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File 131501808197.jpg - (243.39KB , 768x1024 , cron.jpg )
6481 No. 6481 ID: 501e6e
Bumping my old drawthread off the front page with a new one. Rummaging through my artwork folder resulted in forgotten treasures. Like this Necron.
Expand all images
No. 6482 ID: 501e6e
File 131501819008.jpg - (1.39MB , 1280x1024 , KillFurries.jpg )
And whatever this is. I think I was trying to follow an ImagineFX workshop here.
No. 6483 ID: 501e6e
File 131501825512.jpg - (55.31KB , 1000x1000 , Marinen.jpg )
Not really 'forgotten' rather than abandoned.
No. 6485 ID: 738b60
Is it me or does it look eldar?

dunno. Nice light effects.
No. 6486 ID: 31a27f

I don't see what you mean.
No. 6490 ID: 19c735
That necron is amazing!
No. 6508 ID: 5212c4
Only the weapon bits. There are a lot of shared aesthetics between Eldar, Tau and Necrons.
No. 6509 ID: 44a4e0
yeah, mostly the weapon.

but I don't see how they share aesthetics.
No. 6584 ID: 4d0f5b
File 131531915193.png - (204.31KB , 717x1000 , Elinore Priesmyer.png )
Quest fanarts. My female anatomy skill leveled up, I think. Crosspostan.
No. 6585 ID: 4d0f5b
File 131531920251.png - (190.41KB , 1000x1000 , SSskeleton.png )
Check out this classy motherfucker. Still a WIP.
No. 6586 ID: 7bb14d
Skeleton is awesome!!! the other thing is scary for some reason.
No. 6587 ID: 27e3a1

the anatomy does look better than usually (tiny hand , maybe, though?)

but the shading still looks too systematic, dunno, try a completely different approach, less like progressive shading/lighting, more direct or something with gradient brushes. This is especially true with metals, here. It's like you're trying to be Torture Device, whose may of texturing metal is very pretty, but sometimes very unrealistic.

This is less the case for the skeleton; nice fabric. But the skull is too... shiny.
No. 6588 ID: 6c5e93
File 131532619605.jpg - (108.04KB , 1000x1000 , Raptor.jpg )
Another thing I'm doing. I have a feeling the jump pack's going to be a pain in the arse.

Also Skrakar, if you happen to be reading this, don't worry, I haven't forgotten your Orc concept drawing. It's just that the whole muscle-girl anatomy thing is making my brain run out of my ears like ice cream on a hot day. I'll finish it, I promise.
No. 6589 ID: 6c5e93

Yeah I dunno, I used SAI Painter that time instead of Photoshop. Metals are often a pain, and that's just the way they seem to come out. If it was a more broad, rounded surface maybe it would be easier but little, chrome details are hard sometimes.
No. 6604 ID: ce4a4d
Jaw on this dude looks a little clunky - he has an underbite. Slope of the forehead is also somewhat questionable?

The pose is also... weird. It looks posed, rather than capturing a movement in progress, I should say. I can't imagine what he'd be doing that would have his torso nearly straight-on at the camera, and his gaze should probably be following the motion of the arm with the gun more closely.

Nice detailing, though the folds don't follow his motion either. The whole piece is a bit discordant.

Is a good female form. Small hand has already been mentioned. Like most stuff, hands are easily drawn relative to the size of the head. (I'd also expect longer robo-tentacles to make it worth replacing an arm, but that's a stylistic issue)

Nice work, keep drawing?
No. 6640 ID: 72b1cd
File 131543919115.jpg - (143.82KB , 1000x1000 , Raptor.jpg )

Nope, all critiques welcome. Thanks!

Here's an upderp on that raptor.
No. 6641 ID: f6c637
looking good! should the raptor claws be fully extended? like, ready to tear flesh? They look pretty relaxed to me.
No. 6642 ID: 72b1cd

I had more of a piercing action in mind. I dunno.
No. 6643 ID: f6c637

Oh! That works too!

I just imagined the talon would be fully extended to deal damage and avoid say crashing into something and busting the blades.

But the target looks flimsy enough and Im sure the Raptor guy can pierce the guy and then activate his pack to boost out before impact!
No. 6644 ID: 72b1cd

I am intending for him to be emerging from a cloud of dust, with some ruins in the background, but that's going to be painful. The little fag there I was going to make a Tallarn desert guardsman. Yeah I dunno.
No. 6645 ID: f6c637
Its fine!

From the thumbnail, the fist looks like an overextended part of the leg xD
No. 6706 ID: 7e886a

I like it how this particular post has no description whatsoever xD
No. 6708 ID: 7e886a

It is, but I was more curious on the story behind it, anatomy study?
No. 6712 ID: 7e886a

Btw I love the guardsman panel where the chest is just bursting from the bolter shell.
No. 6713 ID: 1b448c

Thank you, I s'pose.
No. 6714 ID: 1854db

Yyyyeeaah you might wanna do that.
No. 6715 ID: e9ab0d
Seriously? Wow.
No. 6728 ID: ec16e6

Consider it done. It's an exercise in moral limitations. Expect more in the future.
No. 6909 ID: bb5c43
File 131599732404.jpg - (201.08KB , 1000x1000 , Raptor.jpg )
No. 6940 ID: 2f5b50
File 131606922959.jpg - (221.56KB , 1000x1000 , Raptor.jpg )
No. 6941 ID: 6013f4
why does he lack a hand?
Why don't you try using more fancy brushes?
No. 6942 ID: 2f5b50

Haven't made the other hand yet. It's on the way.

I don't use fancy brushes in this because I want to keep it as traditional as possible. No extra layers and all hand-rendered details.
No. 6943 ID: 5afb04
Well its looking good so far. Is the raptor from a specific legion, or something you made up?
No. 6949 ID: 3a6e4c

Nah, nothing in particular. I just liked the colours. Maybe I could fudge it and say it's Red Corsairs, but that'd be pushing it.

But if I don't make up something beforehand, all the fags on DA are gonna be askin' it.
No. 6951 ID: 5afb04

Well it screams Khorne to me .. at the moment at least.

And the missing hand could be wielding a chainaxe.

Dunno. I really love the blade style btw.
No. 6952 ID: 3a6e4c

Thanks. I think I'm going to give him a bolt pistol or something. I was hoping to avoid Khorne, since it seems pretty typical of me to use him. If worst comes to worst, I can make up some war-band, but I don't want to particularly.
No. 6953 ID: 5afb04

A plasma pistol would be cool, you could play with effects like it ejecting fumes out, cooling down.

Also http://www.mediafire.com/?qspzvxaeegcmz5q

Ultramarines OST. Enjoy.
No. 6954 ID: 3a6e4c
File 131609513252.jpg - (9.60KB , 210x210 , 1267357801472.jpg )

Oh neat, thanks! Much needed inspiration, I'd say.

Also, yeah. I think a plasma pistol is a good idea actually. If I make the energy cell (that glowing area, I dunno what it's called) green, it would complete the image, colour wise.
No. 6955 ID: 5afb04

Don't make it TOO green, might look too similar to Necron tech.
No. 6956 ID: 6013f4
accelerator coil, IIRC. try turquoise.
No. 6957 ID: 3a6e4c

A more rich green. Mostly to offset the otherwise warm tones of the image.
No. 6958 ID: 5afb04

Sounds good, so does technomancer's idea. Can't wait to see it.
No. 6959 ID: 3a6e4c
I dunno, turquoise would theoretically be too similar to the sky, as I imagine it. I'll see how it comes out.

I imagined a green that is less of a 'Scorpion Green' that you might see on Necrons, and more like 'Snot Green,' but brighter.
No. 7039 ID: 98572e
File derp.swf - (37.97KB , 550x400 )
Ignore this
No. 7046 ID: 98572e
File 131628215892.jpg - (146.75KB , 1000x1000 , fuck.jpg )
No. 7071 ID: 8432ba
File 131631636479.jpg - (84.08KB , 1000x1000 , OSarVersion2.jpg )
Here's another thing I have to finish. It's a re-do of an artwork of which I was always sincerely disappointed with the outcome.
No. 7074 ID: ae9250
And oh my god golden demon is next month, and I haven't bothered with anything yet.
No. 7076 ID: 7b6eb7
My little marine...
my little marine...
ha - ha - ha - haaaaaaaaaaa
No. 7077 ID: ec6ef7
File 131635407984.jpg - (13.73KB , 311x248 , 1315832042701.jpg )
No. 7134 ID: c99e3d
File 131647552105.png - (52.22KB , 1473x651 , ROFLOHGOD.png )

This guy takes the fucking cake, lold so hard when I zoomed in.
No. 7204 ID: c633e7
File bloodAngel.swf - (19.59KB , 800x600 )
Made a animation test thingy. I think it'd be really easy to make a 40k flash animation, but it would be too time consuming, and I'm one of those people who never even gives a fuck.
No. 7205 ID: c633e7
File 131665233145.jpg - (575.22KB , 1020x1020 , Raptor.jpg )
Also, I finished this.
No. 7206 ID: 15ffc7

2 small issues here , more like pet peeves for me, theres no glowy stuff on the pistol , and the barrels are too small compared to how the discharge of a plasma pistol looks like.

Otherwise, great job! I wonder tho, what happened to the dude that was supposed to cower in fear? :D
No. 7207 ID: c633e7

I didn't add glow to the pistol because I figured it would be nullified by the sunlight.

Uh, the guy I removed because I kept messing it up.
No. 7209 ID: 15ffc7

No. 7214 ID: 7daa75

A quest I'm running. I haven't bothered to change my name back yet.
No. 7224 ID: 89d3bd
File 131668948423.png - (51.54KB , 252x252 , uhuu.png )
Drew a bunch of faces, only saved this one because it had the most character, seemingly.
No. 7227 ID: 8d1c01
man, that looks neat
No. 7228 ID: a67448

Reminds me of Seyda Neen, the first town in Morrowind, dem Dunmer...
No. 7237 ID: 67916e
File 131674411126.jpg - (196.79KB , 1000x1000 , jiub.jpg )
Saint Jiub. Came out nice for a 30 min painting.
No. 7238 ID: 67916e
File 131675903434.jpg - (266.72KB , 1000x1000 , Nurgle.jpg )
Uguu~ So kawaii desu~~
No. 7243 ID: 9a50aa

Stand up, there you go. You were dreaming. Whats your name?

Well.. not even last nights storm could wake you, I heard them say we've reached Morrowind. Im sure they will let us go.

Quiet! Here comes the guard.
No. 7244 ID: 67916e

One and the same.
No. 7265 ID: dad742
File 131686284608.jpg - (37.29KB , 1000x1000 , Untitled-1.jpg )
Kobold Hitler, forever unfinished.
No. 7266 ID: 3eee44

Uh, question, Are you uhm, how can I put this..

Disgusted, to display a swastika?
No. 7268 ID: dad742

Nope, not at all. But I used the rotary one because I figured other people'd be less offended by it and/or get me in trouble or something. Just covering all my bases.

The rotary swastika was actually invented specifically for this purpose as a workaround.
No. 7269 ID: a99a3c
why not the black sun?
No. 7270 ID: 3eee44

Oh great. I could use the rotary thing too,I have to do another painting for school "People that inspire you" , I chose Adolf Hitler.

For his Animal Rights bills. Yes.

But I am still tempted to do the full swastika. Just to troll.
No. 7275 ID: dad742

Why write a thousand words when I need only write five hundred?


Well, you should probably use the actual swastika. Since this version of the symbol (and all the other variants) wasn't around then, it would not be accurate, historically. I doubt anyone will get on your case about it.
No. 7367 ID: c0e5fe
File 131716787696.jpg - (175.26KB , 1000x1000 , worldEaters.jpg )


Current WIP. I'm making a new layer for every level of detail. That way it will be easier to recall the process. Also experiments.
No. 7370 ID: 059ff4

Thats a phat termie right thar. I should try out scenery some time.
No. 7411 ID: 75178d
File 131725052128.jpg - (182.17KB , 1000x1000 , worldEaters.jpg )
No. 7421 ID: 7d08a1
File 131729978792.jpg - (892.06KB , 1800x1900 , 130357756486.jpg )
If you're still doing requests, then I'd like to ask for a conversion.

This is my DH character, Throttle (I was the original requester and I love this to bits.)

Now he's moved onto RT, I'd like to request him in full power armour sans helmet (that looks supremely orkified and covered in scrap metal, spikes and fetishes) with a jump pack made of a giant rocket (like Stormboyz), and wearing two assault gauntlets, which are basically like huge powerfists, but instead of a powerfield, they have one shot boltguns in each knuckle. They both have underslung flamers attached to the wrist.

He should be sat on the barrel of a basilisk tank which is in the middle of firing, with him screaming "LOOK AT MY DICK."
No. 7422 ID: 75178d

Well, I can give it a go. No guarantees on a deadline, as I tend to be pretty lazy with a lot of requests.

Wait, are you getting me confused for Technomancer or what? Since he was the one who drew the image you provided.
No. 7423 ID: 7d08a1

No, no. No confusion. I saw your art and I really love the style (no sycophancy intended). I don't really expect you to be Johnny-on-the-spot with requests, given that it's your free time I'm asking for.

Hell, you don't even have to say yes.
No. 7424 ID: 75178d
File 131731252904.jpg - (291.10KB , 900x900 , Doolbag.jpg )

Well, that is rather gracious of you. I wasn't actually aware that my art was particularly regognisable. Yes, I'll do it.
No. 7443 ID: fcf50f
File 131736797186.jpg - (358.54KB , 1200x1200 , overlordPotato.jpg )
No. 7445 ID: 2563d4
This is far more amusing than it has any right to be. And nice texturing on the armour.
No. 7453 ID: 2ee88d

These are cute

Love the potato armor.
No. 7473 ID: cb17be
>Why don't I ever get cool requests like this?

Fine, Draw The Emperor of Mankind engaging Roboute Guilliman in greco-roman style wrestling, in an arena. Wearing only loin cloths.
No. 7474 ID: 7fd0e3

Hmmm... I meant more in quick /tg/ drawthreads. Normally there people ask me to do their awkward dnd characters and stuff.
No. 7476 ID: 917be1

Ah well, thought you wanted to do a strip style thing, like that Russ vs Leman thing. I never asked for full colors and everything.

If you want, I could color it, that is to say if the request sounds nice to you.

But you already have teh DH character to draw so, no biggie , just a thought.
No. 7522 ID: ad34d3
File 131785734451.jpg - (76.99KB , 1000x1000 , DeadMusketeer.jpg )
Coolest motherfucker in town.
No. 7524 ID: f89717
Holy shit, that metal. You rendered it so well, OL
No. 7530 ID: 8d05c0
File 131788224155.jpg - (642.91KB , 1000x1029 , Kawaii.jpg )

Thanks Cisqur. I'll probably abandon that one, though. Maybe I'll come back to it one day. Maybe...

I am working on this. It is for a school project in which we have to produce a twelve-page magazine. Since I enjoy it, I will be basing mine around digital painting.

I studied some artworks, and learned of the 'dark on dark, light on light' concept. This is a way in which you combine three-dimensional shapes with flat colours to create more depth or something. As opposed to focusing on bringing out every last detail. I only learned about it recently, so I'm more experimenting with it than actually 'using' it.

I dunno. This is till very unrefined, and will look a lot sharper with time and effort. I hope to get at least two done this weekend.
No. 7538 ID: 8d05c0
File 131790775411.jpg - (254.50KB , 1000x1026 , SpaceMonsterWeb.jpg )
Done. I noticed that the blue looks really strange on the last one, and I put that down to the file being converted to RBG colour from CMYK. I've pre-done it with this version, so hopefully it will look nicer.
No. 7539 ID: 68f71d

>_< What!?

I can't see anything bro.

I may not be used to this type of art. Because I am staring at this on a 41cm diag screen with HDMI and barely figuring it out :(
No. 7540 ID: 8d05c0

It is very dark, yes. This is intentional. You should only see the monster emerging from the darkness to the left, a planet in the center and an astronaut on the right.
No. 7541 ID: 68f71d

I thought it was a spider, egg and a larva.

Too dark for me I guess.
No. 7543 ID: f5e4b4

I can see it fine, you should adjust your brightness settings.
No. 7573 ID: ae297e
File 131802717770.jpg - (659.13KB , 843x1000 , PlagueMarine.jpg )
Thought I uploaded this already, but apparently not.
No. 7574 ID: 38dd1f

Dat some nurgle?

Dat some nurgle.

Awesome job.
No. 7575 ID: ae297e
Yes, but I noticed that I forgot to convert it to RGB colour, and so it got auto converted again. It's way less saturated and shitty than that, so don't fret.
No. 7576 ID: 38dd1f

Well its still nice to see other gods than Khorne all day erry day.
No. 7626 ID: d6299c
File 131814478689.jpg - (416.07KB , 1035x1226 , PlagueMarineWEB.jpg )
Done, previously converted to RGB so no messed up colours this time.
No. 7629 ID: 74d630

This felt better on the greener tone, but now the details seem to pop out more.
No. 7766 ID: cebe07
File 131863732226.jpg - (143.10KB , 1000x707 , ol.jpg )
Current WIP.

Actual size is A4 @ 600 DPI. So maybe it's a bit unwieldy, I dunno. I haven't got right down into it yet.

Also, I am a retard.
No. 7791 ID: 7e886a

Holy shit, for a minute I could have sworn that demon dude was Turel...

Awesome work!
No. 7861 ID: c0e5fe
File 131890842488.jpg - (118.28KB , 1024x768 , Untitled-1.jpg )
Did this. It's rubbish, and I don't care much for it, but It would have been a total waste of 30mins if I didn't save it.
No. 7863 ID: 1854db
That only took you 30 minutes?!
No. 7865 ID: 3514ca
That only took you ~30 minutes?
No. 7866 ID: c0e5fe
No. 7868 ID: c0e5fe
File 131897488658.jpg - (110.25KB , 1000x1025 , mehren.jpg )
Another pretty speedy one, I dunno, 40 mins?
No. 7871 ID: 1da36e
Interesting, kind of reminds me of Nod Troopers.


Think of the glory Proteus!
No. 7873 ID: c0e5fe

Quite like the technique on this one, actually. When I get home I might fuck around with it some more.
No. 7879 ID: 4406dd
This stuff is amazingly sick. In a good way.
No. 7887 ID: 3e8b11
Agreed! Necrons n digital painting heck yeeeaaahh
No. 7892 ID: 6e5e21

I'd like to see more mehreen portraits.

Specially some chaos ones. We don't get much of those...
No. 7902 ID: 61da40
File 131918295847.jpg - (592.59KB , 1240x1754 , ultramarine.jpg )
Thanks guise. Here's another mehren portrait. Yeah yeah, ultrasmurfs, bla bla bla.
No. 7907 ID: 739cfd

I must Ultra you.

No. 7908 ID: 61da40
File 131918699571.jpg - (722.31KB , 1000x1415 , Undead.jpg )

Heh, well, better than Crimson Fists, right...?

No. 7909 ID: 739cfd


Oh god. Walking dead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phLVlvMKVi8

I'm a big fan of the undead and necromancy. This feels like a christmas present already.
No. 7910 ID: f9504e
Damn nice!
No. 7911 ID: 61da40

Thank you sah!


I have a story to go with this one, which I will divulge once the artwork is completed, which will hopefully be within a few hours.
No. 7922 ID: 0d7a83
No. 7928 ID: a77e2d
File 131926047369.png - (743.03KB , 1415x1000 , ref.png )
Check it; I made an shitty reference sheet for my super-original OC (donutsteel).
No. 7932 ID: a77e2d
File 131926996811.jpg - (599.36KB , 1020x1165 , UndeadWEB.jpg )
There exists a place at which time has faded into nonexistence. A vast plain of dust and rock. A city of the dead.

Wandering endlessly are the corpses who migrate there. Enemies of battle cast aside their differences to exist amongst one another for eternity in death. Their very purpose is null but to wallow forever in their own selfish despair, barely even aware of those around them, sharing the same pitiful existence. The plain is a sanctuary. A place of rest for the dead who cannot.

A hiding place, is the plain, for people who would evade the law. The dead have no concern with those who still draw breath, and as a place of much suspicion and unease, their home is rarely visited by those who have no reason to.

Once every millennium is born an individual with the gift to command these lost souls.
No. 7933 ID: 1d918b

Oh hell yeah!

Man everyone is doing character sheets as of late, is this some sort of artist meme I am not aware of?



This has immense potential Overlord. You should expand on it. Really. A quest or something!
No. 7934 ID: a77e2d

Ahah, no, no meme that I am aware of. I just felt like making something up, y'know? I had meant to for a while, but it was a lot of work, and I am a lazy fellow.

Well thank you, regarding the skeletons. I prefer to leave it. Maybe it provokes more thought that way. I don't know. Do you visit /quest/ often these days, Emps?

Also, Ravenous. Ahah, that was a silly movie, but I liked it. Watched it during a beer night with the neighbour some time ago.
No. 7936 ID: 1d918b

Not really. I only check up on your awesome Space Marine quest. I would contribute, but its like flowing better than expected!
No. 7937 ID: a32729
>vegetarian ideals
>presumptuous people
>pointless social norms

Oh you!
No. 7939 ID: 14ff5c
File 131932080167.jpg - (30.63KB , 327x305 , 128073860255.jpg )
No. 7952 ID: 14ff5c
File 131933719174.jpg - (40.62KB , 1000x1000 , eversor.jpg )
Just an thing I am doing in painter. I have saved a million progress shots, which I can make into a process gif later.
No. 7955 ID: 14ff5c
File 131935272982.jpg - (249.59KB , 1000x1000 , eversor_001.jpg )
Okay, I don't care about this anymore.
No. 7956 ID: 14ff5c
File 131935329028.gif - (1.70MB , 1000x1000 , eversor.gif )
Here's the process. (Animated .GIF)
No. 7957 ID: 4406dd

That is bizarrely helpful.
No. 7961 ID: 1e6c69
File 131935899091.png - (631.09KB , 1000x1650 , class.png )
No. 7966 ID: e9da18
I love the idea of you wearing that full armour in class.
No. 7968 ID: 6f794f

This is amazing. Well apart from the sword slash, but that would be nitpicking as hell.


Why does every single social group, class or gathering, has to have one of these... "Melvin" people.
No. 7969 ID: 743b29

oh shit...

I mean... so, it's not a coincidence...
No. 7970 ID: 6f794f
File 131939305095.jpg - (6.92KB , 200x200 , melvin.jpg )

So you have one too...
No. 7972 ID: 3bd8ec
What kind of football? :V
No. 7973 ID: c0e5fe

Not quite 'Melvins,' but rather like hipsters. It's a graphic design class, after all. There's bound to be a lot.


A.F.L. (Australian Football League), what a shitty sport it is, and everyone on this god damn island seems to be utterly obsessed with it somehow.
No. 7974 ID: 743b29
hem...actually he looked more like a cross between a fedora-hat hipster and the average emo kid. Not actively annoying (that was me) but a real smug asshole.
No. 7976 ID: c0e5fe
File 131941043044.jpg - (144.43KB , 1024x768 , derp.jpg )
Some derpy stuff I did just now.

Half an hour.
No. 7977 ID: b57910
At first the thumbnail made me think the mahreen was breathing fire.
No. 7978 ID: d60822
Me too.
No. 7980 ID: c0e5fe
File 131942887020.jpg - (88.98KB , 768x1024 , drep.jpg )
No. 7981 ID: 35bcde
Best geneseed mutation.
No. 7983 ID: f9504e
File 131945704566.jpg - (99.43KB , 600x800 , Maelstrom.jpg )
No. 7985 ID: c0e5fe
That is too good.
No. 7987 ID: c0e5fe
File 131950809118.jpg - (286.52KB , 1024x1280 , chaplain.jpg )
No. 7991 ID: 20bad5
File 131953080333.jpg - (336.37KB , 1280x952 , woofie.jpg )
No. 7995 ID: 2fbd1a

This made me giggle hard during social economics

No. 8009 ID: bb5938
Dunno if you've noticed yet but I gave you a small rundown on your journal for Corel. If you want me to expand on it there or here, let me know!
No. 8011 ID: f2a43b
Nah, thass alright. What you said already was very helpful, so I'll see how I go. If I run in to issues, I'll ask.
No. 8018 ID: f2a43b
File 131968238661.jpg - (79.07KB , 1000x1000 , derpdaemon.jpg )
Derpin' around in Painter, and made this Tzeentchian(?) daemon. It was a lot cooler in my head.

15-20 mins. Bleh
No. 8039 ID: e51413

This is pretty cool for a 15 min wip!

I can't wait to see how you progress with painter .
No. 8040 ID: baaac7
Corel Pro Painter?

No. 8041 ID: e51413

No. 8044 ID: b9b385
>for Windows

uuuh, well, thanks anyway.
No. 8045 ID: e51413

Sorry, I had no clue what OS you used.

Did you manage to find it? If not I can still assist. Linux or Mac?
No. 8047 ID: 7e811c
File 131983626425.jpg - (19.70KB , 150x150 , 1267357224118.jpg )

I couldn't find one for Mac.
No. 8051 ID: e51413

No. 8056 ID: cf31cc
File 131984890890.jpg - (218.91KB , 1000x874 , otto.jpg )
Although I plan to do a full artwork of him, for now, here is a quick sketch of Otto. It should come as no surprise that he is my favourite character so far. Not only does he wear one of the coolest suits of armour I've seen in ages, but he's also classy as fuck.
No. 8057 ID: e51413


This is awesome, and you should feel awesome for drawing it.
No. 8070 ID: cf31cc
File 131989484653.jpg - (333.24KB , 1000x1000 , lasagne.jpg )
Just a derpy sketch thing.
No. 8080 ID: 4bdd79
Based on a true story?
No. 8092 ID: 50d6f1
Loosely based on a conversation with CF.
No. 8097 ID: 50d6f1
File 131993431520.jpg - (123.42KB , 1000x675 , ugh.jpg )
I am just a terrible person.

Skin practice, and while I should be practising my female physique, I instead opt to draw morbidly obese men looking perverse.
No. 8099 ID: ae6e0b
File 131993461343.jpg - (13.45KB , 250x168 , bueno.jpg )

Whats this about? Story tieeem!


I thought the seatbelt one was funny.

These ones remind me of this fat guy from /tg/.

Draw him.
No. 8101 ID: 50d6f1

Oh, he just said his lasagne was the best conceivable , bla bla bla, and I said I don't think lasagne is that great, and uh, then he said to draw some stuff, so I did.

I don't feel like drawing that.
No. 8102 ID: 50d6f1
File 131994156962.jpg - (85.30KB , 1000x1300 , Fat.jpg )
No. 8113 ID: 4caa16
I made the best goddamn lasagna ever.
Overlord did not seem to believe me.
No. 8128 ID: 2eac65
What, the guy in the pic you posted?

That's Bueno Excellente, a low-ranking superhero from DC Comics. He "fights evil with the power of perversion", which means sneaking up on people and molesting them while saying "bueno". That's pretty much his joke.

Now You Know.
No. 8130 ID: c0e5fe
File 132002745136.jpg - (294.93KB , 1024x1280 , breaker.jpg )
Lunchtime Flails Breaker sketch, 15-20 mins. :V
No. 8133 ID: 7f313d
Okay, I am doing some Hail and Kill art. Specifically, I want to depict the Raven Prince. I dunno if I will do a good job, but I will try.
No. 8134 ID: 7f313d
File 132005908077.jpg - (131.09KB , 1000x1000 , RavenPrince.jpg )
Alright, that didn't work out so well. Here was my original sketch of him, but I don't think it fits. My interpretation of him was that he is a giant, ethereal daemon/creature. The armour was a personal touch, but I will redo the whole thing anyway. Might try something less ambitious for now.
No. 8135 ID: de64e3

I was asking about the lasagna story :P

I know who Bueno Excellente is, just forgot his full name, but thanks for reminding me of that perverted truck of fun.


Every. Single. Time. You amaze me with speed and cool concepts!

I hope this gets finished!
No. 8139 ID: c0e5fe
File 132009475196.jpg - (245.74KB , 750x750 , 125763271070.jpg )

Hm? Flails breaker is Bitequest's creation, from his quest, Bite Quest.

No. 8140 ID: de64e3

Was talking in general mostly.
No. 8143 ID: c0e5fe
File 132011105533.jpg - (340.86KB , 1000x1000 , NotImmortal.jpg )
Here are some 'Blackened Marauders' That I am working on.
No. 8148 ID: 612766
I see what you did there and I have so much goddamn love for it, you have no idea.
No. 8154 ID: c0e5fe
File 132012115094.jpg - (394.95KB , 1000x1000 , NotImmortal.jpg )

Cisqur, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Here is an update. I probably won't get too much more of it done here at school, so I'll probably have to finish it at home.
No. 8168 ID: da6fc4
File 132026769091.jpg - (39.25KB , 1000x1000 , Reinhardt.jpg )
One of the space marines from my quest, WIP.
No. 8169 ID: def540

I posted this mornin a suggestion in there, can't wait to see how the quest evolves!
No. 8170 ID: da6fc4
File 132027466521.jpg - (377.48KB , 1000x2000 , class2.jpg )
This week highlight reel.
No. 8176 ID: d6ee7f

That is mostly background noise, right?

Well, can't be as bad as your best friend that you've known for 8 years suddenly coming out as a homosexual furry.

In the middle of a party.
No. 8177 ID: e546ae
>Well, can't be as bad as your best friend that you've known for 8 years suddenly coming out as a homosexual furry.

that shouldn't matter if it's a friend
No. 8178 ID: d6ee7f

Let's just say, that I tolerate said friend, his fetishes and everything else. But I did not expect his outburst. Specially in public.

The thing that bothered me was the aftershock of everyone looking at me, as If they were expecting me to do something about said friend.

I really don't know what to do.

And sorry Overlord for drama!
No. 8179 ID: e546ae
Wat do?
Haters gonna hate.
No. 8180 ID: d6ee7f

You might be right. Simplest solutions are always best.

But Social Life ends in 8 days, so who cares.
No. 8182 ID: 2eac65
Those kind of things can be hard to deal with. Violating social taboos can make people uncomfortable, and that should be respected, but at the same time, some taboos don't make sense and should be discarded. It's not always easy to tell which principle applies to which case more.
No. 8187 ID: 8547a3
File 132035700238.jpg - (36.58KB , 1000x1000 , Reinhardt.jpg )
I don't really care about drama.
No. 8188 ID: d6ee7f

New Updates soon, BrOverlord?

And I was merely asking , because if the posts were bothering, I could delete them.
No. 8207 ID: e13b84
File 132047908287.jpg - (273.87KB , 1000x1000 , smurf.jpg )

I dunno, when I feel like it I guess. I am a lazy fellow.

Also, technique play around. Blegh.
No. 8209 ID: aa8bbc

Is it just me , or are the arms just a wee bit stubby?

Is this a new technique? Looks like Corel to me,

Oh and I've asked you before if you ever tried thumbnail sketching like this :

No. 8210 ID: 39fadf
The faggot who does this knows exactly what each guy is going to look like before starting each one, and he draws them without hesitating a fucking second. I jelly.
No. 8212 ID: aa8bbc

I jelly too.
No. 8228 ID: 0cb055
File 132053130748.jpg - (286.90KB , 956x1000 , BlackSabbat.jpg )
Gotta work on this website thing, but then I'll try some thumbnail sketching.

In the meantime, here is some Black Sabbat De Dracul.
No. 8239 ID: 0cb055
File 132056159647.jpg - (199.32KB , 1000x1000 , BLLEAARGH.jpg )
Couldn't thumbnail sketch.

So here is a necrotic negro.
No. 8244 ID: 0cb055
File 132057554377.jpg - (194.57KB , 1000x1000 , thing.jpg )
Last one before bed.
No. 8246 ID: 99002c

Dark side is strong with this one.
No. 8287 ID: d2b106
File 132066669279.jpg - (868.22KB , 620x877 , BeefAd.jpg )
Hurr, 'schoolwork'
No. 8323 ID: c0e5fe
File 132071609560.jpg - (188.90KB , 823x651 , spikesby.jpg )
Wak Wak Wak!

[spoiler]I'm sorry Bitequest; he deserves so much better![/i]
No. 8327 ID: 383006
I draw horses covered in semen, I basically don't deserve anything.

But no, it's awesome! :D
No. 8333 ID: d6ae01
No. 8406 ID: ad2f92
File 132098371516.jpg - (370.86KB , 1000x1000 , wak.jpg )

No. 8407 ID: 2bd870
Oh my god lmao
No. 8410 ID: 1854db
Oh god that last review
No. 8411 ID: c7b6c2
Words cannot describe.
No. 8418 ID: ad2f92
File 132100595358.jpg - (306.62KB , 1000x2000 , unh.jpg )
No. 8484 ID: f810a6
Happy Birthday BrOverlord!
No. 8485 ID: 60b30c
That is maybe sad enough. (and also awesome)
No. 8487 ID: c9db3c
Thanks Emps!

Damn it, that sounds far from sad enough!
No. 8491 ID: a43214
Maybe if you removed the eye?
No. 8494 ID: c9db3c
No, for it would then only be mutilation of an only mildly sad character. It must be redone. Sadder. SADDER!

But later; I'm working on a commission and a couple other things.
No. 8504 ID: c9db3c
File 132153347229.jpg - (339.00KB , 900x900 , Accordion.jpg )

No. 8511 ID: c62e25

No. 8513 ID: c9db3c

I'd say, of the 90 or so minutes I spent working on that, listening to the repetitive music, 80% of that time was getting his face as correct as I am able, and this is referencing from such a terrible-quality video.
No. 8514 ID: c62e25

I would print this on a mug to be honest.
No. 8515 ID: c9db3c
That is actually pretty awesome.
No. 8516 ID: c9db3c
File 132154582827.jpg - (245.95KB , 900x900 , no Waagh.jpg )
I am concerned that, although my skills are developing, I am wandering down the road of 'generic vidya artist.' You know, the ones who are all pretty good, but they lack any definitive artistic style?

Yeah, them.
No. 8518 ID: c62e25

Mno, maybe you just need something DIFFERENT to draw.

Uh, you could give a shot at the Dwemer robots from Morrowind.

or if you totally want to keep away from Vidya stuff, draw a portrait of a character from your favorite show or something.

Focus on some more details. Try to bring out Realism. Might just be what you are looking for.
No. 8521 ID: eeb5f5
If you WANT to go the way of stylization, just simplify things in the weirdest way you can. Do this in as many different ways possible until there is one way that is barely weird enough that you're comfortable with it yet it's quite distinctive.

I can understand wanting to be recognized based on style alone, believe me, but after awhile the style will become so habitualized and invisible that straight-up realism might be difficult to do anymore.
No. 8544 ID: 7e0d0b
File 132165327641.jpg - (116.38KB , 1000x1000 , overlordAgain.jpg )
No. 8545 ID: 7e0d0b
File 132165330587.jpg - (139.73KB , 1000x1000 , overlordAgain2.jpg )
This thing.
No. 8546 ID: 1e4564

I love the way you paint metal
No. 8574 ID: 67008d
File 132176523340.jpg - (390.30KB , 1000x1000 , phrix.jpg )
Based on the detailed description I have of Phrix, this is what I consider to be the most accurate portrait of him to date.
No. 8586 ID: 0448b9
Yes plz.
No. 8622 ID: 409d86
File 132195801829.jpg - (25.80KB , 1000x1000 , Naglfar.jpg )
Naglfar WIP. It's really hard to represent something like human nails en masse.
No. 8624 ID: 9f895a

>In Norse mythology, Naglfar or Naglfari (Old Norse "nail ship") is a boat made entirely from the fingernails and toenails of the dead. During the events of Ragnarök, Naglfar is foretold to sail to Vígríðr, ferrying hordes that will there battle with the gods. Naglfar is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. The boat itself has been connected by scholars with a larger pattern of ritual hair and nail disposal among Indo-Europeans, stemming from Proto-Indo-European custom, and it may be depicted on the Tullstorp Runestone in Scania, Sweden.

Holy shit.
No. 8626 ID: b3b93e
custom textured brushes, brah.
No. 8631 ID: 94be71
Yeah, but I don't like to use those.
No. 8632 ID: 9f895a

I said that thing myself recently.

It sort of helps improve ones skill by drawing everything manually.
No. 8641 ID: 94be71
File 132200774901.jpg - (89.28KB , 1000x1000 , boolet.jpg )
Well, for me, it kind of feels like "cheating." On doodles or experiments, maybe, but not on things I am really interested in. I made some cool bullet brushes, for example, which save time if I'm doing a quest update, but yeah. If I am doing a 'proper' thing, I prefer that every little detail is my own handiwork.
No. 8643 ID: b3b93e

well, it depends on which way you use it. It can just be impossible to achieve the desired effect with the regular brush (which is itself calibrated for specific, smooth effects, and does not imitate actual painting, and isn't adapted to any effect) and not necessarily easier to work with custom brushes.
Simply possible, if you do it well; it's just another brush, and using one or the other won't necessarily have an incidence upon your skills, unless you consider that, say, being able to paint this >>8574 with this >>8641 set of brushes is a task that has to be fulfilled for you to be competent enough.

It also leads me to a short criticism, it is that you seem to rely too much on the same brush, which tends to make your art look fastidious and busy when you try to pull off effects it's not supposed to render efficiently. Like stone, or metal; and that might actually be the reason why you feel like you're stagnating. (if I have understood you well)

And finally, I wouldn't say that I would be more skilled than Giger if I managed to replicate his airbrush paintings using only gouache and regular brushes. It'd be an achievement in itself, I guess, but I still wouldn't know shit about airbrush.

So, my suggestion would be to try out new techniques, new brushes, new tools, new programs, get an overall view of your possibilities, and go back on each of them. The few times I've tried this, I discovered new ways of using each tool.

Unless of course you do have an idea of how to proceed with the baseline default brushes, then go the fuck on.

No. 8645 ID: 9f895a
File 132201120113.jpg - (41.46KB , 400x500 , dwaerf6.jpg )

Well yeah, valid points. It all depends on the individual workflow of each person.

I for one try to experiment with everything.

Theres a new program called ARTRAGE i've found, its pretty neat.

At the moment I am trying to imitate that comic book feel, with my dwarves at least, using a mixture of oil brushes in Corel painter, and one single layer.

I feel its working out pretty okay, and it gives me a SHIT TON of speed.
No. 8646 ID: 94be71

I feel like I am making grounds with the usual brushes, but it's slow and arduous. I also have a lot of trouble being bold with what I do. I try to make every stroke precise and whatnot, because if I do not - if I just 'try something,' then I fear that it deviates from my intentions and may cause me to lose faith/inspiration for an artwork. This is of course the parent of my issue with over-detailing things.

I need to work on simplification, but it's a lot harder than is seems.

I got Artrage with my tablet. It made for a timekill over the time I spent at my grandmother's house for Christmas, but I haven't done anything 'proper' with it. It seems ok, but it's not my thing really. If I'm going down that path, painter is my choice.
No. 8647 ID: b3b93e
I know it's hard; something you can try is simply to imitate someone new.

Once I'm finished with the current commish, i'm gonna try out Klimt and Yoshitaka. should be refreshing.
No. 8665 ID: cb4f11

I can't believe how similar our dillema is.

Just do what I did. Pick a theme. ( dwarves for me ) Pick a program. (Corel) and DO EET!
No. 8666 ID: 94be71

Yeah, I think that a good 'solution' might be Questing. Forces you to draw. So you might as well use it as an excuse to practice.
No. 8688 ID: 26dc13
File 132211680283.jpg - (44.47KB , 1000x1000 , Naglfar.jpg )
I'm just going to derp around with all kinds of techniques, regardless of how 'cheap' I think they are, once I finish this.
No. 8691 ID: 26dc13
File 132212016293.jpg - (46.97KB , 1000x1000 , Naglfar.jpg )
Not a big update.
No. 8696 ID: 94e56f
Because that Longboat has its sail made out of human skin, you instantly know the naval encounter is going to end badly for you.
No. 8711 ID: 63ffc3
I dunno if skin sails are canon, but it seemed appropriate.
No. 8730 ID: 63ffc3
File 132223295564.jpg - (799.92KB , 1240x1753 , OverLord63.jpg )
No. 8731 ID: 8cf4e1
Okay, yeah, well, can't see shit except blurry tits. Nice color progression on the background.
No. 8732 ID: 63ffc3
Yeah, that's what happens when I do something in SAI, and don't spend a shit-tonne of time refining it.
No. 8733 ID: 56ea13

No. 8735 ID: 0f70df
I think Sai is a little assy for digital painting.
No. 8736 ID: 63ffc3
Well, I've done some ok stuff in it, but uh, yeah. I think Photoshop is best for this kind of thing.

Also, why is my drawthread automatically changing to that gross pony theme when reply to it?
No. 8738 ID: 56ea13

No. 8746 ID: 63ffc3
File 132226443622.jpg - (43.43KB , 1000x1000 , Overlord3Colour.jpg )
[09:02]<Phrix> Your color scheme is very subdued and dour, which I understand is what you're going for but I'd like to see you break out a bit

No. 8747 ID: 56ea13

That boy needs Therapy! ~

Are you going to finish that delicious Xenomorph?
No. 8748 ID: 63ffc3

No. 8749 ID: 56ea13
File 132226723072.png - (481.86KB , 1685x1135 , Xeno.png )

Then who was Xeno?!
No. 8750 ID: 63ffc3

Ohh! That was just an OC scribble. It was never destined for much.
No. 8751 ID: 63ffc3
File 132227007727.jpg - (47.07KB , 1000x1000 , Overlord3Colour.jpg )
No longer want to work on this.
No. 8754 ID: 63ffc3
File 132228494837.jpg - (247.49KB , 1280x994 , why.jpg )
"What is wrong with you?"
No. 8755 ID: 306d91
o-overlord are you ok
No. 8756 ID: 63ffc3
No. 8757 ID: 63ffc3
File 132228786279.jpg - (172.52KB , 1280x994 , wow.jpg )
I don't even know any more, help.
No. 8766 ID: 192096


Time for you to put 40k aside for 2 days or so.

It is taking a toll on your sanity.
No. 8777 ID: 36d963
File 132235577446.png - (615.39KB , 1140x685 , toiletmarine.png )
Some stuff I did in OC and kinda liked.
No. 8778 ID: 36d963
File 132235580905.png - (346.85KB , 845x708 , doolbag.png )
No. 8782 ID: 192096

Okay. I admit. I lost it when I read TOILETUS on his chest.
No. 8809 ID: 6ce7a3
File 132244594069.jpg - (441.18KB , 1000x1160 , Space MarineDemo.jpg )
Lunar Wolves more like Loony Wolves am I right?
No. 8810 ID: 8cf4e1
I really like how you're using color. I wouldn't mind seeing more colored stuff from you, with subtle effects and more visual impact.

Unless you're still aiming for realism, of course, but I'd like to point you towards this guy and his amazing use of colors: http://fr.wahooart.com/@/OdilonRedon

There may be better sources, but I'm kind of hyped up on him right now.
No. 8812 ID: 6ce7a3

Thanks. Not really sure what I'm going for. I'm trying to learn to use colour more effectively, since my previous uses of it have been pretty bland, or reliant on too similar a palette.

I am also trying to learn to use Painter a lot better, and develop various techniques.
No. 8813 ID: 8cf4e1
I might have already asked you several times before (I don't remember) but how can I get it for Mac?
No. 8814 ID: 6ce7a3

Uh, try this. http://softarchive.net/blogs/vnfriends/corel_painter_mac_osx.65808.html

I dunno if it works or not, but it's pretty hard to find it for mac, it seems.
No. 8815 ID: 8cf4e1
oï, thanks! the download worked fine and all, the only problem is that the key generator down't work, since it's a .exe file. May I ask you a favor and request you to generate a valid key for me?
No. 8816 ID: 6ce7a3

Sure. Do you have an Email address to which I can send it? I'd rather not be posting serial keys and whatnot all over this site.
No. 8820 ID: f5ca7d
here it is
No. 8821 ID: 2f02b8
No. 8865 ID: 959a5b
File 132260297624.jpg - (95.72KB , 1250x1000 , FeedingTime.jpg )
I feel like I need to post something here. I have got commissions and giftarts and requests weighing me down, but here is a thing.

Deviantart is pretty lame these days.
No. 8866 ID: 25d956
Dem pigs, man.
No. 8867 ID: 959a5b
I don't know what to make of the fact that I literally squinted when drawing the sun up there.
No. 8869 ID: 2c9e78

I shared the pain during the early stages of Magnus, where instead of the flame, I had an orb of "Immaculate Warp".

Just a casual day in Overlord's kingdom? :D
No. 8873 ID: 959a5b
The image is a metaphor for when I upload something to DeviantArt.
No. 8874 ID: 2c9e78

>You wa shock.mp3

it all makes sence now.

;_; I know that feel
No. 8896 ID: c89c59
File 132272214960.jpg - (31.12KB , 1000x1000 , abominor.jpg )
Abominor Concept. Now the problem is that it looks too much like a terminator or something.

Also; corel painter, why you gotta make it so hard to do anything quickly?
No. 8902 ID: 3f3e70

Oil and pastel tools bro.

Damage and scratches with the medium opacity pencil tool, Eraser smudge for the shiny bits.

I am trying out SAI as well now.
No. 8915 ID: 0448b9
Well done. eh looks cool and isn't afraid of terminating
No. 8923 ID: 82c96a
File 132281682985.jpg - (59.59KB , 1000x1000 , Murder.jpg )
Antagonist from that quest of mine. I haven't worked on this particular WIP for ages, but I wanted to post at least something I have been pre-ocupied with quite a few commissions, none of which I'm even allowed to unveil yet.
No. 8961 ID: fd9a48
File 132290823269.jpg - (143.36KB , 1000x1000 , apple.jpg )
No. 8994 ID: c18796
File 132294950190.jpg - (280.16KB , 863x1000 , rainbow.jpg )
Cheers to a severely under-appreciated chapter.

Note to self:
Big to small, you fucking dildo.
No. 9007 ID: b7c4ac
File 132297389975.jpg - (232.41KB , 733x1000 , face.jpg )

I think the hair lets it down.
No. 9014 ID: b7c4ac
File 132299372951.jpg - (455.04KB , 1000x1000 , Peep.jpg )
Gigantic metal cock.
No. 9022 ID: 0448b9
I am
without words
No. 9026 ID: 9c7c3b
No. 9037 ID: 5316b2
File 132307915077.jpg - (82.36KB , 2000x2000 , esgdhfgh.jpg )
Wippy for Prometheus.
No. 9064 ID: de719b
File 132314535542.jpg - (52.48KB , 2000x2000 , esgdhfgh.jpg )
No. 9065 ID: de719b
File 132314611118.jpg - (148.67KB , 1000x1000 , yodA.jpg )
Dumb joke I thought of.
No. 9083 ID: de719b
File 132315099630.png - (28.72KB , 900x900 , woo.png )
Serious business.
No. 9086 ID: de719b
File 132315791008.png - (24.47KB , 900x900 , ArtstyleTest2.png )
No. 9090 ID: de719b
File 132316629063.jpg - (60.90KB , 2000x2000 , esgdhfgh.jpg )
No. 9091 ID: de719b
File 132317060522.jpg - (67.57KB , 2000x2000 , esgdhfgh.jpg )
Eh, last one for the night. Redefined the hands, because I hated them.
No. 9092 ID: 5eea01

Dear Overlord

You are awesome and I am sad I don't have money to shower you with for this.

Love, Prometheus
No. 9114 ID: e19cf5

I like this concept a lot. It reminds me of the Catholic warriors from Hellsing.


And I can't wait to see how you finish off the gold plates on this one. Its looking mighty epic so far!

Keep it up!
No. 9117 ID: 5eea01
I'm thinking more bronze than gold. Gold makes for shitty armor.
No. 9118 ID: e19cf5

In terms of endurance, yes.

In bling and posture, however...
No. 9132 ID: 38936a
File 132342141531.jpg - (93.64KB , 1714x2000 , AphelionOverlord.jpg )
Little update. I have been wasting a lot of time with videogames.

No. 9143 ID: 6206bf
File 132348343390.jpg - (546.04KB , 1028x1195 , AphelionOverlord.jpg )
No. 9144 ID: 0448b9
*Applauds with great ferocity and wild abandon.
Well done, brother.
No. 9146 ID: 5eea01
It is amazing and I love you for this <3
No. 9149 ID: 785505

God damned beastly. Nice work.
No. 9169 ID: fa723d
File 132359225394.jpg - (157.51KB , 2000x2000 , PerspectiveBattle.jpg )
No. 9176 ID: d214a4

You've got it laid down pretty good!

Tough part will be all the lighting and shades. :(
No. 9178 ID: 1854db
That tank is disobeying the perspective lines.
No. 9185 ID: 7d47ca
File 132364212447.jpg - (285.07KB , 762x1000 , lights.jpg )
How to be an Overlord chapter 1:

Flailing uselessly at things you want to be good at
No. 9186 ID: 7d47ca
File 132364240294.jpg - (378.62KB , 1000x1000 , fatty.jpg )
Morbidly obese people are a source of not only entertainment, but also practice.
No. 9187 ID: 0448b9
Hey! That's what I do too! I guess I'll probably be a great Overlord one day!
No. 9189 ID: fab3a4
File 132365057974.jpg - (100.16KB , 2000x2000 , Inquisitor.jpg )
Might actually be dedicating genuine effort to this.
No. 9193 ID: fab3a4
File 132366356897.jpg - (110.47KB , 2000x2000 , Inquisitor.jpg )
No. 9196 ID: 0448b9
Wow, opening these two in different tabs and switching between the two shows a lot of more detail and the like. So much detail.
No. 9197 ID: cf6733
File 132368440211.jpg - (627.10KB , 1072x1072 , Inquisitor.jpg )
No. 9200 ID: 4d26b2
The colors look awww-right but the face is weirdly constructed; It's pretty hard to avoid making it look either flat or distorted.
No. 9216 ID: 0051d1
Uh yeah, faces are still kinda hard, although there are things I have far more trouble with. At the moment, I think my weakest point is drawing convincing noses.
No. 9218 ID: 0051d1
File 132374293842.jpg - (475.65KB , 1000x8593 , 1.jpg )
Process. Sorry about the quality, heh.
No. 9221 ID: ba3ef7
Try using different colors for light and shadow instead of lighter and darker values of the same one. This should give you a more natural, less plastic-looking render.
No. 9222 ID: 0051d1

Yarr, thank ye, me green hearty. I be rememberin' this fer next time.
No. 9239 ID: e1da29
the tricky part is to avoid making the new light source too harsh or the overall figure too transluscent.
No. 9270 ID: 06538b
File 132391423084.jpg - (77.37KB , 2000x2000 , Deathwatch.jpg )
Yeah I dunno. Painting black armour in daylight is weird, and I'm a fool to never reference anything.
No. 9274 ID: 06538b
File 132391973931.jpg - (77.27KB , 2000x2000 , Deathwatch.jpg )
No. 9278 ID: 06538b
File 132392676375.jpg - (78.19KB , 2000x2000 , Deathwatch.jpg )
I don't feel like I'm making a lot of progress between each update, even though I work on it for what feels like ages. I think this is gonna take a while.
No. 9284 ID: 784dcc
Background is more prominent/bright/eyecatching than normal, so the complete lack of refinement of it may be what's bugging you?
No. 9285 ID: 06538b

No. I haven't touched the background since the very beginning. It's unrefined state is merely the child of neglect in favour of the figure itself.

What really bugs me is that I am unable to be efficient with my painting. Which is to say, I work on it for ages, detailing everything, and don't know when or how to leave something 'loose' when I want to.
No. 9287 ID: 5e7afa

I've got the same problem with details and painting. You ALWAYS find something that pisses you off, triggers that need to improve on it and you realise you've been speding the past 3 hours detailing a guy's sclera or nostril.
No. 9295 ID: 06538b
File 132394694639.jpg - (160.79KB , 2000x2000 , Deathwatch.jpg )
Welp, I think this is gonna take at least another day to complete.
No. 9327 ID: 9c6e21
File 132400075070.jpg - (316.28KB , 1000x1000 , dragon.jpg )
No dragon, that isn't gold treasure!

No. 9328 ID: 5e7afa

D'aaaawwwww , cute!
No. 9349 ID: 9c6e21
File 132409143393.jpg - (154.78KB , 2000x2000 , Deathwatch.jpg )
Remember those days of blissful ignorance when I predicted an extra day to finish this?
No. 9350 ID: f20a73

Remember how much we love your art and we don't care how much it takes, because in the end its awesome and stuff?


Are you still using oil brushes?
No. 9351 ID: 9c6e21
File 132409509063.jpg - (37.92KB , 662x1000 , Untitled-1.jpg )
Thanks. No, I'm using photoshop, since I got a new pc, and haven't bothered to re-download painter.

I made these brushes myself and I have been using them on most recent things. I like them because the give me that almost 'oil painting' look, and seem to fit most roles effectively. Thought I'd share. Compatible with CS5. Dunno about older versions' compatibility.

No. 9352 ID: 9c6e21
File 132409985845.jpg - (142.88KB , 2000x2000 , Deathwatch.jpg )
A lot more progress on the background. I think I am getting a little better at using environmental perspective to illustrate depth of a landscape or something, but I have a long way to go yet.

Also, completely re-workan the bolt-pistol, partially because of my inability to properly illustrate red in such lighting conditions as these. I will practice it, but not on such a hefty work as this.
No. 9356 ID: 88322e

OH WOW. Thats why it felt so wierd. I was going to ask if you were setting the oils to blend and stuff, but Photoshop, imitating Corel? Thats brilliant. I might have to try it. Thanks
No. 9357 ID: b24dd6
there's the fudge/blend tool, that works decently only half the time

and the setting he used simply allow you to modulate the saturation with the pression. There is a setting (color dynamics) that allows you to shift between background/foreground color with the pression, too.

But nothing that actually allows you to blend color using only your usual brush.
No. 9358 ID: 88322e

Damn. Sounds like Overlord is working hard then. Why is that?
No. 9359 ID: b24dd6
working hard? I have no idea, it's just a brush setting. I'm eager to know what will come out of it.
No. 9360 ID: 88322e

I don't know, maybe he finds it easy, I feel its a bit hard to bend photoshop that way.
No. 9361 ID: 9c6e21
File 132413129370.jpg - (59.44KB , 1000x1000 , blend.jpg )
No, I just use an 80% opacity paintbrush for just about everything. I blend by picking colours and painting them all in manually. the reduced opacity means that the resulting stroke is a slight mixture of the colour of the brush and the colour upon which I am painting. I use this process to create a relatively well-blended, though textured finish.

It is, therefore, not so much like Photoshop imitating Corel, but rather my current technique that is more like traditional painting. Or at least as close to traditional painting as I am willing to get on this digital medium.


I am not a fan of the smudge blending method. It is, in most hands, incredibly obvious, and the effect, unlike some other methods, often looks absolutely hideous if not obfuscated effectively. So, while you are right in that the brush tool itself has no innate 'blender' function, its versatility means that it can fulfill a plethora of functions.


I dunno, just want something good to look at and be proud of. Good for morale.
No. 9362 ID: 88322e

Well you are doing an awesome job. And I envy your metallics.
No. 9363 ID: b24dd6
well, your technique is simply akin to a certain kind of traditional painting. I'm thinking watercolor, mostly, even if you can also do this with most materials. Most oil painting techniques, for example, would be far more similar to photoshop blending tools and settings. As for these, they're hard to master, but look perfectly natural once you've learnt how to use them. I know a guy (well, a trannie) who spent hours and hours and hours only using the blending tool, and it ends up paying off. But in the meantime, it'll look horrible.
No. 9364 ID: 9c6e21
Maybe it would work if you used it on a huge canvas, and then shrunk the final image down. Similar to how you might zoom an image out or step away from the work to get an overall perspective on it. The grotesque smudges could perhaps almost be shrunk into nonexistence, leaving the overall, blended effect to be enjoyed without them.
No. 9365 ID: b24dd6
i haven't been trying a lot of things with it, but remember that you can choose the brush you're using with the blending tool; selecting a realistic/textured brush might work nicely.
No. 9367 ID: 466200

Yeah, that might work actually. I might give it a go later on.
No. 9577 ID: 802dc8
File 132488483841.jpg - (289.41KB , 1000x979 , spacewolfTerminator.jpg )
No. 9653 ID: 71657e
File 132514959913.jpg - (127.23KB , 447x782 , Kursk.jpg )
No. 9661 ID: 199718
Are you ever on IRC?

Was pretty nice so I've got a kind of proposal for you...
No. 9666 ID: 3d1c2e
Babe, I'm always in IRC.

Does your proposal involve me getting money?
No. 9668 ID: 0448b9
That's it. I want to learn how to draw power suits too now.
No. 9670 ID: 54d1db

It's not powered, damn it! It's padded!
No. 9671 ID: 966ce7

Like the bomb squad guys? neato. I love those suits.
No. 9673 ID: 54d1db
File 132523152141.jpg - (245.81KB , 1000x1000 , rarghbglh.jpg )
Accurate self-portrait. Ladies, please. One at a time.


Yeah, a bit like that. But of course, it's only vestigial, and adheres to the standard armour rules for Black Company infantry (quest stuff).
No. 9674 ID: f5343f
No. 9679 ID: 54d1db
File 132525112848.jpg - (170.68KB , 500x1685 , fgsdfgsd.jpg )
<OEVRLORD> kids are gross
OEVRLORD> I think the best thing is to just ignore them
<OEVRLORD> even if they are addressing you directly
<OEVRLORD> just act like there's nothing
<Colour> Overlord that sounds so horrible!
<OEVRLORD> It's not!
<Kalt> yes, horribly ingenious
<Cockhole> Children aren't people.
No. 9683 ID: 54d1db
File 132526005579.jpg - (487.35KB , 900x1273 , IronWarrior.jpg )
No. 9684 ID: 0c2f5b
the square brush is interesting
No. 9705 ID: ff8425
File 132529475242.jpg - (116.43KB , 525x862 , EvilP.jpg )
Sergeant EvilPerson

Kind of a counterpart to >>9653
No. 9709 ID: ff8425
File 132530984389.jpg - (51.76KB , 1000x1000 , nids.jpg )
No. 9714 ID: ff8425
File 132531563821.jpg - (51.33KB , 1000x1000 , nids.jpg )
No. 9716 ID: 0448b9
Seeing your process is most interesting indeed, my lord.
No. 9717 ID: ff8425

You and me both, friend.
No. 9719 ID: 496845
Holy fuck, Over, this is astounding and badass. So basically business as usual
No. 9723 ID: 0c2f5b
I'd say it looks significantly better than usually.
No. 9726 ID: 745331
File 132532926463.jpg - (51.35KB , 1000x1000 , nids.jpg )

Wow, thanks gentlemen. I was kinda re-using the technique in >>9683 except with more refined details, and on a more manageable canvas.

Now that it's a lot more refined, I'm having a little trouble deciding in which direction to take it, or what to do, rather, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
No. 9728 ID: 745331
File 132534393381.jpg - (56.09KB , 1000x1000 , nids.jpg )
Last update on this for tonight. Flipped the planet around because I thought it fucked with the composition too much.
No. 9729 ID: 9f16b1
And again, thanks for the character art :)
You'll probably notice that I used it with appropriate stats in the BlackCompany thread. Credits were given where credits are due.
No. 9741 ID: 939089
File 132538158184.jpg - (58.74KB , 1000x1000 , nids.jpg )
I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I just hope it looks good in the end.
No. 9745 ID: 43512b
File 132541056673.jpg - (61.25KB , 1000x1000 , nids.jpg )
Almost there, I think.
No. 9752 ID: 43512b
File 132542521115.jpg - (441.81KB , 1015x1015 , nids.jpg )
No. 9753 ID: 3ebe3c
looks okay to me.
No. 9763 ID: a1b509
File 132548761055.jpg - (48.13KB , 1000x1000 , ffff.jpg )
No. 9764 ID: f0079f
File 132548956622.jpg - (294.12KB , 1000x1000 , arg.jpg )

No. 9765 ID: 8eea59
File 132550475298.jpg - (53.42KB , 1000x1000 , Overlord.jpg )
Deviantart ID 2012

Saved earlier than usual this time, so hopefully the development images will be more explanatory of my process.
No. 9770 ID: 17831a
File 132555086460.jpg - (59.29KB , 1000x1000 , Overlord.jpg )
No. 9772 ID: 4c63b7
File 132557214188.jpg - (76.51KB , 971x1000 , Overlord.jpg )
No. 9773 ID: 3abc60
File 132557834920.jpg - (79.83KB , 971x1000 , Overlord.jpg )
No. 9776 ID: fc215b

It is fucking amazing, but I can barely contain myself. Need. To. Joke.
No. 9777 ID: 3abc60
File 132558953148.jpg - (85.34KB , 971x1000 , Overlord.jpg )
Go ahead.
No. 9779 ID: fc215b

No. 9780 ID: ba418f
You, m'Lord, are an inspiration to us all. You paint all the time and everything.
No. 9792 ID: 6a3770
File 132564359454.jpg - (93.87KB , 971x1000 , Overlord.jpg )
Haha, well I can't say I didn't walk into that.

When you're like me and are on holidays from college, have no job, dead social connections, live too far from the city, and are constantly bathed in hatred over whatever thing you currently feel like being angry about, all you do is paint.
No. 9793 ID: 9081f0
File 132564469149.jpg - (67.69KB , 494x358 , EmperorPalpatine.jpg )

Yes, My child... They all mocked your educational choices. Your inability to obtain a job or maintain your social connections...

You will, in turn mock them, as you manage to turn your hatred into POWEERRR, UNNNLIIIIMIIIITEEED POWER ~ Drawing Power.
No. 9797 ID: 203659
File 132567409713.jpg - (451.44KB , 991x1020 , Overlord.jpg )

It's not that I've an 'inability' to maintain social connections, but rather that I am so impassive regarding such things that most of my friendships die if I am not regularly exposed to the people I befriend (by means of school or similar). With few exceptions, I just do not have any interest in these people and the resulting need to regularly contact them and maintain the relationships. I lack the drive to be social, and when I do anything, I usually can't wait to be back home again.

Finished. Inb4 'none shall pass' and 'chaos warrior.'
No. 9800 ID: c6d740
Interesting. I know a bunch of morons, and the only reason we're "friends" is because we regularly go to the same school.
No. 9803 ID: 9081f0

Apologies, was only trying to lift the spirits up.
No. 9808 ID: 698ec2
It's okay. I am not offended.
No. 9809 ID: 3ecfd0
I like those metal effects. All it lacks would be a good texture effect to make it look less fragile, but that'd be a bother.
No. 9832 ID: 303bf9
File 132574345158.jpg - (1.22MB , 2480x2357 , stuff.jpg )
Cheers broseph. Although I think you're right, I won't bother.

No. 9838 ID: 303bf9
File 132577881813.jpg - (143.28KB , 2480x3508 , varg.jpg )
No. 9839 ID: 303bf9
File 132577924486.jpg - (162.44KB , 2480x3508 , varg.jpg )
No. 9840 ID: b7328a

Woah, that's fucking amazing! TIME TO BREAK SOMEONE'S LEGS.
No. 9841 ID: 3ecfd0
Varg always looks like a swell guy.
No. 9843 ID: b7328a

I like the savage beard he's been sporting.
No. 9844 ID: 3ecfd0
And that badass shirt with green and pink stripes!
No. 9846 ID: 303bf9
File 132578148593.jpg - (58.90KB , 900x1090 , coolguy.jpg )

I am glad you think so.

Since I am in that portrait mood, I tried to draw the coolest guy around, before I go to bed. It's not easy but it's the closest I've come from memory. I find that the more I try and refine it, the less accurate it seems.

Varg seems too contrasty at the minute, so I took a break. Maybe when I wake up I will handle it. Most drawn portraits of Varg that I have seen are well, not flattering. I want to make it accurate as I can, but I am working from a reference that is of poor quality and small size.
No. 9847 ID: 98efb4
File 132578410983.jpg - (448.83KB , 876x1208 , quorth.jpg )
>>the coolest guy around
I think you're thinking of someone else
No. 9849 ID: 3ecfd0
File 132578626488.png - (22.21KB , 217x158 , AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png )



No. 9856 ID: 15f217

Fair call.
No. 9859 ID: 15f217
File 132581016837.jpg - (131.15KB , 2480x3508 , varg.jpg )
So far the hardest part has been trying to convey the mischief in his smile, and not making it look like he's just smiling warmly.
No. 9860 ID: 3ecfd0
he looks mischievous. Bu it seems that there's something wrong with the angle of the eyes.
No. 9861 ID: 2be5ee
the mischief is in the eyebrows and the crease at the ends of the smile. curve his eyebrows down in the center more and put little creases in his smile and you get very mischievous
No. 9862 ID: 15f217
File 132581170556.jpg - (130.35KB , 2480x3508 , varg.jpg )

I think the problem is less with the eyes and more with the way I had angled the head, early on.

I think I got it to seem a bit better.
No. 9863 ID: 15f217
Oh yeah: since I've been staring at it all morning, I want an outsider perspective. It actually looks like Varg, right? Like, you could randomly see that and go 'oh cool, it's Varg.'
No. 9864 ID: 3ecfd0
No. 9865 ID: 15f217
File 132581477251.jpg - (120.10KB , 2480x3508 , varg.jpg )
Thank Khorne. Ok, cool.

I am terrified of ruining the likeness through refinement, as well as accidentally making him seem older than he was at this time.
No. 9866 ID: b7328a
File 132581593761.png - (198.61KB , 500x375 , cutevarg.png )

Some tartlets might think its Kurt Cobain or something...

We know who he is...

( thanks for sharing , his songs are awesome , I admit I would have never found them without you guys )
No. 9867 ID: 15f217

Well hopefully after whatever I title the image, and whatever description I give it, the only people who mistake him for Kurt Cobain will also be the same people overdue for euthanasia.

Man, I need to take a break. Comparing the thumbnail of your image with my painting makes a lot of things stand out as wrong. Time for some lunch and some vidya, I reckon.
No. 9876 ID: 80ccd9
File 132585284810.jpg - (123.80KB , 2480x3508 , varg.jpg )
Slowly but surely
No. 9887 ID: 33eed1
File 132589548285.jpg - (130.06KB , 2480x3508 , varg.jpg )
Dat's Sum N-Gang Tharr.
No. 9888 ID: 570abf

Closer! Nice job on the whole view.
No. 9890 ID: 33eed1
File 132589600077.jpg - (85.50KB , 2000x1416 , JimrobotsORTHO.jpg )

Thanks. Been quite a challenge so far.

Picture for Earthworm Jim. Because fuck you, Sadpanda.
No. 9902 ID: 33eed1
File 132591529636.jpg - (413.99KB , 941x707 , Goves.jpg )
Playin' around.
No. 9904 ID: 04f50d
File 132593124299.jpg - (101.06KB , 2480x3508 , varg.jpg )
done. I'm gonna crop/frame it some, but I haven't done it yet, so that this one matches dimensionally with the progress shots.
No. 9906 ID: c788d9
No. 9907 ID: c478ef

Fucking love these.
No. 9917 ID: 7b87b8
File 132599450944.jpg - (181.09KB , 1000x1000 , EGG.jpg )
For Soq.
No. 9924 ID: 7b87b8
File 132600046570.jpg - (297.73KB , 1000x1000 , Ultrahelm.jpg )
No. 9933 ID: 1ad995

The mouthpiece to me, seems a tad bit big, but if the intent is to make it look ferocious and well, I think the word is, bony? or sharp and edged, then it works out fine, certainly a slight deviation from the normal MKVII
No. 9934 ID: 261a2f
File 132601726629.jpg - (59.35KB , 1000x1000 , tyranidporn.jpg )

Thanks. Pretty glad with how it resulted.

Also, ignore this if you want. If not, you can direct your blame to Bethesda Softworks.
No. 9935 ID: 1ad995

heh , I lol'd.
No. 9941 ID: 496845
Your mastery of shape is remarkable, and I mean that, Over. Everything fits together so well.
No. 9956 ID: 0db8d2
File 132611913556.jpg - (228.27KB , 900x900 , Magmashark.jpg )
Thanks, that's super nice of you, although I'd hardly call it a mastery myself.
No. 9957 ID: c3e0db
I think this is really cool and you should try messing around with more stuff similar to it. :3c
No. 9960 ID: 048064
File 132615243219.jpg - (90.32KB , 2000x1416 , JimrobotsORTHO.jpg )
It's ok, I guess.

Update on that thing for Jim.
No. 10000 ID: 7a3a6b
File 132629506984.jpg - (390.40KB , 1000x1000 , Education.jpg )
Reavz and Soq learn how to not get beat up at school.
No. 10001 ID: 729bc8

I lold
No. 10002 ID: fecb05
As did I. Also, dat get
No. 10015 ID: 0448b9
I cheered and set it as my wallpaper.
No. 10017 ID: 7d9534

Ooh, yes those are some fine quads. Thank you.
No. 10028 ID: 6c3da0
File 132634591830.jpg - (180.39KB , 2480x3508 , spess.jpg )
No. 10029 ID: 6c3da0
File 132634615866.jpg - (17.39KB , 1000x1000 , plane.jpg )
drew a plane because squeegy asked
No. 10030 ID: 6c3da0
File 132634714828.jpg - (48.98KB , 1000x1000 , aeroplane.jpg )
smart-arse attitude aside
No. 10031 ID: b0d1a8
Dem perspective lines
No. 10032 ID: 6c3da0

some of them are rather superfluous.
No. 10033 ID: 6c3da0
File 132634793158.jpg - (37.05KB , 1000x1000 , muzzools.jpg )
demonstratan for Rosque
No. 10035 ID: becb83
after a while of doodling it becomes like the lines just aren't there anymore. I actually don't use too much skeleton lines, just a circle for the head and the rest seems to just be imaginary.
heck, i read Matrix and saw Neo kick Morpheus ass
No. 10037 ID: 58e198
File 132636074832.jpg - (199.86KB , 2480x3508 , astartay.jpg )

I haven't fully developed a technique to call my own, and so I drift sometimes, but I feel that guidelines are useful most of the time.

WIPDATE Doing it differently this time. Might scrap these colours
No. 10039 ID: d8dd29

Gotta fucking love that MK8 Errant pattern.
No. 10051 ID: 73243d
File 132640911711.jpg - (120.59KB , 2000x2124 , JimrobotsORTHO.jpg )
No. 10052 ID: f489ec
File 132641257109.jpg - (177.81KB , 1000x1000 , missiletruck.jpg )
I suck at vehicles, but here's some practice.
No. 10053 ID: f489ec
File 132641394768.jpg - (28.12KB , 1000x1000 , woo.jpg )
am I ambidextrous yet?
No. 10059 ID: f489ec
File 132642682653.jpg - (239.50KB , 827x1169 , Patience.jpg )
No. 10063 ID: cfb58a

>my wife went sterile

No. 10064 ID: f489ec

You can blame Insomnia for making me do that. The sterile joke was her suggestion.
No. 10066 ID: cfb58a

I don't care, I burst out laughing in the office, everyone stared at me, huddled up and they all started laughing after they read it.

It's quite funny! Kudos to her.

Addendum : Be careful with that insomnia, I used to take double shifts and couldn't catch any rest between at all. I had to go to the doctor, for vitamins and shit.
No. 10068 ID: f489ec
Apparently the film cures insomnia, so I would go so far as to watch it.
No. 10070 ID: f489ec
File 132644925967.jpg - (34.00KB , 610x607 , doctor.jpg )
No. 10093 ID: 841075
File 132652571936.jpg - (466.64KB , 1000x1000 , purity.jpg )


No. 10094 ID: 98efb4
File 132652776469.jpg - (107.59KB , 625x725 , derp.jpg )
No. 10095 ID: 841075

Got a laugh outta me. I really should have more thoroughly considered the helmet decorations to avoid phallic interpretation, in retrospect.
No. 10098 ID: becb83
i'll tell you what, when you and green mingle stuff get hi-larious. honestly, fell outta my chair a couple times with the shenanigans you pull on each other
No. 10099 ID: 841075
File 132653661497.jpg - (97.01KB , 900x900 , howlovely.jpg )

Green is a pretty cool guy. Eh draws stuff and doesn't afraid of anything.

No. 10119 ID: 98efb4
File 132656983419.jpg - (55.28KB , 280x425 , Vargo-Vikernez.jpg )
No. 10120 ID: f1518a
File 132657452863.jpg - (38.01KB , 500x307 , 2172-1.jpg )
No. 10121 ID: 20c1c3
File 132657557351.jpg - (75.61KB , 550x403 , wut.jpg )
No. 10134 ID: f1518a
File 132661534762.jpg - (105.34KB , 1000x1000 , istersay-of-attlebay.jpg )
Greenmarine you poo.
No. 10137 ID: edaa0a

No. 10140 ID: f1518a

Arrghgtghrdty! You're right.
No. 10142 ID: edaa0a

heh, I'm surprised you didn't notice :o
No. 10144 ID: f1518a

Hm yes, I think it's my inability to draw such things with speed and sureness combined more than anything. Plus the angle makes it a bit harder.

I have acquired several more books relating to drawing anatomy, and hopefully greater ability will come with time. But until then, I may only study and practice.
No. 10145 ID: edaa0a

Errors are pretty minor, considering your amazing speed!

The only thing I can point out beside the things I've mentioned earlier is her neck, maybe it's a bit too long?

But hey, You are awesome , Ruby Tart.
No. 10146 ID: becb83
>But until then, I may only study and practice.
YOU FOOL, practice is for the WEAK!!! with your power you'll have this down in no time, see that? you're already better at anatomy already!
No. 10147 ID: f1518a
File 132662653803.jpg - (75.92KB , 500x500 , 1278709638135.jpg )
No. 10148 ID: f1518a
File 132663453987.jpg - (116.78KB , 818x1157 , Cultist.jpg )
Seems to be all the rage these days to make 40k characters. I was finally inspired to do it.

Hasn't got a name yet, but he's a stormtrooper turned chaos worshiper. Doesn't use guns. Just explosives and swords. Thanks to an imperial flamer His whole head is burned to pieces, his lungs and throat are irreversibly damaged, and so he cannot talk, but only growl and scream.

His armour is basic imperial stuff, but he has changed it a lot over time, with additions both foraged and crafted by him. The mask is a Khornate gift, and serves no purpose other than to hide his hideous visage.

Still a WIP, of course.
No. 10149 ID: edaa0a

I know, right?!

Cool concept!
No. 10153 ID: 011ced
needs a spike crest
No. 10154 ID: 38a5db
File 132664304901.jpg - (121.79KB , 818x1157 , Cultist.jpg )

Oh golly, I love spike crests! I dunno if this is exactly as you had in mind, but I think it adds so much more.
No. 10155 ID: 011ced
it looks just fine
it looks a bit like a halo this way, but a 90° tilt would make it look ambiguously punk, while still retaining the roman crest aspect

your choice
No. 10157 ID: edaa0a

Yes, Mohawk!
No. 10166 ID: e15d0f
File 132667140661.jpg - (121.58KB , 818x1157 , Cultist.jpg )

That sounded pretty rad, so I thought about it for a while, and made some sketches to show myself how it might looks, but in the end I left it. I like the 'horizontal' crests, and it seems resonant of the classic helmet crests of the archetypal berserkers.
No. 10168 ID: 011ced
I love the faceplate. The eyeslits especially. Somehow more classy than the usual mean-looking frowning skull masks.
No. 10177 ID: e15d0f

Thanks, I thought so as well. With the mask, I kinda had the idea from the corpses of frozen arctic explorers, of which the skin is drawn tight over their faces, revealing the teeth and shape of the skull. I then just made it seem more stylised.
No. 10187 ID: 343b50
File 132668966948.jpg - (622.02KB , 1000x1487 , Cultist.jpg )
No. 10201 ID: 6c5c47
I was thinking mummified corpses, not too far.

as good as it can get using this specific technique I think; try new ones for the fun of it.
No. 10203 ID: 34b7ba

Didn't get the chance to say this is some awesome work you've got here.
No. 10220 ID: e572b9
Thanks. I think I could have potentially refined it some. I was working on a very large canvas after all.

Much appreciated.
No. 10221 ID: e572b9
File 132680316881.jpg - (194.71KB , 888x1491 , Clone.jpg )
Oh yeah - finally got around to scanning some of the sketches I did over that atrocious Christmas period.

For this one, I used some toy as a reference. Took the liberty of not including the joins of the actual model.
No. 10222 ID: e572b9
File 132680335425.jpg - (158.57KB , 900x983 , mag.jpg )
I was influenced by Rottel's pencil technique for the next three. Straight, and simple lines and shapes. Kinda like how I handled the shading process.
No. 10223 ID: e572b9
File 132680338546.jpg - (252.32KB , 900x1548 , bottle.jpg )
Yep that's a bottle.
No. 10224 ID: e572b9
File 132680356875.jpg - (279.81KB , 900x1480 , knight.jpg )
Sorry dude you missed the battle.
No. 10225 ID: e572b9
File 132680362513.jpg - (202.22KB , 900x942 , elmethay.jpg )
Ugly shit.
No. 10226 ID: 07083f
Very nice!

I like the navy girl and masked soldier the best.

He reminds me of HUNK from resident evil.
No. 10228 ID: 6c5c47
that works surprisingly well.
No. 10230 ID: 12ec18
Oh man, these have a totally different feel from your painted works, but I love both (pencil and painted).
No. 10259 ID: 4a3b07
File 132692633359.jpg - (122.29KB , 1000x1415 , 0h37m.jpg )
what it says on the box
No. 10260 ID: 6c5c47

did you start with a grey basis or is it all shading?
No. 10261 ID: def540

My eyesight is fucked up , but I don't see any lineart.

I'd say its purely done out of shading.

Awesome stuff Overlord! 37 minutes even!
No. 10262 ID: 4a3b07

I started on a 50% grey canvas, and then built up masses and whatnot. I didn't develop the highlights enough to a brighter level, I think as well.

Thanks Emps, glad you like it.
No. 10263 ID: 4a3b07
Oh yeah: now I'm gonna set aside my distrust for special textured brushes for a little while, and do some more experiments.
No. 10264 ID: 6c5c47
good; hopefully it will allow you to create sharper shapes, smoother blends and more diversified matters.
No. 10266 ID: def540

can't wait to see what you can come up with !
No. 10283 ID: 95ac65
File 132701969060.jpg - (149.31KB , 1000x1000 , devastator_Small.jpg )
Here's the result. Iunno, maybe 90 minutes.

Erroneous heavy boltgun aside, I was wrong to discredit the legitimacy of this technique. It is hard to use the brushes properly, and to not overdo it, while at the same time not going to far as to define everything yourself.
No. 10284 ID: c61119
First open this :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q-gHrEaEAs

This is my face when 90minutes.

Teach me Lilac Calling Flyer!
No. 10285 ID: 84b6a5
well I dunno, I just started on a 50% grey background as always, and then added the elements in a coarse manner, refining them with time, leaving less important elements relatively untouched.
No. 10286 ID: 84b6a5
also, course enrollments are beginning again, and I don't know what I want to do.

See, last semester they let me join the graphic design class halfway through, which is inconvenient, to say the least. It means I spent a lot of time doing the work, including the major assessments, to still miss out on all the 1st semester work, and thus miss out on the qualification. To get it, I will have to re-enroll this year, and the course has changed, because apparently this place doesn't know what 'consistency' is. The new course has all different units, and I would have to try and be marked competent on as many of the new units as possible with the work I completed for the old course.

Furthermore, I don't want to be in a class with such modern faggots anymore. The thing is that it's an easy course with few, short days.

On the other hand, I could go back to I.T. and risk failing it again, and face the potential shame that would result.

I also had a look at an art course, which I could not only enjoy, but also succeed at. The problem lies with the fact that it's probably not going to get me a stable job. I really want to just join the fucking army, but there have been so many things that have prevented me from doing so, and I hadn't even got to the part where they actually evaluate my aptitude for army work.

So yeah, real life shit starting again. Anybody else's ideas on the matter would be a nice thing to read, and might give some insight other than my own, frustrated insight.
No. 10295 ID: 5d9a7c
that looks cool as fuck
No. 10296 ID: 36a1f1

>re-enroll this year, and the course has changed, because apparently this place doesn't know what 'consistency' is. The new course has all different units, and I would have to try and be marked competent on as many of the new units as possible with the work I completed for the old course.

It is still design class, right? I mean, the courses and shit they teach can't radically change...

Re-enrolling for said course, would take as much time as signing up for that easy art class right?
No. 10300 ID: 58025b

This happened with the I.T. course as well. Two years in a row, in fact. The course one of my friends did was different than the one I failed, and that was different again from the next course.

Still, it would seem a shame to abandon the work I did from graphics, just because I don't want to do it for a job.

No. 10301 ID: 4fa8ce
>>class with such modern faggots
Welcome to art school?
No. 10302 ID: 57db24

No. 10303 ID: 032e5e
File 132710356476.jpg - (50.87KB , 2000x2000 , dwertyujk.jpg )

Yeah I know. In fact, if I went into a full art subject I'm sure the current talk of vegetarianism and zodiac nonsense would be relatively minor by comparison.

Also, this. Still a WIP. Man, I love my chain brush.
No. 10305 ID: 0448b9
Oh wow, I'm didn't even know people could even use those kinds of brushes that responsibly!
No. 10318 ID: 6429b8
File 132712464586.jpg - (1.38MB , 2000x2000 , dprince.jpg )

No. 10325 ID: 5d9a7c
tiny legs are tiny; sweet oterwise
No. 10326 ID: 6429b8

Damn. I thought so as well. It seems to happen often when I don't sketch beforehand, but rather block in solid shapes, as I did here.
No. 10333 ID: 6429b8
File 132715438895.jpg - (118.02KB , 687x601 , mean.jpg )
True story. She then flew straight back to the USA, having spat upon me disapprovingly. Babies are horrible.
No. 10336 ID: 090d49

No. 10337 ID: 6429b8

No. 10338 ID: 090d49

why is a furry racoon lady thing, spitting on baby overlord?
No. 10339 ID: 6429b8
Panda lizard. Because she won't shake his hand.
No. 10340 ID: 090d49


Do you like Zhweihanders?

What about Flails?
No. 10342 ID: 6429b8

Som is valuable ally, no flails or Zweihanders will be needed.
No. 10343 ID: 7d0453
File 132716063282.png - (16.26KB , 291x300 , Rage1-291x300.png )
No. 10344 ID: 6429b8
File 132716497738.jpg - (60.04KB , 554x527 , 1310710512818.jpg )

There there.
No. 10387 ID: 715e23
File 132722707550.jpg - (68.80KB , 1415x1000 , landscape1.jpg )
Okay, so for the first time in history, Photoshop, the veritable Judas in my software apostleship, betrayed me. It crashed with about 90 minutes of work, because I trusted it enough to have let my guard down, regarding the regular saving of work. I'll remember that, Photosuck!

Ok, so here is my attempts at recreating the project I lost. I like it nowhere near as much. Still a WIP, of course.
No. 10391 ID: 1f3563

>Photoshop, the veritable Judas in my software apostleship, betrayed me. It crashed

No. 10393 ID: 715e23
File 132724458553.jpg - (100.30KB , 1415x1000 , landscape1.jpg )
I assure you, that I am saving enough this time.

Here is an update.
No. 10394 ID: 1f3563

aww, I was expecting plague-fields
No. 10395 ID: 715e23
File 132724740018.jpg - (131.29KB , 1415x1000 , landscape1.jpg )
Nope. Wanted to go something less, uh, 'expected.' I always had the idea of a bright pink thistle, to draw the eye from all the gloom. Needs work, and I still haven't done the skulls yet.
No. 10396 ID: 1f3563

Oh, well that sounds pretty nice as well. Looking forward to the finished product.
No. 10414 ID: c68cba
File 132730085457.jpg - (107.02KB , 1415x1000 , landscape1.jpg )
Arr! Grarse, moy won trew foew!
No. 10423 ID: c68cba
File 132731153949.jpg - (120.13KB , 1415x1000 , landscape1.jpg )
Forgot that I had it flipped. Maybe it is not bleak and depressing enough.
No. 10424 ID: c68cba
File 132731219555.jpg - (228.65KB , 1415x1000 , landscape1.jpg )
something is wrong
No. 10430 ID: 5e281e
Yes, the lines are humping each other.
No. 10431 ID: 1f3563

you might be overthinking it.
No. 10437 ID: 76b6a3
I find it quite cheering! It reminds me of my childhood.

You could lower the guy on the left and shorten the one on the right?
No. 10462 ID: 79950a
File 132736863972.jpg - (578.87KB , 1415x1000 , landscape1.jpg )
No. 10470 ID: b5a463

More rainbows.
No. 10472 ID: 0a1dbb
more double rainbows
No. 10473 ID: 63d5d5
File 132741077561.png - (206.71KB , 1000x1000 , kawaii.png )
S-stupid Tgchan.
No. 10475 ID: b5a463

I'll cure you of this insanity.

Time to grimdark the fuck out of you.
No. 10503 ID: 0a1dbb
File 132748902142.png - (20.37KB , 729x519 , OVERLORDFANART.png )
here, i made you a thing. Now stop being weaboo and start with the awesome
No. 10504 ID: d451f5
Haha, this is pretty cool. Thanks Bamump.
No. 10505 ID: 69d820
This looks stunning, oh man.
No. 10507 ID: d451f5
Thanks Flynx, glad you like it!
No. 10508 ID: d451f5
File 132750526310.jpg - (392.40KB , 2000x2000 , cybpunk.jpg )
Oh my god all I can think of right now is this shit. Fucking christ's tits I love cyberpunk so much, and at the same time my obsession is a painful one BECAUSE I CAN'T LIVE IN THE FUTURE AND HAVE ROBOT ARMS. It's fucking haunting me, okay. IT'S FUCKING HAUNTING ME.

Seriously, I am fucking obsessed to hell and back. I want to be rid of the mental pain, but the whole thing like a black hole and demands more. On the other hand, I feel so fucking inspired you cannot believe, it's amazing.

Emps, what did you call it? Deus Ex Syndrome?
No. 10509 ID: 5d9a7c
Deuce sex is so 2011.
No. 10510 ID: 5d9a7c
>dat face

goddammit it looks so smooth and so real!
No. 10511 ID: d451f5
It's the god damn square brush, man. It works for me. All the other brushes are bitches.

Glad you like it so far, but I'm probably going to fuck it up somewhere.
No. 10512 ID: ce939f




I like it.

It creeps me out.

Yeah, Deus Ex syndrome.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdHLJ92aSto
No. 10517 ID: 0737ad
File 132753209782.jpg - (229.78KB , 2000x2000 , cybpunk.jpg )
beep boop
No. 10524 ID: 0737ad
File 132754245695.jpg - (282.94KB , 1000x1461 , cybpunk.jpg )
No. 10532 ID: 0737ad
File 132756549811.jpg - (144.28KB , 2000x2000 , cop.jpg )
No. 10534 ID: 0737ad
File 132756671161.jpg - (156.72KB , 2000x2000 , cop.jpg )
bonus. Reaver, I know you realise this already, but you are a brilliant man.
No. 10537 ID: a272b2

Smudge smudge smudge.
No. 10539 ID: 0737ad

I take it you noticed my masterful photomanipulation, then.
No. 10540 ID: a272b2

Deserves a frontpage.
No. 10541 ID: a272b2
File 132758963012.jpg - (855.69KB , 1000x947 , OVERLORD.jpg )

No. 10542 ID: 0737ad
Oh sweet, thanks! Fucking great piece, and a fine tribute to Mr-jack's 'breather.' Actually a huge inspiration to my own work.
No. 10543 ID: a272b2

I love Mr-jack's work, but I felt Breather was too intricately detailed for my tastes, and that spiky mace was just, lol.

Thanks for all the tutorials kind of thing <3
No. 10544 ID: 834a36
That looks significantly less good than your other recent pieces. The proportions, and the crudeness of the lighting, mostly.
No. 10545 ID: a272b2

It's an overpaint. It only took me 1 hour or so.
No. 10547 ID: 834a36
Wait, it's yours?

Damn, I didn't read the name field, thought it was Overlord's.
No. 10548 ID: a272b2

I'll work in proper shines, shades, smooth metal platings and everything else once I catch a break from work. Don't worry.
No. 10549 ID: 834a36
Okay, fine; I'm not that sure about smooth metallic effects, it tends to make things look more like plastic than like metal, adding a bit of roughness can help.

But again it depends, I just think it would be appropriate on a barbarian dude.
No. 10551 ID: a272b2

Yeah, but, the snowy environment will still have a major impact.
No. 10561 ID: 0b5e64
File 132765608386.jpg - (232.84KB , 799x1000 , castle.jpg )
One of Rottel's characters. Something pisses me off about the coat.
No. 10562 ID: 0a1dbb
oh god, those lips
No. 10563 ID: 0b5e64
Elaborate, if you please.
No. 10565 ID: 0a1dbb
you.. uh... should have put less detail into the folds on the upper lip, naturally its only one cave under the nose... but it looks like a tiger got to him
No. 10566 ID: 0b5e64

No. 10567 ID: 0a1dbb
oh, i see... still kinda looks funny, maybe cus i have no artistic tallent
No. 10568 ID: 0b5e64

Niether do I.
No. 10569 ID: 0a1dbb
File 132765927848.png - (14.69KB , 506x387 , nasty.png )

well then, like totally, maaaaaan
No. 10570 ID: 1854db
The lip looks appropriate for an old lady.

The coat... I see a few areas for improvement. The shoulder on the left has less of a slope than the one on the right. Her head seems a bit big for her, too. I'm unsure if the collar is perfectly symmetrical... or if the midriff goes down the center of her chest properly.
No. 10578 ID: 4fa8ce
The skin color looks really natural and i could tell it's a woman by looking at her eyes, but i think the face is oddly constructed to the point where she doesn't really look old.
No. 10587 ID: 9c7c3b
Hey Overlord, do you take requests? Because I've got one that I think only you can do justice.
No. 10588 ID: 643f90
File 132772598994.gif - (54.18KB , 320x240 , 1265695608559.gif )

I take commissions. Otherwise, consider me highly unreliable for things I don't get paid for. If I accept it at all.

Why? What is it?
No. 10589 ID: 9c7c3b
It's a group picture of pretty much a bunch of weird-looking people.

8 people, sitting at a teppan grill table. From left to right: A white man with a thick pad of hair directly on top of his head, a white woman wearing all black, pale as the moon, with natty black hair, an obese woman, roughly 4 foot tall, with black hair and heavy makeup (mascara, blush, eyeliner, the works), A man who looks like "Larry the Cable Guy", a teenager with a striking resemblance to Ellis from L4D2, a bald man in a black shirt who is looking intently into his bowl of rice, a large 6'5 bald black man wearing very thick rimmed glasses, and finally a short Chinese woman who is going bald except for a few long strands of black hair coming directly from the top of her head.

It's cool if you don't want to, though. I'm not dead-set on seeing this done. If you're up for it, though, I've got some reference pictures you can use, but they're not very high quality. It'd take me a bit to get them off the camera.

It, uh, was an interesting night at my local sushi bar.
No. 10590 ID: 643f90

I don't feel like doing that. Not exciting enough for the effort. Apologies.
No. 10591 ID: 9c7c3b
It's cool, thanks anyway!
No. 10611 ID: 470430
File 132789303444.jpg - (33.62KB , 707x1000 , sorcerer.jpg )
Call me crazy, but I think the stabilising jets on a chaos space marine backpack are in a better place than on the newer, loyalist models. Functionality-wise, I mean. Being so close to the backpack makes me think that they would be less effective. Though I guess being further out makes them more susceptible to being damaged.
No. 10613 ID: 58210f
File 132791128449.jpg - (17.45KB , 707x1000 , sorcerer.jpg )
No. 10616 ID: 90a923
They were funnier when they looked like giant dildoes.
No. 10623 ID: 120dc7

Are these the really ancient ones that look more organic, or is this the ~1996 model, that the current model is the successor of?

Because honestly, they are all quite phallic.
No. 10625 ID: fdaf26
File 132797156160.gif - (1.72MB , 200x151 , 1263359565135.gif )
>>dat trip
No. 10626 ID: 120dc7
File 132797195231.jpg - (19.98KB , 230x280 , 230px-Robliefeldpic.jpg )

Oh, it's just the moniker I used while running my quest, 'BLOODQUEST.' I have no longer any need to use it, as the quest concluded around 25 minutes ago.
No. 10632 ID: 120dc7
File 132798574975.jpg - (207.04KB , 1000x1000 , robutts.jpg )
sketch sort of
No. 10638 ID: 0a1dbb
i like it... but to me the gun hand's barrel is sorta lemon shaped, maybe make it more circular at the end... but that's me and my shapy non artiness.
No. 10640 ID: 120dc7
It's a rocket pod.
No. 10641 ID: 0a1dbb
for like little hornet missiles? guess that's alright, but just my opinion on shape though

i'm a nut on making hand weapons ridiculously large and preportioned equally
No. 10644 ID: 73f44f

Reminds me of warmachine!

It looks nice.
No. 10653 ID: 0c7f54
File 132805497521.jpg - (56.12KB , 907x1000 , cyborg.jpg )
More cyborponk stuff.
No. 10656 ID: 0c7f54
File 132806080757.jpg - (66.03KB , 907x1000 , cyborg.jpg )
No. 10658 ID: 0c7f54
File 132806335747.jpg - (246.63KB , 848x1000 , fat.jpg )
I find that morbidly obese men looking perverted is a fantastic way to practice skin tones. Don't you agree?
No. 10659 ID: d75222
That's not an obese man, that's a man with a melting neck.
No. 10660 ID: 775487

No. 10662 ID: 0c7f54
File 132807244609.jpg - (47.28KB , 707x1000 , coppa.jpg )
Obligatory oppressive police force.
No. 10667 ID: 0c7f54
File 132809240444.jpg - (48.08KB , 707x1000 , coppa.jpg )
No. 10668 ID: 1854db
Are you sure the shading on the torso agrees with the helmet and collar?
No. 10689 ID: bf0b9d
File 132819587552.jpg - (126.66KB , 790x1053 , 625676_20110411_790screen013.jpg )

No. 10734 ID: 291f19
File 132850195758.jpg - (204.46KB , 900x1286 , husk.jpg )
I won't be around too much in the future. Busy times ahead.
No. 10803 ID: cfc802
File 132877531309.gif - (50.49KB , 1000x2000 , christfags.gif )
this happened today while I was trying to read a book

unrelated: I don't get genuinely nervous about a lot, but I worry that my mathematical skill isn't up to what I need it to be.
No. 10805 ID: 9da1a3
I really have to try this brush
No. 10806 ID: 243916

"Would you be interested in partaking in our daily raffle?"

Oh? What's it about?

"Saving your soul from damnation, of course!"

Gee, you people are direct about it.

"We wouldn't be scientolo-"

No. 10841 ID: d2f0c9
File 132885707418.jpg - (322.42KB , 2480x3508 , blax.jpg )
I think most people around here know by now that I am not a big fan of anime. In fact, I find a lot of it damned awful. This one isn't so bad, I guess. If an anime cartoon features magic, swords, schoolchildren, I will probably find it uninteresting or even repulsive.

Techno, this is an easy brush to make yourself, if you know how to do this kind of thing in PS, but I got it from here: http://mr--jack.deviantart.com/gallery/9678590?offset=24#/d1yc98d

The day someone knocks on my door preaching Scientology is the same day I will kill someone with a rock, and attempt to cook with human meat.
No. 10842 ID: d2f0c9
File 132886358026.jpg - (97.06KB , 1000x1000 , green.jpg )
Greenmarine more like Beanmarine.
No. 10845 ID: d12795
funny story, these guys came to my jawb and not only bought meat- but also tried giving me one of those crazy follow faith slips. I pelted him with a few slices of turky, best damn use of turkey that was ever sliced.
No. 10850 ID: d2f0c9

No, you're doing it wrong again. Put the raw turkey in your mouth and chew it. This shows them that you are a badass who is not afraid of such trivial things like 'salmonella poisoning,' and then proceed to spit it at them. Try to get as much saliva in there as you can. They love it.
No. 10853 ID: feab56
>Black Lagoon
Damn nigga, that show was awesome. Balalika is my waif-, my grandmother!
No. 10856 ID: d12795
I'll keep this in mind for when they come to my house.
No. 10880 ID: ef1bab
File 132896562885.jpg - (40.35KB , 1000x1000 , vomit.jpg )
I am trying to use painter, but I can only create little shitnuggets like this in it.
No. 10881 ID: ee813a

Wot seems to be da problum, boss?!
No. 10882 ID: ef1bab
File 132896900218.jpg - (197.31KB , 753x724 , bombtard.jpg )
Ok, I messed with tablet settings, and then all of a sudden, Painter became a lot more cooperative.
No. 11028 ID: 42dc93
File 132938665848.gif - (40.52KB , 1000x2000 , lmao.gif )
Today I learned that there is yet another person on this earth to whom I am superior.
No. 11032 ID: 0be00c
Sir, you are sin.
No. 11036 ID: dda60b
Kids these days. Few things compare to having a new vidya in your greasy grasp. Also get a game where i can wreck your shit.
No. 11042 ID: e087cd
What is the joke supposed to be?
No. 11044 ID: 34fcc7

Think it's Overlord trying to contain his spastic laughter upon witnessing the horrible visage of a Dimmu Borgir fan?
No. 11045 ID: e087cd
File 132941787940.jpg - (33.64KB , 500x313 , haters gonna hate.jpg )
It's not like metalheads are a very handsome lot. As for DB, haters gonna hate, they did really great stuff even since they got whored out by Nuclear Blast.
No. 11046 ID: 34fcc7

I don't hate DB, but not a fan either, I like The Sacrilegious Scorn for example.

Overlord should clarify it for us anyway.
No. 11054 ID: 556694
File 132945011454.jpg - (12.55KB , 320x240 , tumblr_ljczuobKwu1qdhty4o1_400.jpg )
Yes, I am making fun of him for publicly displaying his affinity for Dimmu Borgir. Dimmu Borgir, to me, produce a brand of music that doesn't fit with my highly objective, and important opinion about what actual black metal is. They sound like modern Samael does. Actually, I didn't mind some of Abrahadabra, and I thought their æsthetic for it was cool, but that is not relevant.

Of course, it's dumb to dislike someone based on their music tastes, and especially if they are technically in the same realm as my own. But he looked like a fool anyway, so I regret nothing.


No, I am a super-rad fellow, with aspirant fans akin to that which might be had by a high-profile basketball player.


Son, you best be having Steam. I do not usually buy real games anymore, because steam is easier and cheaper, and I don't have that shit lying around all over the place.
No. 11057 ID: ab8cb3
File 132946267204.jpg - (42.59KB , 2000x2000 , pram.jpg )
One day this will be real.
No. 11059 ID: 0ca886

Heste Kuk. God damn this gave me a chuckle.
No. 11062 ID: 84fb91
File 132947210532.gif - (35.43KB , 1000x1000 , bmeducashon.gif )

Here is a simple breakdown of my pretentious and clearly objective verdict regarding this matter.

As you can see, the person whom I saw whilst leaving the videogame store, fell into the second category.

This is a scientific evaluation of the two kinds of 'black metal representing' people. Actually I am an expert on the matter. The only reason I am not referred to as 'Doctor' or 'Professor' is because there is no university degree for judging other people based on their personal tastes. Of course, judges can judge with a law degree, but most judges are no good at judging the things I want them to judge. I want them to judge that it's ok for them to give me fifty bucks to blow on potato chips and beer. That's something they're no good at. I'd like a judge to actually come up to me with money and give it to me, with no expectation that I spend it on something thoughtful or worthwhile. No judge has given me money, can you believe that?

This brings me to the obvious conclusion that the Australian judiciary is run by Jews, and that they are abusing their powers over the law, to keep money to themselves, thereby preventing people like me from wasting money on pints of beer after school. This is a worrying situation that can only culminate in the legally-sanctioned withholding of all Australian money by Jewish hands, thus leaving the Australian people in poverty. In order to bring financial stability back to Australian citizens, all of the Jews must be exterminated, so that this disaster cannot come into fruition.
No. 11063 ID: 0ca886

>all of the Jews must be exterminated

No. 11064 ID: e1c29b
File 132948295786.jpg - (38.34KB , 1503x1195 , pram.jpg )
No. 11065 ID: 0ca886

The rape train, it has no breaks!

Curious about this, how fast would it actually go?
No. 11066 ID: e1c29b
File 132948495635.jpg - (217.37KB , 1600x1630 , Emily Dolls PP381 Play Pram resized and cropped.jpg )

It's a pram, god damn it! Why does everyone think it's a train?! It doesn't even have the right wheels for a train. A fully-enclosed, armoured, all-terrain pram with a plow. It also comes with bats, so that when you open the casket, they fly out. Although if you want to use the same bats again, you will have to catch them.

The rocket engine allows it to travel at, I'd hope, something around 6KM/s.
No. 11067 ID: e1c29b
File 132948596774.jpg - (369.35KB , 1286x988 , pram.jpg )
No. 11069 ID: c71597
Wouldn't that be enough to achieve escape velocity and go out into space? How space worthy is it?
No. 11070 ID: 0ca886
File 132948999479.jpg - (475.14KB , 800x600 , rapetrain spikes.jpg )

It's a joke, meme thing, for when something looks so terrifyingly awesome, it is called a RAPE TRAIN

For it has no breaks and it will rape everything in it's path...

sorry ._.
No. 11079 ID: d6750c
File 132952994946.jpg - (490.59KB , 900x1285 , firew.jpg )
iirc, Earth's escape velocity is something like twice that speed. It doesn't have enough fuel to get that far anyway, and it is set to explode when it runs out.

Maybe someone should put brakes on it, jeez.

also here is some commie fag
No. 11081 ID: edaa0a

wow, a Tau that doesn't look retarded for once.

No. 11082 ID: e087cd
very good choice of color!
No. 11083 ID: ed57e8
he looks like he seen some shit.
No. 11090 ID: 4bc78a
File 132957925386.jpg - (322.81KB , 1000x1000 , sorcere.jpg )
Arr I am really tired
No. 11092 ID: f3d7fa

No. 11173 ID: 8d31d6
File 132985805078.jpg - (219.89KB , 600x800 , broverlord.jpg )
Dear Overlord, would you fancy drawing some more Thousand Sons in the future?

I found this on my old HDD , and I remembered how much I loved it.
No. 11219 ID: 3763c2
I have tried several times to produce new thousand sons artwork, but nothing that truly inspires me has come to mind. They are my favourite legion, so if I cannot make a good job of it, I won't do it. I will do it eventually, though, yes.
No. 11224 ID: 66d64f

>my favorite legion

All I ever wanted...

But hey, Ever tried drawing Ahriman? I did too. but I failed misserably.
No. 11225 ID: 5f601c
The thing about Ahriman, I think, is that he's supposed to look more oriental than the other guys of the legion, and that using supple lines, curves ample shapes would be more appropriate than trying to make him look very solid and 3-dimensional and geometrical like you usually do. He's got all these flowing robes and bits of fabric, and horns and pointy bits poking out everywhere. At this point, it's more about the composition of a flat picture than about rendering shapes.
No. 11281 ID: 598206
I agree with this. For me, it would require a greater understanding of how to properly combine 2d and 3d forms. Right now, I do not trust myself to do him justice.
No. 11282 ID: 002dff

Well, I believe you did a fine job on that Thousand son up there, and I would love to see a full body one!
No. 11405 ID: 0fd59b
File 133072614380.jpg - (398.67KB , 1000x1460 , wonkyspess.jpg )
Been super occupied with school, but I have been practicing left-handedness in my class breaks. I cannot tolerate the idea that I should have two hands, over both of which I do not have full control. I don't know why it has taken me so long for this idea to sink in.

Okay, so here is a wobbly space marine drawn left-handed, before class the other day.
No. 11407 ID: 74e461

Thats cool and all, Hey... Overlord.. Scripty needs your help.

He sent over some miniatures to some random guy in australia for painting, and he was wondering if you would be willing to bust a door down and recover them if shit hits the fan.
No. 11410 ID: 0fd59b

Who's Scripty? Is the painter guy located on the main landmass of Australia? Because if he is, it's going to be a problem (I was never a particularly amazing swimmer). Also, will the use of lethal force be authorised? You can't just kick down a door and then ask politely.
No. 11411 ID: 74e461
File 133073473561.jpg - (71.48KB , 720x551 , 163867_190765440938294_172179092796929_789524_2468.jpg )

The Fabricator General!

Gimme your Steam and I'll give you his MSN, I don't have the details on the matter, but he was asking me if I know any Australian friend...
No. 11412 ID: 0fd59b
I don't have MSN, and I doubt that it's feasible for me to do anything, should this fellow require my aid.

but here is my steam anyway:
No. 11418 ID: 0fd59b
File 133075792965.gif - (48.40KB , 900x3240 , anotherdumbcomic.gif )
Larro got it all wrong.
No. 11425 ID: 5d6e45

haha Tea!
No. 11572 ID: 4cdc03
File 133129195668.jpg - (158.40KB , 900x4500 , inanity.jpg )
Foxtits is now my waifu. This is officially-sanctioned and is not up for debate.

Also, reel busy. Hence inactivity.
No. 11584 ID: 0006f5
No. 11609 ID: b1f5fb

No. 11624 ID: eb4453
File 133136637049.jpg - (38.93KB , 573x1000 , clone.jpg )
Quick colouring of a sketch I posted somewhere earlier in the thread.

I dunno if I care enough to take it further than this.
No. 11631 ID: f7a311
It looks very elegant as it is. It would work quite well in a comics; the mixture of smooth coloring and sketchy shading, especially.
No. 11663 ID: 0524bd
File 133152857268.png - (25.29KB , 560x718 , specimen.png )
No. 11664 ID: 0524bd
File 133153013430.jpg - (247.86KB , 1000x1000 , overlord-of-chaos.jpg )
overlord 40000
No. 11665 ID: 0524bd
File 133153124398.jpg - (275.64KB , 1000x1000 , overlord-of-chaos.jpg )
No. 11666 ID: 0524bd
File 133153472791.jpg - (52.41KB , 1000x1000 , overlord-of-chaos.jpg )
No. 11667 ID: 0524bd
File 133153912955.jpg - (54.79KB , 1000x1000 , overlord-of-chaos.jpg )
No. 11671 ID: 0524bd
File 133154842404.jpg - (55.07KB , 1000x1000 , overlord-of-chaos.jpg )
No. 11677 ID: 06985a
File 133156602435.jpg - (17.14KB , 340x223 , 13006691611138.jpg )
No. 11684 ID: 7664b8
now i feel like modeling one of my chaos marines after you... that is one cool pic you got thar
No. 11688 ID: 2f2a08
Not bad.
Now draw a blinged out Ultramarine Champion so I can get some modeling inspiration :D
No. 11705 ID: 003f66
File 133178460731.jpg - (67.84KB , 1000x1000 , overlord-of-chaos.jpg )
Children, children. It isn't goddamn finished yet.

Also I feel really fucking shitty this afternoon. I get sick all of a sudden, and then I have a panic attack over feeling sick, and that makes me feel more sick, so then I sit in the library and draw pictures, and just hope that I don't see anyone I know, because they will talk to me, and when I don't feel well, my side of almost any conversation is just about entirely made up of 'uh-huh's and 'nuh's, which makes other people ask if I am feeling ok, and then I am trapped, because if I say 'yes' then they will ask about it, or give some kind of medical advice, and if I say 'no,' then they wonder why am I being so un-talkative and shit and yeah.
No. 11707 ID: aebe25

It's okay, if they have a modicum of empathy , they will figure it out, if not they will just be blunt fucks.

I know that feel.
No. 11711 ID: 628b10
File 133181024906.jpg - (1.49MB , 1804x2060 , overlord-of-chaos_1layer.jpg )

No it's okay. I normally try to worm out of situations that will have people talking to me for long periods of time anyway.

No. 11712 ID: 614d82
neat metal effects
I will soon have the opportunity to imitate them
No. 11721 ID: 7e4c15
File 133187312996.jpg - (40.78KB , 1000x1000 , sachiel.jpg )
Thanks. I'd like to see how you go.

Also this.
No. 11744 ID: 61fc0c
File 133196968140.png - (45.85KB , 500x500 )

View animation
No. 11746 ID: 61fc0c
File 133197120361.jpg - (99.63KB , 1000x1415 , unit00.jpg )
Hopefully this will turn out less mediocre than I am expecting it to.
No. 11747 ID: 61fc0c
File 133197394118.jpg - (58.28KB , 1000x1415 , unit00.jpg )
No. 11748 ID: 61fc0c
File 133197776760.jpg - (62.67KB , 1000x1415 , unit00.jpg )
No. 11751 ID: e6996a
>>Drawing stupid robot instead of glorious blue haired, emotionless waifu.

No. 11774 ID: 53fcac

Dude, she's like, 14 years old.
No. 11775 ID: 3bca10

I thought you had that yellow thing as a waifu now...

Who are you guys talking about?
No. 11776 ID: 53fcac
File 133203323949.jpg - (116.89KB , 820x1160 , 5f07deec9c6f82a907b63b7fcb8c596b133.jpg )

I never said Rei was my waifu, but I'd like to make it clear that, as supreme overlord, I am free to take as many waifus as I like.
No. 11777 ID: 3bca10

Good. I was worried that you'd went all Uguu~ on me.
No. 11782 ID: 53fcac
File 133203725845.jpg - (0.97MB , 3000x2000 , dog.jpg )
painting exercise using reference
No. 11783 ID: 53fcac
File 133203969443.jpg - (661.61KB , 3000x2000 , pred.jpg )
homosexual alien practice

bleh, I never really liked this franchise anyway, except for maybe the first film
No. 11784 ID: 685abb
We would watch my little pony or wathever 14 year olds do now. Then, we would stare at each other for hours.

There is only one Predator film and i will cover my ears and scream like a madman if you dare to say i'm wrong.
No. 11785 ID: 53fcac

Sit in the same room, possibly on the same sofa, and communicate via text messages.

>There is only one Predator film and i will cover my ears and scream like a madman if you dare to say i'm wrong.

I know, that's what I'm saying.
No. 11788 ID: 53fcac
File 133205057047.gif - (28.77KB , 300x200 , hur.gif )
this is how i do homework
No. 11828 ID: 7331e7
File 133241188101.jpg - (53.42KB , 469x631 , Untitled-1.jpg )
john and and and and and the dragon are a different distance apart
No. 11838 ID: 836dc8
File 133249730762.jpg - (83.54KB , 2000x2000 , ham.jpg )
drew my left hand

fucked up the ends of the fingers, because of the perspective. uh, what else...

I also over-detailed it inadvertently, and then tried to then soften it out, and it came out not detailed enough, I think.
No. 11847 ID: 0dacb0
File 133256157290.jpg - (105.76KB , 1393x1335 , cup.jpg )
No. 11849 ID: 0dacb0
File 133256885652.jpg - (212.91KB , 1000x994 , ogre.jpg )
my time here is ogre
No. 11850 ID: 0dacb0
File 133257416392.jpg - (160.20KB , 1189x1508 , veteran.jpg )
Face practice, but more painter practice.
No. 11851 ID: 0dacb0
File 133257561378.jpg - (153.92KB , 924x1000 , Untitled-2.jpg )
bish be mad
No. 11856 ID: 0dacb0
File 133258513746.jpg - (526.30KB , 1645x1839 , demon.jpg )
No. 11861 ID: c06d14
these are all cool, how much did the ogre and demon take you?
No. 11875 ID: c28c2c
Ogre was about an hour, and the demon was about half an hour.
No. 11876 ID: c28c2c
File 133263307348.png - (40.19KB , 707x724 , wip.png )
something i'd like to finish today
No. 11877 ID: 56778c
File 133263862892.png - (97.94KB , 827x724 , done.png )

now I just gotta do all the other stuff
No. 11878 ID: 56778c
File 133264096516.png - (263.59KB , 722x659 , Capture.png )
texture's done
No. 11879 ID: 56778c
File 133265118861.jpg - (548.00KB , 2000x2000 , fatty.jpg )
No. 11880 ID: 56778c
File 133266177279.jpg - (171.11KB , 1741x2000 , arrr.jpg )
No. 11884 ID: 1b21c1

Now disect it, and show me how it works.

Xenologist style!
No. 11925 ID: e0e208
File 133291028432.jpg - (231.04KB , 1000x1000 , snoman.jpg )
No. 11933 ID: e0e208
File 133293910406.jpg - (221.65KB , 1000x1000 , idk.jpg )
time for bed D:

Maybe I'll work on this more; I kinda like it.
No. 11934 ID: feab56
File 133293968010.jpg - (59.19KB , 355x400 , Aragorn.jpg )
You have my penis
No. 11938 ID: 36b7fa
No. 11950 ID: a72509
File 133302149680.jpg - (289.74KB , 1000x1000 , idk.jpg )
bored of it
No. 11952 ID: 202b4c
pretty awsome...why when I reply on your thread tgchan shift to pony? fffff!
No. 11961 ID: 3894d2
Aww, babby grew up so fast!
No. 11968 ID: c6ec33
Was she inspired by Dr. Who Cybermen at all? The face is eerily similar, although not supermuch so. :V
No. 11980 ID: 358ec9
File 133310869297.jpg - (822.44KB , 2000x2000 , schole.jpg )
babby's gonna slap your shit in a sec, son

No, sah, but I can kinda see it from the thumbnail, now you mentioned it.
No. 11982 ID: 833a9e
You threaten to ruin my shit after drawing your first improperly dressed lady!? D'awwww, this is the best day ever.
No. 11983 ID: 833780

A cherry has been popped today.
No. 11995 ID: 71d5ae
File 133315611396.jpg - (200.19KB , 864x862 , cacodemon.jpg )
lame lighting effects
No. 11997 ID: 71d5ae
File 133316342722.jpg - (122.93KB , 1000x667 , wastes.jpg )
beginning of a concept art for the setting I am developing. This is a human settlement outside the heavily-regulated (though comparatively safe) city complex. The people here live in old shipping containers.

perspective was surprisingly co-operative this time
No. 11999 ID: 71d5ae
File 133316626938.jpg - (282.61KB , 1000x667 , wastes.jpg )
bit of a development
No. 12000 ID: 71d5ae
File 133316741924.jpg - (390.72KB , 1000x667 , wastes.jpg )
a little colour. going to paint over the lines now, see what happens
No. 12003 ID: 71d5ae
File 133317029855.jpg - (367.79KB , 1000x667 , wastes.jpg )
No. 12008 ID: 71d5ae
File 133318846733.jpg - (1.52MB , 2000x2000 , demon.jpg )
streamed this, but not to a very large audience D:
No. 12009 ID: 71d5ae
File 133319885828.jpg - (384.93KB , 1000x667 , wastes.jpg )
not too far
No. 12010 ID: c6ec33
You callin' me tiny? D:

The stream totally did not do this justice at all. It looks superawesome with all the hi-res and the details and things. :D
No. 12011 ID: 833a9e
Oi, in Oostrelia we dannae plee DoTA tew
No. 12012 ID: 71d5ae

The stream quality was, admittedly, rather low. I watched the video it saved on my computer, and noticed a few issues I'd like to have rectified for next time. I'd like to be able to do, like, full resolution, full quality, blabla, but, my internet cannot accommodate such luxuries as it stands. Also I don't think I spoke clearly enough, and mumbled several times.
No. 12013 ID: 71d5ae
File 133320790146.jpg - (417.23KB , 1000x667 , wastes.jpg )

>dannae plee

I don't know what that's meant to say, hombre.

Also, debating about whether I should add people into this. Composition is good, I think. Actually I am very proud of it, but it's dead. This is meant to be an outcast human settlement, and there is nothing. It's boring.
No. 12016 ID: 71d5ae
File 133321094442.jpg - (875.78KB , 1500x1000 , wastes.jpg )
Done with this. Tried to add people and saw that it wasn't going to work. If I'd set it up to have them from the beginning it might've.
No. 12017 ID: 48ddb7

You are awesome at perspective!
No. 12018 ID: bdc9f9
if you don't want to make it look more lively without actually including people you could add general signs of inhabitation. Like thrash or a workbench with tools or something like that .
No. 12023 ID: 8d1e60

Hm, yeah. That would have worked, actually.

Most kind of you.
No. 12032 ID: 2563d4
Got a real HL2/Brink concept art vibe going on there.
No. 12033 ID: 7571d2
File 133327801619.jpg - (99.92KB , 1000x1000 , vulture.jpg )

I agree.

Also, this.
No. 12034 ID: 7571d2
File 133328024415.jpg - (95.61KB , 1000x1000 , vulture.jpg )
No. 12035 ID: d5ee6f
This is probably my favorite thing you've done.
No. 12117 ID: af6cd2
File 133361718474.jpg - (104.43KB , 1000x1000 , vulture.jpg )
Starting to wonder what else to add.
No. 12121 ID: e893ca
Chesplate details or some detail on the environment? Otherwise it looks pretty glorious.
No. 12123 ID: af6cd2
File 133363158553.jpg - (449.59KB , 1000x1000 , vulture.jpg )
No. 12124 ID: e893ca

thats much bettah
No. 12146 ID: 538945
File 133371662261.jpg - (47.52KB , 1000x1000 , dkvog.jpg )
my goal of ambidexterity is getting noticeably nearer to achievement, although there is still significant progress to be made.

This was painted left-handed.
No. 12148 ID: 538945
File 133373490763.jpg - (117.00KB , 1000x1025 , eggy.jpg )
it's rottel's favourite time of the year, probably!

Aside from getting a week off school, I don't really give a shit about easter, but I won't deny that I am enslaved by creme eggs. You offer me a creme egg and I'll do absolutely anything, i have no control over it
No. 12149 ID: 32f8c6
File 133373611656.jpg - (154.56KB , 500x398 , preensodarkness.jpg )
>>I don't really give a shit about easter

Whoa, son. You really are the blackest of the black. Prince of darkness levels of evil.
No. 12153 ID: d21bf0
Whoa, I really like this dude! Especially his hands, haha.
No. 12158 ID: 08545d
File 133376222882.jpg - (135.93KB , 900x900 , stereotypes-exist-for-a-reason.jpg )

I try. Also, the corpse-painted crocodile? That is totally canon now, thanks to you.


Glad you do!
No. 12163 ID: 09cf2a
File 133378415536.jpg - (112.36KB , 880x1000 , mk5.jpg )
Left handed painting again.
No. 12167 ID: 09cf2a
File 133379864653.jpg - (111.63KB , 1000x1000 , Untitled-1.jpg )
No. 12168 ID: 09cf2a
File 133380261602.jpg - (107.74KB , 1000x1000 , robotf.jpg )
while still decidedly feminine, I wanted to tone it down a bit, which obviously meant flattening the chest
No. 12169 ID: b01135
it's pretty nice so far. I like robots and monsters and such that are subtle feminine.

You could maybe try to make the lines of the chest-piece softer and "curvier" without actually making it boobs if you want a little bit more femininity.
No. 12174 ID: b79631
File 133384158695.jpg - (101.23KB , 1000x1000 , robotf.jpg )

How do you mean?
No. 12181 ID: b85f8c
Noooooo, dem hips! They're GONE!
No. 12183 ID: b79631
File 133387504196.jpg - (101.44KB , 1000x1100 , robotf.jpg )

Sorry dude. It's actually beginning to look quite gender non-specific.
No. 12186 ID: b79631
File 133388009616.jpg - (165.10KB , 1863x1000 , draw.jpg )
trying to show a sequence of (ugly) poses via quick sketches. only quick because I don't have a lot of patience.
No. 12187 ID: b79631
File 133388309224.jpg - (201.02KB , 1000x1000 , armourstudy.jpg )
I am beginning to believe that this version of the armour offers far less mobility.
No. 12188 ID: b79631
File 133388910327.jpg - (254.60KB , 1000x1155 , armourstudy2.jpg )
with both arms and helm
No. 12190 ID: 32f8c6
Looking pansy. Is you on a diet, mate?
No. 12191 ID: 516646
I'd suggest keeping the bulky aspect, there's no need to sheathe your gladius / greatsword on the back, the side of the hip is just as fine. And yes, you can pull it out on the same side your dominant hand is. (See Romans)
No. 12225 ID: 5b48d7
File 133410768047.jpg - (38.76KB , 1000x600 , pauldron.jpg )
It's the pauldron that makes it look that way. Historically they looked more like this, with the top of the pauldron only being over the top of the shoulder where an earlier spaulder would have been. The difference is the wings over the chest and back that provide more armpit protection than the roundels they used to use. The articulations usually started pretty far up the pauldron. hopefully this explains it somewhat. If not ask me in IRC and I can go on about armour for a while.
No. 12236 ID: 037650
File 133413351463.jpg - (98.81KB , 1000x1000 , skull.jpg )
Some kind of study.


If I went on a diet, I would literally blow away in the wind. If you stopped eating all those tacos and shit, you could share the appearance of genetic supremacy as well.


Well, Iunno. I figured it'd be a lot less comfortable to have a sword that is as large as that on the side. Actually it's meant to be a bastard sword, but I guess I am prone to exaggerating it.

This is my lifelong issue of never using references ever, and having incorrect designs as a consequence. I will make attempts to rectify it later on.
No. 12237 ID: 037650
File 133413354431.jpg - (231.73KB , 746x1000 , faceskull.jpg )
No. 12238 ID: 037650
File 133413358801.jpg - (120.27KB , 1000x1000 , fais.jpg )
No. 12241 ID: 349695
File 133413657817.jpg - (101.17KB , 454x686 , burzflakes.jpg )
I prefer them crispy. How about you?
No. 12242 ID: 349695
File 133413668522.jpg - (118.68KB , 693x805 , yetanother.jpg )
Drew this left hanturd
No. 12244 ID: 81971a
File 133415489293.jpg - (430.38KB , 1250x1250 , die_frightened_and_alone.jpg )
Says-it-all recruitment poster for my setting.

I should have used a font that looked like handwriting, rather than using my own handwriting, tho
No. 12270 ID: aa8bbc
File 133425636162.jpg - (139.42KB , 640x480 , All of my money.jpg )
No. 12289 ID: 31ed4d
File 133432089947.jpg - (603.40KB , 2000x2000 , knight.jpg )
stram'd this
No. 12290 ID: 04ac5c

Dat metal.... Amazing as always.

The pose reminds me of Dark Souls.
No. 12301 ID: 2ad479
File 133437300487.jpg - (112.87KB , 1000x1000 , baka-gaijin.jpg )
fudge tool
No. 12304 ID: 2ad479
File 133438099213.jpg - (208.96KB , 1000x1113 , lame.jpg )
today, overlord lost all his friends
No. 12310 ID: 09a2fd

Love how almost realistic the face looks. No joke I thought it was some kind of rendered 3d graphic for a second. Also Twilight.
No. 12321 ID: 7d4c78


he's just taking it home for chops...
No. 12398 ID: 0bc2bd
File 133465399745.jpg - (135.68KB , 1000x1000 , redux.jpg )
rottel, in her infinite wisdon offered me some advice re. simplification, and maybe I am getting there sort of.

Redo of a scene passed from Spess Mehren quest, maybe 40 minutes of work. Brother venar stands against argash, taskmaster of some kind of chaos-related operation.
No. 12399 ID: ec12da

neat! how did you do it? lines or just blocked off huge shapes and colored them in until they resembled something???
No. 12401 ID: fe0bc2

I bet it's that black shape overlay thing I've blathered about.
No. 12402 ID: ec12da

black blobby silhouette of what you want and then coloring it in with white/greyscale brushes?
No. 12403 ID: fe0bc2
No. 12404 ID: 0bc2bd
I used a similar technique, I guess, to what that Asian dude is doing in that video.

I kind of just did a mixture of sketching shapes and just putting blobs, and then 'trimming' them back into the shapes I needed. Then I just build up some light onto it and it's pretty much done. I don't really know how to explain it.
No. 12407 ID: cadd24
>>I don't really know how to explain it.
>>I just did.

Oh, you!
No. 12481 ID: 412b9c
File 133500088450.jpg - (179.36KB , 900x900 , pyrho.jpg )
mmf mm mphmn
No. 12482 ID: 412b9c
File 133500428757.jpg - (204.03KB , 900x900 , pyrho.jpg )
No. 12484 ID: 412b9c
File 133501024876.jpg - (143.36KB , 1500x1500 , retarded.jpg )
Thanks emps
No. 12485 ID: 5487a2

No. 12491 ID: 24a237
File 133503517557.jpg - (32.84KB , 1000x1000 , flubeur.jpg )
No. 12493 ID: 24a237
File 133503746563.jpg - (84.10KB , 1500x1500 , retarded.jpg )
i don't believe I'm developing this
No. 12494 ID: 24a237
File 133504754105.jpg - (78.40KB , 1500x1500 , retarded.jpg )
I am also very slow when using this software.
No. 12495 ID: 24a237
File 133505268079.jpg - (447.78KB , 1500x1500 , retarded.jpg )
ok whatever, done
No. 12517 ID: 91dc9b

Velcome to Traaansylvania. The only place on the face of the earth where vampires do not sparkle and everyone listens to electronica / techno.

And Renard.
No. 12568 ID: 6ca27e
File 133523932239.jpg - (114.61KB , 1000x1000 , oald.jpg )
No. 12622 ID: fc19ac
File 133542793921.jpg - (84.19KB , 1668x2499 , burn.jpg )
Okay, so today I was disrespected by this faggot bus driver. He was so goddamn rude, over how much fucking money I gave him. I only had a $50, and he just carried on about it for so long, about how I used up all his change, as though that was my goddamn fault. It seems so insignificant, but I feel so mad about it. And what's worse is that I didn't tell him to go fuck himself. I should have, but I didn't. Because I didn't, I feel so mad about it, 4 hours later, and I feel mad at myself for not doing it. Overlord would do it. Overlord would have made sure that the driver would use his manners next time.

except overlord doesn't ride the bus
No. 12625 ID: 7a8bb2
If that makes you feel less buttmad, now I have to hide my cans of booze in my bag when I get in the bus back home because one of the drivers doesn't allow me in if they see them.

I mean for fuck's sake it's just a beer, I'm not going to puke and insult everyone.
No. 12628 ID: fc19ac
File 133543545568.jpg - (66.19KB , 1668x2499 , burn.jpg )

Techno, where have you been?! You haven't posted here in ages.

But oh man, they don't even let us take food or drink on the bus at all here, let alone booze. It doesn't matter, though. Normally I drink at home anyway. Unless I have time and money to waste, in which case the waterfront has some nice places with reasonably priced beer and seafood.
No. 12630 ID: fc19ac
File 133543798887.jpg - (112.98KB , 1668x2499 , burn.jpg )
When you save low quality .jpg in painter, it seems to think it's ok to fuck around with the colours, too.
No. 12632 ID: 97f512
That reminds me of the time I was reading Codex Daemons on the bus and everyone over the age of 50 started yelling Satanist.
No. 12634 ID: 306bdb
If we were to ride the same bus, i would totally molest you. I would touch your forbidden parts.
No. 12635 ID: 7a8bb2
So, eastern Europe is really still in the 90s? That explains why my cousins weren't dressed as cheap hipster sluts when they came visiting...
No. 12637 ID: 97f512
Bueno Excellente?!


You could just consider 95% of the country as a huge bible belt.

Where have you been anyway?
No. 12648 ID: be7ab0
I love you
No. 12661 ID: cc266b
File 133552093851.jpg - (113.58KB , 1668x2499 , burn.jpg )
Walked passed that wanker bus driver today, and you know what I said to him?

Fucking nothing. It makes me sick with anger. I am now madder at myself than I ever was at him, because this cowardly shit has gone on for too long.

That is what overlord is. Overlord is, quite simply, me. However, he's better in every way. He does not suffer any of the personality flaws, because he has learned to overcome them. He isn't lazy or cowardly, and knows how to prioritise his affairs. He is, in a way, a sort of pretend role model.

It sounds a little silly, perhaps. However, I consider that if I make a bold move, it's kind of like overlord, stirring, and that when I get my head on straight, and my shit together, it will be as though his emergence is complete.


I do not want to be molested.
No. 12662 ID: 417510

Once your transformation is complete, you need to take the bodies of your enemies atop the highest peak in your country. Once there, you must listen to your favorite pagan metal band and build yourself a forge out of their corpses and whatever else you find. Once that is done, you will begin forging your armor. The seething hatred will guide you.
No. 12663 ID: 864ba9
Well, duh. You not wanting it is what makes it fun, derpo.

But don't worry, there is something that will keep your candy ass safe from my strong, manly hands.

No. 12674 ID: 8ffedb
I'm tempted to build the Overlord helmet, I really like the way you draw it. Also I fucking love the little "Day in the life" comics you do.
No. 12675 ID: d9090f

If you Build it.. he will come...
No. 12676 ID: d1f51a

I dunno Emps. I'm no expert, but I think the melting point for 'corpse' is a lot lower than it is for steel.

Well, I'm sure that nifty application will send worldwide molestation rates down dramatically.

I'd like to as well, but I lack the skills and money to.
No. 12678 ID: d9090f

Then you must babysit and aquire a forge through labor.


Like so.
No. 12679 ID: d1f51a
File 133559338790.jpg - (118.38KB , 1668x2499 , burn.jpg )
Corel painter has been pretty obedient so far. I think it's easiest to start the image in Potatoshop, and then transfer over to Painter, were the body of work can take place.

I'm worried that I'm going to fuck it up when I start working on the village.


Haha, nice.
No. 12680 ID: d1f51a
File 133560874149.jpg - (120.39KB , 1668x2499 , burn.jpg )
I don't like the transition between images in this
No. 12681 ID: d1f51a
File 133561176857.jpg - (123.24KB , 1668x2499 , burn.jpg )
No. 12711 ID: c590bc
File 133568574160.jpg - (232.86KB , 500x5208 , realistic.jpg )
No. 12712 ID: c590bc
File 133568766402.jpg - (179.72KB , 1668x2499 , burn.jpg )
No. 12713 ID: b08e4e
File 133571109561.png - (45.51KB , 197x226 , PREVIEW.png )

YES, IT KEEPS HAPPENING, I know that feel.

Well. scept for my tower, it's on the floor.
No. 12804 ID: 1f283d
File 133612800953.jpg - (336.76KB , 2000x2400 , berserker.jpg )
It be done. Hopefully it's sorta what you were after.
No. 12822 ID: dbbed2
File 133624170873.jpg - (2.19MB , 1693x2524 , burn2.jpg )
No. 12823 ID: 49a7e1
Fucking classy too. Keep it up.
No. 12834 ID: 808b02
that is really cool. It's what I was needing to work on that Xeno pic three months ago; I might re-do it when I have enough time.
No. 12922 ID: 300e9d
File 133672772569.jpg - (236.20KB , 2560x1968 , krell.jpg )
failed attempt
No. 12925 ID: feab56
What failed? He looks like he is about to seriously gonna fuck your shit up.
No. 12927 ID: ab5862

Probably the composition or pose, but the colors and the general feel are looking extraordinary. It's like an actual oil painting.
No. 13035 ID: 726d50
File 133725455475.jpg - (123.67KB , 463x663 , bonk.jpg )
20 mins
No. 13036 ID: feab56
File 133728187598.png - (66.06KB , 1024x634 , Wakfu 7.png )
No. 13045 ID: 6325f6
File 133732692122.jpg - (123.93KB , 667x1000 , abominot.jpg )
hardcore robot
No. 13046 ID: 6325f6
File 133732769588.jpg - (155.69KB , 667x1000 , abominot.jpg )
adjustments based on viewer recommendations
No. 13048 ID: 6325f6
File 133733959301.jpg - (236.53KB , 1000x1119 , wow-hot-a-what-baabhabhiat.jpg )
I have some artblock, if that wasn't obvious
No. 13050 ID: a63465
Draw sexy airplanes, it's the cool thing to do nowadays.

If you don't know what I mean, check out RobotJoe on FA.
No. 13051 ID: 334e11
Draw Shark girls~
No. 13054 ID: 87d18a
Airplane shark girls.
No. 13055 ID: 334e11
File 133737827150.jpg - (878.07KB , 900x786 , Love Comes in All Everythings.jpg )

No. 13056 ID: 87d18a
File 133737845137.jpg - (23.39KB , 480x319 , Shark-Plane.jpg )
Aww yeah
No. 13068 ID: 0dfde8
File 133743201993.jpg - (108.31KB , 850x1014 , ger-man.jpg )
No. 13072 ID: ee6556
File 133747419791.jpg - (539.47KB , 1116x1024 , knight.jpg )
No. 13075 ID: 3cf55d
File 133747737419.jpg - (33.95KB , 1024x569 , statue.jpg )
They say not to use black shadows, but I think they look quite nice
No. 13084 ID: a9852b
File 133749966859.jpg - (322.72KB , 768x1307 , props.jpg )
Actually I made this for What, but it is contextually applicable for Fidchell as well.

Consider it an expansion on what Wryt created.
No. 13087 ID: 2563d4
I think (amateur armchair feedback GO!) that applies to photorealistic scenes, since a) it's nigh-impossible to get a completely lightless shadow in real life unless you happen to be in a coal mine or such and b) hitting #000000 is basically "clipping" your image and will flatten out that area entirely (by the same token, overlit areas of pure white cannot convey shape or detail).

The more stylised thing you've got going there reminds me of Another World.
No. 13092 ID: a9852b
Yeah, that seems pretty legit.
No. 13093 ID: feab56
>Another World
And you are a scholar and a gentleman for knowing that game.
No. 13095 ID: a9852b
File 133751720144.jpg - (129.14KB , 1198x848 , bwak.jpg )
No. 13096 ID: 627448

No. 13099 ID: 09a2fd

That's just glorious.
No. 13162 ID: 9e431b
File 133768117370.png - (223.66KB , 498x809 , spaceguys.png )
some shit
No. 13163 ID: 9e431b
File 133768424618.jpg - (18.21KB , 1000x1000 , lamejango.jpg )
No. 13165 ID: 9e431b
File 133768655120.jpg - (23.03KB , 1000x1000 , mannequin.jpg )
No. 13195 ID: e20f0f
File 133783164019.jpg - (21.05KB , 800x1000 , waagh.jpg )
No. 13196 ID: e20f0f
File 133783198826.jpg - (6.37KB , 259x272 , waagh.jpg )
No. 13202 ID: e20f0f
File 133787670219.jpg - (204.75KB , 800x1000 , Untitled-1.jpg )
No. 13203 ID: e20f0f
File 133787724419.jpg - (174.17KB , 800x1000 , uh.jpg )
No. 13204 ID: e20f0f
File 133787763759.jpg - (99.55KB , 800x1000 , mk.jpg )
i'm going to bed ok
No. 13221 ID: 42b70e
File 133795250739.jpg - (147.39KB , 1000x1200 , mageguy.jpg )
some kind of wip
No. 13222 ID: 42b70e
File 133795371042.jpg - (84.68KB , 1000x1200 , mageguy.jpg )
No. 13232 ID: 0a65bd
File 133802586138.jpg - (90.21KB , 1000x1200 , mageguy.jpg )
No. 13234 ID: 10092b
Rah nice
No. 13236 ID: 0a65bd
File 133805327289.jpg - (97.35KB , 1000x1200 , mageguy.jpg )

No. 13240 ID: f02954
File 133807648272.jpg - (1.04MB , 1500x1709 , Ahriman17.jpg )

No. 13256 ID: 8de115
File 133810770685.jpg - (99.11KB , 1000x1200 , mageguy.jpg )
No. 13257 ID: 8de115

No. 13259 ID: 38c333

Most likely. Ahriman was always the one that felt the need to prove he's got the bigger spear around the boys.

I just found it nice the poses were similar.

Also your thread is still pinkpony
No. 13278 ID: a980d5

Yeah, Dylan said it's got something to do with one of the images I uploaded. It contains some data that forces that pony theme. I don't really understand it, but it's something like that.
No. 13282 ID: b91e54
File 133819391095.jpg - (23.49KB , 1000x1200 , BriggzKnight.jpg )
fanart-in-progress for SirBriggz. Excuse its darkness.
No. 13283 ID: 0ad72e


I like the helmet design, it's very very cool.
No. 13285 ID: 2f35be

Thanks. It's just my interpretation of Sirbriggz' design.

No. 13292 ID: 392abf
File 133826971162.png - (28.28KB , 1066x647 , ugh.png )
No. 13294 ID: 10092b
Is thyis a beam ?

It better be a magic beam !
No. 13295 ID: 392abf
File 133829132475.jpg - (119.09KB , 1000x1200 , BriggzKnight.jpg )

No, it's just a universal beam.

Also, finished fan art for Sirbriggz.
No. 13296 ID: 10092b
well, the universal part of it is kinda catchy.

And your painting skills are still totally rad.
No. 13299 ID: 9f895a

Maaan everyone has awesome horse riders and black-metal armored avatars around here. Final fanart looks amazing.
No. 13301 ID: feab56
You're a girl (ew, cooties!), you should have a My Little Pony horse and be wearing a pink princess outfit. You would fit right in (as the kniggits need someone to kidnap/rescue)
No. 13423 ID: c8f94d
File 133906372009.jpg - (357.25KB , 1600x1200 , tank.jpg )
It's like a garbage truck, but instead of garbage, it cleans up criminals. Despite the camouflage, there is nothing subtle about it.
No. 13424 ID: c8f94d
File 133906545564.jpg - (98.04KB , 1200x1200 , test.jpg )
testing speedpaint in corel
No. 13425 ID: c8f94d
File 133906883850.jpg - (81.43KB , 1000x1000 , chaps.jpg )

I think that's pretty quick.
No. 13426 ID: c8f94d
File 133906962334.jpg - (206.61KB , 1000x1000 , hott.jpg )
here panwchans
No. 13427 ID: 53d1db

Have you tried working with a background that isn't only one tone?
No. 13428 ID: c8f94d

Yeah, but the result is usually pretty tragic. Normally that sort of thing is sorted out when the image is nearly complete, and is rarely considered in the infantile stages of the work.
No. 13429 ID: c8f94d

Er, not quite 'nearly complete' but certainly not in its beginnings.
No. 13431 ID: 51f31d
>Adding background as an afterthought
>having it end tragic

Those things are totally related, especial for paintings like you do em.

Lets say you paint Lord Grimdork without context and then decide to have him in a burning orphanage, the lighting on his armor will look wrong and kinda ruin the overall impression.
No. 13433 ID: 59ea70

Well, no. Not quite. Afterthought is hardly the word. I will make some effort to 'set up' the painting for a particular mood, and, as I said, it's not at the very end that I add a background. Usually my backgrounds aren't very complicated.

If you see here:


The image has been given a rudimentary colour scheme which influences the direction in which I will take the background. I'm hardly likely to draw some completely unfitting scene around this.


As you can see, at the image's current stage, still the background remains a boring colour. It will be just fine, if I ever finish it.

I see and understand your example, but I am critical enough of my own work to not have something end up like that, if I really care about it.
No. 13497 ID: c4d8c3
File 133950045488.jpg - (324.44KB , 1642x1200 , 129434736824.jpg )
I don't fucking know why I did this
No. 13498 ID: 23bed3
Because it is stellar.
No. 13500 ID: 2563d4
Because Driblis needed more fanart.
No. 13536 ID: f9aefe
File 133981460675.jpg - (291.98KB , 2000x2000 , third2.jpg )
Concept art for a setting of mine that, AFAIK, only one other person knows anything about. The rules are under development today, but it's looking grim, and not in a good way.
No. 13544 ID: c6ec33
Is... is this ancient viking zombie steampunk?

Dear god.
No. 13547 ID: 5c2c71

Not quite. Technologically clever but limited-in-resources undead with a strong Viking æsthetic.
No. 13548 ID: a4b65f
I'd give them jackboots and less ridiculous weapons but besides that I likey.
No. 13554 ID: 920693

This makes me want to write a story.

Concept's brilliantly chilling.
No. 13555 ID: 42dce0

Thanks. They're supposed to be fairly friendly, though. Sort of.
No. 13599 ID: 7c8930
File 134014051502.png - (394.03KB , 668x600 , BURZUM.png )

Oh, cool, well, when you've got the time , if you would lay down a short description of these things for me that'd be just awesome.
No. 13676 ID: a0eb7e
File 134042714046.jpg - (558.39KB , 3000x1928 , bluh.jpg )
Some stuff I drew in OC
No. 13758 ID: dc0e2a
File 134071326289.jpg - (123.10KB , 1000x1000 , bold.jpg )
Highlight reel of some drawthread
No. 13759 ID: dc0e2a
File 134071330612.jpg - (115.65KB , 1000x1000 , lich.jpg )
No. 13760 ID: dc0e2a
File 134071333217.jpg - (211.78KB , 1000x1000 , dorf.jpg )
No. 13761 ID: 6bae95
Overlord... You're amazing...
No. 13801 ID: 05dce8
File 134083663884.jpg - (86.81KB , 1000x1000 , 1340710367295.jpg )
Yo, Overlord, you drew my character in your thread the other day and I wanted to upload it here because it's dead on as to how I saw her in my head.

Thanks, dude.
No. 13802 ID: 6a506d

No prob, bob
No. 13964 ID: b95958
File 134156178058.jpg - (159.84KB , 925x1000 , ponylord.jpg )
Just school and shit these days.
No. 13970 ID: eb5be2
File 134157792709.jpg - (73.91KB , 1000x1048 , Zurra.jpg )
Oh yeah, I was working on this earlier in the week, but the momentum died down and I now give far less of a shit. Hopefully I will finish it.

Rogue demigod whose ambitions may be more than he can handle.
No. 13973 ID: 6cd429

Well... I don't know what to say.

I really don't.

Nice plates.



And this guy is amazingly awesome. His posture and gear makes me think of an Arena Gladiator.

Altho he's mechanical and stuff.
No. 13975 ID: eb5be2

Haters gonna hate, but it's an intoxicatingly good show.
No. 13977 ID: 310550
It is a good show, but why aren't you watching Wakfu and Gravity Falls instead? Do you even have an excuse?
No. 13978 ID: feab56
File 134160975736.jpg - (54.42KB , 640x480 , Wakfu 38.jpg )
Pic related, it's awesome.
No. 13979 ID: 4e0f07

I dunno, I guess I haven't thought to, and my internet is too shit to download it anyway.
No. 13987 ID: feab56
Indeed it is awesome
No. 14023 ID: 48d5ae
File 134192871229.jpg - (80.45KB , 1000x1000 , glorg.jpg )
9 minutes rottel neopet that is 'allegedly" '"inspired'' by '"'mass effect"'''"

Need to get a real quick greyscale art style going before I start questing again.

Also, I have a maths test tomorrow and then after that all the hard subjects are going to start, so if I never post again it's because I died from school.
No. 14026 ID: 102302
File 134193693679.jpg - (495.96KB , 1748x1276 , IMG_0004.jpg )



No. 14051 ID: b85f8c
>9 minutes
How do you even work your stylus that fast?
No. 14053 ID: 8d6f6f
File 134200827233.jpg - (181.52KB , 1000x1000 , terminator_posterised.jpg )
13 minutes, tried a faggy posterise filter, so it looked like shitty DOS space hulk graphics. I think I need to use a less messy brush as well, or draw on a bigger canvas and shrink it down.

Also: can someone please think of a good name for a space marine chaplain?

I did maths for 7 hours today, and I don't think I did very well on my test. Due to being a fucking slack dumbass in high school, I've got poor familiarity with some fundamental mathematical concepts, and that makes it hard to learn new things now when I'm actually trying to make good of my studies. Well, if I failed the test, it's not the end of the world; I should be able to resit it on a later date.

Unfortunately, 'advanced' maths begins next week and I don't feel very good about it.


That, my boy, is the magic of friendship.
No. 14054 ID: d4e196

What chapter?
No. 14055 ID: f3662c

The chaplain or the picture?

Picture doesn't have one. Chaplain is Imperial Fists.
No. 14056 ID: d4e196




Drago (*Slavic , no relation to herpderp GK's)
No. 14057 ID: 2a8d40

Sigismund is great. Thanks!
No. 14058 ID: d4e196

You are welcome.

Something happen to your steam btw?
No. 14078 ID: 6c0e66

It seems fine to me, why?
No. 14082 ID: 6c0e66
File 134210305061.jpg - (159.37KB , 1000x1000 , hm.jpg )
No. 14084 ID: 4f491d
Fabulous !
No. 14085 ID: 6c0e66
File 134211083399.jpg - (248.01KB , 1000x1000 , durr.jpg )
shitting with new burrshes
No. 14087 ID: 6c0e66
File 134211246093.jpg - (187.48KB , 1000x1000 , goddamm.jpg )
No. 14089 ID: 6c0e66
File 134211416441.jpg - (70.17KB , 800x600 , choppa.jpg )
Pudding wanted to see these. Sorry for the shit quality.
No. 14098 ID: c84373
File 134214509320.jpg - (23.67KB , 580x598 , urgaaaugh.jpg )
No. 14127 ID: 037de4
that could make a good TF2 hat
No. 14129 ID: 9569b0

If by good you mean shit, then sure.
No. 14130 ID: cb083d

Your Mp3 player is Evil and I like it.
No. 14132 ID: 9569b0

My what? How do you know what it looks like?
No. 14135 ID: 9569b0
File 134223281072.jpg - (1.61MB , 3000x3000 , grimdurr_big.jpg )
No. 14141 ID: 4a20fa
That's pretty awesome.
No. 14142 ID: 185665

I stalk.
No. 14143 ID: f20312
mfw the emblem on the chest piece.
Explains the legs though.
No. 14160 ID: 557ce1
did you pre-balance your color palette on this?
No. 14161 ID: 205120

No. I didn't use any established palette, rather choosing by eye as the painting progressed.
No. 14162 ID: 557ce1
well, it happens to be technically perfect.

No. 14163 ID: 819ec8

Thanks, though it's likely just a fluke. My understanding of colour is still very shallow.

If you wanted to watch the process of the painting, it's on my livestream:

No. 14164 ID: 557ce1
It's just what photoshop says about it.
No. 14165 ID: 819ec8

Pardon? I don't understand what you mean.
No. 14166 ID: 557ce1
I tried balancing the colors automatically with photoshop (since it can do that) just to see, and it didn't change anything.
No. 14171 ID: 058ea5

Ah, okay. I get what you mean. I did an auto-contrast towards the end, but it only made the ground a little darker. I think my understanding of value isn't too bad; it's just weak with colour.
No. 14199 ID: c8693f
File 134243861631.jpg - (171.79KB , 1000x1000 , ay-cunt.jpg )
Typical Tasmanian local. Sketch before bed.
No. 14204 ID: 4f491d
File 134244332578.gif - (205.18KB , 150x134 , DatsRacist.gif )
No. 14207 ID: 2f1ca3
"U mirin'"

No. 14228 ID: 531520
File 134250507817.jpg - (273.42KB , 1667x1250 , shit-waterfall.jpg )
A shitty environment art in all senses of the word.
No. 14233 ID: 994dd9
File 134251074142.png - (203.33KB , 519x360 , Capture d’écran 2012-07-17 à 09_19_46.png )
Mais... Mais c'est du caca!
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