Orange Scarlet Crumble
oh right the context i forgot that
So this campaign is a Fate Core game based in the same setting as the one The World Is Mine is set in. The setting is pretty broad in scope, and is pretty much dominated at the larger scale by the interactions between star-spanning megacorporations and empires, with the Alliance trying to do its best to keep everyone more or less in line and failing due to the scale of things.
The players are new recruits plucked from completely random backgrounds for an organisation called Panoptima Research Solutions, a subdivision of Panoptima, a keletian megacorp.
Panoptima Research Solutions does not provide research solutions. It provides solutions to research. Typically, solutions to the problems created by research, such as horrible things being unleashed on the universe.
It's Panoptima's investigative cleanup division, and is intended to be the first responders to the archetypal science facility distress signal scenario.
Complicating things is the fact an apparently ancient prophecy seems to have obliquely referred to half the party as being involved in ancient prophecy bullshit.
Also sometimes random people show up in the kitchen.