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File 133982359110.png - (15.90KB , 691x535 , dird.png )
13541 No. 13541 ID: 34cbef
cus i can
Expand all images
No. 13543 ID: 34cbef
File 133982717794.png - (8.71KB , 493x364 , 5secs.png )
to see how fast i could draw a bird person, at least 5 seconds for a no detail version.
No. 13546 ID: 34cbef
File 133983747932.png - (17.13KB , 592x503 , puggles.png )
derp puppies
No. 13604 ID: 34cbef
File 134016882882.png - (37.75KB , 532x536 , florence.png )
i streamed
No. 13605 ID: 34cbef
File 134016885520.png - (24.94KB , 712x492 , okensfirstride.png )
from the stream
No. 13606 ID: 34cbef
File 134016887739.png - (23.29KB , 712x492 , frederick.png )
and the last one
No. 13629 ID: 34cbef
File 134023755814.png - (114.20KB , 932x647 , hecathingamabob.png )
mr. q requested this
No. 13630 ID: 34cbef
File 134023843693.png - (11.58KB , 929x303 , nedysleep.png )
No. 13631 ID: 34cbef
File 134024010066.png - (15.08KB , 512x445 , wheelbotracer.png )
No. 13647 ID: 1f8505

No. 13755 ID: 34cbef
File 134069633655.png - (22.54KB , 757x627 , puggles.png )
"Alright troops... uh... what were we doing again?"
No. 13782 ID: 34cbef
File 134077634169.png - (19.85KB , 718x413 , dreamupdate.png )
my dream update
No. 13787 ID: 34cbef
File 134078443619.png - (13.60KB , 506x347 , war.png )
No. 13804 ID: 34cbef
File 134085611224.png - (14.92KB , 506x347 , facesmooshing.png )
"Don't cry! I love you, girl!" I hug Shai-shai and smoosh her face with my face.

this is why smooshing is gross
No. 13806 ID: 34cbef
File 134086476334.png - (12.82KB , 662x414 , awhatwhatwhat.png )
No. 13807 ID: 34cbef
File 134086513148.png - (14.35KB , 662x414 , awhatwhatwhat.png )
No. 13808 ID: 34cbef
File 134086629628.png - (13.81KB , 650x424 , awhatwhatwhat.png )
jesus christ edit again
No. 13809 ID: 766c0b
Bamump, did you go missing for some chunk of time?
No. 13813 ID: 34cbef
i might have, it's hard to keep track of myself these days.
No. 13817 ID: 34cbef
File 134094343480.png - (56.47KB , 784x897 , 1.png )
page one of a romo comic
No. 13836 ID: 34cbef
File 134105350565.png - (45.62KB , 784x897 , 2.png )
why not post the comic here, why the hell not
No. 13965 ID: 34cbef
File 134156190570.png - (24.58KB , 624x531 , fidgetthemouse.png )
this here is my favorite character
No. 14041 ID: 34cbef
File 134198879157.png - (35.17KB , 559x795 , moviechicken.png )
No. 14043 ID: 34cbef
File 134199004262.png - (114.43KB , 801x481 , 133063294251.png )
a few things from when i became a furry
No. 14045 ID: 34cbef
File 134199012823.png - (136.17KB , 801x481 , 133093683417.png )
No. 14046 ID: 34cbef
File 134199017708.png - (62.46KB , 801x481 , 133102178141.png )
No. 14047 ID: 34cbef
File 134199023468.png - (79.77KB , 801x481 , 133102183343.png )
No. 14255 ID: 34cbef
File 134268499320.png - (10.92KB , 315x508 , doobiesprites.png )
stuff, i don't even know why i'm doing this
No. 14256 ID: 34cbef
File 134269013468.png - (16.73KB , 465x540 , doobiesprites.png )
sprite update
No. 14259 ID: 27d278
Damn it Chirps, quit making want to play Yume Nikki!

Those are really good sprites by the way!

No. 14396 ID: 34cbef
File 134356118647.png - (17.86KB , 573x575 , shadowkiller.png )
simple stuff
No. 14804 ID: 34cbef
File 134552560454.png - (44.83KB , 304x392 , dutchmaid.png )
drew this in a flockdraw session
No. 14815 ID: 34cbef
File 134561217928.gif - (8.92KB , 462x306 , requests.gif )
>animated 2frame
Hey hey, i'm taking art requests for the next time i do another Join.me stream. If you want something just reply to this post. If you feel that you want your stuff done first you can throw money at me ala donation via this link--> https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webs.....if%3aNonHosted
Remember to make a comment of what you requested if you do. Donations are definitely not needed though. hope i get some requests
No. 14827 ID: d6c330
I request my kingsman character! Let's see what Dakdo the neumono macgyver looks like when he's not a colored spot on the game board.
No. 14885 ID: 34cbef
File 134585649360.png - (15.53KB , 529x388 , dakdo.png )
you can color it how you want, but this is pretty much what i imagine
No. 14891 ID: d6c330
Oh, hahahah, that's awesome. XD He's got the perfect archetypal toymaker / tinkerer face. And I love the absurdly oversized hands.

I hadn't really thought about color, since these guys come in so many. I'll have to experiment.
No. 15489 ID: 34cbef
File 134915072057.png - (30.50KB , 600x624 , happyharoldseve.png )
No. 15552 ID: 34cbef
File 134950845444.png - (11.31KB , 601x318 , nunjo.png )
them thar nunjo just hopping around in the shadows and whatnot, causing all sorts of trouble for them there samoorai
No. 15611 ID: 34cbef
File 134983321354.png - (42.92KB , 372x228 , whiteboard.png )
hot buns
No. 15613 ID: 34cbef
File 134984053247.png - (30.18KB , 376x338 , whiteboard.png )
No. 15635 ID: 34cbef
File 134992436164.png - (51.06KB , 492x379 , whiteboard2.png )
blue bears syndrome
No. 15637 ID: 34cbef
File 134993414093.png - (74.26KB , 501x397 , whiteboard3.png )
buns on a beach
No. 15733 ID: 34cbef
File 135033439389.png - (11.83KB , 211x210 , whiteboard5.png )
Hey there folks, I am poor and I need money- SO HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!!!
Due to my recent luck (or lack there of) of gaining money the average "get a job" way, I am deciding to sell my soul to you guys for 15 dollars a piece!

Now you may ask, "chirps, what are you exactly offering?"
Well let me tell you! I'm offering anything- A-N-Y-THING that you want in a single piece of artwork FOR ONLY 15 DOLLARS!!! $15!? FIFTEEEEN DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!
Now you will probably ask, "chirps, there must be a catch somewhere..."
Well there is not, you will get a medium or small piece (400x800 or bigger) That is both doodled, lined and even colored!
Now you may be wondering this deal is too good 2 b tru! WELL IT'S TRUE- OH MY GOD!!!

How do you sign up for one of this? Well all you have to do is use this handy dandy link---> https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=HXP4TH4Q9MUMQ&lc=US&item_name=bamump%20art%20stuff&currenc

And place a comment under this submission with your request!!!
Remember to leave a note of your username here in the donation slip so I can figure out who takes priority!!!!

No. 15735 ID: 34cbef
File 135034162529.png - (91.27KB , 471x444 , whiteboard6.png )
And the first to take on this FANTASTIC DEAL will finally see the finished product. You could be the next person to acuire such a master, all you need to do is throw some hanky stanky dirty horrible money at me. ONLY 15 DOLLARS WORTH of hanky stanky horrible stacks of cash!!!!

Don't be afraid, get yours today!
No. 15756 ID: 795da4

would this be out of the question

sergal lingerie would also be acceptable
No. 15757 ID: 34cbef
File 135045663959.png - (427.98KB , 670x480 , lavamenagerie.png )
So this is the commission from circle. I seem to have been flooded with friends who also wanted to help with this so i have to credit them since i got their permission to add them to this.

The three flock amigos
[f] Shiro
[f] Darky

You too can have a fantastic piece like this one- It's only 15 dollars, that's right $15.
Get your's today!!!
No. 15758 ID: 34cbef
monetary incentive will improve quality.
No. 15763 ID: 795da4

ha ha now I want to but i'm self-conscious about it

No. 15765 ID: 34cbef
Don't be afraid, you need lingerie ladies? I can draw lingerie ladies! You need something to give you the courage to request this? I can draw something that will make you braver then braveheart! All for the low low price of 15 dollars!
No. 15771 ID: 795da4

oh hey

i donated thirty or so since you seem like you could use it, but

i don't really know how to phrase those request things
No. 15772 ID: 34cbef
try to describe the best you can of what exactly you are looking for. From before you look like you want either kobold girls in lingerie or sergal girls in lingerie. I can do both if you want.
No. 15782 ID: 34cbef
File 135060588658.png - (136.90KB , 800x480 , lingeriebolds.png )
For the good sir, I have put together the most bro-tastic artists and made you you're very own magazine.

Kobolds in Lingerie!

Cred goes to
Wyrt, [f] enola
And me

Now you, yes you, could have something as fantastic as this! Only 15 dollars, that's right $15!!!!! Don't be shy, order yours today!
No. 15812 ID: 795da4

sorry for leaving you hanging and being all silent

life started up hectic recently and free time i've had was spent being self-conscious as all hell about phrasing a request

i was thinking more lizard-kobolds myself in my original query but that picture is too adorable for words
No. 15814 ID: f2c20c
Chirps, for future reference, when people say kobold they generally mean the D&D kobold. Cutebold is generally used to speak of the nosebolds.
No. 15816 ID: 34cbef
alright, i can do lizard bolds also... i'm more exposed to the nosebolds so that's where the confusion took place. Is there anything more you wanted to specify or add?
No. 15835 ID: 34cbef
File 135079079670.png - (18.65KB , 644x545 , fluffsasextrafluffy.png )
debate over fluffsas of slinkoboys so i drew a thing
No. 15836 ID: 34cbef
File 135079111949.png - (13.81KB , 644x545 , evenfluffier.png )
No. 15837 ID: 34cbef
File 135079159434.png - (10.05KB , 420x397 , whatisgoingon.png )
No. 15839 ID: 795da4

uhm...thigh-highs? Blushy Yuri? Nightwear? kinda throwing suggestions out here, i'd love to see what you could come up with

...maybe a sergal girl somehow ending up in all three not knowing how?

..If that's cool
No. 15842 ID: 34cbef
welp i'll get on it then
No. 15845 ID: 1ace6e
please make it more fluffy
No. 15854 ID: 8fd5b9
No. 15865 ID: 795da4

you need some incentive or?

also if you do steam, I have some spare stuff y'might like
No. 15868 ID: 34cbef
sorry, got sidetracked, i will work on it though- have no fear.

more fluff then coming right up.
No. 15869 ID: 34cbef
so okay, i convened with the council and we think you are looking for a surprise sexy sergal lesbian encounter... but if you aren't looking for that you may need to clarify- anyway i'm going ahead with that idea and if it changes i can always draw another.
No. 15870 ID: 795da4


but free steam games
No. 15871 ID: 795da4

Yeah I don't articulate well, sorry

and if that includes lizardbolds, probably yeah

just kinda suggesting
No. 15872 ID: 34cbef
if only i could take em, then i would be a very happy peanut
lizardbolds making an awkward sexual encounter with a sergal it is then.
No. 15873 ID: 795da4

What, no steam?
No. 15875 ID: 34cbef
my comp is a classic, if you know what I mean.
it's really a stretch if i want it to play any games.
No. 15877 ID: 795da4

Ah, pity, I knew that feeling for a good six years. Try browsing Good old games? Could run half of those on a microwave.

monetary incentiiiives
No. 15880 ID: 34cbef
holy cow, another donation! did you need anything asside from the current one? I'm working on it now as a matter of fact.
No. 15881 ID: 34cbef
File 135089231380.png - (60.68KB , 800x480 , whiteboard8.png )
so this is what i have so far, I tried as best i could to put all of the fancy concepts into a single picture... but i just can't visualize a sergal being all "oh no onii-chan, what is this!?~"

Instead, it's a sergal menacing some lizard kobolds for dressing her in her sleep. Right now it's a wip that will take some more thought before i finish.
No. 15882 ID: 34cbef
File 135089314288.png - (11.21KB , 645x450 , TOOMUCHFLUFF.png )
MY GOD WHEN WILL IT BE ENOUGH, look at the poor thing. It's suffering from apofluffonoxia, that horrible instance where you are so fluffy you can't even move other then wiggle in the hopes that you would roll to your feet.
No. 15886 ID: 795da4

oh god all of my daww

Is there a concept you can't convert to adorable
No. 15892 ID: 34cbef
there are a few that are impossible to cute.
those i generally have trouble adorafying
No. 15893 ID: 795da4

ha ha then maybe my requests are just terrible
No. 15894 ID: 34cbef
your requests are fine, what i was mentioning are like the horrible fetish stuff i see on fa... tch i don't even want to mention some of the stuff that's on there...
No. 15940 ID: 34cbef
File 135112937589.png - (67.38KB , 800x480 , whiteboard8.png )
blugh, so i couldn't think of a cool background to give it... man, sometimes I hit aces other times i hit nothing.
No. 15946 ID: 34cbef
File 135113785283.png - (61.55KB , 800x480 , red.png )
red naga person ficus had me draw... well maybe i put too much red on it.
No. 15958 ID: 795da4

Good enough bro, thanks, i know what running out of steam is like

can't draw for shit but when you're burned on a writing draft it won't let you forget it

Uhm, if you're still up for requests, I've got a sorta-simple idea
No. 15967 ID: 34cbef
hit me with it, i do need more practice
No. 15968 ID: 795da4
File 135123257392.png - (437.56KB , 1280x930 , executorandscrip.png )

Uh, could you

draw a 3-4 foot tall scrap-collecting desert living scavenger bird-person-thing, covered in layers of scavenged clothes, bits of fabric and whatever he can scavenge, along with a hooded cloak, a pack/materials and a crafted gas mask?

my that's a mouthful

I drew a reference on the right if that's any good
No. 15972 ID: 34cbef
File 135125921485.png - (132.17KB , 640x400 , bonesnatcherconcept.png )
I will see what i can come up with, but in the mean time here's some bonesnatcher concept work i did in gimp
No. 15973 ID: 34cbef
File 135126036711.png - (107.91KB , 640x400 , scavengebyrdrequest.png )
And here is a quick doodle, I might clean it up some and maybe add color.
No. 15980 ID: 34cbef
File 135129417450.png - (34.08KB , 440x285 , buttday.png )
throwing cultist butt here aswell
No. 16016 ID: 34cbef
File 135141724916.png - (175.87KB , 640x400 , scavengebyrdrequest.png )
and the colored version
No. 16029 ID: 795da4


well back to writing unspeakable smut and/or cute things
No. 16033 ID: 34cbef
No. 16034 ID: 795da4
Lizardbold trap.

It must be done.
No. 16035 ID: 34cbef
No. 16036 ID: 34cbef
File 135154967983.png - (26.09KB , 290x306 , whiteboard9.png )
here ya go
No. 16039 ID: 795da4

Damn son you act fast.

Don't suppose any chance of traplizardbold on traplizardbold?
No. 16040 ID: 34cbef
I'll have to find some time to work on it but yes I can do something like that. A few of my bro-squad guys might even help out.
No. 16077 ID: 34cbef
File 135174812291.png - (7.04KB , 397x281 , thing.png )
hoo boy, i've been so busy i haven't gotten around to drawing the bold on bold action.

But here's a thing to show that i'm still thinking over it.
No. 16081 ID: 795da4
File 135177846794.jpg - (334.30KB , 489x393 , 1298147590374.jpg )

No rush mang

everyone's kinda busy lately

enjoy your candyween

caw caw
No. 16134 ID: 34cbef
File 135201501120.png - (41.83KB , 800x480 , whiteboard10.png )
alright, so this is what i have so far, i'll work on it more when i get the time.
No. 16137 ID: aa76fd
Well, if you are stilling doing requests, may I suggest a recreation of the King's Men?

Specifically the first mission where my character is sent flying by catapult along with chunks of gravel to crush traitorous crusaders by acting out the BEST PLAN? It holds a special place in my heart.
No. 16154 ID: 34cbef
yep, another one of the "if i can make time" requests.
No. 16171 ID: 34cbef
File 135224027553.png - (49.25KB , 328x274 , whiteboard10.png )
finished the trap lizarbold, not happy with the background so there might be another version later sometime.
No. 16172 ID: 34cbef
File 135224087812.png - (33.52KB , 1001x626 , cometknight.png )
and juroko's request
No. 16198 ID: 34cbef
still holding commissions... if anybody cares...
No. 16232 ID: 34cbef
File 135262409580.gif - (6.47KB , 510x297 , 3.gif )
Guess who needs money again, that's right... MISTER FABULOUS ARTIST DUDE ME! $15 Commissions, This money is going to benefit the poor and needy bamumps in the world, so please donate. I will gladly draw you guys stuff, and if you don't have the money to dish out i can do requests also!

for donations click this handy link, and put your request in the donation comments after donating and i'll make them top priority!

And for the requests, just request here and i'll use them for the next time i stream.
No. 16233 ID: 34cbef
donations go here https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=HXP4TH4Q9MUMQ&lc=US&item_name=bamump%20art%20stuff&currenc
No. 16457 ID: 34cbef
Audio imperfectfu.mp3 - (204.95KB )
working with audio on my throwback laptop
No. 16463 ID: 34cbef
File 135372049488.jpg - (92.42KB , 893x610 , IMG.jpg )
a commission i did for drgons

i'm not impressed with how it turned out so there is a strong chance that i'll do this one again when i get my computer up and running again.
No. 16482 ID: 34cbef
Audio norockingwhilefapping.mp3 - (206.99KB )
more silly audio
No. 16483 ID: 34cbef
Audio gunpet.mp3 - (542.08KB )
I know, it's not oekaki or drawing. But it doesn't feel like it should go to the general board.

anyway, crazy script i came up with.
No. 16498 ID: 34cbef
still doing $15 commissions... if anyone cares.
No. 16512 ID: 795da4

Adorablest Taur in a sundress?
No. 16521 ID: 34cbef

mino or cen? because i'm not too familiar with horse bodies.
No. 16526 ID: 795da4

I was thinking like tauren taur

if that's cool
No. 16536 ID: 34cbef
i had to google that, so you want a minotaur. I think i can doodle something up.
No. 16566 ID: 34cbef
sorry bout not having the pic up, i'm pretty much doing all sorts of drawing in my sketchbook and the scanner for my throw back laptop isn't my actual scanner
No. 16698 ID: 795da4

s'okay mang

do your thing
No. 16760 ID: 34cbef
File 135527640105.png - (16.10KB , 739x387 , 008.png )
i'm just uploading some things that i was generally impressed with after i did them. all of this stuff is old and i'm doing it to just ... i dunno... look back at it and ponder at my old techniques

i just liked this one, the design was decent and i'm happy it didn't turn out like crap.
No. 16761 ID: 34cbef
File 135527646355.png - (43.62KB , 776x1072 , echo1.png )
a comic i tried to do with mspaint, turned out good but what i really liked was the design of the logo on the bottom.
No. 16762 ID: 34cbef
File 135527648931.png - (10.18KB , 744x414 , loading1.png )
an edited version of the logo.
No. 16763 ID: 34cbef
File 135527661220.png - (18.61KB , 586x554 , talkbox.png )
my thing i tried in mspfa, also done in mspaint
No. 16764 ID: 34cbef
File 135527668797.gif - (10.86KB , 549x732 , pi1.gif )
page 1 of an unfinished comic
No. 16765 ID: 34cbef
File 135527671247.gif - (15.51KB , 549x732 , pi2.gif )
page 2
No. 16766 ID: 34cbef
File 135527673454.gif - (23.97KB , 549x732 , pi3.gif )
page 3
No. 16767 ID: 34cbef
File 135527676072.gif - (26.48KB , 549x732 , pi4.gif )
No. 16768 ID: 34cbef
File 135527683091.gif - (19.03KB , 549x732 , pi5.gif )
last page i did before leaving it.
No. 16771 ID: ec6d4c
Oh gods. The lack of a face keeps making me accidentally see his stubble or shading as a terrifying neckteeth grin instead.
No. 16772 ID: 34cbef
File 135527701461.png - (43.25KB , 516x642 , dotdotdot.png )
me attempting layers in mspaint, for a dumb way of doing things i did like the outcome.

note: there is no layer function in mspaint, just copy paste copy paste copy paste
No. 16773 ID: 34cbef
File 135527724236.png - (30.14KB , 480x640 , robopie.png )
a thing i drew in tegakiE then later cleaned up in mspaint.

mspaint seems to be my default art tool... i don't know why.
No. 16774 ID: 34cbef
File 135527747626.png - (60.00KB , 964x619 , imageofanthyptus.png )
now that you mention it...
Yeah, dunno why i didn't just use gray for that like i did for all the other parts i shaded...

this thing... I just loved it, another one of those experiments i did in mspaint that turned out really well
No. 16775 ID: 34cbef
File 135527778911.png - (24.26KB , 615x555 , robonator.png )
i haven't scanned any of my sketches so here is the last thing i was happy with

this is me trying action scenes in mspaint, i was very squeemish when i first tried the 'shock star' in the background because i hated using the pencil tool at the time. But it definitelly turned out very good.
No. 16782 ID: 34cbef
File 135529809610.png - (9.21KB , 588x319 , puunya.png )
i doodled a thing? not a part of my portfolio
No. 16807 ID: 34cbef
File 135547016206.png - (17.90KB , 561x571 , overgrownkrobin.png )
cragum wanted an overgrown krobin
No. 16808 ID: 34cbef
File 135547072750.png - (22.06KB , 561x571 , otherovergrownkrobin.png )
and the better fed one
No. 16817 ID: 34cbef
File 135552621632.png - (11.44KB , 595x307 , bat.png )
fuzzy bats
No. 16845 ID: 34cbef
File 135579692953.png - (20.00KB , 631x467 , ___.png )
i have no idea
No. 16846 ID: bf8733
Some sort of pangobold!
No. 16854 ID: f2c20c
Sandshrew and fluffy sandshrew.
No. 16855 ID: ec6d4c
that's adorebs

Fluffy sandslash, I think. Permed them quills.
No. 16863 ID: 34cbef
File 135588915435.png - (15.93KB , 501x467 , dorablesttaur.png )
the request from a while back, dorablest taur in a sundress.
No. 16866 ID: 34cbef
File 135589859833.png - (11.83KB , 501x467 , skelingtor.png )
don't ask me... just don't...
No. 16871 ID: 34cbef
File 135596970253.png - (6.69KB , 270x340 , stickholder.png )
concept thing
No. 17042 ID: 34cbef
guess who's taking commissions! I am, well i never stopped- SO COME ON DOWN AND GET YOUR WALLETS READY
No. 17043 ID: 34cbef
yessirree, this is me
No. 17046 ID: 34cbef
File 135717411819.png - (99.99KB , 939x687 , catmonk.png )
some stuff i did for the stream i'll be having over the course of the week. it starts at 4pm cst at www.livestream.com/bamumpenings

i'll be doing commissions, requests and do appreciate donations. Come and join me anytime during then.
No. 17047 ID: 34cbef
File 135717415710.png - (37.79KB , 939x687 , hipsterchicken.png )
a quick sketch i did in the stream, didn't make any money but i had fun.
No. 17078 ID: 34cbef
File 135736342266.png - (91.31KB , 939x687 , musclecompetition.png )
bubbanitro's commission.
No. 17080 ID: 0006f5
sicksweet mang
No. 17088 ID: 34cbef
File 135744526878.png - (52.06KB , 939x687 , leagueofpokemon.png )
i've been on a spree where i draw league of legend stuff not making sense
No. 17089 ID: 34cbef
File 135744528984.png - (64.38KB , 939x687 , leaguedoodle.png )
No. 17090 ID: 34cbef
File 135744529816.png - (87.67KB , 939x687 , volibearthing.png )
No. 17126 ID: 34cbef
File 135760175502.png - (31.03KB , 939x687 , fml.png )
need money, pls halp. Doing commissions right now, right at this very instant- if you want a commission send cash over to this link www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=HXP4TH4Q9MUMQ&lc=US&item_name=Chirps%20Art%20stuff&curre
ncy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted and remember to leave a note of what you want.
I'll draw anything! Please, if you can help it, don't buy anything under 15 dollars. I need this here cash before the 10th or i'm totally boned.
No. 17135 ID: 795da4

Your dealer gon' break your legs for your bird seed addiction?
No. 17139 ID: 34cbef
File 135767829242.png - (55.63KB , 939x687 , assassinscrud.png )
circle's commission. 'Kobold wearing a cape and blindfold, menacingly waving a pointy stick.'

I dunno if this is menacing enough, but the kobold in a cape and blindfold just reminded me of sassins creed.
No. 17140 ID: 34cbef
File 135768061115.png - (30.42KB , 939x687 , halfwaythere.png )
Oh man, I'm half way there!!! Thanks to all the folks who helped so far, but lets see if we can get our goal in the next day or two!!!
No. 17142 ID: 795da4
File 135768254214.jpg - (307.43KB , 900x675 , 1277783077684.jpg )

What is this goal even for? Rent? Mortgage? Munchies? Hot Hot Burd Subscription?

Well still I donated 50 ha ha I don't have anything more to give sorry
No. 17144 ID: 34cbef
this goal is for rent, and thank you for the dosh. i've been surviving on my roommates food stuffs fine because they are being generous.
No. 17145 ID: 34cbef
File 135769255410.png - (36.12KB , 939x687 , knifequestfanart2.png )
i don't just do humdrum commissions, i can also do porn requests aswell.
No. 17146 ID: 34cbef
File 135769585451.png - (22.17KB , 939x687 , sandwich.png )
No. 17147 ID: 34cbef
File 135769774043.png - (42.55KB , 939x687 , foxadventurer.png )
No. 17148 ID: 34cbef
File 135769777404.png - (25.37KB , 939x687 , knifequestfanart.png )
the other knife quest art thing i did in the stream
No. 17149 ID: 34cbef
File 135769780238.png - (29.81KB , 939x687 , hyenachik.png )
No. 17150 ID: 34cbef
File 135769783144.png - (83.23KB , 939x687 , duckgrass.png )
No. 17151 ID: 34cbef
So far I'm at 189.16, and the target is to reach 310 by the tenth of this month. It's looking promising. quick reminder that i'm collecting all the commissions i can to make this months rent. I will take commissions for anything, even porn- so don't feel too shy in requesting things. I also can take donations if there are those who feel generous enough.
the link for commissions and donations is here-->



and if you want a commission remember to leave a note of what you want and i'll get it done post haste.
No. 17152 ID: 49f442
get a job. Whining for money is not a viable business model to sustain one's self.
No. 17153 ID: 34cbef
do temp jobs count? cus i have had some of those- not for the past month though... that's why i'm in desperate need.
No. 17156 ID: 342166

They count if they pay your rent, yeah?
No. 17159 ID: 34cbef
well then yeah- i kinda sorta have a job... sometimes.
No. 17165 ID: 34cbef
File 135776388693.png - (33.90KB , 747x543 , bdayanon.png )
Happy b-day anon
No. 17166 ID: 34cbef
File 135777336646.png - (30.61KB , 916x687 , byrd.png )
No. 17167 ID: 34cbef
File 135777338616.png - (23.78KB , 916x687 , byrd2.png )
byrd butt
No. 17168 ID: 34cbef
File 135777526056.png - (23.17KB , 916x687 , byrd3.png )
byrd pole
No. 17169 ID: 34cbef
File 135777864422.png - (14.15KB , 432x571 , byrd4.png )
byrd pose
No. 17183 ID: 1f8505

Thank you for the mighty arms, chirps!
No. 17210 ID: 34cbef
File 135796564502.jpg - (248.23KB , 659x782 , IMG.jpg )
I am gonna dump all sorts of pictures now that my scanner is hooked up. This is the stuff i thought was worth sharing.
No. 17211 ID: 34cbef
File 135796565871.jpg - (274.59KB , 717x918 , IMG_0001.jpg )
No. 17212 ID: 34cbef
File 135796567286.jpg - (238.31KB , 754x966 , IMG_0002.jpg )
No. 17213 ID: 34cbef
File 135796569147.jpg - (248.29KB , 754x968 , IMG_0003.jpg )
No. 17214 ID: 34cbef
File 135796570190.jpg - (120.46KB , 584x616 , IMG_0004.jpg )
No. 17215 ID: 34cbef
File 135796572115.jpg - (116.89KB , 453x644 , IMG_0005.jpg )
No. 17216 ID: 34cbef
File 135796574007.jpg - (247.99KB , 718x917 , IMG_0006.jpg )
No. 17217 ID: 34cbef
File 135796576078.jpg - (250.87KB , 716x922 , IMG_0007.jpg )
No. 17218 ID: 34cbef
File 135796577779.jpg - (286.55KB , 718x927 , IMG_0008.jpg )
No. 17219 ID: 34cbef
File 135796580931.jpg - (326.22KB , 722x924 , IMG_0009.jpg )
No. 17220 ID: 34cbef
File 135796585080.jpg - (326.99KB , 720x918 , IMG_0010.jpg )
No. 17221 ID: 34cbef
File 135796586237.jpg - (250.16KB , 719x918 , IMG_0011.jpg )
No. 17222 ID: 34cbef
File 135796587415.jpg - (227.34KB , 718x917 , IMG_0012.jpg )
No. 17223 ID: 34cbef
File 135796588506.jpg - (181.34KB , 717x915 , IMG_0013.jpg )
No. 17224 ID: 34cbef
File 135796589462.jpg - (143.32KB , 716x916 , IMG_0014.jpg )
No. 17225 ID: 34cbef
File 135796590596.jpg - (231.98KB , 717x966 , IMG_0015.jpg )
No. 17226 ID: 34cbef
File 135796591695.jpg - (219.84KB , 754x966 , IMG_0016.jpg )
No. 17227 ID: 34cbef
File 135796592882.jpg - (247.39KB , 611x807 , IMG_0017.jpg )
No. 17228 ID: 34cbef
File 135796597095.jpg - (240.05KB , 651x850 , IMG_0018.jpg )
small comic start
No. 17229 ID: 34cbef
File 135796598690.jpg - (230.68KB , 650x849 , IMG_0019.jpg )
No. 17230 ID: 34cbef
File 135796599956.jpg - (218.45KB , 651x850 , IMG_0020.jpg )
No. 17231 ID: 34cbef
File 135796601231.jpg - (253.97KB , 646x849 , IMG_0021.jpg )
No. 17232 ID: 34cbef
File 135796602309.jpg - (232.74KB , 650x850 , IMG_0022.jpg )
No. 17233 ID: 34cbef
File 135796603934.jpg - (180.80KB , 648x849 , IMG_0023.jpg )
small comic end
No. 17234 ID: 34cbef
File 135796608271.jpg - (176.53KB , 597x770 , IMG_0024.jpg )
even smaller comic begin
No. 17235 ID: 34cbef
File 135796609623.jpg - (204.07KB , 600x771 , IMG_0025.jpg )
No. 17236 ID: 34cbef
File 135796611347.jpg - (192.56KB , 603x771 , IMG_0026.jpg )
No. 17237 ID: 34cbef
File 135796613059.jpg - (190.68KB , 597x771 , IMG_0027.jpg )
smaller comic end
No. 17247 ID: 1e72ae
Some of these (2,3,9,15, and 17) are really cool. How long did it/they take to make?
No. 17248 ID: 34cbef
if i remember they took an hour or two to come up with an idea and half that to doodle it.
these are all just doodles anyway
No. 17274 ID: 34cbef
File 135822252064.jpg - (150.75KB , 736x995 , IMG.jpg )
what is this i don't even
No. 17349 ID: 34cbef
Audio robotman.mp3 - (71.02KB )
one of those not drawings that i do.
No. 17373 ID: 34cbef
File 135872623368.png - (18.47KB , 629x463 , angrylolipops.png )
i'm bored, it's sunday and I don't have much to do other then take requests. like this one.
No. 17406 ID: 34cbef
File 135893357750.png - (17.54KB , 688x587 , lzrdgrl.png )
No. 17422 ID: 34cbef
File 135898140262.jpg - (193.58KB , 766x992 , IMG_0001.jpg )
chubby bunnies
No. 17423 ID: 7b0ada
No. 17427 ID: 34cbef
File 135900066979.jpg - (55.32KB , 380x382 , IMG_0002.jpg )
No. 17432 ID: 34cbef
File 135901586322.png - (36.44KB , 329x162 , whiteboard.png )
dumb little sketch i did in flockdraw
No. 17439 ID: 34cbef
File 135906591573.png - (48.51KB , 800x480 , whiteboard.png )
No. 17440 ID: 34cbef
File 135906963056.png - (45.06KB , 332x287 , whiteboard2.png )
a colored thing
No. 17441 ID: 795da4
Damn you like drawing smut

and did you make your rent goal or what

ha ha sergal yuri
No. 17442 ID: 34cbef
yep i payed rent for this month, it was good- that feel. and now it's a new cycle.

plus smut attracts attention, hopefully from people with deep pockets. but i need to get better for them to drop mounds of dosh on my art.
No. 17443 ID: 795da4

But do you -enjoy- drawing it

Or is it a purely mercantile interest

I mean i've dropped FAT DOSH on you before i'm sure
No. 17444 ID: 34cbef
well my dream is to have a somewhat successful webcomic maybe as good as homestuck or something else.... but the smut helps me sorta survive
No. 17445 ID: 795da4

Ha ha well i'll stop prying

Though does imply you don't enjoy drawing all this, even it keeps you afloat

Hang in there, eh?
No. 17449 ID: 34cbef
File 135910867635.png - (42.63KB , 397x381 , whiteboard.png )
No. 17457 ID: 34cbef
File 135918489284.png - (44.06KB , 362x400 , whiteboard.png )
Boundless fields filled with slaves of men throughout the homes of cure bunny central.
No. 17460 ID: 34cbef
File 135924605542.png - (75.77KB , 348x480 , whiteboard3.png )
a commission for one of my good pals
No. 17461 ID: 34cbef
so yeah, doing art trades. I'm doing five and only five for this. If ya want something just hit me up.
No. 17465 ID: b53faa
Yo chirps, them trades still available? I can only do spriting, and it's pretty mediocre at best, but I'd still want in on this
No. 17467 ID: 34cbef
yep it's still up- what would you want? I'm just requesting cure bunnies
No. 17469 ID: 34cbef
File 135936025347.png - (49.44KB , 365x386 , whiteboard4.png )
plumbing, how does it work
No. 17470 ID: 34cbef
File 135936266528.png - (59.76KB , 359x333 , whiteboard5.png )
No. 17471 ID: 795da4
This thread needs a


On a leash
No. 17477 ID: 34cbef
File 135943288221.png - (35.90KB , 273x279 , trapescape.png )
here ya go
No. 17486 ID: cef479
You still doing trades dude? I do sketches and I'm kinda interested.
No. 17489 ID: 34cbef
I'll be doing trades til the end of the week so yeah.
No. 17490 ID: cef479

Cool. Left a nice comment for ya.
No. 17491 ID: 795da4

That guy is gonna get chased down by a girl with a strapon

Just -look- at that expression

He's a redshirt
No. 17492 ID: b53faa
See what you can do in the vein of "really dumb shit"
And I might need a sample of what you are looking for, and I'll do my best when I snag a mouse.
No. 17494 ID: b53faa
To be more specific, I want to see if you can take a picture of Archive or one of my myriad other characters and have them put through the most ridiculous scenario you can think up
be as creative as you want, I can guarantee you Archive in particular will have at one point experienced far stranger things.
No. 17495 ID: 34cbef
I can see what i can do, gonna need a ref or a 3/4s pic to get the gist of what he looks like.

these are cure buns
No. 17496 ID: eb68de
I really enjoy how expressive everything you draw is
No. 17498 ID: b53faa
I only really keep a file of Archive's ref art at present, him being by far the most active character of mine
you can find a bunch of reference images over here:
And sweetles, I'll get started by using those as reference come tomorrow mornign, after I've had a good rest.
Thanks in advance, mate!
No. 17499 ID: b53faa
Oh, PS:
Just in case it becomes important in any way, it doesn't come up often but the dude does in fact have a mechanical chest piece built into him to go with the arm.
Felt I should put that in just in case, as none of the pictures really show that little detail.
No. 17503 ID: 34cbef

I'll be keeping this in mind yessirree
No. 17504 ID: 34cbef
File 135956013975.png - (96.07KB , 483x464 , archiveclown.png )
so the first thing that popped into my head was being a clown for a childrens birthday party...

so hows this?
No. 17505 ID: b53faa
Oh my sweet jesus
unfortunately, my siblings missed the bus today, so I won't be able to draw the birds just yet. When I do get ahold of the damned thing though, I promise you it will be the most effort I will ever be putting into a sprite
No. 17514 ID: 34cbef
no problema
No. 17519 ID: 34cbef
File 135962233855.png - (68.77KB , 539x301 , alien.png )
alien character that i art trades with, character not mine but the cure buns are
No. 17520 ID: 34cbef
File 135962236462.png - (59.87KB , 454x392 , alien2.png )
there was also a second trade we did
No. 17521 ID: 34cbef
File 135963339882.png - (22.85KB , 483x416 , firebird.png )
No. 17522 ID: b53faa
File 135965365877.png - (1.39KB , 100x100 , bunnymund.png )
Ding dong, the deed is done.
No. 17523 ID: b53faa
Anything I should add to it?
No. 17524 ID: 34cbef
looks great to me, a little manly but great nonetheless
No. 17525 ID: b53faa

I am not good at drawing girls, but generally they looked kinda pudgy around the face area so I just rolled with it
I'll see if I can fix it up some, no worries
No. 17526 ID: 34cbef
heheheh, no ya don't have to, it's those eyebrows threw me off
No. 17527 ID: b53faa
File 135965448981.png - (1.40KB , 100x100 , HowDoBoobs.png )
No. 17528 ID: b53faa
Yeah I really like making thick eyebrows on things
Expressiveness is fun stuff
No. 17529 ID: 34cbef
File 135965505932.png - (12.38KB , 568x435 , expressiveness.png )
oh yes, very fun stuff
No. 17530 ID: 34cbef
i like them anyway even if i am poking fun at em- they are great
No. 17549 ID: 34cbef
File 135977031242.png - (33.61KB , 452x458 , octodadstream.png )
doing a silly video game stream right now, come on by

No. 17559 ID: 34cbef
File 135988851435.png - (86.04KB , 800x480 , experiment.png )
me attempting to be cool with shading, not a success
No. 17561 ID: 34cbef
File 135989167926.png - (50.41KB , 800x480 , brushmodes.png )
brush mode template i need to keep track of
No. 17601 ID: 34cbef
File 136006225058.png - (21.40KB , 914x469 , linemishaps.png )
working with new tools to get better, also taking commmissions
No. 17602 ID: 34cbef
File 136006916692.png - (31.18KB , 636x903 , improvedmscurebunnies.png )
i'm so happy with my new thingy that kasaron shown to me
No. 17609 ID: 34cbef
File 136009756331.png - (17.42KB , 600x465 , quickvalentine.png )
No. 17618 ID: 34cbef
File 136014803384.png - (16.79KB , 577x442 , wip.png )
red dog
No. 17660 ID: 34cbef
File 136035711152.png - (12.09KB , 489x351 , notglasses.png )
So i got some great news, I almost made rent- I just need another 100 bucks and i'm good this month. WOHOOO, another milestone almost accomplished.

still doing commissions so if you want a quick and cheap piece don't be afraid to come and get one.
No. 17741 ID: 34cbef
File 136086899778.png - (15.05KB , 584x459 , novalent.png )
No. 17894 ID: 34cbef
File 136192648131.png - (54.00KB , 1224x926 , byrdref.png )
the byrd is the wyrd
No. 17902 ID: 34cbef
File 136193581256.png - (22.99KB , 738x544 , dumbkrobindoodle.png )
No. 17913 ID: 34cbef
File 136200398538.png - (28.76KB , 727x654 , bbybyrd.png )
No. 18022 ID: 34cbef
File 136245462005.jpg - (149.01KB , 526x1044 , IMG.jpg )
No. 18103 ID: 34cbef
File 136262196842.jpg - (222.19KB , 788x961 , IMG.jpg )
No. 18160 ID: 34cbef
File 136289278125.png - (18.87KB , 659x582 , moremoneypeep.png )
No. 18161 ID: 34cbef
File 136289283218.png - (23.66KB , 659x582 , knightpeep.png )
No. 18162 ID: 34cbef
File 136289286220.png - (47.27KB , 833x1221 , mnybyrdfail.png )
No. 18163 ID: 34cbef
File 136289289152.png - (37.77KB , 833x1043 , mnybyrdfail2.png )
No. 18223 ID: 34cbef
File 136312908597.png - (72.71KB , 1696x820 , fidgetref.png )
No. 18224 ID: 34cbef
File 136312911386.png - (29.96KB , 765x467 , fidgetpurpose.png )
No. 18225 ID: 34cbef
File 136312917725.png - (24.68KB , 636x467 , fidget2.png )
No. 18229 ID: cf49fc
.... D:
No. 18231 ID: 369a01
Yo Chirps, normally wouldn't say anything about a person's art but having a character just for 'abuse' seems pretty fucked up to me, bruv.
No. 18233 ID: 34cbef
well folks have their own ways of handling stress, mine is to beat up imaginary characters

Don't pay it too much attention
No. 18234 ID: 8b9215
I find this hilarious and that makes me a terrible person.
No. 18236 ID: 753403
Someone with that kind of outfit would make me want to beat them, too.
No. 18364 ID: 34cbef
File 136391562873.png - (19.40KB , 700x612 , bbybyrddoodle.png )
No. 18365 ID: bf54a8
i like where this is going
No. 18366 ID: befc95

aww yeah gurl
No. 18369 ID: 34cbef
File 136392684268.png - (46.91KB , 1110x1104 , monsterhorse.png )
i think put too much effort into this
No. 18374 ID: a68e3e
Now draw porn of it.
No. 18375 ID: c3b767

Don't forget multiboob herm with horse penis.
No. 18376 ID: 34cbef
File 136394633798.png - (22.73KB , 692x1212 , bunnymaloneyfa.png )
... where would i even put the those things

on a side note have some bunny maloney fanart
No. 18377 ID: 34cbef
File 136394887710.png - (33.65KB , 646x876 , sandyumbreon.png )
No. 18414 ID: 34cbef
File 136424655808.png - (72.63KB , 712x2169 , thinkery.png )
No. 18418 ID: 34cbef
File 136425446740.png - (39.64KB , 1268x984 , thinkery3.png )
No. 18421 ID: a68e3e
If you're trying to sell anything based on creativity you should be prepared for failure. Being able to live off of art ranks right up there with becoming a famous singer or movie star. Unless you are truly serious about it and willing to invest a LOT of time and money in it it's damn near impossible to make a dime off of it. And even if you DO it's still difficult to do.
I'm sure whatever city you're in has programs and such to help someone who is down on their luck and in need of a hand. Invest your time into some kind of trade that is more easily marketed than art. People won't always want a drawing but there's always going to be a need for someone who can work with their hands. And by that I mean manual labor.
Unless you're willing to make a career out of it consider your art a hobby to have alongside of a serious job.
I know the job market isn't the best right now but there has to be something out there. Even a really crappy job is better than no job.
No. 18438 ID: 78c6ea
Making $600 in two weeks is hard for just about anyone. I make like $400 a month, and that's a step up from 0 before last year.
No. 18439 ID: 450660

It's this kind of "advice" that is why artists have such a bad reputation.
No. 18440 ID: a68e3e
How is it bad advice to tell someone that their goal to making a living off of just art is unrealistic unless they're willing to invest significant amounts of time and money into it?
I even gave reasonable suggestions of what to do as an alternative.
No. 18441 ID: 593f45
Don't you understand? You have to create a hugbox where nothing the person says is ever questioned or criticized, because it might hurt their feelings to find out their ill-conceived dream of making a living without putting in any kind of effort or skill.
No. 18445 ID: 91c1b3
Dude, cut down on the harshness.

Is pretty much right. I'm in a similar situation as chirps and I've been try to find (almost) any job that I can. It's still hard.(especially when you've been turned away quite few times after interviews at restaurants/fast food)

Your art is good chirps, but even most great artists can't get by on art alone. You're not ugly,(from the self pic thread) and you're probably not stupid. Just keep trying man. Turn looking for a job into a full time job. (like at least 4 hours actively looking a day)
Good luck.
No. 18446 ID: 34cbef
can i be the ending of this whole fiasco?
i agree. end argument that relates to this.
not sure where this is coming from
not sure where this is coming from either

i just drew things because i was being moody, i like the support but the guys who don't like giving pity are angry at the guys who are just doling it out. This is what the comic says, "I am stupid, i sold pity more then art, bloo bloo bloo" take that as whatever you see it to be- just don't reply to it.

I put up all these other pictures of bunny people and byrd people and you guys choose to give attention to expand my pity part? I don't want you guys arguing about this stuff, I'd rather just have you guys think i'm a scumbag and be done with it. I don't know you guys and you don't know me, just believe i'm a lazy person and move on with your lives.
No. 18450 ID: 735f4f
Honestly making a living as just a artist is a ton of work. Best to have backups so you don't starve in the meantime. Good luck with the job search. Think everyone has been there once.
No. 18472 ID: 34cbef
File 136480381653.png - (25.03KB , 671x619 , easter.png )
No. 18473 ID: d6ef5d
It's okay, bunny dude. The holiday is all about some religion trying to supplant an ancient celebration of bunny sex, scrambled eggs, and chocolate with the celebration of their savior who was somehow born and then reborn without any sex involved either time. And who probably never had any chocolate in his life.
No. 18905 ID: 34cbef
File 136809437854.png - (19.30KB , 686x443 , byrds.png )
No. 19092 ID: 34cbef
happy birfday me
No. 19094 ID: 795da4
File 136892229687.png - (354.34KB , 640x480 , 1237916947626.png )
Have a good birthday.
No. 19095 ID: 34cbef
No. 19100 ID: 91c1b3
Congrats man!
No. 19103 ID: 1f8505

Happy belated birthday, Chirps!
No. 19104 ID: bdb3f8
gj not dying for another whole year chirps
keep it up
No. 19105 ID: 34cbef
thanks guys
No. 19288 ID: 34cbef
File 136996791218.png - (31.05KB , 854x745 , plup.png )
No. 19289 ID: 34cbef
File 136996983709.png - (21.34KB , 509x622 , tinysquiddevil.png )
No. 19295 ID: bf54a8
are ether of those things female?
No. 19297 ID: 34cbef
they can be
No. 19299 ID: bf54a8
in that case i would give them the D.
No. 19320 ID: 34cbef
File 137012916190.png - (16.07KB , 819x315 , pokemans.png )
them mans
No. 19380 ID: 34cbef
File 137048728876.png - (20.88KB , 551x486 , tinysquiddevil2.png )
No. 19381 ID: bf54a8
yes exactly
No. 19385 ID: ea4b0b
Ok yeah but what if we expanded the canvas on that and drew WHO was giving them the D
No. 19421 ID: ef34de
>Get it away from me
*poke poke*
No. 19449 ID: bf54a8
*put it in*
No. 19451 ID: 34cbef
File 137086163187.png - (39.94KB , 296x480 , whiteboard.png )
some doodles of all sorts of junk


what is it boy, did timmy fall into a well? did your pants shrink in the wash? asking for porn of the little thing? you're gonna need to enunciate, lassie.
No. 19452 ID: bf54a8
yes, we are asking for porn of the tiny squid thing.
No. 19454 ID: 34cbef
File 137090722395.png - (37.49KB , 538x1000 , tinysquiddevil3.png )
a redesign of the aquatic succubus, that's what i'm calling it.
No. 19455 ID: bf54a8
yes yes this is good.
No. 19456 ID: 34cbef
File 137091036789.png - (75.14KB , 1388x1000 , tinysquiddevil4.png )
and now the reference of this thing

nekkidness and tentacles
No. 19458 ID: bf54a8
sqd butt
No. 19464 ID: 34cbef
File 137096066953.png - (2.05MB , 2366x1729 , Bamump.png )
a friend drew a better one for me

obviusly not mine, but puttin it here so i can work on my stuff
No. 19465 ID: bf54a8
woah, everybody loves da squid.
No. 19466 ID: 01531c
There was this one guy on DA who had a whole gallery of a squid-girl just like that, and of her cross-species misadventures with her human boyfriend. I can't fucking find it again.
No. 19469 ID: 34cbef
File 137103314135.png - (2.07KB , 800x237 , dialoguebox.png )
just been doodling up random stuff for a game that i will never put together
No. 19470 ID: 34cbef
File 137103316131.png - (5.46KB , 800x800 , infopage.png )
menu background
No. 19471 ID: 34cbef
File 137103320616.png - (12.73KB , 800x800 , maininfonpc.png )
dialogue character npc person
No. 19476 ID: 91c1b3
Pretty cool game stuff.
No. 19565 ID: 34cbef
File 137159249342.png - (9.12KB , 507x363 , 21.png )
cat raven
No. 19575 ID: 34cbef
File 137169631443.png - (20.36KB , 198x213 , whiteboard.png )
some off fanart
No. 19577 ID: 34cbef
File 137174875771.png - (46.15KB , 352x313 , whiteboard.png )
cute sqd
No. 19578 ID: bf54a8
everyone loves da squid
No. 19654 ID: 34cbef
File 137238566353.png - (25.63KB , 257x280 , whiteboard.png )
No. 19657 ID: 34cbef
File 137247777767.png - (13.32KB , 224x367 , whiteboard.png )
No. 19673 ID: 34cbef
File 137265886467.png - (32.40KB , 320x229 , whiteboard.png )
i drew a jet
No. 19675 ID: 91c1b3
No. 19676 ID: 34cbef
File 137271705089.png - (29.01KB , 213x277 , moosegirl.png )
man, this was a friends concept- but i just had to draw it myself. Canadian swim team moose girl
No. 19677 ID: 34cbef
File 137271912423.png - (39.09KB , 221x291 , moosegirl.png )
and the colored version... the flockdraw program doesn't have layers...
No. 19712 ID: 34cbef
File 137282381422.png - (64.62KB , 194x301 , whiteboard.png )
had a long day today, decided that the single thing i should do today is put some effort into the squid succubus
No. 19713 ID: 34cbef
File 137282490652.png - (72.84KB , 252x330 , whiteboard.png )
no asshole, but has butt cheeks
No. 19720 ID: bf54a8
stupidly sexy squids.
No. 19750 ID: 34cbef
File 137298777017.png - (32.18KB , 227x425 , whiteboard.png )
nekkid byrd
No. 19752 ID: 34cbef
File 137299762481.png - (212.65KB , 481x342 , whiteboard.png )
bunneh thing
No. 19834 ID: 34cbef
File 137342811179.png - (33.73KB , 239x287 , whiteboard.png )
fidget the squeeky gray thing
No. 19867 ID: bf54a8
No. 19893 ID: 34cbef
File 137367209810.jpg - (156.06KB , 766x992 , IMG.jpg )
No. 19897 ID: 735f4f
I love the idea of a lazy exhausted squid waving its tongue at food.
No. 19967 ID: 34cbef
File 137411229465.png - (27.49KB , 719x686 , juliachest.png )
since i posted it everywhere else
No. 20008 ID: 34cbef
File 137458772373.png - (26.49KB , 751x622 , sprites.png )
No. 20103 ID: 34cbef
File 137556798496.png - (12.84KB , 106x196 , whiteboard.png )
sloth girl
No. 20210 ID: 34cbef
File 137652044691.png - (27.53KB , 639x766 , demimeramoncandlemonwizardmon.png )
my mons
No. 20216 ID: 91c1b3
Can you draw me a Viximon?
No. 20220 ID: 34cbef
File 137668961973.png - (16.02KB , 556x479 , viximon.png )
this thing?
No. 20221 ID: 91c1b3
Yep! Thanks!
No. 20230 ID: 34cbef
File 137678759505.png - (49.89KB , 271x323 , macho.png )
No. 20390 ID: 34cbef
File 137816009579.png - (34.83KB , 180x310 , whiteboard.png )
No. 20391 ID: 34cbef
File 137816477582.png - (31.96KB , 440x368 , whiteboard2.png )
furry fanfare
No. 20441 ID: 34cbef
File 137841943469.png - (11.70KB , 408x505 , fembump.png )
what i imagine a female version of myself to be like
No. 20448 ID: 34cbef
File 137850595974.png - (15.54KB , 841x261 , tiles.png )
my ongoing trial of making good tiles
No. 20528 ID: 34cbef
File 137911566448.png - (30.60KB , 218x193 , whiteboard.png )
lucky charms
No. 20529 ID: 07e3a8
No. 20552 ID: 34cbef
Audio godooomensound.mp3 - (215.51KB )
No. 20593 ID: 34cbef
File 137958574905.png - (33.26KB , 746x816 , theded.png )
No. 20659 ID: 34cbef
File 138005185519.png - (21.52KB , 307x262 , whiteboard.png )
gay rabbits
No. 20688 ID: 34cbef
File 138025777538.png - (22.05KB , 524x610 , bunbuntreeapparatus.png )
bunbun logging apparatus
No. 20736 ID: 89f5b1
> w<
No. 20854 ID: 34cbef
File 138104883214.png - (9.31KB , 354x399 , calciumgalsprites.png )
more game resource stuff
No. 20900 ID: 34cbef
File 138135296953.png - (28.83KB , 684x542 , indigoconcept2.png )
concept stuff
No. 20912 ID: 34cbef
File 138137902391.png - (8.28KB , 354x399 , hugspheresprites.png )
more of them monster sprites
No. 20913 ID: 34cbef
File 138138219206.png - (9.78KB , 476x240 , character8bitspritesheet.png )
so remember when i did them little people sprites? i updated that.

might do some frames of movement some other time for each one... maybe, it's pretty simple

also, open resource- anyone making a silly game and need some dumb little people pixels you can use these
No. 20916 ID: 34cbef
File 138139165012.png - (9.29KB , 354x443 , stonesammysprites.png )
more monster sprites, this is the collectable version
No. 20917 ID: 34cbef
File 138139167562.png - (36.94KB , 734x924 , savagestonesammyandfingersprites.png )
and this is boss version
No. 20918 ID: 34cbef
File 138139504541.png - (28.36KB , 686x772 , tiles.png )
i also updated my tile set aswell
No. 20926 ID: 1f8505

No. 20934 ID: 34cbef
File 138146586963.png - (52.83KB , 686x772 , samplemap.png )
map sample
No. 20946 ID: e1609c
Water looks a bit odd with the rock thing in it, but otherwise this is looking pretty rad
No. 20950 ID: 34cbef
File 138162760327.png - (39.25KB , 924x696 , jgconcept.png )
another character concept
No. 20988 ID: 34cbef
File 138196180665.png - (18.20KB , 609x513 , haroldrebrand.png )
redesign of harold
No. 21019 ID: e1609c
haha now he's just adorable
inb4 I decide to draw him blowing twenty dudes
No. 21021 ID: 34cbef
*gasp* you wouldn't!?
No. 21036 ID: 34cbef
File 138250219285.png - (39.99KB , 552x890 , susanconcept.png )
No. 21043 ID: 34cbef
File 138261547705.png - (18.11KB , 593x360 , notfittingin.png )
No. 21135 ID: 34cbef
File 138387350915.png - (11.85KB , 723x434 , gray.png )
gray stuff
No. 21136 ID: 34cbef
File 138387613724.png - (39.25KB , 723x691 , humanrerk.png )
i was just day dreaming while doodling and remembered all my hunter stuff

thought i'd do a human version of rerk
No. 21138 ID: 34cbef
File 138387755535.png - (38.85KB , 723x691 , humanplipper.png )
and now i did a plipper one

in the bottom right he's saying, "this is my property now, that's why i must keep it"
No. 21139 ID: cef479

Rerk. Canadian superhuman.
No. 21206 ID: 34cbef
File 138455975854.png - (9.90KB , 849x569 , jackfrost.png )
hee ho ho
No. 21313 ID: 34cbef
File 138543064308.png - (32.16KB , 819x700 , squeeksqueek.png )
No. 21359 ID: 449f60
cheese is good for ur soul
No. 21397 ID: 34cbef
File 138646905352.png - (20.81KB , 605x590 , christmas.png )
No. 21398 ID: 34cbef
File 138648887011.png - (51.37KB , 480x640 , 138648883527-190933.png )
a thing i did on a public art board thing
No. 21424 ID: 34cbef
File 138675816521.png - (11.56KB , 164x152 , whiteboard.png )
No. 21444 ID: 34cbef
File 138681332420.png - (17.97KB , 552x436 , conceptgerblins.png )
concept stuff
No. 21475 ID: 01531c
Drawing consistency is improving nicely.
No. 21481 ID: 34cbef
File 138723842580.png - (41.36KB , 494x417 , whiteboard.png )
sea puppies, and cutebolds trying to wear human clothing. One still with a human in them
No. 21484 ID: 34cbef
File 138725032817.png - (40.90KB , 776x740 , historythings.png )
doodling old things
No. 21533 ID: 34cbef
File 138758882513.png - (290.83KB , 1016x599 , wizzard.png )
edited screencap
No. 21551 ID: 34cbef
File 138779779268.png - (7.20KB , 541x377 , chimeimp.png )
a concept and a sprite for my collection of concepts and sprites
No. 21552 ID: 34cbef
File 138779780351.png - (5.05KB , 252x409 , chimeimpsprites.png )
No. 21740 ID: 34cbef
File 138875288365.png - (14.54KB , 417x763 , humansprites.png )
human template sprites
No. 21802 ID: 34cbef
File 138905504635.png - (46.04KB , 1024x940 , harpy.png )
No. 21804 ID: 34cbef
File 138906210168.png - (30.83KB , 710x578 , sarahfanart.png )
for serious outfit design for junequest's sarah
No. 21816 ID: 34cbef
File 138917966791.png - (19.25KB , 668x391 , lagotropefanart.png )
a fanart
No. 21825 ID: 34cbef
File 138924402822.png - (91.59KB , 503x472 , jellybold.png )
it's jelly time
No. 21826 ID: cef479

You Jellin'?
No. 21835 ID: 34cbef
File 138935417519.png - (9.12KB , 542x376 , scumpup.png )
christ this one took me forever, them quadruped legs are fuckin difficult to portray at this angle. gonna have a godawful time doing the back view for the sprite
No. 21836 ID: 34cbef
File 138935767852.png - (78.74KB , 1028x1334 , collectionsofar.png )
my collection so far
No. 21845 ID: 34cbef
File 138945978091.png - (9.99KB , 431x423 , scumpupsprites.png )
pretty flippin ecstatic i got this done, though there's just a small detail i don't like... BUT I'M DONE, not workin on it anymore
No. 21861 ID: 34cbef
File 138961826409.png - (68.66KB , 844x712 , playermenuexample.png )
uploading a few menu examples and an interface example

the player menu, this'd be like if you hit tab or something
No. 21862 ID: 34cbef
File 138961839454.png - (72.04KB , 844x712 , personalunitmenuexample.png )
unit menu; you would right click the unit to open this menu, highlight your action for that unit then left click to perform action

each unit will have a move and an action
No. 21863 ID: 34cbef
File 138961850869.png - (67.63KB , 844x712 , enemyunitmenuexample.png )
enemy mini menu, right click on enemy unit and left click on the action

setting a waypoint is a selection for indicating a target or area for your party members or npc

scan lets you ... scan the unit
No. 21864 ID: 34cbef
File 138961868506.png - (68.73KB , 844x712 , interfaceexample.png )
and the user interface, your unit limit (each party member on the map will have their own), and a small status menu of the unit highlighted.
No. 21965 ID: 34cbef
File 139044356327.png - (14.67KB , 551x378 , currentmood.png )
just not in the mood to do anything lately
No. 21973 ID: 34cbef
File 139051257952.png - (16.78KB , 552x851 , superfunfacegame.png )
go on, have a kick on me
No. 21978 ID: 34cbef
File 139059040938.png - (22.14KB , 277x169 , whiteboard.png )
a thing i did in flockdraw
also *gasp* could it be, an almost spot on physique portrait of myself! lookit how skinny and hairy i am!
No. 21979 ID: 1f8505

Good lord, look at that landing strip.
No. 21982 ID: 34cbef
i am sexy, and i doth know thus
No. 21985 ID: 34cbef
File 139068385919.png - (39.14KB , 739x485 , floranfishing.png )
florans could be exponentially cute, i think i must cutify them
No. 21986 ID: 4a75fa
File 139070067792.png - (7.70KB , 552x424 , playingthatfunfacegame.png )
No. 21987 ID: 34cbef
pfff, that's the second mutant someone posted me- always funny
No. 22016 ID: 34cbef
File 139112277001.png - (31.19KB , 466x318 , whiteboard.png )
gay bunnies
No. 22033 ID: 34cbef
File 139138971975.png - (107.62KB , 800x480 , octogal.png )
they are good
No. 22084 ID: 795da4
You seem to be improving Chirps

I hope you keep at it

is it time for cute avians?
No. 22086 ID: 34cbef
improving? this is my usual stuff when i put effort into it
No. 22127 ID: e607cd
b-but... that is clearly a squid girl..
No. 22138 ID: 34cbef
squid, octopus- she's got the tentacles and that's all that counts
blub blub
No. 22183 ID: 34cbef
File 139269939098.png - (34.83KB , 500x2305 , poopauditions.png )
No. 22184 ID: 34cbef
File 139269940105.png - (68.46KB , 500x2113 , peeauditions.png )
No. 22193 ID: 34cbef
File 139277704347.png - (77.38KB , 528x330 , title.png )
i like how i did on this
No. 22243 ID: 34cbef
File 139314977508.png - (109.96KB , 471x680 , doodles.png )
stuff i've drawn in flockdraw
No. 22352 ID: 34cbef
File 139416739424.png - (13.92KB , 273x404 , zerorobo.png )
i b proud
No. 22431 ID: 34cbef
File 139492320719.png - (23.47KB , 428x791 , fembyrd.png )
No. 22444 ID: 34cbef
File 139511879592.png - (15.26KB , 574x378 , spacecatwizrd.png )
i thought it was cute so i drew it, one of the things that one of them guys drew in their doodle shenanigans... dunno which one drew it
No. 22460 ID: f3b5de
I'm right here-
No. 22492 ID: 34cbef
sure you are
No. 22530 ID: 34cbef
File 139613454743.png - (14.54KB , 398x613 , quinn.png )
No. 22611 ID: 34cbef
File 139641027048.png - (21.38KB , 559x397 , poruk.png )
a doodle of a dnd character
No. 23509 ID: f7aa74
File 140269572846.png - (24.44KB , 551x537 , cutemoth.png )
No. 23510 ID: f7aa74
File 140269649727.png - (12.08KB , 473x309 , cutemoth2.png )
cutemoth2 the mothening
No. 23511 ID: df793f
File 140270382227.png - (21.02KB , 909x360 , sign talker.png )
bad joke
No. 23513 ID: df793f
File 140271180277.png - (3.97KB , 219x160 , cutebold.png )
just some cutebold sprites, noticed that all sorts of folks are doing sprite quests
No. 23514 ID: df793f
File 140271212742.png - (44.44KB , 1137x739 , structures.png )
No. 23515 ID: df793f
File 140271224802.png - (13.92KB , 437x335 , undertiles.png )
No. 23516 ID: df793f
File 140271251813.png - (22.83KB , 512x334 , asphalt.png )
No. 23517 ID: df793f
File 140271253884.png - (27.03KB , 501x328 , grass.png )
No. 23546 ID: df793f
File 140303316257.png - (10.55KB , 432x417 , pompbold.png )
No. 23547 ID: df793f
File 140303621224.png - (24.46KB , 571x384 , concretefloor.png )
No. 23548 ID: df793f
File 140303625069.png - (22.61KB , 552x358 , mud.png )
No. 23549 ID: df793f
File 140303628366.png - (28.74KB , 520x389 , water.png )
No. 23556 ID: df793f
Audio spookyambience.mp3 - (663.26KB )
spooky ambience
No. 23557 ID: df793f
Audio spookyambience2.mp3 - (492.24KB )
more spooky ambience
No. 23558 ID: df793f
Audio spookyeventaudio.mp3 - (187.35KB )
audio stuff
No. 23781 ID: df793f
File 140467271359.png - (5.76KB , 374x262 , wolf.png )
No. 23787 ID: df793f
File 140469370080.png - (12.77KB , 535x389 , truckingpeeps.png )
peep trucking
No. 24480 ID: dff0a8
File 140918982609.png - (6.72KB , 394x265 , peep.png )
hey look, i'm not dead- see?
i'm just a bit pudgy right now
No. 24481 ID: 59295a
Doughy chicken.
No. 24498 ID: d90668

If you poke him in the side does it leave a indent? Or does it pop back out?
No. 24499 ID: 59295a
If you were to bake him, would you get baked chicken or would you get bread?
No. 24507 ID: dff0a8
File 140931964426.png - (5.71KB , 397x274 , peepmuffin.png )
goddamnit paladin, look what you did
No. 24509 ID: dff0a8
File 140933041152.png - (7.78KB , 397x364 , hand.png )
sometimes i wish i wasn't so lazy so i could make awesome quest art...
No. 24517 ID: dff0a8
File 140937096374.png - (11.43KB , 573x381 , hand2.png )
another good looking hand
No. 24518 ID: 59295a
I really gotta hand to ya, it does look pretty good. Could say you nailed it.
No. 24523 ID: d8a627
Sounds like he's got you eating out of the palm of his hand.
What, did he wrap you around his little finger?
No. 24527 ID: dff0a8
you guys are killing me
No. 24530 ID: d8a627
Oh no! Has the die already been cast? Can I offer you some mortal support?
No. 24532 ID: dff0a8
it's cancer, i have word play cancer- i'm gonna die
No. 24539 ID: d8a627
Cancer? Well, at least you didn't get crabs... Still, I feel kind of guilty. How's about we get you a lobster?
No. 24540 ID: 59295a
Boy, Toko, it sure would go to a good claws. It butter be good tho and I hope you're willing to shell out the dough.
No. 24543 ID: dff0a8
File 140950739522.png - (6.76KB , 398x271 , peepcrab.png )
No. 24566 ID: dff0a8
File 140967518007.png - (5.80KB , 398x271 , 4palmmouse.png )
No. 24567 ID: dff0a8
I'm open for art trades again, just gimme a shout and i'll throw something together
No. 24676 ID: 436cdc
Sure, I'm down. I'll draw you whatever, but in return draw an update 4 BR
No. 24696 ID: 59295a
This peep has cancer :0
No. 24701 ID: 59295a
This peep has CRABS!
No. 24702 ID: 59295a
I'm just looping now.
No. 24703 ID: 192bd4
nah i think its more like the crab has peeps
No. 24705 ID: dff0a8
and the peep has been distracted, i'll try to get to that update eventually archive
No. 25224 ID: dff0a8
trying to get not distracted, working on coming back
No. 25225 ID: dff0a8
File 141459635457.png - (5.82KB , 270x239 , pta.png )
poketheft auto
No. 25393 ID: dff0a8
File 141581436228.png - (3.60KB , 270x239 , blob.png )
No. 25462 ID: dff0a8
File 141624481667.png - (27.94KB , 351x388 , whiteboard.png )
No. 25477 ID: dff0a8
File 141644701716.png - (43.54KB , 250x343 , whiteboard.png )
cat mage
No. 25478 ID: dff0a8
File 141649830026.png - (23.81KB , 354x281 , whiteboard.png )
bug and a silly thing
No. 25479 ID: dff0a8
File 141649831475.png - (32.61KB , 240x333 , whiteboard2.png )
cat barbarian princess
No. 25728 ID: dff0a8
File 141861652159.jpg - (48.71KB , 530x662 , Image_00004.jpg )
i don't even know wht i drew
No. 25780 ID: e678fe

Halo grunt?
No. 25783 ID: dff0a8
maybe it is
No. 25895 ID: dff0a8
File 141939304420.jpg - (26.25KB , 462x431 , Image_00013.jpg )
No. 25896 ID: dff0a8
File 141939306050.jpg - (172.92KB , 990x1416 , Image_00014.jpg )
horse Notes
No. 25897 ID: dff0a8
File 141939307808.jpg - (193.26KB , 1690x2201 , Image_00015.jpg )
not Horse notes
No. 25932 ID: dff0a8
File 141961108991.jpg - (57.47KB , 395x567 , Image_00021.jpg )
floppy beaver
No. 25933 ID: dff0a8
File 141961109863.jpg - (53.65KB , 395x569 , Image_00020.jpg )
No. 26428 ID: 324890
File 142465076017.png - (12.56KB , 253x189 , whiteboard.png )
*pretends to upload art*
No. 26520 ID: 324890
File 142587361655.jpg - (113.64KB , 572x769 , Image_00075.jpg )
I finally got motivated to do a thing.
No. 26652 ID: 324890
File 142853582782.png - (19.95KB , 457x337 , spritetemplate.png )
pretends to upload more art...

just some sprites, isometric ones
No. 26993 ID: 324890
File 143207780825.png - (13.66KB , 310x279 , skellyboar2.png )
and old zombie boar sprite
No. 26995 ID: 324890
File 143208294470.png - (12.41KB , 445x410 , daily.png )
No. 27002 ID: 324890
File 143216536971.png - (351.45KB , 834x600 , ick.png )
found the harmony program that i used to use
No. 27003 ID: 324890
File 143216600788.png - (312.27KB , 625x615 , ick.png )
mmmyes, the strange factor gets set so high with this program
No. 27073 ID: 324890
File 143260469571.jpg - (54.21KB , 384x758 , aethrox.jpg )
No. 27133 ID: 324890
File 143312334184.jpg - (37.53KB , 386x680 , Image_00101.jpg )
No. 27134 ID: 324890
File 143312767741.png - (25.52KB , 732x510 , spookybooty.png )
No. 27332 ID: 324890
File 143466226620.png - (45.24KB , 672x807 , 1.png )
made a comic to see if i still could make comic things.
No. 27333 ID: 324890
I'm doing art-trades right now. If you want something doodled up don't be too shy to ask for it
No. 27334 ID: cc08c7
Heeeey buddy. Still wanna do the trade from forever ago? I actually have spare time to do shit now.
No. 27335 ID: 324890
gonna have to remind me, miasma
No. 27341 ID: 324890
File 143476139389.png - (16.11KB , 232x861 , wwbookmark.png )
oc pony bookmark, silly pony business
No. 27361 ID: 59295a
Cute little buggers! (*3*)
No. 27365 ID: 324890
File 143494623805.png - (16.25KB , 579x480 , grogar.png )
obscure mlp villains from older gens redon
No. 27366 ID: 324890
File 143494627750.jpg - (41.56KB , 539x652 , Image_00102.jpg )
and evil villain sidekick redesigns
No. 27367 ID: 324890
File 143494631428.jpg - (112.52KB , 661x1019 , Image_00103.jpg )
and CRAAAAAZY facial expressions
No. 27390 ID: 324890
File 143520453521.png - (15.30KB , 523x514 , bray.png )
I made a color version in mspaint
No. 27496 ID: 324890
File 143572474201.jpg - (33.60KB , 435x308 , Image_00123.jpg )
I think i'm morphing into an abomination irl

it's like... i'm no longer a person anymore

I might even be become one of them... what were they called?
No. 27497 ID: 324890
File 143572479127.jpg - (60.86KB , 380x601 , Image_00125.jpg )
oh yeah, I might be becoming a brony

or maybe it's just a phase...
No. 27588 ID: 324890
File 143650087005.png - (125.01KB , 548x516 , whispers.png )
pony thing
No. 30136 ID: 324890
File 146361667957.gif - (23.43KB , 306x235 , mnstrgrlwave.gif )
well, guess who remembered this little thread existed
i guess i'll hang around again
No. 30137 ID: af186c
No. 30138 ID: 324890
uh, thank you
No. 30197 ID: 324890
File 146421318037.png - (8.57KB , 312x410 , webby.png )
been playin a lot of don't starve, spider gal for... spider gals sake
No. 34741 ID: d7e51c
File 149946896870.png - (101.17KB , 460x539 , robote.png )
*drops this here and runs away*
No. 34742 ID: d7e51c
File 149946903242.png - (42.80KB , 365x438 , thing.png )
No. 34821 ID: d7e51c
File 149998952861.png - (131.18KB , 600x800 , minopool.png )
No. 34822 ID: ca0e20
There are some good arts on here. =o

This one, the Discord server full of robot fans I go to loved it. =3
No. 34825 ID: d7e51c
thenkya, i do my best
No. 34849 ID: d7e51c
File 150024702593.png - (74.64KB , 500x564 , sexyorbcreature.png )
No. 34850 ID: d7e51c
File 150027268941.png - (104.61KB , 600x800 , lewdbun.png )
No. 34954 ID: d7e51c
File 150068553718.gif - (32.08KB , 344x264 , raspbun.gif )
it's raspberries!
No. 35020 ID: b5fb67
No. 35230 ID: d7e51c
File 150199565618.png - (141.89KB , 600x430 , boobs.png )
an evil necromancer raised me from my grave- THEN I BEAT UP THAT NERD AND BEGAN DRAWING AGAIN

speaking of which,more art- just drawing boobs
No. 35231 ID: d7e51c
File 150199568893.png - (110.12KB , 325x570 , moreboobs.png )
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