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File 153672809447.png - (193.72KB , 757x584 , mewone.png )
40307 No. 40307 ID: 270774

i have been drawing the whole time i was gone it's just all busts of the same extremely minor vento aureo baddie
25 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 40343 ID: 270774
File 153673055073.jpg - (199.15KB , 800x1014 , dddddddd.jpg )

anyway he rules
No. 40344 ID: 270774
File 153673056188.jpg - (135.99KB , 800x658 , DICKS OUT FOR KAKUDEI.jpg )

and is gay
No. 40345 ID: 51d5a1

everything here is so good! What's your favorite stand?
No. 40354 ID: 270774

thank u!
best appearance: black sabbath, whitesnake
coolest power: baby face, metallica, beach boy (i love la squadra lmao), kiss
most raw affection held in my heart: hierophant green, baby face again lol
No. 40385 ID: 270774
File 153706545242.png - (599.36KB , 785x1200 , noroises1.png )

i also got into dnd................ this guy is gonna show up in a quest (this color is unfinished but bear with me lol)
No. 40386 ID: 270774
File 153706551653.png - (115.71KB , 732x599 , bbitch.png )

his name is noroi and he's a warlock............ hexblade patron except i modified it with my extremely lenient dm's blessing to be more horny, obviously
No. 40387 ID: 270774
File 153706585919.jpg - (197.99KB , 768x1024 , ses4.jpg )

he has a mimic blade named Darling who is a bitch to him at all times
No. 40388 ID: 270774
File 153706592038.png - (342.18KB , 800x1000 , hsssss.png )

he also has two daggers named Motherfucker and Bastard who turn into venomous snakes when he speaks their names aloud (he went into the campaign not knowing any curse words and the party has been slowly educating him)
No. 40389 ID: 270774
File 153706594238.png - (92.27KB , 561x510 , hgss.png )

Motherfucker and Bastard love him unconditionally
No. 40417 ID: d887c0

You got it bad for bad boys/girls.
No. 40526 ID: 270774
File 153819202103.png - (240.22KB , 666x666 , hWEH.png )

No. 40528 ID: 270774
File 153819277639.png - (225.51KB , 666x666 , uhh.png )

cant wait for the tvrn intermissions
No. 40529 ID: 270774
File 153819285613.png - (100.89KB , 588x389 , EATASS.png )

also im just going through my nsfw folder and this is from ages ago
No. 40530 ID: 270774
File 153819287404.png - (86.94KB , 688x626 , FDSHD.png )

aaaaaaaaand a pascal
No. 40534 ID: 0c3c2c

Your art is pretty impressive! Keep working on improvement, you're doing well.
No. 40543 ID: 06fdc0

... so is the dog a good dog or a bad dog?
No. 40547 ID: 270774


it is actually hilarious that you say this because his entire character is essentially him struggling with the seeds of doubt re: relative morality and the built-in failings of a moral society instilled in him, as a puppy, by the good dog/bad dog dichotomy
No. 40552 ID: 270774
File 153841438412.png - (434.52KB , 800x525 , mechanoreceptors.png )

heyyyyyyyyyyyy i drew art to go with the weird psychosexual pseudo-bdsm fic i write for naruto characters
No. 40553 ID: 270774
File 153841439061.png - (333.94KB , 800x525 , mechanoreceptors2.png )

No. 40576 ID: 2007b6

No. 40664 ID: 270774
File 153922154082.png - (135.19KB , 703x630 , gus.png )

noroi has a lot of really good items, like a doll named lil gus that will try to kill him if he doesn't "create chaos and mischief" once a day. gus did not come with hair. noroi cut off some of his own hair and glued it onto lil gus' head, much to the extreme horror of the rest of the party
No. 40665 ID: 270774
File 153922165580.png - (91.73KB , 711x620 , nono3.png )

the other really good item noroi has is a mask that essentially functions the same way as the OOGA BOOGA BOOGA mask from courage the cowardly dog, except sometimes after he makes a kill it also compels him to waste a turn slathering himself in blood, or use his turn attacking the closest ally, or use his turn eating the corpse (which, in fairness, he would do anyway)
No. 40666 ID: 270774
File 153922179663.jpg - (230.79KB , 800x1066 , n y a.jpg )

other good noroi facts: any time someone places an open container down on a flat surface (i.e., an npc sets a mug of ale on a table) i have to roll a will save or noroi will swat it onto the floor while making eye contact
No. 40667 ID: 270774
File 153922187957.png - (19.00KB , 611x582 , hgg.png )

anyway i lov ehim im just unloading a bunch of art lol
No. 40668 ID: 0c3c2c

This is the absolute best.
No. 40671 ID: 270774

i have failed the save many, many times, and made many enemies
No. 40715 ID: 270774
File 153962494015.png - (1.90MB , 1000x2985 , one big long stupid kofi post.png )

[makes a gentle, extended fart noise with my mouth] https://ko-fi.com/iraprince
No. 40716 ID: 733bd9

I know you needed a example of "Won't work as a catboy" but why you used Pesci as a example. Why. Him.
No. 40717 ID: 270774

because someone genuinely sent me $3 to do catboy pesci
No. 40718 ID: b2a2ca

Is het okay if the characters aren't cis?
No. 40719 ID: 270774

yep! sorry, probably should have specified that
No. 40731 ID: 270774
File 153969893684.png - (323.34KB , 800x1000 , lvl1.png )

noroi level oooooone
No. 40732 ID: 270774
File 153969895644.png - (328.22KB , 800x1000 , lvl8.png )

aaaaaand noroi level eight. it's been a bit of a rough campaign for him
No. 40733 ID: b7c775

Noroi cant hide from me the file name clearly says level 11 his secret is revealed
No. 40734 ID: a62780

Ouch, what happened?
At least the prosthetics are stylish as all hell.
No. 40999 ID: 270774

arm got rotted off by a boss enemy, tail was a bad constitution roll that resulted in a teleporter accident........
No. 41000 ID: 270774
File 154119139430.png - (239.45KB , 630x1000 , fullleathertut.png )

i got asked for a tutorial on rendering leather, and bc obviously the reason i was asked for this was bc of pascal's stupid pants, i used him as my lovely assistant. despite this i still feel like putting this in the disthread would be off topic tho
No. 41001 ID: 70be57

Very informative
No. 41004 ID: c92184

No. 41289 ID: 270774
File 154360262983.png - (209.76KB , 800x525 , melmelmel.png )

they revealed his anime color scheme and i literally almost started crying in bed. like i was physically holding back tears
No. 41431 ID: 270774
File 154420081558.png - (282.41KB , 845x653 , greasy.png )

it's not that i'm not enjoying the current vento episodes but like i'm chewing my hands off waiting for my mommy issues bitch twink to show up
No. 41977 ID: 270774
File 154905068523.png - (238.12KB , 512x644 , HHHAAAAAHAHHAA.png )

No. 41978 ID: 270774
File 154905071622.png - (51.42KB , 473x412 , HFHHG.png )

No. 41979 ID: 270774
File 154905073728.png - (41.85KB , 321x289 , fjdshdfs.png )

i wish he was DEAD. i mean he will be soon but
No. 42242 ID: fc5514

Rip melone
No. 42244 ID: 6655de

Rip Melone.
No. 43331 ID: 75cf31
File 156329672160.png - (262.71KB , 647x360 , bbom.png )

melone died and i got so distraught that i forgot to post dated anime villain fanart in my drawthread for five months
No. 43457 ID: 75cf31
File 156467573827.png - (147.44KB , 800x800 , cube.png )

jsut throw him in a box. don't let him out. hope u die in there u rank bitch
No. 43464 ID: 75cf31
File 156477669276.png - (724.81KB , 1151x604 , bunbrubba2.png )

i draw anime good guys sometimes. 8-2 is bunny day!
No. 43465 ID: 75cf31
File 156477671886.png - (143.27KB , 371x623 , hotpants.png )

and a hot pants for the road
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