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File 132810280241.jpg - (81.09KB , 351x900 , bongles.jpg )
10670 No. 10670 ID: 99e4f5
don't mind me, just here to drop some Bangles.
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No. 10683 ID: f72f26
oh man that looks awesome!
thanks for the great fanart!
No. 10684 ID: 2563d4
You should drop your Bangles in >>/questdis/355818 . Fanart thread always needs more gnolls.
No. 10701 ID: 6c1a8d
File 132826684928.jpg - (133.63KB , 700x700 , skankygnoll-fin.jpg )
You chappies seem more receptive to gnolls than 4ch/tg/ is, despite having liberal amounts of furfags amongst drawfag ranks.
No. 10703 ID: 82e5f4
>more receptive to gnolls
>despite having liberal amounts of furfags amongst drawfag ranks

I don't understand how "despite" works there. At all. Unless you're saying that's the situation on 4chan's /tg/? I don't get it.
No. 10704 ID: 6c1a8d
before the crackdown on drawfags, there were many furries on the drawroll. Bloogah was one, another was Ragathol, and I think half dozen more (Miko, maybe?)

Unlike there where gnoll pseudopenis is love/hate joke, this place is more open to and has better humor about what boils down to furry porn.

... Cripes, I'm so old.
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