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File 127520061021.png - (4.78KB , 500x500 )
653 No. 653 ID: 68b807
First off, read http://www.clanwebsite.org/games/rpg/Dawn_of_Worlds_game_1_0Final.pdf


The admittedly squiggly lines to the left are the three continents. Not sure how many people to have playing, so I'll just wing it.
Aaaaaaand go!

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No. 654 ID: 68b807
rolled 6, 6 = 12

First thing is to roll for points.
No. 655 ID: 68b807
File 127520104016.png - (12.36KB , 500x500 , turn one.png )
Then I spend all four uses of Shape Terrain that twelve points gives me to make some nice northern mountains. Everybody likes mountains, right?

Including a roll for next turn, but whomever likes may feel free to jump in now.
No. 663 ID: 5a2e05
rolled 6, 2 = 8

I'll give this a shot, nothing better to do.
Anything specific you're gonna use this world for or can I hold create-a-species threads on 4chan's /tg/ when we get to that point?
No. 664 ID: 5a2e05
File 127523590527.png - (6.81KB , 500x500 , chilly.png )
rolled 2, 1 = 3

I'll burn all 8 points on 4 Shape Climates, flipping the world upside-down to have cold and snowy southern islands. Not sure how well this drawing thing will work when we start stacking things. Should we assume that 2 of the boxes cover an island sufficiently to count as all of it? Also rolling for next turn in advance.
No. 674 ID: 68b807
rolled 5, 6 + 1 = 12

Also, remember the cumulative +1 from having less than five.
No. 689 ID: 5a2e05
I'll add the +1 when it's my turn again. It doesn't help that this is the least-used board. Wait a few days then go again?
No. 690 ID: 68b807
'swat I was planning.
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