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File 157878566791.png - (54.07KB , 1080x1080 , Malcor Rune.png )
44616 No. 44616 ID: 5245b2
Since I'm here...
Expand all images
No. 44617 ID: 5245b2
File 157878573696.png - (364.05KB , 1175x1175 , Monument of Sin.png )
"God cannot judge us, for his sins monumentally outnumber our own."
No. 44618 ID: 5245b2
File 157878590913.png - (625.66KB , 3024x3024 , Shirtless Slayer.png )
"Haggard, scarred, and yet never tiring. His resolve remains resolute and steadfast throughout the eons. His mission is the same as it always has been..."
No. 44619 ID: 5245b2
File 157878611554.png - (442.11KB , 900x1200 , Doomguy.png )
"...Rip and Tear, until it is done. Until there is not a single demon left alive. Until Hell lays barren, knee deep with the broken bodies of the wicked. Until the Slaves of Doom are reduced to ash, the Blood Temples to rubble, and all have been avenged."
No. 44621 ID: 5245b2
File 157881970052.png - (1.24MB , 3024x4032 , Synth Slayer (shades).png )
No. 44623 ID: f7ff14
No. 44632 ID: 5245b2
File 157898729487.png - (341.93KB , 3024x4032 , Business Li.png )
No. 44634 ID: 5245b2
File 157910860496.png - (421.24KB , 3024x4032 , Valkyrie.png )
No. 44653 ID: 5245b2
File 157942104878.png - (4.09MB , 3866x2197 , Void God.png )
No. 44966 ID: 5245b2
File 158417491657.jpg - (783.90KB , 2048x2048 , F673A8B3-87AF-4735-9396-E0296D24FD62.jpg )
Fuck it, Malzilla time
No. 44980 ID: 5245b2
File 158441266124.png - (556.86KB , 2866x2866 , Ambrose 2020 ref.png )
Ambrose, the Elder of Two
No. 44981 ID: 5245b2
File 158441268814.png - (645.43KB , 3024x4032 , Alphonse 2020 ref.png )
Alphonse the Younger of Two
No. 44982 ID: 5245b2
File 158443424346.png - (308.65KB , 1600x1200 , Ryan Malcor Pendulo.png )
Ryan, The quintessential Dad
No. 44985 ID: 5245b2
File 158449871463.png - (2.06MB , 4032x3024 , Femel Redux (slobber).png )
oh hai Femel
No. 45040 ID: 5245b2
File 158507506273.png - (106.64KB , 1600x1600 , Emoji.png )
This week on "What's Li Thinkin' About?"
Same as last week.
And the week before that.
No. 45070 ID: 5245b2
File 158542047838.png - (387.41KB , 3689x2767 , Creepy Bastard (hanging puppet).png )
The Worst(tm)
No. 45074 ID: 5245b2
File 158552006989.png - (1.61MB , 2867x2867 , Kull (Stage 3).png )
No. 45075 ID: 5245b2
Imagine if Ryan was a Bear. Haha I jest.

No. 45076 ID: 5245b2
File 158553409777.png - (2.33MB , 4032x4032 , Ryan Malcor Pendulo (2020).png )
No. 45077 ID: 5245b2
File 158553416879.png - (398.13KB , 1600x1200 , Family Photo (heights).png )
Ambrose: "Dad, will I ever be taller than you?"
Ryan: "...Not if I can help it."
Ambrose: "What??"
Ryan: "What?"
No. 45085 ID: 5245b2
File 158568269442.png - (223.32KB , 700x434 , Bastard O'Clock.png )
No. 45105 ID: 5245b2
File 158586682956.png - (277.53KB , 1200x1600 , Inmate 604482.png )
Where he Kentucky Fried Fuckin' belongs
No. 45109 ID: 5245b2
File 158588963869.png - (784.76KB , 4032x3024 , Myre.png )
His eyes always seem to focus on the viewer, no matter what... Spooky.
No. 45121 ID: 5245b2
File 158617014049.png - (699.40KB , 3024x4032 , Deathclaw Broodbitch 1.png )
Female Deathclaws have a mixture of a psuedopenis and ovipositor, enabling them to implant their eggs inside another creature (In this case, our Intern, Belle) so they can be incubated more efficiently. The eggs are about the size of baseballs, and weigh anywhere from 8-16 ounces, and take 30 days to hatch. Young Deathclaws take 5 years to reach Maturity, and live for around 30.
No. 45122 ID: 5245b2
File 158617068947.png - (670.92KB , 3462x3024 , Deathclaw Broodbitch 2.png )
Being more cost efficient to hire a brood staff than to re-engineer the anatomy of Deathclaws entirely, our competitive wages offer much incentive for signing waivers and Non-Disclosure Agreements. Our Deathclaw females have learned to use high intensity thrusts to stimulate the Brood Staff into lubricating the ovipositor, and the contractions of the cervix help to push the eggs out of the ovipositor and further into the womb. This speed can be maintained for up to 30 minutes, during this time eggs will be released in the down thrust. The Deathclaw ovipositor is a whopping 18 inches long and 4 inches in diameter.
No. 45124 ID: 5245b2
File 158617114517.png - (811.42KB , 3024x4032 , Deathclaw Deathcocks.png )
Deathclaw male anatomy is less impressive than the female's length and girth, being 10 inches long and 2 in diameter, however, this is more than made up for by the fact that the Jackson's Chameleon base DNA has left a relic in the form of Hemipenes. The Male Deathclaw can ejaculate 6 times with minimal refractory period, and can maintain their fully erect state until after the sixth ejaculation. The Male Deathclaw also has more endurance than the females, able to maintain maximum intensity thrusting for up to 45 minutes.
No. 45125 ID: 5245b2
File 158617152645.png - (737.80KB , 3024x4032 , Deathclaw Ovipositor.png )
Female Deathclaws can lay up to 12 eggs at a time, and the average human female can hold up to six clutches at a time, totaling roughly 72 eggs. We have a total of 16 Mature Deathclaws, 8 of which are female, but we do have an additional 6 females coming of age, along with 2 retiring.
No. 45126 ID: 5245b2
File 158617229714.jpg - (27.62KB , 511x491 , IMG_2675.jpg )
The Male's sense of smell becomes problematic during the breeding season, being able to detect the pheromones from both Volunteer and Expended females. As such we have implemented a secondary division of brood staff to ensure that they also have their needs met, as they tend to get rowdy when not allowed to relieve themselves. Clean Up personnel are there to transport Egg-Laden Volunteers to the Monitoring Station for egg extraction, and to help bathe the Males' volunteers.

Applications are always accepted, Waivers and Non Disclosure agreements are required, Brood Staff are required to bring a change of clothes. Condoms are provided in the Staff Lounge for warm-ups.
No. 45161 ID: 5245b2
File 158762277444.png - (1.00MB , 2268x3024 , Apokalyps.png )
No. 45162 ID: e7c7d3
No. 45194 ID: 5245b2
File 158833992943.jpg - (575.72KB , 4032x3024 , IMG_2820.jpg )
Because Cringe Culture is dead and I adore Genndy Tartakovski's PRIMAL, here's Malcor as a large therapod
No. 45303 ID: 5245b2
File 158986957544.png - (766.35KB , 4032x3024 , Porter Watts (Half Dragon Goliath-Jacket).png )
Possible new character for Horny Warlock
No. 45304 ID: 5245b2
File 158986960983.png - (630.37KB , 4032x3024 , Porter Watts (Half Dragon Goliath-Nude).png )
Obligatory Nude variant
No. 45305 ID: 4f51b2
Looks pretty cool. Hope he shows up.
No. 45357 ID: 5245b2
File 159090236967.png - (1.41MB , 4032x3024 , Mal and Charbee 1.png )
No. 45366 ID: 5245b2
File 159134335552.jpg - (677.71KB , 4032x3024 , IMG_2915.jpg )
Couldn't stop himself then.
Couldn't stop her now.
Who's next to die because of you, Chained Man?
No. 45367 ID: 5245b2
File 159134347362.png - (454.81KB , 3600x1200 , Blades of Chaos Mk_ 2.png )
The rivers of your shame run deep.
You cannot hide from what you are.
What you always were and will be.
No. 45368 ID: 5245b2
File 159134349025.png - (749.26KB , 3024x3024 , History Lesson.png )
A Monster.
No. 45369 ID: 5245b2
File 159134356706.png - (679.69KB , 1600x1600 , Diamondback New Ref.png )
Dwarf Cowboy
No. 45370 ID: 5245b2
File 159134359696.png - (655.36KB , 5000x4000 , Fester the Half Kenku, Half Tiefling Warlock Druid.png )
Kenku/Tiefling Lich
No. 45371 ID: 5245b2
File 159134367909.png - (651.93KB , 2268x3024 , Axhoke Armor.png )
Sepulchral Paragon (Good Aligned Deathknight)
No. 45372 ID: 5245b2
File 159134384673.png - (611.79KB , 2900x3200 , Jackson Carter Jones (Fullbody).png )
Jackson Carter Jones
No. 45374 ID: e7c7d3
Always a big fan of non-norse/scottish dwarves
No. 45375 ID: 5245b2
File 159139774764.png - (646.09KB , 1600x1600 , Diamondback New Ref (under).png )
Here's what he looks like under the poncho and hat
No. 45390 ID: 5245b2
File 159168032718.jpg - (732.70KB , 4032x3024 , IMG_2921.jpg )
Passionate makeout session between Marina and Ambrose, may turn into more, but I don't know yet.
No. 45395 ID: 5245b2
File 159176358245.jpg - (759.98KB , 4032x3024 , IMG_2927.jpg )
So I heard people like incredibly horny shortstacks. I present to you; Gob-li
(Full render soon)
No. 45396 ID: 5245b2
File 159176605261.png - (477.55KB , 2400x3900 , Goblin Li.png )
Full render, as promised!
No. 45405 ID: 5245b2
File 159202851863.png - (1.79MB , 5000x5120 , Claire Delilah Rune.png )
Possible DOAHW New Character, Li's best friend
No. 45406 ID: 5245b2
Claire works as a bartender and waitress at a brothel. She's not on the menu.
No. 45438 ID: 5245b2
File 159348885130.jpg - (462.68KB , 4032x3024 , IMG_2947.jpg )
Ambrose and Marina gettin' busy
No. 45464 ID: 5245b2
File 159526432686.jpg - (1.92MB , 4032x3024 , 72446C4C-94F9-45AF-8036-DFC2B37FD75E.jpg )
Y’all mind if I dump some art?
No. 45465 ID: 5245b2
File 159526436805.jpg - (1.34MB , 3024x3024 , EA4D83BF-3E08-4ACD-AD4D-228927B3EFC2.jpg )
Too late! Dumping!
No. 45466 ID: 5245b2
File 159526439296.jpg - (1.74MB , 4032x3024 , 3E3EF17F-64F8-464E-8E88-C84FA0BCEDD3.jpg )
No. 45467 ID: 5245b2
File 159526441499.jpg - (630.87KB , 2502x1536 , D31637EA-8E91-44E2-A7AE-601FFB616688.jpg )
No. 45468 ID: 5245b2
File 159526445974.jpg - (1.68MB , 4032x3024 , 14D8D75F-B2A9-4EA1-9B36-F76B536ABCEA.jpg )
No. 45469 ID: 5245b2
File 159526448106.jpg - (1.87MB , 4032x3024 , 76CE60C6-A820-4441-A5B3-92AABE2C318C.jpg )
No. 45470 ID: 5245b2
File 159526452083.jpg - (1.81MB , 4032x3024 , BB4210E1-05FE-4706-AACD-BC424E26AB8A.jpg )
No. 45471 ID: 5245b2
File 159526457587.jpg - (1.85MB , 4032x3024 , 474C436A-8B12-4D57-8E3C-03F0C787C6B3.jpg )
No. 45472 ID: 5245b2
File 159526463740.jpg - (1.81MB , 4032x3024 , 9DAB19C7-1425-4FFA-A711-4AAB6465701A.jpg )
No. 45473 ID: 5245b2
File 159526467428.jpg - (1.56MB , 3274x2636 , C9EF7A3D-7A6C-4558-8721-C262951E5631.jpg )
No. 45474 ID: 5245b2
File 159526471608.jpg - (730.69KB , 1536x2594 , 1683B627-0F27-497A-8888-134DAEE76911.jpg )
No. 45475 ID: 5245b2
File 159526474678.jpg - (2.65MB , 4032x3024 , C271A940-4AE9-4977-89A9-072B6EE34801.jpg )
No. 45476 ID: 5245b2
File 159526478988.jpg - (599.35KB , 1535x2410 , F7B10FA3-FDF5-4916-BED6-EEF1D5292F52.jpg )
No. 45493 ID: 5245b2
File 159587989829.png - (545.40KB , 3024x4032 , Catgirl Li.png )
If only I knew how to write quests. Then I could possibly implement Catgirl Li into DOAHW
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