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File 127631302710.png - (100.90KB , 600x600 , sergal_I_guess.png )
717 No. 717 ID: 8bdb6a

255 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 33564 ID: 1f8505


No. 33567 ID: 1226ae

Memerodents are great.
No. 33579 ID: b88e47

<3 tozols
No. 37450 ID: eaf326
File 151539640603.png - (181.68KB , 680x675 , bqzol_mcdonalds_chart.png )

No. 37451 ID: c88e6d

I like how the team mostly lies in the bottom half of the triangle.
No. 37452 ID: eaf326

The shit Ota puts up with
No. 37457 ID: 772fe4

rinis best tozol
No. 41235 ID: 31fb6a


We have gone over ten months without Tozol. This is unequivocally unacceptable.
No. 41236 ID: 91ee5f

Don’t be rude! Test Pattern probably has IRL things to attend to, which are far more important than drawing Tozols!
No. 41248 ID: 9551f1

Uh... Call me ignorant, but... What does IRL stand for? Also, I've seen IRC before, does that have any relation? And even if not, what does it stand for?

PS: I like Tozol's a lot, but I was mostly just joking. I hope that Test Pattern takes as long as he wants doing whatever he wants, and only comes back to tgchan when that's what he wants to do. Not because of fan pressure.
No. 41249 ID: 91ee5f

>What does IRL stand for?
In Real Life
No. 41252 ID: b1b4f3

How old are you?
No. 41255 ID: afdebc

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. You use a client application to connect to a network, and then you can talk to other people on various channels. (For a client, prefer Hexchat, but Mibbit is often convenient for beginners to try, since you can launch it in a web browser without downloading anything).

#tgchan on rizon is the irc channel for the site.
No. 41549 ID: 999017
File 154535641741.jpg - (21.96KB , 320x180 , image.jpg )


Too old for this bullshit.
No. 41550 ID: 11286a

Word of advice as another old guy who can't keep up with the young people, look it up on urban dictionary first
No. 41579 ID: 221205

IRC's been a thing since 1990 if not earlier, "I'm too old to have heard of this IRC thing" ain't really a valid excuse.

Honestly the majority of complaints I've seen regarding IRC are that it's antiquated and too old and cumbersome to easily get into.

That and the fact you'd never come across the term "IRL" suggested that you'd skew younger, not older.

I'm... still not sure how you ended up here on some offshoot chan board, these things aren't exactly popular, but there's some context.
No. 41590 ID: daffb0

Using a name and email link also suggests both an unfamiliarity with imageboard culture and a lack of the kind of habitual caution an older internet user would usually have.
No. 41605 ID: 4dc321
File 154608081929.jpg - (98.37KB , 1477x1200 , tozvault_b.jpg )

>Don’t be rude! Test Pattern probably has IRL things to attend to, which are far more important than drawing Tozols!
I actually still draw 'em. I just kinda stopped posting art here since I didn't think anyone was checking it anymore. Whoops.
No. 41606 ID: 4dc321
File 154608084865.jpg - (204.52KB , 2931x2179 , flexanzol.jpg )

No. 41607 ID: 4dc321
File 154608091477.jpg - (123.79KB , 1400x717 , omegadoodle.jpg )

(for AdeptOmega)
No. 41608 ID: 4dc321
File 154608103976.png - (327.75KB , 1000x1435 , frostzol.png )

(for Zealo8/Frost)
No. 41609 ID: 4dc321
File 154608108693.png - (290.62KB , 1189x961 , jozi_2b.png )

(for Chompy and K0bold)
No. 41754 ID: 4dc321
File 154692200739.png - (31.21KB , 687x908 , cuoqet_bdaygiftsketch.png )

Drew Cuoqet a birthday gift
No. 41755 ID: 4dc321
File 154692207026.png - (289.68KB , 884x1023 , cuoqet_armless_clr_edit.png )

And another!
No. 41762 ID: 4dc321
File 154702723968.jpg - (82.51KB , 1500x950 , kbld_f.jpg )

No. 41783 ID: 4dc321
File 154721622461.jpg - (52.04KB , 887x624 , trukk.jpg )

pigup trug
No. 41829 ID: 4dc321
File 154764413063.png - (1.04MB , 1667x1274 , phoenix_sidedodge_c_b.png )

No. 41830 ID: 4dc321
File 154764415365.jpg - (94.30KB , 1018x1487 , Ebonysketch.jpg )

No. 42851 ID: 4dc321
File 155714768847.png - (15.42KB , 614x843 , asgkasdjkgsjkl.png )

No. 42852 ID: 4dc321
File 155714771416.jpg - (76.94KB , 1096x764 , tzl_djklagjskl.jpg )

p e w
No. 42853 ID: 4dc321
File 155714774063.png - (56.27KB , 1080x1080 , jkasdgklajsdkl.png )

No. 42854 ID: 4dc321
File 155714776689.png - (13.48KB , 988x878 , edit_mvdskkwet.png )

No. 42855 ID: 4dc321
File 155714779250.png - (51.10KB , 1598x901 , tzl_skid_b.png )

No. 42859 ID: b1b4f3

Huh, looks like a more recent attempt at a Tozol-like bioweapon.
No. 42864 ID: 4dc321

I hadn't thought of it that way, but that's pretty cool.

I was thinking more, carbon nanotube muscle robot.

(Which is in the ballpark, tbh)
No. 42867 ID: 4dc321
File 155718396870.jpg - (189.10KB , 2522x1750 , foxbeef_b.jpg )

Thinkin' about big ol fighty foxes
No. 42868 ID: 85a28c

I like the way you think
No. 42876 ID: 4dc321
File 155721912836.jpg - (66.40KB , 867x1230 , spaechip.jpg )

No. 42877 ID: 4dc321
File 155721913409.jpg - (119.49KB , 1238x1084 , jjkljkljklj;.jpg )

No. 42878 ID: ad51b8

it looks a lot like a gun to me so I want to say it's a tozol ship.
No. 42885 ID: 4dc321

Fair enough guess, but tozols wouldn't bother with rotating sections
No. 42891 ID: 4dc321
File 155739604384.jpg - (54.89KB , 711x759 , furbot.jpg )

No. 42892 ID: 4dc321
File 155739608414.png - (27.70KB , 850x1050 , tzl_ajkljgaklsjdgkl.png )

No. 42893 ID: 4dc321
File 155739610472.jpg - (137.96KB , 1557x1072 , tzldivebox.jpg )

No. 42913 ID: 4dc321
File 155763977284.png - (21.98KB , 1038x843 , testfastpanel.png )

No. 42915 ID: 4dc321
File 155763997924.jpg - (71.46KB , 1536x993 , ajklsdgjklasdgjklas.jpg )

tozols in a desert
No. 42931 ID: 4dc321
File 155779609012.jpg - (132.07KB , 950x950 , zaelim_jump_e.jpg )

Got these vague quest ideas about psychic warrior bioroids
No. 42934 ID: ad51b8

ideas like solder get's stranded on a more primitive planet and becomes a super hero/villain or more along the lines of the newest and shiniest super solder to emerge on the battle field?
No. 44587 ID: 6e59e3

Still happy to see you doing newer stuff
No. 45119 ID: 3a7feb
File 158606580675.jpg - (318.14KB , 1187x1005 , grid_meme.jpg )

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