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File 140695410877.png - (26.50KB , 1100x900 , draw.png )
24129 No. 24129 ID: 0eaf76

I like boobs. You like boobs. Let's meet in the middle, hm?
61 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 25484 ID: a81751
File 141650558043.jpg - (614.96KB , 1536x2048 , image.jpg )

Kimono Emy
No. 25486 ID: 07a835

She looks sexier with the underwear on. Curious, that.
No. 25490 ID: 1a57d2
File 141658809972.jpg - (896.43KB , 1536x2048 , image.jpg )

If Emy was a punk
No. 25541 ID: b77899
File 141705182323.jpg - (24.46KB , 320x480 , image.jpg )

Ignore this. Art test
No. 25568 ID: 0eaf76
File 141750587833.png - (673.04KB , 1000x1300 , old geisers.png )

panty raid cast as parents (age 30)
No. 25569 ID: 342657

Can we see the children?
No. 25571 ID: e45825
File 141751965265.png - (48.33KB , 1600x1200 , thalidomide.png )


No. 25573 ID: e89427

Get my gun.
No. 25580 ID: 0eaf76
File 141759185767.png - (282.19KB , 1000x1300 , buutt.png )

big booty
No. 25581 ID: 0eaf76
File 141759187232.png - (276.49KB , 1000x1300 , emo.png )

Aleks from Panty Raid
No. 25582 ID: 0eaf76
File 141759188432.png - (359.19KB , 1000x1300 , panda thing.png )

Mei Mei an OC
No. 25583 ID: 0eaf76
File 141759189772.png - (525.89KB , 1000x1300 , potato.png )

Grocery shopping
No. 25584 ID: 0eaf76
File 141759191424.png - (431.59KB , 1000x1300 , snow slidin bitches.png )

No. 25585 ID: 0eaf76
File 141759193954.png - (360.20KB , 1000x1300 , swag.png )

Peek a boo!
No. 25586 ID: 0eaf76
File 141759196271.png - (346.60KB , 1000x1300 , tea time with dragon lady.png )

Eastern dragon lady
No. 25587 ID: 0eaf76
File 141759199161.png - (295.88KB , 1000x1300 , tuck tuck in he fuck fuck.png )

Cute vanilla thing
No. 25588 ID: 0eaf76
File 141759202806.png - (273.73KB , 1000x1300 , water bandana.png )

Water thingie
No. 25589 ID: 0eaf76
File 141759204915.png - (212.71KB , 1000x1300 , wolf.png )

Wolf chick
No. 25590 ID: 0eaf76
File 141759219049.png - (739.04KB , 1000x1300 , reinderer.png )

Lineart by me, Colored by Cygnus
No. 25593 ID: 72f29a

Wah! it's all 2cute.
No. 25598 ID: 9a3996

Aleks is increasingly becoming my favorite character in the quest thus far.
No. 25600 ID: 777ba4

Yeah, she's really cute.
No. 25609 ID: 0eaf76
File 141793688890.png - (394.96KB , 1000x1300 , bunbun.png )

look elsewhere for big anime tiddies
No. 25626 ID: 987d42
File 141806141024.jpg - (725.33KB , 2047x1789 , image.jpg )

Sunshine girl
No. 25631 ID: 5d2f8c

Cute couple. (quest was still so sad)
No. 25632 ID: 0eaf76
File 141817639887.png - (17.04KB , 665x1116 , alekks.png )

No. 25633 ID: 0eaf76
File 141818214738.png - (28.79KB , 1020x1116 , maid boy.png )

Aleks working at her gay bar.
No. 25634 ID: 0d453b


Still looks like a chick to me :V
No. 25635 ID: 024b25

Reverse Trap of the year 2014
No. 25636 ID: 0eaf76
File 141818751077.png - (363.45KB , 3432x2192 , Aleks Doodle.png )

i love this squirrel girl
No. 25637 ID: 4c5cf2

We have to get Ron to somehow show up there. The comedy potential is waaay too much to pass up on.
No. 25639 ID: 0d453b


Me too. When she was introduced I thought you'd write her has a kind of villain that we weren't meant to like. Instead you gave us tsundere waifu material.
No. 25654 ID: 687279

Fat chance of finding panties there though.
No. 25655 ID: 01745f

Did the rules every say that the panties had to belong to girls?
No. 25675 ID: b73460

you've.. never actually been to a gay bar before, have you.
No. 25677 ID: bb78f2

I've never been to a bar either and I know what's not what staff of one would usually wear.
It's probably gay hooters instead. Like, booters or something.
No. 25678 ID: 2f4b71

The crossdressing equivalent of a Maid Cafe?
That's probably already a thing somewhere.
No. 25679 ID: 0eaf76


I'm not actually old enough to go to a gay bar, so no. I didn't mean like an actual hardcore gay bar but yeah, moreso a gay hooters maid cafe thing. that's extra risque. no touchie sorta thing.
No. 25704 ID: e4e292

If we go to see Aleks at her job and Ron gets handed an application by a manager I will not permit him hear the end of it for a very long time.
No. 25879 ID: 0eaf76
File 141931426944.png - (674.35KB , 1101x1480 , harem.png )

No. 25881 ID: 04b10c


Jumping the gun with Reina, aren't we?
No. 25887 ID: 67e163

She's still not smiling. It counts.
No. 25894 ID: 00fd2f

This is gorgeous.
Please tell me you drew more of her.
No. 25905 ID: 795da4


Ain't half them girls lesbians though?

Or is this some kinda moth fantasy

Prim incest when
No. 25907 ID: 742b4a

The only lesbians we know are Ron's co-worker and her girlfriend. Also Pantsu. Aleks is most likely bisexual considering she thought Jacob was cute.
No. 26164 ID: 0eaf76
File 142129898850.png - (301.21KB , 564x852 , Kami Sheet.png )

Kitsune character
No. 26168 ID: ea0ad9

"Kitsune" in and of itself just means "Fox." The reason that they don't use a different term to refer to the magical foxes is simply that they believe all foxes to be intelligent and mystical.
I'm not too great at Japanese wording, but I think the proper term would be "Kitsune no youkai," or "Spirit Fox."
No. 26170 ID: c9f250


Okay but we're speaking English :)
No. 26327 ID: 45acd7
File 142332980963.png - (58.88KB , 900x1100 , gagsluts.png )

I made it better!
No. 26334 ID: dafc39

Yes but only like 6 months later.
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