would also have been fine. >>/questdis/100245

That's nifty, I like it.
No. 39307 ID: 0c3c2c
This is super cool! Great work!
No. 40751 ID: 73c2b3
File 153979738827.gif - (51.26KB , 210x410 , pamiil.gif )
oh right i should probably link this here!


i did a little animation thingy as a pre-mission cutscene for when our party was about to head to africa. this took dozens of hours and i don't think i'll ever attempt something like it ever again but i'm still proud of it.

also i made a full set of gifs from it here: https://makorays.tumblr.com/post/178578242752/aaaand-heres-a-set-of-gifs-from-that-video
No. 40766 ID: 96c1d9
I liked it, this was great.
No. 40769 ID: 73c2b3
File 153989001818.png - (45.25KB , 352x608 , S9JG8Av.png )
aaaand i also made a 3d model! this was my first time ever making one so i think it turned out pretty good. still need to add some texture details on the cape and rig him at some point.
No. 40770 ID: 73c2b3
File 153989007083.png - (59.78KB , 529x602 , q5Ec6mP.png )
am i the first to make a scellor model? :0
No. 40805 ID: 0c3c2c
Yes, and it is glorious.
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