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File 132856397360.jpg - (390.73KB , 1000x773 , IMG_0010.jpg )
10758 No. 10758 ID: 16a987
I'm gonna post my doodles and sketches, quest related or not. feel free to comment or request at will.
Expand all images
No. 10759 ID: 16a987
File 132856402035.jpg - (618.86KB , 1000x1229 , IMG_0001.jpg )
No. 10760 ID: 16a987
File 132856404962.jpg - (215.93KB , 479x1000 , IMG_0002.jpg )
No. 10761 ID: 16a987
File 132856407615.jpg - (553.75KB , 1000x1057 , IMG_0003.jpg )
No. 10762 ID: 16a987
File 132856410315.jpg - (325.07KB , 1000x694 , IMG_0007.jpg )
No. 10763 ID: 16a987
File 132856412139.jpg - (368.12KB , 735x1000 , dsfsdf.jpg )
No. 10764 ID: 16a987
File 132856413172.jpg - (418.15KB , 1125x817 , IMG_0004.jpg )
No. 10765 ID: 16a987
File 132856415065.jpg - (330.70KB , 1000x773 , IMG_0006.jpg )
No. 10766 ID: 16a987
File 132856416005.jpg - (555.14KB , 1000x1121 , IMG_0005.jpg )
No. 10767 ID: 16a987
File 132856544197.jpg - (379.65KB , 1000x773 , IMG_0008.jpg )
No. 10768 ID: 16a987
File 132856546245.jpg - (447.62KB , 1000x773 , IMG_0009.jpg )
No. 10770 ID: ed57e8
No. 10771 ID: 16a987
File 132858235718.jpg - (285.91KB , 1000x773 , sadasdfasf.jpg )
Fun fact: this is the third in a kit of four. Who can guess what the last one is?
No. 10774 ID: ed57e8
No. 10790 ID: 1963d1
What do I win?
No. 10793 ID: 16a987
design a hat and I'll use it in a quest.
No. 10798 ID: 1963d1
File 132872935641.jpg - (61.47KB , 410x243 , i\'mwinner.jpg )
you're... ON!
I look forward to seeing the mystical Hat of Obscenities in your quest, FlynnMerk! :)
No. 10799 ID: 9c7c3b
I assume this bestows the "Tourettes" effect upon the wearer?
No. 10800 ID: 2eac65
It makes them blurt out all their hidden sexual thoughts.

>Hey, how's it going?
>I WANNA SUCK YOUR I mean I'm doing fine.
No. 10812 ID: c9b053
Oh Lawd!
No. 10820 ID: 16a987
File 132881659230.jpg - (411.92KB , 1000x821 , IMG_0001.jpg )
And I look forwards to using it~
No. 10821 ID: 16a987
File 132881666265.jpg - (450.07KB , 1000x1333 , creeper.jpg )
No. 10822 ID: 16a987
File 132881669564.jpg - (225.64KB , 1600x1200 , ultimateKitty.jpg )
No. 10823 ID: 16a987
File 132881680241.jpg - (156.61KB , 1000x750 , Reed copy.jpg )
A character from my D&d campaign
No. 10824 ID: 16a987
File 132881687302.jpg - (1.09MB , 2200x1700 , IMG_0007.jpg )
No. 10825 ID: 16a987
File 132881693872.png - (4.02MB , 1985x1586 , Big Wolf.png )
No. 10826 ID: 16a987
File 132881694717.jpg - (725.53KB , 1700x2200 , IMG_0006.jpg )
unused character design
No. 10827 ID: 16a987
File 132881697824.jpg - (233.88KB , 800x600 , IMG_0004.jpg )
No. 10829 ID: 16a987
File 132881699077.jpg - (476.95KB , 1000x765 , IMG_0003.jpg )
No. 10840 ID: d12795
File 132885187464.png - (4.71KB , 206x213 , iamdissappoint.png )
No. 10844 ID: d12795
File 132887186274.png - (17.39KB , 724x336 , femchest.png )
flynn, i can see that you're getting decent at drawing.... but just a little note, females have an hourglass shape; not a teardrop. They look extra chubby in unnecessary places. Just some constructive artsy advice.
No. 10846 ID: 0448b9
As a person who's studied female body types a bit more than he probably should, It's best to just use references for the body type you want to use. Females have a lot of different body typess. Especially chubby ones.
No. 10857 ID: 16a987
File 132892495124.jpg - (206.86KB , 800x618 , IMG_0003.jpg )
Your right I feel much more comfortable with these measures, Thanks~
No. 10858 ID: 16a987
File 132892509205.jpg - (223.76KB , 800x618 , IMG_0001.jpg )
I'm bored, give me something to draw

~Please select a hole~
No. 10859 ID: 1854db

After cooking.
No. 10866 ID: 1963d1
No, better idea. Eye-socket.

BEFORE cooking.
No. 10869 ID: ed57e8
just to be 'THAT GUY' i'll say up the ass.
No. 10871 ID: 8fbba5
rolled 9 = 9

No. 10873 ID: ef1bab
No. 10874 ID: 82a03b
No. 10898 ID: 784dcc
Choices are not naughty enough[pussy], but nose will win by a nose.
No. 10904 ID: f46f0d
Using pre existing holes? Bah, make your own hole to stick it in.
No. 10920 ID: 528bf9
pussy, but omly if that lizard makes the cutest face in the universe
No. 10996 ID: 382193
File 132928305478.jpg - (297.74KB , 1000x755 , IMG_0004.jpg )
Nose it is then~
No. 10997 ID: 382193
File 132928310198.jpg - (193.75KB , 1000x390 , IMG_0005.jpg )
how about another? Go ahead and pick a couple
No. 11000 ID: 1854db
wha... but she's still got all her clothes on. Does she have a vagina in her nose?!
No. 11001 ID: ed57e8
it's tail is probably stabbing at a nerve cluster of her brain.
No. 11002 ID: ed57e8
oh, and i'll vote snail lady.
No. 11007 ID: 528bf9
fetishes are like that, you can be horny enough to have a mental orgasm, but you need some phisical to get a phisical reaction, (except in hentai phisics).
Also octogirl, but omly if she has octolegs.
No. 11037 ID: c9b053
No. 11053 ID: 382193
File 132944205107.jpg - (323.72KB , 1000x677 , IMG copy.jpg )
No. 11055 ID: 1854db
No. 11147 ID: 382193
I've got artist block... If someone would suggest something they wanted drawn I'd do my best to do it.
No. 11149 ID: 9c7c3b
I'd be deeply appreciative if you could draw Stalin in a set of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-style exoskeleton. He should be either firing an arm-mounted gatling gun or at least pointing it at something with a disgruntled look on his face. Thanks!
No. 11150 ID: ed57e8
a hamster in a hamster ball
No. 11152 ID: 9c7c3b
No. 11153 ID: 382193
cool I'll get right on it.

this two
No. 11165 ID: 528bf9
draw more warhammer girls!
No. 11189 ID: 382193
File 132988663486.jpg - (429.23KB , 1000x773 , Khorn deciple.jpg )
Drew it in Tone Control class. Teach asked why she looks like she's ripe out of road warrior. Fun fact: My teacher plays 40K
No. 11190 ID: 382193
File 132988676840.jpg - (542.13KB , 1000x883 , HamStar.jpg )
I'm planning on doing it in full color~

your next
No. 11197 ID: 528bf9
cool dreadnaught why is his head so huge?
No. 11206 ID: 1854db
Draw a muscle wizard flexing.
No. 11213 ID: 2eac65
Mitrel licking an ice cream cone.
No. 11214 ID: 382193
I'd love to... But who's Mitrel?
No. 11215 ID: 2eac65
He's from Will of the Undermind. He also answered some questions in one of those Inside the Quest threads.
No. 11218 ID: 275917
Anthropomorphic globe with ballgag and eyemask.
If rest of body, appropriate bondage gear.
The words WORLD DOMINATION above it.
No. 11235 ID: 025708
A huge camel sniffing a beaver with plate armor forged out of metallic cheese(on the beaver) while the camel is wearing a balloon that is impervious to bullets, while both are being ridden by men carrying dual mini-guns fire at a swarm of heavily armored grasshoppers. That fire hamburgers.
No. 11236 ID: ed57e8
that sounds intentionally way too fucking complex.
No. 11303 ID: c9b053
since your playing these days
draw dovakin fighting a tri dragon
No. 11307 ID: 382193
I'm sorry Trout, I've failed you as an artist and as a friend.
I simply cannot draw what you asked for, I've been trying since you asked, every pause and moment I've had to myself I've tried, but every time I've failed, I must have ruined fifty pages trying to draw your art but I only fail. and yet its not that complex, it really quite simple, but I'm compelled to failure. You can't imagine the humiliation I feel, and must stop trying It's tearing me apart. I'm very very sorry. Perhaps I can draw something else?
No. 11308 ID: 9c7c3b
Aw, it's cool, Flynn. You did what you could! I'm just happy that you tried. Thanks.

And I don't really have another request for you at the moment :<
No. 11309 ID: 382193
Thanks for understanding TuT
No. 11325 ID: 528bf9
draw porn of a character from a future quest, if no future quests palnned, draw porn for your current quest, infact draw both!
No. 11338 ID: 382193
File 133055964332.jpg - (231.86KB , 1200x828 , WorldDomination.jpg )
And there you go, this was really fun to draw. Come back anytime now yah hear?
No. 11340 ID: 528bf9
Haha! This is great
No. 11353 ID: 1854db
This amuses me.
No. 11369 ID: 146bca

If she were truly "Dominated," she'd have a ring-gag and white fluid dripping out her mouth, IMHO.
No. 11370 ID: 146bca
Of course, I might just be a kinky bastard. That's a possibility, as well.
No. 11386 ID: 382193
I must be a kinky bastard myself~
No. 11535 ID: 7bbcd3
Since everyone's shaking the beehive here's one.
Draw something that this quote would fit into:

"I dont know if she was the worst magician ever or the best"
No. 11551 ID: 382193
File 133114264856.jpg - (2.59MB , 2550x3299 , IMG.jpg )
No. 11659 ID: a2853b
Flynn, I would very much enjoy seeing your artwork in one of those children's books.
No. 11661 ID: 0524bd

hah, classy
No. 11729 ID: 382193
File 133194363527.jpg - (213.42KB , 800x649 , IMG_0005.jpg )
Well I'm off for another fucking long week end
(My school's on strike)
here's alittle something I drew. See yah soon~
No. 11730 ID: 1854db
Wait, you drew it so we can see the dildo going in her butt, but not most of her vagina? That doesn't make any sense.
No. 11741 ID: 382193
It's true I suck at drawing vaginas!~(TnT)
No. 11742 ID: 1854db
Look at more nudes and sketch them! Study study study.
No. 11743 ID: 1854db
And I mean photographs. Don't study anatomy by looking at drawn art; there are some rather common mistakes made that get spread around that way.
No. 11928 ID: 4d6045
Aahhh... *Stretch* Getting bored of skyrim and mosterhunter... Strike's granted me another week off and my friends all have lives to reattend to.
Now were was I?
No. 11929 ID: 4d6045
File 133291685741.jpg - (480.49KB , 1200x900 , Rover♥.jpg )
Rover's always been one of my most favorite characters~♥
No. 11941 ID: ed57e8
No. 13363 ID: 6bae95
File 133874369104.jpg - (1.13MB , 1600x1237 , SpaceMarenStrong!!.jpg )
Man it's been a long time since I've drawn anything aside from my quests... *Sigh* Well I drew this, I might color it in but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
No. 13367 ID: 7a2594
So you take requests?

A snake with the head of Bill Cosby. I wanna see how many artist I can get to do this.
No. 13400 ID: 2eac65
Sorry for being pushy, but what's the status on this? I mean, it's fine if you don't want to do it, but you kind of left me hanging there.
No. 13438 ID: 6bae95
yeah sorry, I started drawing it and lost my notes along side with all the other work I was doing, I'll get back to it. thanks for reminding me~♥
No. 13439 ID: 6bae95
File 133912766203.jpg - (174.18KB , 1000x750 , billcosbysnake.jpg )
and here you are good sir.
I tried to sound cosbyish, but it didn't Zoop like I wanted it to Boop
No. 13440 ID: 7a2594
I think it zoopitybopped quite nicely! awesome!
No. 13636 ID: 6bae95
Okay I'm gonna start drawing this... But I have no clue what he looks like... Could somebody post an image of him?

Also. is he suppose to be naked or clothed?
Is he happy to eat the ice cream?
is he eating it in a cone?
No. 13638 ID: 6bae95
File 134025923142.jpg - (1.38MB , 3299x2550 , well whist im waiting for the scellor is that what.jpg )
Well... Whilst I'm waiting for the details on Mithrel I'm gonna draw some 111.
I have a wooden pose doll, but don't use it often... I did this time though, can you tell?
Well if you have any advice in regards to this sketch please tell me, I want to improve.
No. 13640 ID: 132b99
the only thing i can say is the boobs are too round. they are perfect hemispheres. that isn't how it works for real.
No. 13641 ID: 97486c
File 134027398756.png - (957.75KB , 1000x1000 , boobs.png )
This man speaks the truth. Unless they're like really fake all breasts droop. It's just natural. And the bigger they are the more they do so.
No. 13642 ID: 6bae95
Thank you, I'll adapt it right now~
No. 13648 ID: 132b99
you want to pick a light source, and stick with it.
No. 13653 ID: 132b99
hang on, where is your light source? it looks like you have light on the top right AND bottom right. pick one light and get rid of the other.
No. 13662 ID: 132b99
you forgot that the legs are separete.
No. 13663 ID: 36542f
File 134036186982.jpg - (363.83KB , 892x900 , 134034588877.jpg )

Good god man.

This is why construction of characters using basic geometrical shapes is needed, or at least helpful.
No. 13669 ID: 5673d3
Looking at naked women also helps. Be it on real or picture form.
No. 13682 ID: 6bae95
Thank god for the internet because I've never even seen one of these guys up close.

I have a confession to make... I am absolutely HORRIFIED of bugs... Especially spiders and mantises... What she see's in this monster is beyond me... And yet I'm oddly attracted to this bond, this love that they share~♥
No. 13683 ID: 6bae95
File 134044180881.jpg - (23.83KB , 547x370 , filthy-beasts-mantis-human-sex.jpg )
Also I found this on the internet, I did not draw it, but I find it hilarious and amusingly on topic.
No. 13685 ID: 132b99
well HE sees someone that wont bite his head off.
No. 13693 ID: 6bae95
Feel's nice to work on something and see that it's not horribly ugly~

Am I updating to much? I'm deleting my older posts, but I hope I'm not clogging up the board. And I just love his sorbet colored wings~♥

And I'm still open for advice, criticism and tips. Always looking to improve!!
No. 13696 ID: b85f8c
Dammit, stop putting the vagina IN FRONT of the crotch. It's supposed to be partially hidden by the thighs when standing straight. It's supposed to hug the body, not jut out from it.

Also that thigh on the left should attach higher up, like the other one is. They should also be as thick at the top as her waist is, because after all, her waist shares the same flesh.
No. 13697 ID: b85f8c
In fact, go check out Slinkoboy's thread in here, he drew Amiel in some vaguely similar poses as far as the legs are concerned.

And stop copying from that wooden pose doll, it's absolutely terrible for how joints actually work. Only ever use it for brainstorming poses.
No. 13698 ID: 6bae95
So wait... I'm just a bit curious here...

here I was offered a diagram, but the pussy needs to be lower and the leg higher... Okay.
Damn I feel like I've never been around one of these... *Sigh* I've been about men for to long...
Let's hope that once I've gotten the hang of this I wont repeat these mistakes~
No. 13699 ID: b85f8c
I was messing around with the image and I see the main problem- judging by the navel you want her waist to be pointing almost completely to the left, but the hips don't agree.

Her genitalia can actually stay about where it is- maybe a little bit up, the hips just need to move on their own. Move the one facing us to the left, and the one further away goes up.
No. 13701 ID: 6bae95
Thanks I thought they needed a little moving.

It's really really nice to look at my own work and not think it to be total crap... I really enjoyed all this arting with you all~

So finally, I moved her leg up and fattened the other one, I put in the shades and spotlights on Honey, I think I'm ready to move onto the background, I'm thinking something crude and kinda sketchy, I'd like to have a ambiance light wash over them...
I don't know where they are in this pic though... I'll let that up to you guys~!
Just where are they?

If I have the time and patience I may draw another layer over to give her clothes and make Honey less aroused...
No. 13723 ID: d60dbf
a cave maybe? maybe just in the wastes?

what are you gonna draw next?
No. 13767 ID: 84185f
File 134074132687.jpg - (505.33KB , 1200x928 , │││.jpg )

Well here's the finished product. It's actually better then I expected... Could of worked more on the background but whatev's~ Thanks again everyone who help in the development of this drawing of a naked chick and her mantis boyfriend.

Next thing I draw... Probably Mithrel eating ice cream like I've been asked or maybe Blake and Rover (Either being cute o0r killing each other). Maybe some fan art or a monster from my pathfinder campaign.
As always I love it when you guys help me choose.
No. 13779 ID: f83948
File 134076891470.png - (9.04KB , 800x600 , Mitrel.png )
i vote for mitrel
No. 13780 ID: 123437
my vote's on mithrel yeah
No. 13832 ID: 84185f
File 134103370359.jpg - (1.47MB , 3299x2550 , IMG_0004.jpg )
Well I'm getting to work on it, slowly but surely.
If I'm doing anything wrong make sure to correct me, I'm here to learn after all.
Does it bother anyone if I update frequently? I don't mean to bother anyone...
No. 13837 ID: 84185f
okay I meant to get on this eight hours ago but I've just now started!
Here's the rough draft and I just wanted to say, I am a big fan of this series, but I've never read it, my friends told me everything about, but I'm just a lazy fuck and don't read much... If I'm screwing anything up in this pic, please tell me...

Also since I've gotten nothing more than a monochrome pic of his head I improvised what he look's like... And there was a 50% chance that he would have been eating off a dick, So! I want to include one of those tentacle turtles... But I don't really know much about em...

Finaly as always, please tell me if I'm bothering anyone with my constant updates... Or tell me I'm not, I just want to make sure...
No. 13838 ID: 84185f
File 134110345514.jpg - (378.86KB , 1200x928 , basicaly done.jpg )

I'm sorry it took... A year to draw this, god damn I'm lazy!! Essentially it's done since I'm to fuck shit lazy to draw the back ground... I'll finish the background eventually and post it on the fan art thread...

For now I'm gonna draw something cute and violent...
No. 14632 ID: 2eac65
Many thanks for the picture! And for putting up with my prodding. He looks cute and huggable. And it's nice to see him smiling about something; he usually doesn't seem very happy.

There was one small error, though: you gave him four-fingered hands, but his subrace has five-fingered hands. Not much to worry about, but there it is.

On the subject of constant updates, I do find it rather annoying, if only because you keep deleting the previous versions, which leaves me wondering "Wait, what was here before?" I'd prefer if you left them, so we could see what your posts were referencing.
No. 14633 ID: 0521d2
Thanks you... I... I kinda need a hug, so you're gonna be my victim. *Hugs*
No. 14752 ID: c9b053
how bout you draw some smut of one of your characters
No. 14760 ID: bf54a8
fincy giving rover some 'payback'
No. 14810 ID: 0521d2
File 134560212104.jpg - (320.47KB , 800x600 , the answere.jpg )
Hehee~ Thanks for the word of advice. Take this as a hint of what's to come.
No. 14826 ID: c9b053
No. 14838 ID: 0521d2
File 134568662707.jpg - (230.68KB , 800x618 , Rover and Blake in their teens.jpg )
I'm back in school and that means I'm drawing during class again. As I looked for new pages to waste my valuable time with I found these old drawings old Rover, not sure if I posted them on Tg but I'm gonna hand them out anyways.

The first of three is Rover and Blake when they were younger
No. 14839 ID: 0521d2
File 134568669770.jpg - (237.17KB , 800x618 , rover cleaning.jpg )
Here's Rover cleaning up after himself
No. 14840 ID: 0521d2
File 134568675907.jpg - (234.70KB , 800x618 , Blake pouring hot chocolate on rover.jpg )
And Blake pouring hot coco on rover's loving back. This was supposed to be featured in the quest, but it didn't happen...
No. 14867 ID: 0521d2
File 134577128902.jpg - (178.00KB , 800x600 , Rover and Fincy.jpg )
Here's an update on the RoverXfincy pic

As always if there's something that ticks you off about this picture please tell me and I'll try to make it pretty. Remember, I'm only an art student. You're the ones who know what you're doing~
I'm serious though, I'm glad that you guys can help me out and point me in the right direction
No. 14868 ID: fa9f7e
I'll admit my drawing experience is nonexistent, but Fincy's mouth seems somewhat tilted based on the placement of her eyes and nose, the hair behind Fincy's left cheek is just a red outline, and I'm not sure if Fincy is supposed to be flat-chested or just male.
No. 14884 ID: 0521d2
File 134585427363.jpg - (234.67KB , 800x600 , Rover and Fincy final.jpg )
Oddly enough, I wound up using tricks I learned in class today... I could hand this in on Monday and probably get a half decent grade... If it wasn't for the NSFW Futa Furry content...

>Suddenly, Blake walks in and witnesses his boyfriend being raped by Fincy. What does he do?
No. 14888 ID: 58eac9

Patiently wait his turn.

Or maybe takes the other end.

Fuck I don't know.
No. 14893 ID: fa9f7e
I'm curious- Rover's other end or Fincy's other end?
No. 14894 ID: fa9f7e
Also, I'm going to go with "sit on Rover and start kissing Fincy passionately."
No. 14896 ID: 58eac9

Rover's other end.

The OTHER other end would just be weird.
No. 14897 ID: bf54a8
sneak attack fincy making a train.
No. 14900 ID: fa9f7e
If this gets chosen, yell out something about "Oh, a real cock, eh? Well, I'll show you!"

Then proceed to disappoint everyone involved.

I still support >>14894 though because lol OOC
No. 14901 ID: b85f8c
Show her what the five fingers said to the face.
No. 14947 ID: 0521d2
File 134602605765.jpg - (315.08KB , 800x1157 , Blake beating the___ stuff.jpg )
I'm rather indecisive because no one really voted and I suck at choosing. I'm probably gonna do this and this

In the mean time have a little work of mine.
in that I've decided that Austranium love is going to be a web comic that I'll host on devi and My next quest is another chapter of Blake.
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