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File 129679519646.png - (322.67KB , 700x800 , Owl Statue.png )
2496 No. 2496 ID: a50866
I think I need a thread for the weird shit I doodle.

For example, some beak faced monsters find an owl statue. Link forgot to hit this one with his sword. Well, unless maybe he just never wanted to warp back here.
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No. 2498 ID: 0ba163
No. 2629 ID: a50866
File 129789422267.png - (149.01KB , 700x500 , Science Lions.png )
A mad scientist made a man/plant hybrid creature. And the sun is a lion.
No. 2660 ID: f7aa74

that sounds like a tory moment
No. 2723 ID: ff4c1b
File 129825514567.png - (263.04KB , 700x500 , closeface.png )
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