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1887 No. 1887 ID: 4531bc
openCanvas 1.1 is terribly broken, yes, but since nobody's come forth with a sweet new replacement, I took it upon myself to try and fix one of its most egregious problems.

Thus, I present to you: The oC SyncKeeper!

This little tool wraps the opencanvas exe, detects when oC loses focus, and sends the app an artificial activation message, essentially tricking oC into thinking it has focus all the time.
What does this mean? It means that you no longer have to stay focused on the oC window while waiting for it to sync!
The possibilities are endless!

Anyway, here it is:

To use, just download the zip file, unpack, and run synckeeper.exe.

You can use this thread to report bugs, give feedback, and other stuff.

Feel free to share the link or distribute synckeeper, just please accredit me! It'd make me feel all warm and special inside!

Big thanks to Dylan (who you all know) for assistance with different things, help with .exe packing, moral support, and much more, and also aegis (who none of you know) for help with pywin32 and the strange beast that is MFC.

Willing to reconsider now, N?
No. 1889 ID: 4531bc
Alright, there's a pretty big bug in this release. It'll be fixed as soon as I figure out why oC won't sync sometimes once it gets focus. :|

Also, thanks to Typo for testing it initially, and thanks to Varian for trying ;)
(gotta get all of these thanks's in)
No. 1891 ID: 2563d4
I'm not terribly au fait on Win32 plumbing, but can you hook in as a filter on its event queue and drop lost-focus events so that it never thinks they're gone in the first place rather than telling it it's refocused?
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